HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992/03/23 Board of Appeals & Advisors Agenda Packet (3)
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EXISTING SECTIONS 15.08.010 THROUGH 15.98.299 15.08.130
SECTION I. That sections 15.08.010 through 15.989.299
15.080.130 of Chapter 15.08 are hereby repealed, and new sections
15.08.010 through 15.98.139 15.080.120 of Chapter 15.08 of the
Chula vista Municipal Code are hereby adopted to read as follows:
Section 15.08.010. Uniform Building Code, ~ 1991 Edition,
adopted by reference.
There is hereby adopted by reference the Uniform Building
Code, ~ 1991 Edition, and Chapters 1 (division 1),7, 11, ~ 35,
~ 49, and 55 of the Appendix that certain document as copyr~ghted
by the International Conference of Building Officials. Chapter 31.
Accessibilitv and Chapter 31 of the Appendix are herebv exempted.
Said document is hereby adopted as the Building Code of the City of
Chu1a vista for regulating the erection, construction, enlargement,
alteration, repair, moving, demolition, conversion, occupancy, use,
height, and area of all buildings and structures in the City.
Providing for the issuance of permits and collection of fees
therefor and each and all such regulations, provisions, penalties,
conditions and terms of the Uniform Building Code, ~l2.2.!
Edition, and Chapters l(division I), 7, 11, ~ 35, 49, and 55 of
the Appendix are hereby referred to, adopted, and made a part
hereof as though fully set forth herein, excepting such portions as
are hereinafter deleted, modified, or amended.
section 15.08.015. Section 202 (a) THE eUILDING OFFICIAL
Section 15.08.020 is amended as follows:
section 15.08.020. section 203 amended by revision of the
second paragraph to read:
Section 203 UNSAFE BUILDINGS OR STRUCTURES. All such unsafe
buildings, structures or appendages are hereby declared to be a
public nuisance and shall be abated by ..repair, rehabilitation,
demolition or removal in accordance with the procedures set forth
in the Dangerous Building Code as hereby adopted by the City of
Chula vista. As aft al~erRa~ive, ~hc Ðailàing Offieial, SF e~her
emple:i'ee eX" effieial af '\1.hia j1iriaàietien 86 dcaìfJnatcà BY t.he
lJe~~-erftiA.EJ seely, aa:f ißstitut.e an:." et.her al'prepriat.e aet.ieß t.e
Item 113A
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,:reveøt, rest.FaiR, eeFree~ SF' aBate the ~ielatiÐß.
section 15.08.030. section 204(a) is amended to read:
section 204(a) BOARD OF APPEALS AND ADVISORS. To determine
the suitability of alternate materials, methods of construction and
to provide for reasonable interpretation of the provisions of this
Code, there shall be and is hereby created a Board of Appeals and
Advisors consisting of seven members who are qualiUed by
experience and training to pass upon matters pertaining to building
construction. The Director of Building and Housing shall be an ex-
officio member who shall not be entitled to vote and who shall act
as Secretary to the Board. The Board of Appeals and Advisors shall
be appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. The
Board shall render all decisions and findings in writing to the
Director of Building and Housing with a duplicate copy to the
appellant. The decision of the Board is final. The Board of
Appeals and Advisors shall recommend to the City council such new
legislation deemed necessary to govern construction in the City of
Chula Vista.
section 15.08.040. section 301(b) is amended to read:
section 301(b) EXEMPTED WORK. No person, firm, or
corporation shall erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move,
improve, remove, convert, or demolish any building or structure in
the City of Chula vista or cause the same to be done without first
obtaining a separate building permit for each such building or
structure from the Building Official except as follows:
1- Fences up to 72 inches and free standing masonry walls up
to 48 inches in height above the highest adjacent grade.
2. CUrbs and planter boxes up to 18 inches in height.
3. Detached patio covers, not exceeding l~ feet in height,
with a projected roof area not to exceed 144 square feet
and at least 6 feet from any building or structure on the
same property.
4. One-story detached accessory buildings, not exceeding 12
feet in height used as tool and storage ~heds, playhouses .
and similar uses, provided the projectèd roof area does
not exceed 144 square feet and are ¡ocated so as to
comply with the provisions of GW!C Chula vista Municipal
Code, section 19.58.020.
5. oil Derricks.
6. Movable cases, counters, and partitions not over 5 feet,
9 inches in height. ,
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7. Retaining walls which are not over 3 feet in height
measured from the top of the footing to the top of the
wall, unless supporting a surcharge or impounding
flammable liquids.
8. Television and radio antennas less than 35 feet in
9. Awnings projecting not more than 54 inches and attached
to, and supported by, the exterior walls of buildings of
Group R or M Occupancy.
10. Standard electrolier not over 35 feet in height above
finish grade.
11. Platforms, walks and driveways not more than 30 inches
above grade and not over any basement or story below.
12. Temporary motion picture, television and theater stage
sets and scenery.
13. Prefabricated swimming pools accessory to a Group R,
Division 3 Occupancy in which the pool walls are entirely
above the adjacent grade and if the capacity does not
exceed 5,000 gallons.
14. Fish ponds, reflective pools or other decorative water
containers with a wet surface area of 100 square feet or
less and a maximum depth of 18 inches to the flood rim.
15. Repairs which involve only the replacement of component
parts of existing work with similar materials for the
purpose of maintenance, and which do not aggregate over
$500.00 in valuation in any twelve-month period, and do
not affect any electrical, plumbing or mechanical
installations. Repairs exempt from permit requirements
shall not include any addition, chang~, or modification
in construction, exit facilities, or permanent fixtures
or equipment.
Specifically exempted from permit requirements without limit to
valuation are: ;
a. Painting, papering, decorating and similar .ork.
b. Installation of floor covering.
c. Cabinet work.
d. Outside paving.
e. Re-roofing buildings of Group Rand M Occupancies of less than
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500 so. ft or less than fiftv percent (50%) of roof coverino
This section shall not be construed to require separate building
permits for dwelling and accessory buildings or structures on the
same property which are described in the building permit
application, plot plan and other drawings.
Unless otherwise exempted. separate plumbino. electrical and
mechanical permits will be reauired for the above-exempted items.
Exemption from the permit reauirements of this code shatl not
be deemed to orant authorization for anv work to be done 1n anv
manner in violation of the provisions of this code or anv other
laws or ordinances of the citv of Chula Vista.
section 15.08.050 is deleted in it entirety
SeetieR 15.98.959. SeebeR 393(a) is ameRàeå ~e read.
section 393 (a) I£:£UMICE _ The applieat.ieft, plafts aRå
epc.sifieatisflÐ aßå at-her å.at.a filed BY &H a~J.31ieaftt. fer permit
shall se E'c7ievcà BY t.hc BailàiR~ -Sffieial. SHah ,1aRS may se
revictJ'eà ey st.acE' àepart.mc.ßt.s af 'this jarisàietisß 'Ëe -Jerif}·
eempliaRee ~it.h any applieasle laws HAder 'their jüriaàiet.ieR. If
the BailàifujJ Sffieial fißàa that. the wer1t à£.serieeà ift aft
applieatisR fer a permit BRå 'the plaRs, epeeifieatisRS 8Rå ether
data filed there~ith eaRfera t.e t.he re~ircmc.ßt.e af thia eede aRå
et.her pert-iRan'\: la~ø anå eràiRaReea, aßå that t.hc fees epeeificà ift
the Haet.er Fee Eeheàale af the city af ChalB ~iata ha~e BeeR paid,
.he ahal! ise~e a permi~ te ~he applieaßt.
WReR ~hc ÐuildiR~ Offieia! iÐa~es ~he permit ~here plaRs
are reEf\;lireà, he shall cnåerse in writiR~ Br atamp ~he plans and
apceifieatisns It^rrROTJED. It ~~eh appre~cd plaRB and apeeifiea~ieRa
Bhal! ßet. Be ehaß~cà, .edified sr altered yith~at aatheriza~ieR
frsm t.he BuilàiftEj Offieial, aRå all -....·er)t e~all 13e åaRc iR
aeeeråaRee ~ith the apprs7eà plaRo.
Tae BailàiREj Offieial may isa~e a permit. fer ~he eeaet.raa~ieß
af part af a ~~ilàiRg SF strueture ~eferc ~he entire plans aad
speeifieat.isas fer t.h6 whale In:lilà.ißIJ sr stE"1::l,t:'t.1:::1re ka-:e Èee:a
sabmitteà eF a~~Fe~eà, ~Fe~iàeà aàe~ate iRfermatisa aøà àetaileà
atatemeRta ha7e heSR filed ee1Bl3lyiREj with~ all pe:r~iJ\eJ\t.
re~i:remeRt.s af t.hia eade. Thc RaIder af stieh permit. shall preeeed
at Bie e".tJ'fl ris]t -..Jithsat. a88Hz-aRee t.hat. e1:iaJ\l'jea 'te t.he pla:as -....·ill
I\e~ se reEf':1ired d\:irißfj 'Eae ,laft ehee)t SF 1:.hat t.ae pene.it. fer t.he
BRtiE'e st.rast.Hre will se Ejraøt.eà..
section 15.08.060 is modified as follows:
section 15.08.0~~0. sections 304fèt ðftà (f) 1! &Pe amended.
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sections 304 (g) , (h) , and (i) are
SeetieR 394 (d) EXPIR.WIEm SF Pu.N REVIEW. ~~pliea~iefte fer
wieR R8 ,arm! t 16 isaueà aaå 8ft whieh He aetieR is 'ta]rcß B~i tae
applieant ~itftiß 1B9 ãays felle~ißg ~fte date ef applieatiea shall
e~ire S}" limitatiaR aftà 1i1aßB saèmi~'Eeå fer ehee)ti"g aa}'"
'thereaft.er Be re~\:ir"eà t.e t.he apJ.31ieaa.'t eE' deat.reyc.à. BY ~hc.
Bailàißg Ðffieial. The B1:1ildißg Ðffieial may eut.eRd 'the t.imc fer
aet-ieft sy 'ERe apfJlieaß'Ê fer a perled J\8'Ë 8)[eeeàiluJ lBe days -apSR
vritteß re~es'Ë BY the a,plieaßt shewiag ~at eireamÐtaaeea sayaRd
'the sentE'e! af 'the applieaftt have preVefl'Eeà. aetieR frem heiFuJ
Section 304(f)+ FEE REFUNDS. Fees paid for microfilming of
documents and for Strong Motion Instrumentation are not refundable.
The Ð\iildiJujJ Offieial Bàall fist au.t.heriae 'Ehe rcf1:1ßàifUJ af aflY
fee paid exeept \ipSR ....:ri t.tCR applieatisR filed BY the erigiRal
permi~~ee Re~ la~er ~haR 180 daye after ~he àa~e ef £ee paymeft~.
section 304 (g) COMPLIANCE SURVEY FEE. The fee for conducting
a compliance survey of an existing structure shall be Ç.75 per 199
a~are fee~ af fleer area er frae~ieR ~hcreef, sa~ ße~ less thaR
Ç75.99. as specified in the city of Chula vista Master Fee
section 304 (h) EXCEPTIONS. The United States Government,
State of California, school districts, counties, cities and other
public agencies shall not be required to pay any fees for filing an
application for a building permit pursuant to this code.
Section 304(i) RETENTION OF PLANS. State Law requires the
retention of plans, specifications and permits for the life of the
building. Therefore, the applicant shall be charged a fee to cover
the actual cost of microfilming such documents aa specified in the
Master Fee Schedule.
Section 15.08.070 is modified as follows:
Section 15.08.0+~O. SeetieR 395 (IJ) is ë$meREicà. section
305(h) is added.
&eetisft 395(1)) nEINÐPEC'l'ION. ^ Fe iRspeerEieR fee., ac
preeeriseà iR t.he Git.y's lIast.er Fcc Eeheàale, may se assessed fer
eaeh iRspee~ieR er Fe iRspeet.ieß weR s\1eh pert-isH af ·...,'·er][ fer
\1ài eft iRspeetieR is eaIled. is Ret. ee~lcte ar weR eerreetieR9
saIleà fer are RSt. maåe.
Thiel B1:Ñ3seertieß is Rat. 'Ëe se ißt.erpret.eà as reEf\:liriJ\~ re.
ißspeet.ieR fees t.he fira~ t.iRe a jah is rejeet.eà fer failare t.e
Item 113A
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eSmF1y ui~h ~he re~iremen~a af ~Bis eede, È~~ aa eeR~relliR~ ~fte
prae~iee af salling fer iRspee~iefts sefera ~he jaB is ready fer
sash iRspeetieR SF Fe iftspee~iaß.
Rc ißspee~ieß fees may Be assessed ~~eR ~fte permi~ earà is ße~
preperly peet-ad. 8B ~Be vsr]t si'Ee, 'ERe apprs-:eå ,lans are Ret
readily 87ailasle 1;.8 ~fle iBspeeter, fer failar& te prs7iàe assess
8ft 'Efte dat.e fer ~~ieh iRspeet.ieR is re~est.eà, SF fer ãeviatiR!
frem plaRs re~iriRg 'the appre~al sf 'ERe BaildiRg effieial.
'fe 8st.aiJ\ a Fe iRspeet.isR, ~Be applieaftt. sBall file aft
applieatisR in ~rit.iRg apSR a ferm f~rBisBeà fer t.na'Ë parpsae anå
pay ~e Fe iRspeetieR fee.
1ft iRstaRsea vftere FE iRspeetisn fees àave heeR assessed, Be
aààit.ieRal iftspeet.isft af t.he -......er]t -..:ill kle perfermeà 1:Iøt.il ~Be
re~ireà fees fta~e BeeR paid.
Section 305 (h) COMPLIANCE SURVEY INSPECTION. Upon receipt of
a written request for a compliance survey from the owner and
payment of the fee specified in ~he Master Fee Schedule seetieH
39(~), the Building Official may 1nspect an existing structure to
ascertain its compliance with the provisions of this code and other
applicable laws and ordinances, and report .ftiø findings in writing
to the owner.
Section 15.08.080 is deleted in its entirety.
EeetisR Is.e8.8SG. Dest-isH 129f; (d) is added te rcaå.
Ee.et.ieR 12Ðí: Cd) I'ROJEC'PIO!J£ IN'PG Yl.RDE:. Ea~e aøà eerøieea may
prej&e~ ißt.e any reqtiireà yard He~ mare thaR 48\ af ~he yard wià~h.
URreefeà laRàiR~6, perehec and stairs may prajeet iate aRY re~ireà
yard, pre·;iàed He pertieR c1Ceep't fer l}UaFàraila ent.e.Ràa a~e7e ~hc
flaer le.al af a ha~it.a~le. reem and pre7iàe.å fHrt.her t.àat. He each
praj cet-ieH ahall e19strast. a reEfUireã eui t t..-aj". Tri~ate ~aleeRiee
may exteRã wit-aiR 2 fect af tae ,reper'!:}" liRe pra";iãiRIj tae BalseR}"
is af aRe aear fi~e resiat.i·¡e eeFia~ruet.iaFi SF iReeHtèuet.i131e
section 15.08.090 is modified as follows:
section 15.08.0~lo. section 17e912(a) Exception 5TI is added
amended to read: -~
section 17e9lQ(a) PARAPETS. Parapets shall ,be provided on
all exterior walls of buildings except as follows:
5TF. Conversion of existing Group R occupancies to
section 15.08.080 is added to read as follows:
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Section 15.08.080 Section 3203 is amended bv the addition of
the followinq: Wood shinqles and wood shakes shall have a minimum
Class 'c' fire-retardant ratinq
section 15.08.100 is modified to read:
section 15.08.1~22. section 3601 is amended by adding
subsections (e) and (f).
Section 3601(e) EQUIPMENT ENCLOSURE. Operating equipment,
including piping and ducts located on the roof of a building, shall
be shielded from view from public thoroughfares, private and public
parking lots and soundproofed so as to comply with the noise
abatement provisions of Sections 19.68.010 through 19.68.090 of the
Chula vista Municipal Code. Equicment enclosures shall not be
constructed so as to trac flammable or combustible vacors.
EXCEPTION; Solar collectors. Does not include structural
supporting members.
section 3601(f) OBSOLETE ROOF EQUIPMENT. Mechanical
equipment including piping and ducts located on the roof of a
building and no longer in operation shall be removed from the roof.
section 15.08.110 is modified to read:
section 15.08.1~22. Section 3802(b) add number 5.
5. In every building regardless of occupancy, group or type of
construction, when such building is more than 40 feet or four
stories or more in height.
section 15.08.120 is amended as follows:
Section 15. 08 .1~12. Section 4407 is a.meftàeà by aààiftlJ
s\%136cetisß (c). ..
Section 4407 (e) . At any construction' site wherein an
excavation of 3 feet 6 inches or more is dug shall be required to
be completely fenced around the perimeter of the site with either
a solid wooden fence or woven wire fence not less than 6 feet in
height. Said fence shall be equipped with gates tl,1at can be locked
during such periods as construction is not in progress and that
said fence shall be appropriately posted with no tfespassing signs,
provided however, that said requirements shall not apply to single
family and multiple family dwellings of less than three units or to
construction sites where said excavationsuis not in existence for
more than a 24-hour period. Excavations of 3 ~ feet 6 inches or
more on such sites shall not be left unattended without substantial
temporary covering or barricades.
section 15.08.130 is amended as follows:
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section 15.08.1~~. Table 144A of chapter 44 is ameßåeå
Table 144A - Type of Protection Required for Pedestrians
Add Footnote 1: Upon prior approval for buildings not
exceeding 24 feet in height, protection may be provided by using
scaffolding or barricades when painting, sandblasting, adding
light-weight veneer or renovating the facade. Construction time
cannot exceed 10 working days.
The City Council of the city of Chula vista specifically and
expressly finds and declares that the nature and uniqueness of the
climate, terrain, and location does necessitate and demand specific
amendments to the Uniform Building Code, ~ 1991 Edition which
are noted in the Chula vista Municipal Code and restated in this
SECTION III. This ordinance will take effect and be in force on
the thirtieth day from and after its passage and approval.
Presented by: Approved as to form by:
Kenneth G. Larsen, Director Bruce M.' Boogaard
Building and Housing Department City Attorney
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. -_........__.~".
SECTION I. That Sections 15.16.010 through 15.16.040 of Chapter
15.16 are hereby repealed, and new sections 15.16.010 through
15.16.040 of Chapter 15.16 of the Chula vista Municipal Code are
hereby adopted to read as follows:
Section 15.16.010. Uniform Mechanical Code, ~ 1991 Edition
Adopted by reference.
There is hereby adopted by reference, that certain document
known and designated as Uniform Mechanical Code, ~ 1991 Edition
and Appendix A, Chapter 22 of Appendix B, And Appendix C thereof as
copyrighted by the International Conference of Building Officials.
Said Document is hereby adopted as the Mechanical Code of the City,
providing for and regulating the complete installation and
maintenance of heating, ventilation, cooling and refrigeration
systems, and providing for the issuance of permits therefore, and
each and all such regulations, provisions, penalties, conditions
and terms of the Uniform Mechanical Code, ~1991 Edition and
Appendix A, Chapter 22 of Appendix B and Appendix C thereto are
hereby referred to, adopted and made a part hereof as though fully
set forth herein, excepting such portions as are hereinafter
deleted, modified or amended.
Section 15.16.015. section 201(a) GENERAL. The Buildinq
Official shall be the Director of Buildinq and Housinq.
Section 15.16.020 section 202 is amended to read:
Section 202(b) and (c) are added.
section 2 02~ UNSAFE EQUIPMENT. Any equiplÓent regulated by
this code, which 1S unsafe or which constitutes p fire or health
hazard or is other wise dangerous to human life is, for the
purposes of this section, unsafe. Any use of equipment regulated
by this code constituting a hazard to safety, health or public
welfare by reason of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation,
obsolescence, fire hazard, disaster, damage or abandonment is, for
this purpose of this section, an unsafe use. Any such unsafe
equipment is hereby declared to be a public nuisance and shall be
abated by repair, rehabilitation, demolition or removal in
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accordance with procedures set forth in the Uniform Code for the
Abatement of Dangerous Buildings as adopted by Uniform Building
Code, Section 203 as amended. As an alternative, the Building
Official or other employee or official of this jurisdiction as
designated by the governing body may institute any other
appropriate action to prevent, restrain correct or abate the
section 202 (b) EQUIPMENT ENCLOSURE. Operating equipment
including piping and ducts located on the roof of a building shall
be shielded from view from public thoroughfares, private and public
parking lots and soundproofed so as to comply to the noise
abatement provisions of Section 19.68.010 through 19.68.090 of the
Chula Vista Municipal Code. Eauipment enclosures shall not be
constructed so as to trap flammable or combustible vapors.
EXCEPTION: Solar Collectors - Does not include
structural supporting members.
section 202(c). Obsolete and unused equipment, including
piping and ducts located on the roof of a building and no longer in
operation shall be removed from the roof.
section 15.16.030. section 203(a) is amended to read as
section 203(a) BOARD OF APPEALS AND ADVISORS. To determine
the suitability of alternate materials, methods of construction and
to provide for reasonable interpretation of the provisions of this
code, there shall be and is hereby created a Board of Appeals and
Advisors consisting of seven members who are qualified by
experience and training to pass upon matters pertaining to
mechanical design, construction and maintenance and the public
health aspects of mechanical systems and who are not employees of
the jurisdiction. The Director of Building and H9using shall be an
ex-officio member who shall not be entitled to vote and who shall
act as Secretary to the Board. The Board of Appeals and Advisors
shall be appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council.
The Board shall render all decisions and findings in writing to the
Director of Building and Housing with a duplicate copy to the
appellant. The decision of the Board is final.
Section 15.16.040. Section 304 (ah ã.!:!.S! {b) 8Rå (e) are
amended to read and Section 304(c) is modified. -"
section 304 FEES.
section 304(a). Fees shall be assessed in accordance with the
Master Fee Schedule of the City of Chula vista.
Section 304 (b) . The fee for each permit shall be as set forth
in the Master Fee Schedule of the City of Chula Vista.
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section 304 (c) . When a plan or other data are required to be
submitted by Section 302 (b) , a plan review fee shall be paid at
the time of submitting plans and specifications for review. The
plan review fees for mechanical work shall be equal to 25 percent
of the total permit fee as set forth in the Master Fee Schedule of
the City of Chula Vista. he Ian review ees s ecified in this
bsection a e se arate fees f om the erm~t fees s ec f~ed n
Sect~on 304(a) and are ~n add~t~on to the Derm~t fees.
When plans are incomplete or changed so as to require additional
plan review, an additional plan review fee shall be charged at the
rate shown in the Master Fee Schedule.
The City Council of the City of Chula Vista specifically and
expressly finds and declares that the nature and uniqueness of the
climate, terrain and location does necessitate and demand specific
amendments to the Uniform Mechanical Code, ~ 1991 Edition which
are noted in the Chula vista Municipal Code and restated in this
SECTION III. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force on
the thirtieth day from and after its passage and approval.
Presented by: Approved as to form by:
Kenneth G. Larsen, Director Bruce M. Boogaard
Building and Housing Department City At~orney