HomeMy WebLinkAboutRCC MIN 1998/03/30
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Resource Conservation Commission
Chula Vista, California
6:30 p.m. Conference Room # 1
Monday, March 30, 1998 Public Services Building
CALL MEETING TO ORDER/ROLL CALL: The meeting was called to order at 6:44 p.m. by Chair
Yamada. Present: Chair Yamada, Commissioners Bull, Marquez, Burrascano, Fisher and Thomas. City
Staff: Doug Reid, Environmental Review Coordinator.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: MSUC to approved the minutes of December 1,1997 as submitted.
Item 3 was taken out of order because the applicant was present.
3. Review of Negative Declaration IS-98-25 - Plenums Plus: The Commission discussed the potential
acoustical impact of the proposed project and the applicant (Robert Capp) provided input regarding
the equipment to be utilized in the operation of the facility, the structure and the siting of various
uses within the building.
It was MSUC (Thomas/Bull) that the Negative Declaration be recommended for adoption: vote 6-0-
1. Review of Negative Declaration IS-98-23 - Bella Nevona: Commissioner Charles Bull excused
himself because of potential conflict of interest.
It was moved and seconded to recommend adoption of the Mitigated Negative Declaration subject
to the modification of Mitigation Measure #3 to require a 4: 1 ratio of Coastal sage scrub that is
occupied by the California coastal gnatcatcher based on the full acreage of sage scrub on the site
located within or close to the City of Chula Vista because the City of Chula Vista has used its full
allocation of Coastal sage scrub loss. The motion did not carry by the following vote: 3-2-1-0
(members Marquez and Fisher opposed and Bull abstained).
It was moved and seconded that the Commission not recommend adoption of the Mitigated Negative
Declaration because of insufficient information regarding paleontological, archeological and the
Coastal sage scrub mitigation site. The motion did not carry by the following vote: 3-2-1-0
(members Yamada and Thomas opposed and Bull abstained).
It was MSC (Marquez/Burrascano) vote 5-0-1-0 (member Bull abstained) that the Mitigated
Negative Declaration not be adopted because of insufficient information regarding paleontological,
archeological resources, insufficient time to review the Habitat Conservation Plan and Biological
report, insufficient information regarding the location and size of the Coastal sage scrub mitigation
site and because the City of Chula Vista has utilized its allocation of Coastal sage loss.
Commissioner Bull returned to the meeting.
2. Review of Negative Declaration IS-98-24 - Otay Landfill Buffer Area: It was MSUC
(Bull/Burrascano) vote 6-0-0-0 that the Negative Declaration for the open space alternative be
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RCC Minutes - 2 - March 30, 1998
recommended for adoption and that the industrial and mixed use alternatives not be recommended
for adoption.
It was moved and seconded that the open space alternative be recommended as the preferred option.
The motion failed on a 3-3-0-0 vote because of lack of knowledge of resources on the site, the value
of those resources and adjacent land uses.
It was MSC (Marquez/Bull) vote 4-0-2-0 (members Burrascano and Thomas abstained) to approve the
minutes of January 19, 1998 as amended.
It was MSC (Marquez/Bull) vote 4-0-2-0 (members Burrascano and Yamada abstained) to approve the
minutes of February 2, 1998 as amended.
The Environmental Review Coordinator Reid presented photographs of the paleontological resources
recently uncovered in Village One of the Otay Ranch.
Commissioner Marquez expressed her thanks to Mary Salas for her letter in the Star-News.
There was discussion regarding the potential for a paleontological museum or display in the City.
It was requested that all letters to the City Council that involve environmental issues be referred to the RCC.
A majority of the Commission expressed their support for the South Bay element of the proposed San Diego
Refuge Plan.
It was noted that the current vacancy on the RCC has existed for some period of time and that it should be
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned by Chair Yamada at 8:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Environmental Review Coordinator
(a: \llb \gmocmins97\rc33098f.min)