Held T~sday- 7:00 p.m. .September 12, 1978
A regular meeting of theCityCouncil of the City of Chula Vista, California, was held on
the above date begihning at 7=00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, City Ha!l, 276 Fourth Avenue.
Councilmen present: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Cox, Gillow, Scott
Councilmen absent: Councilman:Egdahl , _
S~aff present: City Manager Cole, City,Attorney Lindberg, Assistant City Manager
Asmus, Director of Public Works Robens, Director of Planning
Peterson, Director of Building and HoUsing Grady, Acting Directgr.
of Finance Franken, Director of Parks & Recreation Hall, Chief
of Police Wiuters, Fire Chief:Longerbone, Acting Director of
Personnel Thorsen, City Librarian Simon, City Engineer Lippitt
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Hyde followed-by a moment of silent
1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was.moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Scott
and'unanimouSly carried by those present that the miButes
for ~he meetings of,;~ugust 31 and-September.St 1978 be
approved, c~pies having been sent to each CounCilman.
Councilman Cox abstained from voting on the minutes of
August 3I since he was not pX~sent at this meeting.
a. pROCLAMATION - Mayor Hyde proclaimed the week of September 1.7 thTough
"NATIONAL LUPUS WEEK" 23, 1978 as r'National Lupus Week" in the City of Chula
Robert Evans Mr. Evans asked that the last 300' feet of the equestrian
35S Surrey Drive trail bordering his home in the Rancho Robinhood and Boni~a
Bonita Ponderosa Subdivision be re-routed to connect direCtly with
the existing cul-de~sac of Corral Court in Rancho RobinheDd.
Referred to staff It was moved by Councilman Cox, secondedby Councilman
Scott and unanimously carried by those present that this
request be referred to staff to come back to Council in
one or two weeks with a Tecommendation~
MrS. Alice Frank Mrs. Frank asked that the ~t~eet lights Which were turned
!456 Aries Court off in her bloc~'due to cut-hacks in Proposition 13, be
Chula Vista turned back on.. She. cited the safety factors to the
residents and the need for more illumination.
Mayor Hyde noted that the matter of street lights will be
discussed later on in the agenda [item #22).
a. CLAIM AGAINST Mr. Frederick Hotter, Box 4550, San Ysidro filed a claim
THE CITYI in the amount of $1,000,000 claiming criminal proceedings
which were i~stituted against him resulted'in "injury to
reputation, loss of employment, loss of work time and loss
in expenses regarding defense,"
City Council Meeting -2- September 12, 1978
Motion to refer to It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Mayo~ Hyde and
insurance carrier unanimously carried by those present that the claim be
referred to R. L. Kautz and Company for investigation and
5. PUBLIC HEARING - On August 9, 1978 the Planning Commission denied the ap-
APPEAL BY WILLIAM J. plicant's request for a reduction in the minimum lot size
VALVERDE OF PLANNING requirement in the R-1 zone from 7,000 square feet to S,S00
COMMISSION DENIAL OF square feet and a reduction in the minimum lot' frontage
VARIANCE APPLICATION from 60 feet to 17.S feet for one lot and 10 feet for another
lot in order to divide anexiSting 25,900 square foot parcel
at 446 "J" Street into threelots. The applicant is appealing
this decision.
Request for continuance Mayor Hyde stated that the applicant has submitted a letter
asking for a continuance of this hearing to September 26, 1978.
Motion to grant It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Cox and
continuance unanimously carried by those present that the hearing be
continued to the meeting of September 26, I978.
6. PUBLIC HEARING - This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor Hyde
CONSIDERATION OF WAIVER opened the public hearing.
MENTS AT 1045-1095 BAY Director of Public Works Robens referred to his written
BOULEVARD - INLAND report in which he stated that inland Industries; Inc.
INDUSTRIES, INC. was issued a building permit to construct six warehouses
at 1045 through 1095 Bay Boulevard at a valuation of
$1,099,808. In accordance with the City Code, they are
required to underground existing averhead distribution
utilities which lie within and cross their property.
Mr. Robens showed aplat of the lines in question:
Line "B" - existing 12,000 volt distribution facility
which crosses the property north of the
San Diego Gas & ElectricConqDany's easement
Line "A" - the 12,000 volt distribution line within the SDG&E'easement
He remarked that the Municipal Code exempts the .under-
grounding of the two 69,000 volt circuits because they are
on the same poles as the 12,000 volt distribution circuits.
Staff's recommendation It is the staff's recommendation that the Council deny the
applicant's request to waive the requirement to underground
the existing 12,000 volt distribution facility which crosses
their property north of the SDG&E easement, and grant a
deferral for the 12,000 volt distribution line within the
SDG&E easement.
In answer to the Council's queries, Mr. Robens stated that
San Diego Gas & Electric Company have indicated that the
12 KV lines are no longer needed and they will remove those
lines at no cost to the applicant. The cost of the under-
grounding of the 12 KV lines (Line "B'D which is on the
same pole as the 69 KV lines is estimated at $28,500.
Thomas Fiorello Mr. Fiorello, attorney for the applicant, stated they oppose
Procopio, Cory the staff recommendation to deny the deferral for Line "B"-
Hargreaves and Sayitch that there is a hardship manifested by the cost - $28,500;
530 "B" Street and further, undergrounding this facility is not going to
San Diego help the public or enhance the public welfare. The project
could be served by an underground line adjacent to Bay
Boulevard which would not have to connect with the 12,000
volt line (overheadon the property).
City Council Meeting7 -3- September 12, 1978
Council discussion. Discussion followed regarding the fact that no poles will
be removed - whether or not the undergrounding takes place.
In answer to Councilman Cox's question, Mr. Fiorello stated
his client is no longer seeking a waiver of the requirements-
they are now requesting a deferral.
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, either for or against, the
hearing was declared closed.
Motion to bring It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
back resolution Cox and unanimously carried by those present that both
Line "A" and "B" be deferred and a resolution be brought
hack implementing this action.
7. PUBLIC HEARING - This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor Hyde
CONSIDERATION OF PRECISE opened the public hearing.
INC. FOR STEEL FABRICATION Director of Planning Peterson submitted the precise plan
SHOP AT 1869 NIRVANA AVENUE explaining that the applicant i~ proposing to coHstruct
IN I-P ZONE an 8,800 square foot metal structure on the northerly
portion of the site which will be used to accommodate an
800 square foot office area, a 4,000 square foot fabrica-
ting shop and a 4,000 square foot crane runway. A future
30' x 60' office structure is proposed to the sough of
the fabricating shop.
Mr. P~terson added that applicant proposes to use the unr
paved level area of the property for the storaEe of recre-
ational vehicles - an interim use. He added that the staff
is concerned with the landscaping as it now exists. As
each individual lot develops, the staff is asking that a
condition be placed upgrading the landscaping both on-site
and off-site.
Chapter 9 (Bankruptcy) In answer to Councilman Scott's question, Director Peterson
commented that it was his understanding that the property
is still in "Chapter 9".
Ben Hopkins, President Mr. Hopkins stated that they own the property "in-fee."
Tower Structures, Inc. He declared that the landscaping in front of this property,
along with the irrigation system, is still intact' and he
does not want the landscaping condition imposed.
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, either for or against, the
hearing was declared closed.
Chapter 9 issue Councilman Scott remarked that at one time, the Chamber
of Commerce asked the City to work on this development to
help the developer get tenants - at that time, the property
was in Chapter 9 (all tied up).
M~yor Hyde asked the City Manager to find out the legal
status of this entire property regarding the bankruptcy
7a. RESOLUTION NO. 9264 - Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of the text was
APPROVING PRECISE PLAN waived by unanimous consent of those present, passed and.
OF TOWER STRUCTURES, INC. adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AT 1869 NIRVANA AVENUE IN AYES: Councilmen Scott, Cox, Hyde, Gillow
THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION Absent: Councilman Egdahl
City Council Mee'ting -4- September 12, 1978
8. PUBLIC HEARING -, This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor Hyde '
CONSIDERATION OF TENTATIVE opened the public hearing.
FOR SKYVIEW CONDOMINIUMS Director of Planning Peterson referred to his written report
AT 465 FOURTH AVENUE explaining that the developer is proposing to construct a
21-unit condominium complex at 467-469 Fourth Avenue in the
R-3 zone. The project is exempt from environmental review
as a class l(k) exemption.
Mr. Peterson detailed the existing site characteristics and
Code requirements stating that the staff concurs with the
recommendation of approval of the Planning Commission with
the added condition: "All requirements of anycondominium
conversion ordinance in effect at the time the final map
is before the Council shall be fulfilled, or such fulfillment
secured to the satisfaction of the Council."
The project does not conform to the preliminary standards
of the condominium conversion as it relates to the required
storage area and the separate utility meters. Mr. Peterson
added that the staff now agrees that if the Homeowners
Association is willing to take over that function, there
would be no need for separatemetering. Further, the re-
quirement for the 512 cubic feet of storage area is more
than can be justified - the staff is now recommending an
area of 4' x 8' x 8'
Tom Davies Mr. Davies said he was speaking on behalf of the developers -
2550 Fifth Avenue South Bay Development. They do have separate meters for
San Diego the utilities with the exception of hot water - this will
be furnished by the Homeowners Association. In answer to
the Council's questions, ~. Davies stated that the require-
ment of the storage areas at this time would result in having
them redosign and start all over with their plans. They are
now ready to pick up their building permit.
MOtion to add It was moved by Mayor Hyde and seconded by Councilman Gillow
condition of that a condition be added in the approyal of the tentative
storage area map that a provision of at least 256 cubic feet of storage
area be provided on-site for each unit.
Discussion of motion DireCtor of Building & Housing Gradyexplained that, depending
on where the developer would relocate the storage areas,
it could well mean a redesigning of their entire building
Councilman Scott spoke against the motion stating that the
developer's plans were too far down the line to impose this
particular condition at this time.
Motion withdrawn Mayor Hyde withdrew his motion; Councilman Gillow withdrew
his second.
Public hearing closed There'being no further comments, either for or against,
the public hearing was declared closed.
8a. RESOLUTION NO. 9265 - Offered by Councilman Cox, the reading of the text was
APPROVING THE TENTATIVE waived by unanimous consent of those present~ passed and
MAp OF A SUBDIVISION TO adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
CONDOMINIUMS AT 465 AYES: Councilmen Cox, Hyde, Gillow, Scott
Absent: Councilman Egdahl
9. PUBLIC HEARING - This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor Hyde
CONSIDERATION OF TENTATIVE opened the public hearing.
City Council Meeting -5- September 12, 1978
Director of Planning Peterson submitted the tentative map
explaining that the applicant proposes to convert an approved
10~unit apartment project into a one-lot condominium project.
The building is under construction on a 15,050 square foot
parcel located in the R-3 zone at 575 Park Way, The project
is exempt from environmental review as a class l(k) exemption.
Mr. Peterson added that the conversion requires the sub-
divider to pay the difference 5etween the residential con-
struction tax for apartments and condominiums which is $100
for each unit or a total of $1,000.
Planning Commission On August 23, 1978 the Planning Commission recommended ap-
recommendation proval in accordance with their Resolution PCS-79-2. The
staff concurs and recommends the following conditions:
"All requirements of any condominium conversion ordinance
in effect at the time the final map is before the CQUncil
shall be fulfilled or such fulfillment secured to the
satisfaction of the Council."
Mr. Peterson added that the conversion conforms to all the
Building Code and Zoning Ordinance requirements for conver-
sions with the exception of the separate meters and the
provision for storage areas.
Conflict of interest Councilman Cox, under the advice of the City Attorney, stated
that he did own some property on "G" Street within 40 feet
of this site up until July of this year.
T. David Eyers Mr. Eyers said he was "framed-out" and to provide individual
3427 Bonita Woods Drive storage areas for each unit at this time would be very
Bonita difficult to do. He added that he has covered parking,
laundry facilities, and instead of individual water meters
to each unit, he will have the HomeOwners Association take
over this function (common hot water heater). As to why
he opted for condominiums instead of apartments, Mr. Eyers'
stated he would stand to gain approximately $100,000 more
for the condominiums.
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, either for or against, the
public hearing was. declared closed.
Council discussion Councilman Scott commented that this structure started out
as apartments and the owner decided to convert to condo-
miniums - it is similar to the La Bonita Apartment conver-
sions, and if that complex will have to adhere to the new
condominium conversion policy, then this one should also.
In answer to Councilman Gillow's question, Mr. Peterson
said he expected the developer to file the final map prior
to the time the Council adopts the condominium conversion
Motion to add It was moved by Councilman Scott and seconded by Mayor Hyde
condition that the condition that all requirements of any condominium
conversion ordinance in effect at the time the final map
is before the Council shall be fulfi]ted or such fulfillment
secured to the satisfaction of the Council.
Motion carried The motion carried wi~h Councilman Cox voting "no".
9a. RESOLUTION NO. 9266 -
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott as amended, the reading of
as amended the text was waived by unanimous consent of those present,
passed and adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Cox, Hyde, Gillow
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Egdahl
City Council Meeting -6- September 12, 1978
10. PUBLIC HEARING -. This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor Hyde
CONSIDERATION OF THE opened the public hearing.
VISTA SANITARY SERVICE In his written report to Council, A~ting Director of Finance
COLLECTION RATES Franken explained that Chula Vista Sanitary Service is
requesting a rate increase for its service to residents
based on the 80% increase in landfill fees effective October
1, 1978; a 6% labor cost increase effective August 1, 1978;
and general operating cost increases since the last rate
increase was granted on September 1, 1977.
The Finance Officer has examined the firm's audited state-
ments and supporting materials and has concluded that the
new rate scheduled is justified,
Rate increase requested The rate increases requested are:
(1) A 32.5¢ monthly increase to residents as a "pass-
through" cost due to the landfill fee increases.
(2) A $1.625 monthly increase for bin service as a
"pass-through" cost due to landfill fee increases,
(3) An overall 6.5% increase in actual and estimated
costs from March 31, 1978 to March 31, 1979
excluding landfill increaseS.
In answer to Councilman Gillow's query, Mr. Franken sub-
mitted a sheet detailing the breakdown of the $400,000
"Miscellaneous" expense. Further Council discussion
ensued with Mr. Franken explaining the various figures
listed on the sheet.
Dick Chase, President Mr. Chase stated that basically the request for the increased
Chula Vista Sanitary rate was to cover the County's land fill costs. As to
SerVice the "research and development" cost of $10,000 Mr. Chase
said that it is a fee that they pay corporate fees t9 keep:them
advised of the latest advancements in resource recovery.
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, either for or against,
the public hearing was declared closed.
10a. RESOLUTION NO. 9267 - Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of the text was
REVISING THE CHULA VISTA waived by unanimous consent of those present, passed and
SANITARY SERVICE COLLECTION adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
NEW SCHEDULE AYES: Councilmen Scott, Cox, Hyde, Gillow
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Egdahl
11. RESOLUTION NO. 9268 - On August 1, 1978 the City Council adopted revisions to
RE-ESTABLISHING THE LIST the Environmental Review Policy among which were the
OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSUL- revisions to the standards for environmental consultants.
TANTS QUALIFIED FOR THE Westec Services, Inc., Toups Corporation and Multi Systems
PREPARATION OF ENVIRON- Associates, Inc. (MSA) submitted the necessary information
MENTAL IMPACT REPORTS for evaluation. The Environmental Review Committee recom-
FOR THE CITY OF CHULA mended they be included in the consultants list.
Resolution offered Offered by Mayor Hyde, the reading of the text was waived
by unanimous consent of those present, passed and adopted
by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Gillow, Scott, Cox
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Egdahl
City Council Meeting -7- September 12, 1978
12. RESOLUTION NO. 9269 - The change order in the amount of $1,276 is for the leveling
APPROVING CHANGE ORDER of sloping floor in rooms 127 and 129 due to unstable-soil.
Resolution offered Offered by Mayor Hyde, the reading of the text was waived
by unanimous consent of those present, passed and adopted
by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Gillow, Scott, Cox
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Egdahl
13. RESOLUTION NO. 9270 - The agreement for the twenty-four month period beginning
APPROVING AGREEMENT July 1, 1978 calls for Aztec. to provide 470,192 revenue
BETWEEN THE CITY AND service miles during FY 1979.. The total cost of service
AZTEC BUS LINES TO will be $634,618 for 470,192 service miles.. The FY1'979
PROVIDE tNTRA-CITY agreement will be funded by LTF monies along with $88,000~
BUS SERVICE FOR TWENTY- in fares, $15,000 City General Funds and a possibility of
FOUR MONTHS CO~B4ENCING $200,000 in UMTA Section 5 funds which will be made up by
JULY 1, 1978 AND ENDING the LTF if the City does not receive these Federal funds.
JUNE 30, 1980
Resolution offered Offered by Mayor Hyde, the reading of the text was waived
by unanimous consent of those ~resent, passed and adopted
by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Gillow, Scott, Cox
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Egdahl
14. RESOLUTION NO. 9271 - The final map has been checked by the Engineering Division
APPROVING FINAL MAP AND and found to be in conformity with the tentative map
SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT (formerl'y Sweetwater Manor). Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eldred,
FOR SHEPHERDVILLE NO. 2 owners, have paid all fees and submitted all bonds. Ap-
SUBDIVISION proval of the final map includes the dedication of a portion
of Quintard Street and Tobias Drive; also dedicatiOnof
easements for sewer facilities, stree~ trees and general
utility and access purposes.
Resolution offered Offered by Mayor Hyde, the reading of the text was waived
by unanimous consent of those present, passed and ad?pted
by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Gillow, Scott, Cox
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Egdahl
1S. RESOLUTION NO. 9272 - In a written report to Council, Acting Director of Personnel
APPROVING AMENDMENT TO Signe Thorsen stated that the Civil Service Commission
CIVIL SERVICE RULE IV, recommended the following changes:
APPEAL (1) Elimination of the exam booklet review period when
the test publisher'requires a signed agreement with
the City prohibiting any applicant from seeing the
answer key or test booklet;
(2)Reduce the appeal period of test scores from 10
days to S;
(3) Eliminate the appeal period when a security agree-
ment has been signed.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Gillow, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent of those present, passed and
adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Gillow, Scott, Cox, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Egdahl
City Council Meeting -8- September 12, 1978
16. RHPORT ON EQUESTRIAN Director of Public Works Robens submifted a plat noting
TRAIL ON OTAY LAKES the alternate equestrian trails. He stated ~hatth~hi~h
RO~/RIDGEBACK ROAD speed traffic along Otay L~kes Road makes horse crossing
an i~rportant e'lemen~. At this time, very few' horses mak~
the crossing; how~(er, in the future, as more horses will
be using the trail, it'.will become a pFoblem.
Mr. Robens said his recommendation would be to do nothi~g
-at th~s time and bring the equestrian trail down the' e~S~-,
ment to Otay Lakes Road and le~ the equestrians cross them-
selves until such ~ime'a~ it becomes a problem.
Student crossing Councilman Gillow inquired as to the feasibi'lity ofhaving
a student crossing near the sc~oo!. Mr. R~5~S'explained
that a crosswalk has existed there for several years even
though it does not meet the warrant and ~e would recommend
that no action be taken on thls matter at the present time:.
Council discussion DiScussion followed regarding the legality of requiring the
proper~y owner to provide the equestrian trail. City Attorney
Lindbsrg indicated it would notbe legal. Further discussion
involved around providing for a student crossing.
Motion not to ha~e It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Mayor Hyde
equestrian ~rail and unanimously carried ,by those present that the CoUncil
condition not impose this requirement (equestrian trail) on the
property owner and that the equestrian trail in the, future
be put where it has been all these years and,~hat any
problems that may arise late~ will be dealt with at that
I6a. RESOLUTION NO. 9273 - Offered by Mayor Hyde, the reading of the text was waived
APPROVING PRECISE PLAN by unanimous consent of those p~esent, passed~andadopted
FOR PARKRIDgE PROFESSIONAL by the following vote, to-wit:
AND RIDGEBACK IN E-C-P AYES: Mayor Hyde,'Councilmen Gillow, SCOtt, Cox
NEGATIV~ DECLAP~TION Absent: Cotmcilman Egdahl
Motion to refer to It was moved byCouncil~an Gillow, seconded by .Mayor Hyde
Safety Commission and unanimouSl~ carried by those present that the problem
and staff of the-safety invol~ing the siuaents' at Bonita Vista Junior
High' at this cornerbe studied and the .pOssibilityof'putting'
in a traffic signal be referred to the Safety Commission
and staff.
RECESS A recess was'called at 8:S0p.m.. and the meetin~.recon~ened
. at 9:00 p.m.
17. ORDINANCE NO.,18~9 - At the meeting 6f September S, 19~8 the Council placed the
A~N~DING ZONING MARS ordinance on first reading approving a zone'~hange for a -
P~ZONING PROPERTY AT '6,43S'squ~reToot parcel.loCated a~. the north side of "G"'
589 "G" STREET FROM S~reet, 10Ojfeet east of Broadway .(589 "G" Street) from
C-O TO C-T AND CERTIFYING C-O Professional Of{ice to C-T Commer~iaI Thoroughfare'.,
Ordinance placed Itwas moved by Councilman Cox that this ordinance be
on second reading placed on its second reading and adopted and that the
and adopted reading of the text be waived by unanimous consent of
those present.
The motion carried by the,following vote,.to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Cox, Hyde, Gillow, Scott
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Egdahl
City Council Meeting -9- September 12, 1978
18. ORDINANCE NO. 1830 - The ordinance provides that no person can operate a bicycle
AMENDING TITLE 10 OF THE on a sidewalk within a commercial area and gives the City
CITY CODE PROHIBITING the ability to prohibit the riding of bicycles on sidewalks
BICYCLE RIDING ON within residential areas if, due to extenuating circumstances,
SIDEWALKS IN COMMERCIAL it is determined that such prohibition is desirable.
AND ADOPTION Mr. Don Painter, Chairman of the Safety Commission, asked
that this ordinance be referred to the Commission for a
report. They will meet tomorrow and can report back tO
the Council at the next meeting.
It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Scott
and unanimously carried by those present that this ordinance
be continued and referred to the Safety Commission.
19. ORDINANCE NO. 1831 - The Safety Commission and staff recommended that the following
ESTABLISHING A PRIMA FACIE trial traffic regulation which has been in effect for eight
SPEED LIMIT OF 30 MPH ON months be made permanent: A speed limit of 30 miles per
NAGION AVENUE - SECOND hour for Nacion Avenue, beginning at Telegraph Canyon Road
READING AND ADOPTION and ending at East "J" Street.
Ordinance placed It was moved by Councilman Gillow that this ordinance be
on second reading placed on its second reading and adopted and that the
and adopted reading of the text be waived by unanimous consent of
those present.
The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Gillow, Scott, Cox, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Egdahl
a. REPORT ON JOINT City Manager Cole referred to the written report of Chief'
DISPATCH AGREEMENT of Police Winters in which he stated that Chula Vista's
WITH MONTGOMERY dispatch center can handle the dispatching service for
DISTRICT Montgomery Fire Protection District without any increase
in personnel. Since they have no criteria to work with
this first year, they would recommend an annual cost of
$15,000 for this service with the understanding that a
more rational basis for the charge will be developed in
the second year. Mr. Cole then discussed the proposed
agreement submitted to the Council.
L)mn Pankhurst Ms. Pankhurst asked that the following changes be made in
Montgomery Fire the agreement: (1) Section 4: "It shall be the obligation
Protection District of the Montgomery Fire Protection District (delete Chief)
1121 Fourth Avenue Board of Directors or their deslgnee and the ChulaVista
Chula Vista Police Chief and their designated representatives to
establish appropriate procedures for the implementation
of the program to provide said adequate training and
information to the persons under their direction to ensure
the effective implementation thereof." (2) Section 5:
Montgomery Fire Protection District w6uld like to make a
counter-offer of $800 a month instead of the $18,000 fee
proposed by the City. (3) They agree to pay the inlstalla-
tion costs and the monthly fee to extend their present
communication systems to the Chula Vista center dispatch.
(4) Section 6: Starting with "on such date as may be
mutually agreed upon by.." change it to the Montgomery Fire
Protection District Board and the Chula Vista City Council.
(5) Section 7: They would request a 60-day termination
Council discussion Discussion followed regarding the rationale of the $800 per
month fee and the length of time for the termination notice.
Ms. Pankhurst agreed to a 90-day termination notice.
Mr. Bahrke of the District Board spoke in support of the
$800 fee and asked that the agreement be expedited.
City Council Meeting -10- September 12, 1978
Motion to i~corporate It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Mayor Hyde
recommendations and unanimously carried by those present that the recOm,
mendations presented by Lynn Pankhurst be referred Sack to
staff to be incorporated and the amount of the money come
in with a recommendation from the staff.
Bonita-Sunnyside Councilman Cox asked if any contact was made with Bonita-
Station Sunnyside Fire District to s~e if they would be interested
in the same arrangement.
A gentleman representing the Montgomery Board said that
Chief Miner of the Bonita-Sunnyside Department is waiting
to see how the arrangement will work out with Montgomery
and, if favorable, he may request the same.
Councilman Cox felt a great asset in the joint dispatching
was in getting the paramedic unit out much quicker. He
referred to Councilman Dalla's (National City) proposal
for consolidation of the fire districts and wondered about
the feasibility of having one number for the entire South
Bay area for fire response - perhaps incorporate it in the
911 number.
Assistant City Manager Asmus remarked that Fire Chief
Longerbone submitted a report to the City Manager relative
to Councilman Dalla's proposal - this report will be
forwarded to ~he Council soon.
b. REPORT ON GRANT FOR In a written report to Council, City Manager Cole stated
"INSTRUCTIONAL FIXED that KPBS, a local Public Broadcasting System, has received
TELEVISION SYSTEM" a Federal grant for an Instructional Fixed TeIevision System
FOR THE LIBRARY (ITFS) and proposes to bring this additionalservice t6
specialized audiences at the Chula Vista Librazy via tele-
vision. There will be no cost to the City and City Librarian
Simon feels that this experimental project to test the
feasibility of the public library as a center of learning
for the elderly and hearing-impaired will provide a unique
service which would otherwise not be available.
In answer to Council's question, Mr. simon said the antenna
will be on the auditorium roof but would not be visible to
the adjacent areas.
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Mayor Hyde and
unanimously carried by those present that the ITFS program~
be approved.
21. REQUEST OF GARY BLOCK At the meeting of September 5, 1978 Mr. Block appeared
FOR R-1 ZONING FOR SOUTH before the Council requesting that the zoning in this
SIDE OF DAVIDSON area be changed from R-3 to R-1.
City Attorney Lindberg said he talked to Mr. Block about
the effect between CC and R's (Convenants, Conditions and
Restrictions) establishing single-family residential re-
quirements for a particular area versus the existing zoning
of that area (R-3). This can very well be in conflict and
the Planning Staff should be asked about their reconunenda-
tion on the matter.
Gary Block Mr. Block noted the area in question is between "E" Street
555 Davidson Street on the north, "F" Street on the south and between Ash and
Chula Vista Fifth Avenue. They are requesting R-1 zoning for the south
side of Davidson - it was zoned R-3 in 1949.
Motion to refer to It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Planning Department Cox and unanimously carried by those present that the matter
staff be referred to the Planning Department for recommendation.
City Council Meeting -11- September 12, 1978
.22. REPORT ON FEASIBILITY OF DirectOr of '~ublicWorksRobens expl'~ined that during the
STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT postP~oposition 13 budget sessions, CounCil adopted .a
budget~ removing 600 street lights within the City in order
to reduce energy costs by $40,000. .
Mr. Robens submitted a detailed r~port listing alternatives
in reducing the'impactlupon the.:ge~neral fund of'the street
lighting budget. One alternative is the street light main-
tenance district which staff indicates may have a question
of legality; however, this question will be resolved prior
to the next budget at which time the district can go into-
The staff recommended that the Council direct them tO bring
back a more detailed report on the cost and staff involve-
ment necessary to establish a district fo~ the FY79/80
fiscal year.
Councilman Scott noted the background of street iightingln
the City.
.Speaking in support Speaking in support of t~e staff' ~ recommendation for a
of a lighting district street lighting district were Alice Frank, 1456 Aries
Court; James w. Hunt, 1183 Nile Avenue; Tom Trotter,
520 Hibicus Court; Barbara Cole~ 152 Rainier Court.
They citedtheelement of crime in the darkened streets;
child~eB playing inthe area; lights on in other areas
of the City; willingness to pay the assessment costs;
expediting the district.
In answer to the Council's question, Mr. Robens indicated~
it would take at least nine months to implement the program.
Motion for staff report It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Cox and unanimously carried by those present that the Staff's
recommendations be accepted - to bring back a more detailed
report on the street light maintenance district for FY79/80.
,Draft of response to Mayor Hyde submitted a draft of the presentation he would
CPO Director make.to the C~mprehensive Planning Organization (CPO)
Director regarding Callahan's Task Force report. The
Council had no objections to the report.
Appointment to Ethics Board Mayor Hyde appointed Dr. Tom Pasqua to the Board of Ethics.
Motion to ratify It was moved by Councilman S~ott, seconded by Councilman
Cox and unanimously carried by those present that the
appointment be ratified.
Appointment to Parking Mayor Hyde announced his appointment of Jim Sprague.
place Commission
Motion to ratify It was moved by COuncilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Cox and unanimously carried by those present that the
appointment be ratified.
Letter of resignation - Mayor Hyde noted the letter of resignation from Robert
Robert Renneisen Renneisen from the Planning Commission.
Motion to accept It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Gillow
resignation and unanimously carried by those present that the resigna-
tion be accepted with regret and a letter of appreciation
sent to Mr. Renneisen for his service on this commi~ssion.
City COuncil' Meeting -12- September 12, 1978
Letter to Assemblyman Maddy It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded 5y Councilman
Cox and unanimously Carried bY those present that a letter
be drafted for the Mayor's signature to be sent to AsSembl~yman
Maddy explaining that his legislation (to post vacancies
20 days) does nothing but impede this progress, andlist
the way this Council makes its appointments i how ~hey ge~
input; interviews with ~he individuals', etc. (as thiS~.re!a~es
to vacancies on boards andlcommissions).'
BOard'of Supervisors" Mayor Hyd~ said he attendold the Boards of Supervisor~!
action regarding meeting today and they tentatively approved an aIlocation
court complex ofl.5 million dollars to get started on the construction
'of a reduced South Bay Regional'Center projed~. The actual
scaled~down project w{ll hie back to them for formaI =approval
in two weeks and if thereis no problem, construction can
start on February 1, 1979;
League Dinner Meeting Mayor Hyde reported that the next League dinner meeting
will be held in Carlsbad on September 21, 1978.
State surplus reserve In the LegiSlative Bulletin of September 5, f978"the Mayor
noted that the date of Julyl, 1978 iastead 0f June 30, 1978
will be the date for comput%ng:reserves under SB:~54.
City Manager Cole said he called that office yesterday ~nd ·
as far as the State Controller'is concerned, the date will'
-still be June 3O, 1978.
Hilltop ~ "F" Annexation In answer to Councilman ScOtt's query, City Manager Cole
said that a representative from the Planning Department
will be present at the LAFCO meeting ~egardin8 the hearing
on this annexation.
Councilman Scott suggested the MayOr contact Supervisor
HamiltOn and explain the Councit's stand in thlsmatter.
Mayor Hyde said he would be willing to do that.
Analysis of Proposition 13 Councilman Gillow asked when this report would be ready.
City Manager Cole said that staffis workingon that now
and may ask for a Conference on the 21st of this month
to discus~ it.
Redevelopment Agency Workshop Councilman Scott noted the Redevelopmerit Agency workshop
scheduled for Saturday, September 23, 1978.
23. ~ZQUEST FOR FUNDING - Last year, the CounCil provided the organization with $5,000;
SOUTH BAY ECONOMIC this year, they are seeking $10,000.
Coumcilman Cox explained tha~ the Mayor's Economic Advisory.
Committee considered the request and then postponed the
matter for a future meeting; however, due to vacation
schedules and other factors, they were not able to meet
to make any recommendation on this matter.
Request for continuance Councilman Cox asked for a continuance of this item to
the next meeting,
Motion to continue It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Mayor Hyde
and unanimously carried by those present that this item
be continued to the n~xt meeting.
ADJOURNMENT May~r Hyde adjourned the meeting at 10:20 p~m. to the
meeting scheduled for Wednesday, September 13~!1978 at
4:00 p.m. in the Council Conference Room, City Hall
CITY C F~C' ~ ': /
~*' ~EPTEMBER 13, 19,78 , ,:-= .,., ,::, 8:,00
[eld SEPTFMRFR 12, 1978
The City Council met in the Council Chambers at the City Hall,
276 Fourth Avenue on the above date at 7:NO p.m. with the
Councilmen present: HYDE, GILLON, SCOTT, COX
Councilmen absent: EGDAHL
The Mayor adjourned the meeting until ~EPT[Iv~[R 13j 1978
at 4:00 p.m. in the ~X~X~Conference Room, City Hall,
276 Fourth Avenue, Chula Vista, California.
I, JENNIE M~ FULASZ~ City Clerk of the City of Chula Vista, DO HEREBY
CERTIFY that this is a full, true and correct copy of an order by the
City Council at the meeting of . SEPTEMB[R 12, 1978
. kEN-