Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. October 4, 1977
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California, was held
on the above date beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 276 Fourth
Councilmen present: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Hobel, Cox, Scott
Councilmen absent: Councilman Egdahl
Staff present: City Manager Cole, City Attorney Lindberg, Assistant City
Manager Asmus, Director of Planning Peterson, Director of
Public Works Robens, Assistant Director of Public Works
Lippitt, Director of Parks and Recreation Hall, Deputy City
Manager Wittenberg
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Hyde followed by a moment of
silent prayer.
1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Councilman
Scott and carried by a vote of 3 - 1 that the minutes
of the meetings of September 15, 20 and 22, 1977 be
approved, copies having been sent to each Councilman.
Mayor Hyde abstained as he was not present at the
a. INTRODUCTION OF (Mr. Marzo was unable to attend the meeting.)
b. PRESENTATION OF Mayor Hyde presented a 20-year service certificate and
20-YEAR SERVICE pin to Mr. William (Bill) Gaines, currently employed
AWARD TO as an Engineering Technician in the Public Works Depart-
WILLIAM F. GAINES mont. Mayor Hyde offered personal congratulations and
commendation of the Council.
Ms. Kay Grant, owner Ms. Grant said she has attempted to upgrade the building
Smitty's Tavern to make it unique and attractive. She described a model
119 Broadway horse that has been placed as a decoration on the roof
Chula Vista of the Tavern and stated that the City has asked that
the statue be removed. She asked permission to retain
the decorative model.
Model horse does In answer to queries from the Council, Director of
not conform to Planning Peterson explained that a complaint had been
zoning ordinance received and upon investigation, it was determined
that the model horse on the roof does not conform to
the zoning ordinance. The ordinance requires 100 feet
of property frontage and 50 feet of building frontage
to qualify for a roof-top sign or "pictorial represen-
tation, symbol, banner or other figure" as defined
in the ordinance to "identify or call attention to"
the establishment. He said the property does not
meet either qualification.
City Council Meeting -2- October 4, 1977
Suggestion for Mayor Hyde commented that the proper procedure, if
variance Ms. Grant wished to obtain an exception from the
ordinance, would be for her to contact the Planning
Department and request a variance if she so desired,
and the staff could explain the procedure to her.
Jean Goodvin Ms. Goodvin said it was her understanding that the City
C. C. Goodvin Realty is planning a concrete barrier between "H" and "I" on
561 Third Avenue Third Avenue. She questioned this construction as
Chula Vista being an undue hardship on the business and professional
people on the block if no turn lane is permitted. She
also suggested that a parking district be formed if
parking is eliminated on Third Avenue.
South County Regional Director of Public Works Robens reported that the staff
Center improvements will be meeting with the County to discuss the improve-
to be discussed with ments that are proposed in connection with the South
the County staff County Regional Center, which include a concrete
median on a portion of the street - but not on the
entire street, He said there is no intent to eliminate
parking on the east side of the street at this time.
Ms. Goodvin to In answer to a question from Ms. Goodvin regarding
be notified of notification of property owners, Mr. Robens said he
meeting date will notify her of the time and place of the staff
meeting with the County concerning the street improve-
a. RECO~ENDATIONS The Chula Vista Tennis Club expressed its strong support
REGARDING TENNIS of the City's tennis program and made three recommenda-
FACILITY, 900 tions concerning the tennis facility located at 900
0TAY LAKES ROAD 0tay Lakes Road: (1) to engage a "Pro" or program
coordinator to manage the efficient use of the courts
and to maintain the courts and club house in a good
state of repair; (2) to actively pursue the construc-
tion of four additional lighted courts to the tennis
center; and (3) to take whatever steps the City can to
assist Southwestern College in lighting the ten College
Motion to refer to It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Mayor
staff for consideration Hyde and unanimously carried by those present that the
staff recommendation be accepted to refer this to staff
for consideration.
b. REQUEST FOR WITH- Attorney William J. Bauer, representing the Chula Vista
DRAWAL OF POSITION Firefighters Local 2180, submitted a request that the
ANNOUNCEMENT FOR City withdraw the announced employment opportunity for
FIRE INSPECTOR a fire prevention specialist (fire inspector), stating
this position would not be part of the fire service of
the City and was in violation of the terms and working
conditions of the firemen's association. It was re-
quested that the position be restored as a fireman's
position with promotional opportunities for members
of the Fire Department.
Motion to refer to staff It was moved by Councilman Cox~ seconded by Mayor Hyde
and unanimously carried by those present that this be
referred to staff.
Report to be made In answer to a query from Councilman Hobel, City Manager
next week (10/11/77) Cole said the staff will be back next week with a
City Council Meeting -3- October 4, 1977
4. PUBLIC HEARING - This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor Hyde
VACATION OF M~K^TO opened the public hearing.
GARRETT AVENUES On June 8, 1977 Project Design Consultants, on behalf
of the County of San Diego, submitted a request for
the City to vacate Mankato Street between Third Avenue
and Garrett Avenue - the portion of Mankato which lies
within the project area for the proposed South Bay
Regional Court Facility. In order to proceed with
this project, Mankato Street must be vacated.
Staff report outlines Director of Public Works Robens said that the vacation
reasons for approval is a requirement discussed in the Environmental Impact
of vacation Report for the Court Facility and the Report indicates
that the vacation will have a negligible effect on the
circulation pattern in the area. He referred to the
staff report forwarded to the Council (copy of which
is on file in the City Clerk's office) indicating the
reasons for approval of the vacation. He also stated
that the easements required by the utility companies
will be handled by the staff and will be brought to
the Council at a later time.
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, either for or against,
the public hearing was declared closed.
Motion for resolution It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Cox and unanimously carried by those present that a
resolution be brought back ordering the vacation.
5. PUBLIC HEARING - This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor Hyde
CONSIDERATION OF CH/kNGE opened the public hearing.
OF PROPERTY LOCATED ON The City received an application for a zone change for
THE SOUTHWEST SIDE OF 2.00 acres located on the southwesterly side of Otay
OTAY LAKES ROAD, NORTH Lakes Road, approximately 1450 feet north of East
OF EAST "H" STREET "H" Street and south of the SDG&E easement, from C-O-P
to C-C-P. The staff included an additional 1.18 acres
of R-3 zoned property located adjacent to and north of
the applicant's property in the rezoning consideration.
Director of Planning Peterson said that in reviewing
the application, the staff concluded that this area
is over-zoned for retail commercial use and recommended
that the request for rezoning from C-O-P to C-C-P be
denied and that the triangular parcel to the north be
rezoned from R-E to C-O-P as the residential estate
zoning is inappropriate. He said that staff felt
whatever zoning is designated, this property should be
On September 14, 1977 the Planning Commission certified
the Negative Declaration IS-78-15, denied the request
for the rezoning of the 2.00 acres from C-O-P to C-C-P,
and recommended approval of the rezoning of the 1.18
acres from R-E to C-O-P in accordance with their
Resolution PCZ-78-D.
City Council Meeting -4- October 4, 1977
Glenn Ashwill Mr. Ashwill said he was unable to attend the Planning
255 Camino del Cerro Grande Commission meeting and that the co-owner of the property,
Chula Vista Mr. Norman, was out of town at the time. He stated they
felt the Planning Commission might have taken a different
position if they had been given all the facts at their
hearing, but the staff did not have all the information.
He explained the recent purchase of approximately 10
acres in the area by the Par Construction Company and
said they have proceeded with plans for a compatible
commercial development; and that plans are also still
being explored for a commercial office facility. He
asked that the Council favorably consider rezoning the
2.00 acres of property C-O-P to C-C-P.
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, either for or against,
the public hearing was declared closed.
Concern regarding notice City Attorney Lindberg expressed his concern regarding
of public hearing the wording of the Notice of Public Hearing for con-
sideration of the rezoning of 1.18 acres from R-E to
C-O-P. He said the Council could not take action at
this time to move toward a more intensified commercial
use of this area.
Suggestion to re-advertise In answer to a query from Mayor Hyde as to what the
public hearing Council can do to have the additional option of having
the triangular parcel (1.18 acres) also be potentially
suitable for C-C-P zoning, City Attorney Lindberg sa~d
the hearing would have to be re-advertised before the
Planning Commission.
Motion to take no It was moved by Councilman Scott, and seconded by
action and re-advertise Councilman Hobel that the Council take no action on this
and that the matter be re-advertised as stated by the
City Attorney.
Council discussion The Council and staff discussion ensued and it was
determined that the primary interest of the property
owner was to rezone the 2.00 acres from C-O-P to
C-C-P. The Council concurred that whatever zoning is
designated should be designated for the entire area
being considered and that to save time, action could
be taken on the 2.00 acres and the zoning on the triangular
parcel of 1.18 acres could be considered separately at
a later time.
Motion withdrawn Councilman Scott withdrew his motion. Councilman Hobel agreed as the second.
Mayor Hyde clarified that the Council will now proceed
to consider action with regard to the 2.00 acres and
the request for the zone change from C-O-P to C-C-P.
Council discussion The Council and staff discussed the various commercial
developments in the area (e.g. Southwestern College area)
multiple-family development on part of the property
zoned C-C-P, and the broad range of retail commercial
uses allowed in the C-C-P zone.
Motion to rezone It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
2.00 acres to C-C-P Hobel and unanimously carried by those present that
the property (2.00 acres) be zoned C-C-P and that an
ordinance be brought back to the Council.
City Council Meeting -5- October 4, 1977
Sa. ORDINPJqCE - The Council concurred that no action be taken on this
BY SECTION 19.18.010 It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman
OF THE CHULA VISTA Scott and unanimously carried by those present that
MUNICIPAL CODE, RE- the staff be directed to initiate proceedings to
ZONING PROPERTY LOCATED rezone - and refer to the Planning Commission - the
ON THE SOUTHWEST SIDE proposal for change of zoning for the (1.18) parcel
OF OTAY LAKES ROAD, designated R-E to C-C-P.
6. PUBLIC HEARING - This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor Hyde
CONSIDERATION OF PRECISE opened the public hearing.
SHOPPING CENTER AT The applicant requested approval of a precise plan for
TELEGRAPH CANYON ROAD the development of Phase I of a retail shopping center
AND HALECREST IN C-C-P located on 11.2 acres of land on the north side of
ZONE (Continued from Telegraph Canyon Road between Halecrest and Crest Drive
9/13/77) in the C-C-P zone.
On August 24, 1977 the Planning Commission adopted
Supplemental EIR-74-3 for the development project and
recommended approval of the precise plan in accordance
with their Resolution PCM-78-4.
Director of Planning Peterson said the proposal involves
construction of a center in two phases. He described
the various potential tenants under Phase I and Phase II.
He also described the slope bank, the channel, access
points, grading, landscaping, fencing, and architectural
treatment. He said the applicant was in agreement with
the conditions of approval as recommended by the Planning
Commission with the exception of the condition limiting
the number of freestanding signs to one sign.
Additional condition Mr. Peterson said one condition omitted by an oversight
of approval recommended but recommended by the staff was the addition of condi-
by staff tion No. 18 to the Planning Commission Resolution
PCM-78-4 to read:
The developer shall construct a five foot wide
P.C.C. sidewalk along the entire Halecrest Drive
frontage of the project. Said sidewalk shall be
located immediately adjacent to the existing curb.
Mr. Peterson said the applicant was agreeable to this
additional condition.
Council discussion Council discussion ensued with staff concerning the
entrances to the center, left turns into the center,
traffic signals in the vicinity, traffic patterns,
provision for a bicycle path on Telegraph Canyon Road,
and safe pedestrian access to the center. Discussion
also included adequate screening of the loading dock
on the north side of the development from the adjacent
residential area.
Gilbert Dreyfuss Mr. Dreyfuss said he was one of the general partners
333 So. Hope Street of Canyon Plaza Ltd., the applicant. He commented on
Los Angeles 90071 (1) the landscaping divider between the existing service
(Canyon Plaza Ltd.) station and the center; (2) the shielded loading dock
visibility; (3) the agreement with the shop owners to
maintain their loading docks in proper order; (4)
adequate pedestrian access to be provided; (5) grading
under Phase I and Phase II; and (6) all permanent
landscaping to be done under Phase I.
City Council Meeting -6- October 4, 1977
Additional sign Mr. Dreyfuss asked Council consideration for a second
requested sign to be used exclusively for the proposed bank behind
the service station and said the additional sign would
help to control traffic movement in and out of the
center. He also described their request for signs
under Phase II, and stated they will install the entire
permanent wall from Halecrest to Crest Drive in Phase I.
Ms. Ann Holton Ms. Holton referred to the Supplemental EIR-74-3 re-
592 Douglas garding the enforcement of local and state statutes
Chula Vista controlling noise sources and that the shopping center
was to operate only during day and evening hours. She
asked that if the project is approved, that these provi-
sions be enforced by the Council. She also asked that
cars coming from the west on Telegraph Canyon Road
entering the center by making a left turn also be
permitted to exit at the same place and make a left
turn to continue east.
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, either for or against,
the public hearing was closed.
Motion for additional It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman
condition of approval- Hobel and unanimously carried by those present that
marked pedestrian access an additional item be added to the proposed resolution -
that a clearly identified pedestrian access from
Halecrest Drive into the center be provided.
Councilman Scott expressed his concern regarding the
open drainage ditch in front of the shopping center and
the limited access.
Concern regarding In answer to a question from Mayor Hyde regarding
loading dock area adequate visual protection for the loading area,
Director of Planning Peterson said that the present
ordinance has adequate controls to regulate the storage
of trash, but the loading dock could be handled as an
additional condition.
Motion for condition It was moved by Mayor Hyde and seconded by Councilman
regarding design of Cox that as an additional condition that the design
loading dock for the loading operations be subject to staff approval.
Motion clarified Mayor Hyde clarified the motion stating that it is for
the developer and staff to review the manner in which
the loading dock operates and make sure that it will not
create an unsightly appearance on the north side of the
Substitute motion It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Mayor
Hyde and unanimously carried by those present that the
rear - north side - of the shopping center be designed
in such a way that it will be compatible with the
residences on the north side of the property.
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Hobel and seconded by Council-
request for additional man Cox that the applicant be granted the two signs
sign under the conditions of height in the present signing
Council discussion Council discussion followed concerning the policy
regarding signs in neighborhood areas, signing needs
of the center, and that if it is demonstrated the
sign is needed, it can be added at a later date.
City Council Meeting -7- October 4, 1977
Motion failed The motion failed by the following vote, to-wit:
Ayes: Councilmen Hobel, Cox
NOES: Mayor Hyde, Councilman Scott
Absent: Councilman Egdahl
6a. RESOLUTION NO. 8828 - Offered by Councilman Cox, as amended, the reading of
APPROVING PRECISE PLAN the text was waived by unanimous consent of those
FOR CANYON PLAZA SHOPPING present, passed and adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT AYES: Councilmen Cox, Hyde, Hobel
REPORT Noes: Councilman Scott
Absent: Councilman Egdahl
CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Mayor
(Items 7 - 11) Hyde and unanimously carried by those present that the
Consent Calendar be approved and adopted.
7. RESOLUTION NO. 8829 - The Agreement for~Public Health Services between the
AUTHORIZING THE SAN City and the County (Resolution No. 1389) makes provi-
DIEGO COUNTY DIRECTOR OF sions for County enforcement of certain City ordinances
PUBLIC HEALTH TO ENFORCE related to public health. The primary qualification
THE PROVISIONS OF being that the City ordinance must impose the same
ORDINANCE NO. 1767 regulatory and penal provisions on incorporated territory
RELATING TO HEALTH within the City as does the related County ordinance
PERMIT FEES upon unincorporated territory. Adoption of this
resolution will be in conformity with the provisions
of the Agreement for Public Health Services.
8. RESOLUTION NO. 8830 - On May 27, 1959 Mylo Construction Company, developer
ACCEPTING LOT "E" IN of Mylo Ocean View Estates Unit No. 1, dedicated Lot "E"
MYLO OCEAN VIEW ESTATES on the final map for street purposes to the City. The
UNIT NO. 1 SUBDIVISION City Council approved the final map and rejected the
AND DEDICATING AS EAST offer of dedication for Lot "E"; however, the offer of
ONEIDA STREET dedication remains open and may be accepted by the City
at any date in the future. Subsequent to the recordation
of the final map, East Oneida Street has been fully
improved to City standards and it is therefore appro-
priate at this time for the Council to accept the offer
of dedication for Lot "E".
9. RESOLUTION NO. 8831 - On March 15, 1977 the Council accepted two easements
ACCEPTING GRANT OF for street purposes and an easement for street tree
EASEMENT FROM HENRY F. purposes from Henry and Agnes Jahn (Resolution No. 8533).
AND AGNES L. JAHN FOR The original document granting the right of way for
STREET PURPOSES Las Flores Drive north of "D" Street was misplaced or
lost. On September 14, 1977 Mr. and Mrs. Jahn executed
an easement granting from 14 to 45 feet of right of way
along Las Flores Drive for street purposes.
10. RESOLUTION NO. 8832 - The Municipal Code requires that needed right of way
ACCEPTING, DEDICATING and public improvements be guaranteed and constructed
AND NAMING CERTAIN REAL as a condition of issuing a building permit. Mr. and
PROPERTY IN THE CITY FOR Mrs. Marvin L. Irvine, Jr. applied for a building
STREET AND HIGHWAY permit to construct apartment units at 359 Brightwood
PURPOSES LOCATED AT Avenue and an additional three feet of right of way is
359 BRIGHTWOOD AVENUE required to construct the sidewalk fronting the property.
On September 16, 1977 Mr. and Mrs. Irvine executed the
necessary grant of easement for sidewalk purposes.
City Council Meeting -8- October 4, 1977
11. RESOLUTION NO. 8833 - The Carver Corporation has completed the construction
ACCEPTING PUBLIC of the project awarded by Council Resolution No. 8638.
IMPROVEMENTS - BROADWAY A final inspection was made on September 15, 1977 and
STORM DRAIN - "J" STREET all work was found to be completed in accordance with
TO "K" STREET the contract documents and to the satisfaction of the
Director of Public Works.
12. RESOLUTION NO. 8834 - Provision of sewer service to the recently approved
APPROVING AGREEMENT Bonita Ridge Subdivision Unit No. 2 involved construc-
BETWEEN THE CITY OF tion of off-site sewer in Acacia Avenue and Palm Drive
CHULA VISTA AND to an eventual connection to the Spring Valley Outfall
SPRING VALLEY SANITA- Sewer. In order to provide proper maintenance and
TION DISTRICT PROVIDING control of the off-site portions of the sewer in unin-
FOR THE USE, MAINTENANCE corporated territory, it is necessary that formal
AND OPERATION OF A agreement be reached with the County and/or the Spring
SEWER IN ACACIA AVENUE Valley Sanitation District. The agreement allows
AND PALM DRIVE AND connection of properties within both jurisdictions and
AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR sets forth the maintenance and operation responsibilities
TO EXECUTE SAID of the City and the Sanitation District.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hobel, the reading of the text
was waived by unanimous consent of those present, passed
and adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Cox, Hyde, Scott
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Egdahl
13. RESOLUTION NO. 8839 - One of the conditions of approval of the final map for
REQUESTING THAT THE Hollday Estates Unit No. 6 Subdivision was that the
OFFICE OF THE COUNTY developer improve and dedicate Lots 368 and 383 as
TAX COLLECTOR PREPARE park sites. It has recently been brought to the
AN AGREEMENT TO PURCHASE attention of the Engineering staff that the developer,
CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY Jafro, Inc., never dedicated these lots to the City.
IN THE CITY OF CHULA On August 19, 1977 the City received a notice of
VISTA (PARCEL 623-341-50) intent from the County Tax Collector to deed certain
properties within the City to the State for unpaid
back taxes, including Lot 368 (Parcel 623-341-30).
This tot was improved as a park site, accepted by the
Council, and has been maintained as a park site by
the City for the past five years.
Parcels deeded to the State are eligible for sale
to the City and staff is recommending that the City
purchase Lot 368 from the State. Staff has contacted
Jafro, Inc., with regard to the conveyance of Lots 368
and 383 and they have indicated they will execute a
quitclaim deed, quitclaiming any interest they have
in these lots to the City.
Check list for In answer to a query from Mayor Hyde as to whether
final maps procedures have been established to preclude this
kind of thihg happening again, Director of Public Works
Robans said these lots are dedicated on the final map
and staff has a check list which includes approximately
200 items.
City Council Meeting -9- October 4, 1977
Resolution offered Offered by Mayor Hyde, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent of those present, passed
and adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Cox
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Egdahl
14. RESOLUTION NO. 8835 - Helix Land Company and Helix 1960-Inc., the owner of
APPROVING AN UNCRONTROLLED Assessor's Parcel Map No. 642-020-21 in the 1400 block
EMBANKMENT AGREEMENT BE- of East "H" Street, have applied for an Uncontrolled
TWEEN THE CITY OF CHULA Embankment Permit to stockpile approximately 4,000
VISTA AND HELIX LAND cubic yards of dirt on the parcel. As required by the
COMPANY AND HELIX City Code, they have executed an agreement for land
1960-INC. AND development for uncontrolled embankment.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hobel, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent of those present, passed and
adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Cox, Hyde, Scott
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Egdahl
15. RESOLUTION NO. 8836 - The Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA)
ACCEPTING BIDS AND provides funds for the leasing of equipment to be used
AWARDING CONTRACTS in the training of public service employment participants.
FOR LEASE OF TRUCKS Bids were received on September 19, 1977 for leasing
the following trucks in support of the CETA program:
(1) two compact pickup trucks; (2) one six-passenger
four door crew cab; and (3) one four-wheel drive 3/4
ton pickup truck.
Staff recommended that the bids be accepted and contract
awarded to Courtesy Chevrolet for Item 1 and to PHD
Corporation for Items 2 and 3 for a 12-month period,
with the option to renew lease or purchase the vehicles
at the end of the contract periods.
Resolution o££¢rcd Offered by Councilman Hobel, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent of those present, passed and
adopted by the Following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Cox, Hyde, Scott
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Egdahl
16. RESOLUTION NO. 8837 - Bids were received on September 14, 1977 for the purchase
ACCEPTING BIDS AND of grounds maintenance equipment provided for in the
AWARDING CONTRACTS 1977-78 budget.
EQUIPMENT Staff recommended that the bids be accepted and contract
awarded to low bidders as £ollows: Chula Vista Lawnmower
Company for three items; B. Hayman Company Inc., for
five items; and Pacific Turf for two items. No bids
were received on the line marker and this item will be
purchased on the open market.
City Council Meeting -10- October 4, 1977
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hobel, the reading of the text
was waived by unanimous consent of those present,
passed and adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hebel, Cox, Hyde, Scott
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Egdahl
17. RESOLUTION NO. 8838 - Bids were received for one 4-wheel drive diesel powered
ACCEPTING BIDS AND articulated loader and one tractor/loader provided for
AWARDING CONTRACT FOR in the 1977-78 budget.
AND ONE TRACTOR/LOADER Staff recommended that the bids be accepted and the
contract awarded to Case Power and Equipment for one (1)
Case Model W14H Loader and one (1) Case Model 480C
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hobel, the reading of the text
was waived by unanimous consent of those present,
passed and adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Cox, Hyde, Scott
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Egdahl
17-A. RESOLUTION NO. 8840 - It has been determined that the City of San Diego
DETERMINING THAT THE asserts a right, title and interest in a water utility
DIVISION AND DEVELOP- right of way being a portion of E1 Rancho del Rey Unit
MENT OF EL RANCHO DEL No. 5 Subdivision. Safeco Title Company will present
REY WILL NOT UN- an indemnification agreement to the City Council of
REASONABLY INTERFERE Chula Vista at the time of approval of the final map
WITH THE FREE AND guaranteeing that all right, title and interest of
COMPLETE EXERCISE the City of San Diego will be acquired by the developer.
OF THE PUBLIC This resolution provides that the signature of the City
ENTITY OR PUBLIC of San Diego may be omitted on the final map subject to
RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENT the provisions of Section 66436 of the State Sub-
division Map Act.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of the text
was waived by unanimous consent of those present,
passed and adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Cox, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Egdahl
18. ORDINANCE NO. 1768 - On July 19, 1977 the City Council approved a recom-
AMENDING SECTION mendation by the Safety Commission and staff to
12.32.150 OF THE require private property owners to trim their trees
CHULA VISTA MUNICIPAL which overhang public sidewalks. The Code presently
CODE RELATING TO requires the trimming of trees to a distance of eight
TRIMMING REGULATIONS feet above the public highways, and this amendment
OVER CITY SIDEWALKS - merely clarifies that section by adding the words
FIRST READING "public sidewalk."
Ordinance placed on It was moved by Councilman Cox that this ordinance be
first reading placed on its first reading and that the reading of the
text be waived by unanimous consent of those present.
The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Cox, Hyde, Scott, Hobel
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Egdahl
City Council Meeting -11- October 4, 1977
19. ORDINANCE NO. 1767 - The ordinance brings the ~nicipal Code into conformance
AMENDING SECTION 8.08.080 with the County Code of Regulatory Ordinances, which
AND ADDING A NEW SECTION provides for year-round renewal of public health permits.
8.08.082 OF THE CHULA The amendments have been requested by the County
VISTA MUNICIPAL CODE Department of Public Health and will be enforced by
READING AND ADOFTION The ordinance was placed on first reading on September 20,
Ordinance placed on It was moved by Councilman Scott that this ordinance be
second reading placed on its second reading and adopted and that the
and adopted reading of the text be waived by unanimous consent of
those present.
The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Cox, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Egdahl
REPORT ON BIDS FOR City Manager Cole reported that bids have been advertised
CIVIC CENTER RENOVATION for the renovation of the Civic Center; however, only
three contractors have responded. He said it is
proposed to extend the bid process two weeks which
will not change the overall schedule.
a. REPORT ON REQUEST At the City Council meeting of July 19, 1977 staff was
FOR PROPOSAL REGARDING directed to prepare (1) a prioritized list of departments
AN OPERATIONS REVIEW which would be the subject of operations reviews
PROGRAM during the next four years, and (2) a draft Request
for Proposal (RFP) for consultant services to conduct
such a program.
Mayor Hyde commented that this report will involve
considerable Council discussion, and in view of the
fact that there is not a full Council present, he
suggested it would be appropriate to handle this matter
at a regular adjourned Council meeting.
Motion to continue It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman
Item 20a until 10/27/77 Hobel and unanimously carried by those present that
this matter be continued until October 27, 1977
(Council Conference).
City Attorney out of City Attorney Lindberg said he will not be present at
town on October 20 and the meetings of October 20 and 27. He noted that the
27 - change suggested discussion of school fees is scheduled for the Council
in Council Conference Conference on October 20 and he would prefer to be in
scheduling attendance at that meeting. He suggested that this item
be deferred until after November 3 and the City Manager's
report on the Request for Proposal can be scheduled for
October 20.
Motion to reschedule It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman
the consideration of Scott and unanimously carried by those present that
operations review the Council's previous action scheduling the considera-
program to October 20 tion of the operations review program for October 27
be changed and rescheduled for October 20, 1977.
City Council Meeting -12- October 4, 1977
Request for schedule Councilman Scott suggested that a schedule be prepared
of Council Conferences and presented to the Council to indicate the changes
in the Council Conferences.
Motion to reschedule It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman
consideration of Scott and unanimously carried by those present that
school fees to the adjourned meeting concerning school fees be
November 10, 1977 scheduled for November 10, 1977.
21. REPORT ON UNDER- On June 7, 1977 the Council directed staff to investigate
GROUNDING OF 69K¥ the feasibility of undergrounding the sixty-nine thousand
TRANSMISSION LINES volt transmission facilities located within the City.
The results of the investigation are summarized in a
report on file in the City Clerk's office.
In his written report to the Council, Director of Public
Works Robens said staff recommends that these transmis-
sion facilities be included in the utilities under-
grounding program and that they be undergrounded in
conjunction with development in generally the same
manner as are distribution facilities. This would
require that the City Code be revised.
Motion to accept report It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Council-
and prepare necessary man Hobel and unanimously carried by those present that
code changes the report be accepted and that staff be directed to
prepare code changes necessary for implementation of
the recommendations.
22. REPORT ON STATUS OF In response to City Council directionj Director of
CURB AND SIDEWALK Public Works Robens requested the County to participate
INSTALLATION AT in the installation of curb and sidewalk improvements
505 HILLTOP DRIVE at 505 Hilltop Drive. (Southeast corner of the inter-
section of East "H" Street and Hilltop Drive.) The
County Director of Transportation has indicated he
will recommend to the Board of Supervisors that the
County participate on approximately an equal basis
with the City for the project, provided that the City
administer the contract and provide engineering services.
In a written report Director of Public Works Robens
said that when Hilltop Drive was widened, an offer
was made to the property owners that if they would
install the curb, gutter and sidewalk, the City would
install the necessary retaining wall. Property owners
on the east side of Hilltop Drive accepted the offer;
however, Mr. Fry did not choose to do so at that time.
Alternative No. 3 Staff has considered several alternatives and have
recommended by staff recommended Alternative No. 3. That the City would
use the Block Act District process for installation of
the curb, gutter and sidewalk improvements. The City
would need to get a "permit to enter" or a "temporary
construction easement" from Mr. Fry for construction
of the wall.
Property is in the In answer to a query from Mayor Hyde, Mr. Robens said
County-- right of that the property at 505 Hilltop is not in the City,
way is in the City but the right of way is in the City.
City Council Meeting -13- October 4, 1977
In answer to a question from Councilman Cox, Mr. Roberts
said Alternative 3 is consistent with what was done
with the other property owners.
Lewis W. Fry Mr. Fry said he built the house 22 years ago and he
S0S Hilltop Drive explained that he has incurred considerable expense
Chula Vista and inconvenience since Hilltop Drive was widened, and
also in the construction of East "H" Street. He described
the loss of parking on the street, the need to relocate
his carport and provide for offstreet parking, and he
will still have to redesign his house. He said he felt
he has spent enough money and that he should not have
to put any more money into improvements on a street
that does not affect him.
Safety hazard Mayor Hyde commented on the serious safety hazard to
pedestrians, particularly school children in this area.
Motion to accept report It was moved by Councilman Cox and seconded by Mayor
and implement Alternative Hyde that the staff report be accepted and implementa-
No. 3 tion of Alternative 3 be authorized.
Approximate cost of In answer to a query from Councilman Hobel concerning
improvements - $400 the cost to Mr. Fry, Director of Public Works Robens
said it is estimated the curb, gutter and sidewalk will
be approximately $400.
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Cox, Hyde, Scott
Noes: Councilman Hobel
Absent: Councilman Egdahl
23. REPORT'ON STATUS OF In a written report, Director of Public Works Robens
LIBRARY WATER SCULPTURE said that efforts to secure a new contractor have
been discouraging to Ms. Katzer. To assist in reducing
construction costs, staff proposes that City forces
be employed to do the excavation and site preparation
and all plumbing and electrical work at an estimated
cost to Ms. Katzer for labor, material and equipment
of $5,080. T. B. Penick and Sons have submitted a
new bid of $5,500 for the concrete work, thus the
total cost would be approximately $10,580.
Decision of Ms. Katzer Mr. Robens said that Ms. Katzer discussed this with
expected by end of week staff today and she indicated she will make a decision
by the end of the week.
Motion to accept report It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Council-
man Hobel and unanimously carried by those present
that the report be accepted.
24. STATUS REPORT - In response to Council's request concerning the status
"J" STREET MARINA of landscaping at the "J" Street Marina, Director of
LANDSCAPING Parks and Recreation Hall said in a written report
that the Chief Engineer for the San Diego Unified Port
District has been contacted and he advised staff that
this is high on the Port District's priority list and
that accomplishment is expected in the near future.
City Council Meeting -14- October 4, 1977
Staff has also been informed that the Port District is
presently involved in the design for the extension of
the passive park built by the City and completion of
the plans is anticipated within the next 30 days, at
which time they will be presented to the Coastal Com-
mission for review. Also the Port District reinstalled
and refurbished existing materials in the parking lot
islands; City staff is working closely with Port District
staff to insure the healthy growth of this plant material.
Motion to accept report It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Council-
man Cox and unanimously carried by those present that
the report be accepted.
Rohr Corporation to Councilman Cox asked if there has been any response from
be contacted again Rohr Corporation regarding their screening off the chain
regarding screening link fence on the south side of "J" Street. Director
of work yard of Parks and Recreation Hall said he will check on this
Letter from Chief Mayor Hyde referred to a letter received from Mr. D. K.
Administrative Officer - Speer, CAO of the County of San Diego, regarding the
San Diego County - planned lease of a County Welfare Neighborhood Service
re: Neighborhood Center. He noted that the letter described an area
Service Center which includes almost all the City of Chula Vista as
a region in which a Neighborhood Service Center would
be located serving the South Bay area.
Motion to refer to staff It was moved by Mayor Hyde and seconded by Councilman
Cox that this matter be referred to staff to be examined
to see whether or not the City Council would like to
provide any input to the County with regard to the
location of that Neighborhood Service Center.
City Manager Cole said he had contacted County staff
regarding this center and the City will received further
notice when they have selected a site and the City will
have an opportunity to provide input at that time.
Motion carried The motion carried unanimously by those present.
Letter from Jim Bates, Mayor Hyde called attention to a letter received from
Board of Supervisors, Jim Bates, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, making
re: proposed convention a recommendation regarding the proposed convention
center center program for the City of San Diego - that the
County and satellite cities jointly finance the center.
Mr. Bates suggested that the cities pledge 25% of
their room tax toward the program.
Motion to send letter It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Council-
advising the City is man Hobel and unanimously carried by those present
not interested at this that a letter be sent to Mr. Bates stating that the
time City is not interested at this time in helping finance
the center.
City Council Meeting -15- October 4, 1977
Recommendation of Councilman Cox reported on action taken by the Legisla-
Legislative Committee tive Committee regarding the letters referred to the
regarding repeal of Committee by the Council from the Mayor of San Diego
the Hatch Act and the Mayor of Kansas City concerning legislation
currently being considered in Washington, D.C.
House Resolution 10 and Senate Resolution 80 - which
would repeal the Hatch Act. This Act prohibits govern-
ment employees from actively getting involved in political
campaigns. The Legislative Committee recommended that
the Hatch Act be upheld, and to oppose the two resolu-
Motion for letter It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Councilman
opposing repeal of Scott and unanimously carried by those present that
the Hatch Act staff prepare a letter in opposition to any repeal of
the Hatch Act.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hyde adjourned the meeting at 9:17 p.m. to the
regular Council meeting scheduled for Tuesday, October 11,
1977 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall.
/Deputy City Clerk