Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. November 22, 1977
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California, was held on
the above date beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 276 Fourth Avenue.
Councilmen present: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Hobel, Cox, Scott, Egdahl
Councilmen absent: None
Staff present: City Manager Cole, City Attorney Lindberg, Director of Public
Works Robens, Director of Planning Peterson, Purchasing Agent
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Hyde followed by a moment of silent
1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Cox and unanimously carried that the minutes of the meetings
of November 10 and 15, 1977 be approved, copies having been
sent to each Councilman.
a. INTRODUCTION OF Mayor Hyde introduced Mr. Rich McGinty, member of Board
COUNCIL GUEST of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce, immediate Past
Chairman of the Presidents' Club and Manager of the Home
Federal Savings and Loan Association in Chula Vista.
b. PROCLAMATION - Mayor Hyde presented the Proclamation which declared the
HERITAGE DAYS week of November 20 - 26, 1977 as "Heritage Days" in Chula
Vista to Mrs. Helen Gohres, Iteritage Days Chairperson.
Mrs. Gohres read a prepared statement giving the history
of the Haines, Skinner, King and Harbison families and
introducing those members in the audience.
John W. Morrison Mr. Morrison presented the Council with a petition with
183 Camino Vista Real sixteen (16) signatures requesting that a street light be
Chula Vista installed in the 100 block of Camino Vista Real located
in the Hilltop Vista Subdivision.
Referred to staff It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Scott
and unanimously carried that this request be referred to
staff for consideration and recommendation.
3. WRITTEN CObR4UNICATIONS There were no Written Communications.
4. PUBLIC HEARING - Council continued the public hearing on this item to allow
CONSIDERATION OF TENTATIVE additional time for investigation of the details regarding
SUBDIVISION MAP PCS-77-10 the extension of Las Flores Drive and the status of con-
FOR ~DSON VALLEY ESTATES struction of a sewer in Las Flores Drive.
fContinued from 11/15/77)
This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor Hyde
reopened the public hearing.
City Council ~4eeting -2- November 22, 1977
Presentation by Director Director of Public Works Robens discussed the proposed
of Public Works realignment of Las Flores Drive stating that for the most
part, 26' of right of way will be taken from the center
line on each side of the street. On Mr. Ross' parcel
(88 Minot Avenue), 26' will be taken from the north end
and 32' from the south end. Mr. Robens noted the reason
for this uneven distribution due to the alleyway which was
dedicated to the City and now used as the starting point
for the street improvement.
As to the sewer improvements, there is a sewer budgeted in
the amount of $44,000. b4r. Robens added that the staff is
also trying to construct a 1911 Act in this area. A third
alternative for constructing the sewer is through the sub-
division process. Kampgrounds of American is planning to
extend their facility in this area and the staff is working
with them on the sewer improvements.
John Ross Mr. Ross, representing his own property and that of his
88 Minot Avenue mother-in-law (Rasmussen), stated he could not see why
Chula Vista the proposed road could not be moved over and the bound-
aries split evenly.
Robert French Robert French, questioned the type of provision made to
129 Second Avenue protect a person that has a tremendous amount of street
Chula Vista frontage.
Mr. Robens explained that under the provisions of the 1911
Act, the assessment spread is to be made equivalent to the
benefit received. The staff checks each parcel and appor-
tions the cost in a fair method.
tloward Carter, 6353 Clyde Avenue, San Diego, questioned
the time it would take for a 1911 Act. Mr. Robens indi-
cated it would be approximately one year.
Isidoro Regalado Mr. Isidoro Regalado asked how far and who would be as-
84 Minot Avenue sessed for the proposed Las Flores Drive improvement. Mr.
Chula Vista Robens explained that those property owners who front or
back on the improvements being constructed would be the
ones assessed.
Council discussion Discussion followed regarding the public hearing to be
held on the question of spreading the assessments; sewer
improvements; conversion of garages and the condition that
the garages must be "flood-proof."
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, either for or against,
the hearing was declared closed.
Motion not to It was moved by Mayor Hyde and seconded by Councilman
convert garages Scott that an additional condition of approval be required
that conversion of garages to other use not be permitted
in this subdivision.
Motion restated Mayor Hyde restated the motion, stating it would be for
those properties that are susceptible to flooding - that
the garages not be allowed to be converted to other use.
Councilmsa Scott agreed to the second.
City Attorney Lindberg asked that the condition be phrased
so that the prohibition against conversion be in the CCR
(Convenants, Conditions and Restrictions) for the sub-
City Council Meeting -3- November 22, 1977
Motion amended Mayor Hyde asked that this be included in the motion;
and carried Councilman Scott agreed to the second and the motion and
amendment carried unanimously.
4a. RESOLUTION NO. 8892 - Offered by Mayor Hyde, as amended, the reading of the
APPROVING TENTATIVE text was waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted
SUBDIVISION MAP PCS-77-10 by the following vote, to-wit:
PJqD CERTIFYING THE ENVIRON- AYES: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Scott, Egdahl, Hobel, Cox
Absent: None
5. PUBLIC IIEARING - This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor Hyde
CONSIDERATION OF APPEAL opened the public hearing.
PLANNING CO~qlSSION Director of Planning Peterson referred to his written report
DENIAL OF VARIANCE to Council explaining that on October 26, 1977 the Planning
APPLICATION PCV-78-2 Commission failed to reach a majority decision on Mr.
TO DEVELOP TWO LOTS Quartararo's request to divide a 22,47S square foot parcel
WI~IOUT STREET FRONTAGE into three lots, two without street frontage, at 72 "H"
AT THE REAR OF 72 Street in the R-1 zone. The applicant is now appealing
"H" STREET the matter to the Council.
A Negative Declaration on IS-78-26 was certified by the
Planning Commission on October 26, 1977 and forwarded to
In his report, Mr. Peterson analyzed the proposal, discussed
the findings and responded to the appeal. He recommended
that the appeal be denied based on the findings delineated
in his report.
Speaking in opposition Speaking in opposition to the variance request was Sumie
Quiriault~ 66 "H" Street and Laura Miller, 58 "H" Street.
They discussed the Planning Commission's denial which was
based on the fact that it would prevent having a street
put through in the back of their properties.
Mayor Hyde explained the procedures of putting in a street
it is put in by the property owners at the time they want
to develop their properties, or by an extraordinary action
of the Council. Both protestants declared they did not
want a street put in.
Speaking in favor Mr. Mike Quartararo, 3815 Sweetwater Road, Bonita, the
applicant, explained that his rationale for appealing
the Planning Commission decision was based on three issues:
(1) quality of development; (2) developmental difficulties;
(3) preservation of equal property rights. Mr. Quartararo
discussed his proposed development, egress and ingress,
the financial difficulties encountered, and his findings
to justify granting the request.
Council discussion Discussion ensued on the findings made by the applicant,
the staff's findings on the question of the variance ap-
plication, the four similar properties to the east that
could ask for the same request and traffic along "H" Street.
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, either for or against,
the hearing was declared closed.
Motion to grant appeal It was moved by Councilman Hobel and seconded by Councilman
Cox that based on the findings, the appeal be granted.
City Council Meeting -4- November 22, 1977
Discussion of motion Councilman Egdahl noted the four properties to the east
that could be developed in a similar fashion based on
the approval of this request - each development would
"empty" out onto "H" Street, a heavily-traveled street.
Councilman Scott indicated a better solution to the whole
problem would be to have a street put in and have access
away from "H" Street.
Motion failed The motion failed by the following vote, to-wit:
Ayes: Councilmen Hobel,
NOES: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Scott, Egdahl
Absent: None
CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Egdahl and unanimously carried that the Consent Calendar
be approved and adopted.
6. RESOLUTION NO. 8893 - Dale Building Company has completed the public improvements
APPROVING AND ACCEPTING in Hilltop Vista Subdivision (Resolution No. 8113). A
PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS IN final inspection was made on November 8, 1977 and all work
THAT CERTAIN SUBDIVISION has been completed to the satisfaction of the Director of
7. RESOLUTION NO. 8894 - On August 9, 1977 the Council approved Resolution No. 8773
GRANTING A THIRTY DAY awarding the contract for construction of the traffic
EXTENSION TO PERRY signal system at Orange Avenue/Hilltop Drive to Perry
ELECTRIC ON THEIR Electric Company. The construction was to be completed
CONTRACT TO INSTALL by November 29, 1977. The contractor has requested a
THE TRAFFIC SIGNAL 30-day time extension due to delay in delivery of traffic
AT ORANGE AVENUE/ signal equipment.
8. RESOLUTION NO. 8895 - The final map has been checked by the Engineering Division
APPROVING MAP OF ROBINHOOD and found to be in conformity with the tentative map ap-
POINT UNIT NO. 3 SUB- proved by Council on May 4, 1976~Resolution No. 8146.
DIVISION ACCEPTING ON Robinhood Homes, Inc., has paid all fees and submitted
BEHALF OF THE PUBLIC all bonds and required documents. Approval of the final
THE PUBLIC STREETS map includes the dedication of a portion of Sequoia Street,
DEDICATED ON SAID MAP a portion of Brandywine Avenue, Point La Jolla Drive,
AND ACCEPTING ON BEHALF Tortuga Point Drive and Morro Point Drive.
9. RESOLUTION NO. 8896 - Robinhood Homes, Inc., has paid all required fees, posted
APPROVING AGREEMENT FOR all necessary bonds and has executed the Subdivision Im-
THE COMPLETION OF IMPROVE- provement Agreement. The agreement and surety bonds in
MENTS IN ROBINHOOD POINT, the amount of $286,000 guarantee the installation of the
UNIT NO. 3 public improvements within the Subdivision.
10. RESOLUTION NO. 8897 - By Resolution No. 6382 on April 4, 1972,the Council ac-
DEDICATING AND NAMING cepted this one-foot control lot. Approval of the final
PREVIOUSLY ACCEPTED REAL map for this subdivision negates the need for the one-foot
PROPERTY - ONE FOOT CONTROL control lot since the developer is dedicating the remaining
LOT "AA" IN BRANDYWINE right of way for Brandywine Avenue and is installing the
UNIT #2 SUBDIVISION UPON public improvements as a condition of approval.
City Council Meeting -5- November 22, 1977
11. RESOLUTION NO. 8898 - On November 4, 1977 Robinhood Homes, Inc., granted the
ACCEPTING CERTAIN REAL City a deed for one-foot control lots "L", "M" and "N"
PROPERTY IN SAID CITY - within Robinhood Point, Unit #3. The lots are required
ONE FOOT CONTROL LOTS to control access and adjacent development.
"L", "M" AND "N" -
NO. 3
12. RESOLUTION NO. 8899 - Cemland Development Company, the developer of South Bay
ELECTING TO PROCEED UNDER Villas Subdivision, has requested the vacation of a portion
THE PROVISIONS OF THE (416.10 square feet) of Lot "A" adjacent to Entrada Place.
STREET VACATION ACT OF The intent of the request is for the City to quitclaim the
1941 DECLARING THE IN- vacated area to Cemland who in turn will convey it to E1
TENTION OF THE CITY Rancho del Rey for inclusion into Lot S24 of their Unit No.
COUNCIL TO VACATE A 5 Subdivision. The public hearing will be scheduled for
PORTION OF OPEN SPACE December 13, 1977.
13. RESOLUTION NO. 8900 - The San Diego Regional Solid Waste Management Plan 1976-2000
CONCURRING IN THE COUNTY is the product and requirement of the 1972 Nejedly/Z'berg/
OF SAN DIEGO'S SOLID Dills Solid Waste Management and Resource Recovery Act
WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN which required the State to establish and maintain com-
prehensive State solid waste management and resource recovery
policies and programs. In compliance with these statutes,the
San Diego Board of Supervisors and the San Diego City
Council entered into an agreement to form a City/County
Solid Waste Management Task Force.
City Manager Cole submitted a report to the Council out-
lining the significant aspects of the plan which has evolved
over the last four years and which are delineated in the
14. RESOLUTION NO. 8901 - The final map has been checked by the Engineering staff
APPROVING FINAL MAP OF and found to be in conformity with the tentative map ap-
EL RANCHO DEL REY, UNIT proved on November 16, 1976 by Resolution No. 8419. The
NO. 5 SUBDIVISION, AC- subdivider has paid all fees and submitted letters of
CEPTING ON BEHALF OF credit and required documents. Approval of the map in-
THE PUBLIC THE PUBLIC cludes the dedication of certain streets, easements for
STREETS DEDICATED ON storm drainage and channel, sewer and street tree purposes
SAID MAP AND ACCEPTING and open space, park and other public uses.
15. RESOLUTION NO. 8902 - E1 Rancho del Rey has paid all required fees, posted all
APPROVING AGREEMENT FOR necessary bonds and have executed the Subdivision Improve-
THE COMPLETION OF IMPROVE- ment Agreement in the amount of $1,755,000 which guarantees
MENTS IN EL RANCHO DEL REY, the installation of the public improvements within the
UNIT NO. 5 subdivision.
16. RESOLUTION NO. 8903 - E1 Rancho del Rey, owner of the subdivision, granted the
ACCEPTING CERTAIN REAL City a deed for one-foot control lots "H", "I" and "J"
PROPERTY IN SAID CITY - within the Unit No. 5 subdivision which are required to
ONE-FOOT CONTROL LOTS control access and adjacent development.
"H", "I" AND "J" - EL
City Council Meeting -6- November 22, 1977
17. RESOLUTION NO. 8904 - Bids were received on November 16, 1977 for the printing
ACCEPTING BIDS AND of thirty-eight thousand 1978 City calendars and forty
AWARDING CONTRACT FOR thousand recreation broohures. It was recommended that
PRINTING OF CITY the bids be accepted and the contract awarded to Glenbar
CALENDARS AND RECREA- Lithographers, the low bidder, in the amount of $12,823.00.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Hobel, Cox, Hyde, Scott
Noes: None
Absent: None
18. RESOLUTION - This item was deleted from the agenda.
19. RESOLUTION NO. 8905 - Bids were received on November 3, 1977 for the construction
ACCEPTING BIDS AND of the storm drain. Three alternatives were bid for three
AWARDING CONTRACT FOR different types of pipe: (1) reinforced concrete pipe;
STOOl DRAIN ON "J" (2) corrugated steel pipe; and (3) asbestos cement pipe.
STREET FROM CHURCH It was recommended that the bids be accepted and the con-
AVENUE TO DEL MAR tract be awarded to Mike Masanovich Construction Company
AVENUE AND PROPRIATING for Alternate 1 in the amount of $26,814.00.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Egdahl, Hobel, Cox, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
20. RESOLUTION NO. 8906 - A condition of the tentative map for the entire Robinhood
APPROVING AGREEMENT Point Subdivision was to construct half of the Brandywine
BETWEEN THE CITY AND Avenue across the entire frontage of the subdivision.
ROBINHOOD HOMES, INC. There will then be remaining a 4' segment of pavement
FOR PARTICIPATING IN needed to finish the existing improvements on the westerly
THE IMPROVEMENT OF side of Brandywine Avenue. The developer has agreed to
BRANDYWINE AVENUE construct the improvements on this 4' wide strip with
financial participation from the City. Phase I of the
City's participation of improving Brandywine Avenue
(Resolution #8291) has been constructed and completed at
a cost of $1,500. The resolution approves the agreement,
appropriates $1,500 from the unappropriated balance of
Gas Tax Fund 2106, and authorizes the expenditure of
$4,200 from Brandywine Avenue Project GT-11.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Cox, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Cox, Hyde, Scott, Egdahl, Hobel
Noes: None
Absent: None
City Council Meeting -7- November 22, 1977
21. ORDINANCE NO. 1776 - On July 21, 1977 Rita Holleron filed a petition for an-
APPROVING THE ANNEXATION nexation to the City of .37 acres for the purpose of
TO SAID CITY OF CERTAIN obtaining comprehensive city services. The property is
UNINHABITED TERRITORY located on the southwesterly side of Acacia Avenue, ap-
KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS proximately one mile south of Bonita Road. On July 26,
HOLLERON/ACACIA AVENUE 1977 the Council approved an agreement with Rita Holleron
ANNEXATION - FIRST READING for connection for her private residence to the city sewer
system. At its meeting of November 7, 1977 the Local
Agency Formation Commission approved the annexation subject
to certain conditions.
Ordinance placed It was moved by Councilman Scott that this ordinance be
on first reading placed on its first reading and that the reading of the
text be waived by unanimous consent.
The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Egdahl, Hobel, Cox, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
2la. RESOLUTION NO. 8907 - Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of the text was
WITHDRAWING CERTAIN REAL waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
PROPERTY KNOWN AND DESIG- following vote, to-wit:
AVENUE ANNEXATION FROM AYES: Councilmen Scott, Egdahl, Hobel, Cox, Hyde
22. ORDINANCE NO. 1775 - The purpose of the ordinance is to streamline City proce-
AMENDING SECTION 17.08.150 dures regarding open space maintenance districts. In this
OF THE CHULA VISTA MUNICI- particular case, the Planning Commission has already re-
PAL CODE RELATING TO THE viewed the proposal during the subdivision map process;
FORMATION OF OPEN SPACE therefore, this second review is redundant. The new pro-
MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS - cedure will be more efficient, without losing any necessary
SECOND READING AND ADOPTION procedural safeguards. The ordinance was placed on first
reading at the meeting of November 15, 1977.
Ordinance placed It was moved by Councilman Hobel that this ordinance be
on second reading placed on its second reading and adopted and that the
and adopted reading of the text be waived by unanimous consent.
The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Cox, Hyde, Scott, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION - Mayor Hyde reported that this item did not get the
AWARDING CONTRACT, unanimous consent of the Council to be considered
APPROPRIATING FUNDS at this meeting.
City Council Meeting -8- November 22, 1977
a. REPORT ON OPERATIONS At the October 20, 1977 Conference, the Council considered
REVIEW PROGRAM a recommendation from the City Manager for a management
review of the Planning Department and other departments
over an extended period of time. The Council directed
the Manager to take the Council discussion under advisement
and report back in one month with his recommendation for
appropriate measures to provide for on-going management
City Manager Cole referred to his written report in which
he recommended the hiring of a consultant to review the
Planning Department along with the appropriation of necessary
funds to pay the consultant. Further, he recommended that
during the 1978-79 budget process, he submit a detailed
plan and staff proposal for a permanent Management and
Budget Division within the City Manager's office.
Motion for approval It was moved by Councilman Hobe] and seconded by Mayor
Hyde to approve the staff's recommendations with the under-
standing, that if the Council is to consider it (detailed
plan for a permanent Management and Budget Division), it
will have to stack up priority-wise with other programs
to be proposed at budget deliberations.
Discussion of motion Councilman Egdahl asked that careful consideration be given
by the City Manager's office for the person to be trained
by this process to carry out the future activities - partic-
ularly, in terms of future longevity. Secondly, in the
Request for Proposal that they have to furnish methodology,
etc. will load the cost and the City will have to recognize
that it is not saving the total consultant's cost in doing
the study itself - just a part of the total cost.
Motion carried The motion carried unanimously.
b. REPORT ON REQUEST City Manager Cole submitted a written report concerning
OF SOUTH BAY FILIPINO the request of the Filipino Association to change the
COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION status of their classification - from #5 to #3 - to allow
FOR CHANGE OF CLASSI- a reduced rental rate for the use of Loma Verde Center
FICATION REGARDING when conducting Bingo games.
BINGO GAMES Mr. Cole noted that the use of the Center for the Associa-
tion's meeting place is classified under the Civic or
Social Group (3) - $10.00 per hour. When using the facility
for the purpose of conducting Bingo games it places them
in the Class #5 status - $25.00 per hour. It is staff's
belief that permanent assignment of any facility to a
single group for a specific day and time each week tends
to infringe on the rights of other priority groups and
activities and limits the flexibility of the Parks &
Recreation personnel in allocating limited facilities to
activities that are of a higher priority in nature.
Mr. Cole recommended that the permit (for Bingo) be ap-
proved as a Class #5 Group and refer the adopted policies
to the Parks & Recreation Commission for study and possible
revisions in order to eliminate ambiguity and uncertainty
in their interpretation and application.
Council discussion A general discussion followed in which the Council reviewed
the present City policy pertaining to fees and organiza-
tions using City facilities; criteria for each of the
classifications; rentals and use of the facility (Loma
Verde) by one specific group on an on-going basis; the
percentage of use of the facility; and a need for a re-
evaluation of the present organization's operations in
six months.
City Council Meeting -9- November 22, 1977
Motion to reclassify It was moved by Councilman Scott and seconded by Council-
Filipino Association man Cox that the Filipino American Community Association
be classified in Classification #3 and further, that the
policy of a group such as this using the facilities on
a weekly basis - that it be back before the Council for
a review in six months.
Discussion of motion Councilman Egdahl noted that a requirement of the policy
is that application for use of the facility must be made
two weeks in advance of the date of the activity. He
added that it should be clearly understood that there is
no committment on the part of the City to give this as-
sociation priority use of the building.
A1Manese requesting Mr. Manese spoke against the recommendations made by the
South Bay Filipino City Manager. He gave the Council a background of the
Community Association inauguration of the Association, the monies collected
and the help given its members. Mr. Manese asked for ap-
proval of the motion and for a deferral of the fees for
a period of three months to pay for the equipment (Bingo).
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Cox, Hobel, Hyde
Noes: Councilman Egdahl
Absent: None
Motion to refer to It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Mayor Hyde
Parks & Recreation and unanimously carried that the policy be referred to
Commission the Parks & Recreation Commission prior to coming back
to the Council in the six-month period.
Deferral of Fees Mayor Hyde stated he will abstain from discussion and
for Three Months vote on this question due to a possible conflict of
interest as he is a member of this Association.
Mayor Pro ~Tempore Hobel chaired the meeting until after
the vote on the following motion.
Motion to grant request It was moved by Councilman Egdahl and seconded by Council-
man Hobel that the request be granted (deferral of the
charges for three months).
Discussion of motion Discussion followed regarding the Council's prerogative
to waive the fees; the abstention of Mayor Hyde in voting
on this matter; setting a precedent for other groups
making the same requests.
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Hobel, Cox, Scott
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstain: Mayor Hyde
24. REPORT ON EXCESS FILL DSrector of Public Horks Robens reported that on April 1,
SITE - CITY-OWNED PROPERTY 1975 (Resolution No. 7688), the Council purchased the
AT THE NORTHHEST QUADRANT excess parcel of land in the northwest quadrant of the
OF THE 1-805 FREEWAY AND 1-805 Freeway and East "H" Street. Staff is proposing
EAST "H" STREET that the northerly 600 feet (at the bottom of the canyon) be used by the Street Department as a disposal site for
excess material (dirt, broken-up asphalt and concrete).
City Council Meeting -10- November 22, 1977
The operation of the site will entail approximately 20
dump truck trips per week between the hours of 8:00 a.m.
and 4:00 p.m. and that the capacity of 16,800 cubic
yards will take approximately six years to complete the
operation. The effect of the fill will be to flatten
the slope against the freeway.
The Environmental Review Committee issued a negative
declaration on December 30, 1975.
Motion to It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by Councilman
staff's recommendation Cox and unanimously carried that the request be approved
and the Negative Declaration be certified.
25. REQUEST FOR SAFETY COM- On August 23, 1977 the Council considered the Safety
MISSION REVIEW OF Commission's recommendation for a moratorium on new
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT development that will have "L" Street/Telegraph Canyon
REPORT (EIR) CONCERNING Road as a major access road. On October 25, 1977 the
TRAFFIC IMPACT ON "L" Council accepted staff's recommendation that no morato-
STREET/TELEGRAPH C~LNYON rium be established at the present time based on a
ROAD number of findings.
The Safety Commission is now requesting that all Environ-
mental Impact Reports relative to traffic impacts on
"L" Street/Telegraph Canyon Road be forwarded to them
for review and recommendation prior to Planning Commis-
sion review.
City Manager Cole recommended approval of the request
with the comment that the Safety Commission recognize
that the Planning Commission EIR hearing should not be
delayed pending their review.
Motion to approve It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Scott
staff's recommendation and unanimously carried that the report be accepted and
the staff's recommendation be approved.
26. HUMAN RELATIONS COM- The Human Relations Commission submitted a resolution
MISSION RESOLUTION calling for an appropriation of $10,000 from the Unap-
FORWARDING THE PROPOSAL propriated Reserve of the General Fund for the salary
FOR COUNCIL STATEMENT of a Social Planner/Analyst II for the remainder of
ON SOCIAL POLICY AS Fiscal Year 1977-78 to head a Social Service Division
PREPARED BY THE AD-HOC within the administrative structure. The duties of
CO~ITTEE ON HUMAN CARE such an individual would include encouragement of link-
SERVICES ages between the existing service agencies and innovative
pooling of resources to fill social service gaps.
City Manager Cole asked that the request be referred
to staff explaining that due to a recent vacancy in the
Parks & Recreation Department Senior Service Center
activity, staff is evaluating both current and potential
efforts in the Human Care Services area and the Human
Relations' proposal would be incorporated into these
Motion to refer to staff It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by Councilman
Scott and unanimously carried that the staff's recommenda-
tion be approved with a report back sometime in the month
of December (before Christmas).
Water Quality Mayor Hyde announced that he received a letter from
Management Supervisors Hamilton and Hedgecock in which they dis-
cussed the water quality management in San Diego County
and a federal grant for areawide waste water reclamation
City Council Meeting -11- November 22, 1977
Motion for Supervisors' It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Scott
presentation and unanimously carried that the Mayor invite Supervisors
Hamilton and Hedgecock to appear before the Council to
explain their positions on the 201 and 208 plans, at
a mutually convenient time.
Letter from Boys' Club Mayor Hyde reported that he received a letter from the
Directors of the Boys Club stating that they will, in
good faith, negotiate terms and conditions with the
Girls Club in Chula Vista for a joint use of the leased
premises at Greg Rogers Park.
Voting Delegate to It was moved by Councilman Nobel, seconded by Councilman
National League of Scott and unanimously carried that Councilman Egdahl be
California Cities a voting delegate to the National League of Cities Con-
Conference ference in San Francisco (to replace Councilman Nobel
who will not be attending.)
Anti-Vandalism Program In answer to Mayor Hyde's query, City Manager Cole stated
that preliminary efforts are underway and a meeting is
scheduled for Wednesday, November 23, to start formula-
ting actual plans.
Mayor Hyde asked that a timetable report be made at the
next meeting on this proposed program.
Mayor's Letter to Councilman Egdahl referred to the Mayor's letter to
Congressman Van Deerlin Congressman Van Deerlin in which he stated that the
regarding Bayfront City is committed to having no beaches along the Bayfront.
development Councilman Egdahl questioned this, indicating he would
not be in favor of it.
Mayor Hyde commented that the staff has conceded to the
Environmental groups that the City would not fight for
beach area along this periphery because of disturbance
of the marshland. The Council is not bound by this
Absence from next meeting Councilman Egdahl stated he would not be present at
the next Council meeting due to an out-of-town commitment.
27. LEGISLATIVE CO~qlTTEE Councilman Cox stated it was the recommendation of the
REPORT ON SB 346 - Legislative Committee that the Council take a position
CONSTRUCTION OF in support of this Bill.
It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Hobel and unanimously carried that the Council support
the Bill - that a resolution be brought back indicating
Council's support of the peripheral canal.
28. REQUEST FOR CITY STAFF Councilman Scott reported that the Advisory Committee
TO INVESTIGATE BEST for the Chula Vista Visitors and Convention Bureau
METHOD OF OBTAINING requested that the City investigate the best possible
STUDY ON "VISITOR method of obtaining a study to find out the "visitor
POTENTIAL" IN CHULA potential" in the City in order for the Committee to
VISTA prepare a program and foresee the possible results of
that program.
City Council Meeting -12- November 22, 1977
Motion to grant request It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by Councilman
Egdahl and unanimously carried that the request be granted.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hyde adjourned the meeting at 9:10 p.m. to the
meeting scheduled for Tuesday, November 29, 1977 at
7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall.