Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. February 1, 1977
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California, was held
on the above date beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 276 Fourth
Avenue, with the following
Councilmen present: Mayor Scott, Councilmen Hyde, Cox, Egdahl, Hobel
Councilmen absent: None
Staff present: City Manager Cole, Assistant City Attorney Beam, Assistant City
Manager Asmus, Director of Planning Peterson, Director of Public
Works Robens, Director of Building and Housing Grady, Director of
Community Develepment Desreehers, Environmental Review Coordinator
Reid, Chief of Police Winters
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Scott followed by a moment of
silent prayer.
1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Councilman Egdahl and seconded by Council-
man Hyde that the minutes of the meetings of January 20
and 25, 1977 be approved, copies having been sent to each
Councilman. The motion carried by a vote of 4-0 with
Councilman Hobel abstaining.
a. Oath of Office - Mr. Frank Sipan, newly appointed International Friendship
Frank Sipan - Commissioner, was unable to attend the meeting. The City
International Clerk will administer the oath of office on Wednesday,
Friendship February 2, in the City Clerk's office.
3. PRESENTATION BY HOWARD Mr. Barnhorst, Attorney, representing the Rancho Rios
BARNHORST I1 FOR REQUEST Developers, requested permission to address the Council
OF ABANDONMENT OF ONE-FOOT under Oral Communications involving access to property
CONTROL LOT "B," RANCHO owned by Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mangel adjacent to Rancho
RIOS #8, AND PERMISSION TO Rios property in the City of Chula Vista.
ING PROPERTY OF MICHAEL Mr. Barnhorst was unable to be present at this meeting.
Motion to continue It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Councilman
Hobel and unanimously carried that this item be continued
for one week.
George Ronis Mr. Ronis referred to Council actions at a previous meeting
171 North Del Mar Avenue concerning rezoning for an apartment complex on Edgamere
Chula Vista Avenue. He stated that when the issue was discussed, the
former Mayor, Mr. Hamilton, had received a $1,000 campaign
contribution from the developer, V and V Development
Company which he failed to disclose. Mr. Ronis asked if
the public hearing could be re-opened since some concerned
citizens are questioning whether Mr. Hamilton's "strong
language" from his position as Mayor affected the conclu-
sions of the Council concerning the project.
City Council Meeting -2- February 1, 1977
Suggestion that comments Assistant Attorney Beam suggested that Mr. Ronis direct
of Mr. Ronis be more his inquiry to the District Attorney, Mr. Miller, who is
appropriately addressed in charge of compliance with the conflict provisions of
to District Attorney Proposition 9 of the Fair Political Practice Act,
City Attorney's office Mr. Beam said he would look into this matter as the
to investigate matter Council's representative in the City Attorney's office
and report back as soon as possible.
Motion for report It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by Councilman
Hyde and unanimously carried that a report (as suggested
by Mr. Beam) be made to the Council.
Request for letter The Council asked Mr. Ronis to send a communication to
from Mr. Ronis the City Council with copies to interested parties set-
ting forth the information he recited at this meeting as
a basis for consideration. Mr. Ronis stated he would do
Eugene Coleman Mr. Coleman questioned the City's investment in the pro-
1670 Gotham Street posed County regional center. He asked for Clarification
Chula Vista on how much money the taxpayers of Chula Vista will have
invested from the City treasury in that project.
Financing of the City Manager Cole responded to Mr. Coleman stating that
County Regional Center the amount involved is $485,000 and the source of the
funds is a combination of a loan from the Bayfront
development and Revenue Sharing funds, which may all be
recovered depending on the financing of the facility.
Mr. Cole further clarified that the City can finance the
construction through the Redevelopment Agency in the
Town Centre District and recoup the money in that way.
Citizen input on Mr. Coleman felt that the people in the community should
financing have the right to indicate whether or not they want their
tax money put into a County facility which will be built
to serve all of the County.
Hugh Ferguson Mr. Ferguson referred to one of the First Baptist Church
738 Elm Street households located at 540 Madrona Street stating that
Chula Vista there are more than three unrelated persons residing at
that address, but no application has been made for a con-
ditional use permit. He requested that this household be
declared a public nuisance.
Mr. Ferguson made reference to several other households
in the City which he stated have more than three unrelated
persons as residents. He submitted a list of these
dresses to the City Clerk for the record,
Margaret McNary Mrs. McNary complained about a $1.00 parking ticket she
369 Roman Way received on Third Avenue while shopping at several business
Chula Vista establishments. She suggested that part of the funds
received for redevelopment be used for parking areas so
that customers can shop at leisure and not be concerned
about parking meters running out.
City Council Meeting -3- February 1, 1977
Newton Chaney Mr. Chaney commented on the South Bay dredging project
292 Sea Vale and the Chula Vista "J" Street ~arina being two separate
Chula Vista projects. He questioned the delay in dredging the Marina.
Council discussion The Council discussed with Mr. Chaney the delays and the
of "J" Street Marina complex procedures involved in securing approval for the
"J" Street project. It was noted that Mr. Campbell, Port
Commissioner recently reported that approval will be
given in the near future.
4. PUBLIC HEARING - This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor Scott
CONSIDERATION OF APPEAL opened the public hearing~
FINDING OF COMPLIANCE Director of Planning Peterson stated that on December 23,
WITH CONDITIONS ESTABLISHED 1975 the City Council denied an appeal and upheld the
IN CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Planning Commission's approval of conditional use permit
PCC-75-22 FOR GROUP RESI- for an existing "extended family household" at 456 Cas-
DENCE AT 456 CASSEI~ selman in the R-3 zone.
During the summer of 1976 the City Council held a public
hearing to determine whether or not this use should be
declared a public nuisance because the applicant had not
complied with the conditions of the conditional use permit.
At that time, the conditions of approval were modified
to some extent and the condition for review was revised
from a three year period to one year.
Review of CUP by On December 27, 1976, at a public hearing, the Planning
Planning Commission Commission considered their review of the conditional use
permit and found that the facility was in compliance with
the established conditions. Persons opposed to the board-
ing house have again appealed the decision of the Planning
Commission to the Council.
Letters received in Mr. Peterson stated that several letters received from
support of household residents in the immediate area in support of the house-
hold were included in the materials sent to the Council.
Council discussion Council discussion followed concerning inspections made
by the Planning, Police and Fire Departments, whether
the conditions were inadequate, parking congestion in
the area, letters received in support of the household,
and no complaints reported by the Police Department during
the one year period. Discussion also included the dif-
ferences in the conditions as approved in the conditional
use permit and those required under the ordinance currently
in effect, which substitutes "group residence" provisions
for the old "boarding/lodging house" provisions. These
differences included parking requirements and number of
rooms designated as bedrooms.
Speaking ~n fa~or Mrs. Martha Rubie of 140 Elder Avenue, and Mr. Hugh
of the appeal Ferguson of 728 Elm Street, spoke in favor of the appeal.
Their comments included: I) questions on why the first
conditional use permit was amended; 2) failure of the
residents at 456 Casselman to comply with the provisions
City Council Meeting -4- February 1, 1977
of the permit; 3) density allowed; 4) parking require-
ments; 5) inspection requirements not being met; and
6) improper use being made of the garage. They requested
that the household be declared a public nuisance and that
the conditional use permit be revoked.
Speaking against appeal Mr. Cannon, Attorney representing the First Baptist
Church, declared that one of the Planning Commissioners
Bill Cannon, Attorney had visited the household in question and found nothing
303 "A" Street out of order, that adequate inspections had been made by
San Diego various City Departments, that letters received by the
(Representing the First Council commended the household, and that the parking
Baptist Church) problem was created by the apartments in the area. Mr.
Cannon asked that the Council consideration should be
given to land use only and not to life style.
Bob Renneisen Mr. Renneisen stated he is a member of the Planning
901 Buena Vista Way Commission and was neither an opponent nor proponent of
Chula Vista the issue. He said he would like to clarify that the
(Planning Commissioner) Planning Commission was limited in their review of the
conditional use permit to determine only whether or not
the residents met the conditions that had previously
been approved by the Commission and by the Council and
later amended by the Council.
Suggestion to consider Mr. Renneisen suggested that the Council may wish to
possible change in consider whether or not the requirements or needs of the
requirements City have changed sufficiently to warrant consideration
of changing the conditions of the conditional use permit
in question.
Maxine Ferguson Mrs. Ferguson challenged the testimony regarding "life
728 Elm Avenue style" which is not to be allowed as part of the issue.
Chula Vista
Bobble Morris Mrs. Morris asked, if the permit was issued as a "board-
862 Cedar ins/lodging house," why it could not be allowed to stay
Chula Vista that way.
Terminology clarified Assistant Attorney Beam explained that the terminology
used by the Planning Department as "group residence"
should be corrected to "lodging" or "boarding" house
permit, as the applicants are in fact bound by the terms
and conditions of the permit as it was issued. He added
that this permit constitutes a "prior, valid, non-con-
forming use."
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, either for or against,
the public hearing was declared closed.
Letters to be part Mayor Scott announced that the letters received by the
of record Council will be made part of the public record,
Council discussion Council discussion followed concerning clarification of
terminology of the monitoring of the compliance with the
conditional use permit.
City Council Meeting -5- February 1, 1977
Motion to deny appeal It was moved by Councilman Egdahl and seconded by
Councilman Cox that the appeal be denied.
Motion failed The motion to deny the appeal failed by the following
vote~ to-wit:
Ayes: Councilmen Egdahl, Cox
NOES: Councilmen Hyde, Scott, Hobel
Absent: None
Clarification of issue Assistant City Attorney Beam reviewed the circumstances
with the Council to clarify that the issue is the com-
pliance or non-compliance with the conditions established
by the Council, and that since there was no testimony to
show any failure to comply, it is difficult to take an
action making a factual finding to the contrary.
Motion carried on Mayor Scott stated that on the basis of the comments
change of vote made by Mr. Beam, he was changing his vote on the motion
from "no" to "yes." Therefore, the motion carried by
the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Cox, Scott
Noes: Councilmen Hyde, Hobel
Absent: None
RECESS A recess was called at 8:19 p.m. and the meeting recon-
vened at 8:31 p.m.
5. PUBLIC HEARING - This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor Scott
CONSIDERATION OF PREZONING opened the public hearing.
1049 THIRD AVENUE AND Director of Planning Peterson, in a written report, stated
1052 DEL MAR AVENUE TO C-T that the applicant, Robert Eerebout requested a change of
AND R-3 zone and prezoning in connection with annexation to the
City of Chula Vista. The majority of the subject property
is located in the unincorporated area of Castle Park
abutting the Chula Vista City limits. The Planning Com-
mission recommended that the Council certify the Negative
Declaration IS-76-109 and approve the zoning request in
accordance with Planning Commission Resolution PCZ-76-T.
In answer to query from Councilman Hobel, Director of
Public Works Robens said he was not aware of any sewer
problem in connection with this request.
Jim Patten Mr. Patten said he was representing the applicant and
S80 Third. Avenue commented on the density which would probably not reach
Chula Vista thc maximum allowed. He added that there should be no
sewer problem as the County will resolve this by the
time annexation is completed.
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, either for or against,
the public hearing was declared closed.
City Council Meeting -6- February 1~ 1977
a. ORDINANCE NO. 1726 - It was moved by Councilman Hobel that this ordinance be
AMENDING ZONING MAP OR placed on its first reading and that the reading of the
MAPS ESTABLISHED BY text be waived by unanimous consent,
SECTION 19.18.010 OF
THE CHULA VISTA bFJNICI- The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
WESTERLY 23 FEET OF AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Hyde, Cox, Scott, Egdahl
1052 DEL MAR AVENUE Noes: None
FROM C-T TO R-3 AND Absent: None
CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Councilman
Egdahl and unanimously carried that the Consent Calendar
be approved and adopted.
6. RESOLUTION NO. 8488 - In 1967 the City Council and the State of California
ACCEPTING CONVEYANCE TO entered into a freeway right of way agreement which
THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA was subsequently amended to provide that the State
OF EXCESS RIGHT OF WAY would relinquish the access to Route 54 which in turn
FROM THE STATE OF would require a realignment of Brisbane Avenue. The
CALIFORNIA City acquired the properties involved in the realignment
of Brisbane Avenue and this resolution accepts the deed
conveying excess right of way to the City from the State
in conjunction with this project.
7. RESOLUTION NO. 8489 - The standard agreement with the San Diego Country Club
APPROVING AGREEMENT for the use of the City of Chula Vista's sewer facilities
BETWEEN THE CITY OF was prepared and executed by the Country Club. Staff
CHULA VISTA AND THE recommended Council approval of the agreement.
8. RESOLUTION NO. 8490 - On January 6~ 1977 Don E. Norman and Glenn and Bettye
ACCEPTING ONE FOOT Ashwill, owners of property shown on Tentative Parcel
CONTROL LOT "A" ON Map No. 11-75, executed a grant deed to the City for
TENTATIVE PARCEL one foot control lot "A" at the northerly terminus of
MAP 11-75 Ridgeback Road, which was necessary to control access
and adjacent development easterly of Ridgeback Road.
9. RESOLUTION NO. 8491 - The property owners of Lots 241 through 243 of Clairevista
ELECTING TO PROCEED UNDER Unit "C" Subdivision (62S through 631 Gretchen Road) have
THE PROVISIONS OF THE requested the vacation of an unused 12 foot wide easement
PUBLIC SERVICE EASEMENT across the rear portion of their lots.
OF CALIFORNIA, DECLARING The Planning Commission recommended that the portion of
THE INTENTION OF THE CITY the easement lying within Lot 244 be included in the
COUNCIL TO VACATE AN proposed vacation and that the casement be vacated.
LOTS 241 THROUGH 244 OF The resolution sets February 22, 1977 at 7:00 p.m. in
THE CLAIREVISTA UNIT "C" the Council Chambers as the time and place for public
SUBDIVISION AND FIXING A hearing on the proposed vacation.
(End of Consent Calendar)
City Council Meeting -7- February 1, 1977
10. RESOLUTION NO. 8492 - In a written report, Director of Community Development
APPROVING THE SUBMISSION Desrochers said that the Community Development Block
OF AN APPLICATION TO THE Grant Application for the third year has been prepared
DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND for submission to HUD and includes a detailed Housing
URBAN DEVELOPMENT FOR THE Assistance Plan for the City which is consistent with
CO,UNITY DEVELOPMENT the City's Housing Element of the General Plan. A
BLOCK GRANT FUNDS AND summary of the proposed allocations recommended for
AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO funding is on file in the City Clerk's office.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading of the text
was waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted
by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Hobel, Hyde, Cox~ Scott
Noes: None
Absent: None
11. RESOLUTION NO. 8493 - Last year major revisions to the California Environ-
ADOPTING AMENDED mental Quality Act (CEQA) and the California Adminis-
ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW trative Code (EIR Guidelines) were adopted by the
POLICY TO IMPLEMENT State. Director of Planning Peterson reported that
CHANGES IN THE STATE the City will not have to conform to many of the CEQA
EIR GUIDELINES amendments until later this year, but conformance to
the guideline changes will have to be implemented
promptly. Mr. Peterson outlined the major changes in
the Policy which was submitted to the Council.
Voting rules Councilman Hyde referred to page 8 of the proposed
Policy manual regarding rules on voting which indicated
that three members of the five member board constitutes
a quorum to do business and the affirmative votes of
at least a majority of members present shall be re-
quired for any action. Councilman Hyde said this would
mean approval could be achieved by only two people.
Motion to modify It was moved by Councilman Hyde~ seconded by Mayor Scott
voting rules and unanimously carried that Section 4,3~ subparagraph 2
be modified to indicate that the affirmative vote of
at least a majority of the members shall be required -
and to delete the word "present."
Modification clarified Assistant City Attorney Beam noted that this modifi-
cation would be the same standard required under the
City Charter - a majority vote of the authorized
membership of the body.
Council discussion The Council discussed the provisions requiring the City
to prepare the Environmental Impact Report. The
comments included public relations, biased reports,
and impartial studies.
City Council Meeting -8- February 1, 1977
Motion to change policy on It was moved by Mayor Scott, seconded by Councilman
responsibility for EIR Hobel and unanimously carried that the requirement that
the City staff prepare the EIR (as outlined in the staff
report) be changed back to the way it was whereby the
developer not only pays for the consultant, but also
has control of the document until it is turned over to
the City.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, as amended, reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent, passed and
adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Hobel, Hyde, Cox, Scott
Noes: None
Absent: None
12. RESOLUTION NO. 8494 - In a joint written report, Director of Building and
APPROVING AGREEMENT Housing Grady and Director of Community Development
BETWEEN THE CITY OF Desrochers explained that the Community Housing Improve-
CHULA VISTA AND ANTHONY ment Program (CHIP) staff consists of one full-time
CIOTTI FOR SERVICES Housing Inspector from the Building and Housing Depart-
RELATIVE TO THE CITY'S ment and one Administrative Analyst from the Community
CO~4UNITY HOUSING Development Department on a part-time basis. The
IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM program is now in need of a full-time administrator.
Anthony Ciotti recommended The staff recommended that Mr. Anthony Ciotti of Chula
as consultant Vista be hired on a six-month trial contract basis for
this purpose.
Stipend In answer to query from Councilman Hyde, City Manager
Cole said that the stipend is $1~000 per month for six
Extension of contract Councilman Egdahl noted the contract provides that the
services can be extended by mutual agreement of the
consultant and the City Manager after a six month period.
Amendment to resolution It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by Council-
man Hyde and unanimously carried that the provision for
extension be changed to come back to the Council at
budget time for review prior to any kind of extension of
the contract, and that this be a change to the
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, as amended, reading of the
text waz waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted
by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Egdahl, Hobol, Hyde, Cox
Noes: ,Scott
Absent: None
City Council Meeting -9- February 1, 1977
13. RESOLUTION NO. 8495 - Director of Finance Grant recommended the purchase of
PROVIDING FOR THE a 1970 postal jeep with 19,114 miles on it for $1,060,
SPECIAL APPROPRIATION as compared to over $3,600 for a new pickup that would
OF FUNDS FOR THE meet the requirements of the Parking Meter Division.
Resolution offered Offered by Mayor Scott, reading of the text was waived
by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the follow-
ing vote, to-wit:
AYES: Scott, Egdahl, Hobel, Hyde, Cox
Noes: None
Absent: None
REPORT ON REQUESTED At the meeting of December 21, 1976 the Council
AMENDMENTS TO CARD ROOM referred a request from Mrs. Kay Erwin to amend
ORDINANCE Ordinance No. 1305 (Card Rooms) to staff for report.
Mrs. Erwin specifically requested the Council to
consider revisions to the card room ordinance that
would allow continued operation after December 1977
and that Chub's Club be allowed to move to another
location with Police and Planning Departments' approval.
Staff recommendations Assistant City Manager Asmus referred to his written
report stating that from an administrative standpoint,
or revenue standpoint the staff could find no reason
why the card room clubs should be phased out. There-
fore, the following recommendations were made to the
1. Amend Ordinance No. 1305 to provide for continued
operation, subject to revocation authority as
provided under Section 5.02.180 of the Chula Vista
2. Provide for transfer and assignability subject to
City Council approval.
3. Provide control of number of businesses by a
population formula of one for each 50,000 residents
or fraction thereof.
Council discussion The Council discussed the staff report and recommenda-
tions, commenting on the "monopoly" of the two existing
card room clubs, former Council actions taken to phase
out the clubs, the license fee structure and revenues
to the City, control of the Council as provided in the
ordinance, report from the Police Department showing
an absence of police problems with the card rooms, and
the population figures used as a formula for the
number of card rooms to be permitted.
City Council Meeting -10- February 1, 1977
Motion to accept report It was moved by Councilman Cox and seconded by Council-
and amend ordinance man Hobel that the report be accepted and the ordinance
be amended as recommended.
Motion failed The motion failed by the following vote, to-wit:
Ayes: Cox, Hobel
NOES: Hyde, Scott, Egdahl
Absent: None
Objection to lack Mayor Scott discussed his concern over the legislation
of competition which provided for only two card rooms through the
years with no other competition.
Motion for additional It was moved by Councilman Cox, and seconded by Council-
amendment to ordinance man Hobel that an additional amendment be made to the
ordinance to provide that the population formula to be
utilized would be one card room for each 25,000 residents
or fraction thereof.
Amendment to motion At Mayor Scott's suggestion, Councilman Cox amended his
motion that the number (population formula) be referred
to the staff and brought back to the Council to allow
staff input and to allow the Council time to think over
the ramifications of the change, with the report to be
back in two weeks. Councilman Hobel agreed as the
Motion, as amended, The motion, as amended, carried unanimously.
Mayor Scott clarified the amendment explaining that the
staff is to come back with criteria for population
figures other than SO,O00 and both this report and
the report submitted tonight are to come back to the
Council for further consideration.
14. b. REPORT ON MID-YEAR City Manager Cole submitted a detailed report to the
STATUS OF CITY FINANCES Council reviewing the City's financial condition and
AND OPERATIONS program accomplishments, emphasizing current costs, and
revenues and activities.
Motion to accept roport It was moved by Mayor Scott, and seconded by Councilman
5gdahl that the report be accepted.
Concern over increase Councilman Hyde expressed a concern over the fact that
in duplicating costs duplicating services had increased 51%. City Manager
Cole explained that most of the duplicating services
are currently being done "in-house" where they were
formerly sent out.
Motion carried The motion to accept the report carried unanimously.
City Council Meeting -11- February 1, 1977
Motion for report It was moved by Councilman Egdahl that in the near
future (coming into budget sessions) that staff
advis~ if they can measure that the total impressions
are up 51% over last year~s in-house production, i§ the
total paper output growing, or is the 51% increase off-
set by an equal number of impressions that are no
longer being done somewhere else; is there still a net
increase; what is happening in the paper mill process.
Motion carried Mayor Scott seconded the motion which carried
15. QUARTERLY TRANSIT Director of Public Works Robens submitted a written
REPORT report completed by Transit Coordinator David Conner
which highlighted the events to date and presented in
tabular form the Chula Vista Transit operating statistics.
The report covered the second quarter of FY 1976-77.
Motion to accept It was moved by Mayor Scott, seconded by Councilman Cox
report and unanimously carried that the report be accepted.
16. REPORT ON RESTRIPING OF In a written report, Director of Public Works Robens
BONITA ROAD AND "E" STREET outlined the increased traffic volume and accidents on
TO PROVIDE FOR A TWO-WAY Bonita Road and "E" Street with the opening of 1-805 and
LEFT TURN LANE the continuing development in the Bonita and Southwestern
College areas.
Staff recommended restriping of Bonita Road and "E"
Street from a point 250 feet west of the intersection of
Bonita Road/"E" Street to the intersection of Bonita
Road/Bonita Glen Drive to provide a two-way left turn
lane to reduce the potential for rear-end accidents.
The Safety Commission recommended approval.
Motion to accept It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by Mayor
report Scott and unanimously carried that the report be accepted.
Proposed South Bay Mayor Scott announced that he attended a meeting regarding
Economic Development the proposed South Bay Economic Development Corporation
Corporation (to extend from National City south). It was requested
that the City of Chula Vista send a representative during
the developmental stages and at a later date the City can
determine if it wishes to continue with participation.
Motion to appoint It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by Councilman
Councilman Cox as Hyde and unanimously carried that Councilman Cox be
representative appointed to represent the City (on the Board of the
proposed Economic Development Corporation for South Bay).
Motion to inform Chamber It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by Mayor Scott
of Commerce of Council and unanimously carried that the Chamber of Commerce be
action informed of the Council's action and their comments
City Council Meeting -12- February 1, 1977
Suggestion for public Mayor Scott remarked that in his "State of the City"
meetings with Council, message he had indicated that the Council should have
developers & financial public hearings between various developers and financial
institutions people in order to get ideas on exactly what the problems
are in housing and how to have more creative growth
policy in the City.
Motion to refer It was moved by Mayor Scott, seconded by Councilman Cox
to staff and unaimously carried that this matter be referred to
staff to see what is the best way to approach the hearings.
Expanding the Chula Mayor Scott referred to past discussions concerning the
Vista Shopping Center possibility of expanding the Chula Vista Shopping Center.
Motion for staff report It was moved by Mayor Scott, seconded by Councilman Hyde
and unanimously carried that the staff look into the
various possibilities of closing off Fifth Avenue or
other alternatives - bridging Fifth - between "H" and
"I" and report back to the Council.
Safety problem - 1-805 Councilman Hyde outlined a traffic hazard at the inter-
and Telegraph Canyon Road section of Telegraph Canyon Road and 1-805 -- driving
north on 1-805 taking the Telegraph Canyon Road off-ramp,
going down to the bottom and trying to make a left turn
across on Telegraph Canyon Road, a driver opposes two
lanes of traffic in both directions with the possibility
of traffic heading east also attempting to turn left up
the on-ramp.
Motion for report It was moved by Councilman Hyde and seconded by Councilman
Egdahl that the matter of the safety problem, if any,
at this intersection (Telegraph Canyon Road and 1-805)
be investigated by the traffic safety officer and the
Safety Commission, with a report back to the City Council
if any action should be taken.
State to install In answer to query from the Council, Director of Public
signals Works Robens stated that the City has applied for traffic
signals at the intersection of Halecrest and the off-
ramps from 1-805 and Telegraph Canyon Road through the
FAU process. They have been approved at the committee
level and are to be forwarded to the member agencies for
approval. Mr. Robens said the State will design the
signals, but wi]] not realign the ramps.
Motion withdrawn Councilman Hyde withdrew his motion. Councilman Egdahl
agreed as the second.
Parking t'icket Councilman Hyde stated he was concerned with the state-
complaint ments made by Ms. McNary regarding her reaction to a
parking ticket relative to the public relations aspect
of the City's redevelopment project.
Motion to relate informa- It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by Councilman
tion to Town Centre Project Hobel and unanimously carried that this instance (parking
Committee and Parking Place ticket) be related to the Town Centre Project Area
Commission Committee and the Parking Place Commission to inform
them of this reaction.
City Council Meeting -13- February 1, 1977
Suggestion for appointment Councilman Hyde referred to a memorandum sent to the
to RETC Advisory Council Council from the City Manager concerning a request that
the Council suggest persons to serve on the RETC Advisory
Council. Mr. Hyde suggested that consideration be given
to appointing someone from the Human Relations Commission.
Report on position of Councilman Cox questioned the status of the staff report
Assistant City Attorney on the position of Assistant City Attorney.
Report to be scheduled It was moved by Councilman Cox~ seconded by Councilman
for Council Conference Egdahl and unanimously carried that this report be
placed on the next Council Conference agenda where the
agenda is such that there will be time for consideration.
Safety problem on Bonita Councilman Cox said he had attended a meeting of the
Road from Alien School Bonita Professional Association where concerns were ex-
Road to Willow Road pressed regarding severe visual problems as drivers come
out from parking lots of businesses on the south side
of Bonita Road, from Allen School Road going back toward
Willow Road. It was suggested that perhaps because of
trucks parking and large trees at the curb, that there
is a need for red-curbing or some other measure to alle-
viate the visual problem of motorists.
Motion to refer to It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Mayor Scott
Safety Commission and unanimously carried that the Safety Commission be
requested to look into this situation to see if there
is a need to red-curb the southern portion of Bonita Road.
Trasportation for Councilman Cox commented that he has been informed that
handicapped handicapped persons have no means of transportation in
the City of Chula through common commercial carriers.
Motion to refer to staff It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Mayor Scott
and unanimously carried that staff look into this problem
and see if it can be rectified.
Discussion of E1 Rancho Councilman Hobel referred to a possible proposal by Dr.
del Roy area Bloom for development in the E1 Rancho del Rey area.
Council discussion followed concerning this area, includ-
ing the land litigation, the fact that Citibank has indi-
cated that Dr. Bloom does not represent them, study of
consultants and actions of ACCORD~ and that the City
Attorney has indicated to the Planning Department that a
moratorium currently is in effect in this area.
Councilman Egdahl stressed the need for ACCORD input and
said it is his understanding that the most recent meeting
of ACCORD was poorly attended by members.
Motion to~ notify ACCORD It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by Councilman
members of meetings Hyde and unanimously carried that staff makes sure that
at least one week in advance that ACCORD members are
notified of upcoming meetings.
a. REQUEST TO WAIVE FEES The Starlight Center submitted a request for a conditional
FOR CONDITIONAL USE use permit and an application for an initial study relating
PERMIT AND ENVIRONMENTAL to an environmental impact report to expand their existing
IMPACT REPORT workshop. The Center asked that the Council waive the fees
required in connection with their applications.
City Council Meeting -14- February 1, 1977
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Hyde~ seconded by Councilman
Hobel and unanimously carried that the Council approve
the request and waive the fees.
b. REQUEST FOR PUBLIC WORKS The Board of Directors 3f the Chula Vista Town Centre
DEPARTMENT TO PUT UP AND Business and Professional Association asked if the
TAKE DOWN THE CHRIST, S Council would consider, at the budget session, the pos-
DECORATIONS ON THIRD sibility of authorizing the Public Works Department to
AVENUE ON A PEP24ANENT incorporate a provision in their overall schedule to
BASIS put up and take down Christmas decorations on Third
Avenue on a permanent basis.
Motion to refer It was moved by Mayor Scott, seconded by Councilman
to staff Hobel and unanimously carried that this request be
referred to staff.
c. REQUEST FOR PERMISSION The Chula Vista Art Guild requested Council permission
TO HOLD ART MARTS FOR to use the grounds around the old library building at
1977 IN FRONT OF OLD the corner of Fourth Street and Memorial Way to hold
LIBRARY BUILDING AND art marts on the following dates in 1977:
March 12/13 October 8/9
April 2/3 November 12/13
June 1]/12 December 10/11
August 13/14
The Guild also requested a waiver of the license fee in
connection with these activities.
Motion to approve, It was moved by Mayor Scott, seconded by Councilman
subject to staff control Hobel and unanimously carried that the Art Guild's
request be approved, subject to conditions of staff to
protect participants and handle traffic in parking lot,
d. REQUEST TO ACTIVATE Mrs. A. Tavolaeei, owner of the Touch of Spain Apartments
STORM DRAIN PLANS ON at 383 Mankato, outlined a flood problem in the alley
MANF~TO TO FOURTH back of the Lion's Club between Fourth Avenue and Glover
AVENUE Avenue. It is Mrs. Tavolacci's understanding that plans
are being considered to relocate the storm drain straight
down Mankato to Fourth Avenue and she requested that
these plans be activated before 5erlous accident5 occur.
Motion to refer It was moved by Mayor Scott, seconded by Councilman
to staff Hobol and unanimously carried that Mrs. Tavolacci's
request be referred to staff.
e. REQUEST FOR SIGNS ON Mrs. Virginia Miller requested Council consideration to
"J" STREET TO DISTIN- distinguish signs on "J" Street ("East 'J' Street" and
GUISH BETWEEN EAST "J" "West 'J' Street") to assist people in locating specific
AND WEST "J" STREET addresses.
Director of Public Works Robens noted that the street
designations are "J" Street and "East J" Street.
It was moved by Mayor Scott, seconded by Councilman Hobel
and unanimously carried that staff comments be accepted.
f. REQUEST FOR CITY TO Mr. Charles J. Ramm, co-owner of Greentree Apartments at
CONTROL DRAINAGE 280 "K" Street, requested Council action to correct an
PROBLEM AT 280 "K" erosion problem in the drainage ditch at the rear of the
STREET apartments through which water from Telegraph Canyon drains.
City Council Meeting -15- February 1, 1977
Motion to refer to It was moved by Mayor Scott, seconded by Councilman
staff for report Hobel and unanimously carried that this item be refer-
red to staff for report.
g. RESIGNATION FROM Mr. Newton Chaney submitted his resignation from the
CHARTER REVIEW Charter Review Committee, effective January 22, 1977.
Resignation accepted It was moved by Mayor Scott, seconded by Councilman
Hobel and unanimously carried that Mr. Chaney's resigna-
tion be accepted.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Scott adjourned the meeting at 10:02 p.m. to the
Council Conference scheduled for Thursday, February
1977 at 4:00 p.m. in the Council Conference Room.
City Clerk
Deputy City Clerk