Held Thursday January 6, 1977
A joint meeting of the City Council and the Environmental Control Commission of the City
of Chula Vista was held on the above date beginning at 8:45 p.m. (following the Redevelop-
ment Agency Meeting) in the Council Conference Room, City Hall, 276 Fourth Avenue, with
the following
Councilmen present: Mayor Scott, Councilmen Hyde, Cox, Egdahl, Hobel
Councilmen absent: None
Staff present: City Manager Cole, City Attorney Lindberg, Environmental Review
Coordinator Reid
present: Chairman Gillow, Hembers Skartvedt, Roeder, ~{cCandliss
Mayor Scott explained that the purpose of this meeting was to exchange feelings and ideas
and talk over proposed ideas. He then turned the Chair over to Commission Chairman Gillow.
1. Discussion of ECC role in Chairman Gillow stated that the Commission in recent
land use, growth manage- months has been inviting speakers to their meetings so
merit, etc., including that the Commission members could learn more about land
discussion of possible use and growth management. The Commission is also inter-
projects ested in air pollution, water and sewage.
Discussion of what the Council expects from the Commission,
subjects of input, methods of conveying information to
the Council and the role of the Commission was discussed.
Council emphasized the i~portance of the charge given to
the Environmental Control Commission, which covers any-
thing that affects environment, including some matters
which are routine, such as Environmental Impact Reports
(EIR's). The Commission's role is to work with suggestions
for policies that the Council can adopt, and to advise the
Council on issues that have environmental effect.
It was generally agreed that to enlarge the Commission
members' expertise, speakers would be sought on various
subjects. Council noted that sources such as CPO (Com-
prehensive Planning Organization), LAFCO (Local Agency
Formation Commission), City of San Diego Growth Manage-
ment, County's Department of Flood Control, Metropolitan
Sewer are available.
2. Discussion of project to The Commission provided a preliminary list of ideas for
inform citizens of indi- informing citizens of the part everyone can play to im-
vidual role(s) for im- prove the environment. Council commented that the list
proving the environment, is very good. Different methods of getting these sug-
(Pamphlet or list sub- gestions to the public, such as through the Annual City
mitred to local press) Calendar, newspaper items, leaflets to be enclosed with
utility and sanitary service bills, were discussed. It
was generally agreed that a final list could be refined
and submitted to the Council.
3. Discussion of a City It was agreed that the idea of recognizing contributions
Recognition Award to indi- to a better environment is a good one, and such awards
viduals or organizations could be presented at the Community Recognition Award
who have contributed to a Program held annually in the City. Council suggested that
better environment costs and guidelines be refined so that any funds needed
could be considered in the budget now being prepared.
Joint Meeting - -2- January 6, 1977
4. Discussion relating to The Commission is not recommending at this time that
possible employment of interns be assigned to the Commission; however, possibly
interns in the future interns would be desired. Council suggested
that even if interns are obtained who would be volunteers,
staff time is involved. It was pointed out that if any
funding is involved, it would have to be budgeted. It
was suggested that interns might be used on special re-
search or one-time only projects.
~ 5. Discussion of the role
of the Historical Site
Suggestions for ordinance After discussing how historical sites are determined in
revisions the City of San Diego, it was agreed that oftentimes in-
structions or stipulations are involved which cause prob-
lems for owners of historical 5ires. It was recommended
that the ordinance be revised so that sites could be eval-
uated and declared historically important and owners would
be encouraged to maintain them as historic sites. This
could include trees, sidewalks, buildings and the like
and perhaps plaque5 could be provided at a minimal cost.
Discussion of pamphlet 2]lc Commission suggested that a pamphlet be prepared
listing sites and map with perhaps a brief history of the City and pictures
of a driving and/or walking and/or lists of interesting and historical items, such
tour as houses, sidewalk dates, trees. It was agreed that the
Commission wi]] get cost estimates and prepare figures
for budgeting of funds and present them to the Council,
along with alternatives, perhaps Southwestern College's
Art Department could assist.
Discussion of availability Funding for acquisition of historical sites was discussed,
of funds for preserving with the possibility of attempting to secure private
sites contributions, or making an informal designation of a
site where at least one house might instill the pride of
the owner to refinish it as it was, and the idea would
spread among owners. Perhaps some tax-free incentive
could be implemented. It was pointed out that, up to
this point, there has been no emphasis placed on investi-
gating historical sites. Perhaps plans could be made
for a museum, an Orchard House could be preserved, or the
Chula Vista Room of the Library could be used.
Discussion relating to Aside from funding, it was concurred that this item needs
the Historical Site Board more investigation.
joining San Diego's
Historical Site Board
6. Establishing method of It was agreed that a quarterly report, oral or written,
obtaining closer ties could be made to the City Council by the Commission.
between the Environmental Also, where the Commission feels that a matter is of par-
Control Commission and ticular interest to the Council, the Council can be in-
the City Council vited to the Commission meeting.
7. Any other projects that Councilman Hyde mentioned the development of a garden
Council recommends park at Southwestern College and suggested that the
Commission contact the Director of Parks and Recreation
for a briefing on the status of the park and invite him
to one of the meetings° Councilman Hyde also mentioned
Joint Meeting - -3- January 6, 1977
the Park-School Committee, which meets monthly and is
involved in programs to make better utilization of parks,
City facilities and school facilities, and to provide
for beautification. The Director of Parks and Recreation
is also closely involved with this Committee. A tour of
the City parks was suggested.
Mayor Scott thanked the members for the meeting and
stated that the Council really appreciates the work the
Commissions do.
The meeting was then recessed to an Executive Session
for matters of pending litigation. The meeting reconvened
at 10:10 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Scott adjourned the meeting at 10:10 p.m. to the
Council meeting of January 11, 1977, at 6:00 pom.
City Clerk
Recording Secretary