Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. February 15, 1977
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California, was held
on the above date beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 276 Fourth
Avenue, with the following
Councilmen present: Mayor Scott, Councilmen Hyde, Cox, Egdahl, Hobel
Councilmen absent: None
Staff present: Acting City Manager Asmus, City Attorney Lindberg,
Planning Peterson, Director of Public Works Robens, Director of
Finance Grant, Chief of Police Winters
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Scott followed by a moment of
silent prayer.
1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Councilman
Hobel and unanimously carried that the minutes of the
meetings of February 3 and 8, 1977 be approved, copies
having been sent to each Councilman, with the omission
on Page S of the minutes of February 8 corrected to show
Councilman Egdahl voting "no" on Resolution No. ~503.
R. L. Batterton Mr. Batterton asked if there was any Council action that
209 Nixon Place was going to be taken concerning the matter of the pos-
Chula Vista sible conflict of interest on thc part of former Mayor
Hamilton's vote in connection with the development project
on Hdgemere Avenue by the V&V Development Corporation.
He questioned the moral and ethical action of the former
No conflict of interest The Council referred to the report prepared by the City
under Proposition 9 Attorney indicating that under Proposition 9, there was
no legal conflict in that action as no financial interest
was determined to exist.
Councilman Hyde said a serious question had been raised
concerning the propriety of a member of the Council
accepting campaign contributions from parties involved
in a matter that was being considered by the Council,
and it should be cleared as to any possible ethical or
moral problem.
Motion to refer It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by Mayor Scott
question to and unanimously carried that this matter be referred to
Board of Ethics Board of Ethics for their consideration with a report
back to the Council.
David Wignall Mr. Wignall spoke against the First Baptist Church group
1609 East 18th Street residences in Chula Vista. His allegations involved
National City alleged criminal violations regarding his wife's treat-
ment while living in one of the group residences.
It was determined by the Council and City Attorney that
this Council meeting was not the forum to discuss this
matter as the proper avenue was for it to be handled
through the District Attorney's office.
City Council Meeting -2- February 15, 1977
Mayor Scott ruled any further discussion on these charges
out of order.
Clarence Knight Mr. Knight made a presentation concerning pedestrian
117 Jefferson Avenue safety, noting that it is estimated that pedestrian deaths
Chula Vista will reach a total of 580~000 by 1980. He suggested that
the City of Chula Vista consider the following programs
to reduce pedestrian accidents: 1) education and train-
ing programs, particularly for children; 2) engineering
improvements to make walking safer; 5) public information
programs; 4) uniform pedestrian laws and regulations with
selective enforcement.
At the request of the Council, Mr. Knight gave the City
Clerk a copy of his presentation so that it may be made
available to Council members.
Sid Morris Mr. Morris responded to the letter prepared by the
862 Cedar Avenue Director of Community Development dated February 3, 1977
Chula Vista in answer to Mr. Morris's comments previously concerning
the Town Centre Project and the Redevelopment Agency.
Mr. Morris said he disagreed with the responses and
asked for estimated figures on what thc total cost will
eventually be to the taxpayers.
Councilman Hobel suggested that Mr. Morris submit his
final questions to the City Clerk so they may be placed
on file for consideration when final decisions are made
by the Council.
RECESS A recess was called at 7:45 p.m. and the meeting recon-
vened at 7:55 p.m.
2. PUBLIC HEARING - This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor Scott
CONSIDERATION OF CHANGE opened the public hearing.
OF 30TH STREET, WEST OF The Chula Vista Planning Department was informed by the
EDGEMERE AVENUE, TO C-C-P, Planning Director of National City of development controls
C-C-P-F AND I-L-P-F which National City has placed on properties on the south-
east corner of 30th and Edgemere as a development guide
for the shopping center. Me suggested that design con-
trols might be considered on the adjacent Chula Vista
property for the mutual benefit of both jurisdictions.
~ The property to be considered for application of the
Precise Plan Modifying District consists of two parcels
of 4.57 and 1.15 acres zoned C-C and C-C-F and five ad-
ditional parcels totaling 10.89 acres zoned I-L-F lying
north of the proposed State Highway 54 and flood
control channel and bounded on the three remaining sides
by the City of National City. The Planning Commission
recommended approval in accordance with their Resolution
No. PCZ-77-A.
City Council Meeting -3- February 15, 1977
Guidelines reconlmended Director of Planning Peterson outlined concerns regarding
by staff access of the properties in question, the multiplicity of
o~nership, the effect of any fill that might be considered
to raise tke property to the level of 30th Street, and
the need for coordination among the property owners. He
then briefly discussed the guidelines in the staff report.
Alfred Lavach Mr. Lavach voiced his concerns about air and noise
1239 East 30th Street pollution, traffic problems, and sewer problems. He
National City asked that this area be maintained as a "green belt."
Mayor Scott clarified that the action on this item is to
consider adding the "precise plan" designation to the
present zoning - not a change in the underlying zoning.
Public hearing closed There being no further comments either for or against,
the public hearing was declared closed.
a. ORDINANCE NO. 1728 - It was moved by Councilman Hyde that this ordinance be
AMENDING ZONING MAP OR placed on its first reading and that the reading of the
MAPS ESTABLISHED BY text be waived by unanimous consent.
SECTION 19.18.010 0E
THE CHULA VISTA MUNI- The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
5.72 ACRES FROM C-C AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Cox, Scott, Egdahl, Hobel
AND C-C-F TO C-C-P Noes: None
AND C-C-P-F AND 10.89 Absent: None
Motion for Planning It was moved by Councilman Hyde and seconded by Councilman
Commission to consider Egdahl that the Planning Commission be requested to examine
other commercial or the zoning on the parcel which was just under consideration
industrial zoning to determine whether or not the zoning should be consoli-
dated into a single zone of C-C, I-L or some other appro-
priate commercial or industrial zone.
The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Cox, Scott, Egdahl, Hobel
Noes: None
Absent: None
3. RESOLUTION NO. 8506 - J.C. Fuller Landscape Construction has completed the
ACCEPTING PUBLIC IMPROVE- irrigation and landscaping for East "H" Street median
MBNTS - EAST "H" STREET island at Auburn Avenue. The 90~day maintenance period
MEDIAN ISLAND IRRIGATION will end on April 14, 1977. A final inspection was made
AND LANDSCAPING AT AUBURN on February 3, 1977 and all work was found to be completed
AVENUE to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works and in
accordance with the contract documents.
City Council Meeting -4- February 15, 1977
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading of the text
was waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by
the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Hobel, Hyde, Cox, Scott
Noes: None
Absent: None
4. RESOLUTION - The following bids were received on February 3, 1977 for
ACCEPTING BIDS AND the construction of a lined channel through the J.L.J.
TING FUNDS FROM THE RESI- T.B. Penick & Sons, Inc., San Diego $74,239
FUND Sapper Construction Co., San Diego 89,975
The staff recommended that the bids be accepted and the
contract awarded to the low bidder, T. B. Penick & Sons,
Inc. in the amount of $74,239.
Bids $10,000 The Council discussed the fact that the bids came in
over estimate nearly $10,000 over the engineer's estimate and that the
City will have to pay this additional cost. It was deter-
mined that the J.L.J. Apartments would materially benefit
from this project.
Motion to continue item It was moved by Mayor Scott, seconded by Councilman Cox
for one week and contact and unanimously carried that this item be held over for
J.L.J. Apartments to one week and that the J.L.J. Apartments be contacted to
participate in project have them pay the $10,000 difference between what was
appropriated by the Public Works grant and what came in
on the bid.
5. RESOLUTION NO. 8507 - Assembly Bill 3107 authorizes local agencies to remit
AUTHORIZING THE USE OF money to the State Treasurer for deposit in the Fund as
THE LOCAL AGENCY INVEST- an investment media alternative. The Director of Finance
MBNT FUND UNDER THE outlined the advantages of this new legislation and
OFFICE OF THE CALIFORNIA recommended that the City use the State Treasurer's
STATE TREASURER AS AN Office ms an additional source for investments.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Cox, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
~ AYES: Councilmen Cox, Scott, Egdahl, Hobel, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
6. RESOLUTION NO. 8508 - In September 1976 the City Council adopted Resolution
APPROVING AGREEMENT No. 8340 approving a Memorandum of Understanding to im-
BETWEEN THE CITY OF plement paramedic services. Participants in this service
CHULA VISTA AND BAY CITIES program are the City of Chula Vista, County of San Diego,
AMBULANCE, INC. TO PRO- Bay General Community Hospital, Chula Vista Community
VIDE PARAMEDIC SERVICES Hospital, Bonita/Sunnyside Fire Protection District and
TO THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA Montgomery Fire Protection District.
City Council Meeting -5- February 15, 1977
In order to activate paramedic services for Chula Vista
and the two fire districts, tkree agreements must be
concluded: the first two between the City and Bay Cities
Ambulance and Bay General Cor~aunity Hospital; and the
third between the City and the County Division of
Emergency Medical Services.
No direct costs for the paramedic program will be borne
by the City.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hobel, the reading of the text
was waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by
the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Hyde, Cox, Scott, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
7. RESOLUTION NO. 8509 - This is one of three agreements that must be completed
APPROVING AGREEMENT to activate paramedic services for the City as outlined
BETWEEN THE CITY OF in Agenda Item No. 6.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hobel, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Hyde, Cox, Scott, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
8. RESOLUTION NO. 8510 - This is one of three agreements that must be completed to
APPROVING AGREEMENT activate paramedic services for the City as outlined in
BETWEEN THE CITY OF Agenda Item No. 6.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hobel, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Hyde, Cox, Scott, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
City Council Meeting -6- February 15, 1977
Motion for report It was moved by Councilman Hobel~ seconded by Mayor
regarding number of Scott and unanimously carried that the City Manager be
paramedics required directed to come back with a report in one week for
in unit clarification regarding the requirements of the number
of paramedics with the unit - if two paramedics are
required in addition to the driver of each ambulance.
Motion for report It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by Councilman
regarding operation of Hobel and unanimously carried, in reference to Item 6,
paramedic service that the City Manager report back to the Council the
first meeting in July the experience to that time as to
the operation of the paramedic service.
9. ORDINANCE NO. 1729 - At the request of the Historical Site Board, the City
AMENDING SECTION 2.68.040 Attorney drafted certain changes amending the City's
OF CHAPTER 2.68 OF THE Municipal Code relating to the duties and functions of
CHULA VISTA MUNICIPAL the Board. On February 7, 1977 the Historical Site
CODE RELATING TO THE Board voted unanimously to recommend that the Council
DUTIES AND FUNCTIONS OF adopt the proposed amendments.
Ordinance placed It was moved by Councilman Hobel that this ordinance be
on first reading placed on its first reading and that the reading of the
text be waived by unanimous consent.
The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Hyde, Cox, Scott, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
10. ORDINANCE NO. 1730 - Section 36516.2 of the Government Code provides for a
AMENDING SECTION 2.04.580 five percent annual pa7 increase for City Councilmen
OF THE CHULA VISTA MUNICI- whose basic compensation is fixed by the California
PAL CODE RELATING TO COM- State Legislature. This ordinance provides for such an
PENSATION FOR COUNCILMEN - increase, effective May 1, 1977.
Ordinance placed It was moved by Councilman Hobel that this ordinance be
on first reading placed on its first reading and that the reading of the
text be waived by unanimous consent.
The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Hyde, Cox, Scott, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
City Council Meeting -7- February 15, 1977
11. ORDINANCE NO. 1727 - Various jurisdictions in the County of San Diego have
AMENDING SECTIONS adopted tke Uniform Building Code, 1976 Edition and it
15.08.010 15.08.020 has been endorsed by the Building Contractors Association.
15.08.030 15.08.050 All the proposed amendments are presently in the Municipal
15.08.060 15.08.070 Code, but are restated.
15.08.120 15.08.130
15.08.150 15.08.240 This ordinance was placed on first reading at the meeting
15.08.270 15.08.310 of February 8, 1977.
15.08.320 15.08.370
SECTIONS 15.08.040,
15.08.080 15.08.090
15.08.100 15.08.110
15.08.140 15.08.160
15.08.170 15.08.180
15.08.190 15.08.200
15.08.210 15.08.220
15.08.230 15.08.250
15.08.260 15.08.280
15.08.290 15.08.300
15.08.330 15.08.340
15.08.350 15.08.360
Ordinance placed on It was moved by Councilman Hyde that this ordinance be
second reading and placed on its second reading and adopted and that reading
adopted of the text be waived by unanimous consent.
The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Cox, Scott, Egdahl, Hobel
Noes: None
Absent; None
12. REPORT ON REQUESTED On February 1, 1977 the City Council voted to refer to
AMENDMENTS TO THE CARD staff the population formula (other than (1) for every
ROOM ORDINANCE AND STAFF 50,000 residents) for controlling the number of card
REPORT RECORDING THE rooms in the City. In a written report, Acting City
CRITERIA FOR POPULATION Manager Asmus stated that staff has reviewed other alter-
FIGURES natives and concluded that almost any figure could be
considered viable; however, a reduction to one (1) for
every 40,000 residents would probably permit one additional
card room as soon as a new population certification is
requested. (The City is unofficially approaching 80,000
Motion to accept report It was moved by Councilman Hobel and seconded by Council-
man Egdahl that the report be accepted.
City Council Meeting -8- February 15, 1977
It was noted that in the report the staff recommended
that the City's card room ordinance be amended to:
1. Allow for continued operation
2. Provide for transfer of assignability
3. Control the number permitted by allowing one (1) for
each 50,000 residents or fraction thereof.
Substitute motion It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by Councilman
Hobel and unanimously carried that the Council vote first
on item (1) - "Allow for continued operation."
Amendment to It was moved by Councilman Hyde that the motion be amended
substitute motion and that the Council vote first on the issue of how many
card rooms should be allowed (Item 3). Councilman Hobel
agreed to the second, and the motion carried unanimously.
Council discussion Council discussion ensued concerning the number of card
rooms that have operated in the City in the past, the
monopoly of the two existing card rooms, past and poten-
tial police problems, and the apparent variance in the
police reports, and the history of the card room ordinance.
Clarification of Chief of Police Winters clarified the police reports
police reports stating that he does not recall any complaints regarding
the card rooms in the last five or six years; however,
it is assumed that if the Ordinance is enforced 100% and
there is a large number of card rooms, because of the
competition, the card rooms may make complaints against
each other which will create police problems.
Motion to control It was moved by Mayor Scott and seconded by Councilman
number of card rooms Egdahl that on Item 3 - that the number permitted be
controlled by allowing one for each 25,000 residents or
fraction thereof.
Amendment to motion It was moved by Councilman Hyde that the motion be amended
to make it one for each 20,000 residents, instead of
Amendment died for Amendment to motion died for lack of second.
lack of second
Motion to control number The motion controlling the number of card rooms at one
of card rooms carried for each 25,000 residents or fraction thereof carried by
the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Mayor Scott, Councilmen Egdahl, Hyde, Cox
Noes: Councilman Hobel
Absent: None
Motion to strike Item 2 It was moved by Councilman Hyde that Item 2 - Provide for
transfer or assignability - be stricken.
The motion died for lack of second.
City Council Meeting -9- February 15, 1977
Motion to provide for It was moved by Councilman Cox and seconded by Councilman
transfer or assignability Hobel that provision he made for the transfer or assigna-
bility of licenses.
Council discussion Council discussion followed concerning review by the
Police Department of persons receiving the license,
permitting sale of licenses, handling licenses under a
lottery system, and procedures for transfer or assigna-
bility differing from procedures in issuing new licenses.
Motion carried The motion to provide for transfer or assignability
carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Cox, Hobel, Egdahl
Noes: Mayor Scott, Councilman Hyde
Absent: None
Motion to allow for It was moved by Councilman Hobel and seconded by Council-
continued operation man Cox to allow for continued operation (Item 1).
The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Cox, Scott, Egdahl
Noes: Councilman Hyde
Absent: None
Motion for ordinance It was moved by Mayor Scott, seconded by Councilman Hobel
and unanimously carried that an ordinance be brought back
to the City Council incorporating those motions made by
the City Council tonight.
Mayor Scott clarified the motions stating that the Council
has decided to allow for continued operation, to provide
for transfer or assignability, and that the number per-
mitted is one card room for each 25,000 residents or
fraction thereof as given by the annual census.
12. a. MODEL OF EL RANCHO Acting City Manager Asmus announced that the model of
DEL REY COMPLETED E1 Rancho del Rey is completed and ready for Council
viewing regarding open space. Staff recommended that a
Council Conference be set for this purpose and suggested
the date of February 24 at 4:00 p.m. - the same time that
the Civic Center renovation plans will be discussed.
The Council concurred with the staff recommendation.
12. b. REQUEST TO CLOSE A Mr. Asmus stated that Director of Public Works Robens had
PORTION OF "C" STREET a slide to discuss with the Council concerning the closing
of a portion of "C" Street.
Mr. Robens said the contract has been signed for the con-
struction of North Glover to Third Avenue involving the
closing of "C" Street. He outlined the area to be closed
and stated that access will remain to the Department of
Motor Vehicles. Permission was requested to close "C"
Street for a period of three or four weeks noting that all
the properties involved have been notified of the intended
City Council Meeting -10- February 15, 1977
Motion to close It was moved by Mayor Scott, seconded by Councilman Hobel
"C" Street and unanimously carried that permission be granted (to
close a portion of "C" Street as described by Director
of Public Works Robens].
13. REPORT ON TRAFFIC In November 1976, in response to a petition by residents,
CONDITION ON EAST SAN the City Council voted to accept staff's recommendation
MIGUBL DRIVE BETWEEN to install a centerline in the vicinity of the curve on
HILLTOP DRIVE AND East San Miguel Drive and for strict Police enforcement.
CUYAMACA AVENUE In a written report, Director of Public Works Robens out-
lined staff actions accomplished together with a summary
of the data collected in the vicinity of the curve con-
cerning speed surveys, traffic counts, and accident rate.
The Police Department has increased patrol in the area and
has not issued any speeding citations during the past three
months. They recommended the discontinuation of special
enforcement action.
Motion to accept report It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Mayor Scott
and unanimously carried that the report be accepted.
14. REPORT ON REMOVAL OF In a written report, Director of Public Works Robens stated
RAISED CURB ISLAND AND that this intersection has had the most traffic accidents
FLASHING YELLOW SIGNAL (25) of any non-signalized intersection in Chula Vista
ON BROADWAY AT FLOWER during the period 1974-76. The Traffic Engineering Divi-
STREET sion conducted a study to determine the primary causes of
the accidents and examine possible solutions, and they
recommended removal of the raised curb island and signal
foundation with City forces at an estimated cost of $200.
The Safety Commission concurred and also recommended that
the lumens at Broadway and Flower be increased equivalent
to the lighting at Broadway and "E" Street, and that the
island not be removed until the lighting is upgraded.
Motion to accept report It was moved by Councilman Egdahl and seconded by Council-
man Mobel that the report be accepted.
Clarence Knight Mr. Knight read a letter addressed to the Safety Commission
117 Jefferson Avenue in 1960 requesting that a survey be made regarding the
Chula Vista traffic conditions at the corner of Broadway and Flower
Street and enumerating the accidents and deaths that had
occurred in this area, prior to the installation of the
light and raised curb island. Mr. Knight spoke in favor
of removing the raised island, but asked that the light
be retained for safety reasons. He suggested a pedestrian
activated light.
Motion carried The motion to accept the staff report carried unanimously.
Motion for report on It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Mmyor Scott
similar traffic islands and unanimously carried that the Safety Commission and
staff be~ requested to take an inventory of any other
similar islands that should be removed and report back to
the Council.
City Council Meeting -11- February 15, 1977
1S. REPORT ON ATTEMPTS TO On February 24, 1976 the Board of Supervisors withdrew
ANNEX THE AREA IN THE from public sale a parcel of land located at the northeast
NORTHEAST QUADRANT OF corner of Hilltop Driye and "H" Street. The purpose of
THE INTERSECTION OF this action was to permit Chula Vista to annex the parcel
"H" STREET AND HILLTOP as the City wanted to insure that sidewalks were installed
DRIVE adjacent to the parcel when it developed.
Director of Planning Peterson said in a written report
that the Local Agency Formation Commission continued the
"East 'H' Street Annexation," which included the parcel
and the abutting portion of "H" Street and the accompany-
ing flood control district detachment, until the March 7
LAFCO meeting. The Board of Supervisors and the Special
Districts Advisory Committee recommended that the City
expand the boundaries to eliminate the eight lot County
island that would be created to the south of "H" Street,
or withdraw the annexation.
Mr. Peterson described the properties in question and
stated that property owners in this area have been con-
tacted a number of times in recent years and they are not
in favor of annexation. He also described an alternate
method of annexation provided by State law which the
County could use involving "reorganizing" the area, with-
drawing it from special service districts and then annex-
ing to the City.
Staff recommendation The staff recommended that 1) the Mayor be authorized to
send a letter to the Board of Supervisors requesting the
County to sponsor a reorganization of the area in question,
with a subsequent annexation to the City, and 2) authorize
the City Manager to withdraw from LAFCO the application
for the East "H" Street Annexation.
Motion to file report It was moved by Mayor Scott that the report be filed.
Motion died for The motion died for lack of a second.
lack of second
Motion to accept staff It was moved by Councilman Hobel and seconded by Council-
recommendation man Cox that the staff recommendation be accepted.
Citizens spoke against Mr. Jack Brennan, 309 Hilltop Drive; Mary Willardson, 509
annexation Carvallos Drive; Mr. George Burkhart, 4307 Adrian Drive;
and Mr. Keith Atherton, Bonita - all spoke against annexa-
tion of this area.
Motion failed by The motion to accept the staff recommendation failed by
unanimous vote a unanimous negative vote.
16. RECOMMENDATION REGARDING At the meeting of December 14, 1976 Councilman Cox noted
THE INTERSECTION OF MILLAN that Nacion Avenue has been completed from East "J" Street
AND NACION to Telegraph Canyon Road and residents in the area indi-
cated that there have been several near collisions at the
intersection of Millan and Nacion. The Council referred
this matter to staff and the Safety Commission to investi-
gate and determine if any action should be taken to correct
the problem.
City Council Meeting -12- February 15, 1977
The Chairman of the Safety Commission, in a written report,
stated that the Commission and staff discussed the problem
in January, 1977 and the Commission voted to approve the
recommendation that staff keep this area under observation
and report back to the Commission at the end of six months.
Motion to accept report It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Mayor Scott
and unanimously carried that the report be accepted.
17. STATUS REPORT - RECO}~{ENDA- At the meeting of December 7, 1976 the Council referred
TION FOR THIRD AVENUE #29 the Safety Commission's recommendation to change the #29
BUS STOP CHANGE San Diego Bus stop located on Center and Third to the
south side of Third and "F" to the Parking Place Commission,
the Town Centre Project Area Committee and staff for recom-
In a written report, the Parking Place Commission stated
that the Commission is opposed to the removal of the five
metered parking spaces and recommended that no action be
taken in regard to the actual relocation of the bus stop
until both the Town Centre Project Area Committee and the
Commission have had an opportunity to review the redevelop-
ment plans and the use of the blocks between Center and
"F" Street and Third and Fourth Avenue are clearly deter-
mined (approximately five weeks).
Motion to accept report It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Councilman
Hobel and unanimously carried that the report be accepted.
18. STATUS REPORT - On December 7, 1976, at the request of the Parking Place
ACQUISITION OF CHURCH Commission, the Council continued consideration of the
STREET PROPERTY City Manager's report on the acquisition of Church Street
property for sixty days to permit the Commission time to
forward more facts and figures in support of its request
that the property be purchased for off-street parking.
The Commission requested that this item be deferred for
an additional sixty-day period as all necessary informa-
tion is still not available.
Motion to accept report It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by Councilman
Hobel and unanimously carried that the report be accepted.
Appointment to Human Mayor Scott said he had nominated Joy Sheresh for appoint-
Relations Commission - ment to the Human Relations Commission and asked for
Joy Sheresh Council ratification.
Motion to ratify It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by Councilman
appointment Cox and unanimously carried that the appointment be rati-
Appointment to the Mayor Scott nominated John J. Klein for appointment to the
Environmental Control Environmental Control Commission.
Motion to ratify It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Councilman
appointment Hyde and unanimously carried that the appointment be
City Council Meeting -13- February 15, 1977
Proposed federal bill Mayor Scott referred to form letter received from United
on "taxable hond option" State~ Senator Edward Kennedy regarding Senate Bill 261
which proposes a 48% federal interest subsidy for State
and local governments that elect to issue taxable bonds -
referred to as "taxable bond option." Mayor Scott said
this might have a considerable effect on cities and sug-
gested that this be referred to the Legislative Committee
for a report.
Motion to refer to It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by Mayor Scott
Legislative Committee and unanimously carried that this matter be referred to
the Legislative Committee for a report to the Council.
Request for representative Mayor Scott read a letter received from the Sweetwater
to advisory committee on Union High School District regarding a problem of segre-
segregation problem - gation that has developed in recent years. An advisory
Sweetwater High School committee is being established which will include com-
District munity, staff, and student representation. The City has
been invited to designate a representative to this com-
mittee. The first meeting will be held at the District
Office, Wednesday, March 2 at 7:30 p.m.
Motion to refer to
Human Relations Commission It was moved by Mayor Scott, seconded by Councilman Hyde
and unanimously carried that this matter be referred to
the Human Relations Commission for them to make the
Response from San Diego Mayor Scott read a portion of a letter received from the
Gas and Electric Company San Diego Gas and Electric Company in response to a letter
regarding Utility Users from the City concerning the utility users tax. Questions
Tax were answered regarding cost to revise the program and
base tax on units of energy consumed and estimated number
of kilowatt hours of electricity and therms of gas that
were consumed during 1976 by customers subject to the
utility tax.
In summary, the San Diego Gas and Electric Company advised
that the existing program could be modified at minimal
cost to base tax payment on units of energy consumed.
However, having a "cap" or ceiling of tax paid per customer
would be a costly and time-consuming program.
Motion to refer to It was moved by Councilman Hyde and seconded by Mayor
staff for report Scott that this matter be referred to staff with the
recommendation that they evaluate the impact upon the
present City budget if the policy is adopted of taxing
on therm$ used per tax bill and that it come back to the
Council in two weeks.
Council discussion followed concerning the need for the
report and the difference in taxing on dollar amounts
and on units of energy used.
Motion withdrawn Councilman Hyde withdrew his motion, Mayor Scott withdrew
his second.
City Council Meeting -14- February 15, 1977
Pre-budget conference The Council suggested that the staff schedule a pre-budget
suggested conference, approximately six weeks prior to budget sessions.
Motion to eliminate It was moved by Mayor Scott and seconded by Councilman
$1,000 cap Cox that the Council eliminate the $1,000 cap (on the
Utility Users Tax).
Motion clarified Mayor Scott clarified the motion stating that the intent
is to not have the $1,000 per year per customer account
as a cap.
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Mayor Scott, Councilmen Egdahl, Hyde, Cox
Noes: Councilman Hobel
Absent: None
Motion for Council It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Mayor Scott
Conference second and unanimously carried that a Council Conference be
week in April scheduled for the second week in April to work out the
details on basing the tax on units of energy.
Director of Finance to At the suggestion of Acting City Manager Asmus, the
submit opinion on letter Council requested that the Director of Finance analyze
from SDG&E the response from the San Diego Gas and Electric Company
and submit his opinion on the letter.
Motion for materials to It was moved by Councilman Hyde and seconded by Councilman
be provided to candidates Cox that all regular papers that are normally provided in
for Mayor a packet to the Council members be made available to the
candidates for the position of Mayor.
Substitute motion It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Mayor Scott
and unanimously carried that the staff be authorized to
provide a briefing for all the candidates for Mayor and
to certainly make available any information that they
would deem necessary in their campaign, including a packet
if requested.
19. CANCELLATION OF MEETING On March 8, three Councilmen will be attending the
OF Nt~RCH 8, 1977 AND National League of Cities Conference in Washington, D.C.
CALLING MEETING FOR and a quorum will not be present. The Council may wish
MARCH 29, 1977 to schedule a meeting on March 29.
Motion not to have It was moved by Councilman Hobel, and seconded by Council-
a meeting on March 29 man Egdahl that no meeting be held on March 29 (a fifth
Motion failed The motion failed by the following vote, to-wit:
Ayes: Councilmen Hobel, Egdahl
NOES: Councilmen Hyde, Cox, Scott
Absent: None
Motion to accept report It was moved by Mayor Scott, seconded by Councilman Hyde
and unanimously carried that the report be accepted,
canceling the meeting of March 8 and adding a meeting on
March 29.
City Ceuncil Meeting -15~ February 15, 1977
a. RESIGNATION FROM THE Mr. Michael H. Prad¢ls submitted his resignation from
ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL the Environmental Control Commission in a letter dated
CO~ISSION February 9, 1977.
Motion to accept It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by Mayor Scott
resignation and and unanimously carried that the resignation be accepted
send letter of and a letter of appreciation for services be sent to
appreciation Mr. Pradels.
Motion for It was moved by Mayor Scott, seconded by Councilman Cox
Executive Session and unanimously carried that an Executive Session be
held on pending litigation.
EXECUTIVE SESSION The Council recessed to Executive Session at 9:43 p.m.
and the meeting reconvened at 10:00 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Scott adjourned the meeting at 10:01 p.m. to the
meeting scheduled for Tuesday, February 22, 1977 at 7:00 p.m.
City Clerk
Deputy City Clerk