HomeMy WebLinkAboutRCC MIN 2002/07/15 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE RESOURCE CONSERVATION COMMISSION July 15, 2002 Mercy Building Conference Room 430 "F" Street MEETING CALLED TO ORDER by Vice-Chair Doug Reid at 6:37 p.m. ROLL CALL/MOTION TO EXCUSE There was no motion to excuse Commissioner Juan Diaz. MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice-Chair Doug Reid, Commissioners Cindy Burrascano, Charles Bull, Pamela Bensoussan, Stanley Jasek and Chair Teresa Thomas (6:41 p.m.) STAFF PRESENT: Paul Hellman, Environmental Projects Manager Frank Rivera, Senior Civil Engineer Linda Bond, Recording Secretary OTHERS PRESENT: Matt Beulen, RECON Lee Sherwood, RECON ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None. NEW BUSINESS Agenda Item #2 was taken out of order, as the environmental consultant for Agenda Item #1 was not present. Commissioner Bull recused himself from this item. 2. IS-02-36 - East "H" Street Widening Mr. Frank Rivera (Senior Civil Engineer) reported that the project involves the addition of one westbound lane on East "H" Street just east of Hidden Vista Drive to the 1-805. With the widening, the bus stop will be relocated from the northeast to the northwest side of the intersection per the request of Chula Vista Transit. Retaining walls will be constructed along the northerly edge of the roadway for most of the area east of Hidden Vista Drive and west of the intersection. CalTrans proposes to widen the northbound on-ramp to 1-805 in the future. Mr. Paul Hellman (Environmental Projects Manager) reported that the entry monuments and landscaping into the Terra Nova Subdivision on both sides of Hidden Vista Drive would be relocated further back. The initial environmental work consisted of a Biological Resources Report, Noise Report, Air Quality Report and a RCC Minutes - 2 - July 15. 2002 Traffic Study. It was determined that significant short-term air quality impacts would occur during the construction process. Possible biological impacts would involve the removal of trees, which may be used by raptors for nesting and potential construction noise impacts to coastal California gnatcatchers during their breeding season, if present in proximity to the construction area. There is high paleontological resource sensitivity in the area. The disturbance of paleontological resources during construction would be considered a significant impact requiring mitigation. Paleontological monitoring within undisturbed rock units shall be required. Commissioner Jasek felt strongly that moving the bus stop to the west side of the intersection and omitting the bus turn out would further increase the blockage of traffic flow. The additional lane that is going in is going to be blocked by buses numerous times throughout the day. Commissioner Burrascano noted that, with both these projects (East "H" Street and Telegraph Canyon Road), traffic would be going onto the freeway at a faster rate. Isn't that going to cause even more massive traffic jams in the long run? Mr. Rivera indicated that CalTrans proposes to widen the on-ramps and possible ramp metering in the future. Chair Thomas had a problem with the City and CalTrans staggering their improvements. Mr. Rivera stated that CalTrans does not have the funding for these projects at this time. Chair Thomas asked how the relocated bus stop correlated with the Transit First Project? Commissioner Bensoussan indicated that the Transit First bus stop would be located inside the Terra Nova shopping center. Vice-Chair Reid noticed in the cross sections there was an indication of fence at the top of the retaining walls. He presumed it would tie in with the Rancho del Rey design. Mr. Hellman stated that was a safety fence for landscape maintenance workers and would primarily be transparent. Chair Thomas noted that within a number of mitigation measures, the word "periodically" was used. She would like to see specific expressions for the meaning of "periodically". Chair Thomas asked if there was a hotline to call regarding dust from any project. Mr. Rivera stated that the general Engineering or Public Works numbers could be called for immediate attention. Commissioner Jasek felt that the box for Transportation/Traffic' on page 51 of the environmental checklist should be checked as an environmental factor potentially affected. Chair Thomas requested that an up-to-date level of service table for that area be brought to the next meeting. MSC (Bensoussan/Burrascano) that the RCC has determined that the Initial Study for the East "H" Street Widening (IS-02-36) is adequate and that the RCC Minutes - 3 - July 15. 2002 Mitigated Negative Declaration be adopted with the following additional mitigation recommendations or clarifications included: a) That the design of the safety fence on top of the retaining wall be coordinated with the Rancho del Rey fencing design. b) That Air Quality Mitigation Measure 5 be revised to delete the work "periodically" and to require that the construction equipment used in the project be tuned up before starting the work. c) That the best management practices implemented during construction comply with the highest applicable Regional Water Quality Control Board regulations. d) That Air Quality Mitigation Measure 2 be revised to state that construction shall not commence until 8:00 a.m. when stockpiling material within the roadway. e) That the words "regular" and "periodically" in Air Quality Mitigation Measures 1 and 2 be deleted and that these measures be revised to require compliance with the highest applicable County Air Pollution Control District and California Air Resources Board rules and regulations. Vote: (5-0-1-1) with Bull abstaining and Diaz absent. Commissioner Bull returned to the meeting. 1. 15-02-35 - Telegraph Canyon Road Widening Mr. Rivera reported that the project consists of construction of an additional westbound lane on Telegraph Canyon Road from the 1-805 northbound on-ramp to approximately 1,000 feet east of Halecrest Drive. The roadway improvements will require acquisition of right-of-way from the two gas stations east and west of Halecrest Drive. The existing 4-foot wide median on Telegraph Canyon Road west of Halecrest Driye in front of the Arco Station will be remoyed and reconstructed to the south. The main entrance to the shopping center at the signal light will be widened to three lanes (two lanes out and one lane in). The driveway next to the Union 76 station will be modified. The landscaping will be redone along the project limits. Staff is coordinating those efforts with the shopping center owner. Mr. Hellman reported that a Phase 1 environmental assessment was done due to the work that would occur on the two gas stations. There has been history of cases involving contaminated soils due to underground tanks that have been replaced. A noise study and traffic study were prepared. The significant impacts identified were biological resources (removal and replacement of 18 mature eucalyptus trees along the shopping center frontage which may be used by raptors for nesting), hazardous RCC Minutes - 4 - July 15, 2002 materials related to the two gas stations and short-term construction-related air quality. Commissioner Bensoussan would like to see the eucalyptus street trees to be removed along the shopping center frontage replaced with appropriate trees (not palm trees). Commissioner Bull stated that, according to the Initial Study (page 18), "semi-mature specimen eucalyptus trees" are proposed. Commissioner Burrascano suggested non-monocot trees, which would exclude palms. Commissioner Jasek thought two lanes in and one lane out of the shopping center at the main entry made more sense if the purpose was to improve traffic on Telegraph Canyon Road. Mr. Rivera indicated that the shopping center owner is proposing to close off the first intersection in the parking lot, which should clear the stacking problem. Commissioner Bull asked if the shopping center owner was actually going to carry out their proposal? Mr. Rivera stated that those are the plans that are in for City review at this time. Chair Thomas asked about the contaminated soil case at one of the gas stations. Mr. Hellman stated that whenever contamination is discovered, the County Department of Environmental Health opens a case for that particular instance, and that they implement a work plan to remediate the contamination. Until they get to the closure of that remediation, they consider the case open. There are no problems with the current gas station equipment. Chair Thomas asked if there is a traffic control plan at the present time for that area. Mr. Rivera responded in the negative. It is project specific for the construction and is a requirement of the contractor to prepare a plan to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. MSC (Bull/Bensoussan) that the RCC determine that the Initial Study is adequate and the Mitigated Negative Declaration be adopted with the recommendation that the eucalyptus street trees to be removed not be replaced with monocot trees (such as palm trees), with the goal of maintaining the aesthetics and traditional character of the neighborhood. Vote: (6-0-0-1) with Oiaz absent. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COORDINATOR COMMENTS: Mr. Hellman handed out a Council information memo from Bob Leiter, dated July 10, 2002, regarding the proposal for a Historic Preservation Strategic Plan. The plan at this time is to select an RCC representative at its next meeting to sit on that ad hoc committee. CHAIR COMMENTS Chair Thomas would like to have an update of the Otay Ranch conveyance plan placed on the next agenda. She handed out information regarding 'Conservation Banking' and RCC Minutes - 5 - July 15, 2002 'Conservation and Mitigation Banking' that she would like included in the next RCC packet. Commissioner Bensoussan asked if staff could also bring the RCC up to date on the County Planning Commission results regarding the Resource Management Plan. Chair Thomas requested that an update of the MSCP be placed on a future agenda. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Commissioner Burrascano would like to see included with the information that comes about mitigation banking the letters from U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and California Department of Fish & Game concerning the changes to the conveyance schedule. Commissioner Jasek asked to be excused from the August 5, 2002 meeting. ADJOURNMENT: Chair Thomas adjourned the meeting at 9:07 p.m. to a regular meeting on Monday, August 5, 2002, at 6:30 p.m. in the Mercy Building Conference Room, 430 "F" Street, Chula Vista, CA. Prepared by: ~. w./ v·· --x/d// <:hÆ?~ Linda Bond Recording Secretary (A:\lIb\RCC#2\RCC071502Mins.doc)