Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. July 5, 1977
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Ckula Vista, California, was held on
the above date beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 276 Fourth Avenue.
Councilmen present: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Hobel, Cox, Scott, Egdahl
Councilmen absent: None
Staff present: Acting City Manager Asmus, City Attorney Lindberg, Director of
Planning Peterson, Director of Public Works Robens, Fire Chief (Bud)
Smithe~, Transit Coordinator Conner
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Hyde followed by a moment of silent
1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Cox and unanimously carried that the minutes of the meetings
of June 25 and 28, 1977 be approved, copies having been
sent to each Councilman.
a. INTRODUCTION OF Mayor Hyde introduced Mr. Ruiz. He is a member of the
COUNCIL GUEST, Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce and is em-
MIKE RUIZ ployed by the Automobile Clab of Southern California.
Mr. Ruiz presented Councilman Hobel with a Certificate of
Appreciation for serving as a reader judge in the recent
academic competition on transportation sponsored by the
Automobile Club for undergraduate college students in the
Southern California area.
b. OATH OF OFFICE TO City Clerk Jennie Fulasz administered the Oath of Office
NEWLY APPOINTED to Don Painter and John Ventura, newly appointed Safety
COMMISSIONERS Commissioners.
c. PRESENTATION OF Mayor Hyde presented a 20-year Service Award to the following
20-YE;uR SERVICE Fire Department personnel:
Battalion Chief Kenneth R. Smithey, who was appointed to
the Fire Department in July, 1957. He was promoted to Fire
Engineer in 1960, to Fire Captain in 196S, and in 1971, he
was promoted to his present position of Battalion Chief.
Captain Charles R. Tussing, who was appointed as a Fireman
in 1957, promoted to Engineer in 1960, and to Captain in
Captain Richard B. Lesher, who was appointed as a Fireman in
19S7, promoted to Fire Engineer in 1960, and to Fire Captain
1965. Fire Chief William Smithey accepted the award on
behalf of Captain Lesher who was unable to be present.
City Council Meeting -2- July 5, 1977
d. PRESENTATION BY Mr. Campbell gave a brief update report to the Council on
PORT COb~qlSSION£R, tke Bayfrent with comments including (1) progress on the
C. R. CAMPBELL "J" Street Marina (an agreement has been approved and funds
budgeted for the maintenance of the grounds and comfort
station)) (2) problems of vandalism~ (3) report on the pro-
gress of the contractor Ia detailed schedule of completion
will be presented to the Council with the next report); (4)
highlights of the Port District budget for 1977-78; (5)
opposition of the Port District to the abandonment of the
San Diego and Arizona Eastern Railway; and (6) the efforts
of the Port District in seeking a variance from the State
imposed noise regulations in connection with the operation
of Lindberg Field.
Mayor Hyde commented that at the monthly Mayor's breakfast
scheduled for Monday, July II,Supervisor Lucille Moore will
be speaking on the subject of the status of efforts of
CORA (Committee Opposing Railway Abandonment) to prevent
the abandonment of the SD&AE Railway. He invited Mr. Campbell
to attend the breakfast.
In answer to a query from Councilman Hobel, Mr. Campbell
said he will check on Federal funds, if any, received by
the Port District for terminal buildings.
Dan Hartley Mr. Hartley said he was Chairman of the Land Use and Plan-
4190 Bonita Road ning Committee for the Bonita Business and Professional
Bonita Association. He read a letter addressed to the Council from
the Association concerning the Sweetwater Community Plan
which is to be reviewed by the County Board of Supervisors
at a public hearing on July 14, 1977. The land area of the
Plan includes portions of the City of Chula Vista,and the
Association requested that the Council review the Plan and
that an appropriate representative be provided at the 3uly 14
Supervisors' meeting.
(A copy of the Bonita Business & Professional Association
letter is on file in the City Clerk's office.)
Council discussion followed concerning the fact that the
Council Members have not yet received a copy of the Plan
and have not had an opportunity to review it, and the con-
flict in the meeting date of July 14 with two Council con-
ferences scheduled for that date.
Mayor Hyde said that there will be a representative from the
staff - Mr. Norm Williams - present at the public hearing.
In answer to a question from Mayor Hyde, City Attorney
Lindberg said that the full hearing process would not be
necessary if the Council only wishes to make an expression
of general approval or disapproval of the Plan, but the
Council might need background information from the staff
before taking a stand of any kind.
Suggestion for materials Councilman Scott suggested that material on the Sweetwater
to be included in Council Community Plan be sent to the Council this weekend in the
packets for next meeting Council packets for their individual review; and further
consideration can he given at next Tuesday's meeting whether
the Council wishes to generally support or oppose the plan,
or take no action if there is not sufficient information.
City Council Meeting -$- July 5, 1977
Motion for Sweetwater It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Community Plan materials Hobel and unanimously carried that material be sent in the
to be on the next Council Council packets for review and that at next Tuesday's Coun-
agenda (July 14) cil meeting (July 14), have it as an item on the Agenda.
Jed Topping Mr. Topping described a problem in making a safe exit from
1425 Second Avenue a mobilehome park where he lives at 1425 Second Avenue. He
Chula Vista 92011 stated that due to apartment units across the street, nu-
merous cars are parked close to the exit, and with the
heavy traffic it is difficult to make a safe exit onto
Second Avenue. He asked if consideration could be given to
red-curbing the driveway area the length of four of five
cars so this hazard can be corrected.
Motion to refer item It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by Councilman
to Safety Commission Scott and unanimously carried that this item be referred
and staff for report to the Safety Commission and the staff with a report back
to the Council.
a. REQUEST TO FILE LATE A request to file a late claim was submitted by Attorney
CI~IM FOR DAMAGES - Joe Cordileone on behalf of Margaret Mary Adams, a minor,
MARGARET /~ARY ADAMS who sustained injuries when struck by an automobile at
Hilltop Drive and "E" Street on July 14, 1976.
Motion to deny request It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Councilman Scott
and unanimously carried that the request be denied.
b. REQUEST TO HOLD The Chula Vista Art Guild submitted a written request for
ART MART ON NEW permission to hold Art Marts, subject to staff conditions
LIBRARY GROUNDS on the new Library grounds on the dates of August 13 and
14, October 8 and 9, and November 12 and 13, 1977.
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by Councilman
request for Art Marts Scott and unanimously carried that the request be approved,
subject to staff conditions.
c. REQUEST FOR Fourteen (14) members of various Boards and Commissions
REAPPOINTMENTS - have requested reappointment as follows:
CO~IqlSSIONS Patrick garajas Board of Appeals and Advisors
Myron Dalseth Board of Appeals and Advisors
Joseph Dordahl Civil Service Commission
Rudy Ledesma Civil Service Commission
Gayle McCandliss Environmental Control Commission/
Historical Site Board
Carolyn Morgan Board of Ethics
Joseph 0denthal Board of Ethics
Joy Sheresh Human Relations Commission
Martha Crouch International Friendship Commission
Emma Gutierrez International Friendship Commission
Don Ritchey Parking Place Commission
(Continued on page 4)
City Council Meeting -4- July 5, 1977
David Owens Parks and Recreation Commission
Roy Johnson Planning Commission
Gregory Attaway Safety Commission
Motion to reappoint It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Scott
members of Boards and unanimously carried that those members of Boards and
and Commissions Commissions whose names are listed on "Exhibit 1" (see above)
under 3c be reappointed for the term prescribed (July 1,
1977 through June 30, 1981).
Vacancies posted The following commissioners have indicated they do not
wish reappointment:
Robert Skartvedt - Environmental Control Commission/
Historical Site Board
Delbert Hughes - Parking Place Commission
Grover Start - Planning Commission
In accordance with the Maddy Appointive List Act, these
three vacancies have been posted. The Council will be able
to make appointments on or after July 12, 1977.
Member of Library Board The term of Harry La Bore, member of the Library Board of
of Trustees not eligible Trustees, expired June 30, 1977. He is not eligible for
for reappointment reappointment, however, he has indicated he is willing to
serve until a replacement is appointed by the Council.
Concern that service Councilman Scott expressed his concern that there should
on boards or commissions be some language - an appropriate resolution or ordinance -
be limited beyond to indicate that a person who served two terms cannot con-
expiration date tinue to serve on a board or commission more than a specified
number of days, when the position would automatically become
Charter amendment City Attorney Lindberg commented that any changes would
required require a Charter amendment. It is something that could
be examined.
Mayor Hyde suggested that to preclude a problem, positions
could remain vacant on expiration of terms until replacements
are appointed.
Motion for policy It was moved by Councilman Scott that the staff draw up a
regarding vacancies policy whereby, after 50 days, if a person has served for
two consecutive terms, that the seat is automatically
No second to motion The motion died for lack of a second.
Mayor Hyde announced that Items 4, 5, and 6 were continued
from the meeting of June 21 and would be considered together
as related matters. He re-opened the public hearings on
these items.
City Council Meeting -5- July 5, 1977
4, PUBLIC HEARING - Director of Planning Peterson said that on June 21, 1977
CONSIDERATION OF the City Council denied an application seeking to rezone
REZONING 3.4 ACRES 3.4 acres at the northwest corner of Fourth Avenue and "K"
AT THE NORTHWEST Street from R-1 to R-i-5-P and referred the matter to the
CORNER OF FOURTH Planning Commission as required by law.
STREET FROM R-1 TO Mr. Peterson noted that the concern of the Council seemed
R-i-S-P - AUGUST to be the lack of compensating open space for the small
DEVELOPMENT CO. AND lots - 5,000 sq. ft. He said the staff had considered the
STEWART PRITIKIN high school across the street as providing compensating
(Continued from open space, and referended language in Section 19.24.090
June 21, 1977) of the R-1 district regulations which indicates that"...
Open space should be provided or available..." in the vi-
cinity of the area being zoned R-l-5. Staff interpreted
this as meaning the particular subdivider need ~ot provide
the open space if it is otherwise available.
Mr. Peterson said a second point dealt with the type of open
space where the language of the ordinance indicates the open
space could be "natural canyons, green belts, park areas or
other forms..." and staff felt the high school area would
qualify under this terminology.
On June 22, 1977 the Planning Commission, by a vote of 5-0
with one abstention, reaffirmed their previous recommendation
for the R-1-5-P zoning in accordance with their Resolution
Stewart Pritikin Mr. Pritikin stated the rezoning would be compatible with
9360-B Activity Road the adjacent zoning with single family detached residences
San Diego 92126 and would not be considered spot zoning. He said it would
be difficult to build small homes on 7,000 foot lots as not
being feasible or economically possible. He noted the front
and rear yard setbacks in the proposed R-l-5 zone meet or
exceed those of the R-1 zone and the only gain is wider side
yards, tle also said there has been no one from the community
speak against the rezoning.
Cost would increase In answer to query from Councilman Scott, Mr. Pritikin said
under R-1 zoning the property could be developed as R-l, but the cost per
lot would be increased approximately $4,000 to $4,500.
R-I-5 zoning designed Councilman Scott commented that the intent of the ordinance
for unique or extra- when it was prepared was to have something extraordinary in
ordinary development order to have an R-l-5 designation with higher density -
something unique and different. He asked Mr. Pritikin if
he could explain to the Council what was unique and different
about the proposed subdivision.
Mr. Pritikin responded that the developer has complied in
every way with the ordinance and the open space requirements
to qualify for the rezoning.
Property can be In answer to a question from Mayor Hyde as to development
developed under under the R~i zoning versus the R-l-5, in case the Council
R-1 zoning affirms its denial of the rezoning, Mr. Pritikin again
stated that developer is prepared to develop the property
in either case, but would prefer the R-l-5.
In answer to a query from Councilman £gdahl, Director of
Planning Peterson said that the development meets all the
standards required under the proposed rezoning.
City Council Meeting -6- July $, 1977
Motion to sustain It was moved by Mayor Hyde and seconded by Councilman Scott
previous Council action that the Council sustain their action in denying the rezoning,
which was taken at the previous meeting, for the reasons
given at that time and as summarized essentially by Council-
man Scott this evening.
Speaking against Councilman Hobel spoke against the motion, expressing his
the motion concern that a less excellent plan would be developed in
this area under th~ straight R-1 and that this plan is com-
patible with the neighborhood.
Councilman Cox also spoke against the motion as this is a
unique piece of property that has not yet been developed
and expressed concern that other than desirable housing
would be developed.
Motion carried The motion to sustain the previous Council action carried
by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Scott, Egdahl
Noes: Councilmen Hobel, Cox
Absent: None
4a. ORDINANCE - There was no action taken on Item 4a as the request for
AMENDING ZONING MAP zone change was denied by Council action under Item 4.
BY SECTION 19.18.010
S. PUBLIC HEARING - Subsequent to Council's denial of the R-I-5-P zoning of this
CONSIDERATION OF site, consideration of the subdivision map was continued to
TENTATIVE MAP PCS-77-3 coincide with the report on the rezoning which was to be
FOR GARDEN VIEWS AT submitted by the Planning Connnission at tonight's meeting.
"K" STREET (Continued Director of Planning Peterson said that it was the staff's
from June 21, 1977) recommendation, in the event the Council did not rezone the
property, that the developer be allowed to proceed with a
subdivision design similar to this one, but with the lots
enlarged to meet the requirements of the R-1 zoning ordinance.
If the Council approves the subdivision design, this would
permit revisions of the tentative map rather than undergoing
new public hearings.
Mike Splitstone Mr. Splitstone said he was with CEP Associated speaking on
5555 Magnatron Blvd. behalf of August Development and Mr. Pritikin. He asked
San Diego that the Council consider approval of the existing map,
with the lots enlarged to approximately 75 feet. He dis-
played an exhibit showing the change.
City Council Meeting -7, July 5, 1977
Change made in number In answer to a query from the Council~ City Attorney
and size of lots Lindberg said that it would be in order for the Council to
consider the revised exhibit, as the issue is whether the
changes made by having larger lots and reducing the number
of lots would significantly change the conditions of the
tentative map. The Planning Commission and staff had indi-
cated there would not be any significant changes.
Councilman Scott suggested that the Council be given an
opportunity to study any revised map other than at a Council
Motion to continue It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by Councilman
Item 5 for one week Scott and unanimously carried that Item 5 be continued for
one week.
Sa. RESOLUTION - (Continued for one week - see Item 5)
6. PUBLIC HEARING - This item involved a request for approval of a precise plan
CONSIDERATION OF for the development of the Garden Views Subdivision, which
PRECISE PLAN FOR required approval by the Council of the request for a zone
Motion to file It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by Councilman
Scott and unanimously carried that Item 6 .(and 6a) be filed.
CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Councilman
Egdahl and unanimously carried that the Consent Calendar be
approved and adopted.
7. RESOLUTION NO. 8698 - Project Design Consultants (PDC) has submitted the necessary
CERTIFYING PROJECT data to the City for consideration as a consultant qualified
DESIGN CONSULTANTS AS for the preparation of Environmental Impact Reports for the
A CONSULTANT QUALIFIED City. This firm acquired the San Diego office of Wilsey &
FOR THF PREPARATION OF Ham in 1976 with the local staff being retained by PDC, and
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT have subcontracted to MSA, Inc. and Geocon, Inc. for various
REPORTS FOR THE CITY areas of expertise.
~ 8. RESOLUTION NO. 8699 - For the past two years, the City has sponsored the Senior
APPROVING AGREEMENT Service Center at 293 Madrona Street, Chula Vista, through
BETWEEN THE CITY OF Community Block Grant funds. The lease agreement continues
CHULA VISTA AND M~uRK the Center at this location for a period of one year,
H. MONEY & ASSOCIATES beginning on July 1, 1977 and extending through June $0, 1978
FOR LEASE OF CHULA VISTA at a rental rate of $2~5 per month (not to exceed $2,820).
City Council Meeting -8- July 5, 1977
9. RESOLUTION - This item was deleted from the agenda.
10. RESOLUTION NO. 8700 - The Public Works Employment Act of 1976 (Public Law 94-369)
APPROPRIATING FEDERAL became effective as of July 1, 1976. Title II of this Act,
ANTI-RECESSION FUNDS designated as Anti-Recession Fiscal Assistance, provides for
five quarterly payments to be made to state and local gov-
In April 1977, on recommendation of the Director of Finance,
the Council appropriated $130,559 for employer's contribu-
tions to the Public Employees Retirement System, which
represented the collection of the first two quarterly pay-
ments. The City has now received the third quarter pay-
ment of $86,519 and the fourth quarter payment of $88,059.
The Director of Finance recommended that these payments,
totalling $174,578, also be appropriated for employer's
contributions to the Public Employees Retirement System.
Acting City Manager Asmus said this was recommended in order
to offset and pay for retirement for City employees and
thereby relieving the General Fund and levying the same tax
Resolution offered Offered by Mayor Hyde, the reading of the text was waived
by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the following
vote, to-wit:
AYES: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Scott, Egdahl, Hobel, Cox
Noes: None
Absent: None
ll. RESOLUTION NO. 8701 - On June 3, 1977 the following bids were received for fur-
ACCEPTING BIDS AND nishing asphaltic emulsion to the City for the period July 1
AWARDING CONTRACT FOR through September 30, 1977:
Douglas Oil Company
of California $77.36 NET
Edgington 0il Company $78.20 NET
Sim J. Harris $74.16 NET
Purchases will be made only on availability of funds as
certified by the Finance Officer. It was recommended that
bids be accepted and contract awarded to Sim J. Harris
Company, low bidder, in the amount of $74.16 per ton on an
estimated usage of 460 tons of RS-2 asphaltic emulsion.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott~ Egdahl, Hobel, Cox, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
City Council Meeting -9~ July 5, 1977
12. RESOLUTION NO. 8702 ~ On June 3, 1977 the following bids were received for fur-
ACCEPTING BIDS AND ni~hing aggregate base to the City for the period July 1, 1977
AWARDING CONTRACT FOR through June 30, 1978:
Nelson & Sloan $2.55 2%/10 days
H. G. Fenton $3.00 NET
Conrock Company $3.50 NET
An estimated 3500 tons of aggregate base will be picked up
at the vendor's plant by City trucks, based on availability
of funds as certified by the Finance Director.
It was recommended that the bids be accepted and contract
awarded to Nelson & Sloan, the Iow bidder.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Egdahl, Hobel, Cox, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
13. RESOLUTION NO. 8703 - The following bids were received on June 3, 1977 for fur-
ACCEPTING BIDS AND nishing screenings (stone chips) to the City for the period
AWARDING CONTRACT FOR July 1, 1977 through December 31, 1977:
1977 Nelson & Sloan $5.95 2%/10 days
Sim J. Harris Company $6.64 NET
An estimated 5700 tons of screenings will be ordered deliv-
ered to the City yard, purchases being made on availability
of funds as certified by the Finance Director.
Staff recommended that the bids be accepted and contract
awarded to Nelson & Sloan, the low bidder.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following, vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Egdahl, Hobel, Cox, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
14. ORDINANCE NO. 1755 - On November 5, 1976 John E. Helm filed a petition for
APPROVING THE ANNEXATION annexation to the City of Chula Vista of 2.32 acres of
TO THE CITY OF CERTAIN property located approximately 500 feet north of Bonita
UNINHABITED TERRITORY Road, contiguous to the westerly right of way of 1-805.
THE HELM/I~SO5 ANNEXATION ~ The annexation was approved by LAFCO, on June 6, 1977
SECOND RFADING AND subject to modification of the boundaries. The ordinance
ADOPTION was placed on first reading at the meeting of June 28, 1977.
City Council Meeting ,10~ July 5, 1977
Ordinance placed on It was moved by Councilman Scott that this ordinance be
second reading and placed on its second reading and adopted and that the
adopted reading of the text be waived by unanimous consent.
The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Egdahl, Hobel, Cox, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
1S. REPORT ON ACCEPTING Director of Public Works Robens stated that this item was
BIDS AND AWARDING held over to determine whether the street lights proposed
CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUC- for Third Avenue could be used on "F" Street rather than
TION OF STREET LIGHTS the standard lights specified in the bid. He said it was
ON "F" STREET BETWEEN his recommendation that the lights contemplated for Third
FOURTH AND CHURCH Avenue not be used on "F" Street for the following reasons:
(Continued from (1) the schedule is a tight schedule worked out with San
June 28, 1977) Diego Gas and Electric calling for removal of the existing
wooden poles in mid September and if new street lights are
ordered, there will be a delay before lights could be re-
placed and "F" Street would be dark for several weeks; (2)
proposed lights for Town Centre area have been checked and
in staff's opinion those lights are not adequate for safety
lighting - but are essentially ornamental lighting; and (3)
if the change is made, the entire project may have to go to
bid again - this would have to be checked out carefully.
Mr. Roberts recommended that the bids should be awarded for
the standard street lights. He said the base would be
designed so it will be interchangeable, and if it is desired
to have different lights at some future time, this can be
accomplished and these lights can be used somewhere else.
1Sa. RESOLUTION NO. 8704 - The following bids were received on June 16, 1977 for the
ACCEPTING BIDS AND construction of street lights on "F" Street between Fourth
AWARDING CONTRACT Avenue and Church Avenue;
OF STREET LIGHTS ON Perry Electric, Spring Valley $15,405
"F" STREET BETWEEN Select Electric, San Diego 16,661
POURTH AVENUE AND Arrow Electric, Lemon Grove 17,129
CHURCH AVENUE MAC0 Services, Inc., San Diego 18,875
The staff recommended that the bids be accepted and the
contract awarded to Perry Electric, low bidder, in the
amount of $15,403.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Egdahl, ttobel, Cox, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
a. Demonstration of Acting City Manager Asmus reminded the Council that if
proposed lights possible, tkey may wisk to attend the demonstration of the
for Third Avenue lights proposed for Third Avenue to be held July 6 at dark
(approximately 8:30 p.m.) on Ihird Avenue.
City Council Meeting -11- July 5, 1977
Tentative agenda Mr. Asmus presented a tentative schedule for the two Coun-
for Council Conferences cil Conferences to be held On July 14 - one at 4:00 p.m.
on July 14, 1977 and one at 7:00 p.m. - concerning the E1 Rancho del Rey
Councilman Hobel requested that a copy of Resolution No. 8505
establishing a policy for the future development of the E1
Rancho del Rey area be furnished to the Council and included
in the agenda for discussion during the meeting of July 14.
17. STATUS REPORT ON In a written report, Director of Personnel Bigge said the
EMPLOYMENT OF Personnel Department is investigating the following pertinent
SENIOR CITIZENS areas: (1) Present employment of senior citizens by the City;
(2) potential positions for senior citizens with the City;
(3) possible limiting factors; (4) alternate methods of
employment; (5) risk management implications; (6) existing
programs in comparable cities and their experience; and
(7) projected benefits and costs.
The investigation should be completed and a report and
recommendation presented to the Council at the meeting of
July 12, 1977.
Motion to continue It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by Councilman
item to July 12 Cox and unanimously carried that this item be continued to
July 12, 1977
18. REPORT ON PATROL In a written report, Chief of Police Winters said that in
OF "J" STREET response to a letter from the San Diego County Wildlife
MARINA Federation that Reserve units have been stationed at the
Marina on Friday and Saturday nights. The situation is
being studied, and if needed, Reserves will also be assigned
on Wednesdays and Thursdays. In addition, the Reserves will
be supported with regular officers when necessary. The
Wildlife Federation has been advised of this action.
Motion to accept report It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Hobel
and unanimously carried that the staff report be accepted.
19. REPORT ON U~FFA Director of Public Works Robens, in a written report, said
SECTION 5 ALLOCATION that UMTA Section 5 funds are available to transit operators
FORMULA for operating assistance and some capital projects, with
funds allocated to the region and distributed ~o the operators
by the CPO. Chula Vista Transit is presently not eligible
for UMTA funds - the only two eligible transit operators in
San Diego County are San Diego Transit Corporation and North
County Transit District. Mr. Frazee, Chairman of the North
County Transit Development Board (the policy board of the
North County Transit District) is soliciting Chula Vista's
support on the CPO Board for a population based formula for
the allocation of Section 5 funds.
It was staff's recommendation that the City support the
original CPO staff proposal (50 percent passengers/50 per-
cent mileage) for Section 5 distribution and request the CPO
to coordinate an effort between its staff and the operators
to develop a more equitable formula for next year.
City Council Meeting ~12- July $, 1977
Motion to accept report It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by Mayor Hyde
and unanimously carried that the report be accepted per
staff recommendation.
20. REPORT ON SB 325 At the June 14, 1977 meeting, the Council directed staff to
FUNDING RESTRICTIONS recommend whether the City should attempt to have the funding
limitations of sg 325 Local Transportation Funds liberalized.
In a written report, Director of Public Works Roberts said
that tke major effect of the restrictions is to limit Local
Transportation Fund support to 50 percent of the budget in
any on~ year; however, some cost items are exempt from the
restriction and at the present time Chula Vista receives
approximately 6S percent of its transit operating budget
from the LTF. While the City has been successfully claiming
the maximum LTF support, in subsequent years the City can
expect to experience the effects of the 50 percent restric-
tion, necessitating larger General Fund contributions.
Since it is not likely that a change could be accomplished
at the present time, and the City would not immediately
benefit from eased restrictions, staff recommended that
attempts to secure legislative changes be delayed for the
time being.
Motion to accept report It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Councilman
Mobel and unanimously carried that the report be accepted
and no action be taken at this time.
Request to be made Mayor Hyde announced, for consideration at a future time,
for funds for fireworks that Mr. Jim Ladd has requested that the Council consider
for the Fiesta de ia appropriating $550 for fireworks for the Fiesta de la Luna
Luna celebration. A more formal presentation will be made by
Mr. Ladd in August.
Youth Commission Mayor Hyde said that all nine seats on the Youth Commission
vacancies are vacant at this time. Interviews have been conducted
with applicants and Mayor Hyde asked that the Council
ratify the following seven appointments to the Youth Com-
Tim Roybal
Ron Holland
Leslie Schmidt
Kaylene Myres
Deborah Curry
Cyndy Drummey
Susie Kemler
Motion to ratify It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
appointments Egdahl and unanimously carried that the appointments be
Two vacancies remain Mayor Hyde stated that additional applications were received
subsequent to tke above interviews, and appointments will be
made to fill the two remaining vacancies on the Youth Com-
mission at a later time.
City Council Meeting -13- July 5, 1977
Inquiry regarding Councilman Scott connnented that during budget sessions, an
status of vacancies in additional person was placed in the City Attorney's office
City Attorney's office and there is one other position vacant. He asked what the
status is in hiring personnel for these positions.
City Attorney Lindberg said it was not the intent to fill
Both the Assistant and Deputy positions on a full time basis.
The law clerk (deputy) will be part time.
Councilman Scott suggested that a report be made by the
City Attorney and if both positions are not needed, that
one should be eliminated from the budget.
Motion for report It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Scott
at next meeting and unanimously carried that this matter be brought back
before the Council for consideration of modification of the
budget at the next meeting.
5% assessment valuation Councilman Scott said he read an article in the newspapers
increase instead of 12.5% about only having a 5 percent assessment valuation increase.
He asked how significant this was since the budget was based
on 12.S percent.
Acting City Manager Asmus responded that the effect cannot
be assessed at this time, but it is believed the greatest
portion of the drop in the estimate was in the project area
of the bayfront. The impact will be felt by the Redevelop-
ment Agency in the amount of tax increment monies they
derive from the project area.
Unpaved area of Councilman Cox referred to a request made some time ago
Hilltop Drive in concerning Hilltop Drive not being competely paved at the
County area creates southeast corner of Hilltop Drive and "H" Street - which is
safety hazard in the County. This creates a hazard when people have to
walk in the street.
Response expected Director of Public Works Roberts said a letter was forwarded
from County this to the County Department o£ Transportation asking County
month staff for a response to a proposal from the City. If it
is satisfactory, the proposal will be submitted to the
Council and to the County Board of Supervisors. A reply
is expected by July lS, and information should be coming to
the Council by the end of the month.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hyde adjourned the meeting at 8:43 p.m. to the regular
meeting scheduled for Tuesday, July 12, 1977 at 7:00 p.m.
in the Council Chambers.
City Clerk
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