HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1933/05/15
JlmtUUIir,t OJ' J.. Pœ'fPONEl) MIŒ'l'DIO 01 'l'BJ: crr!' COUNOJL OP oacu VISTA, cw.IrœNtA, B
M&.Y US, 1;33.
1!he 00=011 _'t &Ooord1ng 'to pO.'tpem_t, 111. 'the Counoll Ohsabor of 'tho
u.J.l, em 't. above daote, wUh iii7=' Do"e pr..141¡¡g, who oùlod 'the _et1¡¡g to ar-
.11 8:00 p. .. ProeMn1l: ~ Done, Ccnm.oi~" BDft, 1¡p'ono, Brown, OOlQ'ero.
POLICI DlPJR'DŒN'1': Á lot"hr no road trœ 1II1e aI1i.f of poU.. ot Ooronado
wh!cm Berpant L. :1. Blade, ot our Police Depvwnt. was _Dc\ed tor etfi.ient
111. ...1o"1¡¡g 'the COI'OJ1ado pol100 111. QP1"ohu.d1Dc a 01'1.11I1...,. ~"er œdONc\ tl1
Sergoan" Jlado' 0 reoord.
i PLAY GROmm: !he prinoipal of tho looal C1'8DIIIUIr ochool, 117 letoter, propo.e
~b 00u:ø.011 ~, a pla;r ¡p:ound be 1Ia1a1la1JL04 OB. the .ahDol 11'0un4.. 4ur1¡¡g the
MZ' YaoaUem per104. Be ota_d that ... .ahool boart had 4001404 "0 oonv1bu_
.Ia ot t15.00 tar tho purpOM. IUI4 aeÞd th1. Cou:ø.oU to aut;b.œ1_ 'iIle _ _
Clerk 1notrulStod W uk fQ1' dUall. of tho plan propo..d for ~ plQ" ground.
BUILDING IRSPECTClh BW.ld1¡¡g haput01' Wheton, of thia 01., bavlDc 'b..
ISU8f14 ot otterJg to proouro laborer. far the Duut.1h CclçallT. 111. tho oem.true
or a I10W pad:1ng houae in thi. iii 111, far- ".00 per 4Q', when tho _tr..ot01'. ..
1:IIg "" pq IIOre. .. let'tor 1'z'om tho pre.idon't of tho h:a:a.todt 0aç1lJ:l,T, wa. road,
whioh tho aOClUAUem wa. denied. The 101lwr .taM( t.hat tho oha1'goa againll Mr.
tOJ1 wro no't fc:nmðod on f....... .. Mr. Wharton bad not otteroa. UTth1¡¡g of tho k1
La"or O1'darod tiled. J.. JIto. ~tob8r, who had _do thø crigilial obllr~, çpeal't
bolo.. of thø aotiag uA dt-.tod to doD7 tho .-tat_n'l;o 1la40 bT lito. Donnot
but tho :MaTor 1ntomed hS. that ~ çpaare4 w bo a ai.underobnd1Dg all orot
!!DR AND L:roH'l' WII!I1I8: 'l'Iro çplioat1on. tor po1'ldta to ..11 'beer and li~
win.. in 11110 c1111 1forO road, !Io. to11011'.:
14. MaConlo;r, -On Se.le-, roqu.e..d tor 306 1 Stroot.
1'. J:. BradlJre, -Oft SeJ.e-, roque.te4 tor 70 lfaUonal J..venuo.
Upon ..t1on 117 Cl. Can¥ere, .eoond.d b;r 01. Brown, which oarried, the 8;
oation of Mr. JIoOonle;r .... hold ç Imð. referred ~o the Polioe OoIIIIIIiBB1oner to 11II
a rllport at a later _t1¡¡g; the application ot 11'. E. Brad1..,..... grlmted.
I'RANCHISB P.A.YJŒNTS: 'l'ho clerk introc\u.cod tho tao~ that in hie op1n!em.
San Diego .Qaa Imd m..ctr10 ~"y uoe not pqiDs the corroct 8II,nmt ot franch1l
PlI1IIIBnta 'that it .ould pq. Be .tated that hiB Nccrd. .howed that tho OCIIIpen
pqiag ....0 percent on the 11'0118 reoo1pt. tor elaotr10 pOW'U' and hea't, Imd not j
elootrioity uaed tar lighting p\l1'þo.... He further .tated th.e.t be oould find nl
in 'the f1oanchi.. granted t;b.e 0CIIIIIp8.IIT that exaIIIp'teð. PQI!IltJIt of two peroent on tIu
r...iptB tor eleotr1c: 11gbt1¡¡g. ..toter raterred 1;0 'tho o1V a"omoy, wbo 18 1;(
hi 'tnufth ..i 1:n 'to'h. ftlWma-n" _ An" """'1'11" "IIt"" '1'\....,..."..
"et1¡¡g or JIaJr 15. li33, Continued. ,
CounoUmlm Rcnro: 'rhe 01 ty has noth1¡¡g to 10.. it' thiB :Leu. i. gz'&Ilted. w:
.T0:L7t.hine to ga1JL; tJ,at noth1¡¡g oould have be.n tinanoed dur1¡¡g the put f" 71
&Ild Joflo. B1&ckman ahould be Goueed tœ not saine to%'lrU'd with hi. louo on th1. I
oount; our hllrbor ahould 'be daveloped. &D4 thi. propo.1 Uem 1. the b..t plan thI
oauld be dIIv18ed 'to 4ovelop 111; that when developed, all the oottOJ1 ot the ho1:
Southn.t wouJ.d be Bhipped :trœ hare; that in hi. opinion. thi. leue should b.
... 1II1er. 18 no o'tl1f1r p1'OlIþeot in '1'1" to ð8ve1op tbe hll1'bœ-.
COunoillllen I,yona: Jeain oppo.ed the grut1¡¡g at this lIIan; that JIto. Bla
in tbo :put had h1:aðered tile d.....lopunt of 'the harbor by the u:arb1 'tent prh. hi
ubd for hi. land; that IIL'. Blaolœlan had wld a t<a'llm' Oounoll that no t1.nuo1i
organiat1em .oulcl fiIPlIort hill tiDano1l1llT. em aoac:nmt ot hiB age.
CoUJIcll Brown: Would lik. to DOlI' Who 1. baok1ll& the propo.er. tor 1Ib.18 :
tinauoiall;r. b.tore he would .c. 10 vot. on the p1'Opos1t1on; thou¡ht 1;he llatte:
ahould be held over tor tnrther iIn'..tipUem.
CoImoi:œu OOZQ'U'.: 1'0111 about the _ ... Oou:ø.c1Jman Brown; that he wa
ready to Tote on the _tter at th1. tiIIIB.
D. C. Collier: (Soor.tU7 of 8ø D1.go South Bq or._1n~'.. !no.) Den1.
Uo1 ..tt8lpt to oII.Iu1ce the w0r4lDc of tho 1... ... had been publ1ah.d in the lut
Ohula Vista SMl'; he road a long prepe:red .ta~t. in whhh he d.tend.d hi. 0
..tiemi that 'Iõb..y 414 not wan't 1Ib.e 1..... unl... 1IhQ' could bu7 the land l71ng ba
the tide landa in que.Uem; 1I1Iat hi. "....'11" 10 lIOgot18.t1¡¡g tw: the parch.... ot
land; that no one in partioulll1' 18 baok1ng hi. 11......7 tinano1al17, but 1111a1; 111
p.otad to go b.tœ. tho U. S. Beoana'truot1em linan.. OoQoratioa. .1 t.h th.ir plll
thou¡h't 1;be7 wouJ.c\ get t1nan81al au,pport. Hi. prepared .t......nt oontain.d "~"'i
lotteI'. em tho .-¡bjeot 'from official. of the Santa h kilroal, ddo4 in 1;1 '
Ooun011un Bow: Pre.enW a :up ot San Di.. BQ'; aILond wh.re 4reag1
ahould be done. in ft'ont or Ifational Oi V; unl.... ... oould pt dre4g1¡¡g, ... oan
aooaçl1eh IIIQ'thinC tœar4 development.
OounoiJ:llan 1¡p'ona: 'l'he.t it thoro 1. IIIQ' dred&1nc 1JL the bQ' fronting th1.
.. will have 110 pq ov .Juuoo ot it; that 'lõb.18 au. doo. not require t_ propc
lo..... to do UT 4re4s1ne;; tlaat wheu ... pq tor tho dre4g1ne;. the South BQ' 'II
Inc., .ould protit by nab droc\g1¡¡g. ;re't would no't _tribute to the co.t of it.
D. C. Colli.r: 'II1ought tho Go1'W13lllOn t wiU do thø dredg1:qg. when it....
plan now propoMd.
J'. R. 8001;1;: Doe. not think ~h 1. 'the U. to U7 "" 4ovolop the bq, 8
wham. in Son Di.sa u. not kept eo,5 b\l87; thousht that 4r04g1ng thø bq waulð
1111. 'be.t pllm. rather than to leue th. U40 landa. Hi. 14... 1. to torm a he.:rbc
velopment: d1atrict. with all can on 'the b&7 joining. thereby develop tho wboll
bT b publ1o. rather than 110 att~tI pi.. meûwork, u 1. now prop...d, by Ot
pr1n.tI. 1:ad1v1duala. Said he ... a _bel' ot the S. D. ChIdaIter or CcøIIeroe Har1
mittee. ... IUI moh. bad intorv1ned JIto. l'h0llla0 :Bcaar. of the Chamb.r Induotr1lÙ
mttoo. II.I1d quotod Bomar as 8&71¡¡g: Blackman had e,pproached the Sana Fa Jla1lr~
ottic1&Þ ud they 'l'oulduot a..1ot h:lm; that Blackman alrea~ hu a 1..... and 1
dona IIJ:I,Tthing; oould not .0. 1i;r1:qg lip tide 1and. in a praaoUon .c~; Son D~
will go tnto a harbor di.trict.
D. C. Ooll1.r: htenð.od Blackman eg&t:a.t Soott'. aooueat1on; further aaj
it poopl. not aaU.tied, he would withdraw thø 1_.
T. G. Ber81Jlll: Said he knew )Iro. Blackmaa; that Blaolaan haG 8hon. h18 C&1
to aooaçl1.h noth1¡¡g b;y tlhø tanure he hall _de ot tho loa.. he now hall; he hal
lutel;r faned heretotoro; that it i. wro:qg 110 eg&1n 1.... '1;0 Blackmlm; whe t
caaa.. ... w11.1 have 110 trouble in d.velopment.; tJ,a't .e mould hold COtLtrol ,
11140 luda our..lve.. auc1 no't baud oontrol 'to an;r0B.8. .apec1all;r B1&ctmau; tha1
a 1..... 18 .ver given to ILI11"One, it ahould be to .. ro.pono1ble parV. aDd then 1
:puty be r.quired to give a bond tor tultlllment ot te1'lllB; that h. waG oerte.1nJ
po..d to granting tb.1. 1.11....
Jar.. hanoeo 04011I: Oppo.ed to a 1...e without bol34; that theM pl'CIIlot.