Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. November 21, 1978
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California, was held on
the above date beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall~ 276 POurth Avenue.~
Councilmen present: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Cox, Egdahl, Gill, ow, Scott
Councilmen absent: None
Staff present: City Manager Cole, City Attorney Lindberg, Assistant City Manager
Asmus, Director of Public Works Robens, Director of Planning Peterson,
Director of Finance Grant, Director of Parks & Recreation Hall
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Hyde, followed by a moment of silent
1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Gillow
and carried that the minutes of the meeting of November 14,
1978 be approved, copies having been sent to each CoUncil-
man. (Councilman Egdahl abstained from' voting since he
was not present at the last meeting).
a. PROCLAMATION - Mayor Hyde presented a proclamation to Mrs. Helen GoHres
"HERITAGE DAYS" proclaiming the week of November 19 through November 25,
1978 as "Heritage Days:" Mrs. GOhres introduced:the
"pioneers" in the audience giving a historyof the family
life of the Lowells and the Fusons. ~
b. OATH OF OFFICE - City Clerk Jennie FulaSz administered ~the Oath'of Office
PLANNING COMMISSION to ~4r. Virgil Stevenson, recently appointed to the Planning
3. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS There were none.
4. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS A request was received from Boy Scout Troop 855 to use the
vacant land west of the Bonita Golf Course parking lot on
a. REQUEST TO USE VACANT Bonit~ Road forlthe purpose of selling Christmas trees
LOT WEST OF BONITA from December 1, 1978 until December 23, 1978,
Request approved It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by'CoUncilman Cox and
unanimously carried that the request be approVed subject
to conditions of staff.
S. PUBLIC HEARING - This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor Hyde
CONSIDERATION OF UTILITY opened th~ public hearing.
On June 29,1978, the City Council adopted Ordinance 1803
increasing the Utility Users' Tax rate and requiring that
a public hearing.be held each f~Scal year nolater than
November 30th, to evaluate the effects 6f ~h~ current.tax
rate and the amount of revenue collected.
City Manager's City Manager Cole referred to the written report submitted,
remarks to Council indicating that the funds collected under the
increased rate~ are sufficient to meet the ~otailrevenue
built into the budget. It is ~he staff's recommendation
to. keep the present rate.
Meeting of City Council -2- . November 21, 1978
Ernest A~nold Mr. Arnold, speaking on behalf of the Chula Vista Taxpayer'S
897 Beech Avenue Association, no~ed the history of the utility users tax
Chula Vista which was initiated in 1970, the petition started by the
Taxpayers Association,and the impact of Proposition 13.
Mr, Arnold stated that while the Association was opposed to
the action taken by the Council concerning the'utility tax,.
they are pleased to learn that the newly-raised revenues
are keeping pace with.income estimates. It is their hope
fhat the rates will be reduced in the future and the Council
will ~ollow the objectives of Proposition 13.
Public hearing There being no further comments either for or against, the
closed hearing was declared closed.
Motion to continue It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Scott
present rates and unanimously carried that the staff report be accepted
and the present rates be continued.
6. PUBLIC HEARING - This being the time and:place as advertised, Mayor Hyde
CONSIDERATION OF REVISION opened the public hearing.
· INCORPORATE THE EL RANCHO Directo~ of Planning Peterson referred to his written re-
DEL REY SPECIFIC PLAN port stating that on August 8, 1978, the Council adopted
the E1Rancho del Rey Specific Plan, which is an elaboration
of the Chula Vista General Plan and a policy bridge between
the General Plan and the zoning, subdivision, code enforce-
ment, capital improvement, and other precise and regulatory
plans. Under the amendment, the General Plan would incor-
porate the contents of the E1Rancho del Rey Specific Plan
by reference.
On October 25, 1978 the Planning Commission certified the
EIR-78-2 for the subject project and recommended that the
Council adopt the amendment to the General Plan in accor-
dance with Planning Commission Resolution GPA-79-2.
Route 125 In answer to the Mayor's query~ Director Peterson remarked
that Route 125 should not be shown on the plats received
by Counci]- General Plan map does not reflect it.
School sites Councilman Scott noted that at the last Council/School Dis-
tricts' meeting, the school representatives stated that
there was little likelihood that schools will be built in
the E1Ranchodel Rey area in the next fifteen years;
however, the Specific Plan designates certain areas as
school sites.
Mr. Peterson.explained that the school districts selected
these sites. If they choose not to build the schools,' then
the area will revert to the adjacent residential use.
Public hearing closed There being no comments, either for or against, the hearing
was declared closed.
a. RESOLUTION NO. 9366 Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading of the text was
AMENDING THE CHULA waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
VISTA GENERAL PLAN BY following vote, to-wit:
RANCHO DEL REY SPECIFIC AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Hyde, Gillow, SCott, Cox
PLAN Noes: None r
Absent: None
7. PUBLIC HEARING - This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor Hyde
CONSIDERATION OF A REV~.- opened the public hearing.
TO CHANGE APPROXIMATELY Referring to his written report, Director of Planning
THREE ACRES AT THE NORTH- Mr. Peterson said the area under consideration for amend-
EAST QUADRANTS OF I-S AND ment is zoned C-V and C-V-P. Approval of the General Plan
"H" STREET FROM VISITOR amendment would authorize the rezonin~ of the ~ubject ter-
CO~ERCIAL TO THOROUGH ritory to C-T .(Thoroughfare Commercial).
Meeting of City Council -3- Nove'mber 21, 1978
On October 2S, 1978~ the Planning Commission adopted the
Negative Declaration on IS-78-84 and recommended that the
Council revise the General.Plan in accordance with Planning
Commission ReSolution GPA-78-4.
~TROPOLITAN DISTRICT Director Of Planning stated that the Metropolitan District
TRANSIT BOARD Transit Board has an interest in a portion of this site on
north side of H Street. They were informed of this hearing
plus the one held by the Planning Commission and have not
acted on it. Mr. Peterson added that regardless of pos-
sible future acquisition by the railroad, it is still the
City's responsibility to designate property on the General
Plan in the way it feels i~hould be designated.
Council discussion Discussion followed regarding the use of the property by
the Metropolitan District Transit Board, the uses al]owed
under the present and proposed zonings, and the applicant's
plan to construct a small shopping center on the site.
Richard Adamson Mr. Adamson said he is representing the applicant and pro-
7907 Calle de la Plaza perry owner and is available to answer any questions.
La Jolla They have no problems with any of the staff's recommenda-
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, either for or against, the
public hearing was declared closed.
a. RESOLUTION NO. 9367 Offered by Councilman Gillow, the reading of the text was
ADOPTING A REVISION TO THE waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
GENERAL PLAN TO CHANGE following vote, to-wit:
AT THE NORTHEAST AND SOUTH- AYES: Councilmen Gillow, Scott, Cox, Egdahl, Hyde
8. PUBLIC HEARING - CONSIDERA- This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor Hyde
TION OF AMENDMENT TO THE opened the public hearing.
THEREIN THE "MHP- EXCLUSIVE Director of Planning Peterson explained that the Planning
MOBILE HOME PARK ZONE" AND Department studied the desirability of establishing an
TO RESCIND SECTION 19.56.300 exclusive mobile home park. z,one. The study indicated that
ET SEQ. PERTAINING TO THE a mobile park zone could protect an important housing re-
- MOBILE HOME PARK MODIFYING source in Chula Vista; therefore, they are proposing
DISTRICT adopt~n of the ordinance which is intended to provide this
protection. On October 25, 19.78 the Planning Commission
adopted the Negative Declaration on IS-79-20 and recommended
that the Council adopt the proposed amendments to the zoning
ordinance in accordance with the Planning Commission Re-
solution PCA-79-3.
Staff will rezone Mr. Peterson added that once ~he ordinance iS adopted, the
park sites zoning would be placed within the Zoning Ordinance and the
staff would take this as direction to go ahead and pursue
its implementation by initiating rezonings on several of-
the mobile home park sites in the City.
John Kolsters Mr. Kolsters said he was a "mobile home consumer advocate."
501Anita Street He noted the potential evictions taking place in San Diego
Chula Vista County and applauded the COuncil for taking this action
stating it was a "first type of zoning" within the State,
Robert Graham Mr. Graham ~aid he was a resident of the Palace Garden
1425 Second Avenue Mobile Home Park and con~nended the staff and Council for
Chula Vista their foresight in proposing and adopting this ordinance.
Public hearing There being no further comments, either for or against, the
hearing was declared closed.
Meeting of City Council -4- November 21, 1978
a. ORDINANCE NO. 1845 AMENDING It was moved by Councilman Cox that this ordinance be placed
THE MUNICIPAL CODE TO INCLUDE on its first reading, and that the reading of the text be
THEREIN THE "MHP EXCLUSIVE waived by unanimous consent. The motion carried by the
MOBILE HOME PARK ZONE" AND following vote, to-wit:
ET SEQ. PERTAINING TO THE AYES: Councilmen Cox, Egdahl, Hyde, Gillow, Scott
9. PUBLIC HEARING - CONSIDERA- This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor Hyde
TION OF VACATION OF AN EASE- opened the public hearing.
AT SWEETWATER INDUSTRIAL Director of Public Work Mr. Robens explained that Dunphy
PARK Construction Company, property owner of Lot 8, Block II, of
Sweetwater Industrial Park, submitted an application for the
vacation of a 10-foot wide drainage easement within their
The Planning Commission and staff recommended approval since
the easement does not serve the general City benefit and will
relieve the City of maintenance and liability responsibi-
Public hearing closed There being no comments, either for or against, the public
hearing was declared closed.
Motion for resolution It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by Mayor Hyde
ordering the vacation and unanimously carried that the staff prepare a resolution
ordering the vacation of the 10-foot drainage easement.
CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
(Items 10 through 14) Gillow and unanimously carried that the Consent Calendar
be approved and adopted.
10. RESOLUTION NO. 9368 By Resolution No. 8967, the Council approved the release of
APPROVING AGREEMENT a lien in the amount of $1,650 as a guarantee for the con-
AND LIEN ON PROPERTY struction of alley improvements required in conjunction with
OWNED BY DR. JOSEPH a building permit. Dr. Joseph Fields, the property owner,
FIELDS AT 272 CHURCH posted a cash bond deposit to replace the lien and is now
AVENUE requesting a refund of this deposit.
11. RESOLUTION NO. 9369 One of the conditions for approval of Tentative Parcel Map
ACCEPTING EASEMENT FOR 79-3 was for the owners to grant the City a strip of land
STREET TREE PURPOSES 6.50 feet wide for street tree purposes along Main Street.
FROM ROBINHOOD HOb~ES, On November 9, 1978 Robinhood Homes, Incorporated granted
INC., TENTATIVE PARCEL the necessary easement to the City.
MAP 79-3
12. RESOLUTION NO. 9370 Pardee Construction Company, the developer of Casa del Rey
ACCEPTING REPORT AND Subdivision, submitted a petition for the formation of an
DECLARING CITY'S INTENTION Open Space District in accordance with Section 17.08.110
TO FORM OPEN SPACE DISTRICT of the City Code. The Director of Public Works and The
NO. t0 AND SETTING PUBLIC Director of Parks & Recreation submitted an estimate for
HEARING the assessments to be charged for each parcel. The resolu-
tion sets the public hearing for 7:00 p.m., December 12,
13. RESOLUTION NO. 9371 The existing aerial telephone service llne to the Chula
GRATING 5-FOOT WIDE Vista Alliance Church comes from the old Telegraph Canyon
EASEMENT TO PACIFIC Road across the new Telegraph Canyon Road, then to the
TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH church property. Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company
COMPANY ACROSS OPEN is proposing to remove this line and have an underground
SPACE LOT "B", EL RANCHO service by another route through their undergound system
DEL REY UNIT #5 in E1Rancho del Rey Unit No. 4. To reach the church pro-
perty, they have to cross Open Space Lot "B" of the subdi-
vision, which is dedicated to the City.
Meeting of City Council -S- November 21, 1978
13. RESOL~FION NO. 9372 On September 6, 1978 the City Received a request from E1
ORDERING THE EL RANCH0 Rancho del Roy, Inc. for a reorganization and annexation to
DEL REY/RIDGEBACK ROAD the City of 1.2 acres of vacant property located west of
REORGANIZATION INVOLVING the northwest corner of Otay Lakes Road and Ridgeback Road.
ANNEXATION TO THE CITY On October 2, 19?8the Local Agency Formation Commission
AND DETACHMENT FROM THE (LAFCO) approved the reorganization and detachment from the
SAN DIEGO COUNTY FLOOD San Diego County Flood Control District, Zone 3.
IS. RESOLUTION NO. 9373 The scope of the project included construction of a block
REJECTING BID FOR THE wall open channel with chain link fencing, storm drain clean-
CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVED out structure, and installation of 18" storm drain pipe.
DRAINAGE CHANNEL SOUTH One bid was received from Edmond J. Vadnais, contractor, in
OF EAST NAPLES STREET the amount of $2S1,673 which is 212% above the City En-
BETWEEN MONSERATE AVENUE gineer's estimate of $80,S21.
The Engineering staff determined that the bid was unaccep-
table and recommended it be rejected and re-advertised at
a later date when conditions are appropriate.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott'i the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Cox, Egdahl, Hyde, Gillow
Noes: None
Absent: None
16. RESOLUTION NO. 9374 On September 26, 1978 the Council accepted a report con-
APPROPRIATING FUNDS cerning the construction of a bus turnout lane on Broad-
FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A way south of "E" Street, but directed that the developer
BUS TURNOUT LANE ON not be required to experience any financial burden greater
BROADWAY SOUTH OF than he would in developing. the property of the former
"E" STREET ;Jacquett's restaurant without installing the bus turnout
Staff recommended that $2,SS0 be appropriated from Local
Transporation Funds 23S to complete the City's portion of
the improvement.
Resolution offered Dffered by CoUncilman Scott, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Cox, Egdahl, Hyde, Gillow
Noes:, None
Absent: None
]7. RESOLUTION NO. 937S Bids were received on November 9, 1978 for the resurfacing
ACCEPTING BID AND of General'Roca, Southwestern College, and Rancho del Roy
AWARDING CONTRACT FOR Tennis Courts in the City. The scope of the project con-
THE RESURFACING OF GENERAL sists of resurfacing nine concrete tennis courts to provide
ROCA, SOUTHWESTERN COLLEGE smooth and uniform playing surfaces.
COURTS 0nly one bid was received from Bastwood and Sonsinthe
amount of $8,000. Staff recommended that the bids be
accepted and the contract awarded to Eastwood and Sons.
In answer to Council's questions, Director of Parks ~
Recreation Hall discussed the proposed surfacing stating
the last surfacing of the courts was done approximately
four years ago.
Meeting of City Council -6- November21 , 1978
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Gillow, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Gillow, Scott, Cox, Egdahl, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
18. RESOLUTION NO. 9376 D~rector of Public Works Mr. Robens explained that after
WAIVING BIDDING RE- investigating possible signing systems, the architect has
QUIREMENTS FOR PROCUREMENT selected signs manufactured by Architectural Signing, Inc.
AND INSTALLATION IN EX- for both the interior of the renovated building and the
TERIOR SIGNING IN THE exterior of the Civic Center. Staff recommended that the
CIVIC CENTER COMPLEX AND Council waive bidding requirements and authorize the expen-
AUTHORIZING EXPENDITURE diture of $10,350 for the procurement and installation of
exterior signing for the Civic Center Complex.
City Hall sign Mayor Hyde expressed his concern that the sign "City Hall"
will be removed from the present building stating that this
was not the Council's direction to staff.
City Manager Cole remarked that the Charter states that the
Council Chamber shall be in the City Hall, and he felt it
appropriate to eliminate the name "City Hall" on this
building because the total area is really that and the more
up-to-date term would be "Civic Center" as opposed to "City
Motion to keep "City It was moved by Councilman Scott, and seconded by Mayor
Hall" sign Hyde that the suggestion to take down the "City Hall"sign
be deleted.
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilman Scott~ Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: Councilman Cox, Gillow
Absent: None
Council discussion Discussion followed regarding the last action of the City
Council regarding the signing in the Civic Center Complex.
Motion for report It was moved by Mayor Hyde that the matter of the signing
of the buildings (present and the new renovated facility)
be brought back to the Council with the recommendation
made by the City Manager to the Council regarding Council's
action on it.
No second to motion The motion died for lack of a second.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Cox, Egdahl, Hyde, Gillow
Noes: None
Absent: None
Motion for informational It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Gillow
report and unanimously carried that the staff bring back the in-
formation on the last official action taken by the City
Council on the signing for this building and the newly-
modified building, and that the Council determine at that
time what the legend for these two buildings shall be.
Suggestion for recommen- Councilman Egdahl asked that the report also include a re-
dation commendation from the architect and any new information
the staff can bring.
The Mayor accepted this suggestion.
Meeting of City Council -7- November 21, 1978
19. RESOLUTION NO. 9377 A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has been concluded with
APPROVING M0U CONCERNING the local chapter of the Western Council of Engineers. A
WAGES AND OTHER TERMS tentative agreement had been reached with this nine-member
AND CONDITIONS OF EMPLOY- bargaining unit prior to the passage of Proposition 13o
MENT WITH CV CHAPTER OF The only significant changes in wages, hours and working
WESTERN COUNCIL OF ENGINEERS conditions involve the salary increases and institution
FOR FY 1978-79 AND of a different health insurance plan.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Cox, Egdahl, Hyde, Gillow
Noes: None
Absent: None
20. RESOLUTION NO. 9378 To provide better fire protection to the public an no extra
APPROVING MOU CONCERNING cost, the Fire Department reorganized and changed duty
WAGES AND OTHER TERMS AND schedules effective July 11, 1978. The Memorandum of Under-
CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT standing (MOU) incorporates the hours and working condition
WITH LOCAL 2180 IAFF, provisions to carry through with the reorganization, plus
AFL-CIO FOR FY 1978-79 wage and fringe benefits.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Cox, Egdahl, Hyde, Gillow
Noes: None
Absent. None
21. ORDINANCE NO. 1843- On November 14, 1978 the Council placed this ordinance on
AMENDING THE ZONING first reading, prezoning approximately 19 acres of A-S-L-F
MAP TO PREZONE APPROX- zoned property located in the County of San Diego, easterly
IMATELY 22 ACRES LOCATED of the KOA Kampground and three smaller R-2 zoned Darcels
EAST OF KOA CAMPGROUND, and one A-S-1-F zone parcel, prezoning to A (4gricultural
3601 EDGEMERE AVENUE, with the "F" Flood Plain modifying districQ attached to
TO A AND A-F- those areas which would be subject to flooding during a
Ordinance placed on second It was moved by Councilman Scott that Ordinance No. 1843
reading and adopted be placed on its second reading and adopted, and that the
reading of the text be waived by unanimous consent. The
motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Cox, Egdahl, Hyde, Gillow
Noes: None
Absent: None
22. ORDINANCE NO. 1844- On November 14, 1978 the Council placed this ordinance on
AMENDING SECTION 10.72.050 first reading, reflecting changes in California Vehicle
OF THE CITY CODE REGARDING Code Section 39004. All existing state bicycle licenses
BICYCLE LICENSE FEES- will expire December 31, 1978 and must be renewed effec-
Ordinance placed on second It was moved by Councilman Scott that Ordinance No. 1844
reading and adopted be placed on its second reading and adopted, and that the
reading of the text be waived by unanimou~ consent. The
motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Cox, Egdahl, Hyde, Gillow
Noes: None
Absent: None
Meeting of City Council -8- November 21 , 1978
a. REPORT ON CRITERIA In January 1978, the Council asked staff to consider cri-
TO BE USED TO DETERMINE teria that could be used to determine the number of taxi-
NUMBER OF TAXICABS PER- cabs that should be allowed to operate in the City. Cur-
MITTED IN THE CITY rently there are two applications pending for taxicab
operations - one from Douglas S. Phillips for two cabs
and one from Mack's Hack to operate a second vehicle in
the City.
In a written report, City Manager Cole outlined a recom-
mended criteria to be used in considering applications
for taxicab operations in the City
Motion for modification It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Mayor Hyde
to ordinance and unanimously carried that any cab company which decides
not to service the City of Chula Vista must terminate
their business in this City rather than sell that right
to another party.
Charles McMillan Mr. McMillan agreed with the motion stating it should apply
"Mack's Hack" to all cab companies operating in the City.
City Attorney Lindberg explained that the ordinance provides
that the licensing is non-transferable except with the
authorization of the City Council - the ordinance must be
dified to provide for the termination clause.
Discussion Council discussion followed with Assistant City Manager
Asmus explaining the criteria proposed by the staff, the
number of cabs operating in the City, the applications
pending, and monitoring reports.
Motion for It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Scott
modification and unanimously carried that a modification of the ordinance
of ordinance be brought back to reflect the action of t~e previous motion.
Motion to accept It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
staff report Cox and unanimously carried that the staff's report be
1. Utilization of a population ratio to determine the
number of cabs permitted or adoption of an open entry policy
not be recommended.
2. Discontinue the practice of issuing a fixed number of
certificated vehicles.
3. All vehicles permittedto operate in the City shouldbe
licensed so that each vehicle meets the standards established
under the Code.
4. Primary criteria for licensing'operators in the City
should be financial stability and experience.
5. Number of operators permitted in the City should be
limited to three currently licensed.
6. The Code regulating taxicab operations in the City to
be revised to incorporate these changes.
23b. REPORT ON IMPLEMENTATION On November 7, 1978 the C6uncil approved,~n concept, a
OF "TRASHATHON" PROGRAM "Trashathon" program initiated by students and parents of
Bonita Vista High School LIFE program (Learning in a Free
Meeting of City Council -9- November 21, 1978
23b. (Continue) In a written statement, City Manager Cole reported that the
City will not actually be involved in the community-spon-
sored event. The Public Works Department will offer sug-
gestions which might include Otay Lakes Road along the
route to Southwestern College and the City will write a
press release describing the one-day Trashathon ,to take
place on Saturday, December 2.
Motion to accept report It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Cox and unanimously carried that the report be accepted.
23c. Council Photo City Manager Cole asked that the Council arrange for a group
picture for the new Council Chamber.
Mayor Hyde asked the City Manager to contact the Council
secretary for this scheduling.
23d. Next Council agenda City Manager Cole reported on several items to be discussed
at the next Council meeting of November 28.
It was concurred that the staff work out the agenda items
with the Mayor.
In answer to Councilman Cox's query, Mr. Cole said that the
matter of City Reorganization will be brought to the Council
the first part of December.
24. REPORT ON POSSIBLE SAFETY On September 12, 1978 the Council directed staff and the
HAZARD RELATING TO THE Safety Commission to investigate the potential safety
CROSSWALK ON OTAY LAKES hazards to students using the school crosswalk on Otay
ROAD AT BONITA VISTA Lakes Road at Bonita Vista Junior High School. Staff re-
JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL commended the installation of flashing yellow lights with
appropriate warning signs on 0tay Lakes Road in advance
of the school. The lights are to be activated before:and
after school to warn motorists on Otay Lakes Road during
times of pedestrian activity near the school.
Motion to accept staff It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
report ' Egdahlthat the staff report be accepted.
James Frank Mr. Frank, teacher at Bonita Vista High School, noted the
4095 Bonita Road 20,000 cars traveling Otay Lakes Road in this vicinity each
Chula Vista day; the number of students coming to the school by bus;
private transpor, tation and bicycles; the pedestrian cross-
walk; the speed along this .road; the potential safety'
hazards. He said the warning lights were all right; howeve
they would prefer to have installed an "on-demand" type of
signal Whereby when the students pressed the button, an
actual ~ed light would co.me On to afford them more protec-
In answer to the Council's questions, Director of Public
Works Robens reviewed the reasons that the staff did not
reconnnend the signalization.
Motion carried The motion for the yellow flaShing lights unanimously carried.
25; REPORT ONGRADING RE- At the Council meeting on October 17, 1978, Mr. Gone Coleman
QUIREMENTS disCussed the Slope grading of Bonita Ridge Estates. At
Council direction, the 'staff investigated the slope failure
just east of Ridgeview Way on the north side of Otay Lakes'
and reported that the failure was due to a break in a 2"
irrigation line allowing water to wash out the slope. The
slope is within a maintenance district and will be repaired.
Meeting of City Council -10- NoVember 21, 1978
Gene Coleman Mr. Coleman stated that he wasn't referring particularly to
1670 Gotham Street the one slope failure on 0ray Lakes Road (Bonita Ridge) but
Chula Vista that it was a problem throughout the City. He noted the
areas along Telegraph Canyon Road which he viewed tonight
(after the rain) stating the road was covered with several
inches of a "soupy" mix as a direct result of the grading
--done accordi. ng to the ordinance. Mr. Coleman recommended
that if City crews are made to clean up the streets, the
developer responsible for the mud on the streets should be
billed for it.
Director of Public Works Robens explained the City's policy
on grading and cleaning up the streets. He said the pro-
blems are occurring in those areas of recent construction.
Motion for report It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by Councilman
Scott and uanimously carried that the staff bring back a
report and recommendation regarding a policy for reimburse-
ment to the City for cleaning erosions and debris on City
Councilman Scott asked that the report include the magnitude
of the problem and how often this happens, Councilman
Egdahl asked .that the report include the new project on
Telegraph Canyon Road - how much work (result of the rain)
did it entail by the City crew.
Motion to accept report It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Gillow
and unanimously carried that the report be accepted.
Councilman Cox asked if there is a provision in the grading
ordinance requiring landscaping of the hillsides. Mr Robens
said he wo~/ld check this out.
Donation for Tree Mayor Hyde said he received a letter from Dr. Peter Watry
stating that the members of Citizens Concerned for Chula
Vista and CC II would like to donate $200 toward the purchase
of a tree to be planted in the Civic Center complex - along
with a plaque.
Motion to accept offer It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Gillow and
Unanimously carried that the offer be accepted with gratitude.
CPO Meeting Report Mayor Hyde reported on the meeting held yesterday at which
the Callahan Task Force proposals were discussed. The Mayor
said he was appointed to this committee.
Regional Transporation Mayor Hyde reported that the Comprehensive Planning Organi-
zation has held public hearings on the review of the regional
transporation plan. A great deal of testimony was presented
concerning the suitability of Lindberg Field as an interna~
tional airport.
Improvement of H Street Councilman Scott expressed his deep concern over "piece meal"
developments taking place in the E1 Rancho del Rey area with
little or no concern for improving H Street. He stated that
the Council should not allow any developments east of 1-805
unless it goes west to east and it has something to do with
East H Street. He added that he would support a building
moratorium in the area and felt the Council should have a
report on how H Street is going to be built - how soon - who
will build it -- a program of construction rather than of
possible action.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hyde adjourned the meeting at 9:35 p.m. to the meeting
scheduled for Tuesday, November 28', 1978 at 7:00p.m.