HomeMy WebLinkAboutrda min 1988/12/20 AGENDA AN ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA, CALIFORNIA Tuesday, December 20, 1988 7:00 p.m.* *Fo11owing the City council Meeting Council Chambers Public Services Building ROLL CALL 1. REPORT: Request for funding from the Downtown Committee for advertising and promotional activities 2. RESOLUTION Approving a one-year agreement between the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Chula vista and Security Land and Right of Way Services, Inc. for property acquisition consultant services 3. REPORT: Community Housing Improvement Program Policies Regarding Deferred Payment Loans 4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 5. DIRECTOR'S REPORT 6. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT 7. MEMBERS' COMMENTS THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY WILL MEET IN CLOSED SESSION IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE MEETING TO DISCUSS: The potential acquisition of property located at: 435 Third Avenue, Parcel No. 568-420-15 (Sarah smith, owner) ADJOURNMENT to the regular meeting of Thursday, January 19, 1989 at 4:00 p.m.. ,,'~- "i òr::',~' '"' ',';"'::; (~t ' ~ r:,~':'~ t¡~.3t~l. ~m m"' ( ,.., Ci:-,' o~ C~~'L!.a \i .:-".3 ,1 ,)1..... e,· ,"', . It' ted _~' . 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Since the Downtown Committee's budget is based on a calendar year, they have requested approval of funding by the end of December so that they may plan next year's activities. The total budget for the year's activities is estimated at $60,000 and covers four major promotional events: (1) Spring Easter Egg Hun tan d Art s & C r aft s Fe s t i val; ( 2) S u mm e r S t r e e t Fe s t i val; (3 ) Founder's Day; and (4) Starlight Yule Parade. It is requested that half of these funds ($30,000) be provided by the Agency to support these activities. In the last fiscal year the Redevelopment Agency budgeted $25,000 to assi st the Downtown Commi ttee to explore the possi bi 1 i ty of hiring a Downtown Manager to coordinate promotional and maintenance activities. There is a question as to how this proposal relates to the Downtown Manager concept and whether acceptance of the CMT Adverti si ng proposal woul d precl ude further investigation of the Downtown Manager concept. The Downtown Committee has asked the Redevelopment Agency to provide $30,000 in matching funds to supplement their yearly budget. Only $1,000 has been budgeted for Town Centre promotional activities in FY 88-89, of which $900 remains. If this request were granted, it woul d be necessary to appropriate $29,100 from the unappropriated balance of the Bayfront/Town Centre revolving fund. Staff's recommendation is that the Agency refer this request to them for further study. MINUTES - 2 - Oecember 20, 1988 Jack Blakely, 527 Welton Street, speaking on behalf of the Chula Vista Downtown Association, clarified that previous activities have been City activities funded by the City through business taxes. What is being asked at this time is for a commitment from the Redevelopment Agency to assist the Downtown Committee to carry on the many activities, and the Committee intends that $10,000 of the requested $30,000 be spent on advertising throughout the year for "discovering Chula Vista." Member Malcolm reported that, rather than the Park Plaza having thei r own program, he woul d prefer to see more money put into make sure the theme is kicked off properly and to get thi ngs going. He would like to see this item continued to mid-January and work with Park Plaza in an attempt to encompass all of Downtown and to pick up monies from them, so that it would be a benefit to the small shops, the Downtown Committee and the City. Members di scussed the moni es set asi de ($15,000 each year for promotions not otherwise budgeted and the $25,000 for a Town Manager), that the efforts of the Downtown Association is being dupl icated in Park Plaza; the problems of giving support to one section and not the others, and that the Downtown Association members be encouraged to double their membership fees. MOTION MS (Moore/~1cCandl iss) to support the Downtown Association and the focus area and to allocate the $25,000 which is now set aside for the potential Manager; and to direct staff to work with the Association for a more defined work program. Member Moore stated the "key" is to promote the City and not just the Downtown Committee, that he has a problem funding salaries; it is up to the Association to increase their own income. Chairman Cox reported his support of the motion but looks forward to staff's actual implementation for the money proposed. Chairman Cox restated the motion to indicate a conceptual approval of $25,000 to implement a promotional program for Downtown and to refer to staff to come back with a more definitive analysis or program, explaining the word, "conceptual", as not being in enough detail right now. VOTE ON THE MOTION Motion carried unanimously. 2. RESOLUTION 978 APPROVING A ONE-YEAR AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AND SECURITY LAND AND RIGHT OF WAY SERVICES, INC. FOR PROPERTY ACQUISITION CONSULTANT SERVICES At its April 19, 1988 meeting, the City Council authorized staff to proceed with negotiations for the purchase of property at the intersection of Hermosa and Orange Avenues to be used for parkland MINUTES - 3 - December 20, 1988 and/or a community youth facil ity. During the FY 1988-89 budget process, Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds were identified and appropriated for the purchase of the first of three parcels to be acquired at that location. It also became clear during the FY 1988-89 budget review that the Ci ty and the Redevelopment Agency woul d have a need to negoti ate and acquire other real property in the near future for public purposes such as parks, 1 ibraries, and potenti al redevelopment projects. Because of the demand on City staff workloads and the irregular but specialized nature of the service need, it was determined that the most effective and efficient course of action would be to contract for property acquisition consultant services on an as-needed basis. A request for proposal (RFP) was issued in October 1988. Five proposals were received and interviews were conducted in late November with two firms. The agreement represents the final selection of Security Land and Right of Way Servi ces, I nc. The maximum compensation for the life of the one year agreement is $25,000. The speci fi c cost for each property acqui siti on wi 11 be determi ned accordi ng to the contract's fee schedul e and hourly rate, and the funding source will be identified prior to the beginning of each project. For those acquisitions related to the Agency, funds for consul tant servi ces are currently ava il abl e in the Agency budget. The estimated cost for the City acquisition of the parcel at Hermosa and Orange is $3,200 and funds are i ncl uded in the CDBG for FY 1988-89. Staff's recommendation was to approve the agreement and authorize the Mayor to execute it on behal f of the Redevelopment Agency. MEMBER MALCOLM OFFERED THE RESOLUTION which was read by title, the reading of the text waived by unanimous consent. MOTION MSUC (McCandliss/Nader) to amend the Resolution to include the clause to state, "will not accept or solicit business from parties in Chula Vista doing business with the City of Chula Vista that coul d resul t in a confl ict of interest." VOTE ON THE AMENDED RESOLUTION Motion carried. (Member Malcolm abstained) 3. REPORT COMMUNITY HOUSING IMPROVEMENT REGARDING DEFERRED PAYMENT LOANS PROGRAM POLICIES The Ci ty Council has asked for a Counci 1 Conference on the Community Housing Improvement Program (CHIP) policies, particularly relating to payback and equity sharing on deferred loans for housing rehabil itation. Staff fel t that the subject is specific enough and the information is succinct enough that it be appropriately handled as a report on the Redevelopment Agency agenda, rather than incur the additional delay of scheduling a conference. MI NUTES - 4 - December 20, 1988 The report discusses the basic intent of the CHIP program, the current CHIP loan policies, and the issues raised by the Council regarding deferred loans. The CHIP program is funded from the Agency's low and moderate iancome housing fund. $700,000 \~as appropri ated for fi scal year 1988-89. In fi seal year 1987-88, the Agency received $26,043 in deferred loan paybacks. The CHIP Loan Commi ttee met on 9/15/88 and concurred wi th the recommendation to keep the present policy in place, thereby permitting the homeowner to realize any increase in the equity of the property in question. The recommendation is that the Agency accept the report and maintain the existing policies for the CHIP program. MOTION MS (Moore/Cox) to accept the report. Member Malcolm reported he planned to spend time with Mr. Ciotti after the fi rst of the year and to come back wi th a speci fi c recommendations, but that the program should proceed in the meantime. SUBSTITUTE MOTION: M (Nader) to continue the report until sometime after January 1989 when Member Malcolm can meet with Mr. Ciotti. (Motion died for lack of a second) VOTE ON THE MOTION ON THE FLOOR Motion carried. (Member Nader abstained) 4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - None 5. DIRECTOR'S REPORT - None 6. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT - On behal f of the Agency, Chairman Cox wished everyone a Happy Holiday: 7. MEMBERS' COMMENTS - Member Nader introduced Nancy Naiman, his Assistant, which position he stated will voter-approved pay raise last November. newly appointed be funded by the Member Malcolm requested a report from the Assistant City Manager outlining a plan to fill the important vacant positions in the Community Development Department. AT 10:08 p.m., THE REDEVELOPfÅ’NT AGENCY met in Closed Session to discuss the potential acquisition of property located at 435 Third Avenue, Parcel No. 568-420-15 (Sarah Smith, Owner). ADJOURNMENT AT 10:58 p.m. to the Regular Thursday, January 19,1989 at 4:00 p.m. Workshop Meeting of 1;; nnie M. Fulasz, ITY CLERK