Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. February 21, 1978
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California, was held on
the above date beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 276 Fourth Avenue.
Councilmen present: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Hobel, Cox, Scott, Egdahl
Councilmen absent: None
Staff present: City Manager Cole, City Attorney Lindberg, Assistant City Manager
Asmus, Director of Planning Peterson, Assistant Director of Public
Works Lippitt, Chief of Police Winters, Director of Parks and
Recreation Hall, Traffic Engineer Hansen, Deputy City Manager
Wittenberg, Transit Coordinator Bloom
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Hyde followed by a moment of silent
1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by Councilman
Cox and unanimously carried that the minutes of the meetings
of February 9 and 14, 1978 be approved, copies having been
sent to each Councilman.
a. REQUEST FOR TRAFFIC The Bonita Business and Professional Association submitted
LIGHT AT THE INTER- a letter to the Council requesting that additional con-
SECTION OF BONITA sideration be given to the installation of a traffic signal
ROAD AND ALLEN at the intersection of Bonita Road and Allen School Road.
Motion to refer to It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Cox and
staff and to prepare unanimously carried that this item be referred to staff for
letter for Mayor's the recommendation of Council and request the staff to
signature prepare a reply for the Mayor's signature.
b. REQUEST FOR BLOCK Mr. George Hilger, on behalf of the Golden State Mobilehome
GRANT FUNDS FOR Owners League Chapter 869, asked that the Block Grant Funds
CONSTRUCTION OF A be used to construct noise and pollution deflectors on the
FENCE ON WEST SIDE west side of Brentwood Park along the 1-5 freeway.
Mayor Hyde said he was contacted by Mr. Hilger who asked
that no action be taken on his request at this time.
Motion to file It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Egdahl
and unanimously carried that this matter be filed.
c. REQUEST FOR The South Bay Filipino American Community Association re-
EXTENSION OF quested a three-month extension of the waiver of rental
WAIVER OF BINGO fees for the Associations' use of the Loma Verde Recreation
FEES Center to conduct bingo games. Their present waiver expires
on February 22, 1978.
City Council Meeting -2- February 21, 1978
Motion to refer to It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Councilman
staff and Parks and Scott and unanimously carried that this item be referred
Recreation Commission to staff and to the Parks and Recreation Commission.
d. SUPPORT OF REQUEST Mr. G. Gordon Browning, President of the Governing Board
FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL of the Sweetwater Community College District, advised the
AT "H" STREET AND Council that the Board is supporting the request of Tiffany
OTAY LAKES ROAD School for the installation of a traffic signal at the
intersection of "H" Street and Otay Lakes Road.
Motion to refer to staff It was moved by Mayor Hyde and seconded by Councilman
Scott that this be referred to staff.
Councilman Hobel suggested that information be included in
the letters sent to both the Bonita Business & Professional
Association and the College District advising them where
these signals stand on the priority list. The Council
Motion carried The motion to refer to staff carried unanimously.
Mayor Hyde asked that the letter be prepared for his
4. PUBLIC HEARING - This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor Hyde
CONSIDERATION OF CHANGE opened the public hearing.
MOBILE HOME PARK In November, 1976 the Planning Department presented a
LOCATIONS FROM R-3 report on a "neighborhoods-in-transition" study suggesting
TO R-3-L-"M" the rezoning of several existing mobile home parks to
R-3-G-"M", R-3-M-"M", Or R-3-L-"M". Director of Planning
Pcterson submitted a detailed analysis concerning this
suggestion, noting that after further study, the staff
recommended that R-3-L-"M" would be the most appropriate
zoning for these areas.
Letter noted Mayor Hyde noted the letter received from the firm of
for record Peterson, Gamer, Mung, Branton & Price, Attorneys represent-
ing the Muraoka family, owners of the Palace Garden Mobile
Home Park. They urged consideration of a density of R-3-P-26
for this particular property.
Director of Planning Peterson briefly outlined the actions
taken in the studies on "neighborhoods-in-transition" and
noted that the properties being considered tonight are three
of the many areas which are being studied for more appro-
priate zoning. The properties are presently zoned R-3 and
would allow apartment construction at a density of 32 units
per acre. The actual density of the mobile home parks ranges
from 9 to 13 mobile homes per acre.
Mr. Peterson submitted plats commenting on each of the
three mobile home parks under consideration - Palace Garden,
Brentwood, and Chula Vista Travelodge Park - noting the
present number of units, the surrounding development, the
major streets involved, the total units that could be allowed
in each park under the present zonlng~ and the character of
each area. Mr. Feterson added that due to the size of the
lots, a variety of developments could be planned and if the
owners should desire, site plans could be presented and a
slightly higher density recommended.
City Council Meeting -3- February 21, 1978
Wayne Linn Mr. Linn said he was representing approximately 280 residents
18 Via Veneto as well as the owner/manager of the Chula Vista Travelodge
Chula Vista Park at 345 "C" Street - (He was speaking as their repre-
sentative from the Golden State Mobile Home Owners League.)
Mr. Linn urged approval of the staff recommendation to
rezone the park from R-3 to R-3-L-"M".
In answer to a query from Councilman Hobel, Mr. Linn said
the reason for their support of this recommendation was
for security reasons - so it will be maintained as a mobile
home park.
Mary Frances Click Mrs. Click said she was representing 253 homeowners in the
1100 Industrial Bi. Brentwood Park - 400 to 430 individuals - who were in favor
Sp. 1-57 of the R-3-L-"M" zoning for the park which means more secu-
Chula Vista rity and peace of mind for them; the major stockholders
(owner/managers who lease the land) also favor the lower
density. Mrs. Click commented on the lack of available
parks for mobile home owners who might have to move if the
park is redeveloped, and noted that the actual land owner
did not oppose the recommended rezoning at Planning Com-
mission hearings.
William Guyer Mr. Guyer said he was speaking for himself and not the
323 Palace Garden Park residents of the park, stating he was in favor of the
Chula Vista rezoning as recommended and that it would be an extreme
burden on the mobile home owners if they should have to
Paul A. Peterson Mr. Peterson said he was the attorney representing the
$50 "B" Street owners of the Palace Garden Park - the Muraoka family.
San Diego 92101 He displayed colored diagrams of the area and referred
to the General Plan of the City which designates a density
of 15 to 26 units per acre for this property. Mr. Peterson
discussed the shopping center on Third Avenue, the major
arterial stroets~ the bus l%nes, schools, park facilities and
other city services close to this mobile home park. He
stated these facts justified a higher density for this
property and spoke against having it rezoned as recommended.
Mr. Peterson suggested that the area be zoned R-3-P-26 as
being a reasonable classification for this area.
Owners/managers Mr. Roy Muraoka, 1478 First Avenue; Mr. Taki Muraoka, 106
request higher Quintard Street; and Mr. Sabura Muraoka, founder of Muraoka,
density Inc., all spoke against the rezoning to R-3-L-"~9' commenting
that they did not request this rezoning, they do not have
any plans at this time for redevelopment, that the property
warranted higher density due to surrounding developments,
the former Council intended the zoning to be at a higher
density and it would not be fair to change it, they have
been paying taxes on the R-5 zoning for over 15 years, and
they do not want to be "locked-in" to the mobile home park.
Exhibits displayed City Attorney Lindberg asked that the City retain the
to be made part of exhibits introduced by Mr. Paul Peterson as part of the
the record public hearing record. Mr. Peterson said this was agreeable.
Kyle Stewart Mr. Stewart said he has recently purchased a mobile home
in this area. He asked that the Council consider the
possibility of multi-storied dwellings for this area. He
noted that if the properties are redeveloped, the mobile
home owners have no place to go - there are no parks
available in the South Bay area. He also asked what the
tax impact will be if the properties are rezoned.
City Council Meeting -4- February 21, 1978
John Kolsters Mr. Kolsters expressed appreciation to the Council for
501 Anita St., Suite 155 providing a place to live for the people who are already
Chula Vista living in the area. He discussed the fact that mobile
(Montgomery) home park owners can, if they so desire, redevelop the
property and evict the residents. He spoke in favor of
retaining the parks for mobile homes and suggested that
the City also consider the State development known as
"P-M-D" - Planned Mobile Home Development, which would
provide a place for people to go if they are evicted due
to redevelopment.
Gloria Rogers Ms. Rogers spoke against the rezoning, stating that higher
77 "F" Street density would be beneficial in promoting rapid transit
Chula Vista development. She supported the R-3-P zoning for control
and imaginative development as being more beneficial to
the City.
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, either for or against,
the public hearing was closed.
Council discussion Discussion ensued regarding all aspects of the proposed
rezoning, including comments on (1) the determination of
"neighborhoods-in-transition", (2) Council direction to
staff to study all the R-3 zones in the City, (3) parcels
of property that have potential for serious concern for
high density development ("sleepers"), (4) Council efforts
to handle zoning matters before they become problems, (S)
the possibility that acceptable plans could be submitted
that would meet development standards and the density could
be appropriately increased at that time, (6) traffic impact
of higher density, (7) that amendments to the General Plan
will be considered in April and the zoning of grentwood Park
will be reconsidered at that time, (8) the Public Works
Department recommendation of a maximum of a density of 17.5
units per acre, and (9) the owner of the Brentwood Park
originally requesting zoning for mobile home developments.
Councilman Hobel suggested using the Precise Plan designa-
tion for these areas for development control, supporting
the suggestion of Mr. Paul Peterson for R-3-P zoning.
Various parcels zoned In answer to a query from Councilman Scott, Director of
R-3 under consideration Planning Peterson said that there are approximately 40 to
for rezoning 50 parcels zoned R-3 which will be studied for more appro-
priate zoning. (These are existing mobile home parks.)
4a. ORDINANCE NO. 1787 - This item involves a proposal to rezone 12.35 acres at
AMENDING ZONING MAP 345 "C" Street (Chula Vista Travelodge Mobile Home Park)
OR MAPS ESTABLISHED BY from R-3 to R-3-L-"W'. The Planning Commission by a vote
SECTION 19.18.010 OF of 4 to 3 and the staff recommended approval in accordance
THE CHULA VISTA with Planning Commission Resolution PCZ-78-E.
Ordinance placed It was moved by Councilman Egdahl that this ordinance be
on first reading placed on its first reading and that the reading of the
text be waived by unanimous consent.
The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Cox, Hyde, Scott
Noes: Councilman Hobel
Absent: None
City Council Meeting -5- February 21, 1978
4b. ORDINANCE NO. 1788 - This item involves a proposed zone change of 26.50 acres
AMENDING ZONING MAP located north of the SDG&E easement between Industrial
OR MAPS ESTABLISHED BY Boulevard and I-5 Brentwood Mobile Home Park) from R-3
SECTION 19.18.010 OF to R-3-L-"M".
CODE, REZONING 26.50 ACRES The Planning Commission by a vote of 4 to 3 recommended
LOCATED NORTH OF SDG&E approval in accordance with Planning Commission Resolution
Ordinance placed It was moved by Councilman Scott, that this ordinance be
on first reading placed on its first reading and that the reading of the
text be waived by unanimous consent.
The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Egdahl, Cox, Hyde
Noes: Councilman Hobel
Absent: None
Councilman Scott expressed his concern that the Council
has changed the zoning on this property and the staff will
be studying it in April to consider industrial zoning, which
would mean the mobile homes would have to move rapidly.
Motion to delete It was moved by Councilman Scott that staff be directed not
Brentwood Park from to look at that parcel (Brentwood Park) as industrial
study in April property.
No second to motion The motion died for lack of a second~
4c. ORDINANCE - This item involves a proposal to rezone 30.50 acres at
AMENDING ZONING MAP OR 1425 Second Avenue (Palace Garden Mobile Home Park) from
SECTION 19.18.010 OF
THE CHULA VISTA MUNICIPAL The Planning Commission by a vote of 4 to 3 recommended
CODE, REZONING 30.50 ACRES approval in accordance with Flanning Commission Resolution
Motion to amend It was moved by Councilman Hobel that the ordinance be
ordinance amended to change the zoning map to change the zoning of
30.50 acres located at the southeast corner of Quintard
I Street and Second Avenue from R-3 to R-3-P with a density
range of 17 to 24 (units per acre).
No second to motion The motion died for lack of a second.
Motion to place ordinance It was moved by Mayor Hyde that the ordinance be placed
on first reading on first reading, with the reading of the text waived.
Council discussion Discussion ensued regarding (1) when properties are annexed
to the City, the County zoning is retained and then the
zoning is subsequently changed, (2) the only zoning permit-
ting mobile home parks at one time was the R-3 zone, (3)
problems in down-zoning properties, (4) owners of Travelodge
and Brentwood park either supported rezoning or did not
raise objections thereto, (5) the Garden Palace Park is
surrounded in part by high density development, (6) sug-
gestion for zoning between the minimum Iow and the maximum
high as discussed during the meeting.
City Council Meeting -6- February 21, 1978
Motion to refer It was moved by Councilman Cox and seconded by Councilman
back to staff Scott that this item be referred back to staff for a more
appropriate zoning (than the R-3-L-"M" as recommended.)
Concern regarding Councilman Egdahl expressed his concern in referring this
referral to staff item back to staff and recommended that the property continue
its present use (at the choice of the owner). He spoke in
favor of the zone change as recommended by staff.
Motion to place ordinance Mayor Hyde withdrew his motion to place the ordinance on
on first reading withdrawn first reading.
Mayor Hyde spoke against the motion, expressing his concern
that it is an unnecessary delay at this time as the matter
will have to go back to the Planning Commission and to the
Council for additional public hearings.
Motion to refer The motion to refer to staff carried by the following vote,
to staff carried to-wit
AYES: Councilmen Cox, Scott, Hobel
Noes: Mayor Hyde, Councilman Egdahl
Absent None
RECESS A recess was called at 8:38 p.m. and the meeting reconvened
at 8:50 p.m.
Consideration of Mayor Hyde with the concurrence of the Council, announced
Item #8 that Item #8 would be considered at this time as Transit
Coordinator Jack Bloom has to attend a meeting in E1Cajon.
8. RESOLUTION NO. 9011 - Funds from the Federal Urban Mass Transit Act (UMTA) Section
SUPPORTING A METHOD OF 5 Program in the amount of $7,478,000 will be available for
ALLOCATION OF SECTION 5 allocation to San Diego Transit Corporation, North County
UMTA FUNDS Transit District and the City of Chula Vista (contingent
upon UMTA certification). Under Federal law, it is the
responsibility of the Comprehensive Planning Organization
(CPO) to determine the formula of allocation among eligible
transit operators. The CPO Board will consider allocation
methods at their meeting on February 27, 1978.
The staff recommended that the Council approve this resolu-
tion which calls for the allocation of Section S UMTA funds
based on a 50/50 split between revenue passengers and revenue
miles for the coming fiscal year and direct the City's CPO
Representative to vote accordingly on February 27, 1978.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of the text was
· waived by unanimous consent.
Discussion of Transit Coordinator Jack Bloom, in response to a comment
formula by Councilman Hobel, explained that the County Board of
Supervisors approved the 80/20 formula - 80 percent passenger
and 20 percent miles. The City of Chula Vista could get
approximately $41,000 more under the 50/50 formula, but
the City must first get its certification. Also, the City
is considered as having a hardship case under the SO percent
LTF limitation, and it is important that the City get the
50/50 formula.
City Council Meeting -7- February 21, 1978
Resolution adopted The resolution was passed and adopted by the following
vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Egdahl, Hobel, Cox, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
Motion to instruct It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Cox
delegate to CPO and unanimously carried that the City's delegate to the
Comprehensive Planning Organization be instructed to vote
for the 50/50 split, with a second option of supporting the
80/20 proposal and Chula Vista to be considered as a hardship
5. RESOLUTION NO. 9012 - Lot D in Carvalos Acres Unit No. 3 was offered for dedica-
ACCEPTING, NAMING AND tion to the public for use as a street, but was rejected
DEDICATING "LOT D by the County Board of Supervisors. This Lot is now within
RESERVED FOR FUTURE the City of Chula Vista through Council approval of the "H"
STREET" IN CARVALOS Street - 1-805 Annexation in December 1975. Lot D will be
ACRES UNIT #3, MAP #4614 accepted, named, and dedicated as East "H" Street.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Egdahl, Hobel, Cox, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
6. RESOLUTION NO. 9013 - Under the contract awarded to Perry Electric, the construc-
GRANTING A THIRTY-DAY tion of the traffic signal at Fourth Avenue and "H" Street
EXTENSION OF CONTRACT was to be completed by February 12, 1978.
SIGNAL AT FOURTH AVENUE The constractor has requested a 50-day extension due to
AND "H" STREET delays resulting from the heavy rains during the past
month. Assuming good weather, the contractor has stated
there should be no problem in completing this project by
March 15, 1978.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Egdahl, Hobel, Cox, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
7. RESOLUTION NO. 9014 - At the meeting of February 14, 1978 the Council approved
PROVIDING FOR THE the request of the International Friendship Commission to
SPECIAL APPROPRIATION transfer funds and to appropriate additional funds to cover
OF FUNDS AND APPROVING the expenses for an additional member of the Commission to
TRANSFER OF FUNDS TO travel on the annual visit to Irapuato, Mexico in March 1978.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hobel, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Nobel, Hyde, Scott, Egdahl
Noes: None
Abstain: Councilman Cox
Absent: None
City Council Meeting -8- February 21, 1978
Conflict of interest Councilman Cox explained that he abstained due to a
conflict of interest.
9. ORDINANCE NO. 1786 - On September 30, 1977 Eugene York filed a petition for
APPROVING THE ANNEXATION annexation to the City of 1.37 acres for the purpose of
TO THE CITY OF CERTAIN obtaining comprehensive city services. The property is
UNINHABITED TERRITORY located in the southwest quadrant of 1-805 freeway and
SECOND READING AND The ordinance was placed on first reading at the meeting
ADOPTION of February 14, 1978.
Ordinance placed It was moved by Councilman Scott that this ordinance be
on second reading placed on its second reading and adopted and that the
and adopted reading of the text be waived by unanimous consent.
The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Egdahl, Hobel, Cox, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
a. REPORT ON STATUS OF In a written report to Council, City Manager Cole explained
REQUEST TO COUNTY that on January 24, 1978 the staff sent a letter to the
DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC County Director of Public Health to request establishment
HEALTH REGARDING of a second paramedic unit in the South Bay service area.
Steve Ballard, President of Bay Cities Ambulance, Inc.,
had made a request of the Public Health Department's
Division of Emergency Medical Service to permit personnel
attached to his ambulance service to enroll in a paramedic
class scheduled to commence February 23, 1978. Current
information indicates that personnel will be allowed to
enter a class scheduled to start on April 21, 1978 with
the total training period to extend for a period of five
Mr. Cole stated that the delay in approval of the City's
request will place a hardship upon the program and recom-
mended that a letter be addressed to the First District
Supervisor outlining events and requesting an investigation
into the matter.
Motion for appropriate It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
letter over Mayor's Egdahl and unanimously carried that the staff recommendation
signature be accepted and that the Mayor send an appropriate letter.
b. REPORT ON CHULA A letter from the Chula Vista City School District requesting
VISTA CITY SCHOOL additional financial support for the FOCUS project was
DISTRICT REQUEST referred to staff. In a written report, City Manager Cole
FOR ADDITIONAL explained that the FOCUS fiscal year (September 1 - August 31)
FUNDS (FOCUS) does not coincide with the normal fiscal year (July 1 -
June 30). The FOCUS Committee recently voted to change
their fiscal year to coincide with the gsual July 1 - June 30
period, thereby necessitating city support for only ten
months. In view of this action, there are sufficient funds
budgeted for the remainder of the FY 1977-78.
The City Manager further reported that due to the lack of
participation by both Southwestern College and the County,
the City's contribution could increase to approximately
$9,500 annually and this should be considered in the coming
budget hearings.
City Council Meeting -9- February 21, 1978
Motion to accept report It was moved by Councilman Egdahl and seconded by Councilman
Scott that the report be accepted.
Councilman Hobel said he has been attending the FOCUS
meetings as a representative from Supervisor Hamilton's
office and it is interpreted that he is also representing
the City Council. He suggested that someone from the Council
attend the meetings. He further explained that Southwestern
College has withdrawn from funding this program and the
County no longer provides a CETA position as an "in-kind"
service; he suggested that an analysis be made concerning
the FOCUS program.
Councilman Hobel further expressed his concern regarding
the manner in which the $8,000 budgeted by the City is
being used to handle a deficit due to lack of funding by
the College.
Motion carried The motion to accept the report carried by the following
vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Cox, Hyde, Scott
Noes: Councilman Hobel
Absent: None
Mayor Hyde announced that he will attend the next FOCUS
10c. STATUS REPORT ON The Council recently requested that staff investigate the
ADDITIONAL CETA availability of CETA funds to employ additional CETA workers
FUNDS FOR STORM to repair flood damage. On February 15, 1978 the City
DAMAGE REPAIR received the necessary forms and criteria for making applica-
tion which must be returned to RETC by February 27, 1978.
In his written report, Assistant City Manager Asmus indicated
that it is doubtful whether the City has ~uffered flood
damage of a magnitude that would give it a very high priority
project, except perhaps the damage that occurred at the
Municipal Golf Course.
Motion to accept report It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by Councilman
Cox and unanimously carried that the report be accepted.
11. REPORT ON REQUEST BY The Senior Citizens' Club has requested permission to allow
SENIOR CITIZENS TO Senior5 Marketing, Inc. (a California non-profit Corporation),
PERMIT SENIORS MARKETING, through their SCOOP Plan, to provide Club members with high
INC. TO PROVIDE A quality produce at wholesale prices.
PARK CENTER Staff recommended approval and that the Director of Parks
and Recreation be authorized to negotiate with Seniors
Marketing, Inc., to provide a SCOOP Program at Norman Park
Center, suggesting an early morning sale time (8:30- 9:30a.m)
to better u~ilize the limited parking spaces at this location.
Motion to accept It was moved by Councilman Hobel and seconded by Councilman
staff recommendation Cox that the staff recommendation be accepted.
Comment against motion Councilman Egdahl expressed his disagreement with using
public funds and public facilities to be in competition
with private business and spoke against the motion.
City Council Meeting -10- February 21, 1978
Suggestion for research Councilman Scott suggested that action be delayed on this
item to permit research to see how the program operates in
other areas, criticism received if any, and if the program
is successful. He felt this warranted further consideration.
Motion withdrawn Councilman Hobel withdrew his motion. Councilman Cox
agreed as the second.
Motion to consider It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
matter at Council Egdahl and unanimously carried that this be scheduled for
Conference the next possible Council Conference.
12. REPORT ON DESIGN At the meeting of February 14, 1978 the Council asked staff
OF TRAFFIC SIGNAL to prepare a resolution to appropriate funds for the design
AT "J" STREET/ of a traffic signal at "J" Street/Oaklawn Avenue. It has
OAKLAWN AVENUE been determined that this project can be accomplished by
City personnel prior to June 30, 1978 and therefore staff
recommended that it be included in the Traffic Engineering
Division's work program for FY 1977-78.
Motion to accept report It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Egdahl and unanimously carried that the report be accepted.
13. REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION At the Council's direction, the Charter Review Committee
CONCERNING CHANGES IN re-studied the question of the City's election dates.
In a written report, the Charter Review Committee explained
that the three school districts in the area were contacted
and their presentations to the Committee were considered.
The Committee re-affirmed their initial recommendation to
change the dates of the municipal elections to make them
coincide with the primary and general elections throughout
the State e£ California.
Councilman Egdahl noted that a Council Conference has
been scheduled for Thursday (February 25, 1978) to consider
these recommendations in depth.
Motion to consider It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by Councilman
recommendations at Cox and unanimously carried that the recommendations be
Council Conference received for study and for discussion on Thursday~
on February 23, 1978
isa. REQUEST FOR COUNCIL On January 25, 1978 the Council Board of Supervisors
COMMENT ON THE BOARD accepted an initial report from Mr. R. T. Denny, Registrar
OF SUPERVISORS' RECOM- of Voters, concerning consolidation of elections, and the
MENDATION FOR CON- Board is now soliciting the comments of the various juris-
SOLIDATING THE CITY dictions affected.
Motion to continue It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by Councilman
until Council Conference Cox and unanimously carried that this item be continued
on February 23, 1978 until Thursday~ February 23, 1978.
In answer to a query from Mayor Hyde, Mrs. Lois Richards,
Chairperson of the Charter Review Committee, said the Com-
mittee has no objection to this and the City Clerk Jennie
Fulasz said the information can be called in to the Registrar
of Voters after the Conference so there is no problem with
the deadline.
City Council Meeting -11- February 21, 1978
Interest in Title VIII ~{ayor Hyde reported that Councilman Egdahl, the City Attorney
Public Housing Programs and he met with representatives interested in discussing the
possibilities of participating in Title VIII Public Housing
Programs, indicating that if Proposition "C" on the ballot
passes, there is an interest in housing developments in the
City for low income, handicapped and senior citizens.
Blue reflectors In answer to a query from Councilman Hobel, Assistant
designate fire hydrants Director of Public Works Lippitt responded that the blue
at mid-block locations reflectors appearing on City streets identify mid-block
fire hydrants for the Fire Department, especially for
employees on night calls.
Suggestion regarding Councilman Scott referred to suggestions made to the Council
Jarvis/Gann initiative during oral communications at the last Council meeting con-
cerning the Jarvis/Gann initiative. He suggested that staff
check into the feasibility of one idea - that when there is
an opening on a "non-essential" job, that it not be filled
until the outcome of the Initiative is determined.
Motion to refer to It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Mayor Hyde
staff for report and unanimously carried that this be referred to staff
with a report back to the Council.
Concern regarding Councilman Egdahl commented on a problem he had in dialing
non-working phone City Hall phone numbers and being informed that a "non-
numbers at City Hall working" number has been reached and to re.cheek the directory
or re-dial a number to reach the general operator. He
asked if the Telephone Company could automatically switch
the non-working numbers to the general switchboard. City
Manager Cole will report on this at the next meeting.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hyde adjourned the meeting at 9:13 p.m. to the Council
Conference scheduled for Thursday, February 23, 1978 in
the Council Conference Room, City Nail at 4:00 p.m.
Deputy City Clerk