HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 1996/06/10 U declare ..nder penalty of perjury that í am employed by the Ci1y of Chu1a Vista in the OHice 01 thè City Cieri\; 2nd tha~ I pos;:od Monday, June 10, 1996 this Agenda/Notice 0/1 the Bulletin Board at Council Conference Room 6:00 p.m. the Public S r ices Buildin:; end at City Hall on Administration Building DATED,?' SI~N"~ .. S ial Meetin fWo so 0 e Clt 0 cil CALL TO ORDER 1. ROLL CALL: Councilmembers Alevy _, Moot _, Padilla _, Rindone _, and Mayor Horton _. ***** Effective April 1, 1994. then have been new amendments to the Brown Act. The CiJy Council must now nconvene into open session to nport any Jil1fl1 actions taken in closed session and to tuljourn the meeting. Because of the cost involved, then will be no videotaping of the nconvened portion of the meeting. However, final actions nported will be ncorded in the minutes which will be available in the CiJy Clerk's Office. ***** BUSINESS 2. PRESENTATION OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (CIPI BUDGET 3. REVIEW OF DEPARTMENTAL BUDGETS: City Council, City Clerk, City Attorney, Administration/Non-Departmental, FinancelDebt Service, Personnel, Management and Information Services, Fire, Library, Building and Housing, Public Works, Planning, Police, Parks and Recreation and Open Space, Community Development/Redevelopment Agency, and Nature Center. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This is an opportuniJy for the general public to addnss the City Council on any subject matter within the Council'sjurisdiction that is!.I!H an item on this agenda for public discussion. (State MW, however, generally prohibits the CiJy Council from taking action on any issues not included on the posted agenda.) If you wish to addnss the Council on such a subject, please complete the yellow "Request to Speak Under Oral Communications Form· available In the lobby and submit it to the City Clerk prior to the meeting. Those who wish to speak, please give your name and addnss for ncord purposes and follßw up action. Your time is limited to three minutes per speaker. OTHER BUSINESS 4. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT/SI a. Scheduling of meetings. 5. MAYOR'S REPORT(SI 6. COUNCIL COMMENTS ADJOURNMENT The meeting will adjourn to the regular City Council meeting on June II, 1996 at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, thence to a Special MeetingfWorksession on Wednesday, June 12, 1996 in the Council Conference Room. "" . Aquatic Consulting Services ...~ , r !- 3833 Lamont Street 4C . San Diego' California' 92109 -- June 3, 1996 City 01 Chula VISta 276 4" Ave. Chula Vista, CA 92010 To Whom It May Concern: I am writing to request that you reconsider the proposed elimination 01 the Aquatic Coordinator job within the City 01 Chula Vista's Park & Recreation Department. Although It may seem to be a short tenn solution in helping ease the financial difficulties the City is currently experiencing, elimination of this crucial position could be devastating to the overall aquatic program. While working as a consultant for the City 01 Chula VISta in the past, I became aware of Mark Basnight's job duties and responsibilities in overseeing the operation and maintenance of the City pools, staff, and aquatic programs. H anything, this position should be elevated within the Park & Rae Department to more closely reflect the training and experience needed to successfully perfonn the job. From rrrf experience of heving evaluated hundreds of public pools and aquatic departments ecross the country, I cannot stress enough what a mistake It would be to eliminate or downgrade this extremely important position. Staff training and evaluation would be minimal, records wouldn't be kept, reports wouldn't get written, equipment wouldn't get ordered or repaired, programs wouldn't get organized and marketed to the community, and the hundreds of other on-going responsibilities 01 a full-time aquatic co ordinator would just never get done. This would irrevocably hurt programming, and revenue generation, and have a negative impact of the total safety and operation of the pools. H it seems that Mark's job could easily be divided up among other less experienced recreation professionals, it's probably because Mark performs his job 10 well that he makes it look a whole lot easier than it really is. Please ceO if you would like to discuss rrrf comments, or if I cen be of assistance in helping you to reorganize or re el11lhasize aspect& of your overall aquatic program. Sincerely, Q~ Alison Osinski, Ph.D. (619) 270-3459 (Office & Fax) . (619) 960-5644 (Cellular) . (900) 446-6075 x 620 (Swimming Pool Hotline) 3-) Chula Visla Elementary School Dislrict John J. Montgomery Elementary School 1601 Founh Avenue. Cbula Vista, CalifOOlia 92011 . 619422-6131 Ruben Cuuneda. Principal June 4, 1996 city of Chula vista 276 'Fourth Ave. Chu:La Vista, Ca. 91911 Dear Chula Vista City Council: We the fourth grade teachers, students and parents wou:Ld :Like to say we've had an outstanding aquatic experience at the Lome Verde Pool. The staff has been very effective, we:L:L experienced and skiHed. As teachers we fee:L the program is essentia:L for our schoo:L. Our students are acquiring water safety ski:Lls that are important as surviva:L tools in the San Diego area. Many :Live in comp:Lexes with pools and of course the beach is a:Lways there. Most of our fami:Lies wou:Ld be unable to afford the :Lessons during the summer and hence miss :Learning these most important swimming ski:Lls. We hope this program will continue to be available every year. We encourage you to fund this most va:Luab:Le opportunity. I, Linda Seaver, speaking as a Red Cross/Chula vista trained backyard swim instructor (with KeHogg PTA) , 4th grade swim instructor in Chula Vista at Park View poo:L, parent of two gir:Ls who went through the program, now as teacher for the past seven years, see this a most va:Luab:Le essential and effecive program. The city Council and community shou:Ld be proud and honored to have such a magnificent and successfu:L program here in Chu:La Vista. We are thri:L:Led that all our students have a:L:L acquired water safety and survival skills. Everyone is water safe and comfortable in the water. ;¡;¡;~ ~dd~_==~_~-{{L~ Linda Seaver / Liz Marston Tara Mo:Linare . 9i!a;&/j;jJj_~_~_~-{!lv£Æ~ Martha McGowan Mimi Lazo Chuck Ambers ~_~~-:;L' Ruben Castañeda Principa:L ;) r d--, - ~-- - ---.,.---- _n_:._~,'7=- ..,--"._---_..__._~._-_._- July 28, 1995 Mr. Jess Valenzuela Director of Parks and Recreation 276 Fourth Avenue Chula Vista, CA 91910 Dear Mr. Valenzuela: The "Learn to Swim Program" at Loma Verde Pool proved once again to be very successful for John J. Montgomery Elementary School's fourth-grade students. Each year our students raise money to participate in this wonderful opportunity of swimming instruction and water awareness. In fact, it is one of the highlights of our stimulating, creative curriculum program. Because we have so many entering non-swimming fourth graders at Montgomery, swimming instruction and water safety have become a necessity in our beach, lake, and marsh border community. My colleagues, community families, and I happily watch the students' rapid progress as they move from being afraid to put their feet in the pool to enthusiastically swimming with just ten 45-minute lessons. Two of my former students who previously were non-swimmers, each saved a life from what they learned during the lessons. The girl saved her younger sister in waves at the beach; the boy rescued a struggling child in the otay River. Each september, many of our former fourth-grade students return to school with happy and impressive stories of summer swimming at Loma Verde Pool and other aquatic areas. They take pride in their accomplishments and seem more centered personally and academically. In speaking with Mark Basnight (Aquatic Coordinator at Loma Verde), students, and their families, I understand Loma Verde Pool offers team swimming and other organized activities for children, young and older, to enjoy. What a wonderful foundation for sports-minded youth, candidates for college scholarships and health oriented adults. 3-~ Hats off to your fine aquatic program, the instructors, and administrators! Montgomery children, tamilies, and staff are deeply appreciative. sincerely ~ /~ ~/ ~~eth Da Marston Fourth Grade Teacher John J. Montgomery Elementary School 1601 Fourth Avenue Chula vista, CA 91911 cc: Shirley Horton, Honorable Mayor and Chula vista City Council Libia S. Gil, Superintendent, Chula vista Elementary School District Mark Basnight, Aquatic Coordinator, . Lorna Verde Pool :3-'/ ~--~._.~~._--~--- ._._-_._-".~_.- . . , ~ 1l.J IC\C\S :fc r ¡; V'\ 1.f}(L ~+Jut~ ", _..J:~';::'~ v' &.ð in \'r ....~þ~L ..e.A...,\(/t.~- . - .l'\"'r'\J\.3- d~~ ... . i 1 , ! ...OlfJ)J , , d.cvrnt.c ¡ ! . i ! '#'--.'-"---- .. .. .- .........,j.,..;,.., .. I . .' ".., '.~ I ! i - .. ¡ 1 1 -'".. - i - ... ¡ ! ....... . ....- ~...:.;:,~..:.- :. ,- -.. .~ ~.:~·;::i~~· - . . -"'-- -'-" ......_.- ."./::'.. ".-. -v _.~ . o· _ .. . . . .. __ 0-- -------- 3-p .'-..,i ",' June 3, 1996 Isla Morris, RN 74 Murray street Chula vista, California 91910 The Honorable Mayor Shirley Horton 276 Fourth Avenue Chula Vista, California 91910 Dear Mayor Horton, I am writing to voice my support of the Swim Lesson and Recreational Swim Programs at Lorna Verde and Parkway Pools. As a mother, and a school nurse for the Chula Vista Elementary School District, I know how important having a public swim program is to our children. The pool provides a place for good, safe fun, and is the only pool many children have access to. I have had the privilege of enrolling my own eight year old daughter in the past two sessions of swim lessons at Lorna Verde. I was quite pleased with the instruction that she received, and very impressed with the friendly and courteous staff which the pool employs. She is now swimming like a fish, and much safer in and around water. In addition, my daughter has been going to the recreational swims since they began last month. I have an infant and have not been able to go in the water with her. I was apprehensive at first about her being in the pool without me, as I wasn't sure how closely the pool was gùarded. My worries were absolutely unfounded. The lifeguards due a super job of keeping everything under control, and making sure that only capable swimmers are allowed in the deep end. I was especially impressed when my daughter became frightened of heights on her first trip up the high dive ladder. One of the lifeguards, I believe his name was Shane, assisted her safely down to the ground. He spoke to her for a few minutes, and the next thing I knew he accompanied her up the ladder and out to the end of the board. She gladly went off the end thanks to his encouragement, and proceeded to enjoy the highdive at least 20 more times before the end of the day. It is my understanding that the council is considering cutbacks at the pools in an effort to trim the budget. I urge you to cut elsewhere. The pools and the programs they offer for all ages are too important. If necessary, perhaps a small increase in fees would be preferable to cutting hours or services at the pools. Thank you for your consideration. sincerely, {Ý,d:; /ll.{;e~, fZIJ Isla Morris, RN cc: Mark Basnight, Lorna Verde Pool 3-¿' \ ----_._~--_._~~---~-,-- MEMORANDUM .. -- Date: June 10, 1996 .-_._-~- - To: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council JIN 101:::::; From: Larry Livesay, Park Supervisor i L-_ -- .-. _._~. , Subject: Proposed 1996 - 1997 Budget I , , , , I - After reviewing the proposed 1996 - 1997 fiscal year budget, I would like to bring to your attention several issues. The proposed cuts to the Parks Department budget are potentially crippling to the department and pose many safety issues to the public. In addition, employees of the department will be severely financially impacted. The following memo will review the impacts of the proposed budget on the department, the impacts on personnel of the department, several questions raised in response to the budget, and will suggest altematives to the proposed budget. Impacts: The current proposal is to flatten the organizational structure, or downsize the department. This is proposed through the elimination of one level of supervision. Under the current departmental structure, a Senior Supervisor supervises 3 Park Supervisors. The three Park Supervisors, which are proposed for elimination, directly supervise Senior Gardeners, Gardener II's, Gardeners I's and Seasonal Gardeners. It is important to keep in mind that the Park Supervisors (3) are working supervisors which have many physical labor duties and administrative duties, while the Senior Supervisor is a mid-management position. Under the current proposal the three working supervisor positions would be eliminated and one Senior Supervisor position would be added. CurrenUy, the City's Park Department is divided into three districts, each supervised by a Park Supervisor. Under the proposed changes, with two Senior Supervisors (not working supervisors) each supervising half of the city, in addition to their administrative duties, it is unlikely that they could effectively supervise the Senior Gardeners, Gardener II's, Gardener I's and Seasonal Gardeners. This not only raises a supervision issue but a safety issue as well. In the past five years, the parks have had four park maintenance employees leave that were not replaced. Due to this loss of personnel, the irrigation and construction crews were eliminated. The work previously done by these crews has been distributed among the existing crews and the Park Supervisors. Also due to this shortage of personnel, work is not completed in as timely a manner as the Department would like. This situation will worsen if further cuts are made causing extensive safety issues to the public. Due to the fact that the department is operating four persons short, the parks are showing signs of deterioration, which in better times would have been unacceptable and would have resulted in disciplinary action for persons responsible for the parks where these conditions exist. The following are several examples of conditions which would occur under the proposed department structure. · Broken glass may not be picked up on a regular basis. · Restrooms may not be cleaned as often, resulting in unsanitary conditions. · Unsafe conditions on playgrounds may not be discovered before injuries occur. · Irrigation systems will deteriorate resulting in dead grass and planter areas, waste of water and possibility of wash-outs from broken sprinkler lines or heads. · Gopher and squirrel holes will not be filled regularly Any of these conditions can result in injury to the public. The City has been plagued by lawsuits in recent years. Can it afford more? 3~7 --------- "--.--..-... JUNE 10, 1996 MEMORANDUM 2 The flattening of the organization structure in park maintenance will also have an affect on the employees. Workers will be affected by the change in the supervisory structure as well as affected personally by reduced salaries. This could cause a decrease in employee morale, affecting the quality of work which is done by the department. For example, it would seem like under this scenario that the Senior Gardener (who would already have a crew to supervise) would be expected to do the same job that was previously done by Park Supervisors who made approximately $635 more each month (this indicates the cuts expected to be taken by the Park Supervisors, the salary impact to other positions should also be considered). Certain park maintenance duties may be affected because of the new organizational structure. Under the current organizational structure, only certain positions (Senior Supervisor and Park Supervisors) can order or pick up supplies and make purchases on open purchase orders. This would include the following examples: paint for covering graffiti, sand for blasting to remove graffiti, and irrigation repair parts and supplies. It is a standing order to eliminate graffiti every day. With the Senior Supervisor(s) off on Fridays because of a flex schedule, and due to his many administrative duties, he may not be available to keep crews supplied on a daily basis. The impacts discussed above are not mentioned in the current budget proposal, the following points are introduced in the budget but are somewhat misleading. The budget shows a savings of $192,868 (or $142,325 if the positions are V-rated). This is not a true picture because it is proposed that there be two Senior Supervisors instead of one, and that the three Park Supervisor positions be eliminated. This would in fact mean that one of the three Park Supervisors would be promoted to Senior Supervisor and the other two would bump to Senior Gardener. So the money saved would not be as a result of eliminating three positions, it would actually result from the cut in pay taken by two of the Park Supervisors, because the third would be receiving a pay increase of approximately $6000 per year when promoted to Senior Supervisor. Also misleading in the current budget is the amount of the new Senior Supervisor's pay which would be provided by the Port District. The budget indicates that one-third of this salary would be coming from the Port District. Currently, one third of the pay of one of the Park Supervisor's is provided by the Port District. So the only savings realized by the City under this scenario would be the difference between one third of a Park Supervisor's salary and one third of a Senior Supervisor's salary. Questions: In John Goss' budget cover letter to the Mayor and Council dated May 23, 1996, he states: "As a side note, oftentimes when there is downsizing there is criticism that management positions are not cut along with the rest of the organization. This is certainly not the case in Chula Vista since positions in executive and middle management have been cut in the past and are proposed to be eliminated in the coming fiscal year." The current organizational structure of the Parks Department includes the following: 1 Director of Parks and Recreation salary: $85,461 2 Deputy Directors (1 Parks, 1 Recreation) salary: $66,150 (each) 1 Principal Management Assistant salary: $58,741 1 Administrative Secretary (position currently frozen but not eliminated from the budget) salary: $42,094 1 Senior Park Supervisor salary: $49,550 J " g-- "_________."_ --0--_'- JUNE 10, 1996 MEMORANDUM 3 Two positions are proposed to be added in the coming fiscal year: 1 Proposed Senior Park Supervisor salary: $49,550 1 Full time Cultural Arts Coordinator (currently a .5 time position)salary: $30,508 Three positions are proposed to be eliminated in the coming fiscal year: 3 Park Supervisors salary: $43,981 (each) Question: Where are the management position cuts? Question: How important is it to have a full time Cultural Arts Coordinator in such tough budgetary times? Might it be better to put this money into the parks to address issues of public safety? Question: The Administrative Secretary position is currently vacant and is proposed to continue to freeze this position. This suggests a proposed freeze, when there is a recommendation to eliminate three park supervisor positions. Does this mean that the secretary position can be brought back while the Supervisor positions are permanently eliminated? Also in John Goss' budget cover letter to the Mayor and Council dated May 23, 1996, he states: ·While no one would lose their job, there could be a series of employees bumping into lower level positions, unless the position were Y-rated." Question: What exactly does this mean? Does this mean that if V-rating occurs there would be layoffs? Question: If the proposed budget passes and there is absolutely no way to avoid the elimination of the Park Supervisor positions, can we have a stipulation that all positions eliminated or bumped will be reinstated when the economy tums around and that the persons currently in those positions can have them back? Alternatives: Although any cuts would be detrimental to the Parks Department, the following is a list of possible alternatives to the proposed budget cuts. 1. Transfer two Gardener I positions to two vacant Maintenance Worker I positions in the Public Works Department. (These 2 positions were offered to John Goss by Dave Byers) 2. The budget suggests the transfer of one Gardener II to Open Space Inspector. A Senior Gardener may be best for the transfer to Open Space Inspector because the two positions are closer to the same pay rate. This would create a larger savings to the Parks Department budget. 3. Look for other cuts in Parks and Recreation. Possibly Principal Management Assistant, one Deputy Director, or cut the currently frozen Administrative Secretary position. 4. Four persons in the Parks Department are currently of retirement age. One or more could be offered a retirement credit/golden handshake. If this were to occur, cuts could be made through attrition rather than bumping. 3~1 _____..m< JUNE 10, 1996 MEMORANDUM 4 5. Duplicate the 1995-1996 budget and take funds from the General Fund, reserves, or one- time revenues and hope that economic times take a tum for the better. John Goss indicated during a recent budget meeting that this appears to be on the horizon. In closing, I would like to thank you for your time and attention to this matter. Please feel free to call me at 426-3899 or 691-5247 to discuss this matter further. J-/O HAR CONSTRUCTION, INC. Lie. No. 616047 June JO, ]996 Mr. Scolt Levy, Councilmen City ofChula Vista 276 Fourth Avenue Chula Vista, CA 91910 Reference: Construction of ADA Renovations Phase II Dear Mr. Levy: As per our telephone conversation on the above date, the following is a brief description of the concerns that I have regarding the above reference project. On page 2 of the Council Agenda Statement for meeting dated June 4,1996, states that after staff reviewed the three low bids for compliance with the specifications and their meeling of DBE requirements, Staff requested that you waive defects authorized by the terms of the bid documents. When Staff was asked the question of what is a minor immaterial defect allowed to the extent of the law, Staff was not able to respond. I do not know much about the law but I know that in any other projects that BAR Construction, Inc. has bid on, the correct bid bond for the total amount of the bid was essential and it had to be submilted with the bid documents. It's just a shame that the bid bond (GE5783379) submilted by Precise Construction does not contain the correct amount of money and also does not state what project the bond was for. According to your bid documents page no. 33, states (all proposals must be made upon forms furnished by Public Works Department). ] feel that this request is made by the City of Chula Vista to avoid this type of conflicts. On April J 5, 1996, the low bidder Precise Construction, provided documentation to show that they met the City's MBE goals. My question is why was the documents submilted on APRIL 15, 1996 when the bid opening was on APRIL 03, 1996 AT 2:00 PM. On page 33 of the bid documents, it states that all proposals "MUST BE" made upon forms furnished by Public Works Department, it also states the following documents , "MUST BE" completed and submilted at the bid opening: Proposal List of Subcontractors Affidavit to Accompany Proposal 100 West 35th Street. Suite P . National City, California 91950 . 619/425-7850 . FAX 619/420-5814 ;I-J/ Bidders Bond CITY OF CHULA VISTA QUESTIONNAIRE (EXHIBIT C) Disclosure Statement, Certificate of Notification to Subcontractors BIDDER'S MINORITY AND WOMEN BUSINESS ENTERPRISE'S INFORMA nON (EXHIBIT D) Certificate of Intention to use a Specific Material (if any), and addenda (if any). Precise Conslruction was to provide these documents at bid date and time not twelve days later by fax. I also have a letter to Mr. Jerry Selah, from Precise Constmction dated May 08, ] 996, it appears to me by the contents of this letter thai negotiations have been taking place as far this project is concerned, since lhere are propositions to delete some of the work. If the City intentions are to delete the section of work for Eucalyptus Park, HAR Construction, Inc. would be the lowest responsible bidder Even though HAR Construction, Inc. given the circumstances and with the documentation provided by the City we feel that in fact at this time we are the lowest responsible bidder In addition when we went to our walk-thm meeting, we were told that we had to perform at leasl 50% of the work in house, also stated on page # 68 of your Contract (Para. 5). I can see that Staff enclosed a letter from Precise Construction dated April ]5,1996 addressed to Mr Shale Hanson regarding the 50% issue, what Staff failed to enclose was the first letter dated April 04, ]996 form Precise Construction Management, where the explanation for using subcontractors more than 50% was given. I can go on to address many other issues that I feel the City ofChula Vista is not being fair to all of the rest of the contractors that provided a bid for this project Since we were not given the opportunity to negotiate by adding nor deleting any sections from the bid documents that the City of Chula Vista felt they did not have to be there for their convenience after the bid date. Yes, I have been persistent to this matter but as a City ofChula Vista Resident and Tax Payer I feel that if a set of rules is given to set a fair bid opening everyone should abide by them without any exclusions. To conclude, if you review the bid provided by Precise Construction you are going to find it incomplete. The bid provided by Parnell and Leonard, Inc. was also incomplete, it did not acknowledged the 22 items in addendum # I which had to be signed and submitted with the bid documents at bid opening date. The bid submitted by CDM Construction ofEI Cajon did not include questionnaire Exhibit C and questionnaire Exhibit D, a must that had to be completed and submitted with the bid documents at bid opening date and time. If you have any questions regarding this matters I would like to meet with you in person to discuss the same. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter \ Reµd j. . .~ Hector M. Romero, President 3-)c2.. .',",' ,= CONSTRUCTION MNGMT* PHONE NO. : 619+792 459Ø Apr. 04 1996 01:53PM Pel k[t PRECISE CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT '.~~I . . minority .mall bllalne.. en\crprl8C .,J"¡ ¡ :::..JL__ _ Contractor'. LIe. '534853 . ~LTAANS Cer!. . f PIH930~ M"rZl L. ::4, 1996. ALE HANSON, Civil Engineer .< Chula Vista Services Building Sent By FAX to: .< th Avenue (619) 691-5171. VISTA, CA 91910. . HANSON: . . RE: Our Bid For Project #GG-144; Construction of ADA Renovations Phase II. AS ¡;9¿'fi)fJlr request following is our explanation for using S v.v::o.,t:-actors for more than 50% of the contract wo:rk. According to p~"",,q:. 2 -3.2, 1'g. 33 of the IIGREENBOOJ<II, Standard Speciftcations For PueLlC- '..;orks Construction; subcontractors are considered the ~çu<l'"e;;; of the contractors. We have used these guidelines to bid p fl-O ~,j eet If rou have any questions, please call me at (619) 792-6294. We 1~11µK'1CJU for the opportunity to provide our services to CITY 01" Cil-vl:!f VI STA. SJi'>a;re].y, ~~~ , , -'I1ALAL, vWj..'...r . , : CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT .-. ._-. '.,'- -. . -. --. ....--., . -.. ~. -yöë:.£N---·:D1\ LÍ\ L IJþ.TE:4/~1 "1 Ti1\'1.'l.S1-<Mff ~vW. . . PAGE61NCLW1J11G >:<-t 01· Ck IJ!Þ- VI.rm:- PRe<ì5S C'QÑ¡r. MCMII1:¡HIIPAC;E:· : ".M Ol~) '''f/-~'''I (~'I,!7'1':¡'~5-rO ~J:7'1~·f.~~4 ¡ I¡ 5 l 3970 '!'yJteÞollnle Clrcl. . S8D UI.,o, CaUronll. 82130.1319 Omoe, (819179~'8294 'AX (819) 712-4590 3-;3 u~··~". _ .,,__.__ _U_,",,_ ._______ M<!:II'r ;: _~s;: ~C710'< I"I'G'!T1o i"HCJ'£ /'C. ; ,,10;... 7S2 4590 Apr. 15" l'9S6 12: 53PM Pel PRECISE CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT (;-s·re . . minority .mall bu.III"" entarprlac Contractor'. LIe. '534853 . CALTRANS Cc:rt. "IH930A , ..... .... . .- .-...... u.. ........... . - -, , ~ 1'0: M«.. ~ ~ ttMJ,g 0'" . mJM:Y0tlle", ])11 L.A L. ~ 41I.I1", APRIL 1 5, 1996. ' LI"',6-"oOt) Co,;'" ,oil c. ",. ,PRj;;cJSE CON,,"' MetIl:'T'~~' FAX': .bql~SI?1 FAXI.'(V7'1J·IfSq )P+ÐI'ÆIr"'tJ'''.2·~f(~. I ¡: 5 Mr. SHALE HANSON, Civil. Engineer City of Chula.Vista Public Services BUilding Sent By TAX to I 276 - 4th Avenue (619) 691-5171. CIroLA VISTA, CA 91910. Dear Mr. HANSON: RE: Our Bid For Project #GQ-144; Construction of ADA Renovations Phase II. 0)~~ Psr your request following is the li.t of eubcontrftctors we intend to use as i-r~ KAt>-I~"'H proposed in our bid &longwith the dollar amount to be paid to thel1l:f6 1!>r<L'i S-I u .' "1Alt.~O 'io'7'1'íl-;" 1. PLUMBING: Pacif1c Coast Mechanical Co. ,8061 La Mesa Blvd......$17,560.00·' . LA MESA, CA 91941. Cont. L1c.66691.80.'/ ~ {'(1"",·".\ 2....TILEWORK: Sal Cione Tile (;0.,2599 Kathertne Street............$ 5,700.00&/C/I!&('·tO&I/ EL CAJCN, CA 92020. Cont. L10.6485404. . /3. OEMENT/MASONRY, Tom Gould Ma80nry, 8633 Hacienda Road.........$ 7,900.00/ SANTEE, CA 92071. Cont. L1c.62320?7. ./ 4. BATHROOM ACCESSORIES: Part1t10n~ & Acceesorið8 (L.R. BOR~LLl)..$ 6,540.00 I.ç7 "'Ï?) ) ro ~ 10)20 Camino Santa Fe, Suite G, SAN DIEGO. CA 92121 ' ..J Cont-. Lie. í/&26"122. , \ . > / 5.... P AINTI NG : Alex Gomez Painting; 10250 Proepect Ave. 684,.......$ 5,000.00Q.5?-'1&¥t 1 ~;) SANTEE, CA 92071. Cont. L10.#583975. , vi 6. FLOORING: A1l1ed Carpet, 8200. Center [)rive, LA MESA, CA.......$ 2,292.00V' CA 91942. Cont. Lic.6316335. /7. AUTOMATIC DOOR OPENER: Ce.lDoor Specialt.iRR, 244 Mille.r Ave.,...$ 2,900.00/ EL CAJON, CA 92020. Cont. Lic.íl303414 TOTAL SUBCONTRACT PRICE'~47,892.00 Total Bid Amount $109,490.00. Subcontract Price 1s 43.75% of Total B~d. REFERENCES! 1. Mr. CHUCK GREENAN, A.E.R.I.O.C., Dept. or NAVY¡ Project: ($350,000.00) Pomerado Terrace Beg. ,8M Diego. (Ph: 556-9626) , 2. Mr. DON HOUGH, A.E.R.I.O.C., Dept. or NAVY, Projectl ($45,000.00) Lofgren Terre.~8 H~e., Chule. Vi8ta.(Pht556-9357), 3. Mr, ABE OASISON, Proj. Hr.r.,h. & E. Div., Oounty of San Diego Various ADA upgrade projeots:($80,øOO.00).. (Ph. ,694-2322) . Should you haV8 any questions, pl~8e call ~e at (619)·792-6z94. We thank you for tbs opportun1ty to provide our .ervices to OITY ·OF CHULA VISTA. . ¡a;:' ,~ YOGEII DALAL, Owner , PRECISE CONSTRUCTIOII KAIIAGDIERT '070 TyzaebourtaS CIrcle' 'In Dlelo, ea.1Ir011l11 92130·la19 Omoel lel9) 792·U94 rye!9) 79H690 J-) ..~.....---. -------. cROM : *PRECISE CONSTRUCTION MNGMT* PHONE NO. : 619+792 4590 May. O(1..l6,rwAL.g./116!1' 490. 6úLM.¡p- ¡,~ Ii 2 j , 5 ¡ 5 . PRECISE CONSTRUCTION MANA "\d..~ - ,,,. " 8 5, 975 . rr.......lSG G".,..ST . mlnOrlty.malI bu.ln.... enterprise ' Contraclor·. LIe. /1534853' ~LTAANS Cert. #I 0/2.''''''11-<. II"" 119, 645. .: ~tI<!o'H..p- . oS' Ptc. ;;5, OO:j . h ,I,,' ~¡ .1:) ".t~, 645· .~r;A~~ O~, 1996. Mr. JBTIRY RELAH, APA Cordinator City of Chula Vistõ Public Services Building Sent By FAX to: 276 - 4th Avenue (619) 585-5681. CBULA VISTA, CA 91910. Original Sent By Mail. Dear Mr. SELAH: RE: Our Did Por Project flGG-144; Construction of ADA Renovations Phase II \~e understand that the City of Chulõ Vista will· be awarding the contràct for the P.roj ect. IIGG-144 to us, Precise Construction Management. After the award of the contract, if the City of Chula Vista decides to issue a change order to delete the work for the Eucalyptu6 Park,· we will perform the work for the rest of ·the project. Should you have any questions, please call me at (619) 792-6294. 1'1e thank you for the opportunity. to .provide our services to Sincerely, ~~-~ YOGEN DALAL, Owner PRECISE CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT (' ... h._ .._ .-.. .. -.. .... ..... ..,.. -. , ; I TO: ~. J~ f..t..M<· FROM:YOC:oEN 7)fI LA L . DATE:~-l~"i ! fA'",",:/. ....~ c:...:"'':;~· PREciSE CON,fT, MCnIll~~f'I r ! fAX': S"f~--rÞÇI (~'V7"Ø\ ·1/5'10 ~lÎ9.1.·'..:tC 4-! I! ~ \ 3970 T)'Deboume Circlo . 'aD Dlelo, C'lIforDI, 83130.1219 Office: 1819) 782·11284 ~819) 792-41180 ;5 --/.5 _.__._._.__._."---,,--_._-~-"."--_. 1'1 GULF INSURANCE COMPANY BOND GE 5783379 'I KANSAS' CITY, MISSOURI NUMBER POWER OF ATTOR"ŒY PRINCIPAL: NAME. ADDRESS , IGI!'iALS or THIS PO\\ER or ATTOR!'in ARE PRI!'iTED O!'i BLUE CITY. STATE. ZIP AFETY PAPER WITH TEAL I!'iK. Dl-PLlCATES SHALL HAVE THE <~IE FORCE A'.;o EFFECT AS A!'i ORIGI!'iAL O\l Y WHE!'i ISSn:D I!'i :"R!'iCTJO!'i WITH THE ORIGI!'iAL. KSOw:-,; ALL ME' BY THESE PRESE'\TS: Tha! [he' Gulf Insurance Com- Precise Construction MlUlagement an~. a c()rporati{lO dur~ (\rganizcJ under the la~:- of ¡he SUle of Mi.,~()uri. ha\ in!! .. prin..:ip:.! office in the cHy of Inlnf. Te\a.... pur"uam 10 the foUo....inf resolution. joplf:'d by the Finan.:c ð.: E\Cl'UII\'e Commm~l' of the Board of Director"" of Ihe ~aid 3970 TyaebOllme Circle, San Diego, CA 92130-1219 ompan~ on the IÛlh da.\ (If AUf:u~1. ]943.1(\ "'u: "RESOL VED. thallhe President. hecUII\e Vice President l'r am' SenIOr Vice -e.,idem ofthc Compan~ 1311 have authoril} to make. execute and de'liver a Po.....er . Alhlrne)- con!-tiluling a.. Horney-in-Fact. such person:.. firm~. or corporation!- as av bc !>clcc,tcd from time 10 lime: and am such :\Uorne\ -inJact ma\' be removed EFFECTIVE DATE lei the authority !rantcd him revoked b.';' the Presideni, or any Executive Vice ·esident. or an) Seni0r VICf' President. or tly the BoJrd of Dlreçtor~ or by the 04/02/96 nance and Executi,e Comminee of the 8Ilard of Director,_ RESOLVED. Ihat nnrhinf in Ihi~ Power of Attorne~ ~halJ tl(' construed a~ a gram CONTRACT AMOUNT aUlhomy 1("1 the allnrne~I"Hn-façl 1<1 sign. e.\e,,:ule. ackn\,....ledgt'. deh\er or other- i~e i:.we a policy (lr poli~-ie~ (If im,uran..:e on hehaJf nf Gulf In'iuranœ Company. RESOLVED. thaI Ihe ~igr.D.ture \If the President. E)';eculÍ\e Vice Pre...ident or $ 100,000.00 EST. y Senior Vic(' President. and thc S('al of the Compan~ may bt> af!ì}l.cd In any such l....er of Anorne~ ('If any ceniflc:l1e relating therelo by facsimile. and any such BOND AMOUNT ....ers so (')';('culeJ and c('rtified by faco;imilc signalure and fac...imiJe !-eal shall be lid and binding up0n Ihe Ctlmr;¡n~ In the fUlUre ....ilh re~pecl to any rond and $ 10,000.00 cument~ relatin~ 10 sU~'h honJ, 1,\ ,~hi,'h lhc~ ¡ r~' Jtl¡ ~'ht'd," ¡If In~urance C }mpdn~ J,....., herer-.\ make. cunslilule and apP'lin¡ \ ,-- Jerome L Hren , t _í<.~_ _ \ I ~ v....J t·'c'\\ l_ :4- l ¡. ., \"0 "', "1 Ç':.J: J.I~ -' 1__ , .". ( ~ I<."...~ ..¡, OIL PE:>I1.': Or ,·1 () I 'J I t '::I. '- '- ~ . 'rue and f:J\l.fuJ a!t<'rn"~r'.'·in·', ,1. vllth full rn\\l'r anJ i..Itlth,'r:!.\ herd..,' cuntÚred in ih name. pJal'c and slead, 10 sign. execute, acknowledge and deliver in il'i art'. a\ 'Url'I~. i..It1: ;m. i..Il! b,'nJ_ ..nd U'lJ"rI-'~In~' d 'I.'r..'I~ -hip. :.mJ In -.jnd Gulf ¡n\uranl'e Campan: Ihere(1)' as fully and 10 the same extent as if any bonds. t'nilt.lnp and J(I~'ullk'nl' r~'I, ljn~ I,' 'u~h h,mJ, ¡¡nJ ,'r unJl'n¡¡kl!1~' \.\.erc ...i!!ned ¡'y the duly authorized officer of the Gulf In,,urance Company and alllhc acts of : a{(orn~'~(\I-in-f,.h,·1. pur\l<;J.J1t III thr ..Lu¡h,'r !~ haeln ~1\C' 1. :..LTC h..::n:¡';. ralifjC'd and confirmed obli,Ç.ali<1t1 of th.: C\\r!1p.,n;. ,I\;dl 1',\: n(l'l'J 0ne mi1Ju'ß lS I.O()(}.ClO(J(101 dollar.. ., WIT:,\'ESS \'HEHFOF. tht· (;ulr In..uranrl· Cnmpan.\ ha\ ,:au...ed IhE'sE' prf'sl'nts to be si~ned hy an) offirer of the Com pan)' and its Corporale Seal to ler~to afliu'd. (òl·U' I:"SLJRA!'iŒ CO~IPA!'iY ~ [ ;J/~ In: Of !'iEW YORh I Christopher E. Watson I SS Ptesidt!nl l·!'iTY Of !'iEW YOR h I On this 1st day of Fehruary. 11194 A.D.. tn'fore me came Chri!iIOpher E. \\'atson, known to me personall~- \!I'ho being by me duly sworn, did depose and thai he rf'sidt'~ in tht' Cnunly of \\t'stchcsler, Stalt' of :\10'" Yor~: that he is the PresideDI of the Gulf Insurance Company. the corporation df'SCrlbed in "hich ('\CCUfl'd thl' abn\ t' ¡n"frument: thaI ht' knn" ~ the wal of said corporation: that the seal affixed to the said instruments is such corponlte seal; thai as so affi\t'd by order of the Board of Ðirt'("IOf'i of said rorporation and that he signed his name, thereto b,- like order. 1{~ L.¿s- Ursula Kerrigan .TE or :"EW YORK ) No. 02 IŒ S0439SO Qualified in New York County I SS Comm. Expires May IS, 1997 :!'iTY Of !'iEW YORh ) - 1\ the undeni¡zned. Senior Vict' Presidenl of Ihe Gulf Insurance Company, a Missouri Corporation, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing and :hed POWER OF ATTOR't::y rt.'main~ in full fun'e, Signt'd and Sealt'd al Ihl;' CiI.\ or 'e\\ Yor .;, Dated the 2nd do) of April .19 96 L p.~ J~)¡, La",renct' P. Miniter Senior Viet' Prt'sidt'nf -_._-~- ---,- --~~, -.~._---- -.--.---------------- - -- ..~----- ---- r , c ~~:.S BOND TO ACCOMPANyPROPO~ ((j) fPr IND~'?; Al:dkþfl.10Jiß BY THESE PREsENTS, Ùlat I!WeHAR G:XvSTRIJITrON. mc. . as Principal. and_ CA T H'()RNf Á , as Surety, are held fmnly bound unto the City of Chula Vista ('City') in the sum of **TEN PERCENT OF THE AMOUNT Em** ($ I ()! OF RTn ), to be paid to Ùle said City or its attorney, tits sUCCesSOl'!l and assigns: for which payment, well and truly 10 be made, We bind ourselves. Our heirs, executors. ! and administrato/'!!, SUCces.'ors or a.<signs, jointly and severally. tinnly hy the.'e pre.'enl~. ~ THE CONDITION OF TInS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, Ùlat if the bid of Principal on the City's request for bids on Ùle folJowing project. to-wit: r t : . \" l' , ~-t CONSTRUCTION OF ADA RENOVATIONS PHASE II (MAIN LIBRARY, POLICE BUILDING, PUBLIC SERVICES BUlLDlNG \.:... "" AND PARKWAY RECREATION CENTER) IN THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA, CA (GG-I44) which bid is dated APRIL 3 , 1996. is accepted by the City, and if Ùle above bounden Principal, his/her heirs. executors, administrators, Successors and assigns, shall duly enter into and execute a Contract for sucb construction and shall execute and deliver the bonds required by said Bid Specifications. on or before the date specified in the 'Notice of Award,' which date shall be no less than ten (10) days (not inclUdin~ Sunday), from Ùle date the bounden Principal is notified by and from the City of Chula Vista thar said Contract is ready for execution, then this obligation shall become nulJ and void; oÙlelWise it shall be and remain in full force. effect, and virtue. IN WITNEsS WHEREOF, I!We herewuler set our hands and seals this 2RTH day of MARCH , 19 96 Principal: HAR CONSTRUCTION, INC. Surety: INDEMNITY COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA JACK G. LUPIEN, ATTORNEY-IN_FACT (Notaries and Powers or Attorney Attached) APPROVED AS TO FORM: l t - - ,VI..... .\"':::>. t-~ l -.J '\ ,-- l \...J\_v· v t CIIT ATTORNEY t;..I ( c... 'Ii 0 \ v~ b "I "'It!.) '", ~') ¡ tÅ\ -...,- \ Í-J""\ .........l ~ (.;l......".' o!:\ENOINEER\ADMIN"CO""1IlAcT\..\DARENOZ.OO.c(BOILERHUD) 41 :3 ---/7 "_._._._~- "---- ~~ft. ~~~~ .........~~ ~ ~~~;F CITY OF CHULA VISTA BOARD OF ETHICS June 10, 1996 Honorable Mayor Members of the city council City of Chula Vista Chula Vista, CA 91910 Re: Ethics Training and Awareness Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council: At its meeting today the Board of Ethics discussed the proposed change in the position of the staff member who currently is in charge of ethics training throughout the city. We voted unanimously to express our concern to you that ethics training and awareness continue to take place throughout the city, notwithstanding the proposed staffing change. We appreciate your consideration. Very truly yours, Susan Herney Chair, Board ethics cc: John Goss THE CIIUIA VISTA BOARD OF ETHICS IS COMMITI'IID TO BONOR TIlE PUBUC TRUST BY PROMOTING ETHICAL VALUES AND MONITORING ETHICAL STANDARDS IN ALL ASPECfS OP CI1Y GOVERNMENT J-;g- 276 FOURTH AVENUE, CHULA VISTA· CALIFORNIA 91910 . (619) 691-5037 . FAX (619) 585-5612 ._~,..._,-......,-,._. .-..-.".....--ï....---....-r - -+--_. _..____._m ._-_._-~----_..._--_.,.....__.."._-- ,._n -.....- --"" .".-.-.-." ..-..,----.--..--,.-,.-.-. .'_.._'.'---- -'------- MEMORANDUM I" , J,'''' ,I Date: June 10, 1996 ¡, , To: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Ii I ..... I 0 laoS I From: Larry Livesay, Park Supervisor L_ c , Subject: Proposed 1996 - 1997 Budget L ...~._-.._.-. ."~--_. After reviewing the proposed 1996 - 1997 fiscal year budget, I would like to bring to your attention several issues. The proposed cuts to the Parks Department budget are potentially crippling to the department and pose many safety issues to~. In addition, employees of the department will be severely financially impacted. The following memo will review the impacts of the proposed budget on the department, the impacts on personnel of the department, several questions raised in response to the budget, and will suggest alternatives to the proposed budget. Impacts: The current proposal is to flatten the organizational structure, or downsize the department. This is proposed through the elimination of one level of supervision. Under the current departmental structure, a Senior Supervisor supervises 3 Park Supervisors. The three Park Supervisors, which are proposed for elimination, directly supervise Senior Gardeners, Gardener II's, Gardeners I's and Seasonal Gardeners. It is important to keep in mind that the Park Supervisors (3) are working supervisors which have many physical labor duties and administrative duties, while the Senior Supervisor is a mid-management position. Under the current proposal the three working supervisor positions would be eliminated and one Senior Supervisor position would be added. Currently, the City's Park Department is divided into three districts, each supervised by a Park Supervisor. Under the proposed changes, with two Senior Supervisors (not working supervisors) each supervising half of the city, in addition to their administrative duties, it is unlikely that they could effectively supervise the Senior Gardeners, Gardener II's, Gardener I's and Seasonal Gardeners. This not only raises a supervision issue but a safety issue as well. In the past five years, the parks have had four park maintenance employees leave that were not replaced. Due to this loss of personnel, the irrigation and construction crews were eliminated. The work previously done by these crews has been distributed among the existing crews and the Park Supervisors. Also due to this shortage of personnel, work is not completed in as timely a manner as the Department would like. This situation will worsen if further cuts are made causing extensive safety issues to the public. Due to the fact that the department is operating four persons short, the parks are showing signs of deterioration, which in better times would have been unacceptable and would have resulted in disciplinary action for persons responsible for the parks where these conditions exist. The following are several examples of conditions which would occur under the proposed department structure. · Broken glass may not be picked up on a regular basis. · Restrooms may not be deaned as often, resulting in unsanitary conditions. · Unsafe conditions on playgrounds may not be discovered before injuries occur. · Irrigation systems will deteriorate resulting in dead grass and planter areas, waste of water and possibility of wash-outs from broken sprinkler lines or heads. · GOpher and squirrel holes will not be filled regularly Any of these conditions can result in injury to the public. The City has been plagued by lawsuits in recent years. Can it afford more? 3~// JUNE 10, 1996 MEMORANDUM 2 The flattening of the organization structure in park maintenance will also have an affect on the employees. Workers will be affected by the change in the supervisory structure as well as affected personally by reduced salaries. This could cause a decrease in employee morale, affecting the quality of work which is done by the department. For example, it would seem like under this scenario that the Senior Gardener (who would already have a crew to supervise) would be expected to do the same job that was previously done by Park Supervisors who made approximately $635 more each month (this indicates the cuts expected to be taken by the Park Supervisors, the salary impact to other positions should also be considered). Certain park maintenance duties may be affected because of the new organizational structure. Under the current organizational structure, only certain positions (Senior Supervisor and Park Supervisors) can order or pick up supplies and make purchases on open purchase orders. This would include the following examples: paint for covering graffiti, sand for blasting to remove graffiti, and irrigation repair parts and supplies. It is a standing order to eliminate graffiti every day. With the Senior Supervisor(s) off on Fridays because of a flex schedule, and due to his many administrative duties, he may not be available to keep crews supplied on a daily basis. The impacts discussed above are not mentioned in the current budget proposal, the following points are introduced in the budget but are somewhat misleading. The budget shows a savings of $192,868 (or $142,325 if the positions are V-rated). This is not a true picture because it is proposed that there be two Senior Supervisors instead of one, and that the three Park Supervisor positions be eliminated. This would in fact mean that one of the three Park Supervisors would be promoted to Senior Supervisor and the other two would bump to Senior Gardener. So the money saved would not be as a result of eliminating three positions, it would actually result from the cut in pay taken by two of the Park Supervisors, because the third would be receiving a pay increase of approximately $6000 per year when promoted to Senior Supervisor. Also misleading in the current budget is the amount of the new Senior Supervisor's pay which would be provided by the Port District. The budget indicates that one-third of this salary would be coming from the Port District. Currently, one third of the pay of one of the Park Supervisor's is provided by the Port District. So the only savings realized by the City under this scenario would be the difference between one third of a Park Supervisor's salary and one third of a Senior Supervisor's salary. Questions: In John Goss' budget cover letter to the Mayor and Council dated May 23, 1996, he states: "As a side note, oftentimes when there is downsizing there is criticism that management positions are not cut along with the rest of the organization. This is certainly not the case in Chula Vista since positions in executive and middle management have been cut in the past and are proposed to be eliminated in the coming fiscal year." The current organizational structure of the Paries Department includes the following: 1 Director of Parks and Recreation salary: $85,461 2 Deputy Directors (1 Parks, 1 Recreation) salary: $66,150 (each) 1 Principal Management Assistant salary: $58,741 1 Administrative Secretary (position currently frozen but not eliminated from the budget) salary: $42,094 1 Senior Park Supervisor salary: $49,550 :1 -,;¿¿J -- ---_._"... JUNE 10, 1996 MEMORANDUM 3 Two positions are proposed to be added in the coming fiscal year: 1 Proposed Senior Park Supervisor salary: $49,550 1 Full time Cultural Arts Coordinator (currently a .5 time position)salary: $30,508 Three positions are proposed to be eliminated in the coming fiscal year: 3 Park Supervisors salary: $43,981 (each) Question: Where are the management position cuts? Question: How important is it to have a full time Cultural Arts Coordinator in such tough budgetary times? Might it be better to put this money into the parks to address issues of public safety? Question: The Administrative Secretary position is currently vacant and is proposed to continue to freeze this position. This suggests a proposed freeze, when there is a recommendation to eliminate three park supervisor positions. Does this mean that the secretary position can be brought back while the Supervisor positions are permanently eliminated? Also in John Goss' budget cover letter to the Mayor and Council dated May 23, 1996, he states: "While no one would lose their job, there could be a series of employees bumping into lower level positions, unless the position were Y-rated." Question: What exactly does this mean? Does this mean that if V-rating occurs there would be layoffs? Question: If the proposed budget passes and there is absolutely no way to avoid the elimination of the Park Supervisor positions, can we have a stipulation that all positions eliminated or bumped will be reinstated when the economy tums around and that the persons currently in those positions can have them back? Alternatives: Although any cuts would be detrimental to the Parks Department, the following is a list of possible alternatives to the proposed budget cuts. 1. Transfer two Gardener I positions to two vacant Maintenance Worker I positions in the Public Works Department. (These 2 positions were offered to John Goss by Dave Byers) 2. The budget suggests the transfer of one Gardener" to Open Space Inspector. A Senior Gardener may be best for the transfer to Open Space Inspector because the two positions are closer to the same pay rate. This would create a larger savings to the Parks Department budget. 3. Look for other cuts in Parks and Recreation. Possibly Principal Management Assistant, one Deputy Director, or cut the currently frozen Administrative Secretary position. 4. Four persons in the Parks Department are currently of retirement age. One or more could be offered a retirement credit/golden handshake. If this were to occur, cuts could be made through attrition rather than bumping. 3~C:Z1 JUNE 10, 1996 MEMORANDUM 4 5. Duplicate the 1995-1996 budget and take funds from the General Fund, reserves, or one- time revenues and hope that economic times take a turn for the better. John Goss indicated during a recent budget meeting that this appears to be on the horizon. In closing, I would like to thank you for your time and attention to this matter. Please feel free to call me at 426-3899 or 691-5247 to discuss this matter further. 3-c2:¿ - --_._.__._--.~~--_.- ~u~ :--~-: ~~~.-...: ~~~~ OW OF CHULA VISTA BOARD OF ETHICS June 10, 1996 Honorable Mayor Members of the City Council city of Chula Vista Chula Vista, CA 91910 Re: Ethics Training and Awareness Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council: At its meeting today the Board of Ethics discussed the proposed change in the position of the staff member who currently is in charge of ethics training throughout the City. We voted unanimously to express our concern to you that ethics training and awareness continue to take place throughout the City, notwithstanding the proposed staffing change. We appreciate your consideration. Very truly yours, ethic8 cc: John Goss THE CIßJI.A VISTA BOARD OF BTHICS IS COMMITI'ED TO BONOR. THB PUBUC mUST BY PR.OMOTING BTHICAL VALUES AND MONITOBlNG BTHICAL STANDARDS IN ALL ASPBCI'S OF CI1Y GOVBRNMBNT .3 r~;3 276 FOURTH AVENUE . CHU~ VISTA' CALIFORNIA 91910 . (619) 691-5037 . FAX (619) 585-5612 . '.'-"----,'"".