Held Thursday - 4:00 p.m. November 30, 1978
An adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California, was
held on the above date beginning at 4:00 p.m. in the Council Conferemce Room, City Hall, 276
Fourth Avenue.
Councilmen present: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Egdahl, Gillow and Scott (arrived late)
Councilmen absent: Councilman Cox
Staff present: City Manager Cole, City Attorney Lindberg, Assistant City Manager
Asmus, Director of Parks & Recreation Hall, Director of Community
Development Desrochers, Director of Planning Peterson
Others present: Members of the Committee on Housing for Low-Income Citizens
2. DISCUSSION OF REPORT OF Councilman Egdahl, as Chairman of the Committee, discussed
CON~4ITTEE ON HOUSING FOR the task given to them by the Council as more of one iden-
LOW-INCOME CITIZENS tifying the problem rather than implementing solutions.
Committee Goals:
1. Passage of a referendum Mayor Hyde noted that this goal has already been met.
authorizing the use of
California Housing Finance
Agency Funds for financing
housing for low and moderate
income citizens
2. A list of recommended Mayor Hyde commented that the Committee felt the impact of
changes in zoning, sub- this goal would be very limited in terms of significance;
division and other develop- however, a review of the zoning ordinance could be made.
ment regulations to help
reduce the cost of housing
3. Gain a commitment from a No comments made.
developer to building
housing for low and moderate
income citizens on one or
more identified sites
4. Identify the most likely Director of Planning Peterson stated that a map was prepared
sites for construction identifying these sites. Director of Community Development
of new housing for low Desrochers stated he was using this map in talking to pro-
and moderate income spective developers.
Discussion Mr. Carmen Pasquale, a member of the Committee, noted the
areas designated for the housing would have to be either
near public services or bus routes since most of the low-in-
come people would not be owning automobiles. He recommended
sites within the 450-acre E1Rancho del Rey development.
Mrs. Joy Sheresh, Committee member, remarked that the Com-
mittee, in identifying the areas, took into account the en-
tire City - their goal was not to have a housing development
but rather scattered areas throughout the City.
5. Recommend changes in the Councilman Egdahl indicated that no specific recommendation
Housing Element of the was given on this goal.
General Plan to give it
added strength
ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING - 2 - November 30, 1978
6. Secure allocation of The Committee noted that this item was brought before the
$200,000 in Block Grant City'Council and voted down because of lack of specifics
funds for incentive to
a developer to provide
housing within the cost
range of low and moderate
income citizens.
1. Mobile Home Park Develop- a. As a subdivision, privately developed. Provides owner-
merit (200-400 spaces) ship and peace of mind.
b. As a mobile home park using City-owned land (with or
without improvement provided).
c. As a typical mobile home park for space rental hy a
private developer.
Discussion of #1 (Councilman Scott arrived at this time - 4:25 p.m.)
Discussion followed regarding the requirements of the pre-
sent ordinance; the new mobile home park zone; cost of the
units; providing incentives to developers to construct the
parks; construction of homes without amenities, such as
dishwashers, garbage disposals, etc. in order to lower the
cost of the units; on City-owned land, have the City become
the Homeowners Association and control development within
these areas; limit the yield on what a developer could make
on his investment; the rental approach versus the owner
Motion on Recommendation #1 It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Mayor Hyde
and unanimously carried by those present that the Council
accepts this in concept and refers it to staff for various
alternatives that they think would be most feasible to
accomplish those ends.
CounCilman Scott noted that this item will have to go to
the Planning Commission after the staff's report.
2. High rise ~developments Council and Committee discussion followed on this recom-
for seniors and mendation. Councilman Scott noted that in trying to solve
handicapped the problemsof the citizens of Chula Vista, it invariably
ends up with solving the problems of people in other loca-
tions who come into the City to take advantage of the hous-
ing. Mr. Desro~hers remarked that the Housing Authority
has assured the staff that the 100 homes to be provided
for the low-income families (recently approved by Council)
will first be given to the Chula Vista residents.
Mr. Pasquale suggested the City follow National City's re-
cent proposal: have the units built on City land and then
have it revert back to the City after a number of years.
In answerto the Council's query, Mr. Dearochers noted the
federal grants available for purchase of land and units.
Motion for further consideration It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Egdahl
and unanimously carried by those present that this matter
be brought back to the Council whe~ it considers the Com-
munity Block Grant program.
3. Public housing on Council noted that this has been done.
scattered sites for
low-income families
ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING ~ 3 - November 30, 1978
4. An annual allocation Mr. Desrochers explained a criteria of the program is that
of Community Block 75% of the funds go into neighborhoods where low and moder-
Grant and/or Revenue ate-income people live and that the City also adhere to a
Sharing funds housing-assistance plan. This is bei.ng done.
S. city continue to Mr. Peterson noted that the City has "encouraged" the deve-
encourage private lopers to do this but it has not proved productive in the
developers to allocate three years it has been on the books.
a minimum percentage of
subdivision to housing for Councilman Scott indicated this was not a feasible o~ de-
low-income citizens sirable recommendation. The Committee is talking about cut-
ting amenities from the homes ~ this is not low-income housj
it is high-cost homes without certain "frills" that would nc
reduce the cost substantially. The program has to be su~
sidized to make it work.
No action was taken on No. 5
6. City provide, through It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Mayor Hyde an~
the staff or an existing unanimously carried by those present that th~s charge be gi~
regularly appointed to the Human Relations Commission or suhcommittee thereof ar
Commission, an ongoing let them determine how it's done.
responsibility for ad-
vising the City Council
on this matter in the
Recommended sites Mr. Desrochers pointed out and discussed the recommended si~
on the map for the housing areas for low-income citizens.
(COunditman Scott left the me~ting at this.l~ime - 5:t5 p.m.)
3. PARK/SCHOOL CONCEPT Mayor Hyde referred to the policy whereby when the school
REVIEW purchases a site, th~ City tries to acquire a S-acre site
adjacent to it for a park.
Director of Parks & Recreation Hall stated this was right,
and that the City departed from this policy once. At the
last joint City/School Districts meeting, it was mentioned
that the City of San Diego was considering lowering the
number of acres of park land to two.
Mr. Hall submitted copies of the Parks & Recreation element
of the General Plan adopted in 1971 and noted the following
park acreage adopted at the various schools:
Greg Rogers 45.00
Loma Verde 13.70
Halecrest 2.00
Palomar 3.10
E1Rancho del Rey 9~80
Otay 5.30
Tiffany 7.90
Valley Lindo 4.30
Total acres 81.30
Under the school/park concept (schools own the land):
Mueller 5.50
Feaster 5.00
Vista Square 6.00
Rice 17.00
33.S0 acres
Mr. Hall remarked that the acreage owned in 1971 was 97.1
acres and in 1978, this has gone up to 296.97 acres or
3.71 acres'per 1000 ~ the goal is 4.0 acres per t000.
Policy statement Mr. Hall read the policy Statement: "Nherever feasible,
neighborhood parks should be located adjacent to elementar)
school playgrounds to increase the potential for multiple-
use of facilities and to locate them as close as possible
to the center of the area they are designed to serve. New
neighborhood parks and elementary schools should be designc
to serve. New neighborhood parks and elementary schools
should be designed as a unit to encourage joint use as a
neighborhood activity center."
Mr. Hall further explained that when the City does not buy
land next to a school, then it normally buys l0 acres for
a neighborhood park.
Discussion Council discussion followed regarding the flexibility of
the Policy document; the two types of policies to develop
adjacent school grounds; under Proposition 13, it may be
possible to just buy 2 acres instead of 5; recommendation
of the Director of Parks g Recreationto continue the pre-
sent policy from the standpoint of park land and financial
resources in the future.
Motion to continue It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by Councilman
present policy Gillow and unanimously carried by those present that (the'
Council) continue with the present policy with regard to
park/school and school/parks until advised by the staff
of fiscal or other considerations that should change it.
DisCussion of 10-acre Discussion ensued as to the last action of the Council in
site accepting $75,000 in lieu of 10 acres of land in the E1
Rancho del Rey area adjacent to a proposed school site.
Motion for staff report It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Egdahl
and unanimously carried by those present that the staff
come back with a proposal on how they will handle the $.75,0(
the City will get from the developer for park acquisition
purposes related to that undeveloped elementary school site
in the E1Rancho del Rey area - the repo~t due by budget tix
EXECUTIVE SESSION It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by Mayor Hyde
and unanimously carried by those present that the Council
recess to Executive Session for reasons of personnel negoti~
ADJOURNMENT The Council recessed to Executive Session at 5:45 p.m. and
the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 6:00 p.m. to the meeting
scheduled for Tuesday, December 5, 1978 at 7:00 p.m.
City Clerk ~"