Held Thursday December 16, 1976
An adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista was held
on the above date beginning at 3:30 p.m. in the Council Conference Room, City Hall,
276 Fourth Avenue, with the following
Councilmen present: Mayor Hamilton, Councilmen Hyde, Cox, Egdahl, Hobel
Councilmen absent: None
Staff present: City Manager Cole, City Attorney Lindberg, Director of Planning
Peterson, Director of Public Works Robens
PLANNING STAFF'S REPORT Director of Planning Peterson referred to three maps
CONCERNING THE PRESER- which were displayed for Council's review: one
VATION OF RIDGES AND showing ACCORD'S recommendation; one submitted by the
CANYONS IN THE EL RANCHO Otay Land Company noting their recommendations for the
DEL REY AREA preservation of ridges and canyons and the other map show-
ing the staff's recommendation.
Frank A. Scott, Chairman Mr. Scott explained that ACCORD had only one meeting
ACCORD on this subject. The only difference between ACCORD'S
recommendation and that of the staff is one point:
ACCORD suggests the middle canyon of the area be
preserved. They feel all of the canyons are unique
topographically in character and should be preserved.
Also, the continuity of the three canyons was a de-
ciding factor in their recommendation. ACCORD would
like to see the spirit or the attempt to keep the
character of the area intact (sharp features) rather than
see the canyons filled in. This recommendation was
passed unanimously by the members of ACCORD, although
there are some members on this Committee who feel the
area should not be developed at all.
Planning Director's
presentation Mr. Peterson discussed the three recommendations,
(ACCORD, Otay Land Company and staff) as depicted on
the maps. ACCORD preserves the three main legs of Rice
Canyon. Staff feels the middle leg is the least sig-
nificant in terms of breadth (narrow and heavily vege-
tated). ACCORD'S recommendation includes a total of
946 acres of open space.
Recommendation of Otay E1 Rancho del Rey's No. 2 recommendation includes
Land Company a total of 648 acres. Mr. Peterson detailed the areas
of development and these to be preserved as recommended
by the E1 Rancho del Rey map. In preparing this al-
ternative, Otay Land Company prepared a revised pre-
liminary general development plan. This plan has a
total of 8300 dwelling units whereas their original
plan called for 13,200 dwelling units.
Mr. Peterson added that Ora7 Land Compan7 has taken
the position that the open space system shown on their
map goes "hand-in-hand" with their land use plan.
If the Council does not approve their land uses (or
at least densities of that magnitude), they will not
be prepared to offer these open spaces.
Adjourned Regular Meeting -2- December 16, 1976
Preliminary Recon~endations Mr. Peterson declared that the Council needs to view
these maps as preliminary plans. The staff views it
as conceptual perimeters by which they will be able
to do the circulation and land use planning studies
in the areas to be developed. As the staff gets into
these detailed studies, they may find that they have
to come back to Council with modifications to the
open space plans as submitted today.
Councilman Egdahl asked if the 648 acres (Otay Land's
plan) included the 450 acre parcel known as Plaza
del Rey.
Mr. Carmen Pasquale, representing Otay Land Company,
stated it does not.
Schedule of Events Councilman Hobel noted that the total acreage of all
the maps is 2700 acres - which includes the 450 acre
Plaza del Rey area. He asked whether the staff had
prepared a schedule of events - a bar chart - for
the development of this entire area.
Mr. Peterson answered that the report has not been
prepared. At this time, the staff is about 2 months
behind schedule. ~ae "optimistic" schedule is that
the Council would adopt the revised general develop-
ment plan on April 5, 1977.
Preservation of Councilman Hyde commented that the idea of the hillside
hillsides ordinance was to preserve hillsides - this particular
approach is to identify canyons and no mention is
made to preserve the hillsides.
Director Peterson remarked that the hillside ordi-
nance is not geared to preserve the canyons or the
hillsides. It sets forth the amount of area to be
Discussion followed concerning preservation of ridge
tops, canyons, P-C zone existing, and the precise
plan route.
Carmen Pasquale, Mr. Pasquale made reference to the meeting and field
Vice President, trip held on June 29, 1976. He read the motion made
Otay Land Company by the Council at that time indicating the Council
was not interested so much in the hillsides as in
the preservation of ridges and canyons. This is what
they have been working on with the staff. From an
economic standpoint, Mr. Pasquale added, they don't
know if they can "live with the map" they presented
(preservation of 648 acres). They realized it de-
pended on the development density; therefore, they
prepared the preliminary general plan which indicates
densities and land uses.
Council discussion Discussion ensued on the particular ridges and canyons
to be preserved, the hillside ordinance, grading plans,
canyons which will be filled, ridges which will be
coming down and roads to be constructed in the area.
Adjourned Regular Meeting -3- December 16, 1976
Jim l~tchison Mr. Hutchison, Engineer for the developers, referred
Engineer to their map and detailed the difference in elevations,
grading of the ridges, contours of the land, the major
roads, north and south accesses, and the proposed Rice
Canyon development.
Viable plan for City Councilman Hobel questioned whether the plans as
submitted were economically viable to the City.
City Manager Cole remarked that he couldn't answer that
at this time. He noted that the developed parks in
the City are maintained by CETA personnel now and when
this program terminates, additional personnel must be
hired. It costs $2000 an acre to maintain parks.
Model of area Mayor Hamilton asked the developer if he would prepare
a model of the area - of what it looks like now and
what it will look like according to their revised
general development plan.
Mr. Pasquale said he would be willing to do this and
will notify the Council when this is completed.
Motion for model It was moved by Councilman Hyde and seconded by Mayor
Hamilton that, if agreeable to Mr. Pasquale, they
attempt to make a model of some sort, that it be made
based upon the land use plan for E1 Rancho del Rey
with one modification (to include the small area west
of the Junior High site which is now developed and
shown on the map connected together as canyon space).
Addition to motion Mayor Hamilton asked that the motion include having
the grading on the model be shown as that based on
the new plan developed by the Otay Land Company.
Councilman Hyde agreed and the motion carried unani-
Motion for schedule It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by Mayor
Hamilton and unanimously carried that the Council
reaffirm its prior action regarding the schedule of
events - that the Council have this revised schedule
by the second meeting in January.
APPOINTMENT OF MEMBER It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by Mayor
TO GOVERNING BODY OF Hamilton and unanimously carried that Councilman Cox's
THE HEALTH SYSTEMS name be placed for nomination to this Governing Body.
At this time, the Mayor turned the meeting over to
Mayor Pro Tempore Hyde (5:00 p.m.). A 5-minute
recess was taken.
Mayor Pro Tempore Hyde defined the criteria set up
MAYOR for the interviews:
1. Each candidate will be granted 15 minutes.
2. The Candidate should have an above-average knowledge
of City government in general and the City of Chula
Vista in particular.
Adjourned Regular Meeting -4- December 16, 1976
3. The candidate should have experience in presiding
over public meetings.
4. There be some record of previous civic service -
either volunteer or elected.
5. Candidate has adequate time within his present
duties to meet the responsibilities of the office
at least to the equivalent of the current incumbent.
Councilman Egdahl informed the Council and the candi-
dates that he would have to leave the meeting at 6:30 p.m.
due to a prior commitment.
The following persons were then interviewed:
Frank Scott
George Gillow
Ernest Arnold
Margaret Helton
Frederick Drew
Wes Marden
Joseph Rindone
The interviews terminated at 6:40 p.m.
Motion for continuance It was moved by Councilman Hobel and seconded by
Councilman Cox that this item be continued and docu-
mented for the Tuesday City Council meeting for further
deliberations, and that, at that time, the Council give
consideration to narrowing the field to possibly two
or three finalists.
Discussion of motion The Council discussed moving ahead and making an actual appointment at the next meeting.
Mayor Pro Tempore Hyde suggested the meeting be held
in the afternoon in a semi-informal setting in the
Council Conference Room rather than at the evening
meeting in the Council Chamber.
Motion modified Councilman Hobel changed his motion to state that the
meeting will be held at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday afternoon,
December 21, 1976, in the Council Conference Room and
to delete the reference in the motion to narrowing the
field down to 2 or 3 candidates.
Motion carried Councilman Cox agreed to the second and the motion
carried unanimously.
Charter Review City Attorney Lindberg asked if the Charter Review
recommendations recommendations could also be discussed at that after-
noon meeting.
The Council concurred that it be added to the agenda,
and if there is time, they will consider this item.
ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m. to the meeting
scheduled for Tuesday, December 21, 1976 at 3:30 p.m.
in the Council Conference Room.