HomeMy WebLinkAboutrda min 1987/03/26 A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CIT~ OF CHUL~ VIST~ Thursday, March 26,1987 4:00 p.m. ROLL C~LL Counci 1 Conference Room City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ~BSENT: Chairman Cox; Members Nader, Moore and McCandliss Member Malcolm STAFF PRESENT: Executive Director Goss, Community Development Director Desrochers, Agency Attorney Harron, Redevelopment Coordinator Kassman, Public Information Coordinator Cox, Director of Finance Christopher 1. RESOLUTION 793 APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR DOCKING AND PUBLIC ACCESS FOR SAIL AMERICA'S "STARS AND STRIPES '86" At its meeting of March 3, the Council directed that a resolution be brought to the Redevelopment Agency appropriating $3,500 to be used to bring the yacht "Stars and Stri pes' 86" and Ameri ca' s Cup trophy to Chul a Vi sta Harbor as part of the Nautical Heritage Day event. Public Information Coordinator Cox reported it is being planned to have the Cal i forni an dock at the Chul a Vi sta Mari na and for the Stars and Stri pes' 86 to be brought to the South Bay Boat ~ard. The Stars and Stripes '86 will be taken out of the water and placed on display at the Boat ~ard. The display of the America's Cup trophy would be at the foot of the yacht. Details are being worked out in terms of displaying the trophy and security. MSUC (Cox/McCand1iss) to amend the resolution as follows: "....appropriating funds for docking, public access, and all associated costs for Sail America's "Stars and Stripes '86" other Member McCand1 i ss stated she wou1 d 1 i ke to have a report come back with the final accounting related to this matter. CHAIRMAN COX OFFERED THE RESOLUTION, the readi ng of the text was wai ved by unanimous consent, passed and adopted unanimously. The Redevelopment Agency recessed at 4:07 p.m. to a City Council Meeting. Agency reconvened at 4:59 p.m. The 2. REPORT: PROPOSED DISPOSITION AND DEVELOPMENT COMPAN~ DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT WITH HOMART The City Council authorized the closure of Fifth Avenue between "H" and "I" Street for the purpose of expanding and renovating the Chu1a Vista Shopping Center at their meeting of March 17, 1987. The closure is dependent upon the Redevelopment Ägency Meeting - 2 - March 26, 1987 development and approval of an acceptable Disposition and Development Ägreement (DDÄ) which provi des for the impl ementati on of appropri ate traffi c miti gation measures to accommodate the closure. The Council a1 so i dentifi ed additional items to be included in the DD~ to ensure that certain City and community needs are met. Subsequent to Council action, Agency staff have met with consultants and with representatives from the Homart Development Company in order to develop a proposed DDA, including a financing plan. Community Development Director Desrochers stated the Disposition and Development Agreement will discuss items that were put forth in the resolution approving the closure of Fifth Avenue. At this meeting, staff will be focusing on the financial arrangement and the scope of the development. Some of the issues that will not be discussed at this time include the expediting of the plans through the City; transportation link from the Shopping Center to downtown, the Bayfront and the Trolley Station; marketing of the City, particularly Town Centre II; expansion of the Town Centre II project, particularly the commercial areas near the shopping center; an agreement regarding traffic on Fig Street; the master plan of development; the Broadway Department Store; and the community facility. Marcia Scully of McDonough, Holland and Allen, representing the Agency, stated the DDA is basi cally goi ng to define the busi ness terms between the two parties. The primary terms will be the Agency's obligation to make a financial contribution to the completion of the expansion of the center, and the Ägency's contribution to transfer specified parcels of real estate to the developer to complete the site. The developer's primary obligation is to assemble the remaining portions of the site and to complete the expansion of the center and improvement of the existing center. Additional obligations of the developer include: 1. The provision to the Agency of assurances that the Broadway Department Store will participate in improvement of the existing facility. The developer will agree to work with a citizens' committee appointed by the Agency regarding a community facility within the shopping center. 2. 3. The developer will provide a financial guarantee regarding completion of the physical improvements on the site. The developer will agree to make a good faith effort to obtain a fourth major department store for the center. 4. Ms. Scully further stated the scope of development in the DDA will set out in detail the physical requirements of the completed center. It is important that to the extent possible all of the design requirements and facility requirements be included in the scope of development prior to execution of the document. ------------ ---------------- Redevelopment Agency Meeting - 3 - March 26, 1987 Ms. Scully noted that the financing plan in the DDÄ will describe how the Agency will make its contribution to the developer. The Ägency's contribution will be in the form of a lease payment to the developer and that lease payment will secure a portion of the public parking on the site for a period of years. Thi s wi 11 be for the same peri od of years as the note which wi 11 be used to raise the funds. The repayment of the note will be the lease payments from the City to the Agency for the public parking. In terms of negotiating the contract, staff operated under the assumption that the real security for the repayment of the money is property tax increment and sales tax increment generated by the center. It is the intent of staff to create a safety net which would prevent invasion of existing General Fund monies to payoff the debt service. Ms. Scully further noted that Homart has agreed in pri ncipl e to provi de a guarantee which will be for a specified level of sales tax generated by the completed center. Ms. Scully stated the DDA will include a schedule of performance which will set forth a timing for both parties' obligations. It will also contain default provisions; a number of standard issues relating to insurance provisions; use of the site after completion; and items included in the resolution for closure of Fifth Street such as the requirement for an improved security plan. Mr. Charles Adams of Jones Hall Hill & White, Redevelopment Agency Bond Counsel, used the overhead projector to illustrate the financing structure. The City' s/Agency' s contribution to this project will be in the form of financing the acquisition of an existing public parking lot to be maintained for pub 1 i c park i ng purposes. The Agency wi 11 enter into along-term 1 ease with Homart. Director of Finance Christopher provided each member with a copy of a one page summary titl ed "Calcul ation of Redevelopment Fundi ng." He noted these fi gures are close to being the final figures. In response to Member McCand1iss' concerns, Mr. Christopher stated the funding figures being discussed are a summary. There is a good deal of detail behind this page which is being evaluated and validated by Gruen + Gruen & Associates at this time. 11ember Moore asked if the value of Fifth Avenue has been included in the fundi ng fi gures. Mr. Chri stopher responded "no." Executi ve Di rector Goss noted that at the time these figures were prepared the underlying ownership of the street was unknown. Since discovering the U. S. Government ownership, the value of the land will need to be reconsidered. Mr. Christopher noted that, using this pro forma, the Agency's contribution would be approximately $7.1 million. Staff is attempting to structure a fi nanci ng that uti 1 i zes revenue whi ch accrues from both the property tax increment and sales tax increment. It is proposed to use these sources of revenue to pay the debt service on the amount borrowed to finance the Agency's participation. It is proposed to issue Certificates of Participation that use the City's General Fund credit worthiness as security. Redevelopment Agency Meeting - 4 - Ma rch 26, 1987 Mr. Peter Ross of Dean Witter Reynolds spoke on behalf of the Redevelopment Agency. He di stri buted a presentati on brochure whi ch contai ned a further breakdown of the proposed financing. In an overview of the proposed financing, Mr. Ross noted the following points: Provide funding of Agency contribution Participation. through Certificates of Certificates of Participation create payment obligation which has source with City's General Fund. Certificates of Participation issue is structured so that revenues from project more than meet payment obligation created by Certificates of Participation. Mr. Desrochers poi nted out that an important e1 ement with regard to the financing is taking place at this time. On March 25, 1987, the Planning Commi ssi on approved the amendment to the Town Centre II Redevelopment Pl an regarding the provision of tax increment. This will be coming before the Redevelopment Agency and City Council on April 7. Mr. Christopher clarified that the proposed guarantee by Homart will occur in the event that there is not enough sal es tax p1 us property tax increment revenue to meet the debt service on the bond issue. In response to Chairman Cox's Question, Mr. Christopher stated Homart will be guaranteeing 90% of their projections. Redevelopment Coordinator Kassman discussed the time schedule involved with this project. The DDA is to be completed by April 21, 1987. The target date to begin construction on traffic mitigation and relocation of utilities is August 1, 1987. The target date for compl eti on of the expanded center is Fall, 1988. Tom Gourguechon of Homart Development Company commented that Homart is carrying the burden of risk in this endeavor. He further noted it is critical that this project open prior to the Christmas shopping season in 1988. Mr. Desrochers stated one of the items considered in the resolution approving closure of the street was a community facility committee. Basically, the purpose of the committee would be to advise the Agency and Homart as to the type of community facil ity that may be i ncl uded as part of the center. Member Nader poi nted out the i ntenti on of hi s moti on with regard to thi s committee was that the committee work with the Agency and Homart on the type of community facility; plans for renovation of the shopping center; and, also, tenant mix and plans for a replacement youth facility. Mr. Gourguechon stated Homart is operati ng under a Consent Decree wi th the Federal Trade Commission. The intent of the Consent Decree was not to limit Homart's business and the ability to conduct its business, but was the result Redevelopment Agency Meeting - 5 - March 26, 1987 of a long suit with the Federal Trade Commission that had to do with Homart's concern of Qual i ty. The Decree is di rected to the types of merchandi se that can be included or purposefully precluded from entering the shopping center. Mr. Gourguechon further noted hi s concerns wi th regard to the proposal for this committee. First, this project is on a fast-track schedule for comp1 eti on. Second, he noted very sophisti cated technical and archi tectura1 issues will need to be dealt with. Third, there already are redundant review processes in the City. Member Nader stated hi s concept for thi s committee was that it wou1 d be addressi ng Questi ons that pertai n to the specific needs of thi s communi ty in terms of the type of tenants there is a demand for. He stated the committee woul d be basically advi sory but one that Homart and the Agency woul d be required to consult with. It was not his intention to have this committee dup 1 icate the functi ons of the Desi gn Revi ew Committee. Chai rman Cox stated he woul d not have a prob1 em with establ i shi ng a community committee. He suggested the committee work specifically on the issue of the type of community facility for the center. Chairman Cox noted there was not a need to create an additional body to deal with the architectural review. Regardi ng the tenant mix, the body that is best ab1 e to revi ew that is the existing Project Area Committee. Chairman Cox further suggested the committee consist of seven members including representatives from the neighborhood, Council, Cultural Arts Committee and perhaps representatives from youth organizations or social service organizations. Member McCand1iss stated from an overall standpoint regarding the DDA, she would like the terms to be defined as clearly as possible. She further noted that the staff report refers to a commitment for refurbishment of the Broadway Department Store. She would like to see Sears addressed as well. Member Moore noted the discussion taking place is for informational purposes and that no action is required. Member McCand1iss stated she is not sure a youth facility would be compatible wi th the center. The City has a responsi bil i ty to look at recreati onal needs of youth of the area. She would 1 ike to see the Parks and Recreati on Department consider looking at the recreational needs of the western area of the City, and would like to see a report come back from Parks and Recreation as to what would be involved in doing such an evaluation. ~'SUC (McCand1 i ss/Moore) to refer to staff the Questi on of an eval uati on of recreational needs for youth in the western end of the City. (3-0; Cox not present for the vote.) 3. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None. Redevelopment Ägency Meeting - 6 - March 26, 1987 4. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: None. 5. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT: None. 6. MEMBERS' COMMENTS: None. ADJOURNMENT at 6:40 p.m. to the regular meeting of April 2,1987, at 7:00 p.m. ~ Community Development Director WPC 2850H