HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1979/01/16 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY
Held Tuesday 7:00 p.m. January 16, 1979
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California,
was held on the above date beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers,
City Hall, 276 Fourth Avenue.
Councilmen present: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Cox, Egdahl, Gillow, Scott
Councilmen absent: None
Staff present: City Manager Cole, City Attorney Lindberg, City En-
gineer Lippitt, Director of Building and Housing
Grady, Fire Chief Longerbone, City Librarian Simon
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Hyde followed by a
moment of silent prayer.
1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Coun-
cilman Egdahl and unanimously carried that the
minutes of the meeting of January 9, 1979 be ap-
proved, copies having been sent to each Council-
a. OATH OF OFFICE City Clerk Jennie Fulasz administered the Oath
SAFETY COMMISSION of Office to Oscar J. Vogel who was recently ap-
pointed to the Safety Commission.
a. REQUEST FOR RE- Mr. Thomas Money's current term of office on the
APPOINTMENT TO Parking Place Commission expires on January 30,
PARKING PLACE 1979. He requested reappointment to this Commis-
COMMISSION sion for an additional four-year term.
Thomas Money re- Mayor Hyde stated he has reappointed Thomas Money
appointed to Parking to the Parking Place Commission and asked for
Place Commission Council ratification.
Motion to ratify It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by
reappointment Councilman Cox and unanimously carried that the
appointment be ratified.
City Attorney Lindberg explained that in accordan
with Ordinance 1440, the four-year term of this
position on the Parking Place Commission expires
January 30, 1983.
LYNNE A. KIMBALL Lynne A. Kimball, 4812 Robert Frost Way, Sacramen
presented a claim in the amount of $507,500 for t
death of her husband while aboard PSA Flight 182
which crashed on September 25, 1978.
Motion to reject It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilma
claim and refer to Scott and unanimously carried that this claim be
City Attorney for rejected and referred to the City Attorney for
response reply.
Held Tuesday - 2 - January 16, 1979
S. PUBLIC HEARING - This public hearing was continued from the meeting of
CONSIDERATION OF TENTATIVE December 19, and referred back to staff to discuss alter-
SUBDIVISION MAP FOR native plans for providing the required storage for the
CHULA VISTA TRACT ?9-09 condominium conversion. The owner of the property has
(Continued from 12/19/78 been out of the country until recently and has requested
that the hearing he continued until February 6, 1979 to
allow sufficient time to prepare drawings showing the new
alternative area for storage.
Motion to continue It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by CounCilman Cox
until February 6, 1979 and unanimously carried that this matter be continued to
the meeting of February 6, 1979
6. RESOLUTION NO. 9457 Construction of the Civic Center Renovation Project has
EXTENDING UNTIL FEBRUARY been delayed due to inclement weather and the completion
15, 1979 THE CONTRACT date has been extended to February 2, 1979. It is neces-
WITH ALFRED E. O'DAY sary to have the Project Representative oversee the build-
AS PROJECT REPRESENTA- ing finishing and the proper functioning of all mechanical
TIVE FOR THE CIVIC CENTER equipment; therefore, staff recommended that the contract
RENOVATION PROJECT with Alfred E. O'Day be extended to February 15, 1979.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Hyde, Gillow, Scott, Cox
Noes: None
Absent: None
7, RESOLUTION NO. 9458 Bids were received on January 8, 1979 for construction of
ACCEPTING BIDS AND traffic signal improvements at Broadway/"L" Street. Staff
AWARDING CONTRACT FOR recommended that the contract be awarded to Arrow Electric
CONSTRUCTION OF TRAFFIC Company, low bidder, in the amount of $28,880.
In answer to a query from Councilman Egdahl, City Engineer
Lippitt stated this signal is being modernized to replace
old equipment and extend lights into the intersection to
improve visibility. This is being done due to the high
accident rate in this area last year. Mr. Lippitt also
said there will be no left turn arrow and this signal is
on the computer system.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Hyde, Gillow, Scott, Cox
Noes: None
Absent: None
8. RESOLUTION N0. 9459 In August 1978 the Council established July 1, 1979 as
REVISING DATE FOR the date for poles, overhead wires, and associated over-
REMOVAL OF POLES AND head structures to be removed within the Third Avenue
OVERHEAD FACILITIES Undergrounding District 108 from uG" to "H" Street and
WITHIN THE THIRD from "I" to "K" Street. Pacific Telephone Company is
AVENUE UNDERGROUND performing work above and beyond that normally required
UTILITIES DISTRICT and has requested that the poles-out date be extended to
NO. 108 October 15, 1979. Staff reviewed the request and recom-
mended approval.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Cox, Egdahl, Hyde, Gillow
Noes: None
Absent: None
Held Tuesday - 3 - Januaryl6; 1979
9..RESOLUTION NO. 9460 In~iuded aS ~art .of this project are the street improvements
"'ACCEPTING BIDS AND on the east side of Hilltop Drive adjacent to the County-
AWARDING CONTRACT FOR owned lot at the northeast comer of Hilltop Drive and "H"
CONSTRUCTION~OF CURBS, Street. The County has deposited funds with the City for
GUTTERS, SIDEWALKS, this construction.
WHEELCHAIR RAMPS - Bids were received on December 21, 1978 and the low bid
TOWN CENTRE AREA submitted by L. R. Hubbard, Jr. is $2,931.28 below the En-
gineer's estimate. Staff recommended approval and the
Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development ap-
proved the low bidder's eligibility to participate in a
Block Grant Project.
In answer to a query from Councilman Cox, City Engineer
Lippltt said the City, in cooperation with the County,
could use the 1911 Act for street improvements in the area
of Hilltop and "~' Street to E1 Rancho Vista.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Cox, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous.consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Cox, Egdahl, Hyde, Gillow, Scott
Noes: None
Absent: None
10. RESOLUTION NO. 9461 At the January 9, 1979 meefing the Council directed that a
PROVIDING FOR SPECIAL resolution be brought back appropriating the necessary funds
APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS for the increase of $350 in membership fees and for the
FOR ADDITIONAL B~BER- special assessment o{ $3,672, for a total of $4,022 to be
SHIP FEE AND BUILDING remitted to the National League of Cities.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading ofthe text was
waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Hyde, Gillow, Scott, Cox
Noes: None
Absent: None
11. RESOLUTION NO. 9462 The Council recently approved the final map for the con-
ELEASING LIEN ON version of condominiums known as La Bonita. In processing
PROPERTY EAST OF 4215 . the final escrow arrangements, the title company noted
BONITA ROAD - RICHARD that a lien agreement.executed on June 24, 1969 for the
W. AND MARIAN B. WILSON installation of certain public improvements has not been
AND GORDON AND ELSA released, although the improvements were completed and
M. PETTIT accepted in 1970.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Cox, Egdahl, Hyde, Gillow
Noes: None
Absent: None
12. ORDINANCE NO. 1851 - On January 9, 1979 the Council placed this ordinance on
A~NDING THE MUNICIPAL first reading. It requires the upgrading of all buildings
CODE TO PROVIDE FOR prior to moving them in the City.
Held Tuesday - 4 - January 16, 1979
Ordinance placed on It was moved by Councilman Gillow that this ordinance be
second reading and placed on its second reading and adopted and that the
adopted reading of the text be waived by unanimous consent.
The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Gillow, Scott, Cox, Egdahl, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
13. ORDINANCE NO. 1852 - On January 9, 1979 the Council placed this ordinance on
AMENDING SECTIONS OF first reading amending the City Code to include an ad-
THE MUNICIPAL CODE RE- ditional definition for "hazardous wastes"; increasing
LATING TO GARBAGE AND the capacity of receptacles wlth mixed content to 40 gal-
LITTER - SECOND READING lons; and establishing the weight of empty receptacles at
AND ADOPTION a maximum of fifteen pounds, with a fully loaded container
maximum of sixty pounds.
Ordinance placed on It was moved by Councilman Gillow that this ordinance be
second reading and placed on its second reading and adopted and that the
adopted reading of the text be waived by unanimous consent.
The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: CoLmcilmen Gillow, Scott, Cox, Egdahl, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
14. CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST On January 9, 1979 the Council requested that the Chamber
FROM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE of Commerce Visitor and Convention Industry Report, par-
TO SELL MUNICIPAL GOLF ticularly as it applied to the recommended ~ale of the
COURSE (Continued from Municipal Golf Course, he placed on this agenda for re-
the meeting of 1/9/79) consideration.
Sale of Municipal Golf Mayor Hyde stated that at the meeting last week, the Coun-
Course not feasible cil determined this was not feasible and suggested that it
be deleted from the study which was referred to the Mayor's
Economic Advisory Committee and staff for review and eval-
Vince Davies, President Mr. Davies said that the intent of the Chamber was that a
Chula Vista Chamber of motel and convention center be established at the inter-
Commerce section of 1-805 and East "H" Street, with a golf course
as part of the complex. The Chamber suggested that the
Municipal Golf Course be sold to the County as one means
of raising funds. They did not intend that the Golf
Course be disposed of or that it cease being used as a
golf course.
Chamber has no ob- In r~sponse to a query from Mayor Hyde, Mr. Davies said
jections to deleting the Chamber would have no objections if reference to the
their recommendation sale of the Golf Course was deleted from their total
to sell the Golf Course proposal.
Letter opposing sale Mayor Hyde noted that a letter had been received from the
of Golf Course Bonita Business & Professional Association outlining their
objections to the proposal to sell the Municipal Golf
Motion not to consider It was moved by ~]ayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Gillow
sale of Golf Course and unanimously carried to indicate to both staff and the
Mayor's E conom~c Advisory Committee that the City Council
does not wish to have them pursue further the idea of the
City disposing of the Chula Vista Municipal Golf Course.
Held Tuesday - 5 - January 16, 1979
16. REPORT ON PROPOSED On December 6, 1978, after reviewing and evaluating
ELECTRONIC LIBRARY FOR Mr. Sid Cornell's suggestion for an "electronics library,"
THE CHULA VISTA LIBRARY the Library Board of Trustees concurred that the proposal
is not feasible at this time due to fiscal constraints
imposed on the City and lack of staff for such a project.
The staff concurred with the Board's recommendation.
Motion to accept Library It was moved by Mayor Hyde and seconded be Councilman Cox
Board's and staff's that the Council accept the recommendations of the City
recommendations Librarian and the Library Board which indicate they do not
concur with the recommendation of Mr. Cornell with regard
to an "electronic library" for the Chula Vista Library.
Councilman Gillow commented that the decision made to pur-
chase DataPhase equipment is a step in the direction of
having an electronic library.
Motion carried The motion to accept Library Board and staff recommendations
carried unanimously. (Electronics library not feasible at
this time.)
Motion for letter to It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Cox
Mr. Cornell and unanimously carried that the staff prepare a letter
to Blr. Cornell, advising him of the Library Board and
Council action in this regard, and thanking him for his
thoughtfulness in making the suggestion and indicating
the Council's appreciation.
Problem relating to Mayor Hyde referred to a problem regarding the City's noise
"noise" ordinance ordinance as it relates to "guard dogs" where a citation
was issued to a business concern for barking dogs, and on
removal of the dogs, the property was vandalized. He
asked if the staff had a recommendation on this matter.
Report not completed City Manager Cole said the problem has been discussed, and
although the report is not completed it appears that having
guard dogs in a residential area is inappropriate.
Staff not prepared City Attorney Lindberg concurred adding that although staff
to recommend modifica- recognizes the problem, they are not prepared to recommend
tion to ordinance any modification of the ordinance in the hope that a better
solution can be found. He indicated that as the result of
court cases pending, a solution may be forthcoming.
Report on proposed Councilman Gillow reported on the proposed management
management seminar seminar, noting that the dates on March 31 and April 28,
1979 have been reserved. He said he contacted Dr. Harris,
who will be available on April 28. Dr. Harris also in-
dicated he could make cassettes on negotiations and em-
ployee relations available to the Council before the seminar
Peter Gregg's Councilman Gillow stated Peter Gregg's representative will
representative to be contacting him in a couple of days to advise when Mr.
contact Councilman Gregg will be available to conduct a seminar. He also
Gillow said Mr. Gregg agreed to meet with him and other members
of the Council prior to the seminar to discuss topics to
be covered.
Held Tuesday - 6 - January 16, 1979
Environmental impact - Councilman Gillow referred to a recent Council discussion
drive-in restaurants concerning the environmental impact of drive-in restaurants
and stated he feels this warrants further study.
Motion for study by It was moved by Councilman Gillow, seconded by Councilman
Environmental Control Scott and unanimously carried that the Environmental Con-
Commission trol Commission be asked to look into this and perhaps
invite some speakers on this subject and report back to
the Council.
Senate Bill 114 - Councilman Cox reported that the Legislative Committee has
Limitation on Contractual reviewed Senate Bill 114 (Beverly) relating to limitation
Indemnification on contractual indemnification. This bill would limit
the manner in which a city may indemnify itself against
liability arising out of acts of contractors and would
shift the full costs of those risks to the public taxpayer.
He said the Legislative Committee recommends that the local
legislators be contacted and let them know the Council
opposes this bill.
Motion to contact It was moved by Councilman Soctt, seconded by Mayor Hyde
legislators and unanimously carried that local legislators be contacted
as recommended.
Formula for transit Mayor Hyde said he overlooked reporting that the Comprehen-
systems set at 80% sive Planning Organization on Monday approved the financing
passengers/20% miles formula for the transit systems in the County - on the
basis of 80% of funds based on passengers served and 20%
based on miles. He said it appears this will be the last
year this formula will be used and a different formula will
be devised next year more in tune with the needs and con-
ditio~s of the transportation districts.
National League of Mayor Hyde referred to the National League of Cities con-
Cities conference ference in Washington, D.C. March 4 through 6, 1979. He
March 4 - 6, 1979 said it has been suggested that the Redevelopment Agency
meeting of March 1st be changed to March 8th as Council
members attending would like to leave early for the con-
Motion to reschedule It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Cox and
Redevelopment Agency unanimously carried that the Redevelopment Agency be di-
meeting rected to reschedule their meeting of March 1 to March 8,
RESOLUTION - Mayor Hyde announced that the City Attorney had presented
APPROVING LEASE OF a unanimous consent item - a resolution approving the
AUTOMOBILE TO CITY lease of automobile and payment of insurance coverage for
INSURANCE THEREFOR City Attorney Lindberg said it has been called to his
attention that this would be in the best interest of the
City, to protect the overall City coverage, which presently
includes his automobile used for both business and personal
use. This resolution would provide special insurance for
this vehicle.
Council discussion Council discussion ensued concerning including other ve-
hicles assigned to City personnel, the need to study the
ramifications, concern regarding the item being considered
under "unanimous consent" and the suggestion that the prob-
1 em should be looked at as a whole and alternatives con-
City Attorney Lindberg explained that he would feel more
comfortable in not exposing the City's liability policy
in his situation, since the Council has authorized his
personal use of the vehicle.
Held Tuesday - 7 - January 16, 1979
Motion for report It was moved by Councilman Scott and seconded by Mayor Hyde
at next meeting that the staff be directed to look into the problem brought
up by Mr. Lindberg and give the Council a report on a solu-
tion and alternatives at the next meeting.
Councilman Gillow questioned if there is anything different
that can be presented next week than what was presented
Motion carried The motion for report carried by the following vote, to-wit
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hyde, Cox, Egdahl
Noes: Councilman Gillow
Absent: None
Reminder of League of Mayor Hyde called attention to the California League of
Cities dinner on Cities dinner being hosted hy Chula Vista on Thursday night
January 18, 1979 in the new Public Services/Council Chambers building, start
ing at 6:30 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hyde adjourned the meeting at 7:S3 p.m. to the regula:
meeting of January 23, 1979 in the Council Chambers, City
Hall at 7:00 p.m.
Deputy City Clerk