Held Monday - 4:00 p.m. June 6, 1977
An adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California,
was held on the above date beginning at 4:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall,
276 Fourth Avenue.
Councilmen present: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Hobel, Cox, Scott, Egdahl
Councilmen absent: None
Staff present: City Manager Cole, Assistant City Manager Asmus, Director of
Finance Grant
EXECUTIVE SESSION It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Cox
and unanimously carried that the Council recess to Execu-
tive Session for reasons of employee negotiations.
The Council recessed at 4:02 p.m. and the meeting reconvened
at 4:15 p.m.
COUNCIL ACTION At the last meeting (June 3, 1977), the Police Officers
REGARDING POLICE Association stated they reached an impasse in the negotia-
ASSOCIATION REQUEST tions and requested that the City Council consider granting
them a 2% at 50 years retirement package.
Mayor Hyde announced that this was discussed during the
Executive Session and it was determined that the City would
not approve the 2% at 50 retirement plan instructing the
negotiators in this respect. It is the Council's hope that
the Police Officers will consider the status of the negotia-
tions and request to resume the negotiations in the hope
of settling the contract on mutually agreeable terms.
INSURANCE BudgDt request: $249,590
ACTIVITY 700 City Manager recommendation: $249,590
City Manager Cole explained that $200,000 is included in
this budget to pay premiums.
Gordon Beamer
Risk Management Consultant Mr. Beamer said he reviewed the quotations from the four
firms. Chula Vista, along with the other cities in the
County, are involved in a study on how it can best do risk
management and become self-insured. His firm is involved
in this study. Mr. Beamer remarked that they have done a
"self-insurance capability study" looking at Chula Vista's
budget for the past three years and the proposed budget for
the coming year. It is their opinion that Chula Vista has
a self-insurance capability of between $200,000 and
$250,000 ~ this is an amount for losses that are not
Adjourned Regular Meeting ~2- June 6, 1977
Mr. Beamer added that it would be in the interest of the
City to take the figure offered by Creaser Price Insurance
Agency: the $100,000 per occurrence - $400,000 annual
aggregate figure which totals $176,650 for the year. This
is based on the fact that the City is self-insuring
$100~000 for each accident that might happen and the fact
that the present losses do not come anywhere near that.
In response to Council's question, Mr. Beamer explained
~hat would happen in the event of a magnitude of losses
City Manager Cole agreed to the recommendation made by
Mr. Beamer. Assistant City Manager Asmus asked that the
budgeted request ($249,590) be left in the account and in
the final budget, the staff will transfer the difference
between $176,650 and the $200,000 in reserves to increase
the reserve account.
Director of Finance Grant explained that the reserve now
holds $50,000 and $50,000 will be transferred prior to
July 1. ?he difference in the budgeted request will add
another approximate $23,000 to the account.
Mr. Beamer remarked that the City could build up this
reserve to $200,000. He added that the insurance industry
is not responsive to public agency liability problems -
they are in the business of making money - their net re-
sources are down and they are being very restrictive as to
what they will offer.
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Activity 700 Cox and unanimously carried that Activity 700 be approved
as recommended by the City Manager.
REPORT ON SENIOR CITIZENS Budget request: $16,910
SERVICE CENTER City Manager recommendation: $16,910
Director of Parks and Recreation Hall submitted a written
report in which he detailed the personnel salaries, hours
of operation for the Center, and the referral services.
It was noted that the most frequent contact made by the
senior citizens was the need for employment, followed by
transportation, food/nutrition and recreational opportu-
nities. Staff salaries are budgeted at $8,270 under
Account 5298.
Councilman Egdahl discussed the need to offer employment
to the senior citizens.
Director of Finance Grant commented on the liability factor
in hiring the elderly because of the frequency of accidents.
Motion for staff It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
report Egdahl and unanimously carried that the staff be directed
to investigate possibilities for employment for senior
citizens in part-time positions in City employment.
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Cox and seconded by Mayor Hyde
that Activity 1537 be approved as recommended by the City
Adjourned Regular Meeting -3- June 6, 1977
Discussion of motion Councilman Egdahl noted that the total of this account is
$16,910 which has grown considerably in the last three
years of operation. He questioned how much of this money
was from Block Grant funds.
Assistant City Manager Asmus noted that just the rent and
utilities were funded by Block Grant funds: $7,S00.
There is another $10,000 funded by CETA which makes the
total cost of ~[~ l~rc~gr~$26,910.
Councilman Scott spoke against the motion indicating there
must be some fiscal restraints and responsibilities - that
the City cannot afford all these programs. Councilman
Scott remarked that this type ~f s~rvic~eshould be one funded
by the Countya~M: nrttthe City.
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Cox, Hyde, Egdahl, Hobel
Noes: Councilman Scott
Absent: None
FOCUS Budget request: $8,000
ACTIVITY 0130 City Manager recommendation: $8,000
Patricia Allen, FOCU8 Coordinator, submitted a sheet de-
tailing the operating budget and the programs offered.
In answer to Council's questions, Mr. Larry Wittenberg
explained that additional funding comes from Chula Vista
Elementary Schools, Sweetwater Union High School District
and Southwestern College. Councilman Hobel discussed the
in-kind services given this program by the Parks and Recrea-
tion department.
Ms. Allen noted that the three schools involved in Chula
Vista were Otay, Mueller and Harborside. In answer to
Councilman Egdahl's query, Ms. Allen answered that the
three entities have already committed their funds to this
program for the coming year. FOCUS plans again to ask the
County for reconsideration of funding.
Councilman Scott felt that the County should be the lead
agency in this program and not the City.
Motion to approve It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Cox
and unanimously carried that approval be given to the
budget request by FOCUS.
SUNDAY LIBRARY OPENING Budget request: $14,820 - Alternate 1 (10 months) No additional cost - Alternate 2
City Manager Cole submitted a detailed sheet in which he
reviewed the Sunday opening of t the librar~y giving two
alternatives for opening the library from 12:30 to 5:30 p.m.
Alternate 1 would cost $14,820 and Alternate 2 which pro-
poses the closing of the library on Thursdays in lieu of
opening it on Sundays would have no additional cost on
the City.
Adjourned Regular Meeting -4- June 6, 1977
Ms. Patsy Rowe,Senior Librarian, and Larry Wittenberg,
Deputy City Manager, answered the Council's questions
pertaining to the hours of operation, other libraries
opening on Sundays, type of services that would be offered,
concurrence by the;~o~sA~o¢i~&on:en~l~e ~,
and the employees that would operate this program.
Motion to fund program It was moved by Councilman Hobel and seconded by Mayor
Hyde that Alternate 1 be approved directing staff to place
$14,820 in the appropriate accounts of the budget.
Speaking against motion Councilman Scott discussed the cost of the library
($800,000 a year) and felt there should be a "trade-off"
if the Council desired to open the library on Sundays.
He felt Proposal 2 would be a better option, adding that
the program will become a very popular one and next year,
the amount requested will be much higher.
City Manager Cole indicated that this is a relatively small
amount of money for a good trial for this program.
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Hyde, Egdahl, Cox
Noes: Councilman Scott
Absent: None
SALVATION ARMY Budget request: $4,600
Mrs. Debbie Swartfager, Administrative Analyst, explained
that in March 1977, the County granted $26,000 for this
program for 18 weeks. The start-up cost was $2,700
(included in the total). At that time, the County advised
the Salvation Army that $61,000 was affirmed for their
program (this was also indicated in November of last year).
The Salvation Army, however, still submitted a budget that
was over $65,000 stating they could not operate it for
$61,000. The County chose the Salvation Army for the
primary agent for the contract based on the criteria that
they would operate the program for $61,000.
Mrs. Swartfager reported that 10% or $6,100 of this money
goes to their regional office. The Salvation Army operates
three programs in San Diego County: E1 Cajon, San Diego
and Chula Vista which amounts to $20,000 of grant money
that does not stay in this area.
The 10% cost budget was detailed. Mrs. Swartfager noted
that while other programs in the County service 95% of
the people from their target areas, Chula Vista services
approximately 75%. The Social Service Aid position salary
which previously served the nutrition program in Chula
Vista was transferred to the new Youth Program.
Leland Lescano Mr. Lescano introduced Ed Nelson, Professional Services
Staff Assistant Supervisor for Senior Nutrition Program, who detailed the
Salvation Army social services being provided by this grant.
John Cheydleur, Mr. C~eydleur reviewed the history on how the nutrition
Director of Bureau of program came into being. He noted the request made to the
Social Services for County (~65~000) and that budgeted ($61~000) and the shift
the County Salvation of the Social Service Aid position. In answer to Council-
Army man Egdahl's question, Mr. Cheydleur stated that the
regional center of the Salvation Army is located at Rancho
Palo Verdes to which 10% of the funds must be paid.
Adjourned Regular Meeting 75- June 6, 1977
Mr. Cheydleur reviewed tke cost of the program and the
possible cuts that can be made to meet the criteria set
up by the County at the cost of $61,000.
Recess for dinner A recess was called at 6:15 p.m. and the meeting reconvened
at 7:03 p.m.
Councilman Hobel said he was troubled with the fact that
10% of the grant money must leave the area and go to the
regional center~ the justification for the nutritional
program resulting in having to start a Youth Program and
the transfer of the salary of the Social Service Aid
Motion for reconsideration It was moved by Councilman Hobel and seconded by Council-
for financial assistance man Scott that the motion to fund Salvation Army ($4,600)
be reconsidered.
Discussion of motion Mr. Jim Biddle, member of the Salvation Army Advisory
Board, explained that the requested $4,600 is a one-time
request not to be made again next year or any subsequent
Motion carried The motion to reconsider carried unanimously.
Motion not to fund It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by Councilman
Scott and unanimously carried that the City not appropriate
the funds as requested by the Salvation Army nutrition
SWEETWATER UNION HIGH Budget request: $5,000
SCHOOL DISTRICT -- City Manager recommendation: Raise the price of meals to
DEL R£Y NUTRITIONAL $1.00 so that the City would not be involved
PROGRAM in the cost of program
Mr. Ralph Skiles, Assistant Superintendent for the Sweet-
water Union High School District, explained that the
program is an instructional one which trains students for
employment in food service occupations. At the present
time, the program serves meals to an average of 120 senior
citizens each school day. The school is trying to keep
the price of the meal at 756; however, they can maintain
the program financially if they raised the price to $1.00.
Mr. Skiles indicated they will continue to seek outside
funding - none has been sought to date. The Board of
Trustees of the School District has determined that they
would not bear the cost of this program - they feel their
basic function is education and to support an instructional
program is one thing -- but to put money into food service
would not be an appropriate use of school district funds.
Motion to approve $3,000 It was moved by Mayor Ilyde and seconded by Councilman Hobel
that the City continue to fund the program at the level it
was funded last year - to-wit, $3,000.
Discussion of motion Councilman Egdahl said he was against the program because
it is an educational program of the school district. He
is against the philosophy of ha~i~g the City fund a program
which provides meals for senior citizens. He proposed that
the City become advocates for the full support of the pro-
gram ~ $5,000 - with the County Board of Supervisors which
he feels is the proper place for Human Care services.
Adjourned Regular Meeting -6- June 6, 1977
Motion fails The motion failed by the following vote, to-wit:
Ayes: Councilmen Hyde, Hobet
NOES: Councilmen Cox, Scott, Egdahl
Absent: None
Motion to send letter It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by Councilman
to County for support Scott and unanimously carried that, over the signature
of the Mayor, a letter be forwarded to the Board of Super-
visors recommending their positive consideration of
support of the Del Rey Seniors nutritional program and
the further consideration of funding for the Salvation
Army nutritional program. This is for fiscal year 1977-78.
ACTIVITY 0730 Budget request: $44,000
NON-DEPARTMENTAL City Manager recommendation: $44,000
City Manager Cole explained that this Activity involves
those senior citizens that qualify for a utility tax re-
bate that are behind a master meter. The amount in the
budget manual is $20,000; however, the additional alloca-
tion for the refunds is $24,000 - or a total of $44,000.
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Activity 0730 Hobel and unanimously carried that Activity 0730 be ap-
proved as recommended by the City Manager.
STORE-FRONT LIBRARIES A report was submitted by Mrs. Patricia Rowe, Senior
Librarian, in which she detailed the cost of opening a
branch library based on leasing a 2,400 square foot build-
ing as being $149,900 with yearly operating expenses
estimated at $101;6S0.
Motion not to approve It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Mayor Hyde
and unanimously carried that the City not have any store-
front libraries.
Councilman Hobel asked that this matter be brought back
to the Council during the course of the next year and not
wait until the next budget hearings.
CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT City Manager Cole explained that there are nine programs
PROGRAM under the Capital Improvement Program proposed to be
funded by Revenue Sharing funds at a total of $898,400.
In addition, the City Manager held an administrative
hearing and from that was generated requests from various
groups: (detailed sheets were submitted to the Council).
Mr. Cole noted that 1.4 million is the amount of revenue
· sharing available to budget; however, the:income'is
$902,000. The balance that was carried over brought the
amount to 1.4 million.
RS-3 CIVIC CENTER Budget request: $464~000
Motion to remove from It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Cox
the Capital Improvement and unanimousl7 carried that this project be considered
Program but removed from the 1977-78 Capital Improvement Program.
Adjourned Regular Meeting -7- June 6, 1977
RS-40~ANGE AVENUE Budget request: $103,100
THIRD AVENUE TO ALBANY Director of Public Works Robens explained that this is all
AVENUE (Partial funding) right-of*way acquisition money. In next year's budget,
they will be recommending construction money.
Motion to approve It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Cox
and unanimously carried that RS-4 Project be approved
out of Revenue Sharing funds.
RS-S STORM DRAIN - Budget request: $90,100
Deputy City Manager Wittenberg explained the status of
the Public Works Employment Bill.
Motion to remove from It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Hobel
Capital Improvement and unanimously carried that this project be considered
Program but removed from the 1977-78 Capital Improvement Program.
RS-6 STORM DRAIN - Budget request: $54,600
(Partial Funding)
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by Councilman
Scott and unanimously carried that this project be ap-
proved out of Revenue Sharing Funds.
RS-7 CONCRETE LINED Budget request: $74,400
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Mayor Hyde
and unanimously carried that this project be approved out
of Revenue Sharing Funds.
RS-8 STORM DRAIN - Budget request: $14,100
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by Councilman
Cox and unanimously carried that this project be approved
out off. Revenue Sharing Funds.
Director of Public Works Robens noted that the total amount
includes both construction and engineering design costs.
RS-9 CONSTRUCTION OF Budget request: $98,100
CITIZENS CENTER Director of Parks and Recreation Hall explained that this
would add a wing to the Loma Verde Center for senior citi-
zens. The staff applied to the Joslyn Foundation for a
grant which will be considered on September 26 - they
pay up to $75,000.
Councilman Hobel questioned the rationale in giving this
project a high priority in this year's fiscal budget. He
indicated there were other programs that deserved a simi-
lar priority.
Adjourned Regular Meeting -8~ June 6, 1977
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Cox and seconded by Mayor Hyde
that this project be approved and funded out of revenue
sharing money.
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Cox, Hyde, Scott, £gdahl
Noes: Councilman Hobel
Absent: None
PUBLIC INPUT ON REVENUE City Manager submitted a detailed list to the Council
SHARING R£QU£STS involving the requests made at the administrative hearing.
Council discussion ensued regarding the policy the Council
would take regarding the percentage distribution of the
Recess A recess was called at 8:13 p.m. and the meeting reconvened
at 8:29 p.m.
Public hearing scheduled City Manager Cole reported that the Council will hold a
public hearing on revenue sharing funds on Tuesday, June
21, and all of the people making requests tonight can
appear at that time.
The Council concurred that they would hear the testimonies
presented tonight and indicate whether or not they would
consider them for approval under revenue sharing monies at
the June 21 hearing.
Council policy It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Scott
and unanimously carried that the Council reaffirms its
policy of committing 90% of revenue sharing monies for
capital improvement projects.
Discussion of motion Mayor Hyde stated his motion is intended to use 90% of
the 1.4 million dollars to be committed to capital improve-
ment programs and 10%, or $140,000 for other purposes.
OUR HOUSE Budget request: $400,000
Mrs. Joy Sheresh, 668 Robert Avenue, member of the Board
of Directors of OUR HOUSE, submitted a written request for
$400,000 which she explained was for the acquisition of
the present property at 666 Third Avenue. In answer to
Councilman Scott's query, Mrs. Sheresh said the Board of
Directors was not opposed to looking at other locations in
the City but would prefer to stay at this location.
Motion not to consider It moved Councilman seconded Hyde
and unanimously carried that this request not be carried
over for consideration at the June 21, 1977 public hearing.
SALVATION ARMY Budget request: $28,560
Mr, Lee Lescano of the Salvation Army and Mr. Alan tlughes
of OUR HOUSE explained the foster care program being pro-
posed for this area. Mr. Hughes indicated the idea was a
joint one and presented as such; however, OUR HOUSE now
feel a single operation would be better. They will support
the program but have withdrawn as a co-sponsor.
Adjourned Regular Meeting -9~ June 6, 1977
Motion not to consider It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Egdahl
and unanimously carried that this project not be carried
over for consideration at the June 21, 1977 public hearing.
VISTA HILL HOSPITAL The request from Vista Hill Hospital was in support of the
Foster Home Program as proposed by the Salvation Army and
STARLIGHT CENTER Budget request: $300,000
Mr, Robert Alcaraz, President, Starlight Center, South Bay
Chapter and Doris Blackman, Director, explained the need
for the $300,000 for an expansion of their facility.
Motion to consider It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Cox and unanimously carried that this item be held over
and considered at the June 21 public hearing -- not for
the full amount, however.
Mayor Hyde asked Mr. Alcaraz to scale down the amount prior
to the meeting of June 21.
CON~IUNITY CARDIOPULMONARY Budget request: $14,660
Mrs. Ruth Blank, Program Director, stated that 1,146 persons
have now been trained in this program. Their goal is for
Motion to consider It was moved by Councilman Hob¢l, seconded by Councilman
Egdahl and unanimously carried that this item be considered
at the June 21 public hearing.
MUELLER NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER Budget request: $141,200
In a written report to Council, Ms. Pat Allen, Community
Education Coordinator, stated that this project would be
used to provide a multi-dimensional service facility for
23,144 people who live in this particular area.
Motion not to consider It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by Councilman
Egdahl and unanimously carried that this project not be
given further consideration at the June 21 public hearing.
SOLAR HEATING SYSTEM Budget request: Sufficient funds to cover the cost of the
system for the new Civic Center complex development program.
A written request was submitted by Tom Emmons, Chairman
of the Board of Appeals.
Motion to consider It was moved by Councilman Cox and seconded by Councilman
Hobel that this item be held over for consideration at the
June 21 public hearing.
City Manager Cole explained that these funds would be
included in the Public Works Employment grant application.
Councilman Scott discussed his meeting in Washington along
with Councilman Cox with the federal officials handling
this grant. They suggested the City rewrite their applica-
tion for these funds.
Adjourned Regular Meeting ~lO~ June 6, 1977
Motion dies for lack Councilman Hobel withdrew his second to the motion; there-
of second fore, the motion died for lack of second.
Motion not to consider It was moved by Mayor Hyde and seconded by Councilman Hobel
that this matter not be carried over for consideration at
the June 21 public hearing.
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Hobel, Cox, Scott
Noes: Councilman Egdahl
Absent: None
Motion for new application It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Hobel and unanimously carried that the staff resubmit the
application for the uge of solar energy'in the new (public
services) building.
CO~qUNITY HOSPITAL Budget request: Funds for an additional access road to
OF CHULA VISTA the Community Hospital
Mr. Bud Wilson, Chairman of the Board of Directors and
Bob Hansen, Administrator of the Hospital explained the
need for the access road. The estimated cost of the pro-
ject was $190,000; however, this would be greatly reduced
because of the projects completed in that area and those
now in progress.
Motion to consider It was moved by Councilman Egdahl and seconded by Council-
man Cox that this request be given consideration at the
June 21 hearing.
Council discussion Discussion followed in which Mayor Hyde spoke against the
motion indicating it should come from Gas Tax funds and
not revenue sharing monies.
Councilman Scott remarked that within the next two or three
years, the area around the hospital will be developed and
this. access will be provided.
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Cox, Hobel
Noes: Mayor Hyde, Councilman Scott
Absent: None
(Councilman Hobel left the meeting at this time -9:05 p.m.)
PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Budget request: Park Way Recreation Center - $965,945
School/Park complex at Feaster, Rice
and Vista Square schools - $336,000
Director of Parks & Recreation Ha~l explained that the Park
Center will be considered under the Public Works Employment
Bill, and there is a request for the construction of the
school/park complex under the residential construction tax.
Motion not to consider It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Cox and unanimously carried by those present that this
request not be held over for consideration at the June 21,
1977 hearing. (Councilman Hobel absent)
Adjourned Regular Meeting -11~ June 6, 1977
YOUTH CO~4ISSION Budget request: Library opening on Sundays
Youth-oriented recreational facility for
residents of College Estates area
Renovation of Park Way Youth Center
Construction of bicycle lanes
Mayor Hyde noted that these items have been considered
previously in the budget
Motion not to consider It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Egdahl
and unanimously carried by those present that these items
not be carried over for consideration at the June 21 hear-
ing. (Councilman Mobel absent)
Motion to look into It was moved by Councilman Scott and seconded by Mayor
youth-oriented facility Hyde that the City look into the possibility of youth-
oriented recreation facilities for the College Estates
area - that the staff, by way of the Parks & Recreation,
look into this. This report due this year.
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hyde, Cox
Noes: Councilman Egdahl
Absent: Councilman Hobel
PLANNING COMMISSION Budget request: Library opening on Sunday
Express bus service to Coronado beach
during summer months
Acquisition of park lands in older
portions of the City
Acquisition of view sites in E1
Rancho del Rey
Motion not to consider It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Cox and unanimously carried by those present that these
items not be carried over for consideration at the June 21
meeting. (Councilman Hobel absent)
GIRLS' CLUB OE CHULA VISTA Budget request: $5,700
Mr. John Crouse, President of the Girls' Club, stated their
request was basically the same as presented to the Council
at a previous meeting (June 1, 1977).
Motion to consider It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Cox and
unanimously carried by those present that this request be
considered at the June 21 public hearing. (Councilman
Hobel absent)
(Councilman Hobel returned to the at this
9:08 p.m.)
BLOCK GRANT FUNDS FOR City Manager Cole explained that the recommendation from
THIRD AVENUE IMPROVEMENT the Director of Community Development was for the possi-
bility of funding the $325,000 street improvements for
Third Avenue in the Town Centre area from revenue sharing
Councilman Scott commented that the Council discussed
using Block Grant funds to buy the properties in the Third
Avenue Redevelopment Center.
Adjourned Regular Meeting ~12~ June 6, 1977
Motion to consider It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Cox and unanimously carried that the Town Centre Redevelop-
ment Project Committee come back at June 21 with a request
for revenue sharing to be utilized in conjunction with the
proposed street improvements (on Third Avenue).
Mayor Hyde asked that the staff come back with other finan-
cial alternative proposals at this meeting.
Motion to notify people It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by Councilman
of June 21 public hearing Scott and unanimously carried that all of the people who
have made requests here tonight be notified of the public
hearing scheduled for June 21, 1977. The staff is to draw
up a proper letter to be sent to these people.
HOT PAINT STRIPER Budget request: $57,000
Motion not to consider It was moved by Councilman Scott, and seconded by Council-
man Hobel that this item not be considered under revenue
sharing funds.
Director of Public Works Robens submitted a picture of
the hot paint striper to the Council explaining the advan-
tages of its pperation.
Motion failed The motion failed by the following vote, to-wit:
Ayes: Councilman Scott
NOES: Councilmen Egdahl, Hobel, Cox, Hyde
Absent: None
Motion to consider It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Cox and
unanimously carried that this item be carried over for
consideration at the June 21 public hearing.
TRANSIT It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Scott
ACTIVITY 2340 and unanimously carried that this item be carried over
until Wednesday, June 8, 1977 at 4:00 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hyde adjourned the meeting at 9:25 p.m. continuing
the budget deliberations to Wednesday, June 8, 1977 at
4:00 p.m.
~ C '