Held Friday - 3:30 p.m. June 3, 1977
An adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California, was
held on the above date beginning at 3:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 276 Fourth
Councilmen present: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Hobel, Cox, Scott and Egdahl (arrived late)
Councilmen absent: None
Staff present: City Manager Cole, Assistant City Manager Asmus, City Attorney
Lindberg, Director of Finance Grant, Deputy City Manager Wittenberg
The Council adjourned to the Administrative Conference Room to meet with the negotiating
team of the Police Officers Association: Sergeant Billy Cox, Police Agents Barbara Gardner
and Tom Stille.
STATUS OF NEGOTIATIONS City Manager Cole explained where the negotiating team
stood in this process. Negotiations were started on March 1
and continued to May 17 at which time an impasse was called.
Following that, a meeting was held with the Municipal Em-
ployment Officer (Mr. Cole) on May 24 in order to narrow
the issue and come to some resolution of the problem, if
possible. The issue is the 2% at 50 retirement package.
This could not be resolved and, further, both sides agreed
that nothing would be accomplished by mediation. On May
27, the Police Officers Association asked that the matter
be submitted to the City Council for consideration.
Tom Stille Police Agent Stille introduced Sergeant Billy Cox and
Chief Negotiating Officer Police Agent Barbara Gardner.
Sergeant Cox submitted a detailed report to the Council
discussion what happens to an officer as he progresses
through his service career up to age 55. Under the present
retirement system,he can only receive one-half of his
highest three years' salary - which means that in this
present time, a patrolman would receive $600 to $700 a
month. Under the 2% at age 50, that person would be eli-
gible for about $1,000 a month.
Sergeant Cox then noted the number of injuries suffered
by the officers in the line of duty; the physical handi-
caps; nationwide averages and those of Chula Vista; the
names and reasons of those officers now retired; advantages
of the early retirement system.
Cost of program Police Agents Stille and Gardner elaborated on the injuries
(types and dates) by the Chula Vista Officers and listed
the cost factors involved in the 2% at 50 retirement pack-
age. Their projected cost is $75,1S4 (the difference be-
tween the present and proposed retirement cost) tabulated
as 5.12%. The City's formula is then inflated by using
both the Police and Fire Department budgets - which is 2.56
million - the figure to be used to divide into the cost
which the City estimates at $131,000.
Adjourned Regular Meeting -2~ June 3, 1977
Agent Stille added that if that were done, and they
"plugged both ends", and both budgets were divided into
that figure, it would come out to 5.12%. If the Associa- '
tion went along with the City's formula for that, the
Police would be making up the increase by using the Fire
Department's budget, and if, at any time, the City should
decide to award the Fire Department personnel the 2% at
50 retirement, it would be at the Police Officers' expense.
(Councilman Egdahl arrived at this time - 4:05 p.m.)
Mayor Hyde's comments Mayor Hyde~ on behalf of the City Council, expressed his
appreciation and commended the Officers on the degree of
professionalism of the Police Department. He explained
that the Council must weigh the Police Officers' request
with that of the citizens' demands for a hold-the-line
policy in the cost of City government. He indicated that
it would be in the best interest of the citizens of the
community not to adopt the requested 2% at 50.
Councilman Scott remarked that the package presented by
the Police Officers Association was a lengthy and detailed
one, and he would suggest the Council be given a few days
to review the contents. Councilman Scott suggested the
Council go into executive session at the beginning of the
budget deliberations on Monday and then instruct the City
Manager to go back to negotiations with the Police Officers
with the Council's action on the requested 2% at 50 proposal.
The Council concurred.
Recess A recess was called at 4:20 p.m. and the meeting reconvened
in the Council Chambers at 4:28 p.m.
Mrs. John King Mrs. King said she is the mother-in-law of David Miller,
335 Twin Oaks Avenue the officer who got in the line of fire in an incident
Chula Vista, CA resulting in one person getting killed last Sunday. Mrs.
King said she was thankful Officer Miller was alive and
asked that the Council grant the Police Officers an in-
crease in pay and, at City expense, a bulletproof vest for
each of the Officers.
POLICE Overall budget request: $3,032,330
ACTIVITIES 1000-1100 City Manager recommendation: $2,952,030
City Manager Cole noted the difference in the overall
budget explaining that four fire communication operators
were added to this budget.
The Chief asked for five additional personnel including two
motorcycle policemen, 2 peace officers, 1 secretary and 2
clerks to replace CETA people. The City Manager took the
same position along all budgets regarding the CETA personnel.
Mr. Cole commented that the motorcycle policemen were re-
quested last year and the Council asked the staff to study
this request. He still has some reluctance about the request
not the least of which is the liability of the exposure of
the motorcycle operator.
In the capital outlay, the largest item was the elimination
of nine (9) new patrol vehicles. These are not to be re-
placed until May or June of 1978 which is so close to the
next fiscal year that they can be replaced at that time.
Adjourned Regular Meeting -3~ June 3, 1977
POLICE ADMINISTRATION Budget request: $157,600
ACTIVITY 1011 City Manager recommendation: $157,850
Council discussed with Chief Winters the increase in the
cost of utilities and the need for his new vehicles.
Motion to approve. It was moved by Councilman £gdahl, seconded by Councilman
Activity 1011 Cox and unanimously carried that Activity 1011 be approved
recommended by the City Manager.
POLICE TRAINING Budget request: $37,990
ACTIVITY 1012 City Manager recommendation: $32,140
In answer to the Council's query, Chief Winters explained
that, in the past, the Community College was "closed" -
only police officers could register. Now it is opened up
to anyone who gets there first. As a result, they are pro-
posing to charge any City utilizing the College, $600 per
officer. Chief Winters added that meetings are being held
and it now appears that the charge will not be made - it
will remain as before.
Motion to delete $2,400 It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by Councilman
from Account 5201 Cox and unanimously carried that $2,400 be deleted from
Account 5201
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Activity 1012 Hobel and unanimously carried that Activity 1012 be approved
as recommended by the City Manager and as amended.
POLICE SERVICES Budget request: $378,560
ACTIVITY 1030 City Manager recommendation: $332,760
Chief Winters explained the need for the Javelin, 7V remote
camera and the operation of the gas chromatograph intoxi-
In answer to the Council's question, Assistant City Manager
Asmus stated that as new typewriters are purchased, the old
typewriters are transferred to departments which doesn't
require heavy use of them.
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Mayor Hyde and
Activity 1030 unanimously carried that Activity 1030 be approved as recom-
mended by the City Manager.
UNIFORM PATROL Budget request: $1,723,420
ACTIVITY 1040 City Manager recommendation: $1,712,940
· Discussion followed regarding the request for two motor-
cycles at a cost of $6,000. Chief Winters explained that
this was a federal grant from the office of Traffic Safety
which, if granted, would fully reimburse the City for all
acquisition and maintenance costs of the motorcycles. He
added that the grant will not be considered unless the
Council supports it.
The safety and hazards involved in the operation of motor-
cycles was discussed by the Council. Chief Winters com-
mented that the motorcycle officers would be used chiefly
to enforce traffic.
Adjourned Regular Meeting -4¢ June 3, 1977
Motion to delete It was moved by Councilman Scott and seconded by Mayor
motorcycles Hyde that the two motorcycles be eliminated from Activity
1040 (Account 5565) - $6,000.
Chief Winters noted that the City of San Diego has 30
motorcycles. He felt the injury factor related to the
motorcycle was not that great. The grant would be funded
100% the first year, 50% the second year, and the third
year, the City is on its own. The City would be obligated
to go to the second year.
Second withdrawn Mayor Hyde withdrew his second to the motion; the motion,
to motion therefore, died.
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Mayor Hyde that
Activity 1040 Activity 1040 be approved as recommended by the City Manager.
The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Cox, Hyde, Egdahl, Hobel
Noes: Councilman Scott
Absent: None
POLICE INVESTIGATION Budget request: $636,350
ACTIVITY 1050 City Manager recommendation: $619,960
The amount of $19,150 was decreased in this budget account
due to the transfer of one Police Sergeant into the Ser-
vices Division.
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by Mayor Hyde
Activity 1050 and unanimously carried that Activity 1050 be approved as
recommended by the City Manager.
POLICE SUPPORT Budget request: $21,320
ACTIVITY 1060 City Manager recommendation: $20,940
Chief Winters explained that the bulk of the increase was
due to the increased cost of continuing the department's
Palomar Mountain Summer Camp Program.
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Mayor Hyde and
Activity 1060 unanimously carried that Activity 1060 be approved as recom-
mended by the City Manager.
ANIMAL REGULATION Budget request: $77,090
ACTIVITY 1100 City Manager recommendation: $75,440
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Mayor
Activity 1100 and unanimously carried that Activity 1100 be approved as
recommended by the City Manager.
CO~qUNITY DEVELOPMENT Budget request: $95,460
DEPARTMENT City Manager recommendation: $80,090
City Manager Cole remarked that the Community Promotion
budget is more difficult to understand than the other
budgets because of the funding. It includes: General
Administration; Community Block Grant; Town Centre and
Bayfront Redevelopment Districts.
Adjourned Regular Meeting .5~ June 3, 1977
The only addition in the budget is a part-time clerk which
was brought about by the many committee meetings being
held which relate to this activity.
Mr. Cole discussed the difficulty of the Block Grant Pro-
gram when the guidelines were changed in the "middle of
the stream." He suggested the Council not approve this
document until such time as they know what the actual
Activity will be.
Redevelopment Agency approval Director of Community Development Desrochers said that at
the first meeting in July, the Bayfront and Town Centre
budgets, as approved by the City Council, will be brought
to the Redevelopment Agency for approval.
Assistant City Manager Asmus pointed out that the huge
increase in the Town Centre and Bayfront budgets were due
to the monies being budgeted for appraisal and legal fees
in the event they were necessary. In the past, the Council
was asked for a special appropriation for this purpose.
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Actigity 260 Cox and unanimously carried that Activity 260 be approved,
as recommended by the City Manager.
REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY/ Budget request: $9,620
ADMINISTRATION City Manager recommendation: $24,500
ACTIVITY 2400 As noted previously, $15,000 was included for possible
costs of appraisal services and litigation expenses. (Account
5201 - Professional Services)
Councilman Scott indicated his displeasure in having such
a sizable amount of money in the budget when it may not
be used.
Director of Community Development Desrochers said he antici-
pates that the Town Centre will have several legal condemna-
tion actions.
The Council concurred that if the money is needed, it
should be documented and brought to the Council for a
special appropriation.
Discussion followed regarding appraisals and attorney fees.
Councilman Scott felt the Council should look at all litiga-
tion as he felt it was becoming out of hand.
Motion to delete It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
$15,000 from Egdahl and unanimously carried that $15,000 be eliminated
· Account 5201 from Account 5201 - Professional Services account.
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Councilman
Activity 2400 Hobel and unanimously carried that Activity 2400 be approved
as amended as recommended by the City Manager and as amended.
REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY/ Budget request: $20,150
ADMINISTRATION City Manager recommendation: $54,930
ACTIVITY 2410 Assistant City Manager Asmus noted the $36,000 budgeted for
legal services (Account 5201).
Adjourned Regular Meeting -6- June 3, 1977
Motion to delete $17,200 It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by Councilman
from Account 5201 Scott and unanimously carried that $17,200 be deleted from
Account 5201 - Professional Services.
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Activity 2410 MobeI and unanimously carried that Activity 2410 be ap-
proved as recommended by the City Manager and as amended.
BOARD AND CO~4ISSION Budget request: $31,470
ACTIVITY 110 City Manager recommendation: $28,280
City Manager Cole stated that the Council acted on each
individual Commission's budget but not on the general
office budget.
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Activity 110 Hobel and unanimously carried that Activity 110 be approved
as recommended by the City Manager.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hyde adjourned the meeting at 5:38 p.m. to Monday,
June 6, 1977 at 4:00 p.m. to continue the budget delibera-