CHUL~> V~STA~ C~LIFO~IA : ,.:..:
Held Tuesday -.7:00p.m. ;' January 9, .~979
A regular meeting of the City Council of Chula Vista, California, was held on the above date
beginning at 7:00 p~m. in the CouncilChamber, City Ha11,276 F.our~h Avenue.
Codncilmen present: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Cox, Egdahl, Gill6w, Scott
Councilmen absent: No~e
Staff present: City Manager Cole, City Attorney Lindberg, Assistant City Manager
I. Asmus, Director of Public Works Robens, Director of planning Peterson,l
Director Of BuildiRa and Housing Grady, City Librarian Simon, Acting~,
Director of Personnel Thorsen, City Engineer Lippitt~ Fi~e Chief
Longerbone, Transit Coordinator Bloom
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Hyde followed by a moment of silent
1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by COuncilman Cox, seconded by Councilman
Egdahl and unanimously carried that the minutes Of the
meetings of December 28, 1978 and January 2, 1979 be ap~
proved, copies having been sent to each Councilman.
a. RHSOLUTION NO. 9447 Mr. Campbell was first appointed to the San Diego CoUnty
CO~4ENDING C. R. "BOB" Unified Port DistriCt in 1964 with his term of office ex-
CAMPBELL FOR HIS SERVICES piring on January 2, 1979.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdmhl~ the text was read by Mayor
Hyde, and the resolution was passed and adoptedby unanimous
vote of the City Council.
Presentation Mayor Hyde presented Mr. Campbell with a plaque and desk
set as a token of appreciation for his services as the
City's representative on the Port Commission.
b. RESOLUTION NO. 9445 Offered by CounCilman Egdahl, the text was read by May~r
COB{F~NDING BONITA VISTA Hyde, and the resolution was passed and adopted by unanimous
HIGH SCHOOL LIFE FROGRAM vote of the City Council.
Mayer Hyde presented the Resolution to Mat~ Muld~on'of Bonita
Hig~ School, thanking him and all the participating students
for this outstanding achievement.
James Mathotly Mr. Mathotly read the testimony he gave at the meeting of
402 Oaklawn Avenue, the San Diego Metropolitan Transit Development Board on.
Ehula Vista Monday, January 8, 1979, opposing "spending money for im-
plementation of a passenger and freight train system that
routes through Mexico."
Claude page Mr. Page submitted a report to the Council made at their
San Diego Transit Board of Directors meeting today recommending the ~limina-
Corporation tion of several bus routes and some layoffs due t0their
present financial and labor problems. Mr. Page pointed
out that one of the routes to be abandoned would be Route
100, which begins at Coronado Avenue (Imperial Beach), goes
along the free~ay and then intoChula Vista, back to the
freeway and into Downtown San Diego.
Council discussion The CoUncil questioned Mr. Page on the cost of the Route
(75% paid by San Diego and 25% by Chula Vista) with the prob~
ability of Chula Vista picking up the entire cost and keep-
ing the route in operation. In answer to the Counci]~s
query, Director of Public Works Robens said he could have
a report and possible recommendation to the Council at the
Conference scheduled for Thursday, Januaryll, i979.
Held TUesday ' JanUary 9,11979
Motion 'toeontinue It was moved by MayoF Hyde, seconded by Councilman S~6~:
and unanimously carried that this matter be referred to
staff and ask for a report (aS best as they' ca~ make ~t)
at the Council Conference on Thursday.
(1) JotgeE. Rosas Mr. Rosas filed a claim in the amoLmt of $7S0,00~ for al~
s038 - 46thstreet leged damages as.the result ofan accident occurring on
San Diego 9210S September 21, 1978 at 4000 Hain Street in which he was
injured. ,
(2) Janice and Sharon Smith The claim was filedin the amount of $1,S00,O00 as a result
894S Gilardi Road of the PSA Flight 182 airplane crash on September 2S, 1978
Newcastle, CA 9S6S8 resulting in the death of their father.
Hotion regarding claims It was moved by May~r Hyde, seconded by Councilman Egdahl
and unanimously carried that the claim of Jorge Rosas be
referred to the insurance carrier for investigation and
recommendation, and the claim of J~nice and Sharon Smith
be rejected and referred to the City Attorney for response.
S. PUBLIC HEARING - This being the time and place as advertised, Hayor Hyde
CONSIDERATION OF PRECISE opened the public hearing. .
SHOPPING CENTER PHASE II, Director of Planning PetersOn e~plained that the applicant
551-599 TELEGRAPH CANYON has submitted a precise plan for the development of the
ROAD - RUBEN POPLAWSKI shopping center addition on a 6.33 acre. p~rcel located at
the northwest corner of Telegraph C~nyon Road and Crest
· Drive in the C-C-P zone. The proposed development ~epre-
sents the selcond and'final phase of the shopping center
complex under construction on the north side of Telegraph
Canyon Road between Halecrest and Crest Drives. The
applicant proposes to construct a 32,800 square foot com-
mercial retail structure instead of the previously pro-
posed home improvement center. The number of parking spaces
has been reduced from 247 to 197 spaces which number still
exceeds Code requirements. The Planning Commission r~c-
ohmended approval of the precise plan in accordance with
their Resolution N0. PCM-79-17.
Sign requirements Mr. Peterson discussed the freestandi n g signs proposed
by the applicant. At the time the Council approVed Phase
I, the Council denied the applicant's request for a 2S
foot high freestanding sign at the w~sterly end of the
center, stating further consideration would be given to
this sign at some point in the future. The applicantis
again asking for consideration this evening for anad-
ditional 32 foot freestanding sign located at the easterly
entrance way of the center. The staff concurs that this
would be a better location for the freestanding sign
(instead of the westerly end of the center) and is rec-
ommsnding approval.
Letter of appeal Mayor Hyde noted the letter received from RubenPoplawski,
General Partner, appealing condition number four which
states: "Prior to issuance of any building permits, the
developer must enter into an agreement acceptable to the
City for reimbursement to the City for funds expended for
acquisition of Crest Drive right-of-way."
City Attorney Lindberg stated that he met with the de-
veloper's representative today and agreed on a settlement
figure to be proposed to the Council at an Executive
Session at a later time. The present condition can stand
at this time.
Held Tuesday - 3 - January 9~ .1979"
Douglas Paul Mr. Paul concurred With the p~esentation give~'by the
Project Design ConSultant Director of Planning. He explained that the h~ight of tke
4653 Leathers Street sign proposed for the east end ofthe project Willbe 23
San Diego feet.
In answer to Councilman ScOtt'sl query, Mr~ paUl..stated'
that the only ~igns proposed for the Center ~rei, the two
freestanding signs requested by the applicant:,] There Will.
be building signsassociated~ith the tenants in t'heShop~
ping center, and should one of the tenants wish to make
application to the City for a separate sign for its business,
the applicant would not object.
Mr. Paul added that they are withdrawing thei~ appeal of
condition #4 at this time.
Gilbert Dreyfuss Mr. Dreyfuss reiterated that they are withdrawing the ap-
333 South Hope Street peal based on the Attorney's ~onunents, and will stand bY
Los Angeles the Council's concurrence.
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, either for or against,
the hearing was declared'!closed.
a. RESOLUTION NO. 9449 Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of the text was
APPROVING THE PRECISE PLAN waived by unanimous consent~ passed and adopted by the'
FOR CANYON PLAZA SHOPPING following vote, to-wit:
TELEGRAPH CANYON ROAD AYES: Councilmen Scott, Cox, Egdah!, Hyde, Gillow
Noes: None
Absent None
6. PUBLIC HEARING - This being the time and pl'aCe as advertised, Mayor Hyde
CONSIDERATION OF ES- opened the public hearing.
UTILITIES ALONG FOURTH City Engineer Lippitt explained that this public hearing'
AVENUE FROM "E" TO "F" was called by the Council (Resolution 9381) to determine
STREETS AND ALONG "F" whether public necessity, health, safety or welfare re~
STREET FROM FOURTH AVENUE quired the formation of an underground. utility district
TO 736 FEET WESTERLY OF in this area. The formation of the district will require
THE FOURTH AVENUE/ the property owners within the district to convert their
"F" STREET INTERSECTION electrical service connection to receive underground fa-
cilities'on a date to be set inthe future. The cost of
converting the electric service connection will be borne
by the property owner.
Cost of the proposed Mr. Lippitt added that the cost will be funded from the
district accumulated allocations from SDG&E.
In answer to the Council's queries, Director .of Building
and Housing Grady stated that the cost to eaq~ individual
property owner depends ona lot of variables, but an~es-
timated average cost would be between $300 and $400.
Trenching costs Mr. Grady explained that his staff works with the people
in the district urging them to get one contractor to do
the trenching, thereby reducing the cost.
Public ~earing closed There being no conunents, either for or against, the hearing
: was declared closed.
6a. RESOLUTION NO. 9450 Offered by Mayor Hyde, the reading of the text was waived
ESTABLISHING AN UNDER- by unanimous consent, passed and adopted'by the following
~'E"'TO "F" STREET AND AYES: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen'Gillow, Scott, Cox, Bgdah!
FOURTH AVENUE TO 736 Absent: None
Held Tuesday - 4 ~ January 9, 1979
7. RESOLUTION NO. 9451 Bids were received on September 26, 1978 for th~ automated
ACCEPTING BID OF DATA library circulating system. In computing the bids, the
PHASE, INC. FOR AUTOMATED City Librarian noted that although the low bid was submitted
LIBRARY CIRCULATION SYSTEM by C. L. Systems, the bid from Data Phase would save the
AND REJECTING ALL OTHER City approximately $31,025 over a seven-year period due to '
BIDS operations. It was his recommendation and that of the Data
Processing Consultant that the contract be awarded to Data
Phase in the amount of $161,629 ($152,480 plus 6% sale~ tax).
Resolution offered Offered by Mayor Hyde, the reading of the text was waived
by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the following
vote, to-wit:
AYES: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Gillow, Cox, Egdahl
Noes: Councilman Scott
Absent: None
8. RESOLUTION NO. 9~52 Beginning November 10 through December 27, 1978, the con-
GRANTING A TWENTY-EIGHT tractor was delayed in completion of the project due to
DAY EXTENSION OF CONTRACT inclement weather. Robert G. Fisher Company requested an
TO COMPLETE TIlE CIVIC additional extension of their contract - 28 days. This
CENTER RENOVATION PROJECT would extend the completion date to February 8, 1979.
League dinner meeting Councilman Egdahl questioned whether there would be any
legal ramifications to the City for using the building on
January 18, 1979-the League dinner meeting. City Manager
Cole responded that the City can get a partial release
from the contractor for this one evening.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Cox, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Cox, Egdahl, Hyde, Gillow
Noes: Councilman Scott
Absent: None
9. RESOLUTION NO. 9453 The contractpr, gill Meza Construction, has completed the
ACCEPTING PUBLIC IMPROVE- removal and replacement of concrete and expansive soil
MENTS FOR REMOVAL AND from the porch walkway at the library. A final inspection
REPLACEMENT OF CONCRETE was made on December 22, 1978 and all work found to be
WALK AT THE LIBRARY completed in accordance with the plans.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Cox, Egdahl, Hyde, Gillow
Noes: None
Absent: None
10. RESOLUTION NO. 9454 On September 26, 1978, (Resolution No. 9299), the Council
ACCEPTING CHULA VISTA approved an agreement with the firm of Stephen George &
TRANSIT 5-YEAR FINANCIAL Associates to provide technical and professional services
PLAN UPDATE BY STEPHEN in updating the five-year (FY 1979-83) financial plan for
GEORGE AND ASSOCIATES the Chula Vista Transit system. The financial plan update
AND AWARDING PAYMENT will be part of the City's overall five-year short range
transit development plan which must be submitted to the
Comprehensive Planning Organization and UMTA if the City
is to receive Federal capital grants and operating' assis-
tance funds. The report clarifies the financial condition
of the City in terms of funding its local transit service
during the next five years. It states that the City's
support requirements will reach a figure of $256,000 in
fiscal 1982 and $345,000 in fiscal 1983. The five-year
total through 1983 of City funds going into the financing
of Chula Vista Transit would be approximately $8?7,000.
Held Tuesday - S - January 9, 1979
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading Of the text was
waived by unanimous consent, passed and a~opted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Hyde, Gillow, Scott, Cox
Noes: None
Absent: None
11. RESOLUTION N0. 9455 The Director of Finance reported that the City'received
APPROPRIATING FEDERAL its last quarterly payment of Federal Anti-Recession
ANTI-RECESSION FUNDS Assistance money on July 6, 1978. It was the staff's
recommendation that the final quarterly payment of $28,369.~
plus the investment income of $9,414.13 ($37,783.13 total)
be appropriated for employer's contributions to the Public
Employees Retirement System.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Cox, Egdahl, Hyde, Gillow
Noes: None
Absent: None
12~ ORDINANCE NO. 1851 On December 13, 1977, the City Council adopted Ordinance
AMENDING THE CITY CODE No. 1780 which prohibits the moving of buildings into the
RELATING TO THE MOVING, City. This was prompted by the passage of Senate Bill
RELOCATING AND DEMOLISHING 1072 which prohibited the City from requiring any tenova-
OF BUILDING - FIRST tion other than a new foundation and utility connection.
READING Director of Building and Housing Grady submitted a written
report to Council stating that he received a letter from
Mr. Xavier Mendoza, Chief of the Department of Housing
and Community Development, stating that the City could
continue requiring the upgrading of all buildings moved
into the City.
Mayor Hyde noted that the Council had asked Assemblyman
Deddehto sponso~ legislation modifying the State require-
ments which had caused the problems on this.
Ordinance placed on It was moved by Mayor Hyde that this ordinance be placed
first reading on its first reading and that the reading Of the text be
waived by unanimous consent.
The motion carried by the following vote to wit:
AYES: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Gillow, Scott, Cox, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
Letter to Assemblyman It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Deddeh Cox and unanimously carried that a letter be written
(over the Mayor's signature) indicating the. Eity does
not feel the need for that legislation any longer.
13. ORDINANCE NO. 1852 The ordinance has been amended to include a definition
AMENDING SECTIONS OF for "hazardous wastes"; the capacity of garbage receptacles
THE MUNICIPAL CODE with a mixed content has been increased from 18gallons
RELATING TO GARBAGE to 40 gallons; the weight of the empty receptacles has been
AND LITTER - established at a maximum of 'fifteen pounds; and a fully
FIRST READING loaded container may not now exceed sixty pounds, rather
than the previous eighty pounds.
Council's comments Councilman Egdahl referred to the definition of "hazardous
wastes" and questioned whether hypodermic needles would
fall into this category, noting that many people haveto
use the needles for necessary medical shots. Councilman
Gillow suggested the needles be bent back, thereby they
would b~ "non-hazardous." Administrative Analyst Swart-
fager agreed, adding that C~ula Vista Sanitary Service
would help anyone with this problem - telling them who to
contact in disposing of this material.
Held Tuesday - 6 - January 9, 1979
Ordinance placed on It was moved by Councilman Scott that this ordinance be
first reading placed on its first reading and that the reading of the
text be waived by unanimous consent.
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Cox, Egdahl, Hyde, Gillow
Noes: None
Absent: None
14. ORDINANCE - In accordance with the Council's direction on December 12,
AMENDING THE MUNICIPAL 1978, the City Attorney drafted the ordinance establishing
CODE RELATING TO THE the duties and functions of the Human Relations Commission
DUTIES AND FUNCTIONS to include the responsibility for recommending and advising
OF THE HUMAN RELATIONS on matters relating to senior citizens, housing for low
COMMISSION - and moderate income families, disabled and handicapped per-
Referred to Human It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Egdahl
Relations Commission and unanimously carried that this matter be continued and
and staff referred to the Human Relations Commission for comment,
and then rescheduled after the Council has had an oppor-
tunity to hear their comments - and also be referred to
the staff.
15. RESOLUTION NO. 9456 Following passage of Proposition 13 one of the reductions
AMENDING RESOLUTION 9157 made in the 1978-79 budget was that the duties of the
AND REESTABLISHING THE Director of Personnel were to be consolidated with and
POSITION OF DIRECTOR OF performed by the Deputy City Manager. After extensive
PERSONNEL AND APPRO- studies relating to reorganizations of City departments,
PRIATING FUNDS THEREFOR the City Manager has now recommended that the position
of Director of Personnel be maintained and requested an
appropriation of $12,000 as salary for the Director for
the remainder of the fiscal year.
Resolution offered Offered by Mayor Hyde, the reading of the text was waived
by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the following
vote, to-wit:
AYES: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Gillow, Scott, Cox, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
a. Report on National League City Manager Cole submitted a written report noting that
of Cities Building Assess- the membership dues in the National League for calendar
ment year 1979 is $1,800 and the City's assessment cost for
the League's new building is $3,672.
Mayor Hyde explained that this report was continued from
the meeting of November 28, 1978 pending a reply from the
League for reimbursement of registration fees for the
Councilmen Who did not attend the last League Conference.
Mr. Williams of the National League staff called him this
morning and stated that all but $2S.00 of the registration
fee will be returned to the City. Mayor Hyde recommended
acceptance of the report.
Motion to pay dues and It was moved by Councilman Egdahl and seconded by Council-
assessment fee man Scott that the report be accepted and the staff di-
rected to bring back a resolution appropriating the neces-
sary funds.
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott, Cox, Hyde
Noes: Councilman Gillow
Absent: None
Reason for opposing Councilman Gillow stated he voted against the motion since
he does not feel the City is getting enough return for its
Held Tuesday - 7 - January 9, 1979
17. REPORT - UPDATE ON The Acting Director of Personnel submitted a written report
VOLUNTEER PROGRAM stating that volunteer coordinators have been named in
Parks and Recreation and the Library. Contact has also
been made with the Volunteer Bureau Division of United
Way of San Diego County. Two additional areas have been
added to the program: 48 volunteers for book delivery to
shut-ins and 2 volunteers in the City Clerk's office.
Report accepted It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Mayor Hyde
and unanimously carried that the report be accepted.
,18. REPORT- COMPLETION The Director of Public Works submitted a status report in-
OF "H" STREET IMPROVE- dicating that a full report, including background, new
MENTS THROUGH EL RANCHO information and assessments of how the East "H" Street
DEL REY improvements can be installed, will be given to the Council
on February 13, 1979.
Status report accepted It was moved by COuncilman Cox, seconded by Councilman
Egdahl and unanimously carried that the report be accepted.
19. REPORT ON STAFF RECOM- In a written report to Council, the Direct or of Public 'Wo~
MENDATION OF UMTA SECTION reported that approximately nine months ago, Council ap-
5 ALLOCATION FORMULA proved a 50% revenue passengers/50% revenue miles for al-
location of UMTA Seciton 5 funds in FY 1979. The Compre-
hensive Planning Organization has adopted the present 80%
revenue passengers/20% revenue miles formula. Since they
are the administering body for these funds in the San
Diego region, they will be making a decision on January 1S
on which formula will be used to allocate more than $10
million in UMTA funds during FY 1980. From a self-interest
standpoint, the Director of Public Works indicated that
the proposal most advantageous to the City would be the
formula based on population/population density. This
would ~rovide about five times as much funding to the City
as under the present formula. However, he added that 'the
formula based on the 50% revenue passengers/50% population
density would be fair to all concerned.
Motion to a~cept report It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilm~n
Egdahl and unanimously carried that the report be accepted
and the recommendation forwarded to the Comprehensive
Planning Organization.
SAN DIEGO COUNTRY City Attorney Lindberg explained that the agreement executel
CLUB AGREEMENT in January 1977 is up for renewal. As a result of Propo-
sition 13, the City no longer has a measure of the amount
the Country Club would normally pay in relationship to
other property owners. (Last year, they paid $2600).
Mr. Lindberg said he discussed this with the Director of
Finance and it was suggested that they take the property
valuation and the applied tax rate of last year, add to
it the inflation factor, and increase the amount the
~ountry Club paid in the past year as well as the increase
in the utility users' tax which they would be required to
pay under the agreement.
Motion to contact It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Mayor Hyde
the Country Club and unanimously carried that, as a starting point, the
staff first contact the Country Club, discuss this with
them, and then bring it back to Council.
Council/School Mayor Hyde remarked that a joint Councii/School Districts
joint meeting meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 17, 1979. The
schools have been contacted and there is only one item for
discussion. In view of this, he suggested the meeting be
Held Tuesday - 8 - January 9, 1979
Motion to cancel It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Scott
and unanimously carried that the joint meeting of the
Council and School Districts scheduled for January 17 be
Appointment to Safety Mayor Hyde reported that he appointed Mr. Oscar Vogel, 42
Commission Millan Court, Chula Vista, to the Safety Commission.
Motion to ratify It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Cox and unanimously carried that the appointment be rati-
Chamber of Commerce Mayor Hyde referred to the proposal of the Chamber of Com-
proposal merce at a recent meeting at which they submitted a report
recommending the sale of the Chula Vista Municipal Golf
Course with the proceeds to be used to purchase and develop
a golf course east of 1-805 and "H" Street. This matter~
was referred to the staff and the Economic Advisory Com-
Mayor Hyde said he has been having second thoughts on this
and finds many objections to the salt of the Municipal Golf
Course, such as (1) the present golf course is on flood
plain land and should not he used for a more intensive
commercial use; (2) unrealistic to sell the land and buy
comparable land in the "H" Street 1-805 area; (3) City
still owes $680,000 on the municipal bonds and this would
have to be paid off before buying other land; (4) the City
has its own water supply from its own wells at the present
golf course; (5) the golf course was acquired on the vote
of the people and it should go back to the citizens for
the question of disposition.
Motion for staff not It was moved by Mayor Hyde and seconded by Councilman
to consider selling Gillow that the Council indicate to the staff that they
golf course should no longer consider any idea of selling that golf
Discussion of motion Councilman Scott remarked that the proposal came from the
Chamber of Commerce, and as a courtesy, they should be
notified before any action is taken by the Council.
Substitute Motion It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Cox and uanimously carried that this matter be held over
for one week and make it an agenda item; and that the
Council not pursue the matter and inform the Chamber of
Commerce and let them respond.
RegiOnal Growth Mayor Hyde announced that representatives of the Compre-
PreSentation hensire Planning Organization have requested that they
address the Council on Regional Growth at the Conference
scheduled for Thursday, February 8, 1979 at 4:00 p.m.
Motion to confirm date It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Scott
and unanimously carried that the date of February 8, for
this presentation be confirmed.
National League Mayor Hyde reported that the League of Cities Congressiona
Conference Conference will be held in Washington, D. C. on March 4-6,
1979 and asked that any Councilman interested in attending
notify the secretary so that reservations can be made.
Budget Schedule Mayor Hyde said he conferred with the City Manager for a
possible schedule of the budget sessions. Mr, Cole re-
commended starting on Saturday, June 2 and continuing each
day through June 9, if necessary.
Councilman Scott said he would be on vacation from June 1
through June 18.
Held Tuesday - 9 - January 9, 1979
Conference item Mayor Hyde asked that each Councilman give the City Clerk
a time table of their proposed vacations for the month of
May and June - that this be done at the Council Conference
scheduled for Thursday, January 11, 1979.
Transit Financial Plan Councilman Cox referred to item #10 of the agenda (update
of Chula Vista Transit 5-year financial plan) stating he
was concerned about the projected cost to the City.
Director of Public Works Robens indicated that within two
months, the staff will be back to the Council (at a Council
Conference) with the whole transit report - including the
financial plan.
Open Space Districts Councilman Cox noted the assessment costs for the various
open space districts, stating that he would like to have
a breakdown on these costs: what it covers, etc.
Motion for cost breakdown It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Councilman
Scott and unanimously carried that the staff be directed
to prepare a breakdown of the costs (for the open space
City Manager Cole informed the Council that the staff is in
the process of preparing this report.
Transit Fund COuncilm~n Gillow remarked<that there are some "unusual
strings" attached to the federal funding, especially Sec-
tion 13 C Which requires "interest arbitration", and also
that the'City cannot reduce enumerations and benefits once
it accepts funds. Councilman Gillow felt this might lead
to some legal problems at some future date.
Motion for staff It was moved by Councilman Gillow and seconded by Council-
direction man Scott that the staff be asked to look at this particu-
lar section, and that the City Attorney look at it, to see
what potential problems could arise from this in the future
Director of Public Works Robens commented that a consultant
has been working on this and that a report has been com~
pleted. The staff is presently reviewing the report and it
has been sent to the City Attorney. The report will be
submitted to the Council in early February.
Motion withdrawn Councilman Gillow withdrew his motion; Councilman Scott
agreed as the second.
Management Consultant Councilman Gillow noted that at the last budget sessions,
Seminar the Council discussed having a one or two-day retreat at
which a management consultant would come in and discuss
managerial items, employee relations, etc.
Motion for staff It was moved by Councilman Gillow, seconded by Councilman
Scott and unanimously carried that the staff be directed
to look into financing, and make suggestions on one of
the possible management consultants, and that before next
Tuesday, come up with some possible weekends that (the
Council) can be available to meet with the consultant;
further, whether it should be one or two days.
Sunday opening of Councilman Gillow commented that last Sunday, about 1:00 p.m
Library he was taking pictures of the Library and noticed a group
of people at the door waiting for the Library to open. A
sign on the door still listed the Sunday hours even though
it has not opened on Sunday for several months now.
Held T~esday - 10 - January 9, 1979
Motion to change It was moved by Councilman Gillow, seconded by .Councilman
sign on door Egdahl and unanimously carried that the staff look into
this - the signing on the door - and change it to "closed
on Sundays."
"Blow the Whistle Mayor Hyde announced that the Council has received an in-
on Crime" meeting vitation from the Youth Con~nission to attend a "Blow the
Whistle on Crime Prevention" program at the Norman Park
Center at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 11, 1979.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hyde adjourned the meeting at 8:46 p.m. to the
meeting scheduled for Thursday, January 11, 1979 at 4:00
p.m. in the Council Conference Room, City Hall.
Held Tuesday, January 9, 1979
The City Council met in the Council Chambers at the City Hall,
276 Fourth Avenue on the above date at 7:00 p.m. with the
Councilmen present: Cox, Egdahl, Hyde, Gillow, Scott
Councilmen absent: None
The Mayor adjourned the meeting at 8:46 p.m. until January 11, 197~
at 4:00
p.m. in the ~m~m]~i~m~]~k~m/Conference Room, City Hall,
276 Fourth Avenue, Chula Vista, California.
I, JENNIE M, FULASZ, City Clerk of the City of Chula Vista, DO HEREBY
CERTIFY that this is a full, true and correct copy of an order by the
City Council at the meeting of _ January 9, 1979.
~fChula Vista, California
. M. FULASZ, CMC, C~ty~erk
I, Jennie M. Fulasz, being first duly sworn depose and say :
That I am ~e duly chosen, qualified and acting City Clerk of the
City Co~cil of ~e City of Chula Vista;
That the ~GULAR meeting of the Co~cil of the City of
Chula Vista was held J~uary 9, 1979
and said meeting was adjou~ed to the time and place specified in
the order of adjournment ATTACHED HE~TO:
That on J~uary 10, 1979 at ~e hour of 10:15 am
I posted a copy of said order at a conspicuous place on or near
the door o~ the place at which said me~ting of Jan. 9, 1979
was held.
, :~ C 1 e rk
S~scribed and sworn to before me this
/~ day of
~otar~lic ~h~nd for said County
and e of California