HomeMy WebLinkAboutRCC MIN 2002/11/04 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE RESOURCE CONSERVATION COMMISSION November 4, 2002 Mercy Building Conference Room 430 "F" Street MEETING CALLED TO ORDER by Chair Teresa Thomas at 6:33 p.m. ROLL CALL/MOTION TO EXCUSE Ms. Marilyn Ponseggi (Environmental Review Coordinator) stated that staff had not heard from Commissioner John Chávez and suggested that the Commissioners wait a few minutes before making a motion to excuse him. (A motion to excuse Commissioner Chávez did not occur during the course of the meeting.) MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Teresa Thomas, Vice-Chair Doug Reid, Commissioners Juan Diaz, Stanley Jasek and Pamela Bensoussan STAFF PRESENT: Marilyn Ponseggi, Environmental Review Coordinator Maria Muett, Associate Planner Brian Hunter, Planning & Environmental Manager Lynnette Tessitore-Lopez, Associate Planner Andy Campbell, Director of Parks and Construction Linda Bond, Recording Secretary OTHERS PRESENT: Bruce Hart, 292 Sea Vale Street Edward L. Seefried, 292 Sea Vale Street Steve Sharp, 355 Corte Maria Avenue Peter & Susan Watry, 81 Second Avenue Gerald & Carlene Scott, 462 "E" Street Lorna Barrett, 101 Halsey Street Doris Steinman, 126-C Garrett Avenue Sharon Floyd, 273 "D" Street Judy Cave, 345 Hilltop Drive Vickie Bentley, 671 Fourth Avenue Dean Smith, 275 Sea Vale Street Ian Gill, Highland Partnership, Inc Patrick Hunter, Highland Partnership, Inc Marc Stutzman, RNL Design Suellen Butler, 468 Vista Way Velma Olsen, 464 Minot Avenue Kent Carson, 47 Millan Court Dave & Terry Camarata, 415 Hilltop Drive Will Hyde, 803 Vista Way John McLaren, 256 Eucalyptus Court Frank & Joan Roseman, 66 Montebello Street Alberto & Laural Guerra, 840 First Sreet John & Danielle Madsen, 270 Madrona Street RCC Minutes - 2 - November 4. 2002 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: October 14, 2002 Vice-Chair Reid noted that his absence had not been excused. Chair Thomas remembered that she had made a motion to excuse Vice-Chair Reid. Ms. ponseggi concurred. MSC (Jasek/Diaz) to approve the minutes of October 14, 2002 with the abovementioned correction. Vote: (4-0-1-1) with Reid abstaining and Chávez absent. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None. NEW BUSINESS 1. IS-99-23 - Park View Estates, 387 Date Street Ms. Maria Muett (Associate Planner) displayed a site plan. The project site is a 1-acre parcel, which currently contains a single-family residence adjacent to undeveloped City- owned land within the Otay Valley Regional Park. The proposed project consists of a five-lot subdivision to accommodate the construction of four additional single-family residences. The potential exists for significant project-related erosion or siltation impacts, which may affect the Otay River, if not mitigated. The addition of four new structures would not significantly affect drainage flow. No sensitive species were found on site or expected to occur on site. Street frontage improvements west of the site would directly impact two eucalyptus trees. This impact could be significant if raptors were displaced from nests and failed to breed. Mitigations are proposed to avoid any potential significant impacts. Chair Thomas asked for clarification on the mitigation for the direct impacts of the raptor nests. Ms. Muett indicated that the biologist would make a determination if there were raptor nests prior to any construction or removal of the eucalyptus trees. Ms. Ponseggi stated that it is a standard mitigation measure to survey prior to construction or removal of trees. If there were any raptors nesting, construction or tree removal would have to wait. Chair Thomas asked if a letter survey report was sufficient? Ms. Ponseggi stated that, for this size project, a letter report was adequate. Chair Thomas had a general concern for any development adjacent to the MSCP and Otay Valley Regional Park, and that was the impacts of people having access to those areas. Ms. Muett stated that this proponent is putting in fencing. Ms. Ponseggi indicated that there are provisions within the concept plan for the Regional Park and eventual plans for the MSCP to prohibit access in those areas of the Preserve. Commissioner Jasek asked how mitigation compliance is verified. Ms. ponseggi stated that there is one person on staff who has responsibility for mitigation monitoring. The grading inspectors verify mitigation measures related to grading operations. When the grading plans come in, they are checked to make sure they comply with the mitigation measures before being signed of by Environmental. MSC (Reid/Jasek) that the RCC finds the Initial Study adequate and recommends that the decision making body adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration. Vote: (5-0- 0-1) with Chávez absent. RCC Minutes - 3 - November 4, 2002 2. Mills Act Contracts for: 292 Sea Vale Street: The Harold Payton House 209 "I" Street: The Sumner-Lee House 190 "K" Street: The Erie Halliburton House 840 First Avenue: The Mary Drew House 462 "E" Street: The Cleaton Robertson House 7 Cresta Way: The Hadley Johnson House 415 Hilltop Drive: Southern Beauty 616 Del Mar Avenue: The Edwin T. Smith Sr. House 382/384 Del Mar Avenue: The First Woman's Clubhouse 671 Fourth Avenue: The Haines House Ms. Lynnette Tessitore-Lopez (Associate Planner) stated that staff had prepared contracts, in accordance with Council Policy #454-01, for the above interested owners of historic homes who want to participate in the Mills Act program. The properties are eligible as of 2002 for the Mills Act, but assessment does not occur until next year. Staff met with each of the homeowners and went over a list of items and prioritized what they would like to do with the tax savings. Staff Recommendation: That the RCC make a recommendation to the City Council to approve each of the above Mills Act Contracts. Ms. Ponseggi asked Commissioner Bensoussan to disclose for the record which homes she would not be voting on. Commissioner Bensoussan indicated that 616 Del Mar Avenue and 209 "I" Street were within 500 feet of her residence. MSC (Reid/Diaz) to recommend approval to the City Council of all of these Mills Act Contracts. If anyone has a problem with any particular one, they can pull it off the motion. Amend motion: Commissioner Jasek wanted a stipulation in the motion, to prevent any problems in the future, that each of the Contracts had been reviewed by the RCC members in the process of the package being submitted to them prior to this meeting. The maker of the motion accepted the amendment. Amend motion to withdraw 209 "I" Street, 616 Del Mar Avenue, 415 Hilltop Drive and 671 Fourth Avenue from the motion. The maker of the motion accepted the amendment. Chair Thomas clarified, for the record, that the RCC would not discuss or include in the motion 209 "I" Street, 616 Del Mar Avenue, 671 Fourth Avenue and 415 Hilltop Drive. The motion is to recommend approval of the Mills Act Contract for 292 Sea Vale Street, 190 "K" Street, 840 First Avenue, 462 "E" Street, 7 Cresta Way and 382/384 Del Mar Avenue. Vote: (5-0-0-1) with Chávez absent. 209 "I" Street and 616 Del Mar Avenue MSC (Reid/Diaz) to recommend 209 "I" Street and 616 Del Mar Avenue for the Mills Act Contract. Vote: (4-0-1-1) with Bensoussan abstaining and Chávez absent. RCC Minutes -4- Novernber 4. 2002 415 Hilltop Drive Commissioner Bensoussan stated that she had expressed concerns when this house was previously presented. At that time, she would not be in favor of the Mills Act Contract without reviewing additional photographs showing the historic color, and she had serious objection to the windows on the front façade. Ms. Terry Camarata (Owner, 415 Hilltop Drive, Chula Vista, CA 91910) stated that the house was originally painted Flamingo Salmon. She presented photos of the house showing its original color. There are four windows in the home that were originally wood, all the rest were steel casement. The steel casement windows are the only ones that were replaced because of severe water damage. Ms. Camarata presented a letter from the original owner stating that the windows were always steel casement, never wood. The letter also stated that the outside of the home was built in sloppy-brick style and painted over to create the wonderful colors of New Orleans. It was painted white in about 1961. Commissioner Bensoussan stated that Ms. Camarata answered her questions about the windows. The photographs speak volurnes about the paint. However, when it was white washed, a lot of the architectural features were lost. She strongly urged that the brick be brought back to the original salmon color or a color more appropriate. Commissioner Jasek did not understand why the RCC should be concerned or the owners should be strapped to a color. The vast majority of plantations in the south are white. Ms. Tessitore-Lopez clarified Council Policy #454-01 for Mills Act Contracts. One of the keys is a liberal policy not to monitor colors that were chosen for the homes and not to put those types of impositions on homeowners. Chair Thomas requested that the Policy be included in future Mills Act packets. Motion (Bensoussan) that the RCC make a recommendation for a Mills Act Contract, and that the RCC include a recommendation that, when the house is up for painting again, the owners make an attempt to restore the house to a color more in keeping with when it was built. Ms. Ponseggi asked for clarification of the motion. Is Commissioner Bensoussan recommending that painting the house be added to the list of improvements on Attachment "B"? Commissioner Bensoussan responded in the affirmative. Amend motion (Bensoussan) to add to Attachment "B" painting the house as one of the items on the list of improvements. Motion failed for lack of a second. MSC (Jasek/Diaz) to recommend this house for the Mills Act Contract without any stipulations as to color. Vote: (4-1-0-1) with Bensoussan opposed and Chávez absent. MS (Thomas/Bensoussan) that the issue of color be discussed by the Historic Preservation ad-hoc Committee. Vote: (3-2-0-1) with Diaz and Jasek opposed and Chávez absent. Vote failed. RCC Minutes - 5- November 4, 2002 671 Fourth Avenue MSC (Diaz/Reid) to recomrnend 671 Fourth Avenue for the Mills Act Contract. Commissioner Bensoussan asked if the windows were vinyl or original. Ms. Tessitore-Lopez indicated that the windows are original. Vote: (5-0-0-1) with Chávez absent. 3. 2003 RCC Meeting Schedule Ms. Ponseggi pointed out that the Commission has a meeting on January 13, 2003. There had been discussion about not holding that meeting because of the General Plan Update Committee meeting that night. Unfortunately, staff has a very pressing item. The RCC meeting will start at 6:00 p.m. prior to the General Plan Update meeting. Chair Thomas indicated that there might be conflicts with the RCC and General Plan Update Steering Committee meetings. Ms. ponseggi was hopeful the meetings would not be doubled up because it has been clearly established that the RCC meets on Monday nights. She would speak with Ed Batchelder (Principal Planner) about it. MSC (Bensoussan/Reid) to adopt the meeting schedule for 2003. Vote: (5-0-0-1) with Chávez absent. INFORMATIONAL ITEM 4. Fourth Avenue (Friendship Park) Street Tree Issue Mr. Ian Gill (Highland Partnership, Inc., 285 Bay Boulevard, Chula Vista, CA 91910) displayed a site plan of the proposed remodel of the Civic Center complex. Highland Partnership is the designlbuilder of the new Police Headquarters and assembled the team who did the master planning work on the Civic Center. Mr. Gill and Mr. Marc Stutzman (RNL Design, Los Angeles, CAY presented a PowerPoint presentation that gave a history of the project and explained the proposed landscape plan. Mr. Gill indicated that Highland Partnership is in the working drawing phase of the project. They have been through all the City groups that require input. Those groups understand that, because of the integrity of the planting plan to create linkage and a pedestrian access that would come down Fourth Avenue to the Police Headquarters as well as connect across to the Civic Center, the stand of palm trees on the west side are an important element to the total plan, and as such, some of the eucalyptus trees on the west side of the park will be removed. Commission Comments Commissioner Bensoussan wanted to know what public involvement there had been in this process. Mr. Gill indicated that there was a City Council workshop, and it had gone to the Design Review Committee twice. Commissioner Bensoussan thought it was a beautiful design and liked the pathway between City Hall and Friendship Park. She could not see why it could not be accomplished with RCC Minutes -6- November 4. 2002 maintaining the eucalyptus trees as the continuity. Commissioner Bensoussan felt there was something odd about the wall behind the pathway that connects City Hall to Friendship Park. Mr. Gill stated that the metal grill would screen mechanical equipment next to the Library. Everyone is in agreement that it needs some work. The Police are concerned that it should be transparent because of criminal activity. Chair Thomas felt the landscaping was too symmetrical. Citizens of Chula Vista do not care if trees are lined up in rows. To make it look like Palm Beach is not going to work in the west side of Chula Vista. It is not too late to look at this plan again. Mr. Stutzman stated that the direction given was to make this a place that, if you have not been there, you know that you have arrived at the Civic Center. In order to do that, you need to make a statement. Commissioner Bensoussan recommended that there be more opportunities for public input during the finalization of the design. Ms. Ponseggi suggested that the RCC might want to consider sending a letter or having someone at the City Council to report on the RCC's concerns. Public Comments Mr. Gerald Scott (Resident, 462 "E" Street, Chula Vista, CA 91910) stated that he was a retired Naval officer and retired asphalt contractor licensed in California for 20 vears. He asked if the streets were going to be overlaid or dug out and replaced with red asphalt. Mr. Gill stated that the top layer would be taken off between Davidson and "F" Streets and a red seal put on. Mr. Scott indicated that a seal does not wear. It will need resealinq everv vear. Mr. Stutzman indicated that research had shown it would need to be sealed everv five vears. Mr. Scott further stated that the Citv of San Dieao thouaht about this process and found that, when people drive down a street or roadwav and see a piece of white block of concrete or a patch of black asphalt that is not uniform with the street. thev have a tendencv to trv to miss it. Thev found that people were stoppina and swervina to miss those places. At niaht. people are aoina to be drivina down on somethina black and all of a sudden hit somethina brown and will actuallv slow down. Mr. Stutzman stated that thev want people to slow down. Mr. Scott understood that this is a $3.4M project. He felt there were a lot better uses for that money. Ms. Lorna Barrett (Resident, 101 Halsey Street, Chula Vista, CA 91910) stated that she has lived in the area for 50 years and attended "F" Street School. She would like the park to stay the way it is. It really does not tie in with the new Police Department. She thought it was overkill. Ms. Sharon Floyd (Resident, 273 "0" Street, Chula Vista, CA 91910) stated that it appears the City has designated "E" Street as its northern boundary. North of that curbs and sidewalks are missing, which does not make it safe for people to walk. She feels too much money is being put into a small area. She would like to see median strips and trees connecting Fourth Avenue to 54. She also thinks that the Third Avenue extension needs to be beautified. The City needs to recognize 54 and Fourth Avenue as a gateway to the historic end of Chula Vista. RCC Minutes - 7 - November 4, 2002 Mr. Gill stated that due to how the project is being funded it is not be possible to take the money that is being put into median and right-of-way improvements on this project and spend that money somewhere else in the City. This project is creating a linkage to Third Avenue. There are some exciting projects that are being proposed and beginning to come through the pipeline that will help rejuvenate eiements of Third Avenue. Mr. Will Hyde (Resident, 803 Vista Way, Chula Vista, CA 91911) stated that, instead of the new Police Station blending in with the harmony of the historic Chula Vista area, the reverse has occurred. He feels the design is contemporary and does not blend with the old existing landscape and architecture, so the old landscaping is being adjusted to harmonize with this new idea. He stated that he thinks the street link project is grandiose and impractical. And hopes there are still time for public input. Mr. Hyde requested better-advertised meetings. Finally, he stated that he feels the Civic Center area is a jewel even though it is a little shaggy. Ms. Judy Cave (Resident, 345 Hilltop Drive, Chula Vista, CA 91910) found all the palm trees quite severe and stated she loved the eclectic feeling of different trees. Ms. Cave also stated that she thinks the red pavement is quite harsh. Mr. Frank Roseman (Resident, 66 Montebello Street, Chula Vista, CA 91910) stated that he hoped something would be done about the grillwork behind the library because it looked out of place. He questioned the need for the two entry pillars by the library to tie in with the Police Department and wondered why the Police Department entry wasn't designed to match the existing library entry. Mr. Gill stated that having entry statements in that block had nothing to do with the Police Headquarters. It was thought that the gateways would be a nice design element for the benefit of the pedestrians. Mr. Roseman stated that he thought that the City had learned from past actions concerning Friendship Park to make a presentation to the public as to what was being done in the City. He stated that the citizens had gathered 4,000 signatures to stop the police station from being built in Friendship Park and wondered if the same thing was going to be needed to stop the proposed removal of the trees and other landscaping. Ms. Susan Watry (Resident, 81 Second Avenue, Chula Vista, CA 91910) asked how much land was going to be lost off the front of the Library for the new landscaping and how many parking spaces are going to be lost? She also asked for clarification of the status of a proposed childcare center for employees in the southeast corner of Friendship Park. Ms. Watry stated that she is concerned that land being lost for the landscaping on the west side and additional land being lost on the southeast corner for a childcare center would take too much land from the park. She also questioned Mr. Gil's comment during the presentation that the park is not friendly in relation to the Library. Mr. Gill stated there would be no net loss of parking spaces at the library. Mr. GiI further explained that currently the Library has no exit out the back and there is a large drop in grade from the park to the back of the library that is not friendly to the public. One goal of the project is to try and make the connection between the Library and park more pedestrian friendly. RCC Minutes -8- November 4. 2002 Mr. Andy Campbell (Director of Parks & Construction) stated that there was a group of City employees who were promoting the idea of putting a child care center in the southwest corner of the park; however, the City rejected that proposal and offered old Fire Station #3 as an alternative, which the employees declined. Mr. Peter Watry (Resident, 81 Second Avenue, Chula Vista, CA 91910) was puzzled bv the mid- Fourth Avenue crossinq. He had never seen anvone trvinq or wantinq to cross there. Who is envisioned qoinq back and forth? Mr. Gill stated that part of the rationale was to consolidate all the Government services and therefore a connection between the Police Headquarters, Librarv and the Civic Center was necessary. Commissioner Bensoussan recommended that there be an opportunity during the final phase of the design for some public outreach and more feedback from the community. Mr. Campbell stated that staff would have to get direction from the City Manager and City Council. MSC (Bensoussan/Reid) to recommend that the City Council explore opportunities to get further input concerning the issue of the Civic Center remodeling, the landscape plan for the park and future plan for the public rights-of-way in the vicinity of the Civic Center. Vice-Chair Reid seconded the motion and stated that the City Council should have pursued opportunities for public input earlier on in the process. He expressed disappointment that the public had to come for an Informational Item before the RCC to get the information about the project and express their opinion rather than being formally included in the process early on. Ms. Ponseggi asked that the RCC make their recommendation in the form of a letter written by the RCC. Vote: (5-0-0-1) with Chávez absent. Chair Thomas stated that, if the RCC wanted to go further with an action, a subcommittee needed to be designated to go forward with a letter. Chair Thomas wanted to designate Commissioner Bensoussan, and she would help. MSC (Bensoussan/Reid) that Chair Thomas and Commissioner Bensoussan represent the RCC on this matter to the City Council in the form of a letter. Vote: (5-0-0-1) with Chávez absent. commissioner Diaz left the meeting at 9:30 p.m. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COORDINATOR COMMENTS: None. CHAIR COMMENTS Chair Thomas would like the RCC members to have nametags. Ms. ponseggi stated that staff was looking into that. RCC Minutes -9- November 4, 2002 COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Commissioner Bensoussan heard that a wonderful little bungalow on "J" Street is in escrow and could possibly be demolished. Was there any way the RCC could designate that? Is there a process the RCC could do to keep it from being demolished? Ms. Ponseggi indicated that the RCC could go through the same process they went through on the Fischer House. The RCC can recommend that the City Councii take up the action to look into designating it. She suggested that a private entity approach the owner to see if the owner is interested in designating it and to see if the owner is interesting in selling it before the RCC takes it to City Council. ADJOURNMENT: Chair Thomas adjourned the meeting at 9:44 p.m. to a regular meeting on Monday, November 18, 2002, at 6:30 p.m. in the Mercy Building Conference Room, 430 "F" Street, Chula Vista, CA. Prepared by: ~....~/""- ..~ c....:.;) Ó -x ",¿.. Lino-a Bond Recording Secretary (A:lllbIRCC#3IRCC110402Mins.doc)