Held Thursday - 4:00 p m .i' December=14, 19~8
Anadjourned r~gular meeting. of the City Council of the City of Chdia Vista, California,
was held on the above date beginning at 4:00 p.m. in the Council Conference Room, City Hall,
276 Fourth Avenue.
Councilmen present: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Cox, Egdahl, Gillow, Scott (arrived at
4:15 p.m.)
Councilmen absent: None
Staff pr6sent: Assistant City Manager Asmus, City Attorney Lindberg, Director of
Community Development DearOchers, AdminiStrative Assistant Boyd~
Administrative Analyst Sanseverino
Council photograph By concurrence of the Council, a group photograph will be taken at
to be taken 3:45 p.m. on Thursday, December 28, 1978.
Order of agenda items Mayor Hyde suggested, in view of the fact that consideration of
changed Agenda Item 1 would take longer than Agenda Item 2, that Item 2 be
taken ahead of Item 1. The Council concurred~
2. PUBLIC HEARING - This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor Hyde
CONSIDERATION OF opened the public Hearing.
NECESSITY OF ACQUIR- dity Attorney Lindberg presented a brief background of the
ING PROPERTY OWNED BY issue, stating that when the easement for the temporary
MARINA MOTEL FOR A access road for Tidelands was granted ten years ago, it was
TEMPORARY EASEMENT anticipated permanent alignment would be fixed within~hat
FOR TIDEL~jqDS AVENUE period; however, difficulties have been encountered and a
A2qD AUTHORIZING definite alignment has not been accepted by the Coastal
COMMENCEMENT OF CON- Commission. The property owner is now demanding that the
DBMNATION PROCEEDINGS City cease to utilize'the access road. The resolution
TO ACQUIRE TEMPORARY authorizes continued negotiations an~ commencement of
RIGHT OF WAY condemnation preceedings, ifnecessary, to acquire the
temporary right of way.
~.Villiam Rathie, Attorney Mr. Rathie said that the present owners believed, under the
P. O, Box 1369 termsof ~he agreement, if the alignment of the road was
San Diego 92112 not determined in the ten year period, that the present
(Representing Marina pavement would be removed with the expiration of the ease-
Motel) ment and they could continue with construction of a restau-
rant and the installation of landscaping and motel improve-.
ments. He said the owners are suggesting that the road be
moved to the east as it cuts the property almost in half.
(Councilman Scott arrived at this t'ime - 4:15 p.m.)
Owner willing to Mr. Rathje stated that while the owners ~muld prefer to
Work out price have the road moved to the east, they are wilI'ing to meet
with the staff to work out a price.
Final City off~ In answer.to a query from Mayor Hyde, Assistant City Manager
rejected Asmus said a final offer made by the City to the represen-
tatives of Mrs. Dia (one of the owners] was rejected and
subsequently negotiations were stopped and staff proposed
that the Council consider condemnation proceedingS,
AppraiSer retained by City Attorney Lindberg said an appraiser has been retainedl
the City by the City and a fair market figure will be ~ubmitted to
the property owners; however, adoption of the resolution
does not preclude continued negotiations on this' matter.
He said because of the time frame involved, a resolution
will be before the Council at the meeting of December 19,
1978 for depositing security money in Court to obtain im-
mediate possession of the property, if the Council Should
decide to have the road remain open.
Held ThursdaX - 4:00 p.m. - 2 -, .- .D~cember 14, 1978
Access road.needed Mayor Hyde-commented that th~ City needs a roadway in the
for. Bayfront permanent plan for Bayf~ont impy~vemen~s.
Engineering problems Mr. Asmus discussed the problem in moving the road tothe
created by marshland east due to the proximityto the marsh, which*'c. rea~es.ah
engineering problem, as w~ll as the difficulties-with the
Coastal Commission. ...
Puplic hearing closed There being no further comments, either for or ~gain~, the
public hearing was declared closed.
Suggestion to encourage Councilman Cox suggested'that t~e Council eRcourage con-
continued negotiation tinued negotiations and that in adopting the resolution,
both condemnation and negotiations can proceed simultaneously.
Access road can Mr. Asmus said that adoption of the resolution will also
be re-opened enable the City to re-open the road while continuing ne-
2a. RESOLUTION NO. 9413 - Offered by Councilman Cox, the reading of the text was. waiv'ed,
DECLARING THE PUBLIC by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the following
NECESSITY OE THE vote, to-wit:
O~NED BY MARINA MOTEL FOR A AYES: Councilman Cox, Egdahl~ Hyde, Gillow, Scott
MOtion to continue It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Egdahl
negotiations and unanimously carried that the staff be directed to con-
tinue negotiations with the property owner to see if some
satisfactory settlement can be accomplished short of eminent
domain proceedings. :.
1. PUBLIC HEARING - Federal regulations require the City to conduct a serie~ of
HOUSING AND COMMUNITY public hearings toobtain citizen view~ and proposals con-
DEVELOPMENT BLOCK cerning the development of the Block Grant application
GRANT PROGRAM through fiscal year 1981-1982.
At the December S Council meetLng, a number of proposals
were received. Community Development Director Desrochers
submitted a written review and analysis of these projects
to the Council, including eligibility criterion to meet
the needs of low and moderate income neighborhoods and
persons, and a summary of p~ojects ~e.g., housing rehabi-
litation, stop light installation, neighborhood park, etc.)
Final analysis to be Mr. Desrochers said the staff is not asking for Council
submitted in January action at this meeting, but Council input is needed to
establish priorities and afinal analysis willbe-presented
sometime in January 1979.
Public hearing opened This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor .Hyde
opened the public hearing.
Harvey Simmons Mr. Simmons said he was representing the vista Square
Community School neighborhood and they would appreciate Councilaction on
Specialist all the areas of improvements in that neighborhood, in-
Vista Square Neighborhood cluding street lighting and parks.
Debi Leyva Ms. Leyva said.she was sppaking for Dale Lusk on behalf of
718Woodlawn the residents' in the Mueller Community School area and ~h~y
Chuta Vista 92010 are requesting (1) housing rehabilitation, C2) mobile fibme
improvements, (3) stop light at Oaklawn and "J", (4) wheel~
chair ramps, and (S) a neighborhood center to replace the
Boys' Club facility which is being moved.
Held Thursday 4:00 p.m. - 3 - December 14, 1978
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, either for or against, the
public hearing was declared closed.
Funding possible Mr. Desrochers outlined proposals of various groups as shown'
under Section 108 - on wall posters on display, including eligible activities
loan payback program and housing rehabilitation programs: He described the
Section 108 Loan Payback as a possible way to obtain funds
for housing sites - borrowing funds and using subsequent
year Block Grants as security.
Final recommendations In answer to a query from Councilman Scott, Mr. Desrochers
to be made in January said the recommendations outlined on the wall displays were
made by Community Development staff based on citizen input,
and suggestions made by various Mayor!s Committees and
staff members in the Public Works, Planning, and Parks and
Recreation Departments. He stated that Council input is
needed at this point for priority purposes before a final
list is compiled and reviewed by Administration and other
affected City Departments for final recommendation to the
Concern regarding Councilman Egdahl suggested that until the Council determines
neighborhood centers a policy with regard to starting neighborhood centers, these
should not be considered at this time due to the long range
Suggestion to limit Mayor Hyde suggested that any Council decision should limit
projects and not expenditures to projects ~hat can be completed in a given
commit the City to year so the City is not committed to on-going expenses
on-going expenses without assurances of funds.
Motion to refer It was moved by Councilmen Scott, seconded by Mayor Hyde
recommendations back and unanimously carried that the proposals be referred back
to staff to the staff for full review.
Final recommendations The Council concurred that this matter should be scheduled
to be considered in for a Council Conference in January with an appropriate
January date to be determined by staff.
3. CONSIDERATION OF LIST Mayor Hyde noted that interviews are to be scheduled on
OF CANDIDATES FOR the afternoon of Thursday, December 28 for the position
PORT COMMISSIONER of Port Commissioner and that writtern or oral applications
have been received from John Macevicz, Phil Creaser, Oscar
Vogel, and R. C. Campbell. He said that Mr. Campbell is
not eligible based upon Council policy and he has been so
Deadline for The Council concurred that names may be submitted for nomi-
nominations nation until' December 19,..1978-for those persons to be inte~-
MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Hyde invited everyone to attend the "Tree Lighting"
ceremony being held at 7:00 p.m. this evening on the north
side of the Library.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hyde adjourned the meeting at 5:22 p.m. to the regular
meeting scheduled for December 19, 1978 at 7:00 p.m. in the
Council Chambers, City Hall.
eputyCity Clerk