Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. June 7, 1977
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California, was held on
the above date beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 276 Fourth Avenue.
Councilmen present: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Hobel, Cox, Scott,Egdahl
Councilmen absent: None
Staff present: City Manager Cole, City Attorney Lindberg, Assistant City Manager
Asmus, Director of Planning Peterson, Director of Public Works
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Hyde followed by a moment of silent
1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Councilman
Egdahl and unanimously carried that the minutes of the
meetings of May 24, 31, and June 1, 1977 be approved,
copies having been sent to each Councilman.
a. INTRODUCTION OF Mayor Hyde introduced Pdr. Haas, a member of the Chamber of
COUNCIL GUEST, Commerce Board of Directors and a member of its Budget and
NElL HAAS Finance Committee.
ORAL COMMUNICATIONS There were no oral communications.
a. REQUEST TO FILE Mr. Ordstrand requested permission to file a late claim
LATE CLAIM - for an injury to his ankle occurring at Norman Park Center
CLARENCE VAN on January 28, 1977.
422 "G" STREET,
Motion to deny It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Mayor Hyde
and unanimously carried that this request be denied.
b. REQUEST TO FILE Mrs. Lopez requested permission to file a late claim for
LATE CLAIM - injuries received when the car in which she was riding
ESTHER M. LOPEZ, was involved in an accident with a City street sweeper.
3757 SUNSET LANE, The accident occured on November 17, 1976.
Motion to deny It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Scott
and unanimously carried that this request be denied.
c. LETTER OF RESIGNA- Mr. Wappes submitted a letter of resignation from the
TION FROM SAYETY Safety Commission, dated May 26, 1977.
City Council Meeting -2~ June 7, 1977
Motion to accept It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Cox and
resignation - unanimously carried that the resignation be accepted with
Resolution to regrets and that a resolution of appreciation for Mr.
be prepared Wappes' excellent services on this commission be prepared.
d. LETTER OF RESIGNA~ Mr. Tidwell served on the Board of Ethics since March 5,
TION FROM THE 1976. He is moving from the City and submitted his resigna-
BOARD OF ETHICS - tion as he will be leaving on June 1, 1977.
Motion to accept It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Scott
resignation - and unanimously carried that the resignation be accepted
letter of apprecia- and a letter of appreciation for Mr. Tidwell's services be
tion to be sent prepared for the Mayor's signature.
e. REQUEST FOR INSTALLA- Mr. and Mrs. Buck Prine requested that a chain link fence
TION OF CHAIN LINK or some other obstruction be placed along Bonita Road in
FENCE ALONG BONITA the vicinity of the Chula Vista Municipal Golf Course to
ROAD IN THE AREA OF keep the ducks from crossing the road. They expressed con-
751E CHULA VISTA cern for the safety of the ducks and motorist in the area
GOLF COURSE - of Bonita Road and Otay Lakes Road intersection, where one
MR. AND MRS. BUCK to two ducks are killed daily and motorists have close acci-
PRINE, 575-21 dents trying to avoid them.
Motion to refer It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
to staff Cox and unanimously carried that this be referred to staff
with a report to be made back to the Council.
Mayor Hyde said that the next three hearings were all re-
lated - Items 4, 5 and 6 - and would be considered together.
They were continued from the meeting of May 17, 1977.
In answer to a question on points of order by Councilman
Hobel, City Attorney Lindberg said it would be appropriate
to limit testimony on the public hearings, Items 4, 5 and
6, to the matter of cul-de-sacing Flower Street (the exten-
tion of Flower Street east of Corte Maria).
4. PUBLIC HEARING - This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor Hyde
CONSIDERATION OF opened the public hearings on Items 4, 5 and 6.
DRIVE FROM FLOWER On March 9, 1977 the Planning Commission approved the tenta-
STREET TO "E" STREET tive map for the Morgan-Gardner Subdivision and one of the
(Continued from conditions of approval was the vacation of Hilltop Drive
May 17, 1977) between "E" Street and Flower Street.
The Engineering Division concurred with this condition based
on the fact that Flower Street will be extended from Hilltop
Drive easterly and southerly to intersect with "E" Street,
opposite Bonita Road. The construction of this new street
will provide adequate circulation and safer access for
residents in this area.
The public hearing was continued until tonight to permit
staff to investigate the suggestion to cul-de-sac the
extension of Flower Street, just east of Corte Maria.
City Council Meeting -3- June 7, 1977
5. PUBLIC HEARING - Director of Planning Peterson had previously submitted the
CONSIDERATION OF tentative map to the Council, explaining the location as
TENTATIVE MAP FOR approximately 16 acres located west of Hilltop Drive, north
MORGAN AND GARDNER of "E" Street and east of Corte Maria.
(Continued from The applicant is proposing to subdivide 32.8 acres of prop-
May 3, 1977) erty as follows: The westerly 16.1 acres zoned R-1 to
accommodate 56 single family lots, and the easterly 16.7
acres zoned R-3-P-13 for two multiple family lots, divided
by the new extension of Flower Street. The zoning will
allow a maximum of 217 dwelling units.
The Planning Commission recommended approval of the tenta-
tive map in accordance with the conditions delineated in
their Resolution PCS-76-9.
The staff recommended approval subject to the following
changes in the conditions: (1) a4. - Lots 38 and 16 shall
have an earth berm and/or decorative block wall combination
equal to 6' in height above the elevation of "E" Street,
located on or near the south property line adjacent to "E"
Street - details of the wall and/or mounding shall be ap-
proved by the City Traffic Engineer to insure adequate
sight distance from Corte Maria; (2) k. Add: The existing
berm and guard rail located on the north side of "E" Street
is acceptable.
6. PUBLIC HEARING - The applicant, John Morgan for Morgan and Gardner, Inc.,
CONSIDERATION OF CHANGE requested rezoning to adjust a zoning boundary between the
OF ZONING BOUNDARIES OF R-1 and R-3-P-13 zones within a proposed 33 acre subdivision
R-1 AND R-3-P-13 DIS- on the north side of "E" Street between Corte Maria and
TRICTS ON PROPERTY 1-805 which is required to bring the existing zoning into
NORTH OF "E" STREET conformity with the proposed Morgan/Gardner tentative map.
AND 1-805, MORGAN The Planning Commission and sta£f recommended the zone
AND GARDNER change in accordance with Planning Commission Resolution
(Continued from PCZ-77-D.
May 17, 1977)
For the benefit of those in the audience, Mayor Hyde briefly
explained the reason for referring the consideration of
whether or not to cul-de-sac Flower Street to staff for
a report, and said that anyone wishing to speak on the
matter of the cul-de-sac would be permitted to do so;
however, no other testimony would be heard.
Residents speaking Ralph Dotinga, 151Corte Maria; Raymond Raglin, 181 First
against the cul-de-sac Avenue; and Harold Lloyd, 67 Casselman Place all asked
to go on record as opposing the cul-de-sac, giving as their
main concern the fact that it would adversely affect fire
and emergency services to the area.
Jerry Moriarty Jerry Moriarty said he represented the developer, Morgan
Inter-City Engineers and Gardner, and they were in agreement with the recom-
mendation not to cul-de-sac Flower Street, expressing the
same concerns regarding fire and emergency services.
Public hearings closed There being no further comments, either for or against, the
public hearings were declared closed.
Motion for resolution It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Councilman
ordering vacation of Hobel and unanimously carried that a resolution ordering
portion of Hilltop Drive the vacation of Hilltop Drive between "E" Street and Flower
Street be brought back to the Council concurrent with but
subsequent to the City Council approval of the final map
of Morgan - Gardner Subdivision.
City Council Meeting -4- June 7, 1977
S. a. RESOLUTION NO. 8639 Offered by Councilman Hobel, the reading of the text was
APPROVING TENTATIVE waived by unanimous consent.
GARNDER SUBDIVISION Mayor Hyde noted the staff report indicated that in con-
(Continued from nection with the realignment of Bonita Road and Flower
May 17, 1977) Street extension, the property owner, Morgan and Gardner,
agreed to provide the right of way for this realignment.
Amendment to resolution It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Scott
and unanimously carried the conditions of approval in the
resolution be amended to show that Morgan and Gardner,
owner of the section south of "E" Street, agree to give
the City an irrevocable offer of dedication for the neces-
sary right of way to realign this intersection as a con-
dition of approval of this tentative map.
Traffic to be monitored In answer to a query from Councilman Egdahl, Director of
at Corte Maria and Public Works Robens said that the staff will monitor the
"E" Street intersection of Corte Maria and "E" Street, and if acci-
dents or the traffic situation warrants it, left turns
from Corte Maria onto "E" Street may be prohibited.
Suggestion for signal Councilman Egdahl expressed his concern that the proposed
at Flower and "£" intersection of Flower Street and Bonita Road is equally
Street as a condition dangerous, and even more dangerous than the intersection
of approval of map of Hilltop Drive and "E" Street. tle said he would be will-
ing to make the installation of a signal (at Flower and
"£" Street) a condition of approval for the tentative map.
Policy being prepared Director of Public Works Robens said that one of the con-
for Council consideration ditions of approval now is that the developer participate
regarding signal installa- in the construction of this signal. He said staff is work-
tions in new developments ing on a policy for Council consideration regarding the
degree of participation that should be required of devel-
opers in the installation of signals. This policy will
be brought to the Council in the near future.
Motion to have signal It was moved by Councilman £gdahl and seconded by Council-
installed by developer man Scott that, as an additional amendment to the
resolution approving the tentative map, the signal
(at Flower and "E" Street) be required of the developer.
Council discussion followed concerning the proposed policy
and the degree of participation that should be required
by developers in the installation of signals,which will be
done on a percentage basis, and which in some instances
may even be 100%.
In answer to query from Councilman Egdahl, City Attorney
Lindberg said that the conditions of the tentative map
could be modified later depending on facts subsequently
submitted by the staff.
Motion failed The motion to have the developer install tho signal failed
by the following vote, to-wit:
Ayes: Councilman Egdahl
NOES: Councilmen Nobel, Cox, Hyde, Scott
Absent: None
City Council Meeting -5- June 7, 1977
Resolution adopted The resolution as offered by Councilman Hobel and amended
by Mayor Hyde was passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Cox, Hyde, Scott
Noes: Councilman Egdahl
Absent: None
5. b. REPORT CONSIDERING At the Council meeting of May 17, 1977 the final approval
CHANGE IN CUL-DE- for the tentative map and vacation of Hilltop Drive was con-
SACING OF FLOWER tinued to this meeting so the staff could consider the
STREET AND DEDI- suggestion to cul-de-sac Flower Street just east of the
CATION OF PROPERTY intersection of Corte Maria.
FOR MORGAN AND In a written report, Director of Public Works Robens and
GARNER SUBDIVISION Director of Planning Peterson said that staff recommends
TENTATIVE MAP not to cul-de-sac Flower Street for the following reasons:
(1) Traffic flow would be forced into "D" Street which is
not a standard residential collector street as it is narrow
(30' curb to curb); (2) the proposal would result in an
extremely long cul-de-sac (2,000') which is undesirable;
(3) to cul-de-sac Flower Street would increase the need
to turn left at Corte Maria and "E"; (4) buses of school
children on field trips heading for 1-805 would also have
to make left turns at Corte Maria and "E" Street; and (5)
traffic would not be diminished at the intersection of
Flower Street and First Avenue.
Mr. Robens further reported that it is proposed to realign
the Bonita Road leg southerly of Flower Street to provide
a better designed intersection when a traffic signal is
constructed. The property owner - Morgan & Gardner - has
agreed to give the City an irrevocable offer of dedication
for the necessary right-of-way for this realignment.
It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by Mayor Hyde
and unanimously carried that the Council accept the report
concerning the tentative map, Item 5b.
6. a. ORDINANCE NO. 1749 It was moved by Councilman Egdahl that this ordinance be
AMENDING ZONING MAP placed on its first reading and that the reading of the
OR MAPS ESTABLISHED text be waived by unanimous consent.
BY SECTION 19.18.010
OF THE CHULA VISTA The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
REZONING THAT AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Hobel, Cox, Hyde, Scott
7. PUBLIC HEARING - Mayor Hyde announced that Items 7 and 8 (Public Hearings)
CONSIDERATION OF will be considered together as related items on the same
PREZONING AND REZONING property for the purpose of taking testimony.
SIDE OF BONITA ROAD This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor Hyde
BETWEEN BONITA GLEN opened the public hearings.
E-i, R-i, R-3 AND
C-C-D TO C-C-P -
(Continued from
May 24~ 1977)
City Council Meeting ~6~ June 7, 1977
Pursuant to City Council instructions, the Planning Depart-
ment has studied the 8.74 acres of land which are generally
bounded by Bonita Road, the 1-805/Bonita Road interchange,
Vista Drive and Bonita Glen Drive, consisting of both in-
corporated and unincorporated territories.
Director of Planning Peterson said that last November (1976)
the Council amended the General Plan to change the designa-
tion from '~isitor Commercial" to "Retail Commercial" with
the intent of permitting a broader range or uses for these
The Planning Commission and the staff recommended that the
entire area be rezoned to C-C-P in accordance with Planning
Commission Resolution PCZ-77-C to conform with the designa-
tion that the Council placed on the General Plan last Novem-
ber, and that the Council certify EIR-77-2, the Environmental
Impact Report.
8. PUBLIC HEARING - Subsequent to the Council redesignating the 8.74 acres of
CONSIDERATION OF land in question from "Visitor Commercial" to "Retail Com-
SPECIFIC PLAN FOR mercial" on the plan diagram of the Chula Vista General
DEVELOPMENT OF 8.7 Plan, the Planning Department proposed the establishment
ACRES ON THE SOUTH of the Bonita Glen Specific Plan to encourage coordinative
SIDE OF BONITA ROAD planning on the part of the several owners and to promote
BETWEEN BONITA GLEN the joint resolution of traffic, parking and environmental
DRIVE AND 1-805 - problems.
(Continued from
May 24, 1977)
Gene York Mr. York reviewed the work done by property owners and the
160 Brightwood staff to develop an acceptable plan for this area. He
Chula Vista spoke in favor of the rezoning and the Specific Plan.
In response to a question from Councilman Scott, Mr. York
said that application for annexation will be made tomorrow,
if the zoning is approved, for the property which he owns
toward 1-805 (designated E-l).
Patrick Train, Realtor Mr. Train said he was representing two of the property
(Representing Mrs. Hiatt owners,(of area zoned R-I-F and R-l) Mrs. Hiatt and Mr.
and Mr. Gregory.) Gregory. He said the property owners are in favor of the
rezoning and the Specific Plan and are anxious to have
them approved.
Public hearings closed There being no further comments, either for or against,
the public hearings were declared closed.
7. a. ORDINANCE NO. 1750 - It was moved by Councilman Scott that this ordinance be
AMENDING ZONING HAP placed on its first reading and that the reading of the
OR HAPS ESTABLISHED text be waived by unanimous consent.
BY SECTION 19.18.010
OF THE CHULA VISTA The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
ZONING AND REZONING AYES: Councilmen Scott, Egdahl, Hobel, Cox, Hyde
E-i~ R-l, R-$ AND C-C-D
City Council Meeting -7- June 7, 1977
8. a. RESOLUTION - Director of Planning Peterson called the Council's atten-
ADOPTING BONITA tion to a typographical error on Page 3, paragraph 3b of
GLEN SPECIFIC PLAN the Specific Plan indicating the off-street parking require-
ment for a restaurant is one space for each 25 seats. The
decimal point was omitted and the wording should read"one
space for each 2.5 seats".
Change made in Mr. Peterson then referenced another change on Page 4,
staff recommendation paragraph H concerning the question of access and circula-
regarding left turns tion. The language now requires the first developer to
onto site install a median divider in Bonita Road in order to pro-
hibit left turns in and out of the site. He said staff
has reconsidered this since the staff report was prepared
and now recommends that left turns be allowed on a trial
basis - if the location of the access point to Bonita Road
in shifted to the west approximately 80 feet. The City
would still reserve the right to install a median divider
in Bonita Road if traffic problems should develop in this
Council discussion ensued and it was determined that the
Council did not have a copy of the latest revised copy of
the Specific Plan.
Motion to continued It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Mayor Hyde
Item 8a for one week and unanimously carried that this item be continued for one
week so the Council can read the revised copy before a vote
is taken , with a copy to be included in the next Council
Frank Ferreira Mr. Ferreira arrived at this time and said he realized he
2S0 Bonita Glen Drive was late, but asked if he could go on record as objecting
Chula Vista, CA 92010 to this Specific Plan as far as his property is concerned.
He said that if this is approved, it will be in contradiction
to a commitment and agreement that was made to him by the
previous Council in May of 1967.
9. PUBLIC HEARING - This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor Hyde
CONSIDERATION OF opened the public hearing.
HODGE BROTHERS The applicant has submitted a tentative subdivision map
INDUSTRIAL PARK proposing to subdivide 6.68 acres of land into 10 lots.
NO. 1 The property is located on the north side of "C" Street
between National Avenue (Broadway) and Fifth Avenue in the
I-L zone. A small portion of the subdivision lies within
the Sweetwater Valley flood plain and Director of Planning
Peterson said that this will require some fill in this area
or buildings will have to be flood-proofed in accordance
with City regulations. Normal street improvements will be
installed by the developer.
Mr. Peterson stated the Planning Commission and staff recom-
mended approval in accordance with Planning Commission
Resolution PCS-77-1, and that the Council certify the
Environmental Impact Report - EIR-77-5.
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, either for or against,
the public hearing was declared closed.
City Council Meeting -8- June 7, 1977
(Councilman Hobel left the meeting for a brief period at
7:55 p.m.)
9. a. RESOLUTION NO. 8640 Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of the text was
APPROVING TENTATIVE MAP waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
FOR HODGE BROTHERS following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Egdahl, Cox, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Hobel
Recess A recess was called at 7:59 p.m. and the meeting reconvened
at 8:09 p.m.
(Councilman Hobel returned to the meeting at this time)
10. PUBLIC HEARING - This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor Hyde
CONSIDERATION OF opened the public hearing.
UNIT GARDEN APARTMENTS The applicant has submitted a precise plan for the construc-
AT 914 AND 916 FOURTH tion of 15 apartment units on a 1.08 acre parcel located on
AVENUE IN R-3-P-14 ZONE - the west side of Fourth Avenue between "L" and Westby Streets
BETTY PADELFORD in the County. (The property has been prezoned R-3-P-14.)
Annexation to the City of Chula Vista is in process and
must be completed before the applicant can proceed with
Director of Planning Peterson outlined the proposed Precise
Plan consisting of 10 two-bedroom units and 5 three-bedroom
units in four 2-story structures located on the northerly
portion of the site. He said the parking and open space
provided exceed the requirements of the Ordinance and the
architecture is compatible with the adjacent single family
The staff and Planning Commission recommended approval of
the Precise Plan in accordance with Planning Commission
Resolution PCM-77-17.
Annexation has cleared In answer to a question from Mayor Hyde, Director of Plan-
LAFCO ning Peterson said that the annexation of the property has
cleared the Local Agency Formation Commission. (LAFCO)
Letters received in Councilman Hobel noted that several letters and a petition
opposition to construc- have been received by the Council opposing the construction
tion of apartments of apartment units in this area.
Motion to make letters It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by Councilman
part of the record Scott and unanimously carried that the communications be
made part of the record.
Betty Padelford Mrs. Padelford said she has worked closely with the staff
840S Crestwood Drive in developing a plan that would be acceptable and compatible
San Diego, CA with the area and still be economically feasible. She
said careful attention has been given to the architecture
and landscaping plans, with 60% of the area to be left
as open space, and asked for favorable consideration by
the Council.
City Council Meeting ~9~ June 7, 1977
Charles Offerman Mr. Offerman said he owns property adjacent to that of
331 "L" Street Mrs. Padelford. He spoke favorably of the development and
Chula Vista asked that tke Council approve the Precise Plan.
Roy McLennan Mr. McLennan said he had submitted the petition and letters
434 "L" Street from residents in the neighborhood and had requested that
Chula Vista 92011 they be read into the record.
City Attorney Lindberg clarified that the communications
had been made a part of the record and it was noted that
they are in opposition.
Mr. McLennan said he felt the contents of the letters and
the petition should be read into the record to outline the
reasons for the opposition.
Motion to read It was moved by Councilman Hobel and seconded by Councilman
communications Cox that since the letters and heading of the petition were
into the record short, that they be read into the record.
Councilman Scott spoke against the motion as the materials
had already been made a part of the record by minute action.
The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Cox, Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: Councilman Scott
Absent: None
At the direction of Mayor Hyde, City Clerk Jennie Fulasz
read a portion of the letters and the petition for the
Letters and petition Mayor Hyde interrupted the reading of the letters, noting
ruled irrelevant to that the objections were in opposition to the zoning and
the public hearing not to the precise plan and were therefore irrelevant to
the public hearing concerning the precise plan. He directed
the City Clerk to discontinue reading into the record.
Mayor Hyde emphasized that this is a public hearing to
consider a precise plan developed in accordance with zoning
regulations, and is not a zoning matter.
Christine Allen Hughes In response to a question from Ms. Hughes, Mayor Hyde
423 Westby Street stated that the objections presented were properly addressed
Chula Vista to a zoning matter and this would have to be done through
a petition to rezone the property.
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, either for or against,
the public hearing was declared closed.
10. a. RESOLUTION NO. 8641 Offered by Councilman Cox, the reading of the text was
APPROVING PRECISE waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
PLAN FOR 15 UNIT following vote, to-wit:
AT 914 & 916 AYES: Councilmen Cox, Hyde, Scott, Egdahl, Hobel
Absent: None
City Council Meeting ~10~ June 7, 1977
11. PUBLIC HEARING - This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor Hyde
DEFERRAL OF Uh[DER- opened the public hearing.
ALOMG OTAY LAKES ROAD Director of Public Works Robens said that a request for
ADJACENT TO RANCItO deferral of 12 KV lines along Otay Lakes Road was made by
ROBINHOOD UNIT NO. 3 the developer of Rancho Robinhood Unit No. 3 Subdivision.
The 12 KV lines are on the same pole as the 69 KV lines,
which are exempt from the requirement of undergrounding.
Since the pole would remain if the 12 KV lines are under-
grounded, staff recommended that the undergrounding be
Public hearing closed There being no other comments, either for or against, the
public hearing was declared closed.
Motion to grant It was moved by Councilman Hobel, and seconded by Council-
request for deferral Cox that a proper resolution be brought back granting the
In answer to a query from Councilman Egdahl, Director of
Public Works Robens said that it is technologically feasible
to underground 69 KV lines, but is very expensive.
Council discussion ensued concerning the possibility of
spreading the costs over a period of time for large areas
such as this; how undergrounding is being accomplished in
other cities; and that this might be a proper area to start
an undergrounding program.
Substitute motion It was moved by Councilman Egdahl and seconded by Council-
man Scott (1) that the staff be asked to bring back a
report on the cost of undergrounding the 69 and 12 KV lines
on Otay Lakes Road and (2) how much frontage along Otay
Lakes Road has already been deferred, coming from Bonita
Council discussion followed concerning the problem of
piecemeal undergrounding; delay to the developer if deferral
if not granted; feasibility of requiring undergrounding of
12 KV lines now and the 69 KV lines at a later date; and
if the City has any legal hold on deferrals (could be
complished by resolution).
Substitute motion failed The substitute motion failed by the following vote, to-wit:
Ayes: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott
NOES: Councilmen Hobel, Cox, Hyde
Absent: None
Motion for resolution The motion to bring back a resolution granting the deferral
granting deferral carried carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Cox, Hyde
Noes: Councilmen Scott, Egdahl
Absent: None
Motion for report It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Mayor Hyde
in 5 months and unanimously carried that staff look into the cost and
the feasibility of undergrounding 69 KV lines and a report
be brought back to the Council in three months.
City Council Meeting -11- June 7, 1977
12. PUBLIC HEARING - This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor Hyde
CONSIDERATION OF opened the public hearing.
OF ASSESSMENT AGAINST One of the conditions of approval for the Tentative Map of
PROPERTIES WITHIN EL E1 Rancho del Rey Unit No. 4 Subdivision was to amend the
RANCHO DEL REY UNIT #4 assessment against the property for the maintenance of
SUBDIVISION FOR MAIN- slopes and natural open space within the boundaries of
TENANCE OF OPEN SPACE Chula Vista Open Space District No. 1.
Director of Public Works Robens said that the cost per
dwelling unit in this subdivision for Open Space
District No. 1 for maintenance is $25.73 per acre,and the
resolution would change the cost of the assessment for
undeveloped portion from approximately $600 per year to
$25.73 per lot, which would be the same as for the developed
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, either for or against,
the public hearing was declared closed.
Motion for resolution It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Cox and unanimously carried that a resolution be brought
back to the Council incorporating the staff recommendation
(change the assessment for property within E1 Rancho del
Rey #4 from $25.73 per acre to $25.73 per lot/dwelling unit
per year.)
CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Councilman Scott and seconded by Council-
man Egdahl that the Consent Calendar be approved and adopted.
City Attorney Lindberg asked that Items 18 and 19 be deleted
from the Consent Calendar and continued until after the
budget hearings are completed on June 8.
13. RESOLUTION NO. 8642 One of the conditions of approval for Tentative Parcel Map
APPROVING AGREEMENT No. 7-76 was for the owner/developer to construct public
BETWEEN THE CITY OF improvements consisting of pavement, curb, gutter and
CHULA VISTA AND FRANK sidewalk, landscaping, and irrigation system fronting the
P. AND LOUISE B. PHILLIPS property at 71 North Fourth Avenue. The Planning Commission
AND RICHARD A. AND granted a deferral for constructing the improvements on
JEANNE M. REYNOLDS FOR March 9, 1977 and the owner/developers are now requesting
DEFERRAL OF PUBLIC that a lien agreement be approved between themselves and
IMPROVEMENTS AND LIEN the City to guarantee the installation of the improvements
AGREEMENT FOR 71 NORTH at some future date, when the State constructs the 1-54
FOURTH AVENUE AND Freeway - North Fourth Avenue interchange.
RESOLUTION NO. 8643 On May 24, 1977 the City Council held a public hearing on
ORDERING THE VACATION the proposed sewer easement vacation at 75 Third Avenue.
OF A SE~ER EASEMENT At the conclusion of the public hearing, the City Council
AT 78 THIRD AVENUE requested that a resolution ordering the vacation of the
easement be brought back for adoption.
City Council Meeting ~12-, June 7, 1977
15. RESOLUTION NO. 8644 Tk¢ contract for construction of several traffic signal
GRANTING AN EXTENSION improvements was awarded to Perry Electric and the sched-
OF TIM£ FOR THE CONTRACT ule required the construction to be completed by June 1,
TO CONSTRUCT TRAFFIC 1977. Perry £1ectric has requested a time e×tension due
SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS IN to delay in receipt of the controllers for Third Avenue/
CHULA VISTA - FAU "L" Street and Industrial Boulevard/"L" Street. CALTRANS
PROJECT NO. M-S163(1) and FHWA have agreed to a time extension of 10 working days
after the controllers are released from the testing lab.
The resolution will extend the contract to a date 10 days
beyond the date that CALTRANS releases the traffic signal
controller to the contractor.
16. RESOLUTION NO. 8645 On August 20, 1976 the San Diego Police Fencing Detail,
GIVING NOTICE OF THE acting through proper search warrants, searched the premises
CITY'S INTENTION TO located at 255 Third Avenue in the City of Chula Vista
REVOKE THE PAWNBROKER known as the Coin Mart, a pawnshop operating under a Ii-
LICENSE OF MARTIN L. cense issued to Martin L. Altbaum. Certain properties
ALTBAUM DOING BUSINESS were seized for which no records were maintained as required
AS A PAWNBROKER ON by City Code. Failure to comply with the Code imposes a
PREMISES LOCATED AT duty upon the Council to revoke the license. Prior to
255 THIRD AVENUE IN revocation, a public hearing must be held. The resolution
THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA sets the date of June 28, 1977 for the public hearing.
17. RESOLUTION NO. 8646 Recent revisions to the Environmental Review Policy have
CERTIFYING INTER- changed the standards for inclusion in the list of environ-
CITY ENGINEERS, 1NC. mental consultants qualified for the preparation of Environ-
AS A CONSULTANT mental Impact Report for the City. Inter-City Engineers,
QUALIFIED FOR THE Inc. has been active in preparing such reports for the
PR£PARATION OF City in the past and has now submitted data to demonstrate
E~IRONMENTAL IMPACT that they are qualified for inclusion in the new list.
18. RESOLUTION - It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Councilman
GIVING NOTICE OF Scott and unanimously carried that this item be continued
A PUBLIC HEARING TO until after the budget session on June 8, 1977.
19. RESOLUTION - It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Councilman
GIVING NOTICE OF Scott and unanimously carried that this item be continued
A PUBLIC HEARING TO until after the budget session on June 8, 1977.
20. RESOLUTION NO. 8647 Thc following bids were received on Thursday, May 19, 1977
ACCEPTING BIDS AND for the construction of a triple box culvert across Hilltop
AWARDING CONTRACT FOR Drive at Telegraph Canyon Road:
City Council Meeting ~13- June 7, 1977
Contract Cost Optio~ 1 Contract Cost
~illtop Drive ~ductible Hilltop DrivQ
Sapper Brothers, San Diego, submitted the low bid and staff
recommended that the City Council accept bids and award the
contract to Sapper Brothers, in the amount of $93,884.95
with Hilltop Drive remaining open to vehicular traffic dur-
ing construction.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote~ to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Hobel, Cox, Hyde, Scott
Noes: None
Absent: None
21. RESOLUTION NO. 8648 The following bids were received for the construction of
ACCEPTING BIDS AND Telegraph Canyon Road from Halecrest Drive to 750 feet east
AWARDING CONTRACT FOR of Oleander Avenue on May 26, 1977:
ROAD IMPROVEMENTS ON R.E. Hazard Contracting Co., San Diego $214,778.00
TELEGRAPH CANYON ROAD Daley Corporation, San Diego $248,226.00
FROM HALECREST TO Griffith Company, San Diego $273,746.50
750' EAST OF
OLEANDER, GT-50 The project includes the reconstruction and realignment of
Telegraph Canyon Road to provide for four lanes of traffic,
bike lanes, and adequate merging lane from the 1-805 Freeway.
It also includes construction of a traffic signal system
at the intersection of Oleander-Crest Avenue and Telegraph
Canyon Road.
Staff recommended that the Council accept bids and award
the contract to R. E. Hazard Contracting Company in the
amount of $214,778 - the low bid.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Hobel, Cox, Hyde, Scott
Noes: None
Absent: None
22. RESOLUTION NO. 8649 On May 19, 1977 the San Diego County Department of Trans-
APPROVING AWARD OF portation received the following bids for the construction
CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUC- of Main Street from Fresno Avenue to the 1-805 Freeway:
TION OF MAIN STREET (1) R. E. Hazard Contracting Company-S1,129,691;(2) Daley
FROM FRESNO AVENUE TO Corporation~$1,135,590. This is a joint project between
THE 1-805 FREEWAY AND the County of San Diego and the City of Chula Vista with
APPROPRIATING ADDITIONAL 0.44 miles lying within the City. The low bid was received
FUNDS from R. E. Hazard Contracting Company in the amount of
$1,129,691. In accordance with Section 5 of the agreement
between the County and the City, the City Council must
approve award of the contract prior to award by the County
Board of Supervisors.
City Council Meeting ~14- June 7, 1977
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Egdahl, Hobel~ Cox, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
23. RESOLUTION NO. 8650 The Block Grant funded housing rehabilitation program (CHIP)
ADOPTING THE is beginning to make an impact in the Norman Park Neighbor-
COMMUNITY HOUSING hood. As the program grows, the process requires more
IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM refinement, hence the development of a policy manual. Coun-
POLICY BIANUAL cil action previously authorized agreements with Balboa
Bank and Bank of America and established general program
guidelines. It is proposed to adopt a program manual to
facilitate guidelines and bank agreements into one document.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Cox, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Cox, Hyde, Scott, Egdaht, Hobel
Noes: None
Absent: None
24. RESOLUTION NO. 8651 Bids were received on May 26, 1977 for the construction
ACCEPTING BIDS AND of a relief sewer main between Quintard Street/Orange Avenue.
AWARDING CONTRACT FOR One bid was received from Carver Corporation of Santee as
A RELIEF SE~ERI~A~N follows:
ORANGE AVE~E AND Alternate 1, Vitrified Clay Pipe $32,793.99
APPROPRIATING FUNDS Alternate 2, P.V.C. Pipe $30,949.40
The construction of this relief sewer main will eliminate
the surcharge on the existing sewer and provide adequate
capacity in the system to Orange Avenue.
Staff recommended that the contract be awarded to Carver
Corporation in the amount of $50,949.40 for Alternate #2.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Nobel, Cox, Hyde, Scott
Noes: None
Absent: None
25. RESOLUTION NO. 8652 Informal bids were requested from three automobile dealers
FINDING THAT IT IS TO for the purchase of a new automobile for the Mayor. The
THE CITY'S BEST INTEREST bid prices varied from $5,500 to $6,600, depending on how
TO WAIVE BIDDING the vehicle was equipped. The highest trade-in allowance
REQUIREMENTS FOR for the Oldsmobile Sedan was $1,275.
AUTOMOBILE FOR Staff recommended , pursuant to Section 2.56.170 of
THE MAYOR the City Code, that the Council waive the bidding require-
ment and authorize the Purchasing Agent to negotiate the
purchase of an automobile, which is estimated can be made
for $25 to $250 above dealer's cost. A copy of the invoice
for verification will be a requirement.
In answer to a question from Councilman Scott, Assistant
City Manager Asmus said that if this resolution is approved,
the money included in next year's budget for a car for the
Mayor will be deleted.
City Council Meeting -15- June 7, 1977
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Egdahl, Hobel, Cox, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
26. ORDINANCE NO. 1748 On May 10, 1977 the Board of Appeals and Advisors held a
AMENDING SECTIONS hearing on the adoption of the Uniform Plumbing Code, 1976
15.28.010, 15.28.020, Edition with amendments. The amendments contain provisions
15.28.030, 15.28.040, for the required installation of water saving devices and
15.28.050, 15.28.060, extended use of plastic plumbing. The Council placed the
15.28.070, 15.28.080, ordinance on first reading on May 24, 1977.
15.28.090, 15.28.100
AND REPEALING SECTIONS It was moved by Councilman Scott that this ordinance be
15.28.110, 15.28.120 placed on its second reading and adopted and that the
AND 15.28.130 OF CHAPTER reading of the text be waived by unanimous consent.
13.36.010, 13.36.020, The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
13.36.030 OF CHAPTER
15.36 AND REPEALING AYES: Councilmen Scott, Egdahl, Hobel, Cox, Hyde
SECTIONS 13.40.010, Noes: None
13.40.020, 13.40.030, Absent: None
13.40.040, 13.40.050
Suggestion for a City Manager Cole called the Council's attention to the
Member of the Council paragraph concerning the Loan Committee~on the agenda
to be on the Loan statement for Item 23 - "Adoption of Community Housing
Committee for CHIP Improvement Program Policy Manual." He said it was also
suggested that in addition to the Director of Building and
Housing, Director of Finance and the Community Development
Director as the Loan Committee, it might be appropriate for a
member of the Council, possibly the Mayor, to also be a
member of the Committee.
Motion for Mayor to be It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by Councilman
on the Loan Committee Cox and unanimously carried that the Mayor be designated
as a member of the Loan Committee.
28. REPORT ON REQUEST Mr. Irvin Rose applied for a permit to move a 3-bedroom
FOR PROPOSED HOUSEMOVE house from 347 Roosevelt Street to 337 "L" Street. The
TO 337 "L" STREET building was inspected on April 29, 1977 and the report
and recommendations were forwarded to the Planning Com~
mission for a scheduled~ hea~ing on May 25, 19~7, The
Commission granted approval at that time, subject to the
following conditions:
City Council Meeting -16~ June 7, 1977
1. A parcel map dividing the lot into two or more
parcels shall be recorded before the house may be
moved onto the property, or the applicant shall
submit evidence that the property is a legal R-1
2. The existing garage shall be remodeled to provide
parking for two cars or a two car garage shall be
3. All requirements of the R-1 zone relating to setbacks,
driveway and other applicable standards shall be
complied with.
4. The applicant shall comply with the requirements
of the Building and Housing Department.
Motion to accept report It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Mayor Hyde and
and approve request unanimously carried that the report be accepted and the
subject to conditions request approved subject to above conditions (#1 - #4).
Request from Mayor Hyde referred to a letter received from Supervisor
Supervisor Hamilton Hamilton inviting the City to send information to him
regarding industrial lands which may be available in the
City which would be suitable for Industrial development.
This information will be coordinated with similar requests
from other cities and used to seek suitable industrial
development in the South Bay area.
Request referred to Mayor Hyde referred this request to the City Manager and
City Manager asked that he develop the information requested in con-
junction with the Chamber of Commerce and prepare an
appropriate response for the Mayor's signature to be for-
warded to Supervisor Hamilton.
Mayor Hyde to start Mayor Hyde said he has changed his vacation plans and will
his vacation September 7 now take his vacation starting on September 7.
Vacation calendar In this connection, Mayor Hyde suggested that it would be
suggested for helpful if the Council members would inform the City Clerk
Council members of their scheduled vacation time in order that a calendar
could be prepared indicating the status of attendance at
the Council meetings.
Councilman Egdahl will Councilman Egdahl said he has made vacation plans to be
start his vacation Wednesday, August 24. He will be absent for the meeting
August 24 on September 6~ but will return on September 13.
Councilman Egdahl referred to the report from the Library
and the report prepared by CLSI. He asked if it was
necessary for the Council to take any action on this
report. City Manager Cole said no action was needed.
City Council Meeting -17~ June 7, 1977
Request for recommendation Councilman £gdahl further commented that during budget
on LIBS 100 system sessions, the Library staff had indicated there is a very
poor record on inventory and a poor system for keeping
inventory. He said the report indicated the volume of
circulation, the number of over-dues to be mailed out, and
the number of hours required by employees could be greatly
decreased with this new advanced system. He requested that
the Council ask for a specific recon~nendation on this from
the City Manager.
Library report Councilman Scott suggested that this be included as a
suggested as Council Conference item after the staff report is received.
Council Conference
Councilman Cox on Councilman Cox said he plans to be on vacation from August
vacation August 9 9 through 23,
through 23
Meetings regarding the Councilman Hobel asked for a status report on the meetings
450 acres of E1 Rancho being held by ACCORD on the 450 acres of E1 Rancho del Rey.
del Rey on schedule Director of Planning Peterson responded that the meetings
are on schedule and the consultant will be ~mking a presenta-
tion to the Council, the Planning Commission and ACCORD,
which can perhaps be arranged as a joint meeting.
Discussion regarding Councilman Scott referred to an article in the newspaper
billboard ordinance concerning billboards. He asked what the City's status
is regarding the Ordinance on billboards.
City Attorney Lindberg said this has been a problem because
of the total ban on billboards being a difficult matter
to enforce.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hyde adjourned the meeting at 9:20 p.m. to the Coun-
cil Conference at 4:00 p.m., Wednesday, June 8, 1977 for
budget session, and to the Council Conference on Thursday,
June 9, 1977 at 4:00 p.m. in the Council Conference Room.
City Clerk
Deputy City Cler~