Held Tuesday June 29, 1976
An adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California,
was held on the above date beginning at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Conference Room, City
Hall, 276 Fourth Avenue, with the following
Councilmen present: Mayor Hamilton, Councilmen Hyde, Cox, Egdahl, Hobel
Councilmen absent: None
present: Acting City Manager Asmus, City Attorney Beam, Director of
Planning Peterson, Director of Public Works Robens
1. BRIEFING ON THE EL RANCHO Director of Planning Peterson submitted maps
DEL REY AREA AND FIELD TRIP noting the area in question and explained the
route of the field trip which the Council and
certain members of the Planning Commission will
take. The Council left on the field trip at
9:15 a.m., arrived for lunch at The Glen, Bonita
Road, Bonita at 12:00 noon; resumed the field
trip at 1:00 p.m. and reconvened at City Hall
in the Council Conference Room at 2:00 p.m.
(Mayor Hamilton left the meeting at this time
and returned at 3:08 p.m.)
BUSINESS MEETING - Council Conference Room - 2:00 p.m.
OF 1-805
Motion to postpone It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by
Councilman Cox and unanimously carried by those
present that this item be postponed until later
on in the meeting when the Mayor returns and a
full Council is present.
CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by
Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried by
those present that the Consent Calendar be
approved and adopted with the exception of Item
No. 7 (final map of Zenith II Subdivision).
S. RESOLUTION NO. 8227 - After conducting a public hearing on June 22,
GRANTING DEFERRAL OF UNDER- 1976 on the deferral of undergrounding existing
GROUNDING EXISTING UTILITIES utilities on Otay Lakes Road near Bonita Road,
AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF the Council directed that a resolution be brought
OTAY LAKES ROAD AND BONITA back deferring the requirement to underground
ROAD the existing overhead 12 KVA power lines.
6. RESOLUTION NO. 8228 - Robinhood Homes, Inc. has paid all required fees,
APPROVING AGREEMENT FOR THE posted all necessary bonds and ha~ executed the
COMPLETION OF IMPROVEMENTS Subdivision Improvement Agreement whic~together
IN ZENITH II SUBDIVISION with the surety bond%amount to $364,000. This
will guarantee the installation of the public
improvements within Zenith II Subdivision.
8. RESOLUTION NO. 8230 - The City has designated five spaces in front of
DESIGNATING CERTAIN PARKING the new Library for the use of handicapped per-
Adjourned Regular Meeting -2- June 29, 1976
7. RESOLUTION NO. 8229 - The final map of Zenith II Subdivision has
APPROVING MAP OF ZENITH been checked by the Engineering Division and
II SUBDIVISION found to be in conformity with the tentative
map approved by the Council on February S,
1974 [Resolution No. 7166).
Approval of the final map includes the dedi-
cation of East Palomar Street, Redwing Road,
Cardinal Place, Raven Avenue, Sparrow Street,
Oriole Place and a portion of Oleander Avenue.
Coordination of Councilman Egdahl noted the sale-trade agree-
developments ment with American Housing Guild at which time
the Council asked that the adjoining piece of
property bo developed coordinately.
Director of Public Works Robens stated that
Zenith #3 and #4 will be developed in co-
ordination with #2.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent of
those present, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Hobel, Hyde, Cox
Noes: None
Absent: Mayor Hamilton
(End of Consent Calendar)
9. RESOLUTION NO. 8231 - The City Librarian submitted the following
NO. 15-272 BEING A DONATION 1 piano for auditorium [$S,850)
FROM THE BIRCH FOUNDATION 1 piano for piano room ($2,000)
(for use by public)
1 ~lectr~nic organ (~2,750)
(for use in auditorium by..publ%c)
1 large floor model world globe ($1,800)
(Adult Room)
1 small floor model world globe ($1,000)
(Children's Room)
1 small organ for Story Hour room [$1,095)
Purchase of auditorium Councilman Egdahl commented that a grand piano
piano questioned has been offered to the City by the Sweetwater
Union High School District and asked if consid-
eration was given for this.
Senior Librarian Rowe stated she will get in
touch with the school district about the details.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl with the understanding
that the staff will first explore the possibility
of the gift piano - if this materializes, then the
piano for the auditorium ($5,830) will not be pur-
chased, the reading of the text was waived by
unanimous consent of those present, passed and
adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Hobel, Hyde, Cox
Noes: None
Absent: Mayor Hamilton
Adjourned Regular Meeting -3- June 29, 1976
10. RESOLUTION NO. 8232 - The change order is required to provide wheel
AUTHORIZING CHANGE ORDER curbs and moisture barriers around the trees
NO. S TO THE LANDSCAPING in the library parking lot. The change is
CONTRACT FOR THE CHULA for thirteen four foot by six foot outside
VISTA LIBRARY dimension curbs. The cost of the change order
is $1,725.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent of
those present, passed and adopted by the following
vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Cox
Noes: None
Absent: Mayor Hamilton
11. RESOLUTION NO. 8233 - The Assistant City Attorney explained that the
APPROVING SERVICE AGREEMENT City's limited self-insurance approach to public
BETWEEN THE CITY OF CHULA liability problems requires the hiring of a
VISTA AND R. L. KAUTZ ~ service bureau to process claims in a manner
COMPANY similar to the way in which Workmen's Compensa-
tion claims are processed. It is the recommen-
dation of the staff that R. L. Kautz ~ Company
be given the authority to directly settle matters
up to $1,000 without prior notification to the
City., and to settle cases between $1,000 and
$5,000 with the concurrence of the City Manager
and City Attorney.
Resolution offered Offered by Mayor Pro Tempore Myde~ the reading of the
text was waived by unanimous consent of those
present, passed and adopted by the following
vote, to-wit:
AYES: Mayor Pro Tempore Hyde, Councilmen Cox
Egdahl, Hobet
Noes: None
Absent: Mayor Hamilton
12. RESOLUTION NO. 8234 - In a written report to Council, City Attorney
DECLARING INTE"NTION TO . Lindberg declared that the premises at 456
REVOKE A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Casselman has been operated as a boarding
FOR A BOARDING HOUSE AT 456 house pursuant to a conditional use permit
CASSELMAN AND A PUBLIC HEARING granted on November 24, 1975. As a condition
TO BE HELD ON AUGUST 3, 1976, of this permit, six offstreet parking spaces
AND DIRECTING THE CITY ATTORNEY were required. The owners/operators of said
TO GIVE NOTICE TO SAID BOARDING boarding house have never complied with the
HOUSE OPERATOR TO SHOW CAUSE condition and have indicated that the condition
WHY THE MAINTENANCE OF SAID cannot physically be met.
THE CHULA VISTA ZONING ORDINANCE Attorney Lindberg asked in his report that the
SHOULD NOT BE DECLARED A PUBLIC public hearing be scheduled for August 3, 1976.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Nobel, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent of those
present, passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Hyde, Cox, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: Mayor Hamilton
Adjourned Regular Meeting -4- June 29, 1976
15. RESOLUTION - It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by
A~NDING RESOLUTION NOS. 4192 Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried by
AND 6842 ESTABLISHING POLICIES those present that this item be postponed until
FOR THE SELECTION AND DESIG- the Mayor arrives at the meeting and a full
NATION OF TOW CAR SERVICE AS Council is present.
14. RESOLUTION NO. 8235 - Acting City Manager Asmus explained that the
PROVIDING FOR THE EXPENDITURE sum of $5,088.20 is the City's portion of the
OF FUNDS AS THE FINAL PAYMENT closing costs (escrow fees). Last week, the
OF THE CITY'S OBLIGATIONS FOR City received a refund of $5,912.30 of taxes
REGIONAL CENTER PROPERTY The $5,088.20 is available within account No.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Cox, the reading of the
text was waived by unanimous consent of present
passed and adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Cox, Egdahl, Hobel, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: Mayor Hamilton
15. RESOLUTION NO. 8236 - Councilman Hobel questioned whether this applied
AUTHORIZING EXTENSION OF to the acquisition of the purchase of the vehicles.
WORK PROGRAM Acting City Manager Asmus stated that the
vehicles are on straight lease basis without
option to purchase.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hobel with a condition that
written into the resolution is an option to buy
the vehicles, the reading of the text was waived
by unanimous consent of those present, passed
and adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Hyde, Cox, Egdahl
Noes; None
Absent: Mayor Hamilton
16. RESOLUTION NO. 8237 - Leases on certain CETA vehicles on June 30,
PROVIDING FOR THE SPECIAL 1976. The current status of the program
APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS FOR sures funding through December 1976. Subject
LEASING OF CETA VEHICLES leases would amount to approximately $7,750
for the six-month period. Subject funds would
be appropriated from the unappropriated General
Fund reserve; the entire amount to be repaid
from CETA funds when available.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent of
those present, passed and adopted by the following
vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Hobel, Hyde, Cox
Noes: None
Absent: Mayor Hamilton
17. ORDINANCE - Assistant City Attorney Beam explained that this
AMENDING THE MUNICIPAL CODE BY State-mandated law required the adoption of an
ADDING NEW SECTIONS RELATING TO appropriate ordinance of the City to modify the
THE REMOVAL OF THE PROHIBITION present prohibition against all bingo games.
Adjourned Regular Meeting -5- June 29, 1976
The present ordinance is one adopted by the
City of San Diego and the cities in the County.
In answer to the Council's queries, Attorney
Beam indicated he would need a few minutes to
obtain the actual wording of the Proposition
adopted at the June 8 election pertaining to
this ordinance.
Consideration of The Council proceeded to item #18 stating it
next item will go back to item #17 when Mr. Beam returned.
18. ORDINANCE NO. 1689 - At the meeting of June 22, 1976, the ordinance
AMENDING THE MUNICIPAL CODE was placed on first reading. It establishes a
TO ESTABLISH A MINIMUM HEIGHT minimum height of five stories in the R-3-H
REQUIREMENT IN THE R-3-H ZONE zone and defines high rise buildings as any
AND CERTIFYING THE NEGATIVE structure of five stories or more in height.
Ordinance placed on second It was moved by Councilman Egdahl that this
reading and adopted ordinance be placed on its second reading and
adopted and that reading of the text be waived by
unanimous consent of those present.
The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Hyde, Cox
Noes: Councilman Hobel
Absent: Mayor Hamilton
a. Report on "Municipal Human It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by Mayor
Care Services: Necessity Pro TemporeHyde and unanimously carried by those
or Extravagance?" present that Items 19 a, b, and c be posponed
until a full Council is present (at this meeting).
b. Report on reduction in dog
license fees
c. Report on Visitors and
Convention Bureau Expen-
diture Plan
20. REPORT ON REQUEST TO CLOSE Public Works Director Robens explained that the
STREET TO THROUGH TRAFFIC - contractor has requested closing of this street
FIFTH AVENUE BETWEEN "J" to through traffic between the hours of 7:30 a.m.
STREET AND "K" STREET and 4:30 p.m. daily to facilitate construction of
their recently awarded storm drain project. Bid
specifications required at least one lane of
traffic open at all times during construction: in
fact, there was a bid item for traffic control.
R. S. Construction bid $250 for traffic control
and the next bidders were at $1,600.
Mr. Robens noted the advantages to the contractor
for the street closing; however, his recommendation
would be for denial. Should the Council, however,
approve the request, it would be his recommendation
to reduce the contract price by $1,600 - the lowest
amount bid for traffic control by the other pros-
pective bidders.
(Mayor Hamilton arrived at the meeting at this
Adjourned Regular Meeting -6- June 29, 1976
Rick Stadelman Mr. Stadelman stated he spent $1,475 to correct
R. S. Construction Co. the problem of an off-grade pipe (8 feet from
the manhole) - stub-out.
Mr. Robens declared that this was not related
to the matter at hand. He will investigate
this problem later.
Mr. Stadelman discussed his reasons for request-
ing the closing: the job is impossible to do in
the narrow street putting in 48 inch storm drain,
stockpiling pipes on the east side of the street
and spoiling the dirt on the west side of the
Council discussion Discussion ensued as to the bid specifications,
the amount of time for the contract work, access
to residents and emergency vehicles, liability
to the City, soils report that was available to
the bidders and stockpiling of materials.
Motion for approval and It was moved by Councilman Hyde and seconded by
reduction in contract price Councilman Cox that the staff be authorized to
grant the request subject to the conditions
stipulated by the staff - that the contract price
be reduced in the amount of $1,600.
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Cox, Hamilton, Egdahl
Noes: Councilman Hobel
Absent: None
Attorney Beam stated that the Council has amended
the contract, and if the contractor doesn't
choose to accept the terms, he is only bound to
conform to the original agreement and not bound
to accept any trade-off in terms of contract
price for the conditions offered by the Director
of Public Works.
4. APPLICATION OF THH "H" Director of Planning Peterson submitted and
MODIPYING DISTRICT TO explained the following maps:
1. The map of record adopted six years ago.
2. Aerial photograph.
3. Official plan approved for the Plaza del
Rey Area
4. Sports World plan developed in 1975
S. Plan prepared by the staff (sketch plan):
a plan which shows how the "H" Modifying
District can be applied.
Mr. Peterson noted the plan of record does not
now reflect the attitude of the present Council.
He said he was concerned about development pro-
posals occurring in the area -- increments of
development -- when there is no overall plan
for the area.
Mr. Peterson added that the City should come
up with a program whereby the costs of the
improvements (extension of "H" Street, Rice
Canyon Sewer, etc.) be shared on an acreage
basis, or per lot basis.
Adjourned Regular Meeting -7- June 29, 1976
Council discussion Discussion followed with Mr. Peterson regarding
the P-C zone, control by the Council of the
developments, obtaining an up-to-date aerial
map, precise plans for the area, retaining the
P-C zone and rescinding the development plan
of record, application of the R-1-H zone as
suggested by the Planning Director, density
factors, open space areas - who is to maintain
Recommendation of the Mayor Mayor Hamiton suggested the staff and the
major property owner work together to define
those areas to be used as open space (ridges,
canyons, etc) that are undevelopable. There-
after, come to Council with recommendations for
the development of the remainder of the land area.
Assessment for Councilman Hyde discussed his concern as to who
improvements will be paying the cost for the extension of
"H" Street. He suggested holding in abeyance
approval of any future subdivisions until a
suitable plan for this cost has been arrived at.
Director of Planning Peterson agreed with the
exception of that area (85 units) east of Buena
Vista Way.
Carmen Pasquale Mr. Pasquale referred to an earlier indication
Gersten Company by the Director of Planning that his company
was not cooperating with the staff. Mr. Pasquale
stated that they are not cooperating to the
extent that they do not want to spend a half
million dollars to come up with another general
development plan. They are in favor of desig-
nating ridges and canyons that should be pre-
served, and that the P-C zone remain as it is.
As to densities, Mr. Pasquale stated that they
never intended to reach any high density at
the time the general development plan was adopted.
Economics and other factors will dictate the
Approximately 18 months ago, they proposed setting
up assessment districts to put in the roads,
sewers and other improvements.
Extension of "H" Street In answer to the Council's query, M~. Pasquale
indicated that Wilderness Park was too narrow
for construction of a six-lane road (extension
of "H" Street).
Jim Hutchinson Mr. Hutchinson noted the original County's
Engineer alignment for "H" Street which went along the
Wilsey ~ Ham north leg of the canyon and ending at the
south boundary of the Bonita Vista Junior High
School. Mr. Hutchinson then traced the align-
ment as presently proposed.
General discussion Discussion followed regarding a moratorium,
densities, application of the hillside ordinance,
the 450 acres on the western side (previously
proposed for Plaza del Rey) a study by ACCORD
of the area, and the E. I. R.
Motion to define open It was moved by Mayor Hamilton, seconded by
spaces Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried that
the staff, in cooperation with the owner of
the property, get together and identify ridges,
Adjourned Regular Meeting -8- June 29, 1976
valleys and open space areas that would be
valuable to the City of Chula Vista and bring
those recommendations to the City Council.
Motion to overlay the It was moved by Mayor Hamilton, seconded by
P-C zone and make Councilman Hobet and unanimously carried that
recommendations after those areas have been designated and
accepted by the City Council, then overlay
the P-C zone and take it under consideration
as to the appropriateness of the particular
zone as it applies to the open space and have
the staff and the owner make recommendations
and changes to the P-C zone as they relate to
those areas designated for preservation.
Included in motion: After a discussion of the motion, the Mayor
moratorium and assessments asked that the following be included in the
"That development within those areas will be
held in abeyance with the exception of the
85-unit development. Further, that for
any future development within that area,
they must agree to participate in an assessment
district for the construction of "H" Street,
as a condition of development, including the
120 acres downstream -- in fact, for the
general improvement district which includes
Telegraph Canyon Road, collector roads, Rice
Canyon sewer, major drainage facilities, etc."
Eugene Coleman, Temporary Mr. Coleman read a prepared statement in which
Chairman, CCIII he requested (1) a moratorium on all develop-
1670 Gotham Street ment; (2) direct the planning staff to pre-
Chula Vista pare development plans for all undeveloped
land within the boundaries of the community;
($) schedule public hearings for public in-
put; (4) prepare final plans and alternate(s)
and submit to the electorate at the next
regularly scheduled election.
Discussion of 450 acres Councilman Hyde expressed his concern about
at west end of land area the possible future development of this area
noting the two referendums on proposed past
development plans.
Motion for moratorium It was moved by Mayor Hamilton, seconded by
and study Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried that
a moratorium be placed on that area and that
ACCORD study the area and make recommendations.
Attorney's Comments Assistant City Attorney Beam said it would be
his recommendation to have a "moratorium with
notice". The normal procedure, statutorily
would be for two years. Moratoriums also
must be for a certain reason - in this case,
it would be to preclude development which will
conflict with plans under study or in progress.
Motion for moratorium It was moved by Mayor Hamilton, seconded by
with notice Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried that
~ resolution be brought back to the Council
placing that area in a moratorium with notice.
Motion regarding It was moved by Councilman Hyde~ seconded by
assessment district Mayor Hamilton and unanimously carried that in
the development of the plan for assessments,
that a plan be made to give credit to Otay
Land Compan7 for that portion of the shared
Adjourned Regular Meeting -9- June 29, 1976
cost which they have already borne to be taken
into account so that they would be reimbursed
properly by future developers of land which
will benefit from the development which they
have paid for.
15. RESOLUTION - The resolution ou~line~ the eligibility, selec-
AMENDING R~SOLUTION NOS. 4192 tion, termination and other requirements of the
AND 6842 ESTABLISHING POLICIES contractors selected under the bid process.
NATION OF TON CAR SERVICE AS In a written report, Acting City Manager Asmus
REQUESTED BY THE POLICE DEPART- asked the Council to consider the following:
1. Consider allowing out-of-the-City companies
to bid subject to the requirement of a fixed
business location with necessary equipment and
storage facilities.
2. Agreements - revise the section which would
permit the City and the selected company(s) to
review and revise the fees by mutual agreement at
any time upon finding the existing rates "in-
equitable." This could probably be based on
the cost of living index, as one alternative.
3. Contract Fee - delete the section requiring
the successful bidder(s) to remit 3% to the City
and be subject to furnishing financial reports.
Council's comments Councilman Hobel felt the staff did not have
a strong justification for the bid process.
Motion for existing policy It was moved by Mayor Hamilton and seconded by
Councilman Hobel that the City keep the situa-
tion as it now exists until such time as new
rate structures are requested by the Council
and at that time, the Council reconsider the
bid process.
Discussion of motion Discussion ensued regarding the existing rates
and comparison with other cities.
Substitute motion It was moved by Councilman Hyde that the City
either retain the rates in effect prior to
the temporary adjustment or that it go to bid.
No second to motion The motion died for lack of second.
Continuation of discussion Mayor Hamilton justified his motion noting the
of original motion increased costs in fuel, salaries, insurance
and other commoditie~ necessary for the carry-
ing out of the towing services. Comments from
the Council followed regarding the amount of
increase necessary, service to the community,
and rates obtained by competitive bidding.
Duane Pudgil Mr. Pudgil spoke of the auditing process and the
378 San Miguel Drive difficulty of delineating the City business
Chula Vista versus the private sector on the Profit 5 Loss
Statement. He added that the rates they now
have are within fifty cents of the incorporated
cities around San Diego. They feel the rates
requested are fully justified and will abide by
them for the next three years. If the Council
wishes to establish the rates on an average of
the incorporated cities in the County, the tow
companies would agree to that.
Adjourned Regular Meeting -10- June 29, 1976
Original motion carried The motion to keep the rate structure as
presently existing (resolution to be brought
back) carried unanimously.
ITEMS CONTINUED TO It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by
JULY 6 MEETING Councilman Hobel that the following items be
continued to the meeting of July 6, 1976:
19. a. Report on "Municipal Human Care
Services: Necessity or Extravagance?"
b. Report on reduction in dog license fees
RESOLUTION NO. 8238 - The resolution autherizes the payment of the
A~NDING RESOLUTION NO. 8221 total amount of the increased compensation to
APPROVING PAYMENT OF ALL OR certain employees (department heads) for 1976-77
A PORTION OF THE EMPLOYEE'S fiscal year as a deferred compensation, at the
CONTRIBUTION TO THE PUBLIC option of the employee.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hobel, the reading of the
text was waived by unanimous consent, passed and
adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Hyde, Cox, Hamilton,
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 8239 - Acting City Manager Asmus ex~lained that Reso-
AMENDING THAT CERTAIN AGREEMENT lution No. 7315 sets the purchase price at
BETWEEN THE CITY AND TH~ CHULA $8,000 with a condition that after a period of
VISTA CHAMBER OF CO~ERCE FOR five years, if the City has not removed the
PURCHASE AND SALE OF THE building and desires to continue its use for
CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUILDING municipal purposes, it shall pay the Chamber an
AS APPROVED BY RESOLUTION NO. additional $2,000.
EXPENDITURE OF MONIES THEREFOR Mr. Asmus reported that the Chamber has dis-
counted this price to $1,750.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent of
those present, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Hobel, Hyde, Cox
Noes: None
Absent: Mayor Hamilton
Recess A recess was called at 5:55 p.m. and the
meeting reconvened at 6:00 p.m.
Adjourned Regular Meeting -11- June 29, 1976
19. c. REPORT ON CHULA VISTA Acting City Manager Asmus referred to the
VISITORS ~ CONVENTION Expenditure Plan summary sent to the Council.
BUREAU EXPENDITURE PLAN He explained that the sum of $20,000 was set
aside for the Bureau in the 1976-77 budget
with a direction to staff to investigate
specific items and categories with related
dollar amounts that would be necessary to pro-
vide for the Bureau's two locations (I-S and
1-80S) plus advertising certain functions.
Mr. Asmus commented that the staff added
postage and telephone to the list.
As to the advertising space, Mr. Asmus in-
dicated the City had free space at the site
at 1-805 which they are not now using.
Motion to accept It was moved by Councilman Egdahl and seconded
recommendation by Councilman Hobel that the staff recommenda-
tion be accepted -- [for an expenditure of
Neil Haas, Mr. Haas discussed the summary sheet stating
President it was $10,700 less than requested. Cutting
Visitors ~ Convention back on over-hours, he could live with an
Bureau $8,S00 cut. Mr. Haas discussed the problems
being encountered at the 1-80S site and the
identification at Del Mar. Mr. Haas asked
for reconsideration of the $20,000 to be paid
in quarterly payments of $5,000 each based on
matching income or expenses. This will "keep
the doors open" and any less monies will only
mean that they would have to come back to
Council for more money.
Councilman Egdahl asked about the possibility
of providing the Bureau with a CETA employee.
Mr. Haas was receptive to the idea and Acting
City Manager Asmus indicated he would inves-
tigate this possibility.
Council discussion A lengthy discussion ensued regarding the
items on the expenditure sum~nary sheet, the
"services" rendered by the Center as opposed
to a "subsidy" - the City entering into a
partnership with the Bureau; the amount of
money requested by the Bureau each year; the
philosophy of the Council; and the maps and
brochures included in the expenditure sheet
in the amount of $5,500.
Mr. Haas indicated he would ask for advertising
to defray the cost of the maps.
Motion to accept The motion to accept the staff recommendation
recommendation fails ($17,800) failed by the following vote, to-wit:
Ayes: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl
NOES: Mayor Hamilton, Councilmen Cox, Hobel
Absent: None
Motion to provide It was moved by Mayor Hamilton and seconded by
$20,000 Councilman Cox that the City provide the sum of
$20,000 in quarterly payments and that they
(Visitor & Convention Bureau) either match it
by income or how they matched it before, and
that they justify it with City accounting department.
Included in motion Included in the motion is that they conform to
the extended hour period during the summer months.
Adjourned Regular Meeting -12- June 29, 1976
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Mayor Hamilton, Councilmen Cox, Hobel
Noes: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl
Absent: None
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hamilton adjourned the meeting at 6:52 p.m.
to the meeting scheduled for July 6, 1976 at 7:00 p.m.