Iteld Thursday - 4:00 p.m. September 15, 1977
An adjourned regular meeting was held on the above date beginning at 4:10 p.m. in the
Council Conference Room, City Hall, 276 Fourth Avenue.
Councilmen present: Councilmen Cox, Scott, Egdahl
Councilmen absent: Mayor Hyde, Councilman Hobel
Staff present: City Manager Cole, Assistant City Manager Asmus, Fire Chief
Smithey, Assistant Fire Chief Longerbone
In the absence of Mayor Hyde and Mayor Pro Tempore Hobel, the meeting was opened by
Deputy City Clerk Jane Diedrichs. She asked for a motion to appoint an Acting Mayor
Pro Tempore to chair the meeting.
Motion to appoint It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Acting Mayor Pro Tempore Cox and unanimously carried by those present that Council-
man Egdahl be appointed Acting Mayor Pro Tempore.
1. AUTOMATIC RESPONSE - City Manager Cole explained that this conference was
BONITA-SUNNYSIDE scheduled as the result of directions from the Council
FIRE DISTRICT PROPOSAL during budget deliberations to meet with the Department
Heads. The Council has specifically indicated a desire
to consider the possibility of reducing the cost of fire
service in the Bonita-Sunnyside Fire District.
Chief Smithey reported that the initial contact made with
the Bonita-Sunnyside District concerning the possibility
of reducing the amount of the contract for fire protection
was not well received due to budget implications.
The concern is the level of fire protection being pro-
vided in the Bonita area of the City that is south of the
contract area - Exgibi~ "A" - extending behind Allen
School across Otay Lakes Road to the County Club Estates
area including Rancho Robinhood. Chief Smithey said the
proposal is to have an automatic response agreement with
Bonita-Sunnyside Fire District for "first-in" protection
to the city area as outlined in Ex~b~ "A" of the staff
report (copy of which is on file in the City Clerk's
office). In return, the Chula Vista Fire Department would
respond "first-in" to that portion of the Bonita-Sunnyside
Fire District located west of 1-805 to Hilltop Drive and
generally from Bonita Road to "H" Street (as outlined in
EX~ "~" of the staff report - copy on file in the
City Clerk's office).
In a written report, Chief Smithey noted that all City
areas south of Bonita Road are out of the contract area
and rely on Station #4~ 879 Otay Lakes Road, for "first-in"
~ervice with backup ~rom Station #2, 80 East "J" Street and
Station #1, 447 "F" Street. Due to travel distance and
time, supplemental protection needs to be provided in
order that the level of fire protection is equal to that
provided the rest of the City.
Adjourned Regular Meeting -2- September 15, 1977
Council discussion Council discussion followed concerning (1) possibility
of making Chula Vista "self sufficient" in fire protec-
tion service; (2) cost of current contract amount -
$31,191.31; (3) feasibility and cost of building an
additional station, estimated at #295,000 plus ongoing
costs annually of approximately $280,000 for manpower
alone; (4) additional site has been selected for future
use and owner is willing to negotiate purchase price;
(5) current Capital Improvement Program (CIP) includes
funds for purchase of site, but construction would not
be planned for immediate future; (6) automatic response
agreement would fill interim need for additional fire
protection, but this would not be a long term proposal
and staff would move ahead to acquire site.
Staff recommendation City Manager Cole said staff recon~ends that the City
pursue an Automatic Response Agreement with the Bonita-
Sunnyside Fire District for areas delineated on maps
included in the staff report.
Motion to pursue It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Councilman
automatic response Egdahl and unanimously carried by those present that the
agreement City pursue a course to effect an implementation of an
automatic response agreement with the Bonita-Sunnyside
Fire District.
2. REPORT ON TELESQUIRT Chief Smithey said that the Telesquirt unit is in service
USE AND HOUSING as of today. Hedescribed the unit as having additional
ladder capability to get closer to a fire with more
flexibility than anything else in service. It is current-
ly housed at the "J" Street station, but it has been
determined that with slight modification to Station #3,
it can also be placed there where it will provide the
best service.
3. CRITERIA AND FIRE In answer to a suggestion from Councilman Scott that the
STATION SITE LOCATION - discussion on the next two items be held for a Council
CURRENT AND FUTURE Conference when there is a full Council, City Manager
Cole said it would be best to make the presentation now
as staff needs Council reaction to proceed with acquisition
of property as authorized in this year's budget. Further
Council direction can then be given during a regular
Council meeting.
Chief Smithey briefly reviewed the history of the loca-
tion of the current fire stations and described the
criteria for the location of fire stations as shown in
the Safety Element of the General Plan.
Computer runs by CPO The Comprehensive Planning Organization (CPO) has pro-
confirm locations vided the City with information by computer runs on fire
selected station locations and confirmed the locations selected
by the staff - to move Station #3 to Orange and Oleander
and move Station #2 onto "L" Street near E1 Capitan, which
will provide the average response time of four (4) minutes
to covered areas. Chief Smithey stated that, based on
development that has occurred and on projections for
future development, staff suggests relocating the exist-
ing stations rather than adding another station.
Assistant City Manager Asmus commented on the economic
advantages of relocating the two stations and building
one rather than two new stations. The relocation of the
"J" Street station would be planned in the CIP budget
next year.
Adjourned Regular Meeting -3- September 15, 1977
4. TRAINING FACILITIES - Chief Smithey listed the following things to be con-
CURRENT AND FUTURE sidered in selecting the location of a training facility:
(1) that it be accessible; (2) adequate in size; (3)
located in an area where both smoke and water will not
be restricted; (4) located where noise incidental to the
testing and training will not be objectionable to the
neighborhood; and (5) it is preferable to have a train-
ing facility in conjunction with an active fire station
for purposes of security, maintenance and less overtime
for training personnel.
Chief Smithey said the training tower at the "J" Street
station was recently rebuilt and the fire escapes and
ladders were installed today. He said the quest for a
site for a training facility has been frustrating due
to many factors: the need to have it in conjunction
with existing facilities precludes existing stations;
wind causes probelm with water blowing over cars, etc.,
and objection by the Port District to site at "J" and
Tidelands; He said the prime site at this time seems to
be one at Otay Valley Road and Brandywine.
la. MONTGOMERY AUTOMATIC Chief Smithey gave the following update report on the
RESPONSE UPDATE Montgomery Automatic Response Agreement; There have
been 72 responses - 53 of which were Montgomery coming
into the City area and 19 of which Chula Vista went into
the Montgomery area. He said the program seems to be
working well and the fire companies are adjusting and
working comfortably with each other.
ADJOURNMENT Ac~ing Mayor Pro Tempore Egdahl adjourned the meeting at
5:50 p.m. to the regular Council meeting scheduled for
Tuesday, September 20, 1977 in the Council Chambers,
City Hall.
Deputy City Clerk