Held Thursday - 4:00 p.m. February 3, 1977
An adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California,
was held on the above date beginning at 4:00 p.m. in the Council Conference Room, City
Hall, 276 Fourth Avenue, with the following
Councilmen present: Mayor Scott, Councilmen Hyde, Cox, Egdahl, Hobel
Councilmen absent: None
Staff present: City Manager Cole, City Attorney Lindberg, Assistant City Manager
Asmu$, Director of Planning Peterson, Director of Parks and Recreation
DISCUSSION OF PARK City Manager Cole made some introductory remarks noting
LAND ACQUISITION that the City, five years ago, had two acres of park land
per 1,000 people. The goal is the national average which
is four acres per 1,000 people. Mr. Cole stated that the
City has now reached 85% of this goal.
As to park maintenance, the City is maintaining more
acreage per employee than any city in the County, and
more reasonably.
CETA Employees In answer to Council's query, Park Superintendent Bradstreet
stated that presently 18 CETA employees are in this depart-
PRESENTATION BY DIRECTOR Mr. Hall submitted a detailed report to the Council dis-
OF PARKS AND RECREATION cussing the approximate monies available for park develop-
1) Special Capital Outlay Fund $522,000
2) Residential Construction Tax $128,000
3) State Bond, Proposition 2~. This was a $6.3 million
bond issue passed last July. The City will realize
$300,000~. Greg Rogers Park will be developed with
that money.
4) State Block Grant (Ziegler Bill) $47,648. There is
a potential that the City will get this amount of
money three years in a row.
Park~ and Recreation Mr. Hall submitted and discussed in detail. The Parks
Element, General Plan and Recreation Element of the General Plan which showed
the City divided into four areas: 1) the community park
districts; 2) neighborhood park districts; 5) existing
parks and 4) areas where parks are needed.
Generally, the specific areas are: Area I (generally)
from the Bay to 1-805 on the east, northern City limit
lines - "C" Street and Industrial Park, and "L" Street to
the south: 65.35 acres park inventory.
Area 2 - "L" Street on the north; southern City boundary
lines on the south; Bay to the west; and 1-805 to the
east: 108.09 acres park inventory
Adjourned Regular Meeting -2- February 5, 1977
Area 3 - boundaries are 1-805 to the west; Otay Lakes
Road to the east; Telegraph Canyon Road to the south;
Route 54 to the north: 70.10 acres park inventory.
Area 4 - Otay Lakes Road and Bonita Road to the west and
north~ Proctor Valley Road to the east; Telegraph
Canyon Road to the south: 8.40 acres park inventory.
Mr. Hall reported the acreage for: Community parks in
the City ~ 107.70 acres; b;eighborhood parks - 142.54 acres;
Mini Parks and Tot Lots - 1.70 acres; Ornamental Areas -
12.32 acres; Special Use areas - 132.0 acres; Open Space
District - contracted out - 36.3 acres; Other areas
(animal Shelter, Civic Center/Police and Public Works -
6.1 acres; a total of 438.66 acres.
Discussion Council discussion ensued regarding park areas developed
next to school sites; the San Diego Gas & Electric ease-
ment; population figures in the various areas.
In answer to Council's query, Mr. Hall explained that the
staff is looking for an area near Brandywine - a field
that can be lighted and used for sports facilities. The
Fire Department is interested in the site for a training
facility. Mr. Hall commented that the area can also be
used for a library, fire station and other departmental
Mayor Scott explained his reservations to have these
facilities in the southern most area of the City which
would serve only that area in the south,
Mr. Hall said that with the 1-80S access, the people in
the northern areas of the City would drive to the
southern area.
Joint Powers Agreement Councilman Cox asked about joint powers agreements.
Mr. Hall stated that he would like the Council to consider
a joint powers agreement with the County for a land use
lease agreement for 15 to 20 acres for the development
of a community park (66 acre site in the Sweetwater Park
Phase VI area - northern boundaries of the City). The
access to the site would be off First Avenue. Mr. Hall
felt it would be vital for the City to negotiate with
the County at this time since they will be leasing 20 to
50 acres of the area to the KOA Campgrounds and the rest
will be developed as time permits. The area is in the
flood plain and there are no park lands available in this
particular area. Mr. Hall added that it could be used
for a lighted field as well.
Discussion The Council discussed this particular location noting it
was in the extreme northern portion of the City; the
lack of visibility in locating the site; the vast amount
of open space in the area now; area will become part of
the Sweetwater Regional Park.
Adjourned Regular Meeting -3- February 3, 1977
Agenda item for joint Councilman Hobel suggested the staff put this on the list
meeting with Board of of items to be discussed at the joint meeting with the
Supervisors Board of Supervisors.
C-5 Another potential development area is the Provence property
south of Sweetwater Road, north of Chula Vista Municipal
Golf Course. Mr. Hall suggested this for a joint powers
agreement with the County. The staff had insisted that
the County develop this area as a green belt park, and the
County has plans for this. They will start construction
at any time now. In a joint powers, the City could per-
haps cover the maintenance of the area in order to make
this a "flowing" park in conjunction with Rohr and perhaps
construct lighted ball fields.
Mayor Scott commented that the County, perhaps, should be
asked to run Rohr Park.
School areas Mr. Hall suggested the schools be approached regarding
the development of the areas next to Vista Square, Feaster
and Rice schools similar to that as developed next to
Mueller School.
Recommendations The recommendations as submitted by the Director of Parks
& Recreation was discussed by the Council at this time.
Motion for adoption of It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by Councilman
statement of policy Egdahl and unanimously carried that the Council adopts the
following statement of policy, pending adoption of appro-
priate amendments to the Parks and Recreation Element of
the General Plan and/or the Park Land Dedication Ordinance:
'~ecauee City-wide and regional parks benefit all areas
of the City, funds collected under Section 17.10 of the
Municipal Code need not be used solely for the purchase
of neighborhood and community parks, but may be ueedfor
the acquisition and development of City-wide or regional
parks for the benefit of residents of the subdivision
from which they are collected."
Resolution and Ordinance Director of Planning Peterson noted that the Parks and
amendment to be brought back Recreation Element of the General Plan would have to be
changed along with the Park Acquisition Ordinance.
Motion for appraisals It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by Councilman
Cox and unanimously carried that the staff consider acqui-
sition (get appraisals) of the following areas of park
and/or recreation developments and set priorities for
1) E1 Rancho del Rey Mini-regional Park
2) Greg Rogers Park - Corridor Site
Motion for joint powers It was moved by Councilman Mobel and seconded by Councilman
Cox that consideration be given for joint powers agreements
for the following:
1) Feaster Elementary School - Community Park District #1
Adjourned Regular Meeting -4- February 3, 1977
2) Rice Elementary School - Community Park District #6
3) Vista Square Elementary School - Community Park
District #4
4) San Diego Gas ~ Electric Company easement - Community
Park District #6
Modification to motion Councilman Cox asked that the motion include asking the
County about the Provence property south of Sweetwater
Road, north of the Chula Vista Municipal Golf Course and
2) joint powers agreement for the property in the Sweet-
water Park Phase VI area (northern boundaries of the City,
west of 1-805).
Included in motion Councilman Hobel stated he would inchde this in his
motion; Councilman Cox agreed to the second and the motion
carried unanimousl7.
San Diego Gas & Electric Mr. Hall, in answer to the Council's questions, explained
Easement that the lease for the sod farm does not expire until
October; however, the leasee is ceasing his operations
now. He will write a letter to San Diego Gas & Electric
regarding this property.
Recommendations accepted It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by Councilman
Hyde and unanimously carried that the following recom-
mendations be accepted:
1) The Council considers favorably the suggested joint
powers agreements and directs staff to enter into
negotiations with the Chula Vista City School District
and the San Diego Gas ~ Electric Company for the use
of public properties to meet the City's immediate
2) Staff be directed to retain appraisers and report back
to Council regarding the cost involved in the pur-
chases of the recommended acquisition sites (El Rancho
del Rey and Greg Rogers).
3) Staff be directed to prepare a report on the needed
recreational facilities for Council consideration of
funding as it relates to the total park system.
Tennis Courts Councilman Hyde asked that consideration be given to the
development of tennis courts - lighted or not lighted.
Councilman Cox remarked that he would tike to see the
staff direct its consideration toward lighted bali fields.
Involvement of all
City departments City Manager Cole reminded the Council that development
of park sites affect all departments in the City, not the
least of which is the Police Department.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Scott adjourned the meeting at 5:17 p.m. to the
regular meeting scheduled for Tuesday, February 8, 1977
at 7:00 p.m.