Held Saturday - 7:40 a.m. April 1, 1978
An adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California,
was held on the above date beginning at 7:40 a.m. in the Conference Room C-i, Chula Vista
Public Library, 365 "F" Street.
Councilmen present: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Hobel, Cox, Scott, Egdahl
Councilmen absent: None
Staff present: City Manager Cele, Assistant City Manager Asmus, Director of
Finance Grant, Department Heads, Deputy City Manager Wittenberg
1. CITY MANAGER - City Manager Cole submitted a package of materials to the
OPENING REMARKS Council explaining that the meeting was called today so
that certain budgetary matters could be discussed in a
non-pressured time frame. Mr. Cole said he and his staff
will be talking about trends in expenditures, revenues,
increasing reliance on revenue sources over which the
Council has little or no control, Block Grants, CETA funds,
increased cost of operations, inflation, and insurance
costs which have increased four times in five years - 284%
Mr. Cole stated that the City's traditional revenues are
lagging behind the increasing costs. He asked that the
Council, after reviewing all the material subm±tted,"react''
to it in terms of different emphasis on the City's services,
look at the revenue sources and possible change in those
sources, and re-evaluating the use of the revenues, such
as Block Grants and Revenue Sharing.
Mr. Cole added that since 1975, the traditional income was
less than the expenditures; however, the City was able to
meet its budgets by utilizing the reserves with help from
the Anti-recession funds. He referred to Exhibit "A" which
shows a deficit of $1,2 million, emphasizing that it is
based on estimated revenues and represents the requested
departmental budgets - no deletions have been made. The
figure will be reduced following the City Manager's review.
Mr. Cole added however, that the reductions will be offset
by salary adjustments.
2. STAFF PRESENTATION - (Note: Detailed Summary Sheets Exhibits "A" through "G"
FINANCE DIRECTOR are on file in the office of the City Clerk.)
"A" 6-year Income Director of Finance Grant discussed Exhibit "A" which he
Expenditure Summary said was a combined income and expenditure summary of
general funds, parks & recreation, library and planning.
In 1976, the amendment to the Charter was approved combining
all these tax levying funds into one operating fund. Mr.
Grant detailed the incomes received, noting the percentages
of increase during the years, and that of the expenditures.
Sales and Use Taxes In answer to Councilman Hobel's query, Mr. Grant explained
that the less than significant upward trend in the sales
tax was due to the fact that Chula Vista, although the
second largest city in the County, is fourth in sales and
use tax. Other cities, such as Escondido and E1Cajon
have had a substantial increase.
Adjourned Regular Meeting -2- April 1, 1978
"B" Combined General Fund In this particular bar chart, Finance Director Grant
Basic Budget Summary compared the estimated and actual ending balances for
the years 1973/74 through 1977/78, as projected.
"C" Capital Improvement Mr. Grant said that this chart shows the total source of
Program funding. In 1973/74, the largest contributor was the gas
tax fund ($626,297) - 78.8%. The next year, 1974/75, it
was the revenue sharing fund - 75%; in 1975/76, it was
the general fund contributing 32%; in 1976/77, Public Works
Bill contributed 37.5% and in 1977/78, it was the Public
Works Bill funds again with 22.5%.
"D" Schedule of Estimated City Manager Cole noted the following estimated amounts
Other Fund Balances/ which are restricted funds:
Revenue - 1978/79
2. Community Development Block Grant Funds $965,000
5. Park Land Acquisition & In Lieu $600,000
9. Park & Recreation Block Grant $ 47,580
10. State Bond Act II Fund $308,150
Assistant City Manager Asmus referred to the charts marked
"Exhibit D" explaining the various £un8 balances/revenues.
He noted the sewer service revenue fun8 which has been
restricted in terms of Council policy - all of these monies
(with the exception of one year in the past four years)
have been used to pay the Metropolitan charges.
Mr. Asmus remarked that from the 10 funds l±sted, it is
estimated that there will be a carry-ever of $1,392,672
and e×pected to accrue to those funds would be $3,992,230
getting the total estimated funds for appropriation oF
In the second Exhibit "D" - the preliminary 1978/79 Capital
Improvement Program, Mr. Asmus stated that it shows a total
of $4,392,000 which is a misleading figure. The staff has
held back completing some of these projects because of
difficulty in financing. Even though $8,384,902 is shown
as estimated funds available, Mr. Asmus declared that the
types of projects listed on the preliminary chart are not
money in funds that can be used for financing.
City Manager Cole commented that in the total budget, the
Council may find itself using revenue sharing - traditionally
used for capital improvement programs - for operating costs.
This would reduce the amount of money available for these
"E" Federal Revenue Sharing Finance Director Grant discussed how the total of $3,690,866
Expenditures was disbursed: 72% or $2,671,975 going to the construction
1/1/72 - 12/31/76 of the new library; 20% or $731,879 for capital projects
and capital outlay equipment; and 8% for all others.
For the 1977/78 fiscal Year, the appropriations of $1,150,837
in Federal Revenue Sharing were allocated as follows: 81% or
$936,437 for capital improvement program; 13% or $145,000
for capital outlay equipment; 5% for a hot paint stripe
machine (public works) and 1% for community promotions.
Adjourned Regular Meeting -3- April 1, 1978
"F" Schedule of Insurance Finance Director Grant pointed out that the City's insurance
Requirements cost has escalated from $287,951 in 1973/74 to $1,105,754
1973/74 - 1978/79 in 1978/79. Mr. Grant detailed the costs of the fire and
extended coverage; public liability;property damage; worker's
compensation; group insurance; worker's compensation reserve;
public liability reserve and unemployment reserve.
Council discussion Discussion followed regarding the insurance coverage - the
City is getting less coverage now for more money; claims
paid in the past; self-insurance; coverage under the State
Plan; reserve fund.
In answer to the Council's query, Assistant City Manager
Asmus stated that the City's insurance administrator,
Kautz, recommended that the City not "go bare" on insurance.
Mr. Asmus said that he has some reservation about this
because the City is paying $23,000 and is still obligated
for the first $200,000 of claims (even though there is the
potential of a $2 million claim "out there"). He added
that in a City of this size with the ability to tax, the
remoteness of such a claim and the fact that the money would
not be paid out in a lump sum anyway should be considered.
"G" Summany of Funds Mr. Asmus listed the 13 funds in which the Council has
little or no flexibility over expenditures.
He then discussed each of the funds which are under the
full control of the Council: (1) General Fund; (2) Sewer
Service Fund; (3) Traffic Safety Fund; (4) Cash Basis Fund;
(S) Special Gas Tax Fund; (6) Sewer Income Fund; (7) Federal
Revenue Sharing Fund; (8) Capital Improvement Fund; (9)
Residential Construction Tax Fund; (10) Special Capital
Outlay Fund. Mr. Asmus noted that some of these funds are
restricted by Council policy; however, this can be changed
by the Council.
Metropolitan Sewer Fees Discussion followed regarding the yearly cost to the City;
the amount of reserve capacity; selling off some of the
capacity; staff report on this matter.
Report to Council Mayor Hyde asked that the staff make a report to the Council
during budget considerations. City Manager Cole indicated
that staff may not be ready at budget time to make a recom-
mendation regarding the amount of capacity to keep and
that to sell. After more discussion, Mayor Hyde, with
the concurrence of Council, directed that the matter be
again considered at budget time.
Cash Basis Fund Mr. Asmus explained that a reserve of $240,000 has been
built up in this fund which will meet less than one month
of the City's bills. The intent of this fund is to put
the City on a cash basis; however, the Council has the
prerogative of determining the amount.
Recess A recess was called at 9:10 a.m. and the meeting reconvened
at 9:20 a.m.
3. COMMENTS BY CITY MANAGER City Manager Cole asked that the Council submit any general
reactions they may have regarding the information presented
this morning.
Adjourned Regular Meeting -4- April 1, 1978
Budget Sessions Council discussion followed regarding the specific dates
for budget deliberations. Councilman Egdahl stated he
has a firm commitment to be away from the City from May
13, 1978 to June 3, 1978. Mayor Hyde indicated he would be
gone the latter part of May and Councilman Hobel said he
had tentative plans to vacation the first two weeks of
May, 1978.
Mayor Hyde asked that the City Manager schedule the sessions
the first of May and use Saturday as a working session.
Sessions scheduled City Manager Cole stated this could be done - he will
submit the preliminary budget to the Council on April 28,
and the sessions could start on May 1 continuing through
May 6, 1978. Mayor Hyde asked the City Manager to submit
the specific proposal to the Council at the April 4 meeting.
Metro reserve sewer Mayor Hyde asked that the staff be prepared to make some
recommendation during budget session regarding the question
of whether the City should sell off some of the reserve
sewer capacity.
Revenue Sharing Mayor Hyde asked that the Council consider whether or not
it wishes to revise the policy of limiting and restricting
the general revenue sharing.
City property Mayor Hyde asked that the staff report on any City property
they are interested in selling.
Jarvis/Gann Initiative Councilman Cox noted that the presentation this morning did
not include any figures if the JarVis/Gann Initiative passes.
Director of Finance Grant stated the City would lose $2.3
million - a 60% drop.
Requests by Councilman Hobel asked that the staff (1) provide the
Councilman Hobel Council with a summary sheet on the accrued accounts -
the carryovers, where they are, etc; (2) administrative
staff should come to the Council with recommendations
of goals and "turn-around" in the areas of sales tax -
this is part of the Manager's charge.
Economic Advisory Mayor Hyde remarked that one of the reasons he created the
Committee Economic Advisory Committee was that it should examine the
Council's actions - whether they have a negative effect on
the community - what can be done to correct that - and
determine what programs can be started to improve the economic
status of the community. The Committee is addressing this
Assessed Valuation In answer to Councilman Hobel's query, Mr. Grant said he
is using a 7-1/2% increase for Fiscal Year 1978/79.
Metro Sewer Councilman Hobel said he fully agreed with the Mayor that
they need a staff analysis on the sewer issue.
Council appointees' Counciman Hobel indicated that the Council should review
budgets both the City Clerk's and the City Attorney's budget as
they are appointeesoftheCouncil. The Council may want
to make certain recommendations to these two department
heads before they submit their budget to the City Manager.
Adjourned Regular Meeting -5- April 1, 1978
After discussion, it was concurred that Councilman Hobel
and any other memb6r oflthe Council ~ho r~quests them will
get ~ copy of both these budgets.
Recess to Executive The Council recessed to Executive Session at 10:00 a.m.
Session and reconvened at 11:20 a.m.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hyde adjourned the meeting at 11:20 a.m. to the
meeting scheduled for Tuesday, April 4, 1978 at 7: p.m.
in the Council Chambers, City Hall.