Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. September 6, 1977
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California, was held on
the above date beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 276 Fourth Avenue.
Councilmen present: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Hobel, Cox
Councilmen absent: Councilmen Scott, Egdahl
Staff present: City Manager Cole, City Attorney Lindberg, Assistant City Manager
Asmus, Director of Planning Peterson, Director of Public Works
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Hyde followed by a moment of silent
1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mayor Hyde noted that the Council members present do not
constitute a majority of the Council in attendance at the
meetings of August 23 and 25.
It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Hobel
and unanimously carried by those present that the minutes
of the meetings of August 23 and 2S, 1977 be continued
for approval at the next meeting (September 13).
Correction to minutes A request was made by Mayor Hyde that the City Clerk make
of August 25, 1977 a correction to the minutes of the meeting of August 25 -
page 4 - to show that the motion regarding the expansion
of Greg Rogers Park carried unanimously by those present.
a. INTRODUCTION OF Mr. McGinty was introduced by Mayor Hyde. He is a member
COUNCIL GUEST - of the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Conunerce and
DAN MCGINTY Manager of the First Federal Savings and Loan.
b. PROCLAMATION - Mayor Hyde read the Proclamation announcing the date of
DECLARING THE WEEK September 11, 1977 as "Sister Cities International Day"
OF SEPTEMBER 11-17, 1977 and proclaiming the week of September 11 through September
AS "SISTER CITY WEEK" 17, 1977 as "Sister City Week" in the City of Chula Vista.
Mrs. Doris Cox, Chairman of the International Friendship
Commission, accepted the Proclamation from Mayor Hyde
on behalf of the Commission.
Star-News reporter Mayor Hyde introduced Linda Cross, Reporter from the
introduced Star-News, noting that she replaced Gary Shaw in covering
Council activities.
Jim Ladd Mr. Ladd said he was coordinator for Chula Vista Day on
210 "G" Street August 28 in Tijuana. The people of Tijuana presented
Chula Vista the square dancers representing the City with a unique
silk-screen plaque in recognition of their participation
and as a token of friendship of the City of Chula Vista.
Mr. Ladd presented the gift to the Council on behalf of
the people of Tijuana.
City Council Meeting -2- September 6, 1977
Gary Lipska Mr. Lipska requested that Item 7 be continued until more
Toups Corporation members of the Council can be present. (Item 7 is a
2223 Avenida de la Playa public hearing regarding the deferral of undergrounding
La Jolla existing overhead utilities within the proposed Vista
Homes Subdivision.)
Motion to continue It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Mayor Hyde
Item 7 for one week and unanimously carried by those present that Item 7 be
continued one week (until September 13).
Pete Odessa Mr. Odessa said he is the owner of two coin-operated
327 "L" Street laundromatswhichuse about 20,000 gallons of water a
Chula Vista day. Recently the Otay Municipal Water District increased
the water rates between 10.7% and 37.5% and he said there
will also be an increase by the Sweetwater Authority. The
City charges 28% of the dollar amount of the water bills
for the sewer fees. He asked, since the water rates are
increasing tremendously, if it would not be more equitable
for the City to base the sewer fee on water consumption
rather than on the dollar amount of the water bill. He asked
that the Council consider this suggestion, as it would
not cost the City any money since the same dollar amount
would still be paid for the sewer fee.
Report to be made In response to a question from Councilman Cox, City
regarding proposed Attorney Lindberg said there would not be any problem in
change in ordinance handling sewer service charges in this manner and that
in three weeks this recommendation has been made by the City Manager
and the Director of Public Works. Consideration is
being given to modifying the ordinance. Director of
Public Works Robens said that a report will be made to
the Council regarding this matter in about three weeks.
a. VERIFIED CLAIM FOR Alonzo Charles Spencer submitted a claim in the amount of
DAMAGES - ALONZO C. $5,649.15, plus double time for holidays, for time lost
SPENCER, SAN DIEGO from work as the result of his arrest on February 20, 1977
for an incident occuring at the Big Bear Market at 646
"E" Street, Chula Vista.
Motion to deny and It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Mayor Hyde
refer to claims manager and unanimously carried by those present that the claim
be denied and referred to the claims manager.
4. PUBLIC HEARING - This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor Hyde
CONSIDERATION OF opened the public hearing.
17 UNIT GARDEN The applicant submitted a precise plan for the construction
APARTMENTS AT of 17 apartment units on 1.25 acres of property located
436-440 "L" STREET at 436-440 "L" Street in the County. The property was
IN THE R-3-P-14 prezoned R-3-P-14. Annexation of the property to the
DISTRICT - CHARLES City has been approved by the Local Agency Formation
OFFERMAN Commission and the City Council and has been forwarded
to the Secretary of State for recordation.
An Initial Study (IS-78-6) was certified by the Planning
Commission and on August 10, 1977 the Commission voted
to certify the Negative Declaration and recommended that
the City Council approve the precise plan in accordance
with their Resolution PCM-78-2.
City Council Meeting -3- September 6, 1977
Director of Planning Peterson said that at the time of
prezoning this property, the Council established guide-
lines for development including building setbacks, usable
open space and height of structures. He said the precise
plan presented conforms to those guidelines, and he called
the Council's attention to exhibits on the wail showing
the elevations and plot plan. He described the proposed
development, commenting on the parking areas, the stucco
wall, the landscaping and the architectural treatment, and
in conclusion noted that the staff concurred with the
Planning Commission recommendation for approval.
In answer to a query from Councilman Hobel, Mr. Peterson
said that this property will be separated from the
Padelford property by a wood fence with stucco pilasters.
Charles Offerman Mr. Offerman said he had no specific comments, but would
311 "L" Street be glad to answer any questions from the Council.
Chula Vista
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, either for or against,
the public hearing was declared closed.
4a. RESOLUTION NO. 8799 - Offered by Councilman Hobel, the reading of the text was
APPROVING PRECISE PLAN waived by unanimous consent of those present, passed and
FOR 17 GARDEN APARTMENT adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
UNITS AT 436-440 "L"
STREET IN THE R-3-P-14 AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Cox, Hyde
THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION Absent: Councilmen Scott, Egdahl
5. PUBLIC HEARING - This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor Hyde
CONSIDERATION OF CHANGE opened the public hearing.
FOR PROPERTY AT 518 The applicant requested rezoning of a 6900 square foot
FOURTH AVENUE - parcel located at the northwest corner of Fourth Avenue
MARSHALL COMPTON and Shasta Street (518 Fourth Avenue) from R-3 to C-O.
On August 10, 1977 the Planning Commission certified the
Negative Declaration on IS-78-3 and recommended that the
City Council rezone the property from R-3 to C-0.
Director of Planning Peterson suggested that it might be
appropriate to see if Mr. Compton would want to proceed
with only three members of the Council present.
Marshall Compton In answer to a question from Mr. Compton as to whether
444 Third Avenue a decision can be made this evening, Mayor Hyde explained
Chula Vista that it would take a unanimous vote of those present to
approve the ordinance amending the zoning map. Mr. Compton
elected to proceed with the public hearing.
Mr. Compton referenced the fact that the Planning Conunission
did recommend that the zoning be changed from R-3 to C-O,
but said that he had received a letter from the staff
stating various reasons why the staff did not concur
with the Planning Commission recommendation: staff felt
it would be detrimental to the residential area, would
increase traffic, that it would be "strip" commercial
zoning, and that expansion of additional commercial
office zoning was not warranted.
City Council Meeting -4- September 6, 1977
Mr. Compton outlined his reasons for asking that the zone
change be approved: (1) Shasta Street is a "line of
demarcation" between commercial and residential areas;
(2) the entrance will be on Shasta, and the exit will be
on Fourth Avenue with right turn only; (3) a real estate
office will generate very little traffic - 3 or 4 cars
in the parking areas; the EIR, under Items 2, 3 and 4,
stated the proposed rezoning is in conformance with the
General Plan land use element and the development would
not create any adverse effect on the environment.
Keith Webb Mr. Webb said he owns the property immediately west of
Owner of adjoining the proposed development. Me spoke in favor of rezoning
property the property and suggested that the Council consider
the entire north side of Shasta for rezoning and the
west side of Fig.
In answer to a question from Mayor Hyde, Mr. Webb said
he does not reside on the property.
John (Jack) Scrimiger Mr. Scrimiger said he and his family have lived at this
415 Shasta Street address since 1956 and they have observed the changes
Chula Vista from residential to commercial and have agreed with
them; however, a protective wall was requested to
maintain the residential characteristics. He said there
is now a traffic and parking problem. He suggested that
no changes be made until the entire area might be re-
developed - from Fifth Avenue to the regional center.
Staff opposed Director of Planning Peterson said the staff opposed the
to rezoning rezoning for the following reasons: (1) it would lead
to additional rezoning actions being filed along Shasta
and along Fourth Avenue; (2) questionable whether the
City can support another healthy commercial strip in
view of the small lot sizes; (3) commercial strips have
problems in identification, signing, traffic conflicts
and for aesthetic reasons; and (4) commercial zones along
a thoroughfare such as this create friction with the
residential uses. Also, the whole range of traffic-
generating uses should be considered if the zoning is
changed to C-O; thus, staff recommended against approval
as it would not be good zoning practice.
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, either for or against,
the public hearing was declared closed.
Council discussion Council discussion ensued concerning density, traffic
problems, Shasta Street as a demarcation line, spot
zoning, effect of existing commercial businesses, and
the potential for additional requests for rezoning along
Fourth Avenue.
Sa. ORDINANCE - It was moved by Councilman Hobel that the ordinance be
AMENDING ZONING MAP placed on first reading and that the reading of the
OR MAP ESTABLISHED BY text be waived by unanimous consent of those present.
SECTION 19.18.010 OF
THE CHULA VISTA MUNICIPAL The motion failed by the following vote, to-wit:
AT 518 FOURTH AVENUE Ayes: Councilmen Hobel, Cox
FROM R-3 TO C-O, AND NOES: Mayor Hyde
CERTIFYING THE NEGATIVE Absent: Councilmen Scott, Egdahl
City Council Meeting -5- September 6~ 1977
6. PUBLIC HEARING - This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor Hyde
CONSIDERATION OF opened the public hearing.
19.24.090 OF THE The City Council expressed concern over the provisions
MUNICIPAL CODE of the R-l-5 District regulations, Section 19.24.090 of
PERTAINING TO OPEN the Municipal Code, which permit the reduction of the
SPACE STANDARDS OF size of the standard single-family building site from
THE R-l-5 DISTRICT 7,000 square feet of 5,000 square feet, provided that
REGULATIONS the developer complies with certain requirements and
In a written report, Director of Planning Peterson said
that, taken literally, the language of Section 19.24.090
implies that existing open space not provided by the
particular subdivider would qualify a subdivision for
5,000 square foot lots, which was not the intent of the
Council at the time of adopting the R-l-5 District regula-
Staff proposed amendments to the Code designed to reflect
the Council's intent to establish "in-project" open space
as the R-1-5's preannounced standard of required open space.
Mr. Peterson said that the Planning Commission, by a vote
of 4-3 on August $, 1977,certified the Negative Declaration
on IS-78-7 and recommended that the ordinance be amended
(in accordance with their Resolution PCZ-78-2).
Planning Commission In answer to a query from Councilman Cox regarding the vote
concerned about of the Planning Commission, Mr. Peterson said some of the
"closing the door" Commission members felt the door should be left open for
to a developer a developer to take advantage of the higher density
allowed by the R-l-5 zoning; however, it was pointed out
that a developer may apply for any zoning at any time.
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, either for or against,
the public hearing was declared closed.
6a. ORDINANCE - It was moved by Mayor Hyde that the ordinance be placed
AMENDING SECTION 19.24.090 on first reading, and that the reading of the text be
OF THE CHULA VISTA waived by unanimous consent of those present.
TO OPEN SPACE STANDARDS Councilman Hobel commented that he would would not be
OF THE R-l-5 DISTRICT comfortable with a vote on this matter at this time in
REGULATIONS, AND view of the fact that there are only three members of the
CERTIFYING THE NEGATIVE Council present. He asked if it would be appropriate to
DECLARATION - FIRST hold this matter for a full Council.
City Attorney Lindberg suggested that the hearing be
re-opened and continued to a date certain when a full
Council will be present.
Motion withdrawn Mayor Hyde withdrew his motion.
Public hearing re-opened Mayor Hyde re-opened the public hearing to consider a
motion to continue this item to another date.
Motion to continue It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by Councilman
hearing until October 18 Cox and unanimously carried by those present that this
matter be continued to the meeting of October 18, 1977.
City Council Meeting -6- September 6, 1977
Request for excerpt of At Councilman Cox's suggestion, the Council concurred
Planning Commission that if would be helpful to have a copy of the Planning
minutes in cases where Commission minutes available when the vote is close,
there is a close vote e.g., 4-3. The Council requested that staff include an
excerpt of the Planning Commission minutes in the Council
packets in these situations where the matter is subsequently
considered by the Council.
7. PUBLIC HEARING - By Resolution No. 8762, the City Council set this date for
CONSIDERATION OF a public hearing to determine whether to vary from or
THE DEFERRAL OF defer the undergrounding of utilities along Melrose Avenue
UNDERGROUNDING within the proposed Vista Homes Subdivision.
UTILITIES WITHIN The City Code requires that developers underground existing
THE PROPOSED VISTA overhead facilities within the boundary of the Subdivision;
HOMES SUBDIVISION however, undergrounding of power transmission lines of
60,000 volts or more are exempt.
Toups Corporation, the engineer of work on behalf of their
client, American Building Arts, Inc., submitted an applica-
tion requesting a deferral of the requirements to under-
ground the existing 12 KVA power lines along Melrose Avenue.
Public hearing continued (This item was continued until the meeting of September
13, 1977. See page 2 of the minutes.)
(Item 8 through
16, inclusive)
Item 10 pulled from Councilman Hobel suggested that the hearing on Item 10
Consent Calendar should be set when there is a full Council present. He
requested that this item be considered separately.
It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Councilman
Hobel and unanimously carried by those present that the
Consent Calendar be approved and adopted, (with the
exception of Item 10, which wag considered separately).
8. RESOLUTION NO. 8800 - T.B. Penick & Sons, Inc., completed the construction of
ACCEPTING PUBLIC the public improvements at the S00 Block of Center Street,
IMPROVEMENTS - 500 in accordance with contract documents dated July S, 1977.
BLOCK - CENTER STREET A final inspection was held on August 1S, 1977 and all work
was completed to the satisfaction of the Director of Public
9. RESOLUTION NO. 8801 - MCS Development, Incorporated, has completed the public
APPROVING AND ACCEPTING improvements for Zenith II, III and IV Subdivisions in
PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS IN accordance with City Council Improvement Agreements
THAT CERTAIN SUBDIVISION covered by Resolutions 8288, 8371 and 8373 respectively.
KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS A final inspection was made on August 12, 1977 and all
ZENITH SUBDIVISIONS II, work was completed to the satisfaction of the Director of
III AND IV Public Works. The Subdivisions are located west of
Oleander Avenue and north and south of East Palomar Street.
11. RESOLUTION NO. 8802 - Following the public hearing held on August 23, 1977 the
ORDERING THE VACATION Council requested that a resolution be prepared ordering
OF A PORTION OF the vacation of a portion of Quintard Street and Tobias
QUINTARD STREET AND Drive adjacent to Shepherdville Subdivision, in accordance
TOBIAS DRIVE ADJACENT with the provisions of the Street Vacation Act of 1941
TO SHEPHERDVILLE for the State of California.
City Council Meeting -7- September 6, 1977
12. RESOLUTION NO. 8803 - One of the conditions of approval for Tentative Parcel
ACCEPTING GRANT OF Map 3-77 was for the owners to grant the City a sewer
EASEMENT FROM LANCE easement for the 8" sewer main serving the interior
AND VIRGINIA JOHNSON parcels. On August 18, 1977 Mr. and Mrs. Lance Johnson
FOR SEWER PURPOSES executed a grant of easement for sewer purposes to the
13. RESOLUTION NO. 8804 - One of the conditions of approval for Tentative Parcel
ACCEPTING GPJkNT OF Map 9-77 was for the owners to grant the City a 7.5 foot
EASEMENT FROM ROBERT wide easement for street tree purposes adjacent to their
LION AND LORRAINE property on "E" Street. On August 19, 1977 Robert Lion
STOWELL FOR STREET and Lorraine Stowell executed a grant of easement for
TREE PURPOSES street tree purposes to the City.
14. RESOLUTION NO. 8805 - One of the conditions of approval of Tentative Parcel Map
ACCEPTING, DEDICATING 9-77 was for the property owner to grant the City a 40 foot
AND NAMING CERTAIN REAL wide easement for street purposes for the southerly half
PROPERTY IN THE CITY of "E" Street. Ina Policy of Title Insurance issued by
FOR STREET AND HIGHWAY First American Title Insurance Company, they described
PURPOSES LOCATED ON the property to be divided into two parcels in reference
"E" STREET to Map No. 166 prepared by George S. Morrill, which in-
cluded the southerly half of "E" Street. "E" Street was
not dedicated on Map No. 166 but was dedicated on a
subsequent Map No. 505 which was filed in the office of
the County Recorder on March 13, 1888.
On August 19, 1977 Robert Lion and Lorraine Stowell
executed a Grant of Easement for Street Purposes to the
City for the southerly half of 40 feet of "E" Street
fronting their property. This Grant of Easement will
clear up any uncertainty as to prior dedication of
"E" Street as shown on Map No. 505.
15. RESOLUTION NO. 8806 - In processing a building permit for the construction of
APPROVING ENCROACHMENT a swimming pool in the rear yard at 1153 Nolan Avenue,
PERMIT NO. 77-28 FOR the staff, through an oversight, did not discover the
CONSTRUCTION OF presence of an existing 8 inch sewer main. If the sewer
SWI~4ING POOL OVER main had been discovered prior to the issuance of the
A PUBLIC SEWER AT building permit and the excavation for the pool, the
1153 NOLAN AVENUE property owner would have been required to relocate the
pool or relocate the sewer main at his expense. An
alternative would have been for the property owner to
request an encroachment permit.
Since the City has issued a building permit and the
property owner has proceeded with the pool construction
in good faith, the staff is recommending that an
encroachment permit be issued, subject to five conditions
as listed on page 2 of the staff report (copy of which
is on file in the City Clerk's office).
16. RESOLUTION NO. 8807 - One of the conditions for the approval of Tentative Parcel
ACCEPTING GRANT OF Map No. 10-77 was for the owner to grant easements for
EASEMENT FROM ROBERT drainage purposes. On August 8, 1977 by Resolution
J. EEREBOUT FOR No. 8769, the Council accepted drainage easements on
DRAINAGE PURPOSES Parcel 1 and Parcel 2. An additional easement 10 feet
in width is required along the entire northerly lot line
of Parcel 2 for a new underground storm drain.
On August 26, 1977 Robert J. Eerebout granted the addi-
tional easement to the City.
City Council Meeting -8- September 6, 1977
10. RESOLUTION NO. 8808 - Mission Cable, TV, Inc., filed an application for a rate
DECLARING THE CITY'S increase on May 3, 1977. Staff, working with the County
INTENTION TO ADJUST and City of San Diego and other communities served by
CONSUMER RATES FOR Mission Cable, has completed a rate study. It was recom-
MISSION CABLE TV mended that the date of September 20, 1977 be set for
SERVICES WITHIN THE the public hearing, at which time testimony may be offered
CITY OF CHULA VISTA by the company and interested citizens.
In answer to a question from Councilman Hobel concerning
the availability of Mission Cable TV profit and loss
statements, Assistant City Manager Asmus said the staff
has worked with the rate analyst of the County and City
of San Diego and the financial records of the Cable
company have been reviewed. The records are not available
in a form that would be understandable at the public
hearing; however, the staff will present a uniform rate
structure to the Council for review which will include
San Diego, E1Cajon and other communities. The same
formula has been applied to the business done in Chula
Vista to arrive at a rate of return.
Motion to amend the It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by Councilman
resolution to set Cox and unanimously carried by those present that the
the public hearing resolution be amended to read "October 25, 1977" for
on October 25, 1977 the date of the public hearing.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hobel, as amended, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent of those present,
passed and adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Cox, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: Councilmen Scott, Egdahl
17. RESOLUTION NO. 8809 - On August 9, 1977 the Council approved a request from the
APPROVING IMPLEMENTATION County to institute a new bus route (Route 7) serving
OF BUS ROUTE 7 AND the Castle Park area - target start-up date is October 3,
Route 7 will operate between the Chula Vista Shopping
Center and Castle Park, via Fourth Avenue. Revised
Route 3 will not operate the Fourth/Fifth Avenue loop
and will use the saved time to extend to Southwestern
College, while continuing to serve the Chula Vista
Community Hospital.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hobel, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent of those present, passed and
adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Cox, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: Councilmen Scott, Egdahl
18. RESOLUTION NO. 8810 - Implementation of Route 7 and revision of Route 3 will
APPROVING FOURTEENTH add service mileage for FY 77-78 to the Chula Vista
AMENDMENT TO THE Transit System and thereby increase the cost of operation.
CITY OF CHULA VISTA AND The total additional payment to Aztec is estimated to be
THE AZTEC BUS LINES TO $31,197 for 45,563 additional miles of service, based on
PROVIDE INTRA-CITY BUS $.67 per mile for cost and profit.
City Council Meeting -9- September 6, 1977
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hobel, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent of those present, passed and
adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Cox, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: Councilmen Scott, Egdahl
19. RESOLUTION NO. 8811 - The new Route 7 and the revised Route 3 of the Chula Vista
APPROVING AMENDMENT TO Transit route network require an amendment to the current
THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE agreement between the City and the County reflecting a
COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO AND change in total annual cost to the County from $24,795
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Nobel, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent of those present, passed and
adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Cox, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: Councilmen Scott, Egdahl
20. ORDINANCE NO. 1763 - At the meeting of August 23, 1977 the City Council
AMENDING SECTIONS directed that the original Bingo ordinance which included
19.12.130, SUBSECTION B, the mobilehome park associations and senior citizens
AND 9.12.160 OF THE organizations be brought back for first reading.
Ordinance placed on It was moved by Councilman Cox that this ordinance be
first reading placed on its first reading and that the reading of the
text be waived by unanimous consent.
The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Cox, Hyde, Hobel
Noes: None
Absent: Councilmen Scott, Egdahl
22. REPORT ON THE DESIRABILITY The City Council recently asked the staff to study the
OF REZONING RESIDENTIAL desirability of rezoning the R-l, R-2 and R-3 lands
LANDS IN THE CHULA VISTA located within the territory bounded by "H" and "I"
SHOPPING CENTER AREA TO Streets, and Fourth and Fifth Avenues, to C-C.
ZONE Councilman Scott, who requested the study, was not
present at this meeting.
Motion to continue Item 22 It was moved by Mayor Hyde and seconded by Councilman
until September 13 Cox that this matter be continued until next week out
of respect to the fact that the study was made at the
request of Councilman Scott.
City Council Meeting -10- September 6, 1977
Mayor Hyde said he would not be present next week but
commented that he would accept the report as presented by
the staff.
Motion carried The motion to continue Item 22 until September 13, 1977
carried unanimously be those present.
23. REPORT ON ADDITIONAL Staff sent a letter to the FAU Advisory Committee
FUNDING FOR "F" STREET requesting additional funding of $70,000 for "F" Street
which was approved; however, other projects in the area
are competing for the additional and limited monies.
The staff has submitted final plans of the project to
the State for approval and it is anticipated that the
City will have authority from the State to advertise
within thirty days and will then receive the additional
Motion to accept report It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by Mayor
Hyde and unanimously carried by those present that the
report be accepted.
a. STATUS OF Mayor Hyde announced that the California League of
SEPTEMBER 27, 1977 Cities conference will be held on September 27, 1977.
MEETING Two members of the Council and several City Department
Heads and members of the staff will be attending the
Motion to cancel It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman
meeting of September 27, Hobel and unanimously carried by those present that the
1977 Council meeting of September 27, 1977 be cancelled.
CIVIC AWARDS The Civic Awards Banquet has been scheduled for October 13,
BANQUET 1977. Mayor Hyde reminded members of the Council to
submit names to Councilman Cox, the Committee Chairman,
so the Council may vote on the winners for the Civic
Recognition Awards.
MAYOR'S BREAKFAST Mayor Hyde said the Mayor's Breakfast will be held on
Monday, September 12. Councilman Hobel will preside and
the topic will be "CHIP" - the Chula Vista Community
Housing and Improvement Program. Everyone is invited
to attend.
Joint City/Chamber Ad Hoc The Chula Vista Chamber of Commerce has advised the
Committee to lobby for Council that they have appointed Mr. Ron Gundy and
Superior Court in South Mr. William (Pete) Edwards to serve on a joint City/
Bay Chamber Ad Hoc Committee to "watchdog" the developments
regarding a Superior Court for the South Bay. Mayor
Hyde said he would like to nominate Councilman Scott
and that he will volunteer to serve on this committee.
Motion to appoint It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Councilman
Mayor Hyde and Hobel and unanimously carried by those present to appoint
Councilman Scott Councilman Scott and Mayor Hyde to serve on this joint
to ad hoc committee committee.
City Council Meeting -11- September 6, 1977
Status of remodeling Councilman Hobel questioned the scheduling on the
old library and remodeling project for the old library and post office
post office buildings.
Schedule to be presented City Manager Cole said that a detailed schedule has been
to Council September 13 submitted by the Director of Public Works and it will be
presented to the Council at the next meeting.
Proclamation to set It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by Councilman
aside one week in Cox and unanimously carried by those present that a
recognition of Chula Proclamation be brought back either at the next Council
Vista Bobbysoxers meeting or the following one, setting aside an appropriate
week in recognition of the Chula Vista Bobbysoxers, Major
Division, who recently won their third national champion-
Motion for Council It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Mayor Hyde
Conference on policy and unanimously carried by those present that at a
regarding vandalism future Council Conference that the Council consider a
policy on vandalism.
City maintains sidewalks In answer to a question from Councilman Cox, Director of
along "H" Street between Public Works Robens said that the City appropriately
Hilltop and 1-80S takes care of the sidewalks on "H" Street between Hilltop
and 1-80S to keep them clean due to the high wall along
the property lines.
Trash along freeways Councilman Cox commented on the trash along I-5 and
1-80S in the Chula Vista area.
Motion to contact It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Mayor Hyde
CALTRANS and unanimously carried by those present that a letter
be written to CALTRANS regarding the accumulation of
trash along I-S and 1-805 in the Chula Vista area.
Library to be Councilman Cox noted the Sunday Library opening beginning
open on Sundays on September 11, 1977.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hyde adjourned the meeting at 8:14 p.m. to the
regular scheduled meeting of September 13, 1977 at
7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall.
Deputy City Clerk