Held Thursday - 4:00 p.m. June 2, 1977
An adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California, was
held on the above date beginning at 4:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 276 Fourth
Councilmen present: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Hobel, Cox, Scott (Councilman Egdahl arrived
at 7:18 p.m.)
Councilmen absent: None
Staff present: City Manager Cole, Assistant City Manager Asmus, Director of
Finance Grant
PUBLIC WORKS City Manager Cole stated that the budget includes the
ACTIVITIES 1400-1461 addition of two positions. The department requested three
2250-2350 positions but one clerk was eliminated - this will be ar-
ranged through the sharing of a clerk between Public Works
and Planning.
The City Manager's cuts included capital outlay items
throughout the budget: an electronic word processor, hot
paint striper and a 10-15 ton 9-wheel roller all of which
totalled $82,300.
PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION Budget request: $161,980
ACTIVITY 1401 City Manager recommendation: $143,950
In answer to the Council's query, Director of Public Works
Robens explained the oral word processor unit and its ad-
vantages to his department.
(Councilman Nobel came into the meeting at this time -
4:15 p.m.)
Motion to approve It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Cox and
Activity 1401 carried by a vote of 3-2 that Activity 1401 be approved as
recommended by the City Manager. (Councilman Hobel ab-
stained as he was not present during the presentation;
Councilman Egdahl absent)
ENGINEERING DESIGN AND Budget request: $395,210
CONSTRUCTION City Manager recommendation: $396,420
Director of Public Works Roberts submitted graphic charts
depicting the work assignments and personnel in his depart-
ment. He noted that this Activity included his request for
one additional Engineering Technician I and one additional
Engineering Technician Il. The equipment for the new per-
sonnel (desk, chair) will be used in the new facility. One
additional personnel will be picked up by the purchase of
an electronic surveying instrument which will reduce the
survey party from four to three persons.
Council discussion followed regarding the projected drop in
building permits and thereby, the staff workload. Council-
man Scott commented that building has reached its peak this
year and is expected to go down in 1978-79.
Adjourned Regular Meeting -2- June 2, 1977
Mr. Robens said this would not affect his departmental
activities -- this year, they carried over three man years
of work which was not completed last year, and next year,
it will be six years of work.
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Mayor Hyde that
Activity 1420 Activity 1420 be approved as recommended by the City Manager.
Discussion of motion Councilman Scott indicated he was not convinced the depart-
ment needed three additional personnel and would like to
see them start with two this year.
Substitute motion It was moved by Councilman Scott that one additional per-
sonnel be added to the budget plus the other personnel
that will be saved by buying the electronic equipment at
a cost of $14~070. (The higher classification to be left
No second to motion The motion died for lack of second.
Motion to approve The motion to approve Activity 1420 carried unanimously
Activity 1420 by those present. (Councilman Egdahl absent)
ENGINEERING PLAN AND Budget request: $116,590
ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW City Manager recommendation: $115,800
The Council reviewed the proposed purchase of a "dipper"
liquid level recorder.
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Activity 1421 Cox and unanimously carried by those present that Activity
1421 be approved as recommended by the City Manager. (Council-
man Egdahl absent)
TRAFFIC & TRANSPORTATION Budget request: $69,670
ENGINEERING City Manager recommendation: $69,750
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Councilman
Activity 1430 Hobel and unanimously carried by those present that Activity
1430 be approved as recommended by the City Manager. (Council-
man Egdahl absent)
TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND Budget request: $296,500
STREET LIGHT MAINTENANCE City Manager recommendation: $293,620
In answer to the Council's questions, Director of Public
Works Robens explained the need for the purchase of a
portable gas-powered generator in order to provide emer-
gency power to a traffic signal in the case of loss of
power. Mr. Robens also discussed the need for the $6,000
entry to cover emergency replacement of traffic signal
poles and street light standards and appurtenances knocked
down during traffic accidents.
Motion to approve It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Scott
Activity 1431 and unanimously carried by those present that Activity 1431
be approved as recommended by the City Manager. (Councilman
Egdahl absent)
TRAFFIC OPERATIONS Budget request: $180,140
MAINTENANCE City Manager recommendation: $118,070
Adjourned Regular Meeting -3- June 2, 1977
Council discussion ensued regarding the purchase and re-
placement of vehicles. Director of Public Works Robens
explained the need for the new compact pickup truck and
his request for the hot paint striper which was subsequently
deleted by the City Manager.
City Manager Cole indicated that the striper could be con-
sidered for purchase under the revenue sharing funds.
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by Councilman
Activity 1432 Cox and unanimously carried by those present that Activity
1432 be approved as recommended by the City Manager. (Council-
man Egdahl absent)
Motion to consider purchase It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by Mayor Hyde
of hot paint striper under and unanimously carried by those present that the request
revenue sharing funds made by the Public Works Director for a hot paint striper
be put on the list for consideration under revenue sharing
funds. (Councilman Egdahl absent)
STREET OPERATIONS Budget request: $482,050
ACTIVITY 1440 City Manager recommendation: $462,010
Director of Public Works Robens presented his justification
for the need of a one-and-a-half yard articulated front-
end loader at the cost of $42,400 to replace the 1-1/2
yard Trojan loader which is now 11 years old and uneco-
nomical to repair.
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Councilman
Activity 1440 Scott and unanimously carried by those present that Activity
1440 be approved as recommended by the City Manager. (Council-
man Egdahl absent)
STREET SWEEPING Budget request: $118,330
ACTIVITY 1441 City Manager recommendation: $118,320
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Activity 1441 Hobel and unanimously carried by those present that Activity
1441 be approved as recommended by the City Manager. (Council-
man Egdahl absent)
STREET TREE MAINTENANCE Budget request: $143,400
ACTIVITY 1450 City Manager recommendation: $141,950
Council discussion centered around the activities of the
tree trimming crews and the number of citizen calls re-
Director of Public Works Robens explained that when the de-
partment Consisted of two crews and 7 persons, they were
receiving 1400 calls a year. They are now receiving an
average of 700-800 calls a year and the department responds
to the calls usually within a week.
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Activity 1450 Hobel and unanimously carried by those present that Activity
1450 be approved as recommended by the City Manager. (Coun-
cilman Egdahl absent)
SEWER SYSTEM MAINTENANCE Budget request: $196,790
ACTIVITY City Manager recommendation: $197,300
Adjourned Regular Meeting ~4- June 2, 1977
Councilman Cox inquired as to the number of major auto-
motive equipment being requested by Public Works.
Mr. Robens, Director of Public Works, said his capital out-
lay request this year is $67,000 less than last year.
The Council discussed the number of old vehicles still on
the inventory list. Mr. Robens remarked that he could
provided a list of all the vehicles and their ages from
the ~INSTEM inventory.
Mayor Hyde noted that the Council receives a MAINSTEM re-
port once a year.
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Mayor Hyde and
Activity 1460 unanimously carried by those present that Activity 1460
be approved as recommended by the City Manager. (Council-
man Egdahl absent)
PUMP STATION MAINTENANCE Budget request: $75,640
ACTIVITY 1461 City Manager recommendation: $80,400
In answer to the Council's queries, the Director of Public
Works explained how the replacement vehicles are either
scrapped or auctioned.
Motion to approve It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Cox and
Activity 1461 unanimously carrled by those present that Activity 1461
be approved as recommended by the City Manager. (Council-
man Egdahl absent)
Recess A recess was called at 5:50 p.m. and the meeting reconvened
at S:85 p.m.
SEWER INCOME Budget request: $80,200
ACTIVITY 2200 City Manager recommendation: $80,200
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by Councilman
Activity 2200 Cox and unanimously carried by those present that Activity
2200 be approved as recommended by the City Manager. (Coun-
cilman Egdahl absent)
SEWER SERVICE REVENUE Budget request: $584,340
ACTIVITY 2250 City Manager recommendation: $584,340
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Activity 2250 Hobel and unanimously carried by those present that Activity
2250 be approved as recommended by the City Manager. (Coun-
cilman Egdahl absent)
CENTRAL GARAGE Budget request: $455,130
ACTIVITY 7000 City Manager recommendation: $453,030
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Activity 7000 Cox and unanimously carried by those present that Activity
7000 be approved as recommended by the City Manager. (Coun-
cilman Egdahl absent)
BUS OPERATIONS It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by Councilman
ACTIVITY 2350 Scott and unanimously carried by those present that the
Bus Service Opersation be held over until Monday, June 6,
1977. (Councilman Egdahl absent)
Adjourned Regular Meeting ~5~ June 2, 1977
EXECUTIVE SESSION It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by Councilman
Scott and unanimously carried by those present that the
Council recess to Executive Session for matters of pending
negotiations. (Councilman Egdahl absent)
The Council recessed from 6:00 p.m. to 6:15 p.m. for Execu-
tive Session after which time a dinner break was called.
The meeting reconvened at 7:52 p.m. immediately following
the Redevelopment Agency meeting.
(Councilman Egdahl arrived at 7:18 p.m. and was present
when the Council meeting reconvened at 7:52 p.m.)
Motion to cancel It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Egdahl
meeting of June 23 that the regular scheduled Council meeting (adjourned
regular meeting) of June 23 (at 4:00 p.m.) be cancelled.
Discussion of motion Mayor Hyde noted that there were no items documented for
the meeting and the Council has called a special Redevelop-
ment Agency meeting for that evening.
Potential industrial The Council questioned the City Manager as to the status
plant on bayfront of the potential industrial sites on the bayfront - spe-
cifically, the Japanese automotive plant.
Mr. Cole answered that, other than letters and inquiries
that have gone out, nothing further has been done.
Councilman Cox questioned whether the staff has actually
pursued this project. The Council felt that a report
should be forthcoming as to what the status is, what other
departments are doing,have information prepared in case
something happens, details in getting Tidelands through,
personal contact with those persons who make the decisions
and have staff follow through with a plan of attack.
Motion withdrawn Mayor Hyde withdrew his motion; Councilman Egdahl withdrew
his second.
Motion to schedule item It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
on June 9 meeting Egdahl and unanimously carried that on the Council Confer-
ence scheduled for June 9 there be a discussion of proposals
for promotion of industrial developments on the bayfront.
Motion to cancel meeting It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Scott
scheduled for June 23 and unanimously carried that the Council Conference sched-
uled for June 23 be cancelled.
FIRE DEPARTMENT City Manager Cole reported that this is essentially a hold-
ACTIVITIES 1200-1250 the-line budget. From the department's request(S1,824,550)
to that recommended by the City Manager ($1,685,620) is a
considerable drop which includes the deletion of the
Telesquirt priced at $123,000. This was purchased at
$95,000 this fiscal year.
Mr. Cole explained that the position of Battalion Chief
was deleted as a Fire Marshall and added a Firefighter to
work as an Inspector in the Fire Marshall's office.
FIRE ADMINISTRATION Budget request: $72,770
ACTIVITY 1211 City Manager recommendation: $74,050
Adjourned Regular Meeting -6- June 2, 1977
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by Councilman
Activity 1211 Scott and unanimously carried that Activity 1211 be approved
as recommended by the City Manager.
FIRE TRAINING Budget request: $28,910
ACTIVITY 1212 City Manager recommendation: $29,390
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Mayor Hyde
Activity 1212 and unanimously carried that Activity 1212 be approved as
recommended by the City Manager.
FIRE MAINTENANCE Budget request: $60,440
ACTIVITY 1220 City Manager recommendation: $53,010
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Activity 1220 Hobel and unanimously carried that Activity 1220 be ap-
proved as recommended by the City Manager.
FIRE PREVENTION Budget request: $83j660
ACTIVITY 1230 City Manager recommendation: $68,530
The City Manager explained that the decrease was due to
the elimination of one Battalion Chief and the addition
of one Fire Inspector position.
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Mayor Hyde
Activity 1230 and unanimously carried that Activity 1230 be approved as
recommended by the City Manager.
FIRE SUPPRESSION Budget request: $1,575,350
ACTIVITY 1240 City Manager recommendation: $1,456,780
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by Councilman
Activity 1240 Scott and unanimously carried that Activity 1240 be ap-
proved as recommended by the City Manager.
EMERGENCY SERVICES Budget request: $3,420
ACTIVITY 1250 City Manager recommendation: $3,860
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Mayor Hyde and
Activity 1250 unanimously carried that Activity 1250 be approved as recom-
mended by the City Manager.
BUILDING AND HOUSING City Manager Cole reported that this is a hold-the-line
ACTIVITY NUMBERS budget with very little increase and no additional per-
1300 TO 1340 sonnel. The overall budget request was $773,230 and that
recommended by the City Manager is $704,270.
BUILDING & HOUSING Budget request: $65,330
ADMINISTRATION City Manager recommendation: $52,390
Discussion followed regarding the need for a reader/printer
and microfilming of City records.
Mr. Eugene Grady, Director of Building & Housing, explained
the need for the microfilming in his department and the
State law regarding this program.
Adjourned Regular Meeting ~Y~ June 2, 1977
Assistant City Manager Asmus commented that he would like
to see the City go into a joint arrangement with other
cities in the County to purchase the equipment needed for
use in microfilming.
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by Mayor Hyde
Activity 1301 and unanimously carried that Activity 1301 be approved as
recommended by the City Manager.
Motion for report It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by Councilman
on microfilming Cox and unanimously carried that the staff be asked to
bring back a report at their convenience within the coming
year--on a joint powers arrangement for microfilming so
that the Council can consider this program in the next
fiscal year's budget.
BUILDING & HOUSING Budget request: $239,860
INSPECTION City Manager recommendation: $222,910
Director of Building & Housing Grady reported that the
addition of one position in this budget (Building and
Housing Inspector) was strictly for the Block Grant Program.
Motion to approve It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Scott
Activity 1320 and unanimously carried that Activity 1320 be approved as
recommended by the City Manager.
BUILDING MAINTENANCE Budget request: $417,810
DIVISION City Manager recommendation: $378,800
Assistant City Manager Asmus remarked that the department
had requested two additional custodians in this budget but
the positions were deleted by the City Manager.
Director of Building & Housing Grady explained that the
positions would be used in the new public services building
(old library-post office complex).
As to the utility accounts, ~. Grady noted the increased
costs in utilities and five months was projected in the
cost for the new building.
Council discussion followed regarding an on-going energy
conservation program in the City. Mayor Hyde noted it
was the consensus of the Council that there should be an
on going attention to the economy both for conservation
and general economy purposes.
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Councilman
Activity 1330 Egdahl and unanimously carried that Activity 1330 be ap-
proved as recommended by the City Manager.
COMMUNICATIONS Budget request: $50,230
ACTIVITY 1340 City Manager recommendation: $50,170
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by Mayor Hyde
Activity 1340 and unanimously carried that Activity 1340 be approved as
recommended by the City Manager.
Recess A recess was called at 8:45 p.m. and the meeting reconvened
at 8:50 p.m.
Adjourned Regular Meeting -8- June 2, 1977
PLANNING OPERATIONS Overall budget request: $436,310
ACTIVITY 620 City Manager recommendation: $378,380
City Manager Cole stated this was another hold-the-line
budget. Three positions were requested by the department
but not recommended by the City Manager. No capital out-
lay items were requested.
New positions Director of Planning Peterson discussed the need for three
positions he requested:
1 - Associate Planner
1 - Assistant Planner
1 - Planning Technician
Building construction In answer to Mayor Hyde's comment regarding the projected
decrease in the Building permits, Mr. Peterson said that
the workload in his department has not diminished and that
they have been receiving a tremendous number of calls from
developers in the Orange County and Los Angeles area in-
terested in building in this City. If these proposals
come through, the staff will be extremely busy.
Aerial photos Mr. Peterson explained that Account 5213 is budgeted at
$4,050 ($3,310 is for updating the department's aerial
photos). The last pictures were taken in 1967 and have
become obsolete due to the growth in the City during this
last 10 years.
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by Councilman
Activity 620 Scott and unanimously carried that Activity 620 be approved
as recommended by the City Manager.
GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION City Manager Cole presented a graph showing the growth of
OF CITY'S GROWTH the City since 1968/69 in terms of property tax, number
of employees, consumer price index, CETA employees and
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hyde adjourned the meeting at 9:08 p.m. to the
meeting scheduled for Friday, June 3, 1977 at 3:30 p.m.
in the Council Chambers.