Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. February 8, 1977
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California, was held on
the above date beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 276 Fourth
Avenue, with the following
Councilmen present: Mayor Scott, Councilmen Hyde, Cox, Egdahl, Hobel
Councilmen absent: None
Staff present: City Manager Cole, City Attorney Lindberg, Assistant City Manager
Asmus, Director of Planning Peterson, Director of Public Works Robens,
Director of Building and Housing Grady, Director of Community Develop-
ment Desrochers, Transit Coordinator Conner
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Scott followed by a moment of silent
1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Councilman
Hyde and unanimously carried that the minutes of the
meetings of January 27 and February 1, 1977 be approved,
copies having been sent to each Councilman.
PROCLAMATION - URGING Mayor Scott read the Proclamation urging the citizens of
CITIZENS TO CONSERVE Chula Vista to curtail all non-essential and luxury uses
NATURAL GAS of natural gas.
Best wishes to Gary Shaw, Mayor Scott announced that today is the birthday of Gary
reporter for STAR-NEWS Shaw, reporter for the STAR-NEWS. The Council and the
audience joined in singing "Happy Birthday" to "Gary."
Kitty Rase Mrs. Rase presented the Council with two photograps
155 Murray Street (taken in 1956) to illustrate the trash problem at the
Chula Vista La Bella Pizza Restaurant which she stated has existed
for over 20 years.
3. PUBLIC HEARING - This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor Scott
CONSIDERATION OF PRECISE opened the public hearing.
OF GARAGE TO REAL ESTATE The applicants, Donald C. Bickel and William J. Dodson,
OFFICE AT 635 TELEGRAPH requested approval of a precise plan for the conversion
CANYON ROAD IN THE C-C-P of an existing residential detached garage into a real
ZONE estate office with related parking, signs, landscaping
and required improvements. The property is located at
635 Telegraph Canyon Road in the C-C-P zone.
Precise plan not approved In answer to query from Councilman Hyde, Director of
by Planning Commission Planning Peterson said that the vote of the Planning
Commission on a motion to approve the precise plan was a
tie vote, (3-3) reflecting the Commissioners' feelings
that the zoning in this location should be investigated
to see if it should be changed. Mr. Peterson said the
decision did not appear to be based on factors related to
the precise plan but to the underlying zoning.
City Council Meeting -2- February 8, 1977
Potential traffic Mr. Peterson discussed briefly a potential traffic
hazard hazard due to the driveway location, which the Safety
Commission recommended be located further to the west
in their recommendation for approval.
The Planning Department and staff recommended approval
subject to the five conditions which are set forth in
the staff report and the resolution.
Council discussion concerned the commercial uses allowed
in this zone, accident records (none in the last three
years) and the effect the proposed realignment of Tele-
graph Canyon Road would have on the property.
Don Bickel Mr. Bickel stated that this is a temporary location for
1S42 - 281 Sonora Drive the proposed office use. He discussed with the Council
Chula Vista the value of his proposed improvements, the driveway,
parking and landscaping of the property. In answer to a
question from the Council, Mr. Bickel said the applicants
have no objections to the five conditions outlined in the
staff report. ~
Public hearing closed There being no further cormments, either for or against,
the public hearing was declared closed.
a. R~SOLUTION NO. 8496 - The resolution was offered by Councilman Hobel and the
APPROVING PRECISE PLAN reading of the text was waived by unanimous consent.
TELEGRAPH CANYON ROAD Discussion by the Council ensued regarding cost of im-
IN C-C-P ZONH, AND provements to be made, how this would affect the future
CERTIFYING THE NEGATIVE purchase of right of way by the City, the potential
DECLARATION traffic problem (due to sight distance caused by large
trees), fence that should be removed, commercial uses
along Telegraph Canyon Road, and the objection of the
Planning Commission to this commercial use of the property.
Mr. Peterson stated that any expansion of the commercial
use on this property would require Council review, due to
requirements for off-street parking.
Resolution adopted Following discussion, the resolution as offered by
Councilman Hobel was passed and adopted by the following
vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Hyde, Cox, Scott, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
Motion for staff to It was moved by Councilman Hyde and seconded by Councilman
initiate rezoning Egdahl that the staff be directed to initiate a rezoning
consideration consideration for the property indicated as C-C-P.
The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Cox, Scott, Egdahl
Noes: Councilman Hobel
Absent: None
City Council Meeting -3- February 8, 1977
CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by Councilman
Hyde and unanimously carried that the Consent Calendar
be approved and adopted.
4. RESOLUTION NO. 8497 - The installation of the traffic signal improvements at
ACCEPTING PUBLIC IMPROVE- the intersection of East Orange Avenue and Melrose Avenue
MENTS - TRAFFIC SIGNAL has been satisfactorily completed by the contractor,
IMPROVEMENTS AT THE INTER- Select Electric Inc. and final inspection was performed
SECTION OF EAST ORANGE on December 27, 1976.
S. RESOLUTION NO. 8498 - Bratcher Construction Company completed the widening of
ACCEPTING PUBLIC IMPROVE- Hilltop Drive north of Main Street on January 17, 1977
MENTS, HILLTOP DRIVE in accordance with the contract documents dated December
6. RESOLUTION NO. 8499 - Glenn's Market is planning to remodel their existing
APPROVING ENCROACHMENT storefront whith a partially covered overhang of the side-
PERMIT NO. 77-2 FOR GLENN'S walk area which would project 12 feet into the public
MARKET AT 262 THIRD AVENUE right of way. A 10 foot wide clear walkway area will be
provided, which exceeds the minimum standard of eight
feet. The Community Development and Planning Departments
and the Design Review Board and Project Area Committee
recommended approval.
Steve Owens Mr. Owens described the proposed plan; discussed the new
Architect surfacing material and alternate solutions for any dif-
272 Church Avenue ference in this plan and plans for the improvements of
Chula Vista Third Avenue under the Block Grant Program; and stated
that the owner is willing to work with the City Project
Engineer. He also discussed the time element involved in
this construction.
Council discussion followed concerning removal of trees
along Third Avenue, thc time element invloved in the
redevelopment of Third Avenue and if this project could
be phased in with this program.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Hobel, Hyde, Cox, Scott
Noes: None
Absent: None
Motion for Mayor to contact It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by Councilman
owner to encourage phasing Hyde and unanimously carried that the Mayor make contact
in his project with Block with Mr. Glenn (owner) with the intent of encouraging,
Grant Program if it does not provide an inordinate delay, his phasing
this in with the Third Avenue Block Grant Program, and
that a request also be made to attempt, if possible, to
save the bottle brush trees.
City Council Meeting -4- February 8, 1977
7. RESOLUTION NO. 8500 - The City's FY 75-76 LTF Claim was determined to be $137,584,
AUTHORIZING THE SUBMITTAL which was later amended to cover the cost of the Transit
OF AN AMENDED LOCAL TRANS- Needs Study, so the total LTF receipts for the year were
PORTATION FUND CLAIM FOR $155,834. Based on the audited costs and revenues for
FY 1975-76 FY 75-76, the City was entitled to receive $119,750; thus
the excess of $36,084 must be repaid to the City's LTF
Recommendation to eliminate City Manager Cole recommended that the appropriation of
appropriation of $29,280 $29,280 be eliminated as there are sufficient funds in
the account to make the repayment.
Motion to amend resolution It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by Councilman
deleting appropriation of Hyde and unanimously carried that the final paragraph of
$29,280 the resolution be dropped (concerning appropriation of
$29,280 for repayment of City's LTF account).
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, as amended, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent, passed and
adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Hobel, Hyde, Cox, Scott
Noes: None
Absent: None
In May 1973 by Resolution No. 6866, the City Council
8. RESOLUTION N0. 8501 - approved an agreement with the County of San Diego to
APPROVING REAL PROPERTY realign and improve Edgemere Avenue, In accordance with
CONTRACT AND AGReEMeNT the terms of the agreement, the County would acquire all
ACCEPTING GRANT DEED FOR right of way and the City would reimburse the County for
EDGEMERE AVENUE RIGHT OF the right of way that must be purchased or condemned.
PSYCHIATRIC FOUNDATION, The realignment of Edgemere Avenue requires the acqui-
AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR sition of right of way and slope rights from property
TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEMENT owned by Vista Hill Psychiatric Foundation. The County's
appraisal has determined that the fair market value of
the property is $29,500.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Hobel, Hyde, Cox, Scott
Noes: None
Absent: None
9. RESOLUTION NO. 8502 - Upon request of the Bonita Valley Equestrian Association,
CHANGING THE SCOPE OF THE a six-foot wide equestrian path will be constructed by
CONTRACT FOR THE CONSTRUC- City forces at the time landscaping and irrigation system
TION OF A PARKING LOT AT is installed for the Municipal Golf Course parking lot.
THE CHULA VISTA MUNICIPAL The construction of an equestrian path was not included
GOLF COURSE in the original design and this construction will require
an additional expenditure of $2,500.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Hobel, Hyde, Cox, Scott
Noes: None
Absent: None
City Council Meeting -5- February 8, 1977
10. RESOLUTION NO. 8503 - The Policy Board of RETC unanimously adopted a plan
APPROVING REVISED which allows the Cities of Oceanside and Escondido to
MEMORANDUM OF be represented on the P~TC Board as they now each have
UNDERSTANDING (RETC) a population of over 50,000. Board membership would
now be expanded from seven to nine members, with a
weighted vote formula.
"Veto" provision for Mayor Scott expressed his concern over the weighted
City and County of San vote noting that the City and County of San Diego, being
San Diego the prime contractor, have the majority of Board members
by law; however, Chula Vista only has 1/13 of the vote.
He also said it was difficult for him to understand the
"veto" right of the City and County of San Diego where
they now have 22 days to disapprove any action of RETC.
Council discussion The Council discussed this "veto" provision and whether
it could be deleted from the Joint Powers Agreement.
Resolution offered The resolution was offered by Mayor Scott with the
with amendment amendment that the revised Memorandum of Understanding
be approved with the condition that the 22-day review
period as constituted in the Joint Powers Agreement be
changed to be more equitable. The reading of the text
was waived by unanimous consent.
Resolution adopted The resolution offered by Mayor Scott, as amended, was
as amended passed and adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hyde, Cox
Noes: Councilman Egdahl
Absent: None
11. RESOLUTION NO. 8504 - In a written report, Director of Public Works explained
APPROVING AND GRANTING that Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Mangel own a 10-acre parcel
BASEMENT TO MR. & MRS. of land which lies within the City of San Diego and is
MICHAEL H. MANGEL ACROSS zoned Al-10. This parcel of land abuts the City of
1 FOOT CONTROL LOT B, San Diego/City of Chula Vista boundary which is also the
RANCHO RIOS NO. 8 SUB- southerly boundary of Rancho Rios Unit No. 8 Subdivision.
DIVISION AND AUTHORIZING The developer of this Subdivision granted a one foot
THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SAID control Lot "B" to the City of Chula Vista which was
GRANT OF EASEMENT accepted by the Council in March 1974.
At the time the Mangels purchased the property, they
were granted a 20-foot wide non-exclusive easement for
road purposes across Rancho Rios Unit No. 8 Subdivision.
Granting an easement across the one foot control lot
will give the Mangels access to a publicly dedicated
street. After lengthy study of this matter, staff
recommended that the Council approve the easement.
Resolution offered The resolution was offered by Councilman Hobel and the
reading of the text was waived by unanimous consent.
Shearn Pla~t, Attorney Mr. Platt said he was representing Mr. and Mrs. Mangel.
1200 Third Avenue He gave the Council a brief history concerning the
San Diego problem of access to the property purchased by Mr. and
Mrs. Mangel in 1975, and said he was asking for dedi-
cation of the one foot control lot, rather than having
the City grant an easement, as the control lot is an
impediment to development of the property.
City Council Meeting -6- February 8, 1977
Easement provides City Manager Cole clarified that in granting the ease-
access to property ment, the property owners will have the same thing they
had before - access from a dedicated road to their
Resolution adopted The resolution as offered by Councilman Hobel was passed
and adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Hyde, Cox, Scott, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
12. ORDINANCE NO. 1727 -
AMENDING SECTIONS Jurisdictions in the County of San Diego that have
15.08.010 adopted the Uniform Building Code, 1976 Edition, or are
15~08,020, 15.08.030 in the process of adopting it, are the County of San
18.08.050, 15.08.060 Diego and the Cities of Coronado, National City and
15.08.070, 15.08.120 Escondido. The Building Contractors Association endorsed
15.08.130, 15.08.150 the adoption of the Code. All of the proposed amendments
15.08.240, 15.08.270 are presently in the municipal code, but are restated.
15.08.310, 15.08.320
15.08. 370, 15.08.410 The Board of Appeals and Advisors unanimously recommended
~d~D REPEALING SECTIONS adoption of the Code with amendments.
15.08.040 18.08.080
15.08.090 15.08.100
15.08.110 15.08.140
15.08.160 15.08.170
15.08.180 15.08.190
15.08.200 15.08.210
15.08.220 15.08.230
15.08.250 15.08.260
15.08.280 15.08.290
18.08.300 15.08.330
18.08.340 15.08.350
15.08.360 OF CHAPTER
Ordinance placed on It was moved by Councilman Egdahl that this ordinance be
first reading placed on its first reading and that the reading of the
text be waived by unanimous consent.
The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Hobel, Hyde, Cox, Scott
Noes: None
Absent: None
13. ORDINANCE NO. 1726 - The applicant, Robert Eerebout requested a change of
AMENDING ZONING MAP OR MAPS zone and prezoning in connection with annexation to the
19.18.010 OF THE CHULA
City Council Meeting -7- February 8, 1977
Ordinance placed on It was moved by Councilman Cox that this ordinance be
second reading and placed on its second reading and adopted and that read-
adopted ing of the text be waived by unanimous consent.
The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Cox, Scott, Egdahl, Hobel, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
RECESS A recess was called at 8:22 p.m. and the meeting recon-
vened at 8:35 p.m. Mayor Scott temporarily left the
meeting at this time.
Mayor Pro Tempore Hyde assumed the Chair temporarily.
14. INTERPRETATION OF COUNCIL Mayor Pro Tempore Hyde said there was a request to continue
POLICY FOR THE FUTURE Item 14 until later in the meeting due to the absence
(Continued from meetings It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by Mayor Pro
of January 11 and 18, 1977) Tempore Hyde and unanimously carried by those present,
that Item 14 be continued to a later time during the
meeting (pending return of Mayor Scott).
Suggestion for Council City Manager Cole suggested that the Council schedule
Conference March 3, 1977 a Council Conference on the traffic impact of the South
County Regional Center for March 3, 1977 at 4:00 p.m.
Motion to schedule It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by Councilman
Council Conference Cox and unanimously carried by those present that a
Council Conference be scheduled for March 3, 1977 to
start at 3:30 p.m. and to also include on the agenda
the re-evaluation of the Assistant City Attorney's
15. REPORT ON SID MORRIS' Director of Community Development Desrochers prepared a
REMARKS RELATIVE TO written response to several questions raised by Mr. Sid
THE TOWN CENTRE RE- Morris concerning the Town Centre Redevelopment Project.
Mr. Morris acknowledged receipt of a copy of the report.
Motion to accept report It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by Councilman
Cox and unanimously carried by those present that the
report be accepted.
16. REPORT ON CHULA VISTA Director of Public Works Robens, in a written report,
TRANSIT (CVT) LOGO AND stated that the Chula Vista Transit Development Program
BUS STOP SIGN recommended various "early action marketing activities"
for the Chula Vista Transit system, among which was a
change of name to "Chula Vista Transit" with a distinct-
ive logo using the "CVT" initials.
City Council Meeting -8- February 8, 1977
Logo used at A major application of the logo will be a proposed inter-
bus stops national style bus stop sign combining a bus silhouette
with the CVT logo.
Council discussion The Council discussed various aspects of the logo with
Transit Coordinator Dave Connor, including repainting
of buses; route display racks; permanent type of material
used for schedules [i.e. plexiglass or mylar film); and
bulletin board type of information at bus stops which
would include schematic map of bus routes and stops.
Motion to accept It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by Councilman
report Cox and unanimously carried by those present that the
report be accepted.
17. REPORT ON IMPROVEMENT In response to Council direction, Director of Public
AND MAINTENANCE OF CITY Works Robens submitted a detailed written report con-
ALLEYS cerning various unimproved alleyways within the City.
The report included staff recommendations to continue
current alley maintenance practices; to encourage alley
improvement via use of the assessment district; and
establishment of limits in City participation in routine
alley improvements.
Motion to accept report It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by Councilman
Cox and unanimously carried by those present that the
report be accepted.
(Mayor Scott returned at 8:42 p.m. and assumed the Chair).
18. REPORT ON DRAINAGEWAY Director of Public Works Robens reviewed the trash
BEHIND LA BELLA PIZZA problem of the owners of the La Bella Restaurant. He
RESTAURANT stated that the basic problem in removing the trash
from the alley behind the restaurant is that it is a
drainageway with a low grade so the water does not run
off. The standing water makes the alley unusable.
Interim solution Staff has proposed an interim solution of having City
proposed forces place base material of crusher-run rock throughout
the length of the drainageway. Mr. Robens estimated the
cost to the City would be approximately $600.
Council discussion The Council discussed the dra'inage and trash problems,
temporary and permanent, and alternate solutions within
the redevelopment program.
Motion to accept It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by Councilman
staff report Cox and unanimously carried that the staff be directed to
proceed with putting in the aggregate as proposed at the
level of $600 using City forces.
City Council Meeting -9- February 8, 1977
14. INTERPRETATION OF COUNCIL Director Of Planning Peteraon, in a written report,
POLICY FOR THE FUTURE reviewed Council's direction to staff concerning future
DEVELOPMENT OF THE EL development in tke E1 Rancho del Rey area, including
RANCHO DEL REY AREA the adoption of Resolution No. 8436 on December 7, 1976,
(Continued from meetings establishing a policy for future development. A clari-
of January 11 and 18, 1977) fying resolution was prepared and submitted to the Council
to more clearly define the direction to the staff.
a. RESOLUTION NO. 8505 - It was moved by Councilman Egdahl and seconded by Mayor
REPEALING RESOLUTION Scott that the clarifying resolution be adopted. The
NO. 8436 AND DECLARING reading of the text was waived by unanimous consent.
Concern with time Councilman Hobel expressed his concern over the time
schedule schedule presented on January 4, 1977 showing the month
of September 1977 for adoption of the revised General
Development Plan.
Council discussion Council discussion ensued regarding the time schedule,
the assessment district process, past referendums in
connection with development in this area, and the
development of Telegraph Canyon Road to solve the traffic
circulation problem.
Motion for amendment It was moved by Councilman Hyde and seconded by Councilman
to resolution Egdahl that the clarifying resolution be amended under
paragraph (1), that in the fourth line after the
phrase "General Development Plan," be inserted the phrase
"including hillside development considerations."
Motion carried The motion to amend the clarifying resolution carried
by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Cox, Scott, Egdahl
Noes: Councilman Hobel
Absent: None
Councilman Hyde referred to paragraph (2) of the resolu-
tion, reading in part "Property owners and developers
may, at their own risk, prepare tentative maps and develop-
ment plans, and staff is to cooperate fully in such pre-
paration. . ."
Motion to strike It was moved by Councilman Hyde that paragraph (2)
Paragraph (2) stricken entirely.
No second to motion The motion died for lack of a second.
Motion to amend It was moved by Councilman Hyde that the following phrase
Paragraph (2) be stricken from paragraph (2): "... and staff is to
cooperate fully in such preparation . "
No second to motion The motion died for lack of a second.
City Council Meeting -10- February 8, 1977
Motion to further It was moved by Councilman Hyde and seconded by Mayor
amend Paragraph (2) Scott that in paragraph (2), on the fifth line, that the
word "approve" be changed to "consider" with the phrase
to read:" . . recognizing that neither the Planning
Commission nor the City Council will consider such plans. . ."
Motion carried The motion to further amend paragraph (2) changing the
word "approve" to "consider" on line 5, carried by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Cox, Scott, Hgdahl
· Noes: Councilman Hobel
Absent: None
Carmen Pasquale Mr. Pasquale spoke against the clarifying resolution,
Representative from stating that Resolution No. 8436 was adequate and did
E1 Rancho del Rey allow tentative plans for development to proceed. He
expressed concern over delays in waiting for the adoption
of a revised General Development Plan, and the boundary
lines being changed. He urged the Council to retain the
original Resolution No. 8436.
A1Garmire Mr. Garmire said he was representing Mrs. Koven, a
742 Villa Street property owner in the E1 Rancho del Rey area. He spoke
Chula Vista against the clarifying resolution stating it would pre-
clude any kind of development and would in fact be
placing a moratorium on the area.
Motion carried The motion to adopt the clarifying resolution, as amended,
carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Hyde, Scott
Noes: Councilmen Cox, Hobel
Absent: None
Council discussion Council discussion followed concerning the time frame for
adoption of a revised General Development Plan and, if a
decision is made by the Council in September to set up an
assessment district, that plans for development be accepted
with a reimbursement procedure developed for off-site
Motion for report It was moved by Councilman Hobel and seconded by Councilman
from staff Cox that at this point the staff be directed to do an
evaluation of the amount, percentage-wise, of property
that has been developed along Telegraph Canyon Road and
the improvements that are going in, and also to evaluate
what the cost to the City would be for the improvements
along Telegraph Canyon Road; and also, tagged with that,
is an inventory of the other properties, undeveloped, that
come down to Telegraph Canyon Road.
Intent of motion Councilman Hobel clarified that the intent of the motion
clarified is to determine the cost to the City and also to push to
get Telegraph Canyon Road through.
The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Cox, Scott
Noes: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl
Absent: None
City Council Meeting -11- February 8, 1977
19. REPORT ON PROPOSED In a written report, Director of Planning Peterson stated
AMENDMENT TO MUNICIPAL that at a Council Conference held last September, the
CODE RELATING TO REVIEW City Attorney presented a proposal which would require
OF GENERAL DEVELOFMENT the Planning Commission to review the General Development
PLANS IN THE P-C ZONE Plan for each P-C zone every four years as long as the
development of the P-C zone was not complete. The Council
referred this item to the Planning Commission for a report
and recommendation.
Planning Commission After review and study of the eXisting Planned Community
recommendation regulations, the Planning Commission, on January 12, 1977,
unanimously recommended that no change be made in the P-C
District regulations since review of a P-C zone tends to
be an ongoing thing and revisions to the General Develop-
ment Plan may be considered at any time.
Motion to accept It was moved by Mayor Scott, seconded by Councilman
Planning Commission Hobel and unanimously carried that the recommendation of
recommendation the Planning Commission be accepted.
No conflict of interest City Attorney Lindberg said that he had distributed a
on vote regarding written opinion regarding the question of a possible
Edgemere rezoning conflict of interest in connection with the vote of
former Mayor Hamilton on the Edgemere rezoning. He
stated that it is the opinion of his office that there
was no conflict and he will be available at the next
Council meeting to answer any questions in this connection.
Compliment regarding Mayor Scott complimented Councilman Cox on the presenta-
presentation before tion he made today before the County Board of Supervisors
County Board of regarding the South Bay County complex.
League of California Mayor Scott called attention to the League of California
Cities Meeting Cities Dinner meeting scheduled for Thursday, February 17
in San Diego at thc Little America Westgate Hotel.
Reservations should be submitted to the City Clerk no
later than Monday, February 14.
Public Law 94-566 - Mayor Scott referred to a letter received from the Board
Unemployment insuranee of Supervisors of Los Angeles County regarding Public
for public employees Law 94-566 which requires that legislation be enacted by
the State to provide unemployment insurance for all public
Motion to refer to It was moved by Mayor Scott, seconded by Councilman Hobel
Legislative Committee and unanimously carried that this letter be referred to
for report the Legislative Committee with a report back on what
action the Council should take at the next meeting.
City Council Meeting -12- February 8, 1977
Problem regarding Mayor Scott commented on a problem called to his atten-
sewer charge on tion and to the attention of Supervisor Hamilton con-
properties not using cerning a sewer charge levied against properties that do
sewer service not have sewer service, which creates a hardship in some
cases for senior citizens.
Motion to refer to It was moved by Mayor Scott, seconded by Councilman Hobel
staff for report and unanimously carried that the staff look into the City
levying sewer fees on those people not hooked up to a
sewer and bring a report back to the Council on either
the philosophy behind it or a solution to the problem of
the charge.
Need for additional Councilman Hyde referred to the frequency of the recent
regular meetings Council Conferences thathave been scheduled. He stated
it has reached a point where the Council needs to hold
additional meetings in the afternoon on a regular basis.
Motion to schedule It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by Councilman
additional regular Hobel and unanimously carried that the Council schedule
meetings regular meetings on the second and fourth Thursday of
each month at 4:00 p.m.
Report to be made In answer to a query from Councilman Hyde regarding
regarding solar heating solar heating for City swimming pools, City Manager Cole
stated that a study is being made by the Public Works
Department regarding solar heating and a report will be
coming to the Council.
Joint meeting with Board Mayor Scott announced that the joint meeting with the
of Supervisors scheduled County Board of Supervisors has been changed from March
for April 4 17 to April 4 at 5:30 p.m.
Plans for South County Councilman Cox reported that the Board of Supervisors
Regional Center to proceed voted to proceed with the plans for the South County
Regional Center. However, they retained the option to
drop the superior court facilities. He suggested a
representative from the City attend another meeting to
be scheduled in about six weeks.
Vacancies on Planning and Councilman Cox stated that he attended a meeting of RETC
Advisory Council of RETC and it was announced that there are a number of vacancies
coming up on the Planning and Advisory Council. He sug-
gested the Council may wish to consider nominating a
representative from Chula Vista to serve on that Advisory
Recommendations requested Mayor Scott announced that two resignations have been
from Council regarding received from Commissions and there are two other open-
appointments to Boards ings in addition. He stated he will be making appoint-
and Cormmissions ments to the Boards and Commissions for ratification by
the Council next week and he would appreciate any recom-
mendations the Council members may have.
City Council Meeting -13- February 8, 1977
Tennis court problems Councilman Egdahl stated he was raising an issue again
concerning the tennis court problem - particularly at
Hilltop lligh School ~ where fences are not to the ground
and there are problems with the playing surfaces.
Motion for staff to handle It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by Councilman
problem with High School Hyde and unanimously carried that the staff be asked one
District more time to address this issue with the High School
District and bring it to a resolution.
Concern regarding noti- Councilman Hobel expressed his concern about notification
fication of property to property owners in E1 Rancho del Rey of agenda items
owners on actions regarding the E1 Rancho del Rey area.
affecting E1 Rancho del
Motion for staff to notify It was moved by Councilman Hobet and seconded b7 Council-
property owners regarding man Hyde that the staff be directed to notif7 all property
agenda items on E1 Rancho owners in that area (El Rancho del Rey) of anything that
del Rey is going to be on the agenda before the Council in the
future that affects their property (approximately 25
Clarification of motion Councilman Hobel clarified that staff is to make the
determination if something is going to be on the agenda
on whether or not it affects that area and notify those
property owners (in E1 Rancho del Rey).
Mayor Scott stated it should be noted in the letter that
these are not public hearing items.
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Hyde, Cox, Scott
Noes: Councilman Egdahl
Absent: None
County staff to Councilman Hobel stated in connection with the Orange
investigate use of Block Avenue extension from Albany to Third Avenue that the
Grant funds in connection County staff had advised the Board of Supervisors that
with completion of there were no funds available. Through the Supervisors'
Orange Avenue office, the County staff has now been directed to re-
evaluate this matter to see if Block Grant funds can be
a. REQUEST FROM GEORGE F. Mr. Hilger requested 1) that two more street lights be
· HILGER - 1100 INDUSTRIAL installed adjacent to Brentwood Park; 2) that no parking
BOULEVARD - 1-78 be allowed adjacent to or opposite Brentwood Park; and
3) that a trash problem be corrected behind 1199 Indust-
rial Boulevard.
Motion to refer It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Councilman
to staff Hyde and unanimously carried that this item be referred
to staff.
b. RESIGNATION OF SANDRA Sandra Pasqua submitted her resignation from the Human
PASQUA - HUMAN RELATIONS Relations Commission and the Housing Element Committee.
City Council Meeting -14- February 8, 1977
Motion to accept It was moved by Councilman Hyde~ seconded by Mayor Scott
resignation and unanimously carried that the resignation be accepted
with a letter of appreciation for services and regret for
the resignation.
c. RESIGNATION OF John A. Parker submitted his resignation from the Safety
JOHN PARKER - Commission, effective immediately.
Motion to accept It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by Mayor Scott
resignation and unanimously carried that the resignation be accepted
and a letter of appreciation for services be forwarded
to Mr. Parker with a notation of regret.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Scott adjourned the meeting at 10:04 p.m. to the
meeting scheduled for Tuesday, February 15, 1977 at
7:00 p.m.
City Clerk
])eputy City Clerk