Held Monday - 4:00 p.m. December 12, 1~77
An adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City o£ Chula Vista,
California, was held on the above date beginning at 4:00 p.m. in the Council
Conference Room, City Hall, 276 Fourth Avenue.
Councilmen present: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Hobel, Cox, Scott, Egdahl
Councilmen absent: None
Staff present: City Manager Cole, Director of Building and Housing
Grady, Director of Parks and Recreation Hall
1. CONSIDERATION OF The o££icial dedication of the Brandywine neighborhood
A NA~ FOR THE NEW park site has been scheduled for December 16, 1977
PARK SITE IN THE during the noon hour with the program coordinated with
BRANDYWINE SUBDIVISION the Valle Linde Elementary School,
Motion to name the It was moved by Councilman Scott and seconded by
park "Brandywine" Councilman Cox that the park be named "Brandywine,"
Question regarding In answer to a query from Councilman Hobel concerning
staff recor0mendation the staff recommendation, Director of Parks and
Recreation Hall said that originally the staff had
recommended "Brandywine'.'~ however~ researc~ shows that
the site was part of a Park Acquisition ana Development
(PAD) Grant~ and the site does in fact abut the school
area with steps having been built from the school
grounds for access to the park. After reviewing
Council's policy that parks be named after a school
-: when they abut it, staff is now recommending that the
policy be followed in naming this park.
Mayor Hyde spoke against the motion expressing his
concern that when a park area is developed in conjunc-
tion with a school, the policy should be followed as it
will foster the concept that schools are part of a
community center. He asked Council's Support in
naming the park "Valle Linde."
Motion failed The motion to name the park "Brandywine" failed by
the following vote, to-wit:
Ayes: Councilman Scott
NOES: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Hobel, Cox, Egdahl
Absent: None
Motion to name park It was moved by Mayor Hyde and seconded by Councilman
"Valle Linde" Hobel that the park be named "Valle Linde."
Councilman Scott spoke against the motion as the park
is not contiguous to the school in the same manner
as other parks. He added that this area. has always
been designated as Brandywine and this name would
better describe the park.
Motion carried The motion to name the park "Valle Linde" carried by
the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Hobel, Cox, Egdahl
Noes: Councilman Scott
Absent: None
Adjourned Regular Meeting -2- December 12, 1977
Council discussion Council discussion ensued concerning (1) the Council
policy; (2) whether it should be made more flexible;
(3) that the school districts are, in effect, naming
the City parks; (4) whether the City should be jointly
involved in naming schools and parks.
Motion to discuss It was moved by Councilman Egdahl and seconded by
policy on naming parks Mayor Hyde that this matter be brought up at the next
with School/Parks School/Parks Committee meeting. The motion carried
Committee by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Hobel, Cox, Hyde
Noes: Councilman Scott
Absent: None
2. PRESENTATION - City Manager Cote announced that after the presenta-
BUILDING AND HOUSING tion, arrangements have been made for the Council to
DEPARTMENT OPERATIONS tour the construction, repair and communications
sections at 707 "F" Street.
Director of Building and Housing Grady briefly described
the organization of the Department with the three
divisions: (1) Building and Housing Inspection,in-
cluding zoning enforcement; (2) Building Maintenance -
construction, repair and custodial;and (3) Communica-
Mr. Grady, using various charts, outlined the building
valuations for the last five years, the workload added
by various federal, state and local regulations, and
the methods used to cope with the added workload,
i.e., two-way radio communication~ combining forms,
simpli£ying permits and using the computer for monthly
Report on zoning In answer to a query from Mayor Hyde, City Manager
enforcement procedure Cole said that a report will be made to the Council
to be scheduled in sometime in January regarding the trial zoning enforce-
January ment procedures. Results indicate improvements have
been made in time saved and increased field time.
In the custodial area, Mr. Grady said that 25 buildings
are maintained with areas ranging from 400 square feet
to 55,000 square feet, amounting to nearly 200,000
square feet of floor space being maintained. The
construction and repair crew including electrical,
plumbing, air conditioning, carpentry, and painting -
maintain 37 buildings with areas from 300 square feet
to 55,000 square feet.
Mr. Grady explained that the Communications Division
established in 1971 started with two base stations,
25 two-way radios, and the sound system in the Council
Chamber. This has now increased to 415 pieces of
electronic equipment with minimum increase in budget.
3. RESCHEDULING RE- It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Mayor
DEVELOPMENT AGENCY Hyde and unanimously carried that the Redevelopment
MEETING TINE OF Agency meeting of December 15, 1977 be rescheduled
DECEMBER 15 from 7;00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Discussion - National
League Conference The Council briefly discussed the benefits received
from attending the Conference recently held in San
Francisco. Councilman Cox particularly commented
on the exhibit of the Computer Library Services, Inc.
He suggested that computerized service would be a
good thing forth¢ Chula Vista Library and that there
might be a possibility of sharing the cost with the
County and other cities,making it more feasible~
Adjourned Regular Meeting -3- December 12, 1977
He suggested that the County or City of San Diego
could purchase the main unit for approximately $90,000
and subcontract out to each of the cities interested.
Motion for investiga- It was moved by Councilman Cox and seconded by
tion of joint use of Councilman Scott that the staff be directed to
computer equipment for consider the joint use of this equipment with the
Library with the City City or County of San Diego purchasing the equipment.
or County of San Diego
Motion clarified Mayor Hyde clarified that the motion was to ask the
staff to contact the County and ask them to become
the lead agency in acquiring automated electronic
system for library operations.
Motion carried The motion carried unanimously.
Concern regarding Councilman Hobel expressed his concern that some of
recording equipment the minutes for the Council Conferences have a degree
used at Council of incompleteness due to the type of recording equip-
Conferences ment and microphones used. He suggested that the
City Manager check into this situation.
Seminar suggested for Councilman Scott commented brie£1y on the card
businessmen regarding catalog designed to be used with the computer equip-
redevelopment ment and noted that it would be an asset in the City
Library. He also commented on a seminar which was held
for businessmen in one city in connection with
redevelopment. He said the Chamber of Commerce
indicated that they might co-sponsor such a seminar
for the City of Chula Vista.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hyde adjourned the meeting at 5:00 p.m. to a
tour of Building and Housing facilities and to the
regular scheduled meeting of December 13~ 1977.
Deputy City Clerk