Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. August 16, 1977
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California, was held on
the above date beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 276 Fourth Avenue.
Councilmen present: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Hobel, Scott, Egdahl
Councilmen absent: Councilman Cox
Staff present: City Manager Cole, City Attorney Lindberg, Assistant City Manager
Asmus, Acting Director of Public Works Lippitt, Director of
Planning Peterson, Purchasing Agent Espinosa, Director of Parks &
Recreation Hall, Acting Director of Finance Franken
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Hyde followed by a moment of silent
1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Hobel and unanimously carried by those present that the
minutes of the meeting of August 9, 1977 be approved
copies having been sent to each Councilman.
a. INTRODUCTION OF Mayor Hyde introduced Mr. Les Downs, member of the Chamber
COUNCIL GUEST of Commerce and manager of the Brookside Winery.
b. PROCLAMATION - Mayor Hyde read the Proclamation declaring August 24, 1977
DECLARING AUGUST 24, as Dripless Wednesday and urging all citizens to conserve
1977 AS DRIPLESS water. The Proclamation was presented to Dr. Anderson,
WEDNESDAY Chairman of the County Committee for Dripless Wednesday.
Herb Lathan Mr. Lathan invited the Council and public to the first
635 Carla Sunday opening of the Library on September 11, 1977. Me
Chula Vista added that SB672, the Library Services Act, passed the
Senate 27 to 1 and came out of the Education Committee
and will now go into Finance.
Steve Owens, President Mr. Owens said that the "Town Centre Moves Outdoors Sale"
Town Centre Business is scheduled for Saturday, August 27, and they are re-
& Professional Association questing that two parking meters be closed on the north-
east corner of Third Avenue and "F" Street from 3 p.m.
Friday, August 26 to 9 a.m. Monday August 29, for the
purpose of locating a remote van from one of the radio
Motion to approve It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Scott
and unanimously carried by those present that the request
be granted.
14. REPORT ON CONSIDERATION A request was received from the City Attorney and staff
OF REZONING EL RANCHO for a continuance of this item to allow them more time
DEL REY FROM P-C TO for further analysis.
City Council Meeting -2- August 16, 1977
Motion to continue It was moved by Councilman Hobelj seconded by Mayor Hyde
and unanimously carried by those present that this matter
be continued to the next meeting - August 23, 1977.
a. REQUEST TO REVISE In order to provide uniformity in the regulation of taxicab
TAXICAB ORDINANCE - operations in the incorporated and unincorporated areas
JIM BATES of San Diego County, Supervisor Jim Bates requested that
the City adopt the following provision in the Taxicab
Ordinance: "It sha~ be u~c~0f~ fo~ the d~ve~ oh
operator of any taxicab to refu~e a prospective pa~sengcr
or to take any action to a~ively disco~age a prospec-
tive passenger on the basis of race, creed, color, age,
sex, handicap, or national origin."
City Manager Cole noted the following provision in the
City's ordinance which states: "Certificates may be
suspended or revoked by the Council at any time in case...
for any other reason which the Council may deem to wa~a~
saspe~sion or revocation." Based on this provision,
Mr. Cole stated that the Council has the right to revoke
a license for acts of discrimination.
Motion to write to It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Supervisor Bates Hobel and unanimously carried by those present that a
letter be drafted and sent to Supervisor Bates indicating
that the City already has adequate provision in the
b. REQUEST FOR CITY Mr. Steve Owens, President, requested that the City staff
STAFF ASSISTANCE TO clean up the debris and weeds in the Town Centre area
CLEAN UP DEBRIS AND prior to their sale on August 28, 1977.
Referred to staff It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by Mayor Hyde
and unanimously carried by those present that the request
be approved subject to staff recommendations.
4. PUBLIC HEARING - This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor Hyde
CONSIDERATION DF PRECISE reopened the public hearing.
OF AN EMPLOYEE PARKING Director of Planning Peterson explained that this public
LOT AT 371-377 "H" STREET hearing was continued from the meeting of August 2, 1977
IN THE C-O-P ZONE (Con- in order that the applicant could submit more information
tinued from the meeting regarding landscaping, lighting and fencing for the
of August 2, 1977) proposed employee parking lot. A revised plan has now
been submitted.
Mr. Peterson referred to his written report to the Council
in which he discussed the applicant's proposal. He
explained that other businesses have been granted per-
mission to use adjacent properties in the R-2 and R-3
zones for parking; however, there have been no parking
lots approved which are not adjacent to the use even
though the Code does allow for such non-adjacency if
approved by the Planning Commission.
City Council Meeting -3- August 16, 1977
Mr. Peterson said that the staff recommends approval of
the precise plan based on the following conditions: (1)
a 6' high zoning wall shall be erected alon~ the northerly
property line unless the Planning Commission grants a waiver
pursuant to Section 19.58.360 of the zoning ordinance;
(2) Concrete wheel stops shall be placed in the parking
spaces adjacent to the east and west property lines.
Council discussion Council discussion followed in which Mr. Peterson answered
questions pertaining to traffic control (applicant proposes
no traffic control at this time); fencing - leaving the
chain link fence on the westerly property line; lights
in the lot; temporary use of the lot and long range plans
of the hospital for onsite parking.
Councilman Hobel's Councilman Hobel noted he was not present at the last
participation meeting when the public hearing was before the Council;
however, he has reviewed the minutes and backup material
relative to the hearing.
Ronald Davis, Architect Mr. Davis said he is representing Bay General Hospital.
He described the lights to be installed which he said
were designed specifically for parking lots. He requested
approval from the Council to put in a 6' wooden fence on
the north boundary line instead of the concrete block,
since the use of the area is a temporary one.
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, either for or against~
the hearing was declared closed.
Future review of site In answer to the Council's query, City Attorney Lindberg
stated that the Council could schedule this matter for
review at a date certain; it would not be possible to
eliminate the entire project at that time - only to make
appropriate adjustments based on conditions that might
exist at that time.
Motion for review It was moved by Mayor ltyde, seconded by
Councilman Egdahl that, as a condition of
approval, it be clearly set forth that if
any traffic safety problems be generated by this plan
that staff is directed to report the matter to the City
Council with a recommendation for resolution.
Discussion of motion Acting Director of Public Works Lippitt commented that
there are two projects in the area that are going to
influence the traffic on "N" Street between Third and
Fourth Avenues: the court complex and the left turns on
Fourth Avenue. This will include extending the left-turn
pocket on "H" Street toward this parking lot.
Councilman Nobel spoke against the motion indicating that
referral back to the Council would be automatic and the
3-year time period originally discussed by the Council
would be ample time for review.
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Egdahl, Scott
Noes: Councilman Hobel
Absent: Councilman Cox
City Council Meeting -4- August 16, 1977
Motion to change It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Hobel
condition of wall and unanimously carried by those present that the con-
on north property line dition of the wall on the north property line be changed
to a 6' wooden fence.
Motion for review It was moved by Councilman Scott and seconded by Councilman
in 3 years Hobel that a condition be placed on the precise plan
whereby the Council will review the entire situation in
three years.
Speaking against motion Mayor Hyde spoke against the motion commenting that this
plan is no worse than others that have been approved by
the Council or another use that could occur on this
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Egdahl, Hobel
Noes: Mayor Hyde
Absent: Councilman Cox
RESOLUTION NO. 8780 - Offered by Councilman Hobel, as amended the reading of the
APPROVING PRECISE PLAN text was waived by unanimous consent of those present,
FOR THE DEVELOPMENT passed and adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
LOT AT 371-377 "H" STREET AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Hyde, Scott, Egdahl
5. PUBLIC HEARING - This being the time and place as advertised, ~ayor Hyde
CONSIDERATION OF REVISION declared the public hearing opened.
SANITARY SERVICE Chula Vista Sanitary Service has requested a 20% increase
COLLECTION RATES in rates based on the County of San Diego's announced
150% increase in landfill fees, an increase in operating
costs of 11% since the last rate increase in February
1975, and finally, ~ 20% increase in the consumer price
inde× from 149.9 in August 1974 to 180.6 in ~ay 1977.
Acting Director of Finance Franken referred to the
written report to the Council in which he made a rate
study comparing costs in the other cities in the County
and analyzing the financial statements of the Company.
It was sta£f's recommendation that the 20% requested
increase was justified.
Council discussion Discussion followed in which Mr, Franken answered the
Council's questions concerning the 9% desired return on
the investments.
Dick Chase, President Mr. Chase stated they are the only rubbish firm in San
Chula Vista Sanitary Diego County that has to furnish an unqualified audit to
Service Council. He added that since October 31, 1973 through
March 31 of this year, they only realized a 3.7% return
on their investment. In answer to Councilman Scott's
question, Mr. Chase said he does not have any industry
standards indicating the return on investments should be
9% or 10%; however, industries, as a rule, look toward
10% to 12% returns.
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, either for or against,
the hearing was declared closed.
City Council Meeting -5- August 16, 1977
5a. RESOLUTION NO. 8781 - Offered by Councilman Hobel, the reading of the text was
REVISING THE CHULA VISTA waived by unanimous consent of those present, passed and
SANITARY SERVICE adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
ESTABLISHING A AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Hyde, Scott, Egdahl
Absent: Councilman Cox
Industry figures Councilman Scott said he would like to see some industry
figures on the rate of return whether it is 9% or more.
Mayor Hyde asked the City Manager to provide this informa-
6. PUBLIC HEARING - This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor Hyde
CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED declared the public hearing opened.
19.28.070A OF THE In a written report to the Council, Director of Planning
MUNICIPAL CODE TO Peterson responded to the Council's concern over the
INCORPORATE A SLIDING density and location of the City's several R-3 zones.
SCALE OF PERMITTED Several months ago, the Council considered the Planning
NET RESIDENTIAL Department's comprehensive program for the improvement
DENSITY WITHIN THE of the order, amenity, and stability of the R-3 zones
R-3 AND R-3-M ZONAL and instructed staff to proceed with the several projects
REGULATIONS constituent to the program.
Mr. Peterson detailed the proposed amendment stating that
the provisions are designed to regulate net residential
density in the R-3 and R-3-M zones through the application
of a sliding scale which employs lot area and the number
of bedrooms per dwelling unit as density limitation
On April 28, 1977, the Environmental Review Committee
conducted an Initial Study, IS-77-34 on the proposed
amendment and recommended the finding that it would not
have a significant impact upon the environment thereby
issuing a draft Negative Declaration.
On July 27, 1977, the Planning Commission certified the
Negative Declaration and recommended adoption of the
amendment in accordance with their Resolution PCZ-77-2.
Council discussion Councilman Hobel questioned what the percentage increase
would be in the cost of apartments by making these
Mr. Peterson remarked that it might depress the cost of
the land to an apartment builder; however, he would not
want to venture a guess as to the percentage increase.
Steve Owens, Architect Mr. Owens spoke in favor of the amendment stating the
272 Church Avenue City should do something to improve the environment
Chula Vista especially if it wants to attract the middle-income
people back into the Town Centre area.
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, either for or against,
the hearing was declared closed.
City Council Meeting -6- August 16, 1977
6a. ORDINANCE NO. 1760 - It was moved by Councilman Scott that this ordinance be
AMENDING SECTION 19.28.070 placed on its first reading and that the reading of the
OF THE CITY CODE TO text be waived by unanimous consent.
SCALE OF PERMITTED NET The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
WITHIN THE R-3 AND R-3-M AYES: Councilmen Scott, Egdahl, Hobel, Hyde
CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
(7-8-9) Egdahl and unanimously carried by those present that the
Consent Calendar be approved and adopted.
7. RESOLUTION NO. 8782 - Toups Corporation has submitted data to the City for in-
CERTIFYING TOUPS CORPORA- clusion in the list of Environmental Impact Report
TION AS A CONSULTANT Consultants. Both the staff and the Environmental Review
QUALIFIED FOR THE Committee recommended inclusion of this Corporation in
8. RESOLUTION NO. 8783 - V & V Development, Inc. signed a proposed agreement with
APPROVING AGREEMENT the City to participate in the construction of Edgemere
BETWEEN THE CITY OF Avenue south of the 1-54 freeway. V & V will pay for the
CHULA VISTA AND V & V curb, gutter and sidewalk in front of the proposed Brent-
DEVELOPMENT, INC. FOR wood Arms apartment project and for a portion of the
STREET IMPROVEMENTS ON engineering costs.
9. RESOLUTION NO. 8784 - For the past eight months, there has been a stop sign on
ESTABLISHING BOULEVARD Buena Vista Way (SB) at the intersection of Calle Santiago
STOP AND/OR THROUGH and Buena Vista Way. The staff and Safety Commission
STREET IN THE CITY recommended the trial traffic regulation be made permanent.
ORDER OF THE AGENDA Councilman Hobel questioned the order of the agenda which
was changed placing the Consent Calendar back on.
Mayor Hyde explained that it was the concurrence of the
Council at the last meeting to return to this format.
Motion to retain It was moved by Councilman Scott and seconded by Mayor
same format Hyde that the Council retain the same method (order of
the agenda) that it has had for the past eight years.
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: Councilman Hobel
Absent: Councilman Cox
City Council Meeting -7- August 16, 1977
10. RESOLUTION NO. 8785 - Purchasing Agent Espinosa reported that replacement
FINDING THAT IT IS TO repair parts are required for the Econolite telemetry
THE CITY'S BEST INTEREST system which is used in conjunction with the computer
TO WAIVE BIDDING REQUIRE- controlling the street signals within the City. Since
MENTS FOR THE PURCHASE Econolite Division, Altec Corporation is the sole source
OF TELEMETRY SYSTEM PARTS for the repair parts, it is recommended that the Council
waive the bidding requirement and authorize the purchase
of the parts which amounts to $15,230.08 including tax.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent of those present, passed and
adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Egdahl, Hobel, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Cox
11. RESOLUTION NO. 8786 - Bids for a wood playground structure for installation at
ACCEPTING BIDS AND Rohr Park were received on May 31, 1977. Miracle/Jamison
AWARDING CONTRACT FOR submitted the only bid on their Mark IV Image City with
PLAYGROUND STRUCTURE Tornado slide playground structure. The purchase price
is $15,618 plus $817.08 sales tax for a total of $14,43S.08.
Bidding procedure In answer to the Council's query, Director of Parks &
Recreation Hall explained the reason for the City getting
only the one bid -- the structure is unique in that it
is wooden and the other two firms did not desire to
modify their metal structures.
Resolution offered Offered by Mayor Hyde, the reading of the text was waived
by unanimous consent of those present, passed and adopted
by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Egdahl, Hobel
Noes: Councilman Scott
Absent: Councilman Cox
12. ORDINANCE NO. 1761 - In a written report to Council, City Attorney Lindberg
AMENDING SECTIONS 5.3g.210 explained that the present ordinance requires the Council
AND 5.38.220 OF THE to hold a public hearing prior to the revocation of a
CHULA VISTA MUNICIPAL pawnshop or secondhand dealer license. This places the
CODE RELATING TO THE burden of proof on the City to show non-compliance with
BASIS FOR THE REVOCATION the ordinance by a failure to properly report pledged
HAND DEALER BUSINESS Mr. Lindberg recommended the conditional approach taken
LICENSES - FIRST READING by the City of San Diego and offered the amendment to the
Code which states that during the course of a routine
inspection, if the police find goods which have not been
reported pursuant to the ordinance, the license is
revoked forthwith and the pawnshop operator must appeal
to the Council for reinstatement of the license.
Ordinance placed It was moved by Councilman Egdahl that this ordinance be
on first reading placed on its first reading and that the reading of the
text be waived by unanimous consent.
The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Hobel, Hyde, Scott
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Cox
City Council Meeting -8- August 16, 1977
14. REPORT ON CONSIDERATION Continued to meeting of August 23, 1977.
1S. REPORT ON STUDY OF Director of Public Works Robens submitted the report
TR~SIT COST ACCOUNTING prepared by the consulting firm of Arthur Andersen &
PROCEDURES Company of the cost accounting procedures used in the
Chula Vista Transit operation.
The cost accounting system recommended is designed to
determine unit cost data at the outset of implementation
and to manipulate this data through the process to
generate cost category summaries. In his written report,
Mr. Robens remarked that this system would minimize the
potential for post-factor controversy and establish a
mechanism to track costs on an on-going basis rather than
operating blindly, relative to cost, throughout the year.
Dave Connor Mr. Connor answered the questions raised by the Council
Transit Coordinator concerning the training of personnel at Aztec; preparing
the forms for the bus company, and the fact that he could
not state that there would be any cost savings to the City.
Report accepted It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Egdahl and unanimously carried by those present that the
report be accepted.
16. REPORT ON CHANGES Director of Public Works Robens submitted a written report
TO SAN DIEGO TRANSIT to Council explaining that on June 22, 1977, the Mayor
ROUTE 100 sent a letter to the Chairman of the Board of the San
Diego Transit Corporation expressing Council's concern
about the quality and level of inter-city transit services
and the cost of same, particularly opposing the proposed
fare increase for Route 100 Express.
In the report, Mr. Robens discussed the reply from San
Diego Transit which noted the pending changes to Route 100
schedule which is designed to improve the travel time
between Chula Vista and San Diego. He added that the
changes do improve inter-city bus service for the City
and increases the validity of the "express" designation.
The reply does not address itself to the overcrowded
conditions on Route 32 nor the cost/service expressed
by the Council.
Motion to accept report It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by Councilman
Scott and unanimously carried by those present that the
report be accepted.
MR. CONNOR LEAVING CITY City Manager Cole reported that the Transit Coordinator,
Dave Connor, is leaving the City's employ.
Mr. Connor said his reasons for leaving were personal and
based on the fact that his family strongly desired to
return to the northeast - New York metropolitan area.
The Council expressed their regret in seeing Mr. Connor
City Council Meeting -9- August 16, 1977
a. Appointment of It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Alternate to the Egdahl and unanimously carried by those present that
Metropolitan Mayor Hyde be appointed as Alternate to the Metropolitan
Transit Development Transit Development Board.
Board (MTDB)
b. Conference scheduled Mayor Hyde announced that a Conference has been tentatively
on school fees scheduled on the school fees for October 13; however, this
is the day of the Annual Awards Banquet and a request was
received to change the date.
Motion to change It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Mayor Hyde
to October 20 and unanimously carried by those present that the Con-
ference date be changed to October 20, 1977, at 4:00 p.m.
Other item for Mayor Hyde indicated that the Council would also want to
consideration consider the matter of the sidewalk, curb & gutter improve-
ments along Telegraph Canyon Road.
c. Bike Routes Mayor Hyde noted that the bike lanes put in several years
ago have become nearly obliterated and he has had a
.request that the Council look back into the bike problems
in the City once again.
Motion to refer to It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Scott
Safety Commission and unanimously carried by those present that the Safety
Commission be requested to re-evaluate the City's bike
route system and to make recommendations to the City
Council with regard thereto.
Motion for It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by Councilman
Executive Session Egdahl and unanimously carried by those present that an
Executive Session be called at the close of the meeting
for reasons of possible litigation.
Meeting with Councilman Itobel reported on the meeting he attended with
Richard S±lberman Supervisor Hamilton yesterday in Sacramento with Richard
Silberman, Secretary of Business and Transportation. Mr.
Silberman said that the State was willing to work hard
with all the communities who are interested in locating
a Japanese auto plant in their areas; however, the heavy
burden will lie with the communities proposing the
properties. There is a lot of work that has to be done on
this project and Supervisor Hamilton will be contacting
the Mayor in the near future.
Carlsbad field trip Councilman Scott stated the field trip taken August 13
was very enlightening and felt the Council should do this
at least on a quarterly basis. Councilman Hobel suggested
it would have been beneficial to have had the property
owners of E1 Rancho del Rey along, since the purpose of
the trip was to look at developments that would relate
to that area.
Visitor-Convention Councilman Scott announced that the first meeting of this
Committee Committee will be held on Wednesday, August 17, 1977, at
7:00 p.m. in the Engineering Conference Room,
City Council Meeting -10- August 16, 1977
National City's stand Councilman Egdahl noted one of the concerns expressed by
on shared sales tax Council in putting together the joint parcels with National
City for the proposed Honda Plant on the bayfront was
the issue of the sharing of occrued sales tax. At the
Comprehensive Planning Organization meeting yesterday,
the representative from the City of National City
declared that "in no way would their Council ever con-
sider sharing sales tax." Councilman Egdahl felt this
was an area which the City should watch.
Low-Income Councilman Egdahl announced that the next meeting of
Housing Committee this committee would be held on Thursday, August 18, 1977,
at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Conference Room.
Wife of Kyle O. Stewart Mayor Hyde announced the passing of Mrs. Kyle O. Stewart
passed away and expressed the Council' regrets.
Bonitafest Mr. Downs invited the Council and the public to the
Bonitafest which will be held on October 1 and 2, 1977.
Executive Session The Council recessed to Executive Session at 8:30 p.m.
and reconvened at 8:45 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hyde adjourned the meeting at 8:45 p.m. to the
meeting scheduled for Tuesday, August 23, 1977, at
7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City ttall.