HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994/03/14 Board of Appeals & Advisors Agenda Packet (2) .:L-tem 4E .fQr A~do.. 3-1'1- . ,1T (n 01' CAUFORÞ/IA. 8USIÞ/ESS, "nIANSPORTAT1OÞ/ AND HOua'Þ/G AGENCY qlf 'ETE WILSON, OOVWJ'!or DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ~,...~~ DIVISION OF coon ANO STANOAAOS \~; 1800 THIAO STREET. au..2$O P.O, !lox 1407 SACRAMENTO. CA 85812·1407 ~ .-:1: (81') 44~N71 F~ (8111 '27-4112 HECEIVE.D From'Tt)O Ptoon.: '~~2829 From Voice Ptoon.: 1~n6-28Z2 UC I 1 9 1993 October 13, 1993 CITY OF Cli¡jlll" ,,' RIJILDING & HOUSING Db" ' INFORMATION BULLETIN SHL 93-05 TO: CITY BUILDING OFFICIALS COUNTY BUILDING OFFICIALS HOUSING CODE OFFICIALS FIRE SERVICE OFFICIALS INTERESTED PARTIES SHL DIVISION STAFF SUBJECT: NEW REQUIREMENTS FOR SWIMMING POOL. SPA AND HOT TUB BARRIERS On September 28. 1993. the Celifornia Building Stenderds Commission edopted by emergency the 1991 Uniform Building Code. Appendix Chapter 12. Division III. titled Barriers for Swimming Pools. Spas end Hot Tubs. A copy of the emergency regulations is attached. · The Commission postponed the effective date of these emergency regulations until February 1. 1994 . to permit notification of effected parties and training of enforcement personnel. Government Code. Section 11346,1 requires the Commission to hold a public hearing for the purposes of soliciting public comment on emergency regulations. The public hearing and formal adoption of these emergency regulations must be completed within 120 days from the effective date of the regulations. The Commission will be announcing the time. date and place of the public hearing for these regulations. Please contact the State Housing Law Program Manager at (916) 445-9471 or write to the above address if you have questions related to the applicability of this action by the Celifornia Building Standards Commission. · Attachment £:) " I '-., "-.- Travis Pitts Deputy Director . · , '. . ., '. . 1991 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE APPENDIX 1. The pool or spa must be entirely top o(lhe baTTier shall be alleast 48 inches above ørade measured on th~ surrounded by a fence or wall not less side of the which faces away from the swifT':lfIin¡))OO'1 aximum ver· than five (5) feet in height measured tical clearance bet wee ( and the bonom of the r shall be 2 inches mea.· from the outside. surtd on the side of the bamcr aces rom the swimming pool. Where the lOp oflhe pool SlruC!urc is abov e, an atJovcground pool, the barrio er may be al ~round Icvel. as the pool structure, tcd on top of the pool structure. Where 1 cr is mounted on top of the pool Slructu u.imum vertical ele cc between the tOp oflhc pool structure and the bot1om of the .ha inches. 2. Openings in the barrier shall nOlallow passaIc of a4·inch-<1iameler sphere. 3. Solid barrien which do nOl hive openings. such u masonry or Slone walls. shall nOl contlin indentllions or protrusions excepl for looled masonry joinu. 4. Where Ihe balTier is composed ofhorilontaland venical members and thedis- tanee between the tops of Ihe horizontal members is less than 4S inches. Ihe hori· zontal members shall be located on Ihe swimmin~ pool side oflhe fence. Spacing between venical members ,hall nOI exceed 1 II.. ¡n..:he:.. b widlh. Where (here are decontivc cutouts within venical members. spacin& within Ihe cutoulS shall nOI exceed I '1.. inches in width. S. Where Ihe banier is composed of horizontal and venical members and Ihe dis- (ance between the tops or the horizontal members is 4S inches or more, spacing be· tween venical members shall nol uceed 4 inches. Where there are decorative cutouts within venlcal memÞcrs. spacing within the cutouts shall nO( c:(ceed ~/.. in- ches In width. 6, ximum mesh size for chain link. fences shall be a 11/..·inch slhe fence is provl lats fastened 10m 1,1,' ich reduce the open· inlS to ~ IOC es. I FIIII~' III. ,1"011' !-.:Iuitc. 7. Where the bamcr IS composed of diagonll members. such as a lallice fence. the maximum opening formed by Ihe diagonal m.emxrs shall be no more than I )/~ 1nch('s, 8. Access gales shall comply with the requirement~ of Items Ilhrough 7 and shaH be: equipped to accommndalC' a locking device. Pedestrian-access i31U shall open outward away from the pool and shall be self·closingand have a self.latchin¡ device. Oales olher Ihan pedenrian access glles shall have a self-latching device. Where the release mechanism or the self-latching device is loc::ued less than S4 in- ches from (he bollom of Ihe gale. (I) the release mechanism shall be located on ¡he pool .ide of ,he gale .. lea.. J inch" below Ihtlop of ,he ga" and (2) ,he ga" and barrier shall ha'lc no opening ¡realer than 112 inch wilhin 18 inches of Ihe release mechanism 9. Where 1 "'111 of a dwelling saves as pan Qr the baM'lcr. doors with direcl ac· cess to Ihe pool through Ihat wall shall be equipped with an alarm which produces . an audible warning when :he door and its screen, ifprc~nt.1tt opened. The alann shall sound conllnuously (or a minimum or 30 seconds immedialely after Ihe door is opened. and be capable or being heard throughoUl Ihe house during normal household aClivities. The alarm shall aUlomatically resel under .11 conditions. The alarm sy",m .hall be equipped wí,h a manual mean.. .uch a. a ,ouch pad or ,wllch, 855 .