Held Tuesday - 4:00 p.m. JUly 18, 1978
A regular meeting of the City.Council of the City of Chula Vista, California, was held on
the above date beginning at 4:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 276 Fourth Avenue.
Councilmen present: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Cox, Egdahl, Gillow (arrived l'ate)
Councilman absent: Councilman Scott
Staff present: City Manager Cole, Assistant City Manager Asmus, City Attorney
Lindberg, Director of Planning Peterson, Director of Public Works
Robens, Fire Chief Longerbone, Director of Building and Housing
Grady, Director of Parks & Recreation Hall, City Librarian Simon,
Assistant Director of Public Works Lippitt, Assistant Director of
Planning Williams, Deputy City Manager Wittenberg
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Hyde followed by a moment of silent
1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Councilman Cox, ~ecOnded by Mayor Hyde
and unanimously carried by those present that the minutes
of the meeting of July 11, 1978 be approVed, copies having
been sent to each Councilman (Councilman Gil~ow absent).
a. RESOLUTION - On July 5, 1~78 the Council requested that,an appropriate'
CO~4ENDING CPR resolution be prepared recognizing the CPR Program in
(CARDIOPULMONARY reaching its goal to train 10,000 persons in this field.
Motion to continue It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Cox
and unanimously. carried. by those present ..that this item
be .continued to the meeting' of July 2S, 1978.
Margaret Helton Ms. Helton, representing the senior citizens in the South
162 Mankato Street Bay area, noted that there is $26,000 in Triple A funds
Chula Vista under the Older Americans Act which is'aVailable for an
Information & Referral'System, She requested (13 suf-
ficient money ($2,000) to retain the three Senior A~de'
positions,cut from'the Fiscal Year 1978f79 budget until
the contracting period takes place and (2)'that the Service
Coordinator be ~irected to write the proposal to set in
place anInformation &Referral System for South County.
(Councilman Gillow arrived at this time - 4:20 p.m.)
Council discussion Council discussion ensued concerning the possibii;ity 'o4
using CETA staff to supplement this program; the time
required to adequately train personnel, and that the
city would be the applicant for the funds.
Motion for recommendation It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Egdahl
and unanimously carried by those present that (1) this
matter be referred to the City Manager to come back next
week with a response to the request for. S2,000 (approxi-
mately) to staff this program for a three-month period
and (2) recommend that the City make a "Request for Program"
to the County to support the Senior Citizens Center.
City Council Meeting -2- July 18~ 1978
Mr. Arnold requested to speak briefly on Item No. 20,
Ernest Arnold stating it is his understanding this item may be continued
897 Beech Avenue one week When he will be out of town. He said he will
Chula Vista forward a letter to the Council as to his comments regarding
the staff report. Mayor Hyde reported that the City Manager
had asked that this item be continued.
Motion to continue It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Egdahl
Item #20 - PROPOSED and unanimously carried by those present that this matter
INSTALLATION OF LEFT be continued to next week (July 25, 1978).
CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by Councilman
(Items 5 through 11) Egdahl and unanimously carried by those present that the
Consent Calendar be approved and adopted with Councilman
Cox voting "No" on Item #10.
S. RESOLUTION N0. 9190 - As a condition of approval of Parcel Map No. 7453, Eugene
ACCEPTING LOT "A" OF H. York, property owner, has granted an easement to the
PARCEL MAP N0. 7453 City of Lot "A" for street pruposes, to be dedicated and
FROM EUGENE YORK AS named as Otay Valley Road.
Sa. RESOLUTION NO. 9191 As a condition of approval of Parcel Map No. 7453, Eugene
ACCEPTING GRANT OF EASE- H. York, property owner, has granted a 7.5 foot wide
MENT FOR STREET TREE easement to the City for street tree purposes fronting
6. RESOLUTION NO 9192 - FedMart Stores, Inc., owners of the property at the north-
SETTING DATE FOR PUBLIC west corner of North Fourth Avenue and "C" Street have
HEARING - WAIVER OF applied for a building permit to remodel the existing
UNDERGROUND REQUIREMENTS structure, and have asked for a waiver of the requirement
AT 40 NORTH FOURTH to underground the overhead electrical distribution faci-
AVENUE - FEDMART, lities. The City Code requires that a public hearing be
INCORPORATED held and the resolution sets the date of August 8, 1978
for the hearing.
7. RESOLUTION NO. 9193 - The final Parcel Map has been checked and found to be in
ACCEPTING OFFERS OF conformity with Tentative Parcel Map No. 6-77. The developer
DEDICATION OF FINAL has chosen to dedicate the following easements by certifying
PARCEL MAP FOR RICHARD on the Final Map rather than by Grant Deed: Easement for
BOUCHER PER TENTATIVE 8' equestrian trail, access and utility easement, 10' wide
PARCEL MAP NO. 6-77 sewer easement and 10' wide drainage easement. The Director
AND REJECTING OFFER of Publi~ Works recommended rejection of the offer of
FOR OPEN SPACE LOT "A" dedication. of Lot "A" for open space until it has been
included in a maintenance district.
8. RESOLUTION NO. 9194 - Resolution #5186 authorized the deferral of public improve-
RELEASING LIEN ON ments at the southwest corner of Broadway and "E" Street
PROPERTY AT 200 BROADWAY'- on property owned by Robert Lion and Victoria L. Stowell,
ROBERT LION who executed a $2,200 lien against the property. The
public improvements have now been constructed and it is
appropriate for the Council to release the lien.
City Council Meeting -3- July 18, 1978
9. RESOLUTION NO. 9195 - Environmental Care, Inc., has completed all maintenance
ACCEPTING MAINTENANCE work on Open Space District Nos. 1, 2 and 3 in accordance
CONTRACT WORK ON OPEN with contract documents approved in June, 1977 and to the
SPACE DISTRICT NOS. satisfaction of the Director Of Parks and Recreation.
1, 2 AND 3
10. RESOLUTION NO. 9196 - On July 11, 1978 the Council directed that a resolution
SUPPORTING MTDB be prepared supporting the Metropolitan Transit Development
PROPOSED GUIDEWAY Board's proposed guideway system from the Mexican border
SYSTEM to downtown San Diego.
(Councilman Cox voted "No")
11. RESOLUTION NO. 9197 - For the past 3 years, the City has sponsored a Senior Service
AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR Center located at 293 Madrona Street in a building leased
TO ACKNOWLEDGE AND from Mark H. Money and Associates. They have agreed to
EXECUTE AN EXTENSION extend the lease for one year at the same rental rate of
OF A LEASE FOR RENTAL $235 per month.
12. RESOLUTION NO. 9198 - The City has two CETA Firefighters who h~ve completed
AMENDING RESOLUTION several months of formal training. A recent decision to
. NO. 9157 ADOPTING THE eliminate a firefighter in the Fire Department jeopardizes
FINAL BUDGET FOR THE the employment of these two CETA FirefightersI who will be
CITY FOR FY 1978/79 eligible by mid-December 1978 to transition into vacant
positions in accordance with Civil Service Rule V, Section
7(g). It was recommended that the Council reconsider and
reinstate one firefighter position through December 31, 1~78.
Don Byrum, President Mr. Byrum spoke of manpower shortage in the Fire Department.
Chula Vista Firefighters He cited the need for increased manning level during the
past eight years.
Council discussion Council discussion with staff followed concerning staffing
level, two "vacant" positiOns, no plans to replace CETA
position in Fire Department when employees make transition
to permanent positions, and use of CETA personnel must be
in excess of needed manpower for training purposes only.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent of those present, passed and
adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Hyde, Gillow, Cox
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Scott
Motion for report It was moved by Councilman Cox and seconded by Mayor Hyde
that staff come back with a report considering the possi-
bility of utilizing ~the CETA employees as supplemental aid
to the Fire Department if it is feasible.
Addition to motion Assistant City Manager Asmus suggested that the Council
consider assessing all the CETA positions throughout the
City and have staff make a complete report on the realloca-
tion of those positions.
Motion carried Councilman Cox included in the motion suggestion that all
CETA positions in the City be reconsidered. Mayor Hyde
agreed as the second and the motion carried unanimously
by those present.
City Council Meeting -4- JUly 18, 1978
13. ORDINANCE NO. 1821 - The City. Librarian recommended that the City Code be amended
AMENDING CITY CODE to allow. disposition of used, damaged .or Lmneeded library.
RELATING TO DISPOSITION materials (i.e.,~hooks, phondiscs, periodicals, etc.) to
PROCEDURES FOR USED, the Friends of the Library for their annual book sale, or
DAMAGED OR UNNEEDED by the Library to any bona fide charitable or non-profit
LIBRARY MATERIALS - institutional organizations serving primarily the interest
FIRST READING of the City of Chula Vista.
Ordinance placed It was moved by Councilman Egdahl that this ordinance be
on first reading placed on its first reading and that the reading of the text
be waived by unanimous consent of those present.
The motion car!ried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Hyde, Gillow, Cox
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Scott
14. RESOLUTION NO. 9199 - The Environmental InrpaCt Report, EIR-78-10, on this project
APPROVING AMENDMENT TO was certified by the P~anning Commission on May 10, 1978
THE GENERAL PLAN GPA- and forwarded to the Council with the recommendation that
78-2 CHANGING THE the Council approve the amendment to change 7.18 acres at =
DESIGNATION OF 7.18 the sourheas~ corner of Otay Valley Road and Melrose from
ACRES AT THE SOUTHEAST Visitor Commerical to Retail Commercial.
ROAD AND MELROSE FROM This item was continued from 6/20/78 and in accordance with
VISITOR COMMERICAL TO Cour{cil direction, staff prepared an analysis of available
RETAIL COMMERICAL - visitor commerical site~ Within the City.
(Continued from
June 20, 1978)
Resolution offered Offered by MayOr Hyde, the reading pf the text was waived
by unanimous consent of theseSpresent, passed and adopted
by the following vote,~to-wit:
AYES: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Gillow, Cox, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Scott
15. ORDINANCE NO. 1820 - On July 11, 1978 the Council ~laced on first reading .the
APPROVING THE CHANGE OF ordinance rezoning 1.03 acres of a 1.20 ac~e "L" Shaped,
ZONE FROM R-3 TO C-T-P parcel located west of the existing Pep Boys store at
FOR 1.03 ACRES'LOCATED 454 Broadway from R-3 to C-T-P.
Ordinance placed It was moved by Co~cilman Gillow that this ordinance be
on second reading placed on its second reading and adopted and that the
and adopted reading of the text be waived by unanimous consent of
those present.
The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Gillow, Cox, Egdahl, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Scott
Council Conferences/tours City Manager Cole referred to hi.s memo for suggested dates
for Council Conferences and tours.
City Council Meeting -5- Julyl8, 1978
Schedule approved It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by CouncilmanEgdahl
as modified and unanimously carried by those present that the schedule
be approved, with the tours for August 12 changed to AUgust
19, 1978 and the Montgomery Annexation tour scheduled for
August 19 to be delayed.
Motion for Executive It was moved by Mayor Hyde, sec0n~ed by Councilman' Egdahl.
Session and unanimously carried by those present that the Council
recess to Executive Session prior to the dinner break for
personnel negotiations and litigation. ~
17. REPORT OF ZONING The Director of Building & Housing submitted a written
ENFORCEMENT OFFICER report detailing the duties of the Zoning Enforcement
IN BUILDING & HOUSING Officer, stating that zoning enforcement is functioning
DEPARTMENT very well, and additional cross training of the staff '
will increase the effectiveness and overall work production.
Commendation to staff Mayor Hyde commended the Director of Building & Housing
for the initiative and good public relations in dealing
with the problems discussed in the report.
Report accepted It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Cox
and unanimously carried by those present that the report
be accepted.
18. REPORT ON MISS SOFTBALL In June, the representative for Miss Softball America
AMERICAN TOURNAMENT requested that the City endorse the National Tour~ament
for Miss Softball ~merica to be held in ChulaViSta and
to provide support by allowing the useof two lighted
fields and other items and activities at General Roca
Park. The tournament is scheduled for-August 22 through
August 26, 1978. The Director of Parks and Recreation
submitted a summary of the arrangements that have been
made to support the tournament.
Program commended Mayor Hyde complimented the staff and the representatives
of Miss Softball America on the proposed program.
Report accepted It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by Mayor Hyde
and unanimously carried by those present that the report
be accepted.
19. REPORT ON JOGGING In a written statement, Director of Parks & Recreation
ON MUNICIPAL GOLF described in detail the critical dangers existing for the
COURSE non-golfers who use the Municipal Golf Course f0~ jogging,
walking and family group outings. Staff recommended that
the Council consider (1) rerouting the joggers around the
north section of the perimeter road, (2) install extensive
new signing on all areas of the golf course to guide and
warn non-gplfers away from danger, and (3) provide for
strict enforcement of published rules concerning non-golfers
on the course.
The cost of the proposed modified jogging trail is approxi-
mately $6,700 to be appropriated from the PAD Fund.
City Council Meeting -6- July 18, 1978
E. D. Carson Mr. Carson said the Chula Vista Men's Golf Course Club
600-52 Sheffield Court has 668 members and he was asked by the President of the
Chula Vista 92010 Club to present their views regarding the problems created
by non-golfers. He said Club objects to allowing non-golfers
on the course without providing protection to the golfers
and non-golfers alike, as players are subject to possible
law suits in case of injuries to nOn-golfers. Mr. Carson
described accidents and near accidents occurr'ing and the
lack of authority to issue citations, suggesting that ade-
quate fencing be installed as a protective measure. He
noted that an entire class from Southwestern College used
the fairways for jogging recently.
Council discussion An indepth discussionansued between Council and staff
concerning the problems and the alternatives - alternate
jogging trails, combining with the County area and removing
joggers from the course, fencing, signs, liability problems,
and difficulty in issuing citations. Mr. Hall described in
detail the proposed alternate route and safeguards.
Motion to investigate It was moved by Mayor Hyde and seconded by Councilman Egdahl
alternate jogging trail that the staff be directed to investigate the possibility
separate from golf course of coming up with a jogging course in conjunction with the
County that it be ~ompletety separated from the golf course
and that the Council consider appropriate signing measures
and authority to police to prevent jogging on the municipal
golf course.
Councilman Egdahl spoke against part of the motion and
Council discussion followed concerning the problems.
Motion withdrawn Mayor Hyde withdrew his motion. Councilman Egdahl agreed
as the second.
Motion to adopt It was moved by Councilman Egdahl that the Council adopt
staff proposal the proposal suggested by the staff at this time.
No second to motion The motion died for lack of a second.
Motion to work with It was moved by Mayor Hyde and seconded by Councilman Cox
County to develop that the staff be directed to proceed to develop an alternate
alternate jogging jogging course in conjunction with the County around the
course County area and Rohr Park.
Councilman Gitlow suggested that the jogging course be
completely outside thelgolf course and spoke in favor
of the motion.
Motion carried The motion carried unanimously by those present.
Motion to note It was moved by Mayor Hyde and seconded by Councilman Cox
and file balance that the report be noted and filed. The motion carried
of report by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Cox, Gillow
Noes: Councilman Egdahl
Absent: Councilman Scott
Councilman Egdahl commented that some action should be
taken to deal with the problem that exists on the golf
course, suggesting that the jogging hours be restricted.
Motion to restrict It was moved by Councilman Egdahl and seconded by Mayor
hours of jogging Hyde that the hours (for jogging) be posted and given
authorization to cite violations - suggested hours:
6:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.
City Council Meeting 27- July 18, 1978
Ordinance in effect Mr. Hall said the City does have an ordinance in effect;
however, the Council did give permission, at request of
residents of the subdivision, the right to run on the
north side of the golf course.
Further p~oblemsto Mayor Hyde suggested that if there are loose ends, that
come back to Council the staff bring this back to the .Council again.
Motion failed The motion failed by the following vote, to-wit=
Ayes: Councilmen Egdahl, Mayor Hyde
NOES: Councilmen Cox, Gillow
Absent: Councilman Scott
Motion for jogging It was moved by Councilman Gillow and seconded by Councilman
trail outside golf Cox that the Council recommend to the staff that they look
course into making the jogging trail totally outside of the golf
course, with the concentration on enforcement on the north
side of the golf course.
Speaking against motion - Mayor Hyde spoke against the motion, noting that it is
request that Council a complex problem. In the interest of time, he requested
consider item at another that the Council vote against the motion and that this
meeting item be docketed for another Council meeting .when there
is time to consider it more thoroughly.
Motion failed The motion failed by the following vote, to-wit:
Ayes: Councilmen GilloW, Cox
NOES: Mayor Hyde, Councilman.Egdahl
Absent: Councilman Scott
20. REPORT ON PROPOSED (Continued until July 25, 1978. See motion on page #2_)
21. RECOMMENDATIONS TO On May 18, 1978 the Parks & Recreation Commission voted
INSTALL A CONTAINER toconcur with the Environmental Control Commission's
FOR RECYCLABLE MATERIALS suggestion that a container be placed for recyclable materials
AT GENERAL ROCA PARK (aluminum cans, e~c) on'a trial basi~, near the Coke machinein
the tennis area at General Roca Park. The ECC {erwarded the
suggestion to the Council for consideration.
Questions re cost Councilman Egdahl questioned (1) the cost involved, (2)
and handling how long the triai period wouldbe, (3) and who would
handle this - who would pick up the materials, where
would it be stored and who benefits from it.
Motion for report It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Cox
on implementation and unanimously carried by those present that the CiTy
of suggestion Manager come back with a report and implementation of
this suggestion, if approved.
Motion for recommendation It was moved by Councilman Gillow, seconded by Councilman
from ECC Egdahl and unanimously carried by those present that the
Council also request the ECC to come back with suggestions
on Councilman Egdahl's questions.
City Council Meeting -8- July 18, 1978
No information on In response to a question from Mayor Hyde, City Manager
State Surplus funds Cole said that no further information has been received
from the State concerning State surplus funds; however,
it is expected that guidelines will be received soon from
the State Controller on what is to be included in the
general fund reserves and what is to be included in
total revenues.
Request for post-budget It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman GillOw
review and analysis - and unanimously carried by those present that the City
effect of Proposition 13 Manager, at an appropriate time, schedule a post-budget
review and analysis to bring the Council up-to-date on
what has happened as the result of changes brought about
by Proposition 13.
Cable TV Rate Councilman Egdahl reported that the Cable TV Rate Subcom-
Subcommittee report mittee of the Council held a meeting for final consideration
of the rates for apartment owners. The Committee determined
that no changes would be recommended at this time - to
lower the rates. The rate is uniform for apartments with
the adoption by the County of the same rate structure.
Letter re Our House Councilman Egdahl-referred to the letter from the Human
Relations Commission regarding conditions at Our House.
Motion for letter It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by Mayor Hyde '
indicating Council and unanimously carried by those present that a letter be
concern prepared for the Mayor's signature conveying the concern
reflected by Human Relations Commission on the conditions
of the facilities, the yard, etc., indicating that the
Council shares this concern.
Motion for letter to It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded byCouncilman
Southwestern College Gillow and unanimously carried by those present that the
re not using golf course staff prepare and send a letter to Southwestern College
for jogging indicating to the athletic classes there that they are not
to use the golf course any longer for jogging classes or
other recreational uses except golfing.
Motion to schedule It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by Councilman
discussion of library Gillow and unanimously carried by those present that an
hours agenda item be set at the nearest possible time for discus-
sion of library hours - which have never really been settled.
Tour of City facilities Councilman Gillow reported that he took two days off work
made by Councilman Gillow to spend time in the City to meet with Department Heads
and tour City facilities. He expressed his appreciation
to the staff for their time, commenting that it was a
rewarding experience.
RECESS The Council recessed to Executive Session at 5:39 p.m.
for litigation and personnel matters. City Manager Cole
was appointed Deputy City Clerk pro tempore and he reported
that the Council recessed from Executive Session at 6:03 p.m.
for a dinner break.
The Council reconvened at 7:05 p.m. in the Council Chambers
to conduct scheduled public hearings.
City Council Meeting -9- July 18, 1978
22.. PUBLIC HEARING - This being the time and place as advertised Mayor Hyde
CONSIDERATION OF opened the public hearing.
MAP FOR TELEGRAPH Director of Planning Peterson said the applicant has submitted
CANYON TERRACE a' tentative subdivision map, identified as Telegraph Canyon
Terrace, to subdivide 15.35 acres located on the south side
of Telegraph Canyon Road between the 1-805 freeway and a
point 560 feet east of Oleander Avenue, into four lots in
the R-S-G-P zone. The intent is to convert 152 apartments
into condominiums. The units are presently under construc-
tion, and Mr. Peterson noted that some standard conditions
of approval are geared to make up the difference in fees
between apartments and condominium development.
The Planning CommissiOn voted on June 28, 1978 to.recommend
approval in accordance wi~h their Resolution PCS-78-7.
Question 'regarding In answer to a query from Mayor Hyde concerning the grade
grade of street for for the access street between unit 3 and 4, Mr. Peterson
fire department access said that the Fire Department did review the plan for the
apartments before the building permit was issued.
Joseph Lathers In response to a question from the Councilregarding the
J-Len, Inc. gradient on the access street (private driveway), Mr. Lathers
Owner and Contractor described the streets and turns in the development and
Chula Vista said the gradient is 14% to 18% on the street in question.
Council discussion Council discussion ensued concerning the gradient percentage,
fire department access, and traffic on public streets vs.
private streets.
Joseph Lathers Mr. Lathers said they were asking for the chaDge to condo-
Owner miniums because of the amenities - racketball ~ourts, pools,
Chula Vista recreation rooms, fenced areas for children, etc., - and
the units are more suitable for condominiums as low and
moderate income homes, with a price range of approximately
$60,000 for three-bedroom, two bath units.
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, either for or against,
the public hearing was declared closed.
Motion to add condition It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Egdahl
of approval by Fire and unanimously carried by those present that a condition
Department of approval of the Tentative Map be added to require specific
approval of the Fire Department for the subdivision.
22a. RESOLUTION NO. 9200- Offered by Mayor Hyde, as amended, the readingof the text
APPROVING TENTATIVE was waived by unanimous consent of those presenf, passed.
SUBDIVISION MAP FOR and adopted by the following vote,~to-wit:
AYES: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Gillow, Cox, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Scott
23. PUBLIC HEARING - This being the time and place asadvertised, Mayor Hyde
CONSIDERATION OF ANtEND- opened the public hearing.
CODE TO ALLOW LIMITED OFFICES Director of Planning Peterson said that this is an amendment
IN HISTORICAL BUILDINGS to the Zoning Ordinance which would allow expanded use of
AND ALLOW PRIVATE NON- historic buildings in the R-1 and R-3 zone as limited pro-
COMMERICAL RECREATIONAL fessional offices, private non-commerical recreation uses,
FACILITIES IN R-1 AND and allowed only under a Conditional Use Permit.
,City Council Meeting -10- July 18, 1978
On April 18, 1978 the Council referred this item to the
Planning Commission for a report and recommendatiOn. after
receipt of a letter from Ms. Darlene Keller of Forest E.
Olson, Inc., regarding limited professional or non-commercial
recreational use of some of the older historic sites as a
means of preserving them.
On June 28, 1978 the Planning Commission voted to recom-
mend adoption of amendments to.the municipal code in ac-
cordance with their Resolution PCA-78-4.
Council discussion Council discussion followed concerning the approval of a
CUP on a case by case basis; alteration of structures to
be reviewed closely in considering this use; 9 historical
sites currently designated in scattered locations in the
City; possibility of destroying the historical value of the
sites and some renovations may improve and restore historical
Concern in altering Councilman Egdahl expressed his concern that if the use and
historical significance character of an historical building is altered, the hfstorical
significance is also altered, and that there may be a dramatic
instrusion into the R-1 residency area.
Public hearing closed There being no further comments either for or against, the
public hearing was declared closed.
Motion to amend It was moved by Mayor Hyde; seconded by Councilman Cox and
ordinance unanimously carried by those present. that, before approval,
the conditions of the ordinance be modified by an additional
subsection "E" under Section III to read as follows: "Physical
changes to the structure or structures and landscaping
which are not in keeping with the basic design and character
of the property are prohibited."
23a. ORDINANCE NO. 1822 - It was moved by Councilman Cox that the ordinance, as amended,
ADOPTING AMENDMENTS TO be placed on first reading and that the reading of the text
THE MUNICIPAL CODE TO be waived by unanimous consent of those present.
IN HISTORICAL BUILDINGS The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
CO~4ERICAL RECREATIONAL AYES: Councilmen Cox, Hyde, Gillow
FACILITIES IN'THE R-1 Noes: Councilman Egdahl
AND R-3 ZONES SUBJECT TO Absent: Councilman Scott
24. PUBLIC HEARING - Councilman Cox expressed his concern regarding the fact
CONSIDERATION OF A that there is not a full Council present to consider this
SPECIFIC PLAN/REVISED item as it is a most significant land use decision.
DEL REY AREA (Continued
July 11, 1978)
Motion to postpone It was moved by Councilman Cox and seconded by Mayor Hyde
any decision on item 24 that the Council postpone any decision in regard to E1
until there is a full Rancho del Rey until the August 1st and if necessary, the
Council August 8th meeting when Councilman Scott will return from
his vacation and there will be a full Council.
Mayor Hyde asked for comments from property owners in the
E1 Rancho del Rey area regarding their reaction to a two-
week delay.
City Council Meeting -11- July 18, 1978
Carmen Pasquale Mr. Pasquale asked that the Council recess for ten minutes
0lay Land Company to give the representatives of OtayLand. Company an
portunity to discuss the delay.
Andrew Martin Mr. Martin said he represented MCS Development and Watt
2160 Fletcher Parkway Industries who are major landowners in the 450 acres portion
E1Cajon of E1Rancho del Rey. He requested that this 450 acres
immediately adjacent to 1-805 be excluded from considera-
tion at this time as they have talked with staff and are
in accord with the staff recommendations and staff plan as
submitted - that the 450 acres be removed from the plan
itself and released from the moratorium to permit processing
of their plan.
Council discussion Council discussion of the motion ensued, including the
necessity of Councilman Scott listening to the tapes; his
indication that he is willing to do so; by listening to
the tape he would be entitled to vote on any decisions.
RECESS A recess was called at 7:42 p.m. and the meeting reconvened
at 7:49 p.m.
Carmen Pasquale Mr. Pasquale said they would like to have a full Council
Otay Land Company because of the importance of this matter and have no objec-
tions to delaying a decision until the first meeting that
Councilman Scott will return, but no~ to extend beyond that
Recommendation of City Attorney Lindberg recommended that the public hearing
City Attorney not be closed until after Councilman Scott does return and
has had an opportunity to listen to the tapes.
Eugene Coleman Mr. Coleman recommended that the entire proceedings be
1670 Gotham Street postponed until Councilman Scott returns.
Chula Vista
Amendment to motion It was moved by Councilman Egdahl and seconded by Mayor
Hyde that the motion be amended and that the Council not
receive testimony at the public hearing this evening, but
that the hearing be continued toAugust 1, 1978.
Carmen Pasquale Mr. Pasquale said the Otay Land Company would object to
continuing the hearing and not taking testimony tonight.
Esther Lassman Ms. Lassman spoke against having the public hearing
Chula Vista continued.
Speaking against motion Mayor Hyde spoke against the amendment and the main motion,
stating that sufficient argument has not been heard to
indicate that it would be preferable to delay this matter
and it has become a complex issue.
Amendment fails The amendment to the motion failed by the following vote,
Ayes: Councilman Egdahl
NOES: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Gillow, Cox
Absent: Councilman Scott
City Council Meeting -12- July 18, 1978
Main motion fails The main motion to delay decisions until there is a full
Council failed by the foilowing vote, to-wit:
Ayes: Councilmen Cox, Gillow
NOES: Mayor Hyde, Councilman Egdahl
Absent: Councilman Scott
Public hearing Mayor Hyde reconvened the public hearing which was continued
reconvened from the meeting of July 11, 1978.
James Fairman Mr. Fairman presented statistics in density comparisons,
610 "A" Street referring to the comparisons shown in the staff report
San Diego (page #5) and indicating the differencesin the staff plan
(Project Design and the 0ray Land Company proposal when Considering only
Consultants for E1 Rancho del Rey owBership and not total ownership for
Otay Land Company) the area. He also noted the difference in the open space
for E1 Rancho del Rey development - 37% - vs other o,wnerships
18%, His summary statements concluded that without the
density proposed by the Otay Land Company, it would not be
feasible to achieve a housing mix based on the market fore-
cast for the area or provide affordable housing.
Peter Watry Mr. Watry said he was informally representing ACCORD and
81 Second Avenue individual citizens. He outlined the background of the
(Member of ACCORD) Citizens' Advisory Committee known as ACCORD appointed by
the Council to work with the staff and the consultant, Sedway/
Cooke, and described in detail the efforts made to develop
a plan for the E1Rancho del Rey area. 'He commented on
surveys taken indicating citizen preferences for the area
and said that ACCORD officially adopted the Planning Depart
ment plan with certain provisions which he egumerated for
the Council. Mr. Watry also commented on the need and cost
of additional schools which will be required as the result
of this development.
Mr. Watry urged the Council to accept the recommendationi
of ACCORD, of Sedway/Cooke and of the Planning staff.
Roger W. Challberg Mr. Challberg presented the Council a petition for the
1444 F, Eagle Peak Court record with 300 signatures protesting the proposed construc-
Chula Vista lion of 900 apartment units in the area near East "H" Street
and Otay Lakes Road.
Mr. Challberg said he was speaking on behalf of citizens
whose concern is for the future of the community regarding
lifestyles, environment and the long-term cost to the tax-
payers of Chula Vista. He commented that statistics show
it takes 15 or more years for a new development to become
selfsufficient as far as public services are concerned and
higher density demands more public services. He suggested
that both the staff plan and the 0tay Land Company plan
be placed on the ballot with disclosure of costs to the
taxpayer and to let the public decide.
Citizens in favor In answer to a question from Councilman Gitlow, Mr. Challberg
of staff plan said that the petition is opposed to the high dens&ty off
East "H" Street, with the concern also for increased traffic
and public services - particularly police services. He
said the citizens in the area do speak in support of the
staff plan for their area - (Encore Bonita Homeowners.)
City Council Meeting -13- July 18, 1978
Eugene Coleman Mr. Coleman referred to an article in the San Diego Union
1670 Gotham Street ~his week 'in which the Superintendent of the Elementary
Chula Vista School District said there is no money for additional
schools. He asked if the Metropolitan Sewer District has
indicated whether they can accommodate 5,000 or 8,000 new
homes, and spoke at length on the water problems and
potential energy shortage which Southern California will
face soon. He asked that before any decision is made
regarding new projects that the Council ask representatives~
of the Sewer and Water Districts to discuss this issue in
a public meeting.
Jim Bennett Mr~ Bennett said he has lived here for 20 years and his
981 Telegraph Canyon Road property'is within the Otay Land Company development. He
Chula Vista stated that on the maps the high school is located on part
of his property and the extension of "J" Street will front
his land. He said they are concerned about what will happen
to their house when this development occurs, and prefer the
open space as it is.
Ms. Reva Lynch Ms. Lynch said that she hoped the Council would rescind the
626 Date Avenue actions of 1970 and 1971 and also not adopt the staff plan.
Chula Vista She asked the Council to consider that no development is
feasible and spoke in favor of retaining the area as a
valuable natural resource ~obe left in open space for
eventual public outdoor recreational uses. She asked that
the matter be placed on the November ballot for the people
Carol Smith Ms. Smith spoke in favor of the s~aff plan and commented
87 "F" Street on the vote of the community on two occasions against
Chula Vista !'maximum density for profit."
Clint Matthews Mr. Matthews identified an area indicating 2 dwelling units
4305 Vista Coronado Dr. per acre in Lynwood Hills area, and said he supported the
(Lynwood Hills) staff plan for this density.
Chula Vista
Sam Blick, Attorney Mr. Blick said the issue is more than "more units for more
Representing Otay money" and if the staff plan is adopted, there will not be
Land Company development of this area as it is not feasible. He referred
to remarks made by Mr. Lewis in support of the economics
of the Otay Land Company plan and commented on the open
space that is reserved at no cost to the City. He urged
that the Council approve the proposed recommendations of
the developeF.
Ray Watt Mr. Watt said they have been working with the Planning
Watt Industries & MSC Commission and the staff for the past year on development
2160 Fletcher Parkway of the 450 acre portion of the area, and they can conform
E1Cajon to the staff plan. He stated that they are prepared to
extend "H" Street for their property and provide sewer and
water, and provide housing according to the Housing Element.
Public hearing closed There being no further comments for or against, the public
hearing was declared closed.
RECESS The Council recessed at 9:08 p.m. and the meeting reconvened
at 9:19 p.m.
Suggestion to continue Mayor Hyde suggested that the Council discuss this matter
Council discussion until 10 or 10:15 p.m. and if a decision has not been made
at that time, to Continue the discussion to the next regular
meeting. The Council concurred.
City Council Meeting -14- July 18, 1978
Suggestion to consider Mayor Hyde proposed as a method of proceeding that the
individual SPA's Council look at the various Sectional Planning Areas (SPA's)
and see if there are any questions the Council would like
to raise concerning them in order to narrow the issues
that must be resolved. The Council concurred.
Rice Canyon SPA Mayor Hyde suggested that the Counc'il first consider the
Rice Canyon SPA in which the Otay Land Company has requested
some changes in the residential density.
Difference in ACCORD In response to questions from Councilman Egdahl, Mr. Peterson
and staff recommendations summarized the differences in the ACCORD recommendations
discussed and the staff plan in the 450 acre area snd along Ridgeback
Road involving open space and housing units clustered on
hilltops with limited grading. He said the staff plan is a
compromise acknowledging the amount of grading that-must
be done for the extension of "H" Street, the existing
housing market in the South Bay area and the demand for
more conventional housing.
Suggestion for procedure Mayor Hyde proposed that after discussion of the SPA's,
that the Council take a vote which would give "tentative"
approval subject to going back for adjustments at any time
that it is deemed appropriate. The Council concurred.
Motion to tentatively It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Egdahl
approve Rice Canyon SPA and unanimously carried by those present that tentative
approval be given to that portion of the staff proposal
identified as Rice Canyon.
La Canada SPA - At Mayor Hyde's r~quest, Mr. Peterson described the boundaries
Northern Tier of the SPA, outlining the area on the wail map in which the
SPA's were designated in various colors.
Council discussion Discussion followed concerning th~ low density in this
SPA (~ Canada) of 1 to 2 units per acre and the staff
concurred that some transfer of density from one type of
designation to another might be appropriate in this area.
Water to be provided In response to a question from Councilman Cox concerning
by Otay Municipal Water availability of water supply, Mr. Peterson said the Otay
District Municipal Water District is in the process of formulating
plans to provide service to this area and as development
moves to the east, they will require a reservoir.
Motion to tentatively It was moved by Mayor Hyde and seconded by Councilman Gillow
approve the La Canada SPA that tentative approval be given to the La Canada portion
of the staff plan. The motion carried by the following
vote, to-wit:
AYES: Mayor Hyde, Councilmen Gillow, Egdahl
Noes: Councilman Cox
Absent: Councilman Scott
Del Centro SPA Mr. Peterson outlined the boundaries of the Del Centro
SPA on the wall map.
Density change proposed Councilman Cox noted that one of the changes that the
by developer developer has requested is to reverse the center core'on
the staff plan of 6 to 10 units per acre to 3 to 5 units
per acre and in the outer circle, change the staff proposal
for 3 to 5 units per acre and make it 6 to 10 units per
City Council Meeting -15- July 18, 1978
Mr. Peterson said he had no strong feelings on the 6 to 10
units being changed to designate 3 to 5 units, but the area
near the western end there is a steep slope into the bottom
of Rice Canyon which should have 1 to 2 rather than the 6
to 10 units per acre, depending on the grading plan for
the construction of "H" Street.
Council discussion Discussion ensued concerning the differences in the staff
plan and the "Requested Changes" of the developer; the
proposed shopping center; the concern of the Council
regarding the amount of acreage of very low density; the
flexibility of adjusting densities in this area; how the
"trade-offs" may determine the speed with which "H" Street
will be built; and the earthquake fault zones.
Motion to shift density It was moved by Councilman Egdahl and seconded by Councilman
in the Del Rey and Cox that the specific change be made to shift the 6 to 10
Del Centre SPA's units per acre out of the small section of Del Rey and Del
Centre on the staff recommended plan - to the "Requested
Changes" - it all goes into the Del Centre section of the
Otay Land Company Plan, and substitute the 3 to 5 units
per acre from where the 6 to 10 units were removed.
Council discussion Council discussion followed concerning the steep terrain
in the northwestern portion of the area; the earthquake
zones; and the shift to the higher density in this area
of steep terrain where the staff is recommending 1 to 2
units per acre.
Councilman Egdahl asked, if the motion were separated for
purposes of discussion and vote, which part of the two
areas in the "Requested Changes" plan represents~hearea
north of East "H" Street and which part represents that
south of East "H" Street. Me said that in his view of the
two plans, the shift of quantity of territory and ibou~ the
equivolent number of units seems equal. If the area is re-
moved that the staff is concerned about where the designated
density is 1 to 2 units per acre, the Council will still
have to deal with the "center circle" in some way.
Motion split Councilman Egdahl suggested that the motion be split.
Councilman Cox agreed as the second.
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by Councilman
"Requested Change" map Cox and unanimously carried.by those present that On the
to increase density to "Requested Change" map, the 6 to 10 units in their most
6 to 10 units in Del easterly section be approved, and removed from the "center
Centre SPA circle."
Motion to modify density It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Cox
in portion of Del Centre and unanimously carried by those present that the portion
area in the Del Centre area designated as 1 to 2 units per acre
be modified to 2 to 3 units per acre.
Concern of 6 to 10 Councilman Egdahl expressed his concern about the 6 to 10
units per acre in units per acre in the bottom half of the "circle" (orange
Del Rey area area) designated Del Rey. He said since the north half -
north of East "H" Street has been changed to 3 to 5 units
per acre, it is not appropriate to have the south half
remain as 6 to 10 units per acre.
Motion to tentatively It was moved by Mayor Hyde and seconded by Councilman Gillow
approve Del Centre that the staff plan for Del Centre SPA be tentatively approved
SPA asmodified with the modifications as approved by Council.
City Council Meeting -16- July 18, 1978
Councilman Bgdahl spoke against the motion at this time
stating the Council will have to deal with ~he 6 to 10
units per acre section in Del Rey t6 know where to put
them, if they are changed.
Motion withdrawn Mayor Hyde withdrew his motion. Councilman Gillow agreed
as the second.
Del Rey SPA Mr. Peterson identified the boundaries of Del Rey SPA.
Motion tO shift units It was moved by Councilman Egdahl and seconded by Councilman
from Del Rey to Del Cox that the area in Del Rey designated as 6 to 10 units
Centro per acre be changed to 3 to S units per acre and that the
"tip" -that the "Requested Change" 6 to 10 units at the
most westerly point in the DelCentro area be the place
where the 6 to 10 units are shifted.
The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Hyde, Cox
Noes: Councilman Gillow
Absent: Councilman Scott
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by Mayor Hyde
Del Centro and Del and unanin~usly carried by thosepresen~ that the Council
Rey SPA's approve the Del Centro and Del Rey areas with those modifi-
Mayor Hyde said that discussion on this matter will be
closed at this time and continued Go the next regular
Council meeting scheduled for Tuesday, JUly 25, 1978.
The Council concurred.
Motion to convene It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Egdahl
Council meeting at and unanimously carried by those present that the Council
4:00 p.m., July 2S, 1978 meeting on Tuesday start at 4:00 p.m. and that the continued
and continue discussion deliberations on E1Rancho del Rey be scheduled as the last
on E1Rancho del Rey at items of the evening portion (7:00 p.m.)
?:00 p.m. session
Request for map to Mayor Hyde requested that the staff bring back a map colored
reflect changes made to reflect the changes that have been made so far and be
by Council prepared to answer questions.
Motion for Executive It was moved by Mayor Hyde, seconded by Councilman Cox
Session and unanimously carried by those present that the Council
recess to Executive Session for personnel negotiations.
RECESS The Council recessed to Executive Session at 10:16 p.m.
The Deputy City Clerk was excused and City Manager Cole
was appointed Deputy City Clerk Pro Tempore. He reported
that the Council reconvened at 10:40 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hyde adjourned the meeting at 10:41 p.m, to the
joint meeting with the School Districts on July 20, 1978
at 4:00 p.m. at the Sweetwater Union High School District
I, Jane A. DiedTichs, being duly sworn del~Dse and ~ay:
That I am the duly chesen~ qualified and acting Deputy City Clerk of the
Council of the City of Chu!a Vista;
That the rea{ular . meeting of the Council of the City
of Chula Vista was held Julj~ 18, ]qy~
and said meeting was adjourned to the time ar~t place as sgecified in
the order of adjournment ATTAC}]ED HERBTO:
Tha~ on July 19, 1978_ ~t t[~e hour of .
I posted a copy of ,~.aid order a~ a conspicuous place on or near
the door of the place at which said meeting of July ]~,
was held.
Deputy City Clerk
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
1924, .
Held Tuesday - 4:00 pm July 18, 1q78
The Council met in the Council Chamber at the City Hall, 276 Fourth Ax+enue, on the
above date at xTx~ P~M~ with the following Com~c~lmen present=
COUNCILMEN Hyde, Cox, E~dahl, Gillow
Absent: Scott
i:i The Mayor adjourned the meeting ,~t 10:40p.m. until July 2~ 1078
~ ,
~'~ 4:00 Sweetwater Union High School District office
~ at ~SX]~O P,,M in the CM~]~kk]~]~:(~i f~o~Zf~x~ckox~xxC~]~jfx~aX~xx~kGx:~l~kuXt~
x~X Chula Vista. Californial (Joint meeting with the School Districts)
I, JANE A. DIEDRICHS, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Chula Vista, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that
this is a full, true and corzect copy of an order adopted by the C~ty Council at the
meeting of July 19, 1978
'~ane A. Diedrichs, Deputy City Clerk
City of Chula V~sr, a, California