Held Thursday - 4:00 p.m. February 8,1979
An adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California,
was held on the above date beginning at 4:00 p.m. in the Council Conference Room, City Hall,
276 Fourth Avenue.
Councilmen present: M~or Hyde, Councilmen Cox, Gillow, Scott, Egdahl (arrived 4:35 p.m,)
Councilmen absent: None
Staff. present: Acting City Manager Asmus, City Attorney Lindberg, Director of
Planning Peterson, Director of Public Works Robens, Director of
Finance Grant, Deputy City Manager Wittenberg., Traffic Engineer
Guest: Jim Verougstraete, Director of Research, Comprehensive' Planning
Order of agenda Mayor Hyde announced that Councilman Egdahl'would be late to the
changed meeting; for this reason and the fact that the representative f~om
the Comprehensive Planning Organization had to catch a flight to
Los Angeles shortly, he suggested the order of the agenda be
changed and the regional growth.presentation made at this time.
The COuncil ~oBcurred.
2. REGIONAL GROWTH Mr. Jim Veroughstraete said the CPO has been in the process
PRESENTATION - of doing a series of population forecasts for the entire
COMPREHENSIVE PLAN- San Diego Region (including total County area). Uslng
NING ORGANIZATION graphs and charts in a slide presentation, he discussed
four major findings: (1) how much growth is likely to
occur; (2) what factors cause growth to occur; (3) what
kinds of policies could be enacted in order to 'influence
growth and slow it down; and (4) the impacts of such
Population estimated He said forecasts indicate there will be nearly 2.47
at 2.47 million by 1995 million people in the San Di~go region by 1995, which the
CPO Board considers too much growth. They suggest a
"fair share" growth rate (growing at the same rate ~s' the
rest of the State) would resul%in 2.17 millionpeople/or
approximately 300,000 less people in the San Diego region.
The population increased last year by 38°000 people.
Mr. Veroughstraete said the CPO Board will meet on Febru-
ary 26 to consider whether a set of policies should be
adopted to slow the growth rate, or to determine where
people should locate and plan to accdmmodate the growth.
1. PUBLIC HEARING - This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor Hyde
CONSIDERATION OF TRANSFER opened the public hearing.
OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND Th~ application under consideration involves the transfe~
NECESSITY FROM BAY CITIES of Ballard's Bay Cities Ambuland~ permit to Narts~n's
AMBULANCE SERVICE TO Ambulance SerVice, who currently' provides service to the
HARTSON'S AMBULANCE citiesof San Diego, National City, La Mesa and E1 Cajon.
SERVICE Hartson's operate 19 vehicles, in addition to those to be
acquired from Mr. Ballard.
On the advice of t~e City Attorney, staff recommended the
Council waive the bidding process and award'the cobtract
to Mr. Hartson for emergency, Police lambUlance service -
if the transfer is approved.
Held Tt~urs~ay - 4 00 p.m. -2- February 8, 1979
The ~equir~d Police investigation has been comple~ed,
and staff recommended that the transfer be authorized.~=
Acting City Manager Asmus briefly discussed the three
resolutions under consideration and called attention to
the letter from Ms. Emily Ritter suggesting that a franchise
not be approved, but competitive ambulance service be
Question on study of Councilman Scott questioned a Statement in .the PoX~ce
financial status Department ~eport to the ~ffect that there wasno neces.sity
to conduct anin-depth study of Mr. Hartson~s financial
Acting City Manager Asmus said the Company's representa-
tives were present and had financial statements available,
but staff had not had an opportunity to review them.
(Councilman Egdahl arrived at this time - 4:35 p.m.)
Director of Finance directed The Council directed the Director of Finance to make a
to peruse financial statements quick perusal of the financial documents and report back
to the Council if he should need more time for further study.
:Robert L. Hartson, President Mr. Hamon gave a brief overview of his ambulance service,
Hart~on's Ambulance Service including his past experience .and current operations, and
· 4318 - 47th Street . described plans for a central dispatch and expanded facili-
San Diego, CA 92115 ties. He also' said they are interested in providing
paramedic services and willbe taking over Mr. Ballard's
paramedic staff.
Council discussion Council discussion ensued concerning facilities in Chula
Vista (Mr. Hartson is leasing Mr. Balla~d's facilities
and purchasing five of his ambulances); at least one mobile
intensive care unit will be operated in Chula Vista;
minimum'responSe time; rate increase not anticipated in
near future; andanaddltional location is planned, based
on population.
HerbertHillson 'Mr. HillSon said.he has been acquainted with the Hartson .
537 Hilltop Ambulanc6 Service for a num6er of years and ~ecommended
Chula Vista, CA ~Ithey be given an exclusiV~ franchise, rather than have
services.cut to lower costs in a competitive situation,
~hich might prove detrimental to the citizens.
Robe~t:Spradley, Mr. Spradley discussed their response time which averaged
Vice President 4.6 minutes. He stated everything possible will be done
Hartson's Ambulance'Service to provide adequate service to Chula'Vista within reasonable
response times.
Letter read into Mayor Hyde read the letter received .from Emily Ritter into
the record the record, which expressed her opposition to having an
exclusive franchise issued to the Hartson's Ambulance
Ted Bradt Mr. Bradt said he is interested inproviding ambulance
Aaron Ambulance Service service to those residents ~ho may not wish to call
1009 East 8th S~reet Hartson's for some reason and he has submitted an applica-
National City ~i0n for a Certificate Of Convenience and Necessity to
operate his ambulance service in the City 0f ChUla Vista.
.' Application to be set Acting City Manager Asmus said the application has been
for public hearing received, and after the required staff evaluation, it will
be set for a public hearing.
Public hearing 'closed There being no further c0mments~ either foror against,
the public hearing was declared'closed.
Held Thursday - 4:00 p.m. -3- February 8, 1979
Motion to hold decision It was moved by Mayor Hyde that a decision on this matter
until later in the meeting be continued until the Council has a report - before the'
meeting adjDurns - with regard to the profit and loss
statement that is being analyzed.
No ~econd to motion The.motion died for lac~ of a Second.
Insurance coverage ' Councilman Cox questioned the minimum insuraBce coverage as
questioned shown in the agreement for police ambulance service:
"...$50,000 for property damage in any one accident; and.
· $300,000 for death or injury to any two or more persons
in any one accident." He expressed concern that this is
not adequate.
Donald Lofft Mr. Lofft said his company handles the insurance for
Barney & Barney Insurance Hartson's Ambulance Service and currently their coverage
San Diego is $1,250,000 for bodily injury liability per person,
'Qith an additional $250,000 for more than one person or
$1,500,000 bodily ipjury liability for each occurrence;
$1,05Q,000 for p~operty damage; and $1,000,000 for pro-
fessional liability (realpractice) for each occurrence.
Motion to amend agreeraent It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Mayor Hyde,
for police ambulance service and unanimously carried that the Police Ambulance Agreement
be amended to reflect the insurance amounts indicated by
Mr. Lofft.
Decision delayed pending The Council concurred.that a deCisionon this item will be
review of financial documents trailed until later in the meeting, pending a recommendation
from the Director of Finance on financial statements under
3. CLOSURE OF" DirectOr of P~blic Works Robens discussed the comprehensive.
FIFTH AVENUE report submitted to the Couilcil and ,reviewed the staff
recommendations if it is determined that' Fifth Avenue should
be closed: (1) to replace the' fixed time traffic signals
at Fifth and "H", Broadway and "I", and Fourth and "I'~ with
futly actuated signals with left turn phases; I(2) provide.
right turn only lane on Fourth at "H" and on "H" and on
Broadway; (3) install raised curb median On Broadway
between "H" and "I"; and (4) p~0vide two way left turn
lane on Fourth between "H" and '.'I".
Improvements neededif Traffic Engineer HansOn reviewed thereport in detail,
shopping center is expanded noting that if the shopping center is expanded and ~ifth
Avenue closed, the improvements will be necessary to main-
tain the traffic circulation wi~h the same level Of :
congestion as it is today. Estimated costs for the improve,
ments are $300,000 to $400,000.
Impact of new cour~ In response to a query from Councilman Scott, Director of
facility negligible Public Works Robens said the new County facility;on Third
on traffic near Avenue ~ill not have a significant impact on traffic in
shopping center the area of the shopping center, based on a previous study.
Motion to accept repo~t It was moved by Councilman Scott and secondedby~Mayor Hyde
that the report be accepted
Motion clarified Councilman Scott clarified that the motion ~'not to. close
Fifth Avenue, but approving measures to be take~ if Fifth
Avenue is actually closed.
Motion carried The motion to accept the report Carried unanimously.
Held Thursday - 4:00 p.m. -4- February 8,' 1979
Motion for cost estimates It was ~oved by Mayor Hyde and seconded by Councilman -
Egdahl that'the staff be requested to provide the COuncil
with the best available estimates they =can on the cost of
other alternatives for accommodating the shopping center
expansion by either decking over Fifth Avenue or tunnel-
ing under a development across Fifth Avenue, or a combina-
tion of the two types of treatments; and when the information
is available, that it be brought back to the Council so a
decision can be made whether or not to close Fifth Avenue.
Council discussion Council discussion ensued concerning costs to the City as
opposed to costs accruing to th~ Shopping c~nter, limiting
types of vehicles permitted on Fifth Av~enue, and the
possibility of having overhead parking rather thana store
area over Fifth Avehue.
Addition to motion - Mayor Hyde said he would add to the motion the wording
motion carried "or other appropriate suggestions." Councilm~n Egdahl
agreed to the second and the motion carried unanimously.
1. PUBLIC HEARING - Director of Finance Grant reported that a brief review of
(Discussion - continued the profit and loss statement and balance sheet' pFepared
from earlier in the by Andrew Olson, CPA, for the Hartson's AmbulanCe Service
meeting) indicates adequate financial responsibility with good net
income and good ratio between current assets and liabilities.
a. RESOLUTION NO. 9489 - Offered by Councilman Gillow, the reading of the text was
AUTHORIZING'THE TRANSFER waived by uhanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
OF CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC following vote, to-wit:
FROM BAY CITIES A~BU- AYES: Councilmen Gillow, Scott, Cox, Egdahl, Hyde
b. RESOLUTION NO. 9490 - Offered by Councilman Gillow, the reading of the text was
APPROVING AGREEMENT waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
BETWEEN THE CITY OF following vote, t6-wit:
HARTSON'S AMBULANCE AYES: Councilm~n Gillow, Scott, Cox, .Egdah!, Hyde =.
(See motion on page 3 amending the agreement covered by
this resolution.)
c. RESOLUTION NO. 9491 - Offered by Councilman Gillow, the reading of the text was'
APPROVING AGREEMENT waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by"the-
WITH HARTSON'S.AMBU- following vote, to-wit:
PROVIDE PARAMEDIC AYES: Councilmen Gillow, Scott, Cox, Egdahl, Hyde
SERyICES Noes: None
Absent: None
4. REPORT ON INSURANCE It was moved by Mayor Hyde, secondedby Councilman Gillow
COVERAGE. FOR COUNCIL and unanimously carried that this item be continued!to
MEMBERS the meeting of February IS.
S. CONSIDERATION OF Acting City Manager Asmus said that on two previous oc-
LOCATIONOF SENIOR casions the Council has taken action indicating:the
SERVICE CENTER Senior Service Center should be located near Memorial
Park; the property was acquired and funds placed in the
Capital Improvement Program to remodel the building and
make it into a center. Mr. Asmus stated that staff recom-
mends this as an ideal location for this facility with
minimum cost.
Held Thursday - 4:00 p.m. " -5- February 8, 1979
Concern regarding Councilman Egdahl expressed concern regarding the mainte-
maintenance and upkeep nance and operation costs of the building and asked if staff
costs could have estimated dosts available at the Council Con~
ference next week.
Item 5 continued The Council concurred that discussion lof this matter be con-
until 2/15/79 tinued to the CoUncil Conference on February 1S when the
Council will consider the renovation of Cit~Hall.
Report on animal destruction Acting City Manager Asmus reported that arrangements have
been made with a local veterinarian and serum is available
for destruction of animals, He said the dec0mpression
chamber will no longer be used. However, staff recommends
that the order for the nitrogen chamber not be cance'lled as
legislation has not yet been introduced to ban this method.
Motion to contact It was moved by Councilmah Gillow, seconded by MayOr Hyde
League of Cities re and unanimously carried that the League of Cities be con-
nitrogen chamber tacted and asked if they will keep the Council informed of
any legislation that may come up on the nitrogen chamber and
that legislation to ban it not be supported.
Holiday schedule Mayor Hyde referred to the holiday schedule submitted to
and report the Council recommending that the Library close at 6:00
on Christmas Eve and New Year's EVe when these dates fall on
a day with a later normal closing.
MotiOn to accept report It was moved by Mayor Hyde that the report be accepted.
Suggestion to place report Councilman Scott requested that this be placed on a COun¢i'i
on Council agenda agenda for discussion.
Motion withdrawn Mayor Hyde withdrew his motion,
Mayor Hyde suggested that the report be discussed as an; item
under "City Manager' s Reports."
Management seminar Councilman Gillow reported he met with Peter Gregg yesterday ·
to be held April 30 and and it was recommended that the management seminar be hel~t
May 1, 1979 on two Iconsecutive days - April 30 and May 1 (Monday and
Tuesday)~ The Council concurred.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hyde adjourned the meeting a~ 5:55 p.m. to the regular
meeting scheduled for Tuesday, February 13,. 1979 in the
Council Chambers in the new Public Services Building'.