Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. June 19, 1979
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California, was held on
the above date beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Public Services Building,
276 Fourth Avenue.
Councilmen present: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Cox, Egdahl, Gillow, Scott
Councilmen absent: None
Staff present: City Manager Cole, Assistant City Manager Asmus, Assistant City
Attorney Harron, Deputy City Manager Robens, Director of Planning
Peterson, City Engineer Lippitt, Director of Finance Grant,
Director of Parks and Recreation Hall, Fire Chief Longerbone,
Transit Coordinator Bloom
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Hyde followed by a moment of silent
1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Councilman
Egdahl and carried 4-0 (Councilman Scott abstained) that
the minutes of the meetings of June 7 (4 p.m. and 7 p.m.)
and June 12, 1979 be approved, copies having been sent to
each Councilman.
Concern regarding length Mayor Hyde called attention to the items at the end of the
of agenda Agenda, noting that it could be a lengthy meeting and felt
it might be desirable to continue some of the items with
Council approval.
Motion to continue It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Gillow
Item 20 and unanimously carried that Item 20 - "Report on City
acting as its own contractor" - be continued to a subsequent
Motion that Items 21 and It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Egdahl
22 be continued and unanimously carried that Item 21 - "Report on Mayor's
proposal for a Mobile Home Park Development" - and Item
22 - "Report on Recommendations from the Mayor's Visitor
Industry Advisory Committee" - be continued to a subsequent
a. PROCLAMATION - Mayor Hyde read the Proclamation recognizing the park and
PROCLAIMING THE WEEK recreation facilities and programs in the City, and urging
OF JUNE 22 - 29, 1979 citizens to enjoy the special events planned for the week
AS PARKS AND RECREATION of June 22 - 29, 1979.
Special events include dedication of a new green on the Chula
Vista Golf Course on June 22; free swimming at City Pools
on June 23 and 24; suramer concerts in Memorial Bowl starting
June 24; and open house at all facilities June 22 through
June 28.
Held Tuesday - 2 - June 19, 1979
Eugene Coleman Mr. Coleman referred to Item 19 on th~ Agenda - "Report
1670 Gotham Street on suggested withdrawal of support for the Sweetwater
Chula Vista Flood Control channel" - and asked that this be continued
for one week in order for he and Dr. Watry to complete
written comments on the staff report and the response of
the Corps of Engineers.
Representatives from Staff suggested that since representatives from the Corps
Corp of Engineers arriving of Engineers will be arriving later in the meeting from
from Los Angeles Los Angeles, that they be permitted to make their presen-
tation and the item can then be continued.
Mayor Hyde noted that the presentation would be on tape or
could be made available through transcript. Mr. Coleman
said this would be acceptable.
Motion to continue Item It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Cox and
19 to a future meeting unanimously carried that Item 19 be continued to a future
meeting to be determined at a later time.
Michael Simons Mac. Simons said he was representing the Band Directors of
National City the Sweetwater Union High School District and askedif the
City had received a letter requesting financial assistance
from the City for the First Annual "Chula Vista Band Review"
Letter to be presented City Clerk Jennie Fulasz said the letter was received too
next meeting late to be placed on this agenda and it is scheduled to be
on the agenda next week.
S. PUBLIC HEARING - This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor Hyde
CONSIDERATION OF A TENTATIVE opened the public hearing.
SOUTH SHORE CONDOMINIUMS The applicant has submitted a tentative subdivision map for
(CHULA VISTA TRACT 79-18) South Shore Condominiums, Chula Vista Tract 79-18, to allow
LOCATED AT 577 ARIZONA the conversion of a 12.-kmit apartment building presently
STREET IN THE R-3 ZONE under construction at 577 Arizona Street in the R-3 zone
into a one lot condominium project.
Director of Planning Peterson summarized the staff report
commenting that the units were not originally designed as
condominiums and there have been problems in meeting the
storage requirements of the Ordinance. He described the
proposed~provisions for necessary storage by the constructlot
of carports over 12 of the parking spaces in front of the
development, and 80 cu. ft. to be provided adjacent to the
units, with the exception of two units. For those two
units it is proposed to have the storage under the exterior
stairway leading to the second level. He said staff is not
recommending that this provision be accepted as meeting
the ordinance requirements.
Mr. Peterson also noted the draft ordinance referred by the
Council to the Planhing Commission covering condominium
conversions providing that it is desirable for a portion of
the storage to be adjacent to the units. He said the
Planning Commission did vote 4-2 to approve the applicant's
proposal since the draft ordinance has not been adopted.
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. - 3 - June 19, 1979
Council discussion Council discussion ensued with staff concerning occupancy
of the apartments (they are COmpleted); consideration of
project by Design Review Committee; memo from City Attorney
concerning the police power of the City in this matter; if
storage is not readily accessible, it will not be used,
making an unsightly area.
In answer to a query from Mayor Hyde, Assistant City Attorn
Hatton said there is no problem with the City having
design review authority under its grant of police power.
Syd Xinos Mr. Xinos said the building is completed and five units
Schwerin, Xinos & Associates have been rented with the option to buy. He stated the
1400 6th Avenue Design Review Committee considered and approved the new
San Diego carport design on May 17, and that suggestions by staff
for security measures on storage areas (latches and hidden
hinges) have been accepted. He described the irmpact of
adding the storage upstairs to the Council using floor
plans and diagrams and explained the difficulty in doing
this. He asked that the project be approved with the
modifications as proposed.
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, either for or against, th.
public hearing was closed.
Staff does not recommend In answer to a query from Mayor Hyde, Mr. Peterson said
approval of storage staff is not recommending approval as proposed by the
provisions applicant as the storage underneath the stairway is too
remote from the two units upstairs, and the applicant was
aware of this before the units were completed.
5a. RESOLUTION - Offered by Councilman Cox, the reading of the text was
APPROVING THE TENTATIVE waived by unanimous consent.
Speaking against motion Mayor Hyde spoke against the resolution as "piece-mealing~
storage and storage being inadequate for two units.
Acceptable project except In answer to questions from Councilman Egdahl, Mr. Peters(
for storage said if this project had been submitted originally with
all storage requirements fulfilled, it would have been
acceptable but would not strictly conform to the design
review manual due to the exposed parking area in front of
the building, and the problem of theft in exterior storag,
Resolution not adopted The offer of the resolution failedby the following vote,
Ayes: Councilman Cox
NOES: Councilman Egdahl, Hyde, Gillow, Scott
Absent: None
6. PUBLIC HEARING - This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor Hyde
CONSIDERATION OF THE opened the public hearing.
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. - 4 - June 19, 1979
City Manager Cole said the State Legislature has not taken
action on the "bail-out" funds or long term local government
financing and thus the City is holding $800,000 in reserve.
He further stated that for budget purposes, the City has
not concluded negotiations with the employee units, and
it is staff's recommendation that public input be accepted
on the budget, including the use of Revenue Sharing funds;
that Account 100-1040-SS68 be amended to add $6,400 for
police vehicles (for a total of $34,000); and that the
hearing be continued until June 26, 1979 for consideration
of salary adjustments.
Funds anticipated from Director of Finance Grant said it is anticipated that final
State in August payments to the City under the retroactive "bail-out" bill
being considered by the Legislature willbemade ~metime ~Augt
Motion to amend budget It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Cox and
unanimously carried that the budget be amended to add
$6,400 to Account 100-1040-5568 to bring it up to a total
of $54,400 for police vehicles, to accommodate the decision
foliowing the original hudget session~ to procure four
checker vehicles to be utilized on an experimental hasis
as police vehicles.
Motion to continue It was moved by Mayor Hyde, aeconded by Councilman Gillow
public hearing until and unanimously carried that this public hearing be continue
6/26/79 to the meeting of June 26, 1979 for consideration of salary
adjustments and to approve the resolution adopting the
7. PUBLIC HEARING - This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor Hyde
CONSIDERATION OF INCREASING opened the public hearing.
On June 29, 1978 the Council adopted Ordinance No. 1803
which increased the Utility User's Tax rate and required
that a public hearing be held each fiscal year when the
Council scheduled its public hearing for the adoption of
the annual budge~. The Ordinance further provided that
on July 1, 1979 the-,taX rate ontelephones be increased
to 6%, and on gas and electricity the consumption factors
be increased to $.01103 per therm of gas and $.00300 per
kilowatt of electricity.
Staff recommends City Manager Cole said that because of the uncertainties
increase to maximum of the ongoing long term financing from the State, the
base rate staff recommends that the Council approve the increase in
the utility tax, beginning July 1, 1979, which will become
the maximum base tax rate.
Tax can be reduced or Assistant City Attorney Hatton clarified that the Ordinance
repealed - but cannot provides for the automatic tax rate increase on July I,
be increased 1979 (6% for telephones, $.01103 per therm of gas and
$.00300 per kilowatt of electricity) unless action is taken
by the Council to reduce it or repeal it. If the rate is
decreased at this time and no action is taken by the Counci
at the required public hearing in six months, the tax rate
will automatically return to the maximum base tax rate.
However, the rate cannot be increased beyond this base
rate since the passage of Preposition 13.
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. - S - June 19, 1979
Niek Slijk Mr. Slijk said the Chamber is concerned abou~ the increase
Chamber of Commerce in the tax and he was speaking both on behalf of the
business community and the citizens of Chula Vista. He
spoke against the increase as taxable. rethil=sales are
decreasing in the City, and since this is not a County-
wide tax, it is detrimental to the business climate in the
City where competition is concerned.
E. Neal Arthur Mr. Arthur, Manager of Government Affairs for Rohr Industri~
Rohr Industries said Rohr objects to any increase in the utility user's tax
as they pay the "lion's share" of this tax, and he requestec
that the Council carefully consider this rate increase.
Public hearing closed There beinR no further comments, either for or against,
the public hearing was closed.
Council discussion Council discussion ensued concerning the possibility of
State "bail-out" funds, the offset of those funds and
the amount of money generated if the tax rate is increased
at this time, retroactive funds may be received from the
State in the amount of $400,000, and if the long term
financing bill does not pass, the City may be eligible for
$771,000 plus a 7% inflation factor for.second year bail-
out money.
Motion to maintain current It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
tax rate for another six Gillow and unanimously carried that a resolution be brought
months back for the Council to look at next week with the Utility
User's Tax at the same rate as it is at the present time.
Councilman Scott clarified that this rate would be maintaine
until the next public hearing in six months.
8. RESOLUTION NO. 9627 On June 5, 1979 the Council~ approved a schedule for the
APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR A disposal of the three-acre City owned property adjacent to
PRELIMINARY ARCHAEOLOGICAL the golf course and it was noted that most of the technical.
SURVEY OF THE CITY-OWNED work could be acconlptished by staff with the exception of
PROPERTY ADJACENT TO THE a preliminary archaeology survey. Sites such as this have
GOLF COURSE rendered cultural data, therefore, a preliminary survey
is necessary. It was determined that the cost of this
survey would be under $200.
Resolution offered Offered by Mayor Hyde, the reading of the text was waived
by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the following
vote, to-wit:
AYES: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Cox, Egdahl, Gillow, Scott
Noes: None
Absent: None
9. RESOLUTION NO, 9628 Staff has planned a number of special events during Parks
AUTHORIZING WAIVER OF and Recreation Week to acquaint citizens with the park
SWIMMING POOL FEES FOR facilities and recreation programs available, including
TWO DAYS DURING PARKS AND free swimming in City pools on June 23 and 24. Council
RECREATION WEEK IN CHULA authorization is required to waive the swimming pool fees
VISTA for these two days.
In answer to a query from Mayor Hyde, Director of Parks ~
Recreation Hall said this was done last year and it did
increase revenues from the services provided as citizens
became familiar with the facilities. The special events for
the week will be advertised through the recreation programs,
center programs and in the newspapers with the cooperation
of the Star-News.
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. - 6 - June 19, 1979
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman GilloK, the reading of th~ text was
waived hy unanimous consent, pas~ed and adopted h~ the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Gillow, Scott, Cox, Egdahl, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
10. RESOLUTION NO. 9629 Rohr Corporation agreed to share leasing costs for the
ACCEPTING THE DONATION OF temporary use of Tidelands Avenue on a SO/SO basis. The
ROHR CORPORATION TO BE initial installment of $4,000 has been received and an
APPLIED TO THE LEASE OF A appropriate resolution prepared~to accept the donation.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman GillOw, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Gillow, Scott, Cox, Egdahl, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
11. R~SOLUTION NO. 9630 In October 1978 the Council established a special trust
AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING fund for the deposit of transient occupancy taxes with
THE TRANSFER OF TRANSIENT the fund to terminate May 30, 1979. THis resolution
OCCUPANCY TAX MONIES FROM authorizes the Director of Finance to place all the monies
THE SPECIAL TRUST FUND TO in said fund, totalling $210,559.73, in the General Fund
THE GENERAL FUND ACCOUNT to be expended in the same manner as in previous years.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Gill'ow, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Gillow, Scott, Cox, Egdahl, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
12. RESOLUTION NO. 9631 On December 5, 1978 the Council approved the concept of a
SUPPORTING THE CONCEPT joint powers agreement tQ increase the efficiency of
OF COOPERATION BETWEEN providing fire services in Zone 5, which encompasses Chula
TME VARIOUS AGENCIES Vista, National City, MontgOmery, Bonita-Sunnyside, Lower
PROVIDING FIRE SERVICE Sweetwater and Imperial Beach. This resolution memorializes
IN THE SOUTH BAY ZONE 5 this action.
Mayor Hyde referred to the letter received from the Vice
Mayor of National City indicating their Council's support.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Cox, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Cox, Egdahl, Hyde, Gillow, Scott
Noes: None
Absent: None
Request for City Manager Mayor Hyde asked that the City Manager draft a letter to
to draft appropriate letter the respective City Councils concerned and the Fire Protectim
tO cities and districts Districts, forwarding a copy of the resolution and offering
concerned that the City of Chula Vista will be the host City for the
first meeting in an effort to move this matter along.
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. ~ 7 - June
13. RESOLUTION N0. 9632 On June 12, 1979 the Council directed ~,taff to prepare
APPROVING CERTAIN a resolution requiring. JLEN Construction Company to
MODIFICATIONS IN THE regrade the subject property and move four buildings
TELEGRAPH CANYON TERRACE designated as A, B, C and D vertically and horizontally
PRECISE PLAN BUT REQUIRING in conformance with the approved Precise Plan.
A, B, C ~ D)
13a. REPORT ON RELOCATION OF Director of Planning Peterson said the applicant has
BUILDINGS A, B, C AND D letters from two moving firmS, one stating there is not
AT TELEGRAPH CANYON sufficient room to get equipment in to move the buildin~
TERRACE CONDOMINIUMS and moving the buildings would be economically impossib]
(500-630 TELEGRAPH and the other stating there is no way to raise the built
CANYON ROAD - JLEN, INC.) in order to excavate and lower the grade. bit. Peterson
said it is his understanding the applicant wishes to
avoid a continuance of the matter and is prepared to
accept the resolution being considered this evening.
Council discussion Council discussion followed with staff concerning certaj
discrepancies approved by the Council on the balance of
the project and adjustments which may have to be made
for the buildings to fit in; the desire of the developei
that the matter not be continued; if the developer proce
to remove the buildings and regrade the property, such
regrading may conflict with the actual configuration of
the lower terrace; some minor modifications to the origi
precise plan may be in order; staff will use discretiON
approving regrading of the land around Buildings A, B, C
~ D and if there are any problems, they will come back t
Suggestion for amendment In response to a question from Mayor Hyde as to legal
to resolution pitfalls, Assistant City Attorney Hatton said he would
reconhmend that the discussion be made part of the resolu
since the public hearing has been closed. He suggested
the resolution be amended to state: "The relocation call
for is conditioned upon compatibility with the rest of t
Motion to amend resolution It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Cox a
as suggested by Assistant carried 4-0 (Councilman Scott abstained) that the resolu
City Attorney be amended in accordance with the statement made by the
Assistant City Attorney.
Joseph Lathers In response to an invitation from the Mayor to address t
Telegraph Canyon Road particular question, Mr. Lathers said he is suggesting a
Chula Vista plan of solution for the Council - aside from whatever t
Council wishes to do, he suggests that he be permitted t
regrade to the precise plan; that he is asking to do thi
without going along with the resolution.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, as amended, the reading of
as amended the text was waived by unanimous consent, passed and ado
by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Hyde, Gillow, Cox
Noes: None
Abstain: Councilman Scott
Absent: None
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. - 8 - June 19, 1979
,,.: . BETWEEN reached based on the guidelines established in tb~e origina]
THE CITY AND AZTEC BUS two-year contract to determine costs for service provision
LINES TO PROVIDE INTRA- in FY 1979-80. The total cost for FY 1979-80 is estimated
CITY BUS SERVICE FOR TWELVE to be $770,302 or $1.534/mile for provision of 592,120
MONTHS EFFECTIVE 7/1/79 miles.
Resolution offered Offered by Mayor Hyde, the reading of the text was waived
by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the following
vote, to-wit:
AYES: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Gillow, Scott, Cox, Egdahl
Noes: None
Ab. sent: None
15. RESOLUTION N0. 9634 This agreement establishes the South Coast Organization
Staff recommended that the Council appoint two members and
one alternate to represent the City on the SCOOT Board;
and that a contract be negotiated with SCOOT to provide
public transportation service to residents of Chula Vista.
Comment requested on Mayor Hyde asked staff to comment on the rationale behind
rationale for membership the Board membership and whether or not there is any
possibility that the City of Chula Vista might become the
minority member of such a Board. He referred to page 3,
paragraph S(a) of the Agreement: "BOARD OF DIRECTORS -
Governing Body."
City has option to Deputy City Manager Robens explained that it is possible
withdraw at any time for the City to become a minority member on the Board;
however, it takes a vote of a majority of the members
before anyone else can be a part of the Agreement, and the
City has the ability to withdraw from the Agreement if the
is dissatisfaction with expansion of the system as other
members come in.
Council discussion Council discussion ensued with staff concerning the Board
membership provisions - one member for the first $500,000
Local Transportation Funds cOntributiOn from the agency
to SCOOT and one additional member for each agency con-
tributing in excess of $500,000 for a maximum of two membe
per agency; possibility of same number of members from eac
agency; formula for membership determined in discussions
between the County, CPO (Comprehensive Planning Organizati
and the City; and the need to take action soon to receive
the financial benefits.
Agreement not clear on In response to a query from Councilman Egdahl, Mr. Robens
elected officials as said the agreement is not clear whether the members of the
members of the Board Board of Directors will be elected officials but it is his
understanding this was the intention and it has been indi-
cated Supervisor Hamilton will be the County representativ
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. - 9 - June 19, 1979
Motion to continue It was moved by Councilman Scott and seconded hy Mayor
item for one week Hyde that this matter be held over for one week to clarify
that point (elected officials to be members of the Board
of Directors).
Amendment to motion It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by Mayor Hyde
and unanimously carried that the motion be amended to
include that the Council reco~unend the alternate be an
appointment made by the appointing authority.
Council discussion Council discussion followed and it was determined that
the County has already approved the agreement, and it will
cost the City approximately $330 per day beyond July 1, 19~
from general fund monies if the agreement is not approVed.
Original motion withdrawn Councilman Scott withdrew his motion to continue the matte~
Mayor Hyde agreed as the second.
Resolution offered - Offered by Cotnlcilman Cox as presented but with the requesl
request for answers to staff come back at the meeting next week with answers to
questions questions posed tonight.
Clarification of motion Councilman Cox clarified that in offering the resolution
it is desired to have the agreement in effect and that
amendments can then be made as necessary.
Resolution adopted The reading, ~f the. text- wa~ waived by unanimous consent
and the resolution was passed and adopted by ~he following
vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilman Cox, Egdahl, Hyde, Gillow, Scott
Noes: None
Absent: None
Staff to initiate Mayor Hyde asked, that after the agreement is in effect,
action to amend agreement that Deputy City Manager Robens initiate action on the par
of the Council to propose an amendment to the agreement
with regard to the elected officials. He also posed the
question whether one alternate serves as alternate for
both members or whether two alternates are to be appointed
and asked that this be answered also.
Recommendation for Mayor Hyde requested that staff bring back a reconunendatio
membership requested for membership from the City at the next meeting.
from staff
16. RESOLUTION NO. 9635 On June 7, 1979 the City Engineer received one bid for the
REJECTING BID FOR THE project. The bid was more than 20% over the engineer's
CONSTRUCTION OF STREET AND estimate for both Alternate 1 and Alternate 2. Staff
TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENTS AT THE reconmaended (1) that the bid be rejected as the lack of
INTERSECTIONS OF BONITA ROAD/ competitive bidding leaves the staff with inadequate
OTAY LAKES ROAD AND EAST "H" information to justify spending the additional funds; and
STREET/OTAY LAKES RO~D (2) that the concept of Alternate 2 be approved and the
work re-advertised as two separate projects.
Resolution offered 0flared by Mayor Hyde, the reading of the text was Waived
by unanimous consent~ passed and adopted by the following
vote, to-wit:
AYES: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Gillow, Scott, Cox, IBgdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. -:10 - 3une 19, 1979
a, RF, P~RT ON PUBLIC The City Manager submitted a detailed report regarding
OPINION POLL Councilman Gillow's request for a public Opinion poll.
He recommended the Council approve the conduction of an
opinion poll consisting of 24questionsby telephone to
be given to 500 sample registered voters.
Motion to accept report It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Gillow
and unanimously carried that the report be accepted.
Councilmembers to submit The Council concurred that each member of the Council will
list of topics or subject offer a list of topics or subject areas with final questi~
areas determined from the accumulative list.
17 b. REPORT ON MURAL In a written report City Manager Cole said Staff discussed
PAINTINGS THROUGHOUT the use of murals as a deterrent to graffiti with staff
THE CITY members of Bonita Vista High School (who have developed a
mural manual) and with Southwestern College. They have
indicated an interest in the program and will cooperate
with the City. It was recommended that a theme be adopted
for City murals such as "The Year of the Child" as suggest
by Councilman Gillow. Staff recommended that they be
directed to develop a program, working with the Parks and
Recreation Commission, for painting murals on restrooms
in parks and possibly other selected City buildings.
Motion to accept report It was moved by Mayor Hyae, seconded by Councilman Cox and
unanimously carried that the report be accepted.
Mayor Hyde commented that his motion to accept the report
included the theme as "The Year of the Child."
17 c. REPORT ON BONITA/ h a written statement, City Manager Cole said that payment
SUNNYSIDE FIRE PROTECTION for fire protection provided by Bonita-Sunnyside Fire
NEGOTIATIONS Protection District due March 1S, 1979 has not been made,
although funds in the amount of $37,890 are included in
the 1978-79 budget, The problem is the amount of money
the City must pay based on the formula in the agreement
which expires June 30, 1979, i.e., assessed valuation of
the City area times the tax rate necessary to equal the
pro rata share of the total District budget. The assessed
valuation increased approximately $1.5 million and applyin
the rate of 86¢ per $100 results in a contract cost of
Staff recommended payment of the $41,731.83 for 1978-79
fire service (requiring the additional appropriation of
$3,900) and that the contract be terminated effective June
30, 1979 with the Chula Vista Fire Department directed to
provide first-in response.
Council discussion The Council and staff discussed (1) the distance and times
to various points as indicated in the staff report, noting
the most distant point was 4 miles to the easterly part
of the golf course where there are no residences; (2) fire
insurance ratings (based on 3miles) might be increased
slightly in the commercial area but not in the residential
area; and (3) most distant calls for the golf course might
be emergency medical only.
Motion to approve staff It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
recommendation and appropri- Cox and unanimously carried that the staff recommendation
ate necessary funds be approved and a ~esolution brought back appropriating
the additional $3,900 (for payment of fire protection
~ service in 1978-79).
Held Tuesday -7:00 p.m,"' - 11 - June 19~ 1979
18. REPORT ON CIVIC In a written stateanent, the Director of Planning analyzed
CENTER PARKING the parking needs concluding that (~) the parking provided
does comply with the Zoning Ordinance standards; (2) it
would be beneficial to the City to develop a long range
plan for parking needs within the Civic Center Complex,
and (S) if it is desired to provide interim parking while
the courts remain, that landscaping be withheld on the
vacated area used by the Personnel Department across Fourtt
and to provide temporary paving to acconnnodate the Police
Department personnel.
Motion to accept report It was moved by Cotmcilman Egdahl and seconded hy Mayor
Hyde that the report he accepted.
Councilman Cox questioned whether the staff has had any
further contact with the County regarding their desire to
secure or acquire temporary parking areas to assist the
City in this problem. He suggested this would be an
alternative for the City to save money.
Substitute motion to It was moved by Councilman Cox and seconded by Councilman
work with County to Gillow that the City consider working with the County,
provide parking area allowing them to pay for the demolition of the Personnel
office building with the proviso that the Council will
let them use that for a temporary site for parking.
Concern that temporary Councilman Egdahl expressed his concern that using that
parking area may be made area as a temporary parking site may end up being a
permanent permanent arrangement. He spoke in favor of the original
Speaking against Councilman Scott spoke against the motion, stating the Cou~
substitute motion personnel may not make the effort to cross the street and
use the parking lot.
Substitute motion fails The substitute motion failed hy the following vote, to-wit:
.Ayes: Councilman Cox
NOES: Councilmen Egdahl, Hyde, Gil~ow, Scott
Absent: None ' .... :" . ':~-~'
Original motion carried The motion tO accept the staff report carried unanimously.
19. REPORT ON SUGGESTED WITH- On April 24, 1979 presentations were made to Council by
DRAWAL OF SUPPORT FOR THE Dr. Peter Watry and Mr. Eugene Coleman encouraging the
SWEETWATER FLOOD CONTROL Council to withdraw its support of the Sweetwater Flood
CHANNEL Control Project while continuing to support the related
Route 54 Freeway project. The City Engineer reviewed the
written submissions and recommended that the City continue
to support the flood control channel/freeway project as now
stipulated in various interagency agreements.
(This item was continued at the request of Mr. Coleman -
see page 1 of the minutes.)
Brian Moore Mr. Moore referred to their written response forwarded to
Corps of Engineers the Council and staff in reply to questions raised by Dr.
Los Angeles Watry and Mr. Coleman. He outlined the background of the
project, calling attention to a published draft dated July,
1977 and to a public hearing held in National City in
December 1978. His comments included environmental problemz
location of the inlet at Bonita Mesa Road, budget cost and
analysis, acquisition of marshlands to preserve wildlife. 1
Moore stated that part of the project has already been
authorized by Congress and the Corps is ready to proceed.
asked for continued support of the City.
Held TueSday - 7:00 p.m. - 12 - 'June 19, 1979
Question regarding State Mayor Hyde asked if it would he feasible or practical to
54 without flood control complete State S4 freeway project without the flood controZ
project channel.
Considerable expense Mr. Moore explained this is a difficult question as many
already incurred agreements have been made: $11,000,000 have already been
expended, 90% of tim rights of way have been acquired by
CalTrans, and relocation of utilities at considerable
expense. He said a flood control problem has been identif:
and would need to be handled.
Chris Gulker Mr. Gulker stated that the method used to estimate benefit:
Corp of Engineers was the best possible, lacking flood history. He added th~
Los Angeles it was recently proven to be conservative based on floods
that occurred.
City Engineer Lippitt suggested that in view of written
comments from Mr. Coleman, Dr. Watry and the Corps of
Engineers, it might be helpful for all parties to meet
with City staff toreview them and avoid a back and forth
situation, and when the review is complete it can come
back to the Council in two weeks or at a later Council
Item 19 rescheduled It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Scott ~
for meeting of July unanimously carried that this matter be rescheduled for
3, 1979 the regular Council meeting in two weeks ~ July 3.
20. REPORT ON CITY ACTING AS Item 20 was continued to a subsequent meeting. See page 1
ITS OWN CONTRACTOR of the minutes.
21. REPORT ON MAYOR'S PROPOSAL Item 21 was continued to a subsequent meeting. See page 1
FOR A MOBILE HOME PARK of the minutes.
Ad Hoc Elderly and Mayor Hyde said he understands the staff will be recommend
Handicapped Transportation approval of a contract with a private firm to operate the
Advisory Committee proposed demand responsive transit service for handicapped
and elderly citizens in the City, and it is necessary to
appoint an advisory transportation committee. The tommitt
will be known as an Ad Hoc Elderly and Handic d
TransportaioniAdviso~y Committee consisting o fve m~mh~r
Motion to appoint It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Cox and
committee members unanimously carried that the following individuals, who ha
indicated a willingness to serve, he appointed to this ad
hcc committee:
Joan D. Nicholson
Eileen Skelly
Joe Navarra
Jack Bloom
Le~isla~ivebill' introduced Mayor Hyde said he had received a letter from LAFCO pointi
to repeal:MORGA-anne, x~tions out that Senator Briggs of Orange County has introduced a
bill to repeal the island annexation provisions of the
MORGA act and the bill is proceeding through the Leg!slatu
LAFCO urged the Council to contact members of the Senat~
Local Government Committee at once in support of maintaini
the MORGA act.
Held Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. - 13 -' June 29, t979
Motion to support It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
retention of MORGA Cox and unanimously carried that the Council support the
MORGA legislation and send a letter to the members of the
Local Government Committee.
22. REPORT ON RECOMN~NDATIONS This item was continued to a subsequent meeting. See page
FROM THE MAYOR'S VISITOR 1 of the minutes.
Councilman Gillow noted the continuance of this item and
stated that the Committee felt one recommendation should
be acted on quickly - that a letter he forwarded to the
Street & Son Interest requestfng consideration of includin
a visitor center in their project.
Motion to forward letter It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded hy Couflcilman
Cox and unanimously carried that the letter be forwarded
as recommended.
Report next meeting on In answer to a query from Councilman Cox regarding questio
hourly employees raised by the hourly employees of the City, Assistant City
Manage~ Asmus said a report will be given to Council on
this at the next meeting in establishing salaries for thes
Council Conference items Mayor Hyde asked that the City Manager reschedule the ire/
for 6/14 to be rescheduled which were to he considered at the Council Conference that
was cancelled on June 14 due to lack of a quorum.
City Attorney reports. Councilman Cox re~erred to a number of reports from the
City Attorney received by the Council in their packets. E
suggested that the items be considered at a Council ConfeI
or at a regular meeting.
Motion to schedule It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded hy Councilman
reports for appropriate Scott and unanimously carried that the City Manager schedt
meetings these items for an appropriate meeting setting an& at an
appropriate time.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hyde adjourned the meeting at 9:38 p.m. to the regu]
meeting scheduled for Tues&ay, June 26, 1979 at 7:00 p.m.
in the Council Chambers, 276 Fourth Avenue.
Dated: June 13, 1979