Held Thursday - 4:00 p.m. April 12, 1979
An adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of Chula Vista, California, was held on the
above date beginning at 4:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, Public Services Building, 276
Fourth Avenue.
Councilmen present: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Cox, Egdahl, Gillow
Councilmen absent: Councilman Scott
Staff present: City Manager Cole, City Attorney Lindberg, Assistant City Manager
Asmus, Deputy City Manager Robens, Assistant City Attorney Harron,
Director of Personnel Thorsen, Fire Chief Longerbone, Director of
Parks & Recreation Hall
1. PRESENTATION BY CERTIFIED Mayor Hyde explained the purpose of the meeting was to hear
EMPLOYEE ORGANIZATIONS presentations by the employees organizations prior to the
time the City enters into empl~ye~s' negotiations.
a. Chula Vista Employees Mr. Jim Fuller, spokesman for the Employees Association,
Association said that their proposal has been sent to the City Manager.
They feel it is an equitable and fair package and asked for
Council's favorable consideration.
Angela Villagomez Ms. Villagomez, secretary to the Boards and Commissions,
said she has been with the City for eight years. She asked
that the Council take special recognition of the clerical
workers this year because "without them, this meeting
wouldn't even be held."
Mayor's comments Mayor Hyde expressed the Council's feelings towards the
employees: (1) tremendous appreciation of the fine work
done by the employees; (2) warm and personal interest in
their well-being; (3) hate to be put in the position of
being on opposite ends of the table, but this is the way
negotiations must be made.
Bill Wheeler Mr. Wheeler, Plan checker in the Building and HousinK
Department, with the City for 3~ years, said it was a
privilege to serve on the Chuta Vista Employees AssoCiation.
Ambrosio Daluraya Mr. Daluraya, an employee of the City for nearly eight years,
thanked the Council for their interest in hearing the
employees today.
Jim Fuller Mr. Fuller referred to their proposal indicating he would
not go into the details but hoped the Council would take a
sensitive position regarding employees' needs on negotiations.
b. Chula Vista Fire- Mr. Don Byrum, President of the Firefighters Association,
fighters Association submitted a fact sheet to the Council of a survey of wages,
workweek, and those c~ties having the 2% at 50 plan. Mr.
Byrum said he received his iS-year pin in November, but if
he had it to do all over again, he would not have chosen
Chula Vista, Since 1971, the department has been losing
people; from a minimum manning of 21, they are now down to
17; lost 5 firefighters; responses have increased 400%;
responsibilities and assignments within the department have
increased; he has personally obtained two educational degrees
adding that "the more professional I get, the less I'm
Held Thursday - 4:00 p.m. - 2 - April 12, 19~9
c. Police Officers Officer Stille, representing the police Officers Associ-
Association arson, cor~nented that as a result Of their last meet and
confer session, the Memorandum of Understanding stated
they would be able to meet (~ith Council] and thoroughly
discuss: the 2% at 50 issue. He attempted to comment on
this at the March 2~ meeting and was not allowed to do so.
Last week, he received a letter from the City Manager noting
the guidelines set up for this meeting: 15 minute presen-
tation and that the Council would not comment directly on
any presentation made hy the employee associations~.
Officer Stille remarked that the Association has been very
patient even though their MOU for 1978/7~ called for a
comparison survey to he completed by February 1, 1~79, and
that they would have access to the study fourteen days
prior to Council's meeting on that issue. None ofthese
things were done.
In December, the Police Qfficers_~AsSO~iBtion:lade their own
survey (a copy of which was presented to the Council).
Officer Stille discussed the questionnaire sent out to the
different cities [26) in which the questions asked pertained
to the 2% at 50, rate increases, and reasons for reductions.
He noted that the average rate increase experiBnced for 1~78
was 1.2877% for the 2% at 50 retirement plan commenting
that this is "not a runaway factor."
In checking with PERS, Officer Stille remarked that the
City has in its Safety account as of June 1978, $2,100,000.
The City Manager's office reported to the State government
in August 19'78 that the City. had $2,O98,821 in reserves
Cgeneral fund).
Officer Stille then delineated the survey made hy the City
of Bakersfield which showed Chula Vista as #13 of 44 cities
surveyed; #17 in the size of the area served; ~26 in police
per thpusand; #26 for requests for services; ~]8 in serious
crime;'#40 in-s:alarr positions; 52 out of the 44 cities had
the 2% at 50 plan -Chula Vista was not on that list.
The uonclusion reached hy the Police 0fficerS.Ass~cia~ion
is that the study made by the consultants show that the
PERS is Sound; their oval: p olicp survey study:
indicated that no city has shown a runaway rate increase
for this plan; Chula Vista has ample money in PERS in the
Safety account; the City has as adequate general fund
serve; after 31 years on the same retirement program, they
feel it is time to update that program.
d. Western Council of Mr. Jim Wright, representing the Western Council of Engineer~
Engineers remarked that they had no concrete proposal to offer the
Council at this time because "frankly, we dont know where
we are going this year." He added that he did not know if
the bargaining units were too hound by the President's
guidelines (7%) and if this was the case, then they would
have very little to say because the cost of living has
greatly exceeded that. Mr. ~righI asked that the Council he
cognizant of the morale of the people, keep the qualified
people on board and pay them a salary commensurate with
their positions.
Held Thursday - 4:00 p.m. - 3 - April 12, 1979
Consultants introduced City Manager Cole introduced Mr. JOhn Liebert and Dan
Cassidy of the firm of Paterson and Taggart who will handle
the negotiations for the City. Mr. Cole snggested an
Executive Session for the Council to meet with these
Motion for Executive It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by CouncilmanGillo~
Session and unanimously carried by those present that the Council
recess to Executive Session for reasons of employee nego-
The meeting recessed at 4:33 p.m. and the City Cle.rk was
excused. The City Manager was appointed Deputy City Clerk
and he reported that the Executive Session adjourned at
5:00 p.m.
ADJOURNN~BNT Mayor Hyde adjourned the meeting atS:00p.m. to the meeting
scheduled for Tuesday, April 17, 1979 at7:OO p.m.