HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987/09/14 Board of Appeals & Advisors Minutes ¡ MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING BOARD OF APPEALS AND ADVISORS CITY OF CHULA VISTA, CALIFORNIA ~~e!~~~~~_!11_!2ªZ____ÇQÐf~~~Ð~~_~Q2~_!1_~~~!i~_~~~~i~~~_ª~i12iÐ9____~~ºº_eo~~- MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice Chairman Nash, Board Members Winkelman, Reynolds and McArthur MEMBERS ABSENT: Chairman Welsh and Board Memþer Lee (Excused) CITY STAFF PRESENT: Acting Director of Building and Housing Hansell and Fire Marshal Gove l. CALL MEETING TO ORDER: Vice Chairman Nash called the meeting to order at 5:22 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Members present constituted a quorum. 3. INTRODUCTION OF NEW MEMBER: Mr. Myr1 McArthur, newly appointed Board Member, replacing Mr. Richard J. Boget, was introduced and welcomed. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: MSUC Winkelman/Reynolds (4-0) to approve the minutes of June 8, 1987 5. NEW BUSINESS: a. CASE NO. 10-87 - 687 Canyon Drive The applicant requested that he be allowed to extend maximum sill height of emergency egress window more than 44 inches above floor. Although the proposed window location does not comply with the letter of the law in height above the floor, staff feels that the intent of the law is met. The presence of a "built-in," non-removable seat/step will provide a solid base for ascent over the sill. The climb over the sill in an emergency should be facilitated by the 6-inch decrease in height from 44 inches to 38 inches. Anyone incapable of stepping 16 inches up to the top of the seat/step could never climb 44 inches out of a window. Staff recommends that the seat/step must be built to withstand 40 lbs. live load, the same as the floor requirement. MSUC Winkelman/Reynolds (4-0) to approve applicant's request and the seat/step must be built to withstand 40 1bs. live load. b. Amendment Change to the Adoption of the 1985 Uniform Fire Code This item was continued for discussion at the next regular scheduled meeting on October l2, 1987. BOARD OF APPEALS AND ADVISORS MINUTES OF September l4, 1987 Page 2 c. Adoption of Proposed Building Valuation Multipliers for 1987-88 Acting Director of Building and Housing Hansell stated that the Build- ing Valuation Multipliers are published in the ICBO Building Standards and all jurisdictions have adopted this. MSUC Winkelman/Reynolds (4-0) recommend the City Council adopt the Proposed Building Valuation Multipliers for 1987-88. 6. OLD BUSINESS: a. CASE NO. 9-87 - 2085 Waterbury The applicant requested approval of the installed window within 3 feet of the property line. The house in question was approved and built with a zero lot line side yard clearance. The house on the adjacent lot is set back 7 feet from the property line. Due to the applicant's house being set on the side property line, the bay window extension could not be equipped with windows within 3 feet of the property line as specified in the Uniform Building Code. At the previous appeal hearing, the Board recommended that the applicant obtain a 3-foot wide permanent easement from his neighbor for a strip of land around the window. The question of how to legally obtain this easement proved to be extremely complicated. In the course of trying to help the applicant follow the instructions of the Board, the Acting Director of B&H was informed by Ken Lee of the Planning Dept. that ease- ments in the front and side yard would completely complicate the land use plan. Since nothing can ever be built in or even stored in the 7-foot area between the houses, he recommended that an imaginary line be drawn between the 2 structures for the purpose of establishing the distance of these openings to the property line. With this advise in mind, the Acting Director of B&H recommended that the Board approve the diagnal bay window as installed. MSUC Winkelman/Reynolds (4-0) to grant the request to install a bay window only at the location provided that the size is limited to 18" x 30" and the existing angle is installed and further provided that this window be a fixed pane, and no other window or opening shall be installed on the property line. This is also contingent upon the homeowner providing evidence in the form of a letter from the Homeowner's Assocation that no other structure or appurtenances can be constructed in that 7-foot area and the windows shall be non-openable. . MSUC Winkelman/Reynolds (4-0) that for future approvals of similar situa- tions at this particular development, the Building Official be authorized to grant administrative approval provided such approval is the same as the terms and conditions as the above motion. f I BOARD OF APPEALS AND ADVISORS MINUTES OF September 14, 1987 Page 3 7. COMMUNICATIONS (PUBLIC REMARKS/WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE ) - None 8. STAFF REPORT a. Discussion of I.C.B.O Convention Meeting in Kansas City. Recommendations were made for attendance at the 65th Annual Conference for September 20-25, 1987. 9. ADJOURNMENT: Vice Chairman Nash adjourned the meeting to the next regular scheduled meeting for October. 12, 1987. 1({[ ;' I ...¡" 'i 1 '" J~¡(?~9"li.?f·' , Secretary -,. ,/ .-c·"' - '''-_ ! PLEASE NOTE: THIS MEETING HAS BEEN TAPED RECORDED. REFER TO TAPE #6-BA-9/l4/87. TAPES ARE AVAILABLE IN THE BUILDING AND HOUSING DEPT., PBS, 276 4TH AVE., CV, CA