HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1928/11/13 REGULAR MDiUf1I8 OF A POSTPONE.!?/MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OJ! CHULA VISTA, CALIFORNIA, BJW NOVEMBER 13, 1928. The Oi ty Council met in regular session, pursuant to postponmElIl t, in the Council OJ ot the Oi ty Hall, on the above date, with Meyer Petors presiding. ldeeting called 1 order at'7:3O p. m. Present: l.!Iqor Peters, Cl. soott, Lyons, Hawkins, Barnes. . READING OF MINiJTES: The minutes of the last reguJ.s.r meeting of October 2, 192é and a special meeting 01: October 13, 1\128, wore read and approved, as read. EXAMJ:lU.TION QF PERSONS ARRESTED: Dr. F. E. AShcroft stated to the Council that had been engaged by the Police Department to examine persons who have been arrestee are apparsntly'under the influence ot intoxicating liquor, or narcotics, and reque' , that a fee for such examinat10nD be fixed by the Oouncil. After discussion, Cl. 51 ~ed, and was seconded by 01. Hawkins, that the tee to be paid by the ci t1 fat:' ." examinationB be and are as tallows: $5.00 for the tirst exwnination and þ~oo tor subl!equent oX8lllination in ~ one dq; $25.00 tor each dq while attendingt. court a, witness, in any court outside ot the city at Chula Vista; the Oity eoUIlcl1"take BU' actiob in the event ot litigation grOWing OUZ ot such servioos rendered by Dr. Ash· as they are permitted by law to do. 'nIo motion oarried by the :follOWing vote, to-' AYES: Cl. Scott, Lyons, Hawkins, Barnes, Peters. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 5T.CTE OONVENTIONS: Dr. Ashcroft urged that a repreeentative of esah departJ of the city anould be pennitted to ,ttend any eta to conventions held, whsrein aI17 departm&nt ot the oity government 18 represented. Discuss8d but no action taken. CONCRETE WORK: Mr. Victor Tessitore compalined to the Counoil that employe the oi~ are warking against bis oammeraial interestD, by advising property owner. not employ Tas.itare far any concrete work. Mr. T. G. Hersum talked in support ot Te.si tore' s work. The COuncil ad't1aed Mr. Te""itore to pertorm all his work in s1; accordanae with specifications, and thought no mare tl70uble would ensue. . PURCHASE OF BUPPLIF8: A pat1t1on, signed by the dealers in automobile tir was presented to the Counail, in Which it was oomplained that the oity is purohasi autClllobils tires outside the city, and 110t giving the local dealers a cbanae to bi the tir8ll. ~ petition stated that thill practice is unfair and asked tbat the me be changsd. The ai t1 olerk, who is, also, purchasing agent, stated that two tires - tubes had been purahaeed in San Diego, but that in the purchass, tba oity had save 115.74 it the cheapest Cbula Vista Ure8 had been purchased, anS $24.24 it the big " r REGULAR MDiUf1I8 OF A POSTPONE.!?/lIIEETING OF THE CITY OOUNCIL OJ! CHULA VISTA, CALIFORNIA, HH:LI NOVEMBER 13, 1928. The City Council met in regular seseion, pursuant to postponmElIlt, in tho Oouncil OJ ot ths Oi ty Hall, on ths above date, with Meyer Peters presiding. Ideating called 1 order at' 7:30 p. m. Present: l.!Iqor Peters, Cl. Soott, Lyons, Hawkins, Barnes. . READING OF MINiJTES: Tbe minutes of ths last reguJ.s.r meeting of October 2, 192é and a special meeting of Ootober 13, 1\128, wsre read and approved, as read. EXAMJ:lU.TIoN OF PERSONS ARRESTED: Dr. F. E. Ashcroft stated to the Council that had been engaged by the Polioe Departmen t to examine persons who have been arrestee are apparsntly'under the influence ot intoxicating liquor, or narcotics, and reque' that a fee for such examinationa be fixed by the Council. Atter discussion, Cl. 5' ~ed, and was seconded by Cl. Hawkins, that tbe tee to be paid by the oi t1 fat:' ." examination. be and 81'e as tollows: $5.00 for the first exwnination and þ~oo for subsequent eX8lllination in ~ one dq; $25.00 for each day while attending court a' 10 witness, in any court outside of the oity ot Chula Vista; the City Council"take eu- aotiob in the event of litigation growing out or such servioes rendered by Dr. Ash· as they are permitted by law to do. 'nIe motion aarried by the follOWing vote, to-' AYIS: Cl. Scott, Lyons, RawkinD, Barnoa, Peters. NOES: None. ABSENT; Nons. ST.CTE OONVENTIONS: Dr. Ashcroft urged tbat a representative of each departJ of the city should be psnnitted to ,ttend any stato conventions held, wberein any departm&nt ot the oity government is represented. Discus86d but no action taken. CONCRETE WORK: Mr. Victor Tessitore canpalined to the Counoil that employe the oi ~ are warking against biB cammercial interests, by advising property owners not employ Tasdtare far any concrete work. Mr. T. G. Hel'sum talked in support ot Tessitore'. work. The COuncil ad~i.ed Mr. Tessitore to perform all his work in st aacordance with specitications, and thought no mal'e tllouble would ensue. PURCHASE OF SUPPLŒ: A petition. signed by the dealers in automobile tir was presented to the Council, in Which it was aomplained that ths oity is purchasi autanobils tires outside the oi~, and not giving the local dealers a ahance to bi the tire s. The petition stated that this practice is unfair and asked that the me be ahanged. The oi ty olerk, who 18, also, purchasing agant, stated that two tires - tubu bad bsen purchased in San Diego; but that in the purchase, the city had save &15.74 if the cheapest Chula Vista tires had been purohased, an1 $24.24 it the hiS " \ Meeting of Novam:. er 13, 1926, Continued. e POUCE MAŒINI!: DAJIGED: Cl. Ha'wkiu preseuted a bill amounting to tl22.&O for pairs to the automobile ot Chiet or Polics Clyne, which had been damaged while pur- suing a law violator. Upon motion by Cl. Hawkins, øeaondsd by Cl. Lyons, whiah car risd, the bill was all01lllSd. The motion contained tbs elaWle that in tutUl'e, all su matters should bs put in the hands of the purchasing agent, with a view to obtainin the lowest pries tor the work. PERIODIOAL REPORTS: The monthly reports ot the City Judge and tbe Fire Chie for the months at October, 1928, were presented, read, and ordered tiled. FIRE HYIRANT AT F AND 6th AVENUE: The property owner8 in that 10oalit;r file a peti tion asking that a tire hydrant be insta!led at or near this intersection, to protection of the buildings now in tbat local! ty. Referred to Fire Commdttee, with authority to act, upon motion by Cl. Soott, seconded by Cl. Barœs, which carried. ALLEY CLEANED AND CONDITIONED: A petition, signed by the property owners in the locality, lias presented, and asJœd that the alley running south from E Strest, between Land1e and Garrett Avenue8, be placed in proper candi tion for use, esPi' cia! in the matter of drainsge. Reterred to Strset Camnittee upon motio!! b,y 01. Lyons, seconded by 01. Barœs, which carrisd. GASOLINE TANKS IN S'mEET: Mr. H. A. Sprague, by letter, aeked the Council fc permission to in8tall three 550 gal. ga80line teaks in tbe street, bstween the aide walk and ourb lines, at 2!ït National Annue. The tæks to not have pumps loca* 'Y~ ote« e. the street. Authat:'iZ8~,^UPOi:\ motion by Cl. Barnes, seconded by Cl. Scott, wI.! FIREMAN: The Fire Chief, by letter intomed the Council, that hs bad appoilJ Wal1ace E. Armer as permanent fir aman , at a salary of 1140.00 par month, effective 8IDber 1, 1928, and asked for aonfirmation. Contimed upon motion by Cl. Scott, se~ by 01. Hawkins, which carried. REMOVING TREES FROM S'l'REETS: Kramer &; Lefurgey were autorized to remove the Eucalyptue trees fronting their prop arty on F Street, near Bay Boulevard, tile clsr~ reporting that the legal deposit had been placed in his hands. Motion by Cl. Lyons seoonded by Cl. Hawkins, carried. COLORED SIDEWALK: 01. Scott told that the new Piggly Wiggly Store, on Th1rð àvenue, desired to replace ths present sidewalk, with red sidewalk. Aftsr disaussj ths request was denied upon motion by Cl. Hawkins, seconded by Cl. 3arnes, whioh c€ FIRE CHIEF'S REPORT OF CONVENTION: In a letter, the Fire Chief gave a detail report of his attendance at the State Fire Chiefs' Convention, and gave as biB opir that much good was tbe result of his attendance. COMMUNITY CHRIS'IUAS 'IiiEE2!: A letter from the Chamber of Commerce asking th€ a representative of the aity government be appointed to rspresent the city in the c munity Christmas Tree, this year, was read. Decided that no representative be appc '" POLICE DEPARTMENT: A resolution by the local Ohamber of Commerce camm~ local police for their aourage, erticient and vigilant work in safeguarding 0 was presented, and ordered filed. PLA.NNING CO!INISSION MINtJTES: The minutes of a meoting of tha Planning COl11IIlil beld October 25, 1928, were presented, and action taken as follows: Bill Boards; Tbe location ot as shown on sketahss filed witb the minutes, were auuroved. . . Meeting of November 13, 1928, Continued. e ~VING STREET 1lŒE: The removal of one etreet tree from the parking in troI ot a new residenoe on let Avenue, Just Nartb ot J Street, provided tbe required depc of $5.00 is made by a ~. Wilson, upon motion by Cl. soott, seoonded by C1. Lyons, 1 oarried. ORDINANCE No. 191: Upon motion by Mr. soott, seoonded bY' C1. Lyons, which CaJ ried, Ordinance No. 1111 was placed on t.. ita seaond and final reading. It was resl and was passed, adopted and approved, as read, by the to110wing vote, to-wit: AYES Cl. Lyons, Hawkins, Barnes, Peters, Scott. NOES: Nons. ABSENT: None. ORDINAÆE NO. 192: Upon motion by Cl. Hawkins, secondsd by Ol..Saott, Which, ried, Ordinance No. 192 was placed on its second and final reading. It was read, and was passed, adopted and approved, as read, by the following vote, to-wit: AYES 01. Soott, Lyons, H~wkins, Barnes, Peters. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ORDINANCE No. 193: Upon motion by Cl. Lyons, seconded by Cl. Barnes, whiah oar- ried, Ordinanoe No. 19ð was;placed on its first reading. Thia is an CIl'dinance to bl mon SD the uniform Traffic Ordinanae. BILLS PAID: Upon motion by Cl. Soott, seconded by Cl. Hawkins, which carried, followi¡¡g bills, after examination by the financs aoDrlli tttee, were ordered paid: 6830 Union Oil Company Gasoline and Lubs., Sept, 19213 $202 6831 S. D. Gas and Eleot. Co. Gas and Electricity, Sept., 1928 4 6832 Orchard Operating Co, Hire of Mulee, Sept., 19æ, 47 . 6833 C. V. Paint and Rdw. Store, Paint and Hdw., do. 37 6834 S. W. Water Carpn., Water, do. 165 6835 Pac. Telepb. and Telegr. Co Phons Servi 08, do. 28 6835 F. B. Andrews, City Attorney, Oct., 1928, 100 6837 Murray M. Campbell, Insurance, 407 Pac. Acetylene Co. 6836 Acetylene and Oxygen, 9 683\1 H. B. Klndberg, Leather Washers, 6840 H. S. Hall, Sewer Pipe, 11 6841 Bank ot Italy, 6ubscription to Transcript, 9 6842 Nele on &: Sloan, Sand, 1 6843 Pey Roll, Sewer mnployes, Oct., 1928, 548 6844 do. Miscellaneous _ls. do. 2733 6845 do. 6trset Employes, do. 1178 6846 Griffith Company, Paving 3rd Ave., 1350 6847 A. T. Petty, Transcript, Water Rate Hearing, 78 6848 AreY-Jones Co. Offioe Supplies, 1 6849 state CompensatiQn Ins. Ccmpensation Ineurance, 1255 6850 Skinner Co. Hardware, 41 6611 League ot ~4unicipalities, State Duell, 1929, 30 6852 6. D. Gas and Eleot. Co. Gas and Electricity, Oot., 1928, 244 6853 A. Carli.le Co., Legal Farms, 4 C. V. Motor Sales, 6854 MOtor Repair Parts, 4E 6855 Calit. Laundries, Laundry in Jail, 2 ãa56 Denrioh Preas, Printi¡¡g, 3C ð857Service Pharmaoy, Drug Supplies, E . 6858 Helm Bros., MOtor 6upplies, J 6859 C. V. Star, Printing , 3J 6860 Smith Drug Stare, Drug S1Ipplies, 6861 Robisons Service Station, Tire Repairs, 6862 C. V. Service Station, Tire Repairs, . 6863 Homeland BuildilJ@: Co., DynSDIi tis, 2E 6864 Charle. E. Bmiht, Volunteer Firemen, Expenses, sto. 10, ~A.~ ~ or Q,.._+:..+...,.. ~r'\_ ~.?.,. n,..,t::_ 1Q!>.A , fif ---- . . Meeting ot Novlll1ber 13, 1.9æ, Continued. · 6883 :r. Al.len Burn., Handwriting Expert, $10.( 6881 Gupti1 & Sabin, Insurance, Nurse's Auto, 28.. 6882 Kenneth A. Gardnsr, Protes.ional Services aDd Draughting, 65.( 6884 Pac. Te1eph. and Telegr., Co. Phone Servioe, Oct., 1928 39.( ADJOURNMENT: Upon motion by Cl. Saott, seoonded by C1. Hawkins, which oarried, the Counoil adjourned, sine die. Attest: City Clerk. · ·