Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. June 14, 1977
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California, was held on
-the above date beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 276 Fourth Avenue.
Councilmen present: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen }~bel, Cox, Scott, Egdahl
Councilmen absent: None
Staff present: City Manager Cole, City Attorney Lindberg, Assistant City Manager
Asmus, Director of Public Works Robens, Director of Planning
Peterson, Director of Parks & Recreation Hall, Transit Coordinator
Connor, Director of Personnel Bigge, Deputy City Manager Wittenberg
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor ltyde followed by a moment of silent
1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Hobel and unanimously carried that the minutes of the
meetings of May 26, June 2, 3, 6, 7 ~ 8, 1977 be approved,
copies having been sent to each Councilman.
a. INTRODUCTION OF Mayor Hyde welcomed Mr. Kolk to the meeting, htr. Kolk is
KEN KOLK, a member of the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Com-
COUNCIL GUEST merce and Chairman of its City Beautification Committee.
3. Request to speak on City Attorney Lindberg noted that the representatives of
negotiations impasse-- the Police Association have been meeting with the Council's
Police Officers representatives for many weeks under the procedures set
Association forth in the Myers-Millias-Brown Act. An impasse meeting
was held with the City Council, and Mr. Lindberg added, he
feels that the Police Association has effectively exhausted
their remedies and procedures as set forth under the Brown
Act. It would not be appropriate to appear before the
Council again to restate the Association's position. ~he
request for a change in the pension right was rejected by
the Council.
City Manager Cole stated he could not give the Council his
recommendation as to fringe benefits for the Police at this
time because it would cut off all possibility of further
negotiations. This recommendation will be given to the
Council at the public hearing to be held on June 21, 1977.
At the concurrence of the Council, Mayor Hyde allowed Police
Agent Stille to speak,making note of the fact that this is
not an impasse meeting and it is not negotiations.
Police Agent Stille Police Agent Stille commented that the Council had asked
that the Police Association team return to the Council if
it was interested in continuing with the negotiations. Mr.
Stille said they would like to return to negotiations as
much as the City but not in the present setting. The Asso-
ciation voted on June 9 [55 to 2) not to return to negotia-
tions unless all areas are covered: wages, hours and working
conditions and included in those are retirement benefits.
City Council Meeting -2- June 14, 1977
Mr. Stille asked that an arbitrator from the State Coun-
ciliatory Board be called in for the benefit of his (or
her) opinion. He is not suggesting binding arbitration -
just the opinion of a third party.
Motion for It was moved by Councilman Scott and seconded by Councilman
Executive Session Egdahl that the Council recess into Executive Session at
the present time for the purpose of discussing personnel
Discussion of motion The Council discussed going into Executive Session at the
close of the meeting and/or waiting to hear from the Fire-
fighters Association who have also asked to speak to the
Council at this meeting.
Motion amended Councilman Scott amended his motion to state that the Coun-
cil recess to Executive Session after the testimony given
by the Firefighters Association. Councilman Egdahl agreed
to the second.
Motion and The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
amendment carried
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Egdahl, Hobel
Noes: Councilmen Cox, Hyde
Absent: None
Donald Byrum Mr. Byrum stated that the Firefighters are also at an im-
Firefighters Association passe; this is actually the third impasse - one on May 13,
June 1 and another on June 10. On June 9, they reached an
agreement with the City on a contract and on June 10, the
City called them back in and said they couldn't honor that
agreement. Mr. Byrum stated that the Firefighters want the
City to honor that agreement which called for: 5% increase
effective July 1, 1977;56 hour work week to begin in October;
eliminating the Class A uniform; institute New Year's Day
as a floating holiday; City to pay premiums on improved
medical health plan for employees and dependents; City to
maintain promotional eligibility list within 60 days of
each other; eliminate bilingual pay for the members of this
unit; modify the call-back to $20 flat rate plus premium
pay for actual time worked; change acting position policy
from three shifts to one shift.
Mr. Byrum added that this agreement reached on June 9 costs
the City less than any proposal made by the City so far.
In answer to the Council's query, Mr. Byrum said that they
get different figures at every meeting; however, the Associa-
tion's figures come up to 5.65% total.
City Manager's comments Mr. Cole explained that at the June 9 meeting, there was
no binding agreement. Both teams had to get further ap-
proval of the proposed agreement.
Mr. Byrum remarked that he immediately polled the Firefighters
and by Sunday afternoon, had received approval with the
exception of the uniforms - the Firefighters wanted to keep
the uniforms.
Executive Session The Council recessed to Executive Session at 7:30 p.m. and
the meeting reconvened at 8:05 p.m.
City Council Meeting -3~ June 14, 1977
City's position regarding Mayor Hyde stated that the City is willing to enter into
Police Officers' mediation with the Police Officers Association under the
Association sponsorship of the State of California Conciliatory Service.
Police Agent Stille said it was his understanding that a
mediator will attempt to settle differences without a
public fact~finding presentation. Both sides had previously
agreed that mediation would not solve anything. They
~ould prefer to have an arbitrator who would do the fact-
finding and then make this public. Police Agent Stille
said he would think about this proposal tonight and notify
the Personnel Officer in the morning regarding the Associa-
tion's position.
City's position regarding Mayor Hyde notified Mr. Byrum that the Council has fully
Firefighters Association considered the comments made and reviewed all proceedings
described by the City Manager and the negotiating team.
At this point, the Council still pursues the same criterion
and guidelines for negotiations with the Firefighters. The
Council is ~lexible and there is room in which to negotiate.
The Council hopes the Firefighters will go back to the ne-
gotiating table. As a fiscally-responsible body, the
Council has determined that there is just so much they can
allocate to changes in employment compensation - the total
package is firm, but within the framework of that total
amount, the Council is flexible.
Mr. Byrum again asked that the Council approve the package
as agreed to on June 9, 1977.
Mayor Hyde stated that the Council does not approve the
a. REQUEST FOR LEFT- Mr. Burns, 130 Whitney Street, Chula Vista, requested
TURN ARROWS AT consideration of installing left-turn signals along "H"
FOURTH AND "H" Street on all cross streets from Third Avenue to Broadway.
Proposed for funding Director of Public Works Robens stated that this item is
under Revenue Sharing one of those proposed for funding under Revenue Sharing
projects to be considered by the Council on June 21.
Motion to notify It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Hobel
Mr. Burns and unanimously carried that the staff be directed to in-
form Mr. Burns of Council's action in this regard.
S. PUBLIC HEARING - This being the time and placed as advertised, Mayor Hyde
CONSIDERATION OF opened the public hearings on items S and 6.
AT THIRD AVENUE Director of Planning Peterson explained that the applicant
EXTENSION AND is requesting rezoning for a .44 acre parcel located at
KIMBALL TERRACE the northwesterly corner of Third Avenue extension and
FROM R-1 TO R~3~P-12 -- Kimball Terrace from R-1 to R~3-P-12 for the purpose of
MICHAEL J. ROARK constructing a 5~unit apartment complex. The proposed
density of 12 dwelling units per acre is in conformance
with the maximum limit for the Medium Density Residential
designation of the General Plan.
City Council Meeting -4- June 14, 1977
Mr. Peterson noted that the Negative Declaration on this
project was certified by the Planning Commission on March
17, 1977.
On May 25, 1977 the Planning Commission recommended the
change of zone from R-1 to R-3-P-12 in accordance with
their Resolution PCZ~77~I.
Director of Planning Peterson answered the Council's ques-
tions concerning the proposed development stating that the
"P" Precise Plan Modifying District guidelines will ensure
the compatibility of the multiple-family development with
the adjacent single-family area.
Traffic speed Councilman Scott questioned what consideration was given
to the speed of traffic along this area. Mr. Peterson
stated that the Planning and Public Works staff studied
this in some depth. Initially, it was agreed that access
should be taken off Kimball Terrace; however, it was deter-
mined that it would have an adverse affect on the homes in
Kimball Terrace. The access point, therefore, was relocated
on Third Avenue to line up with Seavale (south end of the
median divider). Both the Planning and Public Works' staff
agreed that this access point would be more acceptable than
one on Kimball Terrace.
Public hearings closed There being no further comments, either for or against,
the public hearings on items 5 and 6 were closed.
Sa. ORDINANCE NO. 1751 - It was moved by Councilman Hobel that this ordinance be
AMENDING ZONING MAPS placed on its first reading and that the reading of the
ESTABLISHED BY SECTION text be waived by unanimous consent.
19.18.010 OF THE CHULA
Speaking against Councilman Scott spoke against the motion stating the
the motion danger of another opening onto Third Avenue. The traffic
here is extremely fast and it would be completely unsafe.
Motion carried The motion to place the Ordinance on first reading carried
by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Cox, Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: Councilman Scott
Absent: None
6. PUBLIC HEARING - Director of Planning Peterson referred to his written re-
CONSIDERATION OF port to Council in which he discussed the applicant's pro-
PRECISE PLAN FOR posal to construct a S-unit apartment building on the pro-
DEVELOPMENT OF 0.44 perry.
City Council Meeting -5- June 14, 1977
Mr. Peterson noted the existing site characteristics de-
tailing the precise plan, parking, setbacks, landscaping
and architecture stating that the proposed development
either meets or exceeds the precise plan guidelines recom-
mended as part of the rezoning approval regarding private
open space, access and setbacks.
6a. RESOLUTION NO. 8656 - Offered by Councilman Cox, the reading of the text was
APPROVING PRECISE PLAN waived by unanimous consent.
Speaking against motion Councilman Scott reiterated his remarks made under item 5.
Motion carried The offer of the resolution carried by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Cox, Hyde, Egdahl, Hobel
Noes: Councilman Scott
Absent: None
7. PUBLIC HEARING - This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor ttyde
CONSIDERATION OF opened the public hearing.
PRECISE PLAN MODIFYING Director of Planning Peterson submitted a plat of the area
DISTRICT TO PROPERTY ON noting the boundaries of the proposed "P" Modifying District.
BETWEEN FOURTH AVENUE In a written report to Council, Mr. Peterson explained that
AND THE SOUTHERLY in April 1976 (Resolution 8119) the Council determined that
BOUNDARY OF THE THIRD al/ development proposals on properties on both sides of
AVENUE PROJECT AREA Third Avenue between "H" and "I" Streets and on "H" Street
between Third and Fourth Avenues would be reviewed by the
Planning Commission and the City Council until the Third
Avenue Project area boundary was established and the "P"
Modifying District imposed upon the properties located out-
side of the Redevelopment Project area. Mr. Peterson added
that the Third Avenue Project Area has since been established
and those properties lying within the Project Area boundaries
are no longer affected by the resolution whereas the pro-
perties along "H" Street are outside the boundaries and
are still subject to the resolution.
Mr. Peterson discussed the application of the "P" Modifying
District stating it is now appropriate to rescind the
interim resolution (8119) and establish the review of
development plans in this area as provided for in the "P"
Precise Plan Modifying District.
In answer to Council's question, Mr. Peterson stated that
the "P" designator would have the same architectural control
as the "D" modifier.
Public hearing closed There being no comments, either for or against, the hearing
was declared closed.
City Council Meeting ~6~ June 14, 1977
7a. ORDINANCE NO. 1752 - Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of the text was
AMENDING ZONING MAPS waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
ESTABLISHED BY SECTION following vote, to-wit:
19.18.010 OF THE CHULA
VISTA MUNICIPAL CODE AYES: Councilmen Scott, Egdahl, Hobel, Cox, Hyde
BOTH SIDES OF "H" Absent: None
8. PUBLIC HEARING ~ This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor Hyde
CONSIDERATION OF opened the public hearing.
SPACE DISTRICT NO. 8 Director of Public Works Robens remarked that on May 24,
(RANCHO ROBINHOOD, 1977 the City Council, by Resolution 8633, declared the
UNIT #3) AND APPROVAL City's intention to establish Open Space District #8
OF SPREAD OF ASSESSMENTS setting this meeting for a public hearing to hear persons
in favor of or objecting to the formation of the proposed
In a written report, Mr. Robens explained that Mr. Robert
E. Casey, President of Robinhood Homes Unit #3 Subdivision
submitted the petition to form the Open Space District
(April 20, 1977). The boundary of the District is the same
as the boundary for Robinhood Homes Unit #3 Subdivision.
The lots to be maintained are 242, 243, 244, 245 and 246
on the final map of the subdivision. The improvements to
be maintained are landscaping, plant material and irriga-
tion systems.
Mr. Robens estimated the annual maintenance cost for the
District to be $26,700 which will be assessed equally
against each dwelling unit for a total of 110 units. The
assessment cost for each dwelling will be $237 a year.
Council discussion Discussion followed regarding the cost of the Districts.
regarding cost to City Councilman Egdahl noted the staff's statement that there
would be no direct financial impact to the City for the
maintenance of improvements within the District since the
110 property owners within the District would be assessed
for direct maintenance and administrative costs. The
City makes a loan to the District from the General Fund
for the cost of the first year's maintenance contract.
Councilman Egdahl questioned whether it means that the
City is one year behind on all the assessment districts.
Director of Parks & Recreation Hall explained that the
City will be recovering the advanced loan a little at a
time -- it will take about 2 years to get it back.
The Council further discussed the amounts of tax dollars
used in this way; the loan being paid back with appropriate
interest; the developer's maintenance requirement which
runs for one year followed by the assessments; charging
the District 1-1/2 times the normal assessment for the
first two years to recover the advancement; would like to
see the record of the pay-back.
City Council Meeting ,7~ June 14, 1977
8a. RESOLUTION NO. Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading of the text was
ORDERING THE FORMATION waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
OF CHULA VISTA OPEN following vote, to-~it:
(RANCHO ROBINHOOD AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Hobel, Cox, Hyde, Scott
Motion for staff report It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by Councilman
Scott and unanimously carried that the staff be directed
to prepare a report on the pay-back recoveries of the seed
monies invested in Open Space Districts - how it is done;
over what period of time it comes; and regarding any
interest, or not.
Discussion of motion Councilman Scott said he would like to have this done to-
ward making a policy by the Council -- whether the City
should get paid back in one, two, four or five years, and
whether it should or should not be interest-bearing.
CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Egdahl and unanimously carried that the Consent Calendar
be approved and adopted, pulling items 10-11-13.
9. RESOLUTION NO. 8658 - The California Highway Patrol requires written training
APPROVING TRAINING agreements from any agency participating in their training
AGREEMENTS BETWEEN programs. This training meets California Commission on
THE CITY OF CHULA Peace Officer Standards and Training requirements for Advanced
VISTA AND THE CALIFORNIA Officer Training which is required for officers every four
HIGHWAY PATROL FOR FISCAL years and is a completely P.O.S.T. reimbursable course.
YEARS 1977-78 AND 1978-79
12. RESOLUTION NO. 8659 The resolution establishes the following traffic regulations:
Intersection Traffic Stopped On
E. Orange Avenue and E. Orange Avenue
OF CHULA VISTA Oleander Avenue
~ale street and ~ale Street
~alecrest Drive
Oleander Avenue and E~ Oxford and driveway
E. Oxford Street to Greg Rogers Park
14. RESOLUTION NO. 8660 - On April 20, 1977 the Planning Commission approved Mr.
AUTHORIZING THE DEFERRAL Bound's request for the deferral of the alley improvements
OF THE INSTALLATION OF at 209 Garrett Avenue. One of the conditions was that the
CERTAIN PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS property owners would guarantee the future installation of
ON THE PROPERTY OWNED BY the alley improvements upon receipt of written notice by
DAVID M. AND JERELYN A. the City. Mr. and Mrs. Bounds have requested that future
BOUNDS LOCATED BETWEEN installation of the permanent alley improvements be guaran-
LANDIS AVENUE AND G~LRRETT teed by a lien agreement and have executed the agreement in
AVENUE, SOUTH OF "E" the amount of $1,300 to guarantee the future installation
STREET, AT THE REAR OF of the improvements.
City Council Meeting -8- June 14, 1977
15. RESOLUTION NO. 8661 - On December 23, 1975 the Council (Resolution 7997) approved
DEDICATING AND NAMING an agreement and grant of easement between the City and the
PREVIOUSLY ACCEPTED REAL State of California for portions of North Glover Avenue
PROPERTY - PORTIONS OF adjacent to the Department of Motor Vehicles facility. The
NORTH GLOVER AVENUE City Council accepted the improvements on April 19, 1977 by
ADJACENT TO THE CHULA Resolution 8584. It is now appropriate to dedicate and
VISTA DEPARTMENT OF name the easement as North Glover Avenue.
16. RESOLUTION NO. 8662 - On July 12, 1976 Charles S. Offerman filed a petition for
GIVING NOTICE OF THE annexation for 3.98 acres for the purpose of obtaining
PROPOSED ANNEXATION TO comprehensive City services to support proposed apartment
THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA units. The property is located on the south side of "L"
OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED Street between Fourth and Fifth Avenues. On May 2, 1977
TERRITORY KNOWN AND the Local Agency Formation Commission approved the annexation.
DESIGNATED AS OFFEP~N The petition for annexation did not receive 100% consent
"L" STREET ANNEXATION of the property owners involved; therefore, it is necessary
to set a public hearing.
10. RESOLUTION NO. Mr. Wappes, appointed to the Safety Commission in July 1968,
COMMENDING WILLIAM recently submitted his resignation. The resolution commends
WAPPES FOR HIS SERVICES him for his services on the Commission.
Motion to continue It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Cox and
unanimously carried that this resolution be continued for
one week due to the fact that Mr. Wappes is not present
at the meeting.
11. RESOLUTION NO. 8663 - The Overall Economic Development Program General Committee,
URGING PROMPT San Diego region, requested support of the cities in this
CONGRESSIONAL area urging Congress to help the tuna industry.
THE CRIPPLING Councilman Hobel questioned the necessity of this resolution
RESTRICTIONS ON as Congress has already accepted the quota. He asked whether
THE TUNA INDUSTRY the Council is asking Congress to accept the quota proposed
by the tuna industry which is much higher than accepted by
the Congress.
City Attorney Lindberg reported that the Bill has gone back
to a joint committee for further deliberations.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hobel, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Cox, Hyde, Scott, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
13. RESOLUTION NO. - Robinhood Homes, Inc., has completed the public improvements
APPROVING AND ACCEPTING which consist of sanitary sewer, storm drainage facilities,
PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS IN street lights, curbs, sidewalks and street pavements. A
THAT CERTAIN SUBDIVISION final inspection was conducted on April 28, 1977 and on
KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS May 31, 1977 corrective work was completed to the satisfac-
ROBINHOOD POINT, UNIT NO. 1 tion of the Director of Public Works.
City Council Meeting -9- June 14, 1977
Continuance for one week City Attorney Lindberg asked that the resolution be
continued for one week.
It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Hobel and unanimously carried that this resolution be
continued for one week.
17. RESOLUTION NO. 8664 As a municipal transit operator, Chula Vista is required
ADOPTING THE UPDATED to maintain a current five-year Transit Development Program
TRANSI? DEVELOPMENT (TDP). The Program must be updated annually to reflect
PROGRAM FOR CHULA service changes, completed improvements, revised estimates
VISTA TRANSIT and revised plans. The Resolution incorporates the updated
original Transit Development Program as prepared by Barton-
Aschman Associates, Inc., which covers the period from
FY 77-78 through FY 81-82.
Comments by Councilman Councilman Scott said he wasn't sure he would be willing
Scott to commit the City on such an ambitious program, noting
the City costs from 1977/78 as $30,000 to 1980/81 as
$258~000, of a total budget for transit services of 1.740
million dollars.
Council discussion Comments followed regarding the cost of the service; the
drain on the budget for years to come; alternative of
starting again on a City-run service for a five year
program; increased cost of Library and Parks & Recreation
services this year; other alternatives; SB325 and other
funds; construction of the transit center and garages;
type of services provided; the percentage of ridership in-
crease; updating the program each year and the need for a
Council Conference to discuss all aspects of the program.
Commitment by the City Director of Public Works Robens explained that this Program
does not obligate the Council - UMTA wants approval by
June 30. The Program qualifies for receipt of UMTA funds
and upon getting the funds, then it becomes the obligation
of the City to continue the program for a period of 5 years.
Inflation figure used In answer to Councilman Hobel's query, Transit Coordinator
Connor said he used the 6% inflation figure in preparing
the estimates; 3% on public revenues.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Egdahl, Hobel, Cox, Hyde
· ,~ Noes: None
' I Absent: None
Motion for It was moved by CoUncilman Scott, and seconded by
Council Conference Mayor~d~ ~iha~ 'a CO~cil COnfere~ee .~e
called in mid-September on this subject again and speak
to the problems and areas that were brought up tonight
plus what other alternatives the City might have if, in
, fact, it decided to disband the bus system.
Councilman Cox asked that the staff pursue the possibility
of taking a similar course as the City of San Diego - 10¢
of their tax rate is specifically for funding the Transit
City Council Meeting -10- June 14, 1977
Included in motion Councilman Scott included this in his motion; Mayor Hyde
agreed to the second and the motion carried unanimously.
Motion for staff It was moved by Mayor Hyde~ seconded by Councilman Scott
recommendation and unanimously carried that the staff recommend to the
City Council whether or not it should ask to have the
operational funding of bus service from SB325 monies be
modified to provide a greater increase for operating
18. RESOLUTION NO. 8665 - The resolution encompasses a proposed interim agreement to
APPROVING AGREEMENT continue providing intercity bus service in Chula Vista.
BETWEEN THE CITY OF It does not reflect current projected financing since the
CHULA VISTA AND SAN Transit Corporation's budget and fare structure have not
DIEGO TRANSIT CORPORATION been finalized. This will be submitted as an amended agree-
FOR PROVISION OF INTERCITY ment when financial data are complete.. The proposal in-
BUS SERVICE DURING FISCAL cludes an express route fare from 35¢ to 50¢.
YEAR 1977-78
Claude Page Mr. Page discussed the reduction in the passenger revenue
San Diego Transit credit due to the higher use of saver passes. As to the
increase from 154 to 354 on the express route, it was a
decision by the Board in an attempt to balance the budget.
Express route Councilman Scott noted the 5-minute difference in time
between #32 bus and ~100 in reaching the plaza in San Diego.
He added that the express bus picks up everyone south of
Chula Vista, and when it comes into the City, it is full
and no one can get on the bus. Councilman Scott stated
his feeling that Chula Vista "does not get a fair shake
from San Diego Transit. It is paying more money for less
Mr. Page agreed adding that the policy is that the express
routes would be charged a premium fare. Bus #100 has
relieved the congestion of #32 but will probably put the
congestion back on.
To Council's questions, Mr. Page said he will be coming
back to the Council possibly with increased costs. There
is a possibility that the gross cost per mile might be
reduced by 14 or 2¢ -- it is now at $2.01-1/2.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Egdahl, Hobel, Cox, Hyde
Absent: None
Motion to send letter It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Mayor Hyde
to San Diego Transit and unanimously carried that a letter be sent to San Diego
Transit strongly and strenuously objecting to the increase
in the route ~100 fare and also the crowded conditions on
#52 - "and put this letter in such bold and flowery phrases
that the City will get results instead o£ telling (this
City] that it (San Diego Transit] needs more money, but
you (Chula Vista) can go to hell."
City Council Meeting ~11~ June 14, 1977
National City's action Mr. Page reported that National City took action tonight
to not support Route #100 anymore - it will no longer
stop in National City after July 1. They were getting
133 passengers a day boarding there. Mr. Page explained
that there was an error made in the allocation of SB325
money back in 1975. National City has $133,000 less than
they thought they had. They are also reducing other levels
of service in their city to bring it down within their
Next presentation Mr. Page stated that he will be back before the Council
to Council after the first of the calendar year. If this City wants
information pertaining to Councilman Scott's complaint
and/or other problems, they can be back to the Council for
minute action to make additional changes in the agreement.
Decision making time for any change in September is now -
before July 1. The next scheduled change will be effective
January 29 with a deadline of November I for decision-
making. Mr. Page said he would be back in October for
any minute-action by the Council for the proposed changes.
Recess A recess was called at 9:25 p.m. and the meeting reconvened
at 9:52 p.m.
19. RESOLUTION NO. 8666 - On April 1, 1977 staff submitted a Local Transportation
AUTHORIZING THE SUB- Fund (LTF) Claim fo the Comprehensive Planning Organization
MITTAL OF CLAIMS FOR to assist the operation of the Chula Vista Transit System
LOCAL TRANSPORTATION during Fiscal Year 1977-78. The claim totals $390,720
FUND CLAIM TO COM- toward a total estimated expenditure of $614,000. The
PREHENSIVE PLANNING projected Fiscal Year 1977-78 cost to the City is $30,000.
Resolution offered Offered by Mayor Hyde, the reading of the text was waived
by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the following
vote, to-wit:
AYES: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Scott, Egdahl, Hobel, Cox
Noes: None
Absent: None
20. RESOLUTION NO. 8667 - The agreement calls for Aztec Bus Lines, Inc., to provide
APPROVING THIRTEENTH 438,000 scheduled miles of service for a total cost of
AMENDMENT TO THE $323,370, a unit cost of approximately 74¢ a mile. The
AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE anticipated cost to the City is $30,000.
Resolution offered Offered by Mayor ttyde, the reading of the text was waived
by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the following
vote, to-wit:
AYES: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Scott, Egdahl, Hobel, Cox
Noes: None
Absent: None
City Council Meeting ~12- June 14, 1977
21. RESOLUTION NO. 8668 - In November 1972, the Council approved a rating system for
AMENDING RESOLUTION NOS. use in prioritizing utility undergrounding projects within
6683 AND 710S ADOPTING the City. The six-year undergrounding program that followed
REVISED RATING SYSTEM, was based on that rating ~ystem; however, during the course
UTILITY UNDERGROUNDING of the program, it became necessary to modify the relative
PRIORITY LIST AND FIVE order of the projects.
PROGRAM The resolution modifies the undergrounding rating System,
priority list and S~year program.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Cox, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent.
Council discussion Discussion followed in which Councilman Scott voiced his
objection in not finishing the Broadway project. He under-
stands inrproving Third Avenue because of the regional
center but then the project goes to Fourth Avenue. Council-
man Scott added that he would prefer to see the priority go
back to finishing Broadway. Rather than have the motion
pass, Councilman Scott suggested a Council Conference be
called to discuss policies. Councilman Nobel agreed.
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Cox, Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: Councilmen Scott, Hobel
Absent: None
22. RESOLUTION NO. 8669 - The following formal bids were received on Thursday, May 26,
ACCEPTING BIDS AND 1977 for the landscape maintenance of Open Space Districts
AWARDING CONTRACTS FOR Nos. 1, 2 and 3 for a 365-day period to begin on July 1,
NOS .1, 2 AND 3 FOR A pren Space District NO. 1 - E1 Rancho del ReZ
365-DAY PERIOD Environmental Care, Inc., San Diego $ 8,892.00
Quintus Enterprises, Santee 10,400.00
Open Space District No. 2 - Larkhaven
Environmental Care, Inc., San Diego 5,616.00
Environmental Care, Inc., San Diego, Less 15% 4,773.60
Quintus Enterprises, Santee 4,800.00
.Open S~ace District NO. 3 - Rancho Robinhood
Environmental Care, Inc., San Diego 12,636.00
Quintus Enterprises, Santee 24,800.00
The staff's recommendation was to accept the bids and award
the contracts to Environmental Care, Inc. as follows:
Open Space #1 $8,892.00
Open Space #2 - $4,773.60
Open Space #3 - $12,636.00
Further, to authorize expenditure of $9,781.20 from Account
No. 551-5510-5298; $5,250.96 from Account No. 552-5520-5298;
and $13,899.60 from Account No. 553-5530-5298.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Egdahl, Hobel, Cox, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
City Council Meeting ~13- June 14, 1977
23. CONTINUED CONSIDERATION On June 7, 1977 the City Council concluded the public hear-
OF BONITA GLEN SPECIFIC ing on the Bonita Glen Specific Plan and directed staff to
PLAN bring back to Council the final plan containing the changes
discussed at the June 7 meeting.
In a written report to the Council, Director of Planning
Peterson noted the changes made to the Plan.
23a. RESOLUTION NO. 8670 - Offered by Councilman Egdaht, the reading of the text was
ADOPTING BONITA waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
GLEN SPECIFIC PLAN foll~ing vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Hobel, Cox, Hyde, Scott
Noes: None
Absent: None
24. ORDINANCE NO. 1749 - Morgan and Gardner, Inc., requested the rezoning to adjust
AMENDING ZONING MAPS a zoning boundary between the R-1 and R-3-P-13 zones within
ESTABLISHED BY SECTION a proposed 33-acre subdivision on the north side of "E"
19.18.010 OF THE CHULA Street between Corte Maria and 1-805. The ordinance was
VISTA MUNICIPAL CODE RE- placed on first reading at the meeting of June 7, 1977.
Ordinance placed on It was moved by Mayor Hyde that this ordinance be placed
second reading and adopted on its second reading and adopted and that the reading of
the text be waived by unanimous consent.
The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: M~yor Hyde, Councilmen Scott, Egdahl, Hobel, Cox
Noes: None
Absent: None
25. ORDINANCE NO. 1750 - Pursuant to City Council instructions, the Planning Depart-
AMENDING ZONING MAPS merit studied the 8.74 acres of land bounded by Bonita Road,
ESTABLISHED BY SECTION the 1-80S/Bonita Road interchange, Vista Drive and Bonita
19.18.010 OF THE CHULA Glen Drive and redesignated it from "Visitor Commercial"
VISTA MUNICIPAL CODE to "Retail Commercial" on the plan diagram of the Chula
PREZONING AND REZONING Vista General Plan. The ordinance rezoning the property
THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY to C-C-P was placed on first reading at the meeting of
E-l, R-l, R-3 AND C~C~D TO
Ordinance placed on It was moved by Councilman Cox that this ordinance be placed
second reading and adopted on its second reading and adopted and that the reading of
the text be waived by unanimous consent.
The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Cox, Hyde, Scott, Egdahl, Hobel
Noes: None
Absent: None
City Council Meeting -14~ June 14, 1977
27. CONSIDERATION OF NEED Director of Planning Peterson submitted a written report
TO ADOPT AN EMERGENCY in which he stated that the 9.34 acres under R-3 zoning
ORDINANCE REZONING would allow 301 apartment units. However, 1.7 acres of
PROPERTY ON THE NORTH the property is undevelopable slope area; therefore, if
SIDE OF TELEGRAPH the density under the present zoning is permitted, it
CANYON ROAD, EAST OF would considerably exceed the density allowed in the R-3
TO R-3-M
Mr. Peterson recommended that the City Attorney be directed
to prepare an emergency ordinance rezoning the subject
property from R-3 to R-3-M and refer the matter to the
Planning Commission to consider establishing R-3-M zoning
as the permanent zoning on the property.
Motion to direct It was moved by Councilman Scott and seconded by Mayor
City Attorney Hyde that the City Attorney prepare an emergency ordinance
rezoning the property to R-3-M and the matter be referred
to the Planning Commission for consideration of establishing
R-3-M zoning as the permanent zoning on the property.
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hyde, Egdahl, Cox
Noes: Councilman Hobel
Absent: None
28. REPORT ON THE ADDITIONAL Director of Public Works Robens explained that on May 17,
REMOVAL OF RAISED CURB 1977 the City Council received a letter from Mr. and Mrs.
MEDIAN IN THE 600 BLOCK Kozak, 634 "J" Street requesting removal of additional
OF "J" STREET island to permit better access to their apartments on the
south side of "J" Street.
The staff's recommendation is to leave the island as it
is and install a "U TURN OK" sign at the east end of the
The Safety Commission recommended the retention of the
island as is and the installation of a "U TURN OK" sign
on the nose of the island for eastbound traffic.
Report accepted It~was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by Councilman
Cox and unanimously carried that the report be accepted.
Mary Kozak Mrs. Kozak asked permission to adress the Council on this
634 "J" Street item.
Chula Vista
Motion for reconsideration It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Scott
and unanimously carried that this item be reconsidered.
Mrs. Kozak's commenta Mrs. Kozak said she wrote the letter requesting that the
island be taken out. When the island was put in, they were
in escrow purchasing their 40-unit apartment building so
could make no objection at that time. The island costs
the City $1,000 to maintain ~ this should be a left-turn
lane. Mrs. Kozak added that her 40 units are complotely
cut off from going directly to the freeway -- the occupants
must go to Madison and make a U-turn.
City Council Meeting -1S~ June 14, 1977
Motion on main motion The main motion to accept the staff's recommendation carried
29. REPORT ON REQUEST FOR On May 10, 1977 the City Council received a written request
SCHOOL CROSSWALK, SCHOOL from Mrs. Ann Wickline of the Parkview School PTA to install
ZONE SIGNS AND SAFETY a shhool zone crosswalk and school zone signs at the inter-
PATROL AT THE INTER- section of Oleander Avenue and Azalea Street. She also
SECTION OF OLEANDER requested that a school safety patrol be considered for this
In a written report to the Council, Director of Public Works
Robens recommended the installation of a school crosswalk
and appropriate advance warning signs on Oleander Avenue
at Azalea Street. He noted the cost would be approximately
$125 to install and $40 a year to maintain.
On May 25, 1977 the Safety Commission concurred with this
Report accepted It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by Councilman
Scott and unanimously carried that the report be accepted.
30. REPORT ON SAFETY CO~ISSION The Safety Commission had recommended that the Code be
RECO~ENDATION TO AMEND ~mended to stipulate that trees be trimmed to provide
THE MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING maximum vertical clearances of nine feet over all portions
TREE TRIMMING AND SITE of public sidewalks, ten feet at curbs,and 15 feet over
Director of Public Works Robens recommended that the Code
not be amended but that in individual instances where the
existing Code and policy cause a safety hazard, administra-
tive action to correct the problem be made by the Director
of Public Works.
Howard Evans, Chairman Mr. Evans stated that the recommendation by the Public
Safety Commission Works Director does not address the main concern of the
Safety Commission. It was the intention of the Safety
Commission in asking for a modification to the Code, Section
12.32.150, to assign responsibility of trimming trees
growing on private property and over the sidewalk which
make it difficult for pedestrians to walk upon the side-
walk. There were no complaints regarding how ;the Public
Works Department is tr~mming the trees; The ~oblem is
that some of ~he trees g~oW~ng on.private properties and
over sidewalks need trimming, more frequently than the durrent
tree-trimming cycle.
Motion for clarification It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by Councilman
Cox and unanimously carried that the Safety Commission be
asked to clarify their concern and have it referred to the
staff for comment.
31. RECOMMENDATIONS REGARDING The International Friendship Co~mnission recommended that if
NANING OF CITY PARKS there is a new park constructed in the City, that considera-
tion be given to naming it after the Sister City of Irapuato,
Mexico; or that consideration be given to renaming General
Roca Park as "Sister Cities Park."
City Council Meeting -16~ June 14, 1977
Recommendation of Director of Parks & Recreation Hall reviewed the informalpolicy
Director of Parks & established by the Parks ~ Recreation Commission for naming
Recreation parks. It was his recommendation that General Roca Park
not be renamed and, in the future, staff will consider the
requests of the International Friendship Commission.
Staff report accepted It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by Councilman
Scott and unanimously carried that the staff's report be
RESOLUTION GIVING City Attorney Lindberg remarked that at the last meeting,
NOTICE OF HEARING the Council adopted a resolution giving notice of a hearing
REGARDING PAWN- for the revocation of a pawnbroker's license setting the
BROKERS LICENSE hearing for June 28. Inasmuch as the Attorney for the
operator of the pawnshop has not, as yet, received the
notice, he will be requesting a two-week continuance of
the matter.
Mr. Lindberg said that on June 28, he will formally request
the two-weeks' notice.
Motion for continuance It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Mayor Hyde
and unanimously carried that the intent of the City Council
is to grant a two-week continuance of this item at the
meeting of June 28.
League Dinner meeting Mayor Hyde reminded the Council of the League dinner meeting
to be held Thursday, June 16 with Chula Vista as host City.
Status of Center In answer to the Mayor's query, Director of Public Works
Street wall Robens commented that his Assistant met with MrS. Delgado
today. Both the existing and former owners are willing
to put up the amount originally agreed to. Mr. Robens
said he would have a report back to the Council in one or
two weeks.
City's population Councilman Egdahl referred to the letter received which
stated that the City's official population is now at
Citizens' Advisory It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by Councilman
Committee--LAFCO Scott and unanimously carried that the staff be directed
to prepare a letter to go to the LAFCO staff specifically
objecting to the abolishment of the Citizens' Advisory
Mayor Hyde suggested it be sen~ to the Commission also.
Councilman Egdahl agreed.
City Council Meeting ,17~ June 14, 1977
Motion for E1 Rancho It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by Mayor Hyde
del Rey Conference and unanimously carried that a Council Conference be set
for July 14 to look again at E1 Rancho del Rey plan - "where
we are and where we are going and get some resolutions."
Joint meeting Director of Planning Peterson said he met with representa-
with ACCORD tive of £1 Rancho del Rey and Mr. Jim Hutchison today and
both Parties felt that one more meeting was needed before
coming to Council. There is a need for a joint meeting
with the Council, Planning Commission and ACCORD to discuss
Tom Cooke's (consultant) report and recommendation.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hyde adjourned the meeting at 10:15 p.m. to the
meeting scheduled for Tuesday, June 21, 1977 at 7:00 p.m.