Held January 24, 1978; 7:00 pm
The City Council met in the Council Chamber at the City Hall, 276 Fourth Avenue, on
the above date at 7:00 p.m. with the following Councilmen present:
Councilmen Hyde, Hobel, Cox, Scott, Egdahl
Absent: None
The Mayor adjourned the meeting until January 26, 1978
at 4:00 p.m. in the ~k~bmm~Council Conference Room, City Hall, 276 Fourth
Avenue, Chula Vista, California.
I, JENNIE M. FULASZ, City Clerk of the City of Chula Vista, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that
this ~ a full, true and correct copy of an order adopted by the City Council at the
meeting of January 24~ 1978
ii JENNIE M. FULASZ, CMC, City Cle~.~
L/ City of Chula Vista, California
re,gu!a? ......
· ~ .~ ~ ~Fuary.~24, 1978
January 25, 1978 8:00 am
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. January 24, 1978
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California, was held on
the above date beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 276 Fourth Avenue.
Councilmen present: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Hobel, Cox, Scott, Egdahl
Councilmen absent: None
Staff present: City Manager Cole, Assistant City Attorney Harron, Director of
Community Development Desrochers, Director of Parks and Recreation
Hall, Director of Building and Housing Grady, Assistant Director
of Public Works Lippitt, Traffic Engineer Hansen
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Hyde followed by a moment of silent
1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Councilman
Scott and unanimously carried that the minutes of the
meetings of January 12 and 17, 1978 be approved, copies
having been sent to each Councilman.
a. PRESENTATION REGARDING Mayor Hyde announced that Mr. Campbell was unable to be
THE BAYFRONT - C.R. present this evening and his presentation will be scheduled
CAMPBELL, PORT for a future Council meeting.
b. PROCLAMATION - Mayor Hyde read the proclamation and presented it to Mr.
THROUGH 28, 1978 AS
James Ballow Mr. Hallow said he was representing a group of citizens in
270 Calle La Mirada the Bonita Bellaire area where they are having a problem
Bonita CA 92002 with burglaries and robberies, reporting that there have been
six homes out of fifteen on Calle La Mirada broken into in
the last few months. Residents have met and discussed ways
they can help each other, but they had some questions re-
garding the police protection for the Bonita area: (1) How
many units patrol the area; (2) If there is more than one
unit, what is the size of the district assigned to each
unit; (3) How often does the unit patrol their immediate
area; (4) What is the average time for response to a call;
and (5) What percentage of the burglars have been apprehended
in the follow-up investigations.
Mr. Ballow said the citizens group felt that the police
protection was inadequate for the Bonita community.
In answer to a query from Mayor Hyde, Mr. Ballow said he
had not personally contacted the Police Department on this
matter. Mayor Hyde suggested that it might be advantageous
for the group to arrange a meeting with a representative
from the Police Department to answer their questions and
discuss ways to improve protective measures.
City Council Meeting -2- January 24, 1978
Motion to have Police It was moved by Councilman Scott and seconded by Councilman
Department meet with Cox that the Police Department meet with the group at Council
Bonita group direction and answer their questions; also, that a copy of
the report on these various questions be given to the Council.
Report to be in Councilman Egdahl suggested that in the report concerning
context with rest the number of units in that area, the figures be compared
of City to the units and protection given the rest of the City.
Addition to motion/ Councilman Scott and Councilman Cox agreed to include this
motion carried suggestion in the motion, and the motion carried unanimously.
Patricia Youmans Mrs. Youmans described the ordeal to which she was subjected
295 Camino Elevado when her home was robbed on January 6, 1978 at approximately
Bonita 92002 10:30 a.m.
Sue Arms Miss Arms said she was a member of Girl Scout Troop 5881
5202 Monet and as a group citizens activity, they have circulated a
Bonita petition to place "25 mph speed limit signs" on Gotham
Street in Chula Vista. She explained that the Troop and
other citizens felt this would decrease the accident rate
to children and animals on this street and requested Council
consideration of the petition.
Motion to refer It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Councilman Scott
to Safety Commission and unanimously carried that this item be referred to the
and staff Safety Commission and staff.
a. RESIGNATION OF Mr. Timothy Roybal submitted his resignation effective
TIMOTHY ROYBAL - January 2g, 197g at which time he will be moving to
Motion to accept It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Cox and
resignation/letter unanimously carried that the Council accept the resignation
of appreciation to and send Mr. Roybal a letter of appreciation for his ser-
be sent vices, with regret that he is unable to continue in the
City's service.
4. PUBLIC HEARING - This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor Hyde
COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT re-opened the public hearing.
CITIZENS INPUT (Continued This is the third and final public hearing for the purpose
from January 12, 1978) of obtaining additional citizen input for the Block Grant
In answer to questions from Mayor Hyde, Director of Com-
munity Development Desrochers outlined the major concepts
of the Block Grant Application and staff's attempt to meet
the goals of the Housing Act of 1977 to provide a home
rehabilitation program and also physical improvements to
neighborhoods in eligible tracts - 75% of funds must be
spent in eligible tracts. Improvements include physical
environment, actual housing structures, consideration of
mobilehome parks, and school park improvements.
City Council Meeting -3- January 24, 1978
Deadline for application Mr. Desrochers said the Comprehensive Planning Organization
and review procedures and the State of California have to review the application
before it goes to the Los Angeles HUD office. In order to
meet the deadline, it has been scheduled on the CPO calendar
the third week of February, and then clear the State by
mid-March to reach the HUD office by the First of April.
Don Painter Mr. Painter said he was Vice-Chairman of the Safety Com-
920 Beech Street mission and was asked to request that Community Block Grant
Chula Vista Funds be used for sidewalks and cleaning of the City's
drainage ditches. He made reference to "H" Street between
1st and 2nd and Fourth Avenue between "G" and "H" Streets
where the walking public must walk in the mud or dirt; and
to the open drainage ditch on "F" Street where weeds have
caught on fire, both conditions creating a hazard in the
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, either for or against,
the public hearing was closed.
Concern regarding Councilman Egdahl expressed his concern that in the staff
provision for housing recommendation the monies which are to come for making
for low income citizens provision for housing for low income citizens,(including
seniors and handicapped) comes at some future date upon
resale of property, rather than being a major part of
the allocation of the Block Grant monies. He said, in
speaking for the members of the Ad Hoc Committee for Housing
for Low Income Citizens, that there is a real concern that
Block Grant money be used to every extent possible to ena-
ble the City to provide housing for low income citizens
and the Committee proposed that at least $200,000 in the
first year be allocated from the coming year's block grant
Council discussion The Council held an indepth discussion with the staff re-
garding the Block Grant application and the various activi-
ties recommended for funding, with emphasis upon concern
regarding items such as street and sidewalk improvements,
Memorial Park improvements, the citizen participation pro-
gram, economic development program, local option funds,
Feaster School Park improvements, ~nd drainage and street
Financing problem It was the consensus that emphasis should be placed on
providing increased housing inventory for low and moderate
income citizens in the City.
In answer to a question from Councilman Cox regarding the
alternatives if the referendum concerning low income
housing should be successful, Mr. Desrochers said that
the Council would have the option to re-allocate the
block grant funds if they are not committed.
Motion to add It was moved by Mayor Hyde and seconded by Councilman
additional item Egdahl that the Council add an additional item with an
for unspecified unspecified sum of money at this time for acquisition of
amount for housing land to be used as a basis for creating low and moderate
income housing within the City - the amount to be deter-
mined as the Council goes through the budget and reas-
signs a certain amount.
~tion carried The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Mayor Hyde, Councilman Hobel, Scott, Egdahl
Noes: Councilman Cox
Absent: None
Councilman Cox spoke in favor of the staff recommendations,
noting that they included most of the suggestions made by
citizens as public input.
City Council Meeting -4- January 24, 1978
Motion to delete item It was moved by Councilman Hobel and seconded by Mayor Hyde
for drainage culverts that the Central Basin Drainage Culverts - $236,000 - be
taken out.
Councilman Egdahl spoke against the motion suggesting that
since there will be a Council Conference on Thursday (January
26, 1978) that the Council give staff time, in the light
of the new action by the Council, to look through the items
and make some recommendations at that time.
Motion withdrawn Councilman Hobel withdrew his motion. Mayor Hyde withdrew
his second.
Motion to continue It was moved by Councilman Egdahl and seconded by Mayor Hyde
item until Thursday, that the Council "roll" this off until Thursday afternoon
January 26, 1978 and ask the staff to bring back their recommendations on
how the City would acquire - or shift priorities for -
approximately aquarterof a million dollars ($250,000) for
the new line item.
Clarification of motion Mayor Hyde clarified that the motion is for the staff to
come back with a proposal for a line item amount of ap-
proximately $250,000 indicating where it would come from
in order to accomplish that.
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Hobel, Hyde, Scott
Noes: Councilman Cox
Absent: None
4a. RESOLUTION - (Continued until January 26, 1978)
5. PUBLIC HEARING - This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor Hyde
CONSIDERATION OF VACATION opened the public hearing.
DUSTRIAL BOULEVARD TO Mr. James Yamate, through his agent, Mr. Robert N. Gruss,
I-5 FREEWAY submitted a request to vacate that portion of Moss Street
between Industrial Boulevard and the I-5 Freeway to allow
full utilization of his property lying on both sides of
Moss Street. The Sweetwater Authority requested that an
easement be preserved for their existing £acilities within
that portion of the street.
The Planning Commission and staff recommended approval of
the request.
Discussion of sign The Council discussed the Chamber of Commerce sign that is
presently located on the property in question.
Robert N. Gruss Mr. Gruss referred to the resolution adopted by the Council
3821 Fourth Avenue changing the zoning of this property and to add the "Precise
San Diego Plan" designation, noting that under this designation, no
(Representing Mr. free-standing signs will be allowed on freeway oriented
James Yamate) land. Mr. Gruss said the owner of the property has no ob-
jections to the Chamber of Commerce sign remaining at this
time, and is willing to work with the Chamber on this; how-
ever, it would have to be removed when the property is
City Council Meeting -5~ January 24, 1978
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, either for or against,
the public hearing was closed.
Motion for resolution It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Councilman Scott
vacating public right and unanimously carried that a resolution be brought back
of way vacating the public right of way on Moss Street as requested.
In answer to a query from Councilman Scott, Assistant City
Attorney Harron said that the Conditional Use Permit for
the sign expired in October, 1977 and it would have to be
6. PUBLIC HEARING - This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor Hyde
CONSIDERATION OF STREET opened the public hearing.
SOUTHERLY HALF OF QUINTARD In a written report to Council, Director of Public Works
STREET FROM TOBIAS DRIVE Robens explained that the request to vacate the southerly
TO FIRST AVENUE twelve feet of Quintard Street was submitted by the property
owners so that they could more fully utilize their properties
for development. The remaining 28 feet of right of way meets
City standards for that portion of Quintard Street.
Public utilities have no objection to the vacation provided
easements are reserved for their use.
The Planning Commission and staff recommended approval of
the request.
Public hearing closed There being no comments, either for or against, the public hearing was declared closed.
Motion for resolution It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Scott
ordering street vacation and unanimously carried that a resolution be brought back
ordering the street vacation as requested.
7. RESOLUTION NO. 8983 - Director of Community Development Desrochers explained , in
ESTABLISHING THE a written report, the reason for consideration of a Project
BOUNDARIES OF A CENTRAL Area No. 2 which is based upon the belief that the City and
BUSINESS DISTRICT RE- the Redevelopment Agency can move ahead successfully with
DEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA the stimulation of redevelopment on Third Avenue. The
NO. 2 AND DIRECTING THE eentral business district will also encompass the area from
PLANNING COMMISSION TO Third Avenue to Broadway between "H" and "I" Streets in-
FORMULATE A PRELIMINARY cluding the new South County Regional Center, the Chula
REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Vista Shopping Center and the Home Fair Shopping Center.
He added that problems of street widenings, realignments,
and closing of rights of way to establish new and more
desirable movement patterns within the total central busi-
ness district can be best approached by the creation of a
new project area.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hobel, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Cox, Hyde, Scott, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
8. RESOLUTION NO. 8986 - Bids were received on January 11, 1978 for the construction
ACCEPTING BIDS AND of ~ueller Neighborhood Park, Phase 2. This project was
AWARDING CONTRACT FOR re-advertised at Council direction by Resolution No. 8827.
City Council Meeting -6- January 24, 1978
It was recommended that the bids be accepted and the con-
tract awarded to T. B. Penick & Sons, Inc., low bidder, in
the amount of $35,510 which includes $1,000 as an additive
item of wood stain for all wood structures.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted' by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Egdahl, Hobel, Cox, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
9. RESOLUTION NO. 8984 - The building at 234 Third Avenue is to be remodeled ex-
APPROVING ENCROACHMENT tensively and the design calls for a complete new facade
PERMIT NO. 78-2 AT for the old building, including new planters along the
234 THIRD AVENUE building front that will encroach into the Third Avenue
right of way a distance of one foot. The Town Centre
Design Review Board and staff recommended approval.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hobel, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Cox, Hyde, Scott, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
10. RESOLUTION NO. 8985 - In July 1977, when the City approved the Final Map for
GRANTING EASEMENTS Bonita Ridge Estates Unit No. 3 Subdivision, the dedica-
Te SAN DIEGO GAS & tion of Lots 140, 154, 155 and 156 was accepted for recre-
ELECTRIC COMPANY FOR ational, open space, public utilities and other public
LOTS 154, 155 AND 156 On December 14, 1977 the San Diego Gas & Electric Company
OF BONITA RIDGE ESTATES requested that the City grant them an easement for under-
UNIT 3 SUBDIVISION ground and overhead facilities within Lots 154, 155 and
156 to provide utility service to the residences being
constructed within the subdivision.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman ttobel, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Cox, Hyde, Scott, Egdahl
Absent: None
11. ORDINANCE - The Council continued consideration of this ordinance
AMENDING CHAPTER 12.32 until this meeting to allow review by the Chamber of Com-
OF THE CHULA VISTA merce. In addition, responsibility for the enforcement
MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING of maintenance of landscaping has recently been transferred
THERETO A NEW SECTION from the Planning Department to Building and Housing. The
12.32.190 AND AMENDING Director of Building and Housing requested that action on
SECTION 12.32.030, the ordinance be tabled until his department has had an
RELATING TO MAINTENANCE opportunity to work up a more systematic method of inspec-
OF LANDSCAPING BY PROPERTY tion which may lead to more voluntary compliance without
OWNERS - FIRST READING the threat of fines.
(Continued from 1/10/78)
Staff recommendation Staff recommended that the Council continue consideration
of first reading of the ordinance for 90 days, with a
follow-up report to be submitted at that time.
City Council Meeting -7- January 24, 1978
Dick Callahan, President Mr. Callahan read a statement from the Executive Committee
Chula Vista Chamber of of the Chamber of Commerce offering assistance in the
Commerce matter of landscape maintenance. They suggested that the
Chamber's City Beautification Committee work with the City
in handing complaints and asked that they be given a list
of those properties where there is a current landscape
Mr. Callahan also said the Chamber would like to review
and study the landscape requirements to better evaluate
and assist property owners with landscaping problems.
Sid Morris Mr. Morris expressed his concern regarding the ordinance,
862 Cedar stating it was his belief that it would deprive property
Chula Vista owners of their rights.
Motion to adopt It was moved by Mayor Hyde and seconded by Councilman
staff recommendation Scott that the staff recommendation be adopted.
(Continue for 90 days)
Councilman Cox suggested that it would be appropriate to
consider this matter at a Council Conference. He noted
that the Council had intended to review the Landscape Manual
at a Council Conference, which they have not had an op-
portunity to do.
Addition to motion/ Mayor Hyde agreed to include this suggestion as part of
motion carried the motion. Councilman Scott agreed to the second and
the motion carried unanimously.
Council Tour City Manager Cole submitted an itinerary of the Council
tour planned for Saturday, January 28, 1978. The Council
will meet at 8:30 a.m. and tour the transit facilities,
various park areas and a portion of the Bayfront area
(Gunpowder Point).
13. REPORT ON REQUEST FOR This matter concerns the petition of the residents of this
TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT "J" area for a traffic signal at this intersection. On December
STREET/OAKLAWN 20, 1977 staff reported that a traffic signal was not war-
ranted at this time and recommended a four-way stop. The
S~fety Commission had recommended that a traffic signal be
installed at this intersection as soon as possible.
Letter from Dr. Madison Mayor Hyde noted, for the record, the letter received from
Dr. A. M. Madison, Principal of Mueller School, requesting
installation of a stop light at Oaklawn and "J" Street.
Sandy Graves Ms. Graves supported the recommendation of the Safety Com-
279 Cheryl Place mission. She questioned the effectiveness of the flashing
Chula Vista yellow lights in advance of the intersection noting that
the staff, on two occasions (Flower and Broadway and on
"L" Street) stated that the yellow lights at those inter-
sections were not effective. Ms. Graves added that the
police reported 114 citations issued at this intersection
since January 1, 1978.
Ernest Arnold Mr. Arnold said he was speaking as a private citizen and
897 Beech Avenue referred to the survey he made at this intersection. He
Chula Vista discussed the background of the request for the traffic
signal; the number of children crossing this street; the
fatal accident which occurred in October; and challenged
the "engineering numbers" issued in the staff's reports.
Mr. Arnold urged the Council to install the traffic light
and appropriate the necessary funds.
City Council Meeting -8- January 24, 1978
Dale Lusk Mr. Lusk said he was representing Community School at
167 Halsey Mueller and the community. He discussed the efforts of
Chula Vista the residents (since September) to contact the City staff
to get the signalization installed at this intersection.
He noted that 137 children live on the south side of "J"
Street and these children cross the intersection at 3:00p.m.
which makes the staff pedestrian count (taken between
2:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m.) invalid. Mr. Lusk added that to
date, 124 citations have been issued since January 1, 1978.
Debi Leyva Mrs. Leyva questioned what happened to the motorist who
718 Woodlawn caused the traffic fatality. Councilman Egdahl referred
Chula Vista to a comment made at the Janaury 19, 1978 Council/School
Board meeting indicating that no citation was issued to
the motorist.
Council discussion Discussion followed regarding the cost of yellow flashing
lights ($2,000 to $3,000), and the cost of installing a
pedestrian overpass (approximately $200,000). Councilman
Scott asked if Block Grant money could be used.
Community Development Director Desrochers stated that traffic
signals could not be funded with Block Grant monies; how-
ever, a pedestrian overpass would be eligible because it
is in the eligible census tract on "J" Street.
Councilman Cox asked whether a stop light at "J" and Oaklawn
would tie into the progression system. Traffic Engineer
Hansen stated it would not unless extensive software was
put into the computer system to take care of this.
Cost of overpass It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Hobel and unanimously carried that the staff report on
how much it would cost for construction of an overpass
and if Block Grant funds could be used.
Motion for report It was moved by Mayor Hyde and seconded by Councilman
on citations Egdahl that in conjunction with the report on the overpass,
the Council receive a report on the experience of the
police enforcement of the existing traffic control devices
for a period up to that time.
Discussion of motion Councilman Egdahl asked to have the following included
in the motion:
(1) In the citations issued, what was the average speed -
is it a rolling-stop citation or are they going 30 mph.
(2) What hours of the day are the citations being issued.
Included in motion blayor Hyde included in his motion that an analysis be made
by the Police as to the nature of the offense, the timing
of it, the relationship to school hours, non-school hours,
and other related considerations.
Motion carried The motion carried unanimously.
14. REPORT ON PROVIDING In December 1977, the Council asked staff to investigate
ADDITIONAL PARKING the possibility of providing additional parking at the
SPACES AT CIVIC CENTER Civic Center to help offset the loss of parking spaces
during the Library/Post Office renovation. Staff submitted
three alternatives to Council, recommending "Scheme B"
which would provide an additional 15 parking spaces on
Fig Avenue and would cost approximately $250 to restripe.
City Council Meeting -9- January 24, 1978
It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by Councilman
Scott and unanimously carried that Scheme B of the staff's
recommendation be accepted.
Councilman Egdahl suggested that the people on the west
side of Fig Avenue be notified of Council's action before
the restriping is done. Council concurred.
15. REPORT ON REQUEST OF American Legion Post 434 requested permission to hold a
AMERICAN LEGION POST mini-circus at Menzel Field on Wednesday, May 17, 1978.
In a written report to Council, staff stated that the field
is scheduled for use by the Pony Leagues (North and South)
and recommended the use of General Roca Park for the mini-
Motion for approval It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Cox and unanimously carried that approval be given to the
American Legion Post 434 to hold their mini-circus at
General Roca Park on Wednesday, May 17, 1978 subject to
staff conditions.
Gift for Irapuato Mayor Hyde announced that the annual trip to Irapuato by
the students winning the essay contest would be made on
March 3, 1978.
Motion for gift It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Egdahl
to Irapuato and unanimously carried that the Council authorize the
expenditure of up to $25.00 for an appropriate gift to
the City of Irapuato.
Alleged violation of Mayor Hyde referred to the letter received from the City
zoning ordinance - Attorney regarding the violation of Majestic Vans at 186
186 Broadway Broadway conducting a van conversion business. Legal action
is being held up pending referral of this matter to the
City Council.
Council discussion Councilman Nobel expressed his concern over the "rigidity"
in which the violations are being enforced, noting another
violation incident occurring on Broadway within the past
month concerning a sign.
Assistant City Attorney Harron discussed the procedure
followed by the zoning enforcement officer prior to turning
the matter over to the City Attorney for legal action. He
noted that it involved a period of two or three months of
trying to get the person to correct the violation.
Director of Building and Housing Grady explained that the
zoning enforcement officer has been working in his depart-
ment for the past two months and that he(Mr. Grady)had per-
sonally reviewed the two cases reported to the Council. Mr.
Grady stated that it has been approximately 3 months since
the first contact was made with the owner at 186 Broadway
and even today, vans are still being converted at this
Motion to proceed It was moved by Mayor Hyde and seconded by Councilman Egdahl
with legal action that the City Attorney be advised to inform the party con-
cerned that the City Council has considered the circumstances
of this particular case and directs the staff to proceed with
necessary measures to enforce the ordinance.
City Council Meeting -10- January 24, 1978
Discussion of motion Councilman Scott indicated that the Council could not judge
this as a zoning violation without first going down and
viewing the work personally and that there are other pro-
cedures which could be followed, such as the owner getting
a variance.
Motion to table It was moved by Councilman Cox and seconded by Councilman
Scott to table the motion.
Motion failed The motion to table failed by the following, vote, to-wit:
Ayes: Councilmen Cox, Scott
NOES: CouncilmenHobol, Hyde, Egdahl
Absent: None
Original motion restated It was moved by Mayor Hyde and seconded by Councilman Egdahl
and changed that the staff be directed to proceed, as they normally
would in the course of events, in the enforcement of this
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Egdahl, Scott
Noes: Councilmen Hobel, Cox
Absent: None
Charter Review It was moved by Mayor Hyde and seconded by Councilman Cox
Conunittee that the City Attorney indicate to the Charter Review Com-
mittee that the Council does not wish to make any modifi-
cation, as far as a Charter change, regarding the Council
seat numbering.
Motion carried Motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Cox, Scott, Egdahl
Noes: Councilman Hobel
Absent: None
Cable TV Schedule Mayor Hyde discussed the recent information received con-
cerning charges for cable TV, specifically as they relate
to apartments and condominiums (letter from Bruce Murray
dated January 17, 1978).
Referred to City Attorney It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Scott
and unanimously carried the City Attorney be directed to
examine the (cable TV) schedule and report back to Council
his recommendations as to whether or not the Council should
consider modifying it.
Board Hyde noted the on the Library Board and that
three additional applications have been received. The
Council needs to interview these applicants. After dis-
cussing various times, Mayor Hyde stated he will come
back to the Council with a suggested interviewing date.
Post Office drive- Mayor Hyde referred to the City Manager's memo in which
through mail boxes he discussed the possible hazardous condition at the main
Post Office drive-through mail drop facility. The Direc-
tor of Public Works Robens stated the problem could be
alleviated if the island was shortened by ten feet on the
north end and five feet on the south end.
Motion for report It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Hobel
and unanimously carried that the City Manager report back
to the Council on the cost of doing this with City forces.
City Council Meeting -11- January 24, 1978
Jarvis Amendment In answer to Councilman Cox's query, City Manager Cole
referred to his letter to David Speer, Chief Administrative
Officer of the County regarding the impact this property
tax initiative would have on the City of Chula Vista.
Motion for Council It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Councilman Hobel
Conference item and unanimously carried that at the first Council Conference
in February, the Jarvis Amendment be an item for discussion.
Discussion Councilman Cox commented that perhaps the Council should
discuss preparing a second budget pending the possible
passage of the initiative since the law would become effec-
tive July 1, 1978 if it passes.
Mayor Hyde suggested that instead of a second budget, the
City Manager, in preparing the basic budget, identify those
items he would recommend be ommitted if the initiative goes
Highway 805 and Councilman Cox referred to the Channel 39 Editorial which
Orange Avenue stated that the Orange Avenue exit ramp off Highway 805
is in need of street lighting.
Referred to staff It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Councilman
Scott and unanimously carried that the matter of adequate
lighting for the exit ramps at Orange Avenue and Otay
Valley Road off Highway 805 be referred to staff.
Briefing o£ Candidates It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Mayor Hyde
for April 11 Election and unanimously carried that any Council candidate who
has filed prior to Saturday (January 28, 1978) be in-
vited to come on the tour scheduled for that date, and
further, all candidates who have filed are to receive the
same agenda packets as the Council receives.
Policy regarding Councilman Egdahl questioned the need of a policy identi-
City signs lying the City limits.
Motion for staff It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by Councilman
report on signs Scott and unanimously carried that the staff identify the
streets where the signs are currently located and then
have staff recommend to the Council a list of street loca-
tions where such signs should be posted from the north
south, east and west.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hyde adjourned the meeting at 10:00 p.m. to the
Council Conference scheduled for Thursday, January 26, 1978
at 4:00 p.m. and the Council tour scheduled for Saturday,
January ~28, 1978 at 8:30 a.m.
Deputy City Clerk