HomeMy WebLinkAboutRCC AGENDA PK 2002/03/18
Date: March 18, 2002
TO: Resource Conservation Commission
VIA: Marilyn R.E Ponseggi, Environmental Review Coordinator~
FROM: Lynnette Tessitore-Lopez ðoe
SUBJECT: Request for Designation of the Chester Sumner House, 209 "I" Street.
Jane Dunham and John Crowe request that their home, located at 209 I Street be
considered for inclusion on Chula Vista List of Historic Sites. (Attachment I) 209 "I"
Street is located west of Second Avenue, east of Del Mar Avenue with Shasta Street to
the north and J Street to the south, (Attachment 2) The surrounding neighborhood is
comprised of older single family residences, The subject home is in character with the
Thc house is the primary residence of the current property OWners, The oWners
respectfully request designation for the following reasons:
· The home is a 1920's Spanish Eclectic home.
· It has distinctive architectural features
· The house retains integrity of the original design and materials
The house was identified in the Chula Vista Historic Resources Inventory, as the Chester
Sumner House, however the site was not included in the official list of historic sites,
In accordance with Section 232,070 of the Chula Vista Municipal Code, the decision as
to whether a site should be included on the Historic Site list is made by the City Council,
upon recommendation the RCC. Section 232,070 states:
"The commission shall recommend to the city council the designation of
ay site which it has found to meet the criteria as a historical site. The commission shall
also recommend if the historical site permit process, as provided in Section 232,090,
should be imposed On the site,"
· Bears a relationship to overall heritage on a local, state, or national basis,
This Mission of San Diego, for example, is local but is also part of a statewide
system that is recognized nationally.
· Rclates to a historic personage who played an important role historically, on a
local, state, or national basis. However, the individual need not be known
nationally, as long as it was someone who made a significant contribution on a
local basis. Ideally, this includes a site where the individual lived or where a
noteworthy historical contribution or achievement took place.
· May be a site where an important event took place, This would be an event
symbolic of a phase of history that could reach the national level. The site of
the signing of a historic document, for cxample, will satisfy this criterion.
· The site should have distinguishing architectural characteristics that are
identifiable, This includes structures of a particular architectural style
recognizable today,
· The site may be archaeologically significant in its association with pre-history
of the area, a site demonstrating existence of an ancient community (Indians
indigenous to the area, for example) could satisfy this criterion.
· Has integrity. This is where the site continues to have evidence of the original
features, Enough of the original structure or the site is intact to be
distinguishable as having historical value.
Past History
The City Of Chula Vista Historic Resources Inventory preparcd in 1985 states that the
home was built in 1926. (Attachment 3) It is believed that Chester Sumner, a
carpcnter/builder, built this house where he and his wife lived for a number of years, Mr.
Sumner is believed to have built several of the houses in this neighborhood. Mr. Sumner
was active in Chula Vista civic affairs. In addition to a local builder, he served as the
City Marshall as well as the ex officio Tax Collector.
This house is an example of the Spanish eclectic style. Chula Vista has an inventory of
various Spanish style homes, including the Spanish eclectic style. The Spanish eclectic
or Spanish Colonial Revival, an architectural style related to Mission style, is most
common in California, and other regions where original Spanish Colonial building
occurred and continued into the 19th century,
This style uses decorative details borrowed from the entire history of Spanish
architecture. Identifying features of the Spanish Eclectic style are:
· Low-pitched roof, usually with little or no eave overhang
· Red tile roof covering
· One or more prominent arches placed above the door or principal window, or
beneath the porch roof
· The wall surface is usually stucco
· Façade is nonnally asymmetrical.
· Canvas awnings
Staff has researched the existence of canvas awnings as a feature of Spanish style
architecture. Canvas awnings are most specific to the Period Revival Era 1915-1940,
This is one of the many decorative features that help identify this period as eclectic,
Features of the si te:
According to the Historic Resources Inventory, this stucco home is a one story Spanish
eclectic home with two sections. The rear portion features a flat roof with parapets while
the front section, offset to the right, has a red tile, front-facing, low gable roof. This
section contains an open entrance porch with an arched opening toward the street A
second, window-sized, arch opening can be seen on the left side, Three sets of windows
face the street Each has a center fixed pane flanked on the left by a fixed sash and on the
right by a sliding sash, In one of these sets, louvers replace the left and right sashes, The
louvers are somewhat inconspicuous with the existence of canvas awnings that cover the
windows of the housc, These large blue and white-stripped canvas awnings are prevalent
in the front of the house, The house also has an interior chimney, (Attachment 4)
Property Improvements:
None on file
ML Charles Sumner appears to have been quite active in the City Of Chula Vista. ML
Sumner may be considered to be a person of significance to Chula Vista's past The RCC
may want to consider the house for inclusion on the Chula Vista List of Historic Sites for
its relation to ML Sumner, criteria #2. Further, the house remains, generally, in the same
character as he built it in 1926, This house does represent a specific Spanish style most
common to California in the late 19th and early 20th century. It appears from all
documentation that the house meets criteria #4, significant architecture, and criteria #6,
retains integrity, as well.
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APPLICANT: Jæe Dlnham ard John Ou.\e
ADDRESS: 209 "I" Street
NORTH No Scale 209 I ST
j: Ihome\pla nn inglch errylc\locators\209 ist cd r 02,26,02
mY Of 276 FOUI1ll A venue
CHVIA VlSIÄ Chula Vista. CA 91910 APPLlCA nON FORM
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Applicant/Owner Name: \_, \,! \,\ h a ." , I Date Submitted: //'19·;1/S'ð 1 cYJf
Applicant/Owner Address: :; Nt ! ::= '/+l/'-·{~"',(;- ,l " ¡ I \ f ¡ ~Ìlhl'7¥VqI hlJNI'.r
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Phone '''~' . ¡. ,IL- '.'''' -,," , <,' J'
Secondary O\vner ~ame ,j oJ.~ ;-; . ft-,,·) \ .::' i: 'J I"#~)
:) i'. .... <-, I - ! , J I \! , ¡
Owner Address: ,(j c( " ¡ .::;.'-- "ì ' f-r--r'"" <'-~ ( ,,,) c., '£4 \1: i----l;T1
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Phone: / ,'µ i q i_f.)j"r -<J S 3 :;¡
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L tv> NAME .~n. .b.;::' , ,
DATE: ¡,. ,
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Property Address .;¿ () q r ,~)t 1-'r-" T-) (J1lf j ð. V: ~:' t~ C /l ~)' -;: r
r <j- \....-' \ 1 '" /
Common name:,- rl:JlV C D iFj n Y1?1\<V'I Historic name: \..rlfC"s:' ,f '( --2, LI¡ )\ YìPf~ : Vt!J,·>:' /
Year BuiltJq~ 'co IAPproxim!rtt9>~bðe;fý'sjze (in feet) or approximate acreage l;- {r-' h'l ,;<,?/\1
¡ _.:d,j
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Ownership is: Private V or Public .,
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Present Use r-e,S ¡ r:1P f\~' t:",{ Onginal Use: }_(' J \,.{p; 1;1 ("-"I'
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Arc ¡tectura! tyle: ·.':'fAIr\ I:::' /. " ,U'C~ !'C
Assessor's Parcel Number (Required): -5.7~? ,.. ¡ ;;J.() -, \-¡ Zone
¡ 11
Use the reverse side of this form or a separate piece of paper may be attached for questions 1-3,
1, Please describe, in detail, historical ¡¡spects of the site or structure as well as any other significant
factors which may determine the proJerty as a historic siteflandmark (Le, special aesthetics; cultural.
architectural, or engineering factors; and any dates, events, or persons associated with the site or
structure), See attached established criteria for designation. PI ç :';:.,.. C:.. h I J" k,
y-"-P ,J, '-(1 iA r~' ( r~,J
2 Has the site or structure been altereci in any way from its original design? \n\!t~\\}Ò" I
Yes No >(' (If yes, explain) j.. ~·{,~",'~t
' , ~J,.;,}, 11" <1;
3. Br.Lei!jL des£,ribe the present physical condition of the property include a rating of poor, fair, good, or
-- 'I t "
(exce.en, . )
"'<4i." Uf ,,-.wn]H1-HI_ T~. R'MO;,iT~S "lgenccl Ser. No.
UTM: A 4933~ B
IDENT!FICATION Kenneth Lei! House
L Common name;
2. Hi$:todc ¡'tame: Chester SurR1er House
3. Street or rufaJ address; 209 "Iti Street
Cjtv Chula Vista Zip 92010 San Diego
4, Par~ number: 573-120-17
s. Present Owner: Kenneth G & ['Íanne L. Lee Addreu: 209 "If! Street
C;w Chula Vista _Zip 92010 Ownershiø is: ~.J:-bhc P:-ivate X
6. Present 1.1..: residential Orìginal use: residential
7a. Architectura sty1e: Spanish Eclectic
7b. Briefly describe the present physical desc"jpríon of the 'Site or structure and describe any maior alter3tJOflS fTom its
cTi;i.n~ COndition:
Legal: Sumners Sub, Blk 2, Lot 3
This one story Spanish Eclectic home has two sections. The rear
portion features a flat roof with parapets while the front section,
off5et to the right, ha3 a red tile, front-facing, low gable roof.
This section contains a.l open entrance porch with an arched opening
towards the street. A '5econd, window-sized, arched opening can
be seen on the left sid,,: . Three sets of windows face the street~
Each has a center fixed pane flanked on the left by a fixed sash
and on the r-isht by a s..iding sash. In one of these sets, louvers
'replace the left and riqht sashes. This stucco house has an
interior chimney.
8- Construction date~
Enímated 1926- P"actua4
9. Äfchjtec: unk.~Ol,.¡n
lQ Builder unknown.
j1- Ao-prux. prouøm;' S1z1! {in fe'!t1'1
Fronuqe- 66- Doom "1 -In
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or -ao-prox~ acreage-
,~ :J;;te:5t ü-i '!f",d-osed ph,cmqr~(si
13, Condition: Exœi:e-rrt; ~G()()() _ F-a:ir___~ uete!riorale-d ~ No longer in exh.-rence _~
14, ,A.ft~iatior,~: ~'J" -.-.. "'" c",''¡- c.:""1<:::hp<:;:: -~p~ 1 ;3 ,~P>i ·,.¡it-'-1 1 n11"'lpr ,';1 r,r',n'4S ' ~ t-'....¡o Qlaces
is. Surroun-dng1: (Checx more man one if neceSS3r Ii Ooen ¡and _Scattered bU¡ding$ _ Dens.eiy btJif1:~t¡-p ~
Residential ~¡ndusu{aj _CommercìaJ .~Oth'!r:
16. Threats to site: None known 2L-Private áe\(~opment_ Zoning _ Vandalism_
Pubiic Works project _ Oth1!T:
-, "7 ¡ 50 me ;wucr..¡re: On its anginal site? X MO'ie-d( Unknownf'
.. .
j8. Reh~te-d ~~tu~: carace. ::'rees an::1 shrubs
19. Briefly ST..att! hi-nonCJl ~'"îd!or In:h¡t~..it<li impcrr.mc.e: (indudü ~~.i. g...,grH;.. óþ....d .p;r5..'";.'1$: ~-i::~ with tl1ç <;:i:::q,}
Chester A. Sumner, who crea::.eCl the subdivision lot O.t'1 which ~. ' hOLlse
stands, probably built home for " . - in 19264 Chester anà
tnlS nlII'Iseit
his v.': c_ Ethel, li v'êd neL'e for a nUi"TIDer or years~ T~ 1930, he
W..L.L~r .LLl
1 .; ,_-Þ-,-,~ 1-.. ~ ~ occupation -- -----.....-- but ~-- 1 Q ~:::,; ne was referred to
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as 2: ~,.~.; 1 ,~"'_-r- r-h.-,..--I-.,-,",~ Su¡nn·::r t-....: 1 L several O!: ~~- houses llî. this
........................\;.;-... . '....ll<:::;ðLC.L ~'U..L.l.L. L'¡lt
neighborhQod~ Mr.. <:':,...".,.,....=.,.. .".~~ ~,-.,¡.....; -'-T" .... ~ ~..... .-. ~-::~-~ -~ --- l.n ' ,...., '"J
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serveC! as +-hç. ri t--.-, Marshall and ex: ,,-F-F':~-i~ m""4J' ".,,....,11.-....--1-_-...... T_ 1n:.,
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John C Chamberlain 1 i ~led "~ this house. ~he home a~ Ö.4'" .""....,....1_~ ~"
-- '-....-,.,.......'--"::-' .J,.,.... ........
the Sf)anish Eclectic stylA ¡c;U:=:E'S ['o[)ular i!! Chula ~.Ti.sta i:1 "the 1920sy
The house ~5 :-lice ly des i'9'ned -::'\nd the front "."indaws 2'[8 pSDPrl ri -11'f
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interestìng. The building qenerally retains inteqrity of design
and materials.
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