HomeMy WebLinkAboutRCC AGENDA PK 1998/08/17
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negative declaration - '"'\
PROJECT NAME: Vanguard Self Storage
PROJECT LOCATION: 325 Trousdale Drive, Chula Vista, CA.
CASE NO: IS-99-0 1 DATE: August 5, 1998
A. Proiect Setting
The environmental setting for the project consists of a previously graded vacant industrial
2.95 acre site located at 325 Trousdale drive, Chula Vista, CA. The site is part of a larger
area designated for industrial use. Surrounding land uses include State Highway 54 to the
north, a trucking firm to the east, a cabinet shop and various light industrial uses to
the south and an auto-body shop and forklift operation to the west.
The project site is relatively level and is located in a relatively stable geological area. The
Geotechnical report prepared by Professional Service Industries, Inc. (PSI) indicates that
the site is underlain by Quaternary-aged alluvial deposits. The site is not currently within
a mapped Earthquake Fault Zone. The Rose Canyon Fault is located about 1.0 mile
southwest of the site. The Geotechnical report indicates that based on the anticipated
earthquake effect and the stratigraphy of the site, relatively minor seismically-induced
settlement is likely to occur.
Surface vegetation at the site is limited to scattered patches of non-native grass and a few
small palm trees. There are no known sensitive plant or animal species found on-site.
B. Proiect Description
The proposed project consists of the construction of six individual self storage buildings
totalling 110,600 square feet to be used for self storage. The construction materials will
consist of concrete block, concrete, steel and stucco on cement slabs. Six separate
structures are proposed with the following building characteristics:
Building #A (adjacent to Trousdale Drive):
Number of floors: 1 + office area/living quarters upstairs (only)
Square footage: first floor: 6,000 sq. ft., 2nd floor: 1,200 sq. ft.
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Building "B" (one of two buildings proposed in the center of the lot):
Number of floors: two Building height: 22 ft.
Square footage: first floor: 22,000 sq.ft. / 2nd floor: 22,000 sq. ft.
Building "C" (second building proposed in the center portion of the lot):
Number of floors: two Building height: 22 ft.
Square footage: first floor: 22,000 sq.ft. / 2nd floor: 22,000 sq. ft.
Building "D" (proposed building parallel to Highway 54):
Number of floors: one Building height: 11 ft.
Square footage: first floor: 4,400 sq. ft.
Building "E" ( proposed building parallel to the easterly property line):
Number of floors: one Building height: 11 ft.
Square footage: first floor: 5,500 sq.ft.
Building "P" ( proposed building parallel to the westerly property line):
Number of floors: one Building height: 11 ft.
Square footage: first floor: 5,500 sq.ft.
The hours of operation are proposed to be from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Sunday through
Saturday. The applicant estimates that at full capacity, the facility would average one
customer per month.
No sensitive noise receptors have been identified in the immediate surrounding area. The
closest residential uses (mobile home park) is located over 500 feet south of the project
site. No potential adverse impacts to sensitive noise receptors are anticipated from the
proposed use.
The project site will be accessible via two entry driveways from Trousdale Drive. A total
of 5 parking spaces are being provided which will be in conformance with parking
requirements per the City's Zoning Ordinance. The applicant will provide landscaping for
the parking and front perimeter areas in accordance with the City of Chula Vista's
Landscape Manual. In addition, the applicant's Planting Plan shows a total of seventeen
(17) eucalyptus trees to be planted along the northerly property line adjacent with
Highway 54. Once full grown (the planting plan shows 15 gallon size for the eucalyptus
trees) these will provide an adequate visual screen between the project site and Highway
The City's Engineering Division will require the installation of one 250 watt high
pressure sodium vapor street light along with other street improvements.
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C. Compatibility with Zoning and Plans
The existing zoning on the project site is IL (Limited Industrial) and the General Plan
designation is Limited Manufacturing. The proposed project will be compatible with these
land use designations with the approval by the City's Design Review Committee. The
City's Design Review process will provide for more project specific requirements prior
to the submittal of full construction plans.
D. Identification of Environmental Effects
An Initial Study conducted by the City of Chula Vista (including an attached
Environmental Checklist Form) determined that the proposed project will not have a
significant environmental effect, and the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report
will not be required. This Negative Declaration has been prepared in accordance with
Section 15070 of the State CEQA Guidelines.
The following impacts have been determined to be less than significant subject to
compliance with the recommendations of the Geotechnical Report prepared by PSI and
requirements by the City's Engineering Department. A discussion of these less than
significant impacts from the proposed project follows.
An updated Geotechnical Report was completed by Professional Service Industry, Inc.
(PSI) on July 31, 1998. Based on the analysis of this report regarding soil conditions and
the proposed type of construction, the project applicant will be required to comply
with the fmdings and recommendations contained therein. The report indicates that the site
soils are variable in density and contain several loose zones. The report concludes
that upon proper completion of remedial operations, the subsurface conditions at
the site would be suitable for the footings and foundations to be used for the support of
the proposed buildings. No further mitigation is required.
The City's Engineering Department indicates that street improvements are required.
Specifically, the project will be required to install curb, gutter and one 250 watt high
pressure sodium vapor street light along the property frontage at a location to be approved
by the Engineering Division for the purpose of serving vehicular traffic along Trousdale
Drive. No further mitigation will be required at this time.
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E. Mitigation Necessary to A void Significant Effects
No specific mitigation will be required at this time.
F. Consultation
I. Individuals and Organizations
City of Chula Vista: Benjamin Guerrero, Planning
Doug Reid, Planning
Majed AI-Ghafry, Engineering
Cliff Swanson, Engineering
Duane Bazzel, Planning
Garry Williams, Planning
Ken Larsen, Director of Building & Housing
Rod Hastie, Fire Marshal
Stephen Preuss, Crime Prevention
Jerry Foncerrada, Parks & Recreation Dept.
Peggy McCarberg, Acting Deputy City Attorney
Chula Vista City School District: Dr. Lowell Billings
Sweetwater Union High School District: Katy Wright
Applicant's Agent: David J. Kniff, Architect
2. Documents
Chula Vista General Plan (1989) and EIR (1989)
Title 19, Chula Vista Municipal Code
Updated Geotechnical Report, Professional Service Industries, Inc., (July 31, 1998)
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3. Initial Studv
This environmental determination is based on the attached Initial Study, any
comments received on the Initial Study and any comments received during the
public review period for this Negative Declaration. The report reflects the
independent judgement of the City of Chula Vista. Further information regarding
the environmental review of this project is available from the Chula Vista Planning
Department, 276 Fourth Avenue, Chula Vista, CA 91910.
EN 6 (Rev. 5/93)
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