Held Thursday - 4:00 p.m. May 17, 1979
An adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of Chula Vista, California was held on the
above date beginning at 4:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Public Services Building, 276 Fourt]
Councilmen present: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Cox (arrived late), Egdahl, Scott, Gillow
Councilmen absent: None
Staff present: City Manager Cole, Assistant City Manager Asmus, Deputy City Manage:
Robens, Director of Finance Grant, various Department Heads and the:
assistants, and Administrative Analyst Swartfager
Chula Vista Visitors and The request is for $34,700. The City Manager recommended
Convention Bureau $7~600.
City Manager Cole explained that the amount requested is for
operation of the two Information Centers (I-5 and 1-805
freeways). The Copley report on the Visitor and Convention
Bureau's activities stated that the Centers serve primarily a
hospitality function; therefore, it is the City Manager's
recommendation to fund the Bureau to the extent of rent,
utilities, repair and maintenance of the Centers - $7,600.
Motion to trail item It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Gillow and
unanimously carried by those present that this item be traile,
until Councilman Cox arrives at the meeting.
(Councilman Cox arrived at this time - 4:09 p.m.)
Councilman Gillow's Report Councilman Gillow, Chairman of the Mayor's Visitor Industry
Advisory Committee, reported on the joint meeting held with
the Mayor's Economic Advisory Committee. As a result of this
session on April 25, 1979, the following recommendations were
made: 1. That the City commit financial resources to promotiol
of the City by setting aside 50% of the Transient Occupancy
Tax (TOT) in a special fund which will be reviewed after six
months and thereafter on a yearly basis. A portion of this
fund would be used as required for tourist promotion; 2. That
the City employ a consultant or hire an employee to work in
the tourist area. The functions of this individual would be:
a) to work on public relations and community relations;
b) to form a Mexican liaison; c) to work with San Diego ConVi:
on tourist packages, advertising and establish closer relatio]
with San Diego Conyis; d) to work on visitor activities and
visitor hosting and be involved in the long-range planning anf
formulating major plans; e) to attract the visitor industry
into the City of Chula Vista; f) to advise the Mayor's Visito:
Industry Advisory Committee. 3. That the Mayor's Visitor In-
dustry Advisory Committee be retained with the following
functions: a)work with the staff or consultant; b) analyze
studies and/or reports and make recommendations to the CounciZ
c) establish closer relations with the visitor industry in th,
City; d) work on community relations for the purpose of boost.
ing community support; e) monitor San Diego ConVia and other
cities' activities for ideas; f) to work with the staff on thl
master plan; g) increase the base of the Committee to seven.
4. That the City concentrate its tourist effort in the Bayfro]
area by: a} emphasizing boating and camping; b) continuing to
work diligently to make every effort to insure that the Bay-
front plan will work and 5. That the City maintain the two
Visitor Information Centers.
Hold Thursday - 4:00 p.m. - 2 - May 17, 1979
Pat Myers Ms. Myers Stated that the businessmen of this community sup-
Copley International port the idea of operating the Centers. She felt the Centers
would support tourjam and if they were not funded, National
City would pick this up. Ms. Myers discussed the need of
"strong leadership" -- that the Council should support having
either a staff person or an outside consultant get together
with the businessmen and promote tourism for the community.
Del Watkins, Ex. Director Mr. Watkins commented that most cities have a non-profit
San Diego ConVia organization "operating this type of thing". He agreed that
hiring this leadership would be the way to go. Mr. Watkins
spoke in support of keeping the Centers open -- that it shoul,
be a joint effort (private and public); discussed the money
ConVia gets from the City of San Diego; the operation of thei:
Bureau; help that his organization would give Chula Vista;
charging people for advertising at the Centers; the advantage
of starting this promotional activity now -- before the Bay-
front is developed.
Don Ritchie, President Mr. Ritchie stated that the two Information Centers are
Chula Vista Visitors and necessary to support tourjam. Presently, plans are under way
Convention Bureau to merge the Visitors and Convention Bureau with the Chamber
of Commerce. The amount recommended by the City Manager
($7,600) is only 3% of the Transient Occupancy Tax, Mr. Rit~:
added that the Information Center on I-5 is on property that
has just been sold -- it is now in escrow with the understand
ing that the Information Center can continue its operation
there for a period of two years.
Niek Slijk, Ex. Director Mr. Slijk asked that 50% of the Transient Occupancy Tax be
Chula Vista Chamber of set aside for promotion of the tourist industry, and that it
Commerce was necessary for both Centers to be open.
City Manager's Remarks Mr. Cole gave his justification for recommending the amount
of $7,600. He stated that if the Council approved the hiring
of a person to head this activity to promote tourism, he
would recommend it be an outside consultant.
Council discussion Discussion followed regarding all aspects of the request, the
Copley report, hiring of an outside consultant, cost of
operating the Centers, projected growth and the redevetopment
Motion to budget $50,000 It was moved by Mayor Hyde and seconded by Councilman Gillow
that, at this time, to include in the budget a sum of $50,000
for two purposes: (1) to provide the basic maintenance of
the Visitor Centers as recommended by the City Manager --
$7,600; and (2) to recruit, under contract, a visitor-industr)
promotion consultant; and (3) that further expenditures for
community promotion would be dependent upon a program to be
developed subsequently in conjunction with the newly-hired
consultant and the Visitor Industry Committee.
Discussion of motion Discussion followed with the Mayor clarifying that the money
budgeted would be for rent and maintenance Of the Centers
and not for salaries and that it would cover a period of one
year; Councilman Cox noted that last year, the Council Stipu-
lated that the Bureau would have to raise funds and also spent
whatever reserves they had. He felt that the $7,600 would be
paying for people with no people in it. Councilman Egdahl
remarked that each year the Council declares that it will be
"the last year" of funding for the Bureau; and he felt it was
now time to take a positive step in helping this activity by
increasing the funds, establishing goals, and getting the
leadership requested.
Motion amended Mayor Hyde amended his motion to increase the amount to
$60,000. Councilman Gillow agreed to the second.
Held Thursday - 4:00 p.m. - 3 - May 17, 1979
Motion restated It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Gillow
and unanimously carried that approval be given to budget
$60,000 - basically to provide for the hiring of a consultant
for this purpose and also it is to provide for the continued
operation of the Centers with the intent that a program which
would be conducted as a result of the work of the consultant
and in conjunction with the Centers would be brought back to
Council for approval.
Further discussion Further discussion centered around getting volunteers to work
at the Centers; jointly establishing a Center with the MTDB
Transit Station; perhaps getting a private sector to run the
Centers; having the consultant familiarize himself/herself
with the Bayfront plans.
Motion for volunteer It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by Mayor Hyde and
report unanimously carried that the Mayor's Visitor Industry Advisor
Conunittee be requested to bring back a recommendation on how
volunteers should be involved and how to seek a new informa-
tion center for the I-S area (and to coordinate with MTDB).
Motion for resolution It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Councilman Gillow
and unanimously carried that the City Attorney be directed
to prepare an appropriate resolution which would unfreeze-
the Transient Occupancy Tax funds from last year and put them
back into the General Fund.
RESOLUTION - City Attorney Lindberg explained that the purpose of the
APPROVING AGREEMENT WITH agreement is to allow the project to proceed and allowing the
JLEN, INC. City inspections to proceed -- that there be no economic wast
or loss as a result of simply standing still on it. Included
in the agreement is a provision for bonding and/or appropriat
security for removal of those units which constitute a visual
obstruction to the view from the properties involved. On
June 12, Council will be considering the revised precise plat
on this development.
Deputy City Manager Robens Mr. Robens referred to the report submitted to the Council by
City Engineer John Lippitt. The background of this developmen
was detailed in the report and the discrepancies of the grad-
ing plan were discussed.
Council discussion Discussion followed regarding the conditions outlined in the
agreement; the June 12 public hearing to consider the revised
precise plan; the six units under issue; amendments to the
grading plan; the "intensive" inspections to be made by the
City; cost to the City; having a provision in the agreement
which would require the developer to pay for this cost.
Jack Mann Mr. Mann stated he was here to answer questions. He indicate
Representing JLEN that if the City could allocate those expenses dealing with
the extraordinary inspections, there would be no problem.
Mr. Mann answered the Council's questions concerning the ob-
ligations of his company, provisions of the agreement, and tt
money it is costing by this delay.
City Manager's Recommendation A recess was called at 6:00 p.m, for the dinner break. Mayon
Hyde asked the City Manager to be ready with his recommenda-
tion when the meeting reconvenes.
Mr. Cole's remarks Mr. Cole expressed his concern that this document has just
been brought to the Council; he has not had the opportunity 1
fully analyze its contents; he is now being directed to give
up his dinner break, review this material, be prepared to
give a recommendation, and then continue on with the budget.
Mr. Cole added that he will not do this but will be prepared
to give a recommendation at the regular Council meeting on
Held Thursday - 4:00 p.m. - 4 - May 17, 1979
Motion to continue It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Gillow and unanimously carried that this resolution be held
over until Tuesday, May 22, 1979.
Dinner break The meeting recessed at 6:00 p.m. and reconvened at 6:46 p.m.
GC-02 Golf Cart Repair Deputy City Manager Robens continued with his detailed explana-
and Storage Building tion of each item. The City Council stated that they would take
action on those items they had some concern about.
The $48,000 requested is for the construction of a 1,800 sq. ft.
building on the west side of the golf course.
GC-03 Golf Course r The request for $24,000 is to hire a consultant to perform a
Drainage Study study of a permanent solution to the drainage problems caused
by runoffs discharged onto the golf course; and further, to in-
vestigate measures possible upstream to limit future silting
and flooding problems on the golf course.
LTF-04 Bus Stop Improvements $32,000 is requested for benches, schedule holders, map holders
and transit shelters. The two shelters are to be located at
(1) Naples Street and Hilltop Drive (southwest corner) and ~2)
"J" Street and Hilltop Drive (southwest corner).
Mayor Hyde asked that staff notify the residents ~n the area
prior to any construction of these shelters.
GT-76 Traffic Signal at The request of $6,000 is for the joint project with the County
Hilltop Drive and Main Street The total cost of the signal will be $60,000 with Chula Vista
paying $20,000.
GT-84 Third Avenue Widening The budgeted amount requested is $600,000. The total cost of
"G" to "K" Street the project is $1,200,000. The first one-half of this project
was approved by Council last year, and this is the second
half: from "I" to "K" Streets.
Council discussion Mayor Hyde noted that the Council cannot take final action on
this project until the issue with the church (St. Rose of Lima
is resolved on the environmental impact report.
Motion to approve It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Gillow that
approval be given to GT-84.
Discussion of motion Councilman Scott spoke against the motion stating the widening
was not necessary; it would not be an improvement; alternates
of the car solution should be found; the money shouldbe spent
on something else.
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Gillow, Cox, Egdahl
Noes: Councilman Scott
Absent: None
GT-98 Traffic Signal at $3,000 is budgeted for the installation of a six-phase actuate
Bonita and "E" Street traffic signal. The developers of this area, Morgan-Gardner,
have paid $17,000 as their share of the total cost of $59,000.
GT-99 Construction southbound The $23,600 is the cost of widening the west side of Broadway
right turn lane at Broadway 6 feet for approximately 200', north of the intersection, to
and "H" Street provide for a southbound right-turn-only lane.
Held Thursday - 4:00 p.m. - 5 - May 17, 1979
GT-iO0 Flashing yellow light The $11,000 is for the installation of the flashing yellow
on Otay Lakes Road at Bonita lights with changeable sign north and south in advance of the
Junior High School north of school.
East "H" Street
GT-101 Street Lighting, $45,300 is requested to install a complete new lighting system.
Fourth Avenue - "E" to This is necessary as a result of the undergrounding project ih
"F" Street that area.
GT-102 Conversion of Street The $19,000 will cover this project for the entire City. The
Lights from Mercury Vapor installation costs are now down and it is more economical to
to High-pressure Sodium go ahead with this type lighting. Previously, the public oh-
Vapor (3 year program) jected to the lights because of the color, but now it is
accepted and provides better lighting with a longer life.
GT-103 Construction of $24,000 is requested for the construction of curbs, gutter,
Second Avenue from Orange sidewalk and payment to connect the existing improvements on
Avenue to SDG&E Easement Second Avenue to Orange Avenue.
GT-104 Otay Lakes Road The $67,000 will be used to widen portions of Otay Lakes Road
Widening Various Locations to 58' in order to facilitate a safer and smoother traffic
between Camino Elevado and flow along this road.
East "H" Street
GT-10S Cross Gutter "L" The requested amount of $19,000 will remove the existing cross
Street at Hilltop Drive, gutter across "L" Street and replace it with underground con-
Eliminate crete flume and inlet structure.
GT-106 Fourth Avenue $S0,200 is requested for the construction of a 1½" A.C. overlay
Resurfacing "D" Street of the existing street and subsequent redelineation.
to "F" Street
GT-107 East "L" Street Median Speaking against this proposal were Joseph Felber, 945 Monterey
Melrose Avenue to Nacien Court; a letter read by Mr. Felber from George R. Thomas,
Avenue spokesman for the residents of Monterey, Mission and Nolan
Avenues; Mrs. Anderson, whose mother lives on this street;
Mrs. Rumpsch, 930 Monterey Court. They requested that the
median not be put in; that action on this matter be continued
for one year to allow time to evaluate the left-turn lanes that
will be put in next week.
Motion to place in the It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman Cox
1980/81 Budget that this project be placed in the 1980/81 Capital Improvement
Discussion of motion Mayor Hyde spoke against the motion noting the length of time
it will take to put in the median;the time necessary for a
good evaluation, and if the project is needed, then the Council
should move on it.
Motion withdrawn Councilman Scott withdrew his motion; Councilman Cox withdrew
the second.
Motion for report It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Councilman Egdahl
a~unanimously carried that this expenditure be approved for
this year's capital improvement budget and that the staff come
back with a report on the first of January on how the left-turn
lanes are working out and further, hold up any designs or
actual expenditure of funds until the Council gets the report
and takes action on it.
GT-108 Brightwood Avenue $7,000 will be used to remove two existing grate inlets and
Storm Drain Inlets replace them with two curb opening inlets.
GT-1]3 Las Flores Drive Deputy City Manager Robens noted that the project involves a
and "D" Street Improvement storm drain system from 200' northerly of the intersection
southerly to an existing pipe under "E" Street and that it also
includes construction of approximately 635 lineal feet of 24-
foot wide ribbon pavement. The City will be reimbursed for
two-thirds of this cost. The amount requested is $109,000.
Held Thursday - 4:00 p.m. - 6 - may ~,,
BLOCK GRANT Fb"NDS Deputy City Manager.Roben~ Stated that the 'Council ha~t
ready approved the following projects:
BG-S1 Memorial Park Improvements (AdditiOnal Funds., $50,000
see BG-51, FY78/79, $25,000}
BG-6S Vista Square Park Development 110,000
BG-66 Parkway Gym ~ Pool Exterior Renovation 20,000
BG-67 Neighborhood Center (see Block Grant 5,000
Program, FY79/80, $5,000 Phase I,
FY80/81, $20,000, Phase IIo FYS1/82,$2ZS,000'
Phase III)
BG-68 Block Grant Pavement Overlay Program 6g,000
(see Block Grant Program FY79/80,$60,O00~
Phase I; FY80/8] $100,000, Phase IID
BG-69 Third Avenue Storm Drain ~ Park Way I96,OO0
BG-70 Alley Improvements Between Landis and 21;000
Garrett and Davidson and "F" Street
BG-71 Block Grant Street Improvement Program $~OOg
(see Block Grant Program, FY79/80, $3,000,
Phase I; FY80/81, $90,000 Phase II)
BG-72 Landis and Madrend Sewer Relocation 12;000
BG-73 Senior Center Renovation
BG-74 Block Grant Wheelchair Ramps
TOTAL $495,008
PM*0t Construction and Repair $5,O00 is requested, however, the totai cOSt 0£ the . pr6jeC~
Shops Addition and Parking $18,000. The project will.be for (13 a 20' x 20' addition to
Meter Building electric and air conditioning shop for a plumbing shop; (2) a
24' x 33' addition to paint s~orage room for additional build-
ing material storage; and (3) construct a 12' x 20' frame
building to house facilities for parking meter maintenance --
all at the Public Works Yard at 707 '~" Street.
TS-01 Traffic Signal at The $56,000 is part of the total cost of $59,000. The sum
Benira Road and "E" Street $3,000 was approved in the Gas Tax Fund (GT-98).
Motion to approve GAS TAX It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Egdahl and
BUDGHT as amended unanimously carried that the Gas Tax Budget, as amend~d~ be
MOtion to approve CAPITAL It was moved by CoUncilman Egdahl, seconded by'COun'cilman
IMPROVEMENT BUDGET Gillow and unanimously carried that the Capital Improvement
Program Budget for 1979/80'be approved, as amended by the
LIST OF PROJECTS CONSIDERED Deputy City Manager Robens submitted and explained the
BUT NOT INCLUDED IN THE following data:
FY !979/80 BUDGUT :r':~sj-j!e';'c"! ~'-"!"'~j<'~
· ~,. ,..' ~.~..:"L ~ .'~"7%.. ............ - ......... · .............a~rq'.vJ?~_.~y Cour'cil_.
· = , ......' .....,"'..,..l... .....,-" "' ....' ..........'11 I 1 1iI
Held Thursday - 4:00 p.m. - 7 - May 17, 1979
REVIEW O~ THE STATUS. OF Deputy City Manager Robens referred to the Supplemental
CIP ALREADY EXISTING Budget for lg79/80 (on file. in the OffiCe' of the City Clerk).
He briefly explained the items noting the amounts recommended
to be returned to the fund balance and those recommended tO
be carried forward to next year's budget.
RC-04 1911 Act Revolving Mr. Robens explained that $150,000 was put into the Fund this
Fund year, and the staff recommpnds removing $100,000 of that be-
cause the Las rlores Assessment District project was dropped.
· Motion to remove Sic0,000 It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Mayor Hyde and
unanimously carried that $100,000 be removed and returned to
the fund balance.
It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Councilman Scott
and unanimously carried that approval be given to return all
the funds in the column entitled "Estimated Amounts to Return
to Fund Balance" as of June 30, 1979.
~ctivity 2501 The seven projects listed in this Activity totala budget
request of $796,200.
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Gillow and unanimopsly carried that Activity 2501 be approved
as recommended by the City Manager.
Activity 2502 The seven projects listed in this Activity total a budget re-
quest of $234,900,
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Gillow, seconded by Councilman
Scott and unanimously carried that Activity 2502 be approved
as recommended by the City Manager.
Activity 2503 The four p~ojects listed in this Activity total a budget re-
quest of $288,000.
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman .Egdahl, seconded by Mayor Hyde and
unanimously carried that Activ+ty 2503 be approved as recom-
mended by the CitylManager.
Activity 2504 The two projects listed in this ActiVity total a budget re-
quest of $7,S00.
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Gil.low, s~conaed by Mayor Hyde and
unanimously carried thtt Activity 2504 'be approved as recom-
mended by the City Manager.
Police Vehicle Replacement Chief Winters stated that the fourteen vehicles his departmen·
was to obtain from Castle Plymouth are no longer available an,
this creates a problem since no cars were budgeted for last
year. The earliest they will be able to expect some Vehicles
will be February 1980, Chief Winters stated that this matter
could be solved by approval of the purchase of C~eckered Cabs
He cited the experience Of the City of Woodlake with this
vehicle, the engine performance and life expectancy of the
Legal problem Councilman Scott said th~'~ ))e.v~XllKi like to know what the
legal ramifications would be, if any, of any action by the
City for non-delivery of the vehicles by Castle Plymouth.
Discussion A general discussion followed during which the Council
questioned Chic{Winters on various aspects of the proposal,
the legal problems,the cost of the vehicles,.and the morale
of the officers' who will be driving these, vehicles.
Held Thursday - May 17, 1979 - 8 - May 17, 1979
Funds needed Assistant City Manager Asmus stated that the amount of
:, $76,500 is needed (instead of the budgeted amount of $28,000)
for nine vehicles instead of four -- and to cover the in-
creased cost of the vehicles.
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Mayor Hyde and
unanimously carried that the mount of $76,500 be plugged
into the budget and that there will be assurances that this
is, in all respects, safe from a legal standpoint.
KENNEL ATTENDANT The request is for $12,690.
Councilman Egdahl expressed his concern that the Council is
cutting down on services to the people but contemplatingin-
creasing the services (7 days) for afiihals.
In answer to Councilman Egdahl's ~emarks, Chief Winters
stated that contact with National City for a five-day week
service would pose no problem for them.
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman Cox
that approval be given to including the Kennel Attendant
position in the budget.
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Cox, Hyde, Gillow
Noes: Councilman Egdahl
Absent: None
SONY REMOTE DICTATING The amount requested is $1,150 for the Public Works Departme:
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman Cox
and unanimously carried that approval be given for this
VACUUM APPLICATOR PalAT LAMP Deputy City Manager Robens explained the advantages and cost
savings to the City for the purchase of this lamp.
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman Cox
and unanimously carried that approval be given to include th
item in the budget.
RUBBER TIRED ROLLER The purchase price requested is $29,220.
Motion to delete It was moved by Councilman Scott that this item be deleted.
No second to motion The motion died for lack of a second.
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by Councilman
Gillow that approval be given for this equipment.
Motion carried The motion carried by the foliowing vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Gillow, Cox, Hyde
Noes: Councilman Scott
Absent: None
REPORTS SUBMITTED - CETA Assistant City Manager Asmus submitted a report of CETA
positions along with the termination dates.
Bonita/Sunnyside Contractual Mr. Asmus commented that the budget on this item is still
Agreement open and a meeting has been scheduled for Monday, May 21,19:
at 4:00 p.m. with representatives of that fire district.
Police Training Mr. Asmus said the staff's recommendation on this item is tc
include $18,000 on the expense side ($3,500 was requested).
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Gillow and unanimously carried that the amount of $18,000 b~
approved (making this $21,500).
Held Thursday - 4:00 p.m. - 9 - May 17, 1979
Utility~Cost Report Mr. Asmus presented the report on the increases cost of
Fleet inventory Deputy City Manager Robens submitted a Fleet Inventory Report
which includes the gallons consumed, total dollar cost and
cost per gallon of fuel.
Contractual Relations: Mr. Asmus briefly discussed this report which showed (for a
Parks and Recreation 10-month period of time) $57,000 for fees and charges. The
City Manager agrees that the information should be made a
part of the budget.
Public Opinion Poll The information sheet submitted by the City Manager stated a
cost of $1,350 for 12 questions for S00 samples; $2,250 for
24 questions for S00 samples.
For 800 samples, the cost would be $1,900 for 12 questions
and $3,200 for 24 questions.
Motion to fund for 800 samples It was moved by Councilman Gillow that funding be approved fo~
800 samples - 24 questions.
No second to motion The motion died for lack of a second.
Council discussion Discussion ensued regarding the type of questions to be askedj
Councilman Gillow said he has researched this and has a list
of questions prepared.
Motion to fund $3,000 It was moved by Councilman Scott, and seconded by Councilman
Gillow that the sum. of $3,000 be put in the Council's budget
for this item.
Speaking against the motion Councilman Egdahl spoke against the motion indicating that
he could see the value of the poll if the Council were removed
from the citizens - such as if they were in Washington - out-
side the area, Mayor Hyde said he could support the idea on
an "as needed" basis.
Motion failed The motion failed by the following vote, to-wit:
Ayes: Councilman Gillow
NOES: Councilmen Scott, Cox, Egdahl, Hyde
Absent: None
Mayor Hyde responded to CouncilmanGillow's question that it
would be agreeable to Council if he came back with a list of
Dog Licenses Director of Finance Gran~ cited thel~tmber of dog licenses
-issued for the fiscal. years 1976/77; 1977/78, 1978/79 (up to
May), the revenues received, and the cost of the licenses.
CENTREX REPORT Mr. Asmus discussed his report on the comparison of telephone
costs: Switchboard vs CENTREX.
MANAGEMENT TRAVEL ACCOUNT City Manager Cole explained that when the Deputy City Manager
was brought into the Manager's budget, a Conference was bud-
geted for him, but in so doing, a Management Conference was
eliminated for the Assistant City Manager. Mr. Cole felt it
was very important for the Assistant to attend this Conference
and that it was inappropriate to have it deleted from the
Council discussion Discussion ensued regarding the City's policy on travel for
department heads; the fairness of providing for one in-State
and one out-of-state conference for each of the Managers.
Held Thursday - May 17, 1979 - 10 - May 17, 1979
Motion~to approve It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by Councilman
i~I Cox that the application of the travel policy to Administra~
tion be: Provide one in-State and one out-of-state conferenc,
for the City Manager, Assistant City Manager and Deputy City
Manager - how they will be attended and where they are, would
be left up to the Administration Department.
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Cox, Gillow
Noes: Mayor Hyde, Councilman Scott
Absent: None
DIESEL REPORT Deputy City Manager Robens discussed the viability of diesel
engines. The initial cost last year of putting diesel engine
on the small pick-up trucks was between $1,000 and $1,200.
That cost has to be made up by savings in fuel and maintenanc
cost; however, last year, it could not be determined that thi
could be done over the life of the vehicles.
At the present time, diesel fuel is harder and more expensive
to obtain. The heavy-duty equipment i s us ihg diesel fuel,
and the department is continuing to explore each year, the us
of diesel for vehicles other than heavy equipment;
FUTURE CONSIDERATIONS Mr. Asmus presented the Council with a list of items for
future consideration.
Request for leave City Manager requested a leave of absence for Friday, May 18
and Monday, May 23, 1979.
Motion to approve It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Gillow and
unanimously carried that the request be approved.
RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION Mr. Asmus noted the two items for reconsideration of other
TAX FUNDINGS funding: Orange Avenue and the Central Basin Drainage projec
Motion for alternatives It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Scott and
unanimously carried that prior to formal adoption of the bud~
(anytime between now and then) that staff come back with some
possible alternatives for funding for those two projects.
APPRECIATION TO STAFF Mayor Hyde and the Councilmen thanked the staff for their
extraordinary efforts in preparing the preliminary budget ant
for the excellent reports received this evening.
EXECUTIVE SESSION It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Egdahl ant
unanimously carried that the Council recess to Executive Sess
for personnel reasons. The Council recessed at 9:00 p.m.
The City Clerk was excused and the City Manager was appointee
Deputy City Clerk. He reported that the Executive Session
closed at 9:20 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hyde adjourned the meeting at 9:20 p.m. to the meetin~
scheduled for Tuesday, May 22, 1979 at 7:00 p.m.