HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992/03/23 Board of Appeals & Advisors Agenda Packet (4)
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SECTION I. That Sections 15.28.010 through 15.28.110 of Chapter
15.28 are hereby repealed, and new Sections 15.28.010 through
15.28.~~ of Chapter 15.28 of the Chula vista Municipal Code are
hereby adopted to read as follows:
section 15.28.010. Uniform Plumbing Code, ~ 1991 Edition
adopted by reference.
There is hereby adopted by reference the Uniform Plumbing
Code, ~ 1991 Edition, and Appendix CBap~eFs A, B, C, ~ and H ðftà
I sf ~Re 1\.ppeRàiJ! '£Ra~ eeF~al.R document as copyrighted by the
International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials.
Said document is hereby adopted as the Plumbing Code of the city of
Chu1a vista for regulating the complete installation, maintenance
and repair of plumbing, drainage systems, water systems, gas
systems, private sewage disposal systems on all properties and
within all buildings and structures in the City. Providing for the
issuance of permits and collection of fees therefor and each and
all such regulations, provisions, penalties, conditions and terms
of the Uniform Plumbing Code, ~1991 Edition, and Chapters A,B,
. -
C, D and H aRà I of the Appendl.x are hereby referred to, adopted,
and-made a part thereof as though fully set forth herein, excepting
such portions as are hereinafter deleted, modifï~d or amended.
section 15.28.020. section 20.1 is amended to read as
section 20. 1 ADMINISTRATIVE AUTHORITY. The Administrative
Authority shall be the Director of Building and ijousing.
section 15.28.030. section 20.3.üù. is amended to read as
section 20.3~ VIOIATIONS MlB PE1IhL'l'IES. Any person, firm or
corporation violatl.ng any provisions of this code shall, upon
conviction thereof, shall be subject to punishment as provided for
in chapter 1.20 of the Chula vista Municipal Code. Eaea separat.e
day SF 8ft) per~ieft ~ftereef à~rift~ whish aay vielatieR af ~hia eade
eeeura SF eSRtiR\iea ahall se åeemeå t.e eSRst.it,utc. a separat.e
Item 113C
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effeftse aRel QPSft ee~·ie~ieft ~kereef, shall se p~HieftaBle as here!»
~reçideà. The iss~aRee BY ~raR~iR§ af a ~ermi~ BY appreval af
,1aRs sRd Bpeeifiea~ieRe shall Rat se deemed SF eefta~Ftieà ~e he a
permit fer or aft apprs7al af a~- ~ielatieR af SHY af ~he previsisRS
af 'this aede.
Ila permi1:. preS\:HBiBIj t.e give 8u.therity te -:iela'ke sy eaRes! t.he
,re-¡iaießs sf 'this aade shall 198 -J"aliEl exeep1:. ißsefar aa 'the ver]t
sr ysa uhieh i~ aQ'Eheriseà is lawfal. The iSSQaRee er ~raftt.ißg af
a ,ermit. sy ap,re~al af ,laRs shall Rat. ,reveR~ t.he admiRietrati7&
aatherit.y fram 'thereaft.er rSQUiriRg 'ERe eerreetieR af errays 1ft
said ,laRB 8ftel speeifieat.is!\s BF lrem pre7eR'tiJ\1) eeRs'Êntet.ioß
eperatieRS seiRg eaFFled eft thereüßEler ~~eR 1ft viela~iaR af ~aia
eade ar af aRY ather eràiRaRee sr fram reva][iR! BRY eEr~ifieatc af
appra-:al wileR iasae.å iR errer. Eve.ry parmi't iS5ueå by 'EaÐ
aàmiBist.rat.ive a1:1t.herit.y 1:1Råer pra~:iaieRs af t.aia eeåe Baall eJrpirc
S}" li.i t.at.isft aREi scesmc flu!l aREi "':aid, if t.he. -..:sr)[ a1::lt.heyised sy
saaa permi~ is Ret eemmeßeed vit.hiß eRe ft1:lnàreå and ei!ht.y Eiays
(189) af t.he date af saah permit BY if t.he ·...;·ar]t a1:1therizeà sy 8\iÐß
pe:nø.it. is s1::lspenàeå er abaRàeft a't. Bfty time af'ter t.he tJer)t is
eemmeRseà fer a periaà. af aRe R\ißàreEi aREi eight.}" (IS Q) Eia}"'c.
Bøfere 611Gh r",.-ar][ eaR se reeemmcßÐcd, a Hew ,enø.it shall àe first
eèt.aißcEi BREi t.he fee shall Be eft£: half 't.he a.eURt. required fer a
"e-~- pe:nø.it. fer s1::leh t.-er][ prevideà He ehaftE)ea ha·.-e BeeR made BE' t..-ill
198 made if! t.he eritjiftal plaßs BRd epeeifieatioßs fer s1::lea t.-er]t, aftå
pre-J'iàcà farther, ~hat. stieh suspcRsiafl ar aeaftåamBÐflt. has Rat
exeee.àeà eRe (1) year.
Section 15.28.040. section~ ~ 30.4(a) and 30.4(d) are 45
amended to read as follows:
Section :2 9.7 SG£:T SF PERMIT. 30.4 ( a) PERMIT FEES. Every
a,plieaBt far a ,el"ilit. te de t:ar]t retjtilateà B}" this Gede shall
atat.e in wri tiß~, an 'ERe applieatieB ferm 're·....iEieà fer that
fHirjieee, the ehar:lotcr af ·.....er]t prapeaed t.a se done aBet 'the amau:nt
aßà ]tiRå 1ft aaRRcet.ieR t.hercwith, t.et)cthcF t.-ità -stieh iRferma'tieß,
pertifteRt thcre~e, as may Be re~ired.
£1:Ieh applieaBt. shall pay fer cash paFmit., at 'Ehe ~ime ef
ieeaaftee, a fee The Fee for each Dermit shall be as set forth in
aeeeFàaftee with the Master Fee Schedule of the City of Chula vista.
Wfte.fte·:e.r aft)"' t..-er]c. fer which a permit is retf'iíre.ä ëy this sa de. Baa
J!eeR eeBHlle.ßeeà t:i 'tkeat. firs~ ast.aiRiRg said pèrmi t., a s13eeial
i~-esti~atieR shall he made J!efere a permit may he isstieå fer sHeh
-_-a1:][. An iß-JestitjatieR fee, 1ft additiaß te the ¡aermit fee, ahall
se eelleet.eå ~....~fie~BeF sr Ret. a pe:nø.it is ~h.eR eF sèsøqucntly
ieeaeEi. The ißvcstigatieft fee shall se e~al te the a.saRt. af t.he.
permit fee required BY 'Ehis eaåe.
section 15.28.050. section 30.4(d) INVESTIGATION FEES. This
provision shall not apply to emergency work when it shall be proven
to the satisfaction of the administrative authority that such work
Item 1/3C
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was urgently necessary and that it was not practical to obtain a
permit before commencement of the work. In all such cases, a
permit must be obtained as soon as it is practical to do so, and if
there be an unreasonable delay in obtaining such permit, the
investigation fee as herein provided for shall be charged.
Fer t.fl.e ptiFp8ses of t.hia eee~iel\, a sðßit.ary pIn-AiR, 8\:it.let.
8ft eE' t.e ·...,'·hieh a pl\HftbiRtJ fiut.\ire SE' appliaRee may Be S&'E er
attaeh&å shall 138 eSRstnIeEl ~e se a fixt.1:1re. Fees fer re
ee8.fu~e~ieft ABEl re 'tee't. af pI u_L. 1ft':! s~fs't.eme 1ft re18ea~eà s\iilEliftga
Baall Be Based 8ft t.~e W·-R&Z' af plumèiR! fix'E1:1Fea, ~aa systems,
wa'ter heaters, et.e., iß~el~eà.
waSH a permit haa BeeR est.aiReà t.e eSRRee't. aft euist.iR! sailàiRg sr
e.xistiftEj r..,·er][ 'Ëa t.he 1'1%19116 se-...-er eE' t.e eSRReet. 1:.8 a Ret..- pri-:ate
disl'eaal faeilit.y, sae]tfil1iFuJ af pri.....at.e se......~aEJe Elispesal
laeilit.ies asaREleReà eeRae~eßtly te sHeh eeRReet.isR is iRelaàeà ift
'the permit..
section 15.28.050 is modified to read as follows:
Section15.28.0~~. Seet.iefl 29.7(a) 30.5(f)
REINSPECTIONS FEE-.- is amended to
A re iRcpeetieR fee may se assessed fer eaeh iftapce~ieft er
reiftsJ}e.ct:ieft ·...~eß sueh ~ertieß sf ·...·sr][ fer whish iftapee~ieft is
saIled is ße~ eemple~e eF VRCft eerree~ießs saIled fer are Rat made.
To obtain a re-inspection, the applicant shall file an
application in writing upon the form furnished for that purpose and
pay the re-inspection fee in accordance with the Master Fee
Schedule of the city of Chula vista.
1ft ifta~afteeB ~~ere re iftspeetian fees ha~e ~eeR assessed, Re
adài tiaRal if1Ðl3eÐtisfl sf the ·.:er]c ·...·ill Be ,ø~feE"i\1eà ufltil the
re~iE'ed fces aa7e heeR paid. ~
section 15.28.050 is deleted in its entirety.
£ee'\:ieR 1S..28.9S9. f:eetieft 491, £\H:tSeetiaR(a) aaeRdeà ta
read. i
£ee~ieR 191(a) K\TERIAL£. Drainage pipe shall Be east iraß,
!a17aßiscd steel, !a17aRiseà ~reQgàt iran, lead, eapper, erase,
AB£, p\7C, SF S~fteF appre.eà .a~erials ha~iag a smeeth aftà uRiferm
laere exeept:'
(1) Us gal~·aRiBeà ·_·rsaght iraß SE' !alvaßiseà steel pipe
shall £Ie aBed lißåergreliRd aaå shall £Ie ][efrt at. leaot € ißehes aee·:£:
Item 113C
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(2) AOC SF ¡-..yo iRst.allat.isRS shalll3e limit.eti t.e resià.errtial
eSRstr\ietiefl Ret mere 'kRaft three s'Ëeries 18 keight.. esmmcFelal aREi
iRàast.rial 8uildiags, waSH 1ft $he epißisR af the aàmiRiBtFati~e
8a'Eherit.y, ~he vast.a à.isehaF~e is as àefiRsà QRtier Seet.left 19S,
S~eeetieß Cd), Bemeat.ie £e~a§e. AB£ eF p~C iRstallatisRS Baall
Rst èe permitted te pSRetrate BHY fire resist.i~e aesemèly.
Section 15.28.060 is deleted in its entirety.
£ee~ieR 15.28.9£9. East-left 499, S~seetieR (8) is a.aRtiad te
£eetisft 499 ÐR'..ItJ.àCE BELOW }L...I}' SEt'ÆR LEVEL. ÐraiRat)e ,i,iHlJ
se~·ißg fixt~res 8ele~ the elevat.isR af the ypst.ream manhele shall
draiR BY gra7it.y lRte t.he maiR se~er BRd shall be pretested fram
1388][£18·....· af sc"",,"agE sy iftstalliREj all appre"';eå t}~e saeJewatEr ·Jal7e
or stRer metkeda sr dC7iees appraved BY tRC aàmiftia~ra~i7e
aQtàeri~y iR a readily aeeeaais1e 1eeatieR. Basa Bush saeJ~~a~er
78178 Br a~Rør me~hBda aRd dc~ieca Baa11 ~e iRa~a1led sRly iR ~ftat
~raReh sr seetisR af thc åraiRagø system ~RieR reeeivea a àisehargc
tram fiH~~rea 1eeated ~els~ tftS e1e'la~isR af the ups~ream maßhele.
Section 15.28.070 is deleted in its entirety
£eetieR 15.28.879. £eetisR 1994(a) ameaded ~e read.
£ee~ieß 199((a) t~.TERI~L£. Water pipe aAd tittiß~s sRal1 se
sf srass, sapper, eaøt iraA, gal7aßiscd malleaBle ireß, gal7aRiscd
wre\:lght irea, gal-:aRized steel, eF etRcr apfJre~-ed mat.eriala. PE ar
PVC wa~er pipe maaufaetareà ta reeegßiseà s~aAàards may se \:leed fer
seld ·...~at.er distris\itiaß syatems 8\itaiàe af a B\iildißg.
Pelysatyleße aad ervc wat.er pipe may se \:leeå ißsiàc s\:lildißgs far
ha~ aAd saId ~ater ißstallatisßs BAå r~c fer seld ~a~er
iRst.allat.ießs anly ·...iien limit.ed 'te reeià£.Rtial eanstruetisR net
.ere thaR fS\:lE' ateriea iR height, eemmereial and ind\:lstrial
~\:lilàiRg ~~eR, iR 'the epiRisR af the ~àmiRistrat~7e Au~herity, thc
eeel.lpaRoy kaearå is Ra greater t.haß in ~ dwelling 1::lßi~a.
Pelys\:ltyleRe, Gr~c 8Rå rvc pipe wBeR \:lsed iRside haiIdings sRall
øet he pErmitted te pene~rate fire reeiati~e aasemeliea.
Section 15.28.080 is deleted in its entirety
1$.29.989. £eetien 1997(s) ameftded ~e read.
£eetisn 1997 (B) EXCEEE:IY/E Wh'rER PREE:E:URE. Wftere lseal t..~at.er
pressl.Ire is ift Eueeas sf B9 pai, all 8131='rayeà 't=r"P6 ~ressurc.
regulate!" preecdeš hy aft adcquate atraiRer ahall he iRa~alleš and
tàe preaa\ire reàueed 'ke 8 Ð pai, er lees. Fer pstasle \later
8cr.·ieea -ap te and ineluàiRg 1 1,'211 reE}\;llatara, previeisRs shall he
made ~e pre·lent preas\:lrc eß t.he sliildiRfJ aiàø af the regtilater fram
eJCseeàiRg malR s1:lppl:." prea01:lres. At1prs":eà re~lat.erB with iRt.efJral
hy passes are aesept.asle. Eaaa Bush regulate!" aaå straifter sBall se
Item 113C
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aeeessièly leea~eà aAå Baall ka~e ~fie s~raiRer readily aeeeseièle
fer eleaRiR~ vi~he~~ reme~iR~ ~fte re~la~er SF s~raiRer ssày sr
diseeRReet.ifUJ ~Re sapply l'ipiHIJ. All pipe siBs åct.crmißat.ieJ\B
shall se Based 8ft 8Ð l'ereeR~ sf ~ke reàyseà I'ressare.
Wa~er pressare vit.hiß SlRlJle family s\:iilàißgs shall se BC.~ at.
a aaxiBQm af 3S psi. The preaaare re~later shall se leeated at.
~fte w~cllißIJ 8ft t.he èallà!"!! side af ~he eJÆcrier vater e~t.leta.
I'ipiRg size Bkall èe àet.ermißeå BY \181ft'! TaBle 19 2, I'reas\::lre RaRfJe
46 t.e 69 :psi.
section 15.28.090 is amended as follows:
Section 15.28.0~l2 See~ieß 1997(s) aßå 1195 are ameßåeå
$e reaå as felle"_'sIModify Section
1105 by adding the following
sentence to the end of the
section 1105 BUILDING SEWERS. The lIIil'liJB1:HII sil!le sf al'lY
Building sever shall he determincd aft t.he sasis af the t.et.al Ramèer
af fint-are \ißit.ø àraiRsà lay sHah se·",,·er, iß aeeeråaßøÐ t..-ith TaBle
11 2. IIe~e7er, The minimum size building sewer for any residential
(R) occupancy shall be not less than 4 inches.
section 15.28.1~lUl. Appendix "C" Minimum Plumbing Facilities
APPENDIX "C" is adopted as a reselBlBeflåeå lJ1iiåe for
determining the minimum required sanitary facilities for various
occupancies. Deviation from the specified number of fixtures is
subject to review and prior approval by the Aadministrative
Section 15.28.~22. Findings and Declaration
The City Council of the city specifically and expressly finds
and declares that the nature and uniqueness: of the climate,
terrain, location, and environment of the City does necessitate and
demand specific amendments to the Uniform Plumbing Code, ~ 1991
Edition, which are noted in the Municipal Code and restated in this
SECTION II. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force
on the thirtieth day from and after its passage end approval.
Presented by: Approved as to form by:
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Kenneth G. Larsen, Director Bruce M. Boogaard
Building and Housing Department City Attorney