HomeMy WebLinkAboutrda min 1985/09/19 MINUTES OF AN ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA Thursday, September 19, 1985 Council Chambers 4:00 p.m. Public Services Building ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Cox, Members Scott, McCandliss, Malcolm, Moore MEMBERS ABSENT: None. STAFF PRESENT: Executive Director Goss, Agency Attorney Harron, Community Development Director Desrochers, Assistant City Manager Asmus, Assi stant to Ci ty Manager Morri s, Redevelopment Coordinator Kassman, Senior Communi ty Development Specialist Buchan CONSENT CALENDAR (1-4) ITEM NO. 1 - STATUS OF 404 PERMIT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE ROAD TO GUNPOWDER POINT ITEM NO. 2 - RESOLUTION NO. 625- APPROVING AN AGREEMENT WITH SECURITY FENCE CO. TO INSTALL FENCING ON THE "STREET PROPERTY" AT BAY BOULEVARD AND "F" STREET ITEM NO. 3 - RESOLUTION (a) 626- APPROVING PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ALLEY IMPROVEMENTS BETWEEN DAVIDSON STREET AND "F" STREET RESOLUTION (b) 627- APPROVING LIEN AGREEMENT WITH WALTER GRANT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ALLEY IMPROVEMENTS WEST OF THIRD AVENUE BETWEEN DAVIDSON STREET AND "F" STREET RESOLUTION (c) - APPROVING LIEN AGREEMENT WITH MARY M. WILLARDSON FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ALLEY IMPROVEMENTS EAST OF THIRD A VENUE BETWEEN DAVIDSON STREET AND "F" STREET RESOLUTION (d) 628- ACCEPTING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR " CONSTRUCTION OF TOWN CENTRE ALLEY IMPROVEMENTS EAST AND WEST OF THIRD AVENUE BETWEEN DAVIDSON STREET AND "F" STREET IN THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA" _.._____..._ ____ __.... .. _..._ ...,.. M^'" ^,,^... ..^ 1""'ð. "'ftV"I'" ll....,Ont""" mo.o...., nn :I"" 1"n.:llT ,.nlO Regular Adjourned Redevelopment Agency Meeting - 2 - September 19, 1985 Assi stant City Manager Asmus advi sed that just pri or to the meeti ng, Ms. Willardson expressed her unwillingness to sign the lien agreement but will gua rantee payment of her portion of the all ey improvement, amounting to $2,247. It is, therefore, not necessary to adopt the resolution listed on the agenda as 3c. Member Scott stated that he would abstain from voting on item 3. RESOLUTIONS 625, 626, 627 AND 628 OFFEREO BY MEMBER McCANDLISS, the reading of the text was waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted unanimously. ITEM NO. 4 - REPORT: EXPANSION OF BOB'S BIG BOY RESTAURANT AT 598 "H" STREET Senior Community Development Specialist Buchan displayed a site plan of the Bob's Big Boy Restaurant project, noting the areas of the building expansion adjacent to "H" Street and to Broadway, also the area where 1 andscapi ng woul d be placed which would result in the loss of 5 parking spaces from the shopping center lot. The additional seati ng withi n the restaurant woul d requi re 20 more parking spaces. El don Davi s, Architect with Armet, Davis and Newlove, 6201 Shupe, Woodland Hills, Ca 1 iforni a, di scussed the archi tectura 1 elevations of the greenhouse type addi ti ons proposed. He advi sed that a similar design has been used at other Bob's Big Boy facilities in this region. Such expansi on is necessary due to the installation of salad bars, soup bars, and breakfast bars in the restaurants, thus eliminating some of the seats. Member Mal col m expressed reservati ons over extendi ng the bui 1 di ng closer to the street at that parti cul ar location, in view of the fact that new construction on Broadway is now required to observe a greater setback. It wa s pointed out by the architect that the front expansion would not extend beyond the existing planter area. He felt the greenhouse type additions woul d integrate well with the building and make it more attractive. Member Scott expressed concern over the possible reflection of the sun's rays into motori sts' eyes from the wi ndows so close to the street. He felt it would be beneficial for the members to view other sites where this design has been used, or have the staff take pictures of the other facil ities. He suggested that the item be held over to the next Agency meeting and that the archi tect furni sh addresses of other restaurants where simi 1 ar expansi on has taken place. MSUC (Scott/Malcolm) to hold over the report on the expansion of Bob's Big Boy Restaurant to the meeting of October 3, 1985. ~..._._.- .-._-,_..'"._-----~-'-- --_.~- Regular Adjourned Redevelopment Agency Meeting - 3 - September 19, 1985 TOWN CENTRE I ITEM NO. 5 - REPORT: RECOMMENDATION FOR PARKING IMPROVEMENTS IN THE DOWNTOWN AREA Redevelopment Coordi nator Kassman noted that the Parki ng Study report was presented to the Agency at the meeting of July 25th and was held over to this meeti ng to allow time for revi ew and recol1ll1endati ons by the Pa rk i ng Pl ace Commi ssi on, Downtown COl1ll1ittee and Project Area Committee. Those recommendati ons have been i ncl uded in the report and representati ves of the committees are in the audience for further input if desi red; al so representatives of tenants at the Park Plaza at the Village Centre, who have submitted a petition favoring short term parking meters in front of the Plaza. In response to a question from Member Moore regarding the identification and acquisition of property for additional parking lots, Mr. Dale Ohl au of the Parking Place Commission reported that they had previously recommended that two houses on Church Avenue be acqui red and torn down to add to the parki ng lot at that location. With regard to the request to change the parking meter limits on Third Avenue between Park and uFII Street from one hour to one-half hour, Mr. Ohl au explained that the position of the Parking Place Commission in recommending agai nst thi s change was in consi derati on of tenants on both sides of the street, since 30 minutes would not allow enough time for shoppers to visit both si des of the street. He also felt it would confuse people if meters on Third Avenue are set for variety time limits, i.e., 30 minutes, one hour, two hours. Dana Toogood, also a member of the Parking Place Commission, reported that she had cast the only dissenting vote against the recommendation not to change the time limit to 30 minutes since she is a tenant at the Village. She pointed out that the parking study shows that the parking spaces adj acent to the Vill age are consi stently 100% used, whil e spaces on the other side of the street are vacant, and the tenants feel there shoul d be a shorter time 1 imit to encourage quicker turnover of the parking spaces. Member Moore expressed support for the four recommendations in the report and fel t, in addition, that an effort shoul d be made to reduce the amount of employee parking in the downtown area, as a key factor in elimi nati ng the parking problem. He pointed out that large companies do this by promoting car pooling and bus riding. He felt the downtown association should also work toward that end and suggested addressing a 1 etter to the Chamber of Commerce requesting the designation of a committee to pursue methods to reduce employee vehicle parking. Member Malcolm spoke on the need for short term durati on for parki ng. He expressed the thought that faster turnover of parking spaces is imperative in the downtown area. ----_..~--~--_._,--_._....,.,._......-.._._- -, ._-----_._---~.__. Regular Adjourned Redevelopment Agency Meeting - 4 - September 19, 1985 In response to a question about employee parking, Bob McMains, representing the Downtown Association and Standlee's Cake Shop, advised that his 18 employees are not permitted to park at any meters, but he is aware that some businesses permit their employees to use metered parking. He fel t the time limit should remain at one hour because many of his customers come from out of town and visit a number of shops in the area in one trip. He also cited the difficulty of eating at a restaurant and getting back to the car in less than an hour. He indicated the association would support an increase in meter fee, but feared that if it is too high, a theft problem may result, as in the City of San Di ego. Member Scott addressed the recommendati on to go from 25% to 35% of parki ng spaces in publ ic lots for small cars. He felt that would not be wise since more people are now goi ng to 1 a rge ca rs. He di d see a need to revi ew the parking situation on the library lot and put some time limitation on that. He al so supported some short term meters in the area of the Vi 11 age Centre for the benefit of the quick turnover businesses, and suggested that at least two 30-minute meters would be beneficial. MSUC (Cox/McCandliss) to accept the staff recommendations on items 1, 2, and 4 as listed in the report. MS (Cox/Malcolm) to accept the staff recol1ll1endation on item 3. The moti on failed with Members Scott, McCandliss and Moore voting "no." MSUC (Moore/Cox) to send a letter to the Chamber of Commerce over the Mayor's si gnature requesting that they designate a commi ttee to pursue methods to reduce employee vehicle parking in the downtown area. MSUC (Moore/Malcolm) to develop some type of signage to be placed on parking meters to encourage the use of the free parking structure; with the wording of the sign to be brought back for Agency approval. MSUC (Moore!McCandliss) to direct the staff to review staff parking at the 1 ibrary, in an effort to reduce the percentage or compl etely el imi nate the area reserved for staff only, with an alternative of allowing evening parking for the staff. MSUC (Scott!Malcolm) to try on at least a six-month basis the designation of five parking meters on the west side of Third Avenue north of the theatre for 30 minutes, such meters to be designated by appropriate signage or distinctive co lor. Member Malcolm spoke in support of extending the hours of operation of parking meters in the downtown area to 8:00 p.m., which he felt would make parking spaces available and induce more people to come to the downtown area during the evening hours. _ '__"_'_.._._m.'___._" ___._ __..___',_. .___._._.__..._._._,_____~_____._ Regular Adjourned Redevelopment Agency Meeting - 5 - September 19, 1985 Dana Toogood reported that this was discussed by the Parking Place COl1ll1ission and the Commission recommended the extension to 8:00 p.m. The dissension on that recommendation related to whether or not apartment tenant in the area should be permitted to park free on the streets after 6:00 p.m. Bob Baker, meter maintenance man for the City, pointed out that in some areas, after 6:00 p.m. it would be difficult for the motorist to determine the meter fee and the time li mi t. There woul d also be a problem of additional enforcement. Member Malcolm looked at the enforcement as an inducement to make people feel more welcome, safe and secure, in the downtown area at night. He pointed out that in the vicinity of the Village Centre, there is ample lighting for the meters to be read. It was moved by Member Malcolm to extend the hours of operation of the parking meters in the downtown area to 8:00 p.m. The moti on fai 1 ed for 1 ack of a second. ITEM NO. 6 - REPORT: SUBMISSION OF VOGUE THEATRE FEASIBILITY STUDY Architect Wayne Donal dson, revi ewed the feasibil ity study and proposal for converting the existing 750 seat movie theater into a 260 seat theater for 1 i ve performances. The building is a concrete reinforced structure with steel trusses, which is remarkably strong and wi 11 require a minimal amount of structural change. Some infill over the slab floor line will be required and some excavation for the orchestra pit. Mr. Donaldson di sp 1 ayed the floor plan, noti ng the increase in stage depth, seating, and gallery foyer. The building has excellent acoustics and sight 1 ine. Mr. Donaldson compared this project to theaters in the Gaslamp Quarter, whi ch are of simi 1 ar si ze and have been very successful. The report shows a savings of $800,000 over the cost of constructing a new building of this size. It was further pointed out that this building is not in a blighted area and if converted to a 1 i ve theater, it shoul d enhance other businesses, especially restaurants, in the redevelopment area. Mr. Donaldson asserted this theater would have a positive impact on the 3,000 seat theater proposed by EastLake since it would further cultural arts in the City of Chula Vista. In response to a question from Chairman Cox as to what other types of uses or community appli cati ons coul d be anticipated from this theater, Member McCandl i ss, as a member of the commi ttee consi deri ng thi s project, reported that they have discussed small concerts, dance recitals, and the possibility of a repertory theater group from the Gaslamp Quarter. They have learned that because of the reconnaissance in cultural arts that is happening in San Diego, there are theater companies available that are looking for space to perform. - --- -.--- ---- ----- -----_._----------_...__._.----.~-- Regular Adjourned Redevelopment Agency Meeting - 6 - September 19, 1985 Member Malcolm questioned the cost savings and the feasibility of spending $2.3 mi 11 i on for a bui 1 di ng that will have no onsite storage, no rehearsal space, inadequate height for flying scenery and no room for costume or scene constructi on. Mr. Donaldson advised that no new theaters of this size being constructed in downtown San Diego contain those facilities. He pointed out that the uses are different from those of a large 3,000 seat theater. Member Moore expressed doubt over supporti ng the recommendation of the staff to "direct the staff to develop a financing plan for the acqui sition, rehabi 1 i tati on and the operati on of the Vogue Theater." He suggested that before more money is spent on financing the plan, there should be a commitment for the use of the theater and the fi nanci al support that shoul d be expected from the users. Member Scott voiced enthusiastic support for the project as an asset to the City and an enhancement to the redevelopment area. He bel i eves there are great opportuni ties in the cul tural arts field and with a positive attitude, it wi 11 be a successful proj ect. Chairman Cox apologized that he had not had time to get all the way through the report and suggested that action be del ayed unti 1 the next Agency meeti ng. No objection was raised. MSUC (Cox/Moore) to continue this item to the Agency meeting on October 3rd. BAYFRONT ITEM NO. 7 - RESOLUTION 629 - AMENDMENT TO WINN-CUTRI AGREEMENT FOR ARCH ITECTU RAL SERVICES FOR BAYFRONT INTERPRETIVE CENTER IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $5,000 Mr. Tony Cutri of the Winn-Cutri firm displayed a model and numerous drawings of the proposed Interpretive Center. He pointed out improvements made in the proposal since the last presentation. He noted that there wi 11 not be a road conti nui ng through the si te, but wi 11 be turnaround for busses and shuttl es, so that it is a destination point rather than a passing through area. Within the building, the amount of classroom space has been reduced and the exhibit space in the center provides more visual access to the marshlands. The purpose of the request for $5,000 is to obtai n the services of ex hi bi t desi gn engineers to i denti fy the requirements for plumbing and el ectrical outlets in the exhibit area; that work would eventually have to be done and it would be beneficial to have it performed at this stage of the plans. RESOLUTION OFFERED BY CHAIRMAN COX, the readi ng of the text was waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted unanimously. .'.....__..__.'._._____...____.'_...___n._._'__.__._ - Regular Adjourned Redevelopment Agency Meeting - 7 - September 19, 1985 ITEM NO. 8 - REPORT: I-S/"E" STREET/BAY BOULEVARD TRAFFIC STUDY /BAYFRONT STREET MODIFICATIONS MSUC (Malcolm/Moore) to accept the report. ITEM NO. 9 - REPORT: STREET NAMES FOR THE BAYFRONT MAJOR STREETS Chai rman Cox expressed support for the names of Mari na Parkway and Lagoon Drive, but had reservati ons over the desi gnati on of the road to Gunpowder Poi nt as Baypoi nt Way. In discussion by the members it was concurred that Gunpowder Poi nt has hi stori cal si gnificance and the name shoul d retai n the designation. The other questionable name is the designation of the "D" Street fill road to Seagate Dri ve. Si nce constructi on of that road wi 11 be some time i n the future, the members concurred in del ayi ng the designation of a name to a future date. MSUC (Moore/Malcolm) to approve the names of Marina Parkway, Gunpowder Point Way, Lagoon Drive and Tidelands Avenue for Bayfront major streets. UNANIMOUS CONSENT ITEM NO. 9a - RESOLUTION 630 - APPROVING AGREEMENT AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $24,000 FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES WITH THE WILLIAM CHASEY ORGANIZATION RESOLUTION OFFERED BY MEMBER MALCOLM, the reading of the text was waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted unanimously. ITEM NO. 9b - RESOLUTION 631 - APPROPRIATING $207,964.23 AS SETTLEMENT FOR THE PURCHASE OF THE MARINA MOTOR MOTEL Community Development Director Desrochers advised that there will be a refund of approximately $40,000 from the deposit made with the court, which will reduce the amount set forth in the resolution. RESOLUTION OFFERED BY MEMBER SCOTT, the readi ng of the text was wai ved by unanimous consent, passed and adopted unanimously. CHAIRMAN'S COMMENTS Chairman Cox asked what improvements are going to be made in the area of Bay Boulevard between "J" Street and "L" Streets and if all improvements will be made at one time. Redevelopment Coordinator Kassman advised that all improvements would be done simultaneously by the developer, with the City reimbursing them for the City's portion of the work. ------_.__._._-~-_._....._._._..._._.. ----------------------"--------- Regular Adjourned Redevelopment Agency Meeting - 8 - September 19, 1985 Chai rman Cox requested that thi s i ncl ude improvi ng the medi an i sl and on "L" Street which is presently covered over the asphalt. Chairman Cox pointed out that the City Council agendas list the City Manager's comments before those of the Mayor and he felt that order is preferable to the order used on the Redevelopment Agency agendas. MSUC (Cox/McCandliss) to have the Executive Director's comments on the agenda prior to the Chairman's and Members' comments. MSUC (Cox/Moore) to move the Agency meeting on October 3rd from the normally scheduled 7:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the afternoon. DIRECTOR'S COMMENTS None. MEMBERS' COMMENTS Member McCandl i ss expressed pl easure wi th the progress made on Thi rd Avenue and with the Redevelopment Town Centre project and condominium project that Mr. Zogob has been associated with. She is concerned with the lack of leasing going on in the Town Centre since after one year there are still many vacant spaces. MSUC (McCandl i ss/Scott) to di rect the staff to contact Mr. Zogob to receive information concerni ng hi s marketi ng approach, the formul a he is usi ng, and efforts he is making to lease the additional space in the center, so that the Agency can review that information prior to other commitments. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Cox adjourned the meeting at 6:35 p.m., to reconvene as a City Council with all members present, in a Closed Session for the purposes of meet and confer, for negotiations, and the regular meeting on October 3, 1985, at 4:00 p.m. WPC 1819H .'.__ _.""Mm'M_._"·__.______.___._.______.___~__