Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. November 29, 1977
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California, was held on
the above date beginning at 7:00 p~m. in the Council Chambers, City ttall, 276 Fourth Avenue.
Councilmen present: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Hobel, Cox
Councilmen absent: Councilmen Scott, Egdahl
Staff present: City Manager Cole, City Attorney Lindberg, Assistant City Manager
Asmus, Director of Planning Peterson, Director of Public Works
Robens, Director of Building and Housing Grady, Director of Parks
and Recreation Hall, Director of Purchasing Espinosa
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Hyde followed by a moment of silent
1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Mayor Hyde
and unanimously carried by those present that the minutes
for the meetings of November 17 (4:00 p.m. & 7:00 p.m.)
and 22, 1977 be approved, copies having been sent to each
a. INTRODUCTION OF Mayor Hyde introduced Mr. Dick Schuricht, a member of the
COUNCIL GUEST - Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce, an active
DICK SCHURICHT member of the Broadway Association and owner of Aztec TV
in Chula Vista.
b. PRESENTATION Port Commissioner C. R. Campbell reported that the dredging
REGARDING BAYFRONT of the "J" Street Marina is progressing very well; however,
PROGRESS - C.R. the problem of vandalism has increased and the Port Com-
CAMPBELL mission took unanimous action to close the marina at night
with a permanent gate to be installed. The gate will be
under the control of the Chula Vista Police Department.
A brief report was also made by Mr. Campbell on the recent
trip of the Port Commission to the Orient, including Japan,
Hong Kong and Manila, in an effort to increase the utiliza-
tion of the Port of San Diego.
Dick Schuricht In regard to the vandalism problem at the Marina, Mr.
Chamber of Commerce Schuricht suggested that consideration might be given to
a method used by the school districts - placing a mobile-
home in the area and having 24-hour "live-in" type of
Eugene Coleman Mr. Coleman gave a short slide presentation in reference
1670 Gotham Street to Item 9 on the agenda - consideration of a zone change
Chula Vista for 1.18 acres on the southwest side of 0tay Lakes Road,
southeast of the SDG&E easement. He spoke against the
zone change to commercial zoning in a school area due to
increased traffic congestion and increased traffic hazards
and expressed his concern over having commercial develop-
ment in an "academic environment." He recommended that
(1) the Council not rezone any further land in this area
for commercial use; (2) reverse decisions already made;
(3) withdraw for commercial zoning which has been committed
in the past, and (4) that this area be made a part of the
study area of E1 Rancho del Rey and the need for commercial
zoning be considered as a part of the whole area.
City Council Meeting -2- November 29, 1977
Public hearing procedure City Attorney Lindberg pointed out that consideration on
required to re-evaluate Item No. 9, with the following ordinance, was the result
Council position on Item 9 of public hearings that have already been conducted and
advised that if the Council desires to re-evaluate their
position, the matter would have to be readvertised for
another public hearing.
Gary McCabe Mr. McCabe referred to Items No. 10 and 11 (resolution on
2160 Fletcher Parkway policy for future development of E1 Rancho del Rey and
E1Cajon contract for engineering consultant for this area). He
requested that in addition to considering the lifting of
the moratorium between "J" Street and Telegraph Canyon
Road that the Council consider lifting the moratorium on
the westerly 450 acres, for which his client, Watt Indus-
tries, has a plan in process at this time; also, that the
450 acres be excluded from the scope of the contract for
the consultant as this work is already being done in the
process of their plan.
3. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS There were no Written Communications.
4. PUBLIC HEARING - This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor tlyde
CONSIDERATION OF DEFERRAL opened the public hearing.
MENTS ALONG SDG&E EASEMENT The City Code requires that developers underground existing
WITHIN EL RANCHO DEL REY, overhead facilities within the boundaries of a subdivision.
UNIT #5 SUBDIVISION There are 12 KVA existing overhead distribution lines on
wood poles and 138 KV transmission lines on steel towers
within the SDG&E easement within the boundaries of the E1
Rancho del Rey Unit No. 5 Subdivision. Mr. D. L. Clemens,
President of Utility Consultants, Inc., on behalf E1 Rancho
del Rey Corporation, requested deferral of the requirements
to underground the existing 12 KVA lines.
Councilman Hobel noted that Only three (3) Councilmen
were present and continuance of the hearing to a full
Carmen Pasquale Mr. Pasquale said that in the absence of a full Council,
Otay Land Company he would request that Items 4, 9 and 10 be deferred.
Council discussion A brief discussion by the Council ensued concerning con-
tinuing items as requested and also Items i1, 13 and 13a,
which require a four-fifths' vote.
Motion to continue It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Cox
agenda items and unanimously carried by those present thatltems 4, 9,
9a, 10, 11, 13 and 1Sa be continued until the meeting of
December 13, 1977.
CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Cox
(Items 5 - 8) and unanimously carried by those present that the Consent
Calendar be approved and adopted.
5. RESOLUTION NO. 8908 - By Resolution No. 8859 on October 25, 1977 the Council
REMIS,ING, RELEASING AND ordered the vacation of Mankato Street between Third Avenue
QUITCLAIMING CERTAIN REAL and Garrett Avenue for the purpose of incorporating the
PROPERTY IN THE CITY TO vacated right of way into the site for the South Bay Re-
THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO gional Center. The County requested that the City quit-
AND AUTHORIZING THE ~YOR claim any interest it may have in the vacated right of way
TO EXECUTE QUITCLAIM DEED to give the County clear title. The quitclaim deed reserves
easements to the utility companies who have existing facili-
ties within the vacated right of way.
City Council Meeting -3- November 29, 1977
6. RESOLUTION NO. 8909 - As a condition of approval for Tentative Parcel Map 8-77,
ACCEPTING EASEMENT FOR the owner/developer was required to grant additional right
STREET PURPOSES AND of way at the corner of Hilltop Drive and Quintard Street
NAMING AND DEDICATING for the sidewalk return and an easement for street tree
AS HILLTOP DRIVE, AND purposes along these two streets. On November 17, 1977,
ACCEPTING EASEMENT FOR the owners, T. David and Patricia A. Eyres, executed the
STREET TREE PURPOSES required easements.
7. RESOLUTION NO. 8910 - Bids were accepted on November 21, 1977 for the construc-
ACCEPTING BIDS AND tion of traffic signals on "L" Street at First and Second
AWARDING CONTRACT FOR Avenues. It was recommended that the contract be awarded
CONSTRUCTION OF TRAFFIC to Perry Electric Company, the low bidder, for $37,404.00.
8. RESOLUTION NO. 8911 - By Resolution No. 8854, the Council approved a revision
AUTHORIZING PURCHASE of the Traffic Safety Motorcycle Grant and amended the
OF THREE (3) POLICE 1977-78 budget appropriations to provide for three police
MOTORCYCLES motorcycles. Bids were advertised via a cooperative pur-
chasing arrangement with the City of San Diego on their
Bid No. 1230 and the low bidder was Valley Motorcycles
Sales Company, Inc. of E1Cajon on theHonda Model CB750A
at $3,277 per unit. The total cost of the three motorcycles,
including sales tax, is $10,420.86.
9. CONSIDERATION OF PLANNING On September 14, 1977 the Planning Commission recommended
COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION that the subject property be rezoned to C-O-P. On October 4,
ON CHANGE OF ZONE FROM 1977 the Council considered this recommendation along with
R-E TO C-C-P FOR 1.18 the zoning of the adjacent property, and referred the item
ACRES LOCATED ON THE back to the Planning Commission with the request that the
SOUTHWEST SIDE OF OTAY Commission considered C-C-P zoning. On October 26, 1977
LAKES ROAD AND SOUTH- the Commission reaffirmed its previous recommendation in
EAST OF SDG&E EASEMENT favor of C-O-P zoning and had a split vote of 3-3 as to
whether the property should be zoned the same category as
that adjacent on the south. The Co]mission also recommended
that any change of zone be conditioned upon the property
owner's dedication of the right of way required for the
widening of Otay Lakes Road across the entire frontage of
the parcel, including the portion encumbered by the SDG&E
Continued until (Continued to the meeting of December 13, 1977 - see
December 13, 1977 motion under Item 4.)
9a. ORDINANCE - (Continued until the meeting of December 13, 1977 - see
AMENDING ZONING MAP OR motion under Item 4.)
SECTION 19.18.010 OF THE
City Council Meeting -4- November 29, 1977
10. RESOLUTION - On February 8, 1977 the Council adopted Resolution No. 8505
AMENDING RESOLUTION which declared that neither the Planning Commission nor the
NO. 8505 ESTABLISHING City Council would consider tentative maps and development
A POLICY FOR THE FUTURE plans within the E1 Rancho del Rey area until a revised
DEVELOPMENT OF THE EL General Development Plan for all of E1 Rancho del Rey has
RANCHO DEL REY AREA been adopted. On November 17, 1977 the Council received
a report from the Director of Public Works regarding the
construction of "H" Street and directed the staff to prepare
a report and recommendation concerning the possibility of
lifting the moratorium in the area between Telegraph Canyon
Road and "J" Street.
Continued until (Continued until the meeting of December 13, 1977 - see
December 13, 1977 motion under Item 4.)
11. RESOLUTION - The agreement provides for several specific tasks which
APPROVING AGREEMENT the Consultant will accomplish, i.e., the determination ~
BETWEEN THE CITY OF from an engineering standpoint - of the feasibility of grading -
CHULA VISTA AND BARBOUR utilities, circulation system, and the estimated cost for
ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. the physical facilities. The cost to the City for this
FOR ENGINEERING CONSULTANT information is not to exceed $10,000.
Continued until (Continued until the meeting of December 13, 1977 - see
December 13, 1977 motion under Item 4.)
12. ORDINANCE NO. 1777 - Section 5.52.010 of the City Code presently states that
AMENDING SECTION the fee for a cable television franchise is $500 per year;
5.52.010 OF THE CHULA however, under Ordinance #1428 (uncodified), the fee is
VISTA MUNICIPAL CODE set at 3% of gross receipts, which will result in a higher
RELATING TO PAY TELE- yield to the City and is the amount the franchisee expected
VISION BUSINESS LICENSES - to pay. The amendment will make it clear that the fee
FIRST READING is 3% of gross receipts.
Ordinance placed It was moved by Councilman Hobel that this ordinance be
on first reading placed on its first reading and that the reading of the
text be waived by unanimous consent of those present.
The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Cox, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: Councilmen Scott, Egdahl
13. REPORT ON SOUTH BAY In response to a recommendation forwarded by the Mayor's
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Economic Advisory Committee, the City Council directed
CORPORATION (EDC) REQUEST that a resolution be prepared appropriating $5,000 for
FOR FUNDING (Continued support of South Bay Economic Development Corporation
from November 15, 1977) activities. At Council's request, the staff submitted a
detailed report at the meeting of November 15, 1977 con-
cerning the entire economic development ~ituation in the
County and recommended that, if and when San Diego Economic
Development Corporation reformation occurs, this whole
area be re-evaluated and funding priorities established.
City Council Meeting -5- November 29, 1977
After an in depth discussion regarding the South Bay
Economic Development Corporation on November 15, the
Council continued the matter until this meeting to give
representatives from the Corporation an opportunity to
provide input to the Council.
Continued until (Continued until the meeting of December 13, 1977 - see
December 13, 1977 motion under Item 4.)
13a. RESOLUTION - (Continued until the meeting of December 13, 1977 - see
PROVIDING FOR THE motion under Item 4.)
14. ORDINANCE NO. 1776 - On July 21, 1977 Rita Holleron filed a petition for an-
APPROVING THE ANNEXATION nexation to the City of .37 acres for the purpose of
TO THE CITY OF CERTAIN obtaining comprehensive City services. At its meeting
UNINHABITED TERRITORY of November 7, 1977 the Local Agency Formation Commission
KNOWN AND DESIGNATED approved the annexation subject to certain conditions.
ANNEXATION - SECOND The ordinance was placed on first reading at the meeting
READING AND ADOPTION of November 22, 1977.
Ordinance placed It was moved by Councilman Cox that this ordinance be
on second reading placed on its second reading and adopted and that the
and adopted reading of the text be waived by unanimous consent of
those present.
The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Cox, Hyde, Hobel
Noes: None
Absent: Councilmen Scott, Egdahl
a. REPORT ON ANTI- City Manager Cole explained that the proposed anti-vandalism
VANDALISM PROGRAM program will be submitted in a report at the Council meeting
of December 13, 1977.
Motion to accept report It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by Councilman
Cox and unanimously carried by those present that the
report be accepted.
Mayor Hyde requested that a courtesy copy of the report
(to be made on December 13, 1977) be forwarded to Mr.
Campbell, Port Commissioner.
16. REPORT ON ZONING For the past several months the Council has discussed the
PREFERENCE SURVEY: advisability of rezoning certain residential lands in the
CHULA VISTA SHOPPING Chula Vista Shopping Center area to a commercial classifi-
CENTER AREA cation in order to accommodate business and commercial
office expansion. The Council asked staff to undertake a
survey of property owners and tenants of the residential
area bounded by "H" and "I" Streets, and by the Chula
Vista/Sears shopping complex and Subarea 3 of the Town
Centre Project, to determine their zoning preference.
In a written analysis, Director of Planning Peterson
described the survey and gave a brief evaluation of the
results recommended that the Council declare its intent
not to rezone the two study areas.
City Council Meeting -6- November 29, 1977
Report accepted It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Cox
and unanimously carried by those present that the report
be accepted.
17. REPORT ON REQUEST FOR In a written report, Director of Building and Housing Grady
PROPOSED HOUSE MOVE explained that on October 18, 1977 Mr. and Mrs. John G.
TO 209 ALVARADO STREET Miranda applied for a permit to move a 1021 square foot
two-bedroom dwelling from 510 Third Avenue to 209 Alvarado
Avenue. The dwelling was inspected on October 20, 1977
and the Planning Commission and staff recommend approval
subject to certain conditions.
Council discussion The Council and staff briefly discussed this house move,
including set-backs, compliance with building codes, place-
ment of a two-car garage (required as a condition of ap-
proval) and the staff recommendation.
Motion to accept report It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Cox and
and approve request unanimously carried by those present that the report be
accepted and that the request be approved subject to the
conditions listed in the staff's report.
Mrs. Graciela Miranda Mrs. Miranda requested a permit to cut a tree branch or
209 Alvarado Street have the tree on her property removed.
Chula Vista
Director of Public Works Robens said he will work with
Mrs. Miranda on this matter.
18. REPORT ON DEDICATION OF Director of Parks and Recreation Hall reported in a written
BRANDYWINE NEIGHBORHOOD statement that, contingent on Council approval, the Depart-
PARK SITE ment is making tentative plans for the official dedication
of the Brandywine neighborhood park site on December 16,
1977 during the noon hour, which will enable the children
attending the Valle Linde Elementary School to participate
in the dedication.
Motion to accept report It was moved by Councilman Cox and seconded by Mayor Hyde
that the report be accepted.
Dedication set for Director of Parks and Recreation Hall said that the Prin-
1:00 p.m. - December 16 cipal of the Valle Linde Elementary School has requested
that the time for the dedication be set for approximately
1:00 p.m.
Mayor Hyde suggested that Council members may wish to
participate in this program - if they will be available
at that time.
Discussion regarding A brief discussion by the Council and staff
new name for the park regarding a name for the park and the Council policy of
naming parks contiguous to a school with the same name
as the school. Director of Parks and Recreation Hall
noted that this park is not exactly contiguous to the
school and that the residents of the neighborhood seemed
to indicate a preference for the name "Brandywine" in
referring to the Park.
Motion carried The motion to approve the staff recommendation for the
ceremonies carried unanimously by those present.
City Council Meeting -7- November 29, 1977
Motion for suggestions It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Cox
for a name be submitted and unanimously carried by those present that the sugges-
at next Council meeting tions for the name of this park be brought back to the
Council at the next Council meeting. (Council Conference
on December 8, 1977.)
Mayor Hyde noted that work has begun on the public facili-
ties - the remodeling of the old post office and library
building and that this complex will need a name.
Recommendation for names It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Cox
of new complex to be and unanimously carried by those present that names be
considered at first considered for this facility at the first meeting in
meeting in January January (1978).
Motion to cancel regular It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Cox
meeting for December 27 and unanimously carried by those present that the Council
not hold the regular meeting on Tuesday, December 27, 1977
(due to the holidays).
No quorum for Mayor Hyde announced that four members of the Council will
meeting of December 6 be attending the National League of Cities Conference in
San Francisco next week and the regular scheduled meeting
for December 6 will not be held.
Concern regarding Councilman Hobel expressed his concern regarding the pro-
development in E1 posed amendment to Resolution No. 8505 (Item 10) limiting
Rancho del Rey area - the development between "J" Street and Telegraph Canyon
request for staff report Road to single-family homes and asked that staff include
in their report at the next regular meeting the reason
for this and also to give a recommendation regarding the
lifting of the moratorium on the entire 450 acres (in
the E1 Rancho del Rey area).
Staff to attend Councilman Cox referred to information received from
briefing session Supervisor Hamilton regarding the Municipal Organization
on AB 1533 regarding Act (MORGA) (AB 1533 - Annexations). He said this may
annexations have some implications for the City of Chula Vista and
asked if staff would be attending the briefing session to
be held on December 7 at the County Administrative Center.
City Manager Cole assured the Council that staff will be
attending this meeting.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hyde adjourned the meeting at 8:05 p.m. to the
Council Conference on December 8, 1977 at 4:00 p.m. and
to the regular meeting scheduled for Tuesday, December 13,
1977 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers.
Deputy City Clerk