HomeMy WebLinkAboutRCC AGENDA PK 2002/01/14
Negative Declaration
PROJECT NAME: Main Street General Plan Amendment
PROJECT LOCATION: Main Street, between I-S05 & Heritage Road
CASE NO.: IS-02-18
DATE: December 20, 2001
A. Proj ect Setting
The project setting consists of an existing roadway segment of Main Street between 1-805
and Heritage Road (Figure 1). The project site is located in the Otay Valley Redevelopment
(OVR) Area created in 1983. The OVR covers approximately 771 acres of light industrial,
commercial and entertainment uses, The street right of way is located in a fully urbanized
area in the southeast portion of the City within proximity to the City limit boundary with the
City of San Diego, Existing conditions along Main Street include primarily light industrial
warehousing and business park uses on the north side, with auto park, service station and
vacant properties on the south side. Residential properties are located along Main street
immediately east of 1-805 off of Brandywine Avenue. Existing cross streets include
Oleander Avenue, less than a Y. mile east of Oleander Avenue; Maxwell Drive,
approximately % mile east of Brandywine Avenue; and Nirvana Way, approximately 1/8
mile east of Maxwell Drive (See attached figure).
B. Project Description
The proposed project is an amendment to the Circulation Element of the City of Chula Vista
General Plan to reclassify Main Street, rrom 1-805 to Heritage Road from a 6-Lane Major
Street to a 6-Lane Prime Arterial. The subject segment of Main Street is approximately1.75
miles in length.
Six-Lane Major Streets are primarily designed to distribute localized trips and can
accommodate up to approximately 40,000 Average Daily Trips (ADT) at LOS C. Typically,
major signalized intersections are spaced no closer than one-quarter mile intervals. A raised
median is required to separate the two directions of travel and to improve the visual
appearance of the arterial corridor. Access to and rrom abutting properties is typically
controlled, but not restricted, Full access median openings are permitted on these facilities
only at locations specified by the City Engineer and under conditions established by the City,
Parking on these facilities is typically allowed. If bike lanes are provided on either side of
these facilities and parking is to be retained, an additional 10-feet of right-of-way will be
required to allow for a 10-foot widening of the roadway cross section. Right-of-way
necessary for a 6-Lane Major Street is l28-feet.
J:\Planning\EDALlA\ISchecklist\IS-02-18 Main Street GPA NegDec2.doc 1
Six-Lane Prime Arterials are designed to move traffic between major generators and can
accommodate up to approximately 50,000 ADT at LOS C. Typically, major signalized
intersections are spaced at one-half mile intervals. A raised median is required to separate
the two directions of travel and to improve the visual appearance of the arterial corridor.
Access to and from Prime Arterials from abutting properties is typically restricted. Should a
property have frontage only on the Prime Arterial Facility, driveway access is limited to right
turns in and right turns in and right turns out at locations deemed appropriate by the City
Engineer. These access driveways may require additional roadway width to provide for
acceleration and deceleration lanes. Prime Arterials also provide landscaped buffer areas.
Parking on this facility is prohibited with the exception of emergency parking. Bike lanes are
provided according to the routes identified in the bicycle plan. Right-of-way necessary for a
6-Lane Major Street is 128-feet.
The proposed reclassification would accommodate future traffic volumes on this roadway
segment at full build out of existing General Plan land uses by maintaining the current
characteristics of the roadway. The reclassification would not result in any physical changes
to the environment or in any land use changes. The change in classification does not result in
the need for any additional right-of-way. As a 6-Lane Major Street or a 6-Lane Prime
Arterial, the roadway segment is already built to its ultimate width within 128 feet of right-
of-way with development on both sides.
A review of current conditions along this portion of Main Street indicates that existing
features of the roadway, including signal locations/spacing, median break locations/spacing
and prohibited street parking already match those characteristics of a 6-Lane Prime Arterial.
The requested change in classification would grant the City Engineer the authority to prohibit
on-street parking, limit and specify median access and signal locations, and restrict the
location and spacing of full access signalized intersections, thereby maintaining the current
characteristics of the existing roadway. As a 6-Lane Prime Arterial, Main Street would
accommodate up to 59,000 Average Daily Trips (ADT) at build out, which is consistent with
the City's General Plan.
C, Compliance with Zoning and Plans
The project involves an amendment to the Circulation Element of the General Plan to
reclassify a segment of Main Street from a 6-Lane Major to a 6-Lane Prime from 1-805 to
Heritage Road. The proposal does not include a specific development proposal; therefore, it
is consistent with General Plan and the surrounding commercial and limited industrial land
uses. Specific development proposals within this amendment area would be subject to
separate environmental review.
D. Public Comments
On November 5, 2001 a Notice of Initial Study was circulated to property owners within
500-foot radius of the proposed project site. The public comment period ended November
15,2001. No comments were received.
E. Identification of Environmental Effects
An Initial Study conducted by the City of Chula Vista (including an attached Environmental
Checklist form) determined that the proposed project will not have a significant
J:\Planning\EDALIA\ISchecklist\IS-02·18 Main Street GPA NegDec2.doc 2
environmental effect, and the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report will not be
required. This Negative Declaration has been prepared in accordance with Section 15070 of
the State CEQA Guidelines.
F. Mitigation Necessary to Avoid Significant Impacts
G. Consultation
1. City ofChula Vista:
Edalia Olivo-Gomez, Environmental Planning
Duane Bazzel, Advance Planning
Patricia Beard, Community Planning
Alex AI-Agha, Engineering
John Schmitz, Development Planning
Frank Rivera, Engineering
Silvester Evetovich, Engineering
Richard Preuss, Police
Dave Kaplan, Engineering
Mark Stephens, Advance Planning
Bill Ulrich, Public Works/Ops
Jim Geering, Fire Marshall
Joel Chew, Public Works/ Ops
Carolyn Dakan, Building Division
Mary Hoffmockel, Parks and Recreation
Ralph Leyva, Engineering Department
Applicant's Agent:
City of Chula Vista
2. Documents
Chula Vista General Plan (1989) and EIR (1989)
Title 19, Chula Vista Municipal Code, September 1997
3. Initial Study
This environmental detennination is based on the attached Initial Study, any comments
received on the Initial Study and any comments received during the public review period
for this Mitigated Negative Declaration. The report reflects the independent judgement
of the City of Chula Vista. Further infonnation regarding the environmental review of
this project is available ITom the Chula Vista Planning Department, 276 Fourth Avenue,
Chula Vista, CA 91910.
1~/ f?.nwr ~. Date: /o'¿!dO/O/
Maril R, F. Ponseggi
Environmental Review Coordinator
J:\Planning\EDALIA\ISchecklist\IS-02-18 Main Street GPA NegDec2.doc 3
- -
PROJECT 276 FOURTH AVENUE Request: Proposal for an amendment to the Circulation Element
ADDRESS: of the General Plan to change the Main Street roadway
SCALE: FILE NUMBER: classification from a 6-Lane Major Street to a 6-Lane Prime
Arterial between 1-805 Freeway and Heritage Road.
NORTH No Scale GPA·02-Q4 Related Case: 15-02-018.
h :\home\plann ing\locators\GPA0204,cdr 10/30/0 1
Case No.IS-02-018
1. Name of Proponent: City of Chula Vista
2. Lead Agency Name and Address: City of Chula Vista
276 Fourth Avenue
Chula Vista, CA 91910
3. Address and Phone Number of Proponent: Same as Above
4. Name of Proposal: Main Street Circulation
Element Amendment
5. Date of Checklist: December 20,2001
PotentiaUy Significant Less than
Significant Unless Significant No
Impact Mitigated Impact Impact
a) Conflict with general plan designation or 0 0 0 iii
b) Conflict with applicable environmental plans or 0 0 0 iii
policies adopted by agencies with jurisdiction
over the project?
c) Affect agricultural resources or operations 0 0 0 iii
(e.g" impacts to soils or farmlands, or impacts
from incompatible land uses)?
d) Disrupt or divide the physical arrangement of 0 0 0 iii
an established community (including a low·
income or minority community)?
Comments: The proposed project is an amendment to the Circulation Element ofthe City of
Chula Vista General Plan to reclassify Main Street, ITom I-S05 to Heritage Road ITom a 6-
Lane Major Street to a 6-Lane Prime Arterial. The subject segment of Main Street is
approximatelyl.75 miles in length.
The proposed reclassification would accommodate future traffic volumes on this roadway
segment at full build out of existing General Plan land uses by maintaining the current
characteristics of the roadway. The reclassification would not result in any physical changes
to the environment or in any land use changes. The change in classification does not result in
the need for any additional right-of-way. As a 6-Lane Major Street or a6-Lane Prime Arterial,
the roadway segment is already built to its ultimate width within 128 feet of right-of-way with
development on both sides.
Page - I
A review of current conditions along this portion of Main street indicates that existing features
of the roadway, including signal locations/spacing, median break locations/spacing and
prohibited street parking already match those characteristics of a 6-Lane Prime Arterial. The
requested change in classification would grant the City Engineer the authority to prohibit on-
street parking, limit and specifY median access and signal locations, and restrict the location
and spacing of full access signalized intersections, thereby maintaining the current
characteristics of the existing roadway. As a 6-Lane Prime Arterial, Main Street would
accommodate up to 59,000 Average Daily Trips (ADT) at build out, which is consistent with
the City's General Plan. Therefore, no significant impacts to land use plans and environmental
plans or policies would result,
Mitigation Measures: No mitigation required,
II. POPULATION AND HOUSING. Would the PotentiaUy Significant '""'....
SignifieRDt u."" Slgnifkant N.
proposal: Impact Mitigated Impact Impact
a) Cumulatively exceed official regional or local 0 0 0 181
population projections?
b) Induce substantial growth in an area either 0 0 0 181
directly or indirectly (e.g., through projects in
an undeveloped area or extension of major
c) Displace existing housing, especially affordable 0 0 0 181
Comments: The proposed project is the reclassification of an existing roadway that does not result
in additional population. The proposed reclassification of Main Street to a 6-Lane Prime Arterial does
not induce substantial growth. As a 6- Lane Prime Arterial, Main Street would accommodate up
to 50,000 Average Daily Trips (ADT) at build out at Level of Service (LOS) C, which is
consistent with the City's General Plan. Main Street is already built to the ultimate right-of-way
width of either a 6-Lane Major Street or a 6-Lane Prime Arterial and therefore does not result in the
extension of major infrastructure or the displacement of existing housing.
Mitigation Measures: No mitigation required,
III. GEOPHYSICAL. Would the proposal result in or PotentiaUy S5gnißcaDI '""'....
Significant U'"'" SignifkaJlt No
expose people to potential impacts involving: Impact Mitigated Impact Import
a) Unstable earth conditions or changes in 0 0 0 181
geologic substructures?
b) Disruptions, displacements, compaction or 0 0 0 181
overcovering of the soil?
c) Change in topography or ground surface relief 0 0 0 181
d) The destruction, covering or modification of 0 0 0 181
any unique geologic or physical features?
0 0 0 181
Page - 2
e) Any increase in wind or water erosion of soils,
either on or off the site?
t) Changes in deposition or erosion of beach 0 0 0 181
sands, or changes in siltation, deposition or
erosion which may modify the channel of a
river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any
bay inlet or lake?
g) Exposure of people or property to geologic 0 0 0 181
hazards such as earthquakes, landslides, mud
slides, ground failure, or similar hazards?
Comments: The proposed project is the reclassification of an existing roadway that does not include
any new construction or physical changes and therefore does not result in any geophysical changes.
Mitigation Measures: No mitigation required.
PoteDliaUy Signiflcant Less tban
IV. WATER. Would the proposal result in: SignißcaDt UDIeu Significant No
IlDpact Mitigated Impact Impact
a) Changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, 0 0 0 181
or the rate and amount of surface runoff?
b) Exposure of people or property to water 0 0 0 181
related hazards such as flooding or tidal
c) Discharge into surface waters or other 0 0 0 181
alteration of surface water quality (e.g.,
temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity)?
d) Changes in the amount of surface water in any 0 0 0 181
water body?
e) Changes in currents, or the course of direction 0 0 0 181
of water movements, in either marine or fresh
t) Change in the quantity of ground waters, either 0 0 0 181
through direct additions or withdrawals, or
through interception of an aquifer by cuts or
g) Altered direction or rate of flow of 0 0 0 181
h) Impacts to groundwater quality? 0 0 0 181
i) Alterations to the course or flow of flood 0 0 0 181
j) Substantial reduction in the amount of water 0 0 0 181
otherwise available for public water supplies?
Comments: The proposed project is the reclassification of an existing roadway that does not include
any new construction or physical changes and therefore does not result in any changes in absorption
rates, drainage patterns, groundwater quality, or public water supply.
Page· 3
Mitigation Measures: No mitigation required,
V. AIR QUALITY. Would the proposal: PotentiaÐy SIgnificant Less thaD
S'J.gDifkant u.... SigDifkant No
Impoct Mitigated Impact Impact
a) Violate any air quality standard or contribute to 0 0 III 0
an existing or projected air quality violation?
b) Expose sensitive receptors to pollutants? 0 0 0 III
c) Alter air movement, moisture, or temperature, 0 0 0 III
or cause any change in climate, either locally
or regionally?
d) Create objectionable odors? 0 0 0 III
e) Create a substantial increase in stationary or 0 0 0 III
non-stationary sources of air emissions or the
deterioration of ambient air quality?
Comments: The proposed road reclassification would result in improved roadway conditions by
increasing the flow of traffic (limiting start/stop traffic), prohibiting on-street parking, and by limiting
the placement of access points along Main Street. The resulting improvements in roadway conditions
would therefore result in less stationary sources of emissions or the deterioration of ambient air quality,
Mitigation Measures: No mitigation required,
VI. TRANSPORTATION/CIRCULATION. Would Potentially Signitkanl Loa ....
Significant Unless SignUkaDt No
the proposal result in: Impact Mitigated Impoct Impact
a) Increased vehicle trips or traffic congestion? 0 0 III 0
b) Hazards to safety from design features (e.g., 0 0 0 III
sharp curves or dangerous intersections) or
incompatible uses (e,g., farm equipment)?
c) Inadequate emergency access or access to 0 0 0 III
nearby uses?
d) Insufficient parking capacity on·site or off·site? 0 0 III 0
e) Hazards or barriers for pedestrians or 0 0 0 III
t) Conflicts with adopted policies supporting 0 0 0 Ii<
alternative transportation (e.g. bus turnouts,
bicycle racks)?
g) Rail, waterborne or air traffic impacts? 0 0 0 Ii<
h) A "large project" under the Congestion 0 0 0 Ii<
Management Program? (An equivalent of 2400
or more average daily vehicle trips or 200 or
more peak-hour vehicle trips,)
Page - 4
Comments: The proposed project is an amendment to the Circulation Element of the City of
Chula Vista General Plan to reclassify Main Street, from 1-805 to Heritage Road ftom a 6-
Lane Major Street to a 6-Lane Prime Arterial. The subject segment of Main Street is
approximately1.75 miles in length.
Six-Lane Major Streets are primarily designed to distribute localized trips and can
accommodate up to approximately 40,000 Average Daily Trips (ADT) at LOS C. Typically,
major signalized intersections are spaced no closer than one-quarter mile intervals. A raised
median is required to separate the two directions of travel and to improve the visual
appearance of the arterial corridor. Access to and from abutting properties is typically
controlled, but not restricted. Full access median openings are permitted on these facilities
only at locations specified by the City Engineer and under conditions established by the City.
Parking on these facilities is typically allowed. If bike lanes are provided on either side of
these facilities and parking is to be retained, an additionall0-feet of right-of-way will be
required to allow for a 1 O-foot widening of the roadway cross section. Right-of-way necessary
for a 6-Lane Major Street is 12S-feet.
Six-Lane Prime Arterials are designed to move traffic between major generators and can
accommodate up to approximately 50,000 ADT at LOS C. Typically, major signalized
intersections are spaced at one-half mile intervals. A raised median is required to separate the
two directions of travel and to improve the visual appearance of the arterial corridor. Access
to and ftom Prime Arterials from abutting properties is typically restricted. Should a property
have ftontage only on the Prime Arterial Facility, driveway access is limited to right turns in
and right turns in and right turns out at locations deemed appropriate by the City Engineer.
These access driveways may require additional roadway width to provide for acceleration and
deceleration lanes. Prime Arterials also provide landscaped buffer areas. Parking on this
facility is prohibited with the exception of emergency parking. Bike lanes are provided
according to the routes identified in the bicycle plan. Right-of-way necessary for a 6-Lane
Major Street is 12S-feet.
The proposed reclassification would accommodate future traffic volumes on this roadway
segment at full build out of existing General Plan land uses by maintaining the current
characteristics of the roadway. The reclassification would not result in any physical changes
to the environment or in any land use changes, The change in classification does not result in
the need for any additional right-of-way, As a 6-Lane Major Street or a 6-Lane Prime Arterial,
the roadway segment is already built to its ultimate width within 128 feet of right-of-way with
development on both sides.
A review of current conditions along this portion of Main Street indicates that existing features
of the roadway, including signal locations/spacing, median break locations/spacing and
prohibited street parking already match those characteristics of a 6- Lane Prime Arterial. The
requested change in classification would grant the City Engineer the authority to prohibit on-
street parking, limit and specify median access and signal locations, and restrict the location
and spacing of full access signalized intersections, thereby maintaining the current
characteristics of the existing roadway. As a 6-Lane Prime Arterial, Main Street would
accommodate up to 59,000 Average Daily Trips (ADT) at build out, which is consistent with
the City's General Plan,
Page' 5
Mitigation Measures: No mitigation required.
VII. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES. Would the Potentially Si¡;nUic:ant Legtha.
Significant U...... Signiflcaut No
proposal result in impacts to: IPlpact Mitigated Impact Impart
a) Endangered, sensitive species, species of 0 0 0 III
concern or species that are candidates for
b) Locally designated species (e,g., heritage 0 0 0 III
c) Locally designated natural communities (e.g., 0 0 0 III
oak forest, coastal habitat, etc.)?
d) Wetland habitat (e,g., marsh, riparian and 0 0 0 III
vernal poo!)?
e) Wildlife dispersal or migration corridors? 0 0 0 III
1) Affect regional habitat preservation planning 0 0 0 III
Comments: The proposed project is the reclassification of an existing roadway that does not include
any new construction or physical changes and therefore does not result in any impacts to biological
Mitigation Measures: No mitigation required.
Potentially Signifkant Less than
VIII. ENERGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES. Slg:nißcant u..... Significant No
Would the proposal: Impact Mitigated Impact Impact
a) Conflict with adopted energy conservation 0 0 0 III
b) Use non· renewable resources in a wasteful and 0 0 0 III
inefficient manner?
c) If the site is designated for mineral resource 0 0 0 III
protection, will this project impact this
Comments: The proposed project is the reclassification of an existing roadway that does not include
any new construction or physical changes and therefore does not result in any conflicts with adopted
energy conservation plans or inefficient use of non·renewable resources. The site is an existing street
and is not designated for mineral resource protection.
Mitigation Measures: No mitigation required,
IX. HAZARDS. Would the proposal involve: Poteutially Significant Less tban
SignifieRnt Unless Significant No
Impact Mitigated Impact Impact
a) A risk of accidental explosion or release of 0 0 0 III
hazardous substances (including, but not
Page· 6
limited to: petroleum products, pesticides,
chemicals or radiation)?
b) Possible interference with an emergency 0 0 0 181
response plan or emergency evacuation plan?
c) The creation of any health hazard or potential 0 0 0 181
health hazard?
d) Exposure of people to existing sources of 0 0 0 181
potential health hazards?
e) Increased fire hazard in areas with flanunable 0 0 0 181
brush, grass, or trees?
Comments: The proposed project is the reclassification of an existing roadway that does not include any
new construction or physical changes and therefore does not result in any risks to humans or possible
interference with any emergency response or evacuation plan.
Mitigation Measures: No mitigation required,
X. NOISE. Would the proposal result in: Potentially Significant Less tbaD
Significant Unl", Signif1caDt No
Impact Mitigated Impact Impact
a) Increases in existing noise levels? 0 0 181 0
b) Exposure of people to severe noise levels? 0 0 0 181
Comments: The proposed project is the reclassification of an existing roadway that does not include
any new construction or physical changes and therefore does not result in any noise impacts.
Mitigation Measures: No mitigation required,
XI. PUBLIC SERVICES, Would the proposal have Potentially SignÜlcant ..... than
Significant UnIo" Significant No
an effect upon, or result in a need for new or Impact Mitigated Impact Impact
altered government services in any of the following
a) Fire protection? 0 0 0 181
b) Police protection? 0 0 0 181
c) Schools? 0 0 0 181
d) Maintenance of public facilities, including 0 0 0 181
e) Other governmental services? 0 0 0 181
Comments: The proposed project is the reclassification of an existing roadway that does not include
any new construction or physical changes and therefore does not result in any impacts to public services,
Mitigation Measures: No mitigation required,
Potentially SignÜlcant Less than
Signmcant UnIo" Significant No
Page· 7
Impact Mitigated Impact Impact
XII. Thresholds. Will the proposal adversely impact 0 0 0 181
the City's Threshold Standards?
As described below, the proposed project does not adversely impact any of the City's
Threshold Standards.
PotentlaUy Significant ""'than
SignUkant U""," SignUkant No
Impact Mitigated Impact Impact
a) Fire/EMS 0 0 0 181
The Threshold Standards requires that fire and medical units must be able to respond to calls
within 7 minutes or less in 85 % of the cases and within 5 minutes or less in 75 % of the
cases. The City of Chula Vista has determined that this threshold standard will be met
because fire services would be provided in accord with the Otay Ranch Fire Master Plan and
EMS Master Plan.
Comments: The proposed project is the reclassification of an existing roadway that does not include any
new construction or physical changes and therefore does not result in any impacts to fire services.
Mitigation Measures: No mitigation required,
Potentially Significant LessthaD
Signlßcant Un"" Significant No
Impact Mitigated Im"",t Impact
b) Police 0 0 0 181
The Threshold Standards require that police units must respond to 84 % of Priority 1 calls
within 7 minutes or less and maintain an average response time to all Priority 1 calls of
4.5 minutes or less. Police units must respond to 62,10% of Priority 2 calls within 7
minutes or less and maintain an average response time to all Priority 2 calls of 7 minutes
or less.
Comments: The proposed project is the reclassification of an existing roadway that does not include
any new construction or physical changes and therefore does not result in any impacts to police services.
Mitigation Measures: No mitigation required.
Potentially Significant Less lhan
Significant U""'" SignifICant No
Impact Mitigated Impact Impact
C) Traffic 0 0 181 0
1. City-wide: Maintain LOS "C" or better as measured by observed average travel
speed on all signalized arterial segments except that during peak hours a LOS "D"
can occur for no more than any two hours of the day.
2, West ofl-805: Those signalized intersections which do not meet the standard above
may continue to operate at their current 1991 LOS, but shall not worsen,
Comments: The 2000/2001 Traffic Monitoring Program (TMP) showed this segment of Main Street
operating at LOS A. The proposed reclassification of Main Street from a 6-Lane Major Street to a 6-
Page - 8
Lane Prime Arterial would result in an improved level of Service (LOS) because intersections would be
spaced further apart, street parking would be prohibited, median openings would be limited and access
to abutting properties would be restricted.
Mitigation Measures: No mitigation required,
PotentiaUy Slgniftcanl "" thaa
Signlftcant u..... s_, Na
Impact Mitigated Impact Impact
d) Parks/Recreation 0 0 0 181
The Threshold Standard for Parks and Recreation is 3 acres of neighborhood and
community parkland with appropriate facilities per 1,000 residents east of Interstate 805,
Comments: The proposed project is the reclassification of an existing roadway that does not include any
new construction or physical changes and therefore does not result in the demand for additional park and
recreational facilities.
Mitigation Measures: No mitigation required,
potentiaUy Significant Leutbun
Significant U"'u Significant No
Impact Mitigated Impact Impact
e) Drainage 0 0 0 181
The Threshold Standards require that storm water flows and volumes not
exceed City Engineering Standards. Individual projects will provide necessary
improvements consistent with the Drainage Master Plan(s) and City
Engineering Standards, The proposed project will comply with this Threshold
Comments: The proposed project is the reclassification of an existing roadway that does not include
any new construction or physical changes and therefore does not result in any impacts to storm water
flows and volumes.
Mitigation Measures: No mitigation required,
Potentially Significant Less than
Significant U..... Significant No
Impact Mitigated Impact Impact
t) Sewer 0 0 0 181
The Threshold Standards require that sewage flows and volumes not exceed
City Engineering Standards. Individual projects will provide necessary
improvements consistent with Sewer Master Plan(s) and City Engineering
Comments: The proposed project is the reclassification of an existing roadway that does not include
any new construction or physical changes and therefore does not result in any impacts to sewage flows
and volumes,
Mitigation Measures: No mitigation required,
Page - 9
Potentially SignUkaDt Loa ....
Significant U...... Sipifkant No
Impart Mlllgated Impart Impart
g) Water 0 0 0 II!I
The Threshold Standards require that adequate storage, treatment, and transmission
facilities are constructed concurrently with planned growth and that water quality
standards are not jeopardized during growth and construction. The proposed project will
comply with this Threshold Standard.
Applicants may also be required to participate in whatever water conservation or fee off·
set program the City of Chula Vista has in effect at the time of building pennit issuance.
Comments: The proposed project is the reclassification of an existing roadway that does not include
any new construction or physical changes and therefore does not result in any impacts to the storage,
treatment, and transmission of water.
Mitigation Measures: No mitigation required.
XIII. UTILITIES AND SERVICE SYSTEMS. Would Potentially Signincant Less than
SigniÐcant Uo",," Significant No
the proposal result in a need for new systems, or Impact Mitigated Impact Impact
substantial alterations to the following utilities:
a) Power or natural gas? 0 0 0 II!I
b) Communications systems? 0 0 0 II!I
c) Local or regional water treatment or 0 0 0 II!I
distribution facilities?
d) Sewer or septic tanks? 0 0 0 II!I
e) Storm water drainage? 0 0 0 II!I
t) Solid waste disposal? 0 0 0 II!I
Comments: The proposed project is the reclassification of an existing roadway that does not include
any new construction or physical changes and therefore does not result in any impacts to utilities and
service systems,
Mitigation Measures: No mitigation required.
PoteDtiaUy Signiftcant Loa ....
SipißcanC UnIe" SigniflcaDC No
XIV. AESTHETICS. Would the proposal: Impact Mitigated Impact Impart
a) Obstruct any scenic vista or view open to the 0 0 0 II!I
public or will the proposal result in the creation
of an aesthetically offensive site open to public
b) Cause the destruction or modification of a 0 0 0 II!I
scenic route?
Page· 10
c) Have a demonstrable negative aesthetic effect? D D D I!!I
d) Create added light or glare sources that could D D D I!!I
increase the level of sky glow in an area or
cause this project to fail to comply with Section
19.66.100 of the Chula Vista Municipal Code,
Title 19?
e) Produce an additional amount of spill light? D D D I!!I
Comments: The proposed project is the reclassification of an existing roadway that does not include
any new construction or physical changes and therefore does not result in any aesthetic impacts.
Mitigation Measures: No mitigation required.
XV. CULTURAL RESOURCES. Would the PotentiaDy Significant Less than
SignifiCIIDt u."", Significant N.
proposal: Impact Mitigated Import Impact
a) Will the proposal result in the alteration of or D D D I!!I
the destruction or a prehistoric or historic
archaeological site?
b) Will the proposal result in adverse physical or D D D I!!I
aesthetic effects to a prehistoric or historic
building, structure or object?
c) Does the proposal have the potential to cause a D D D I!!I
physical change which would affect unique
ethnic cultural values?
d) Will the proposal restrict existing religious or D D D I!!I
sacred uses within the potential impact area?
e) Is the area identified on the City's General Plan D D D I!!I
EIR as an area of high potential for
archeological resources?
Comments: The proposed project is the reclassification of an existing roadway that does not include
any new construction or physical changes and therefore does not result in any impacts to cultural
Mitigation Measures: No mitigation required.
Potentially SignifICant Less than
Significant Unless Significant N.
Impact Mitigated Impact Impact
proposal result in the alteration of or the
destruction of paleontological resources?
Comments: The proposed project is the reclassification of an existing roadway that does not include any
Page - II
new construction or physical changes and therefore does not result in any impacts to paleontological
Mitigation Measures: No mitigation required.
XVII. RECREATION. Would the proposal: Potentially Significant Less thaB
Signifkanl Un"" Significant Nn
1m""" Mitigated Impact 1m"""
a) Increase the demand for neighborhood or 0 0 0 l1'li
regional parks or other recreational facilities?
b) Affect existing recreational opportunities? 0 0 0 l1'li
c) Interfere with recreation parks & recreation 0 0 0 l1'li
plans or programs?
Comments: The proposed project is the reclassification of an existing roadway that does not include
any new construction or physical changes and therefore does not result in any impacts to recreational
facilities or opportunities.
Mitigation Measnres: No mitigation required.
XVIII. MANDATORY FINDINGS OF Potentially Significant Less thaa
Slgniflcant Un"" SignllIC8Dt Nn
SIGNIFICANCE: See Negative Declaration for Impact Mitigated Impact 1m"""
mandatory findings of significance. If an EIR is
needed. this section should be completed.
a) Does the project have the potential to degrade 0 0 0 l1'li
the quality of the environment, substantially
reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species,
cause a fish or wildlife population to drop
below self· sustaining levels, threaten to
eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce
the number or restrict the range of a rare or
endangered plant or animal or eliminate
important examples of the major periods or
California history or prehistory?
Comments: The proposed project is the reclassification of an existing roadway that does not include
any new construction or physical changes and therefore does not result in any impacts to biological
Mitigation Measures: No mitigation required.
Potentially SigulftcaPI Less than
Significant Unless Significant Nn
Impact Mitigated Impact Impact
b) Does the project have the potential to achieve 0 0 0 l1'li
short·term, to the disadvantage of long·term,
environmental goals?
Page· 12
Comments: The proposed project is the reclassification of an existing roadway that does not include
any new construction, The reclassification would accommodate future traffic volumes based on current
General Plan designations. Therefore the proposed reclassification does not have the potential to achieve
short-term, to the disadvantage of long-term, environmental goals.
Mitigation Measnres: No mitigation required.
Potentially SignUtcant Less thaD
Significant U""'" SignificaDt No
Impact Mitigated Impoct Impact
C) Does the project have impacts that are 0 0 0 III
individually limited, but cumulatively
considerable? ("Cumulatively considerable"
means that the incremental effects of a project
are considerable when viewed in connection
with the effects of past projects, the effects of
other current projects, and the effects of
probable future projects,)
Comments: The proposed project is the reclassification of an existing roadway that does not include any
development or changes to surrounding land uses. As such, the proposed project does not have any
impacts that are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable.
Mitigation Measures: No mitigation required.
Potentially Significant Less than
Significant Uol~ Significant No
Impact Mitigated Impact Impacl
d) Does the project have environmental effects, 0 0 0 III
which will cause substantial adverse effects on
human beings, either directly or indirectly?
Comments: The proposed project is the reclassification of an existing roadway that does not include
any development activity, changes in land use or physical changes to the environment and therefore will
not cause adverse effects on human beings,
Mitigation Measures: No mitigation required,
Page - 13
By signing the line(s) provided below, the Applicant(s) and/or Operator(s) stipulate that they have each
read, understood and have their respective company's authority to and do agree to the mitigation measures
contained herein, and will implement same to the satisfaction of the Environmental Review Coordinatør.
Failure to sign the line(s) provided below prior to adoption of the Addendum shall indicate the Applicants'
and/or Operator's desire that the Project be held in abeyance without approvaL
Printed Name and Title of Property Owner Date
(or authorized representative)
Signature of Property Owner
Printed Name and Title of Operator Date
(if different from Property Owner)
Signature of Operator
(if different from Property Owner)
The environmental factors checked below would be potentially affected by this project, involving at least
one impact that is a "Potentially Significant Impact" or "Potentially Significant Unless Mitigated," as
indicated by the checklist on the following pages.
o Land Use and Planning o Transportation/Circulation o Public Services
o Population and Housing o Biological Resources o Utilities and Service
o Geophysical o Energy and Mineral Resources o Aesthetics
o Water o Hazards o Cultural Resources
o Air Quality o Noise o Recreation
o Paleontological o Mandatory Findings of Significance
Page· 14
On the basis of this initial evaluation:
I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, .
and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared.
I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, D
there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described
on an attached sheet have been added to the project. A MITIGATED NEGATIVE
DECLARATION will be prepared.
I find that the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an D
I find that the proposed project MAY have a significant effect(s) on the environment, but at D
least one effect: 1) has been adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to
applicable legal standards, and 2) has been addressed by mitigation measures based on the
earlier analysis as described on attached sheets, if the effect is a "potentially significant
impacts" or "potentially significant unless mitigated," An ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT
REPORT is required, but it must analyze only the effects that remain to be addressed.
I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, D
there WILL NOT be a significant effect in this case because all potentially significant effects
(a) have been analyzed adequately in an earlier EIR pursuant to applicable standards and (b)
have been avoided or mitigated pursuant to that earlier EIR, including revisions or
mitigation measures that are imposed upon the proposed project. An addendum has been
prepared to provide a record of this determination.
0~V~~' /~/ø?~O)
Marilyn ,F. ponseggi \ / ate
Environmental Review Coordinator
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